Blues Clues S04 E20

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hi, it's me, Steve. Is that you? It is? Great! Could you help me find Blue?
00:10Hi Blue!
00:11Hi Blue!
00:12Hi Blue!
00:13Hi Blue!
00:14Hi Blue!
00:15Hi Blue!
00:16Hi Blue!
00:17Hi Blue!
00:18Hi Blue!
00:19Hi Blue!
00:20Hi Blue!
00:21Hi Blue!
00:22Hi, I'm so glad you're here. We're playing school today. Blue's pretending to be the teacher.
00:27Do you want to play school with us?
00:31You do? Great! Well, just hop on the bus. We gotta go pick up Tickety. Oh, and don't forget to buckle up. Zip, click!
00:42Hey, will you yell out when you see Tickety?
00:57It's my favorite seat, yeah, on the bus. Riding on the bus.
01:04There's Tickety!
01:08Ah, there's Tickety.
01:13It's school time! It's school time! I love playing school!
01:18Well, come and hop on our bus, Tickety. You can sit right behind me.
01:26Okay, don't forget to buckle up. Zip, click! Do you want to sing the bus song with me? Great!
01:34We're looking out the window. Driving down the street. Sitting next to my buddy.
01:41Cause that's my favorite seat, yeah, on the bus. Riding on the bus.
01:48We're here! We're at our school!
01:51Look, there's our teacher, Blue. And Periwinkle, too. Hi, Periwinkle!
02:00Blue, school's about to start. You better take our seats. Click, zip! Come on!
02:10Hey, do you want to sit next to me? Great! We can be school buddies!
02:14Tickety, can we be school buddies, too?
02:19Sure, Periwinkle!
02:23Good morning, Teacher Blue!
02:27It's weather time! It's weather time!
02:37Oh, so we need to figure out what the weather is like today. Let's take a look.
02:44So, what is the weather like outside?
02:51It is sunny. See? There's the sun.
02:55Hey, let's raise our hand.
02:59Um, Teacher Blue, we know the answer.
03:03The weather today is sunny.
03:09Nice weather work. I'm glad you're my school buddy.
03:15Hey! It looks like the weather outside is changing.
03:20So, what's the weather like now?
03:28Yeah! Those clouds just covered up the sun.
03:32Raise your hand, Periwinkle.
03:35Teacher Blue, now it's cloudy outside.
03:40Nice work.
03:43Oh, look! Look at all the things we're going to do at school today.
03:48See? We just had weather time, and next we have, um...
03:53What's the next time on Teacher Blue's list?
03:58Story time.
04:00Right, story time. I love story time.
04:04And then we have art time.
04:07And then we have snack time.
04:11And then we have ABC time.
04:15And, uh, what's the next time after ABC time?
04:22Mail time!
04:24Mail time! Of course!
04:26And then we go somewhere on the bus.
04:29And then we have song time.
04:34The bus. I love the bus.
04:37Well, where do you think we're going to go on the bus today?
04:40Let's raise our hand and ask Teacher Blue.
04:43Um, Teacher Blue?
04:46Where are we going to go on the bus today?
04:52We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out where we're going to go on the bus today.
04:58We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game.
05:02So remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues.
05:05Blue's Clues.
05:07You know, I don't think Teacher Blue would really just want us to leave the paw print up there.
05:12I know.
05:14We could erase it.
05:19There. Nice and clean.
05:21Now we just need our handy-dandy...
05:24Notebook, right. Come on.
05:27Hey, side table, we're playing school, and Blue is the teacher.
05:31Well, you know what you need for school.
05:35Your notebook.
05:37Thanks, side table.
05:40To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find a...
05:44Paw print!
05:45Oh, a paw print, right.
05:47And that's our first...
05:50A clue?
05:51Then we put it in our...
05:52Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:56We gotta find another paw print, that's the second clue.
05:59We put it in our notebook cause they're Who's Clues, Blue's Clues.
06:04We gotta find the last paw print, that's the third clue.
06:07We put it in our notebook cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
06:11You know what to do.
06:12Sit down in our thinking chair and think.
06:19Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time, we can do...
06:26That we wanna do.
06:29So, will you help me find Blue's Clues so we can figure out where we're gonna go on the bus today?
06:37It's story time! It's story time!
06:42It's story time. Come on.
06:49Oh! It's my turn to pick out a story.
06:55Let's see.
06:58This is a perfect story for me to read.
07:02It's about a bus.
07:08I'm a yellow school bus with a very important job.
07:14What do you think the job could be?
07:19Oh! Let's see.
07:22I drive my friends to school each day.
07:26Cool job.
07:28I open my door and my friends take their seats.
07:32And they never forget to do one very important thing.
07:37What's that, Steve?
07:39I'm not sure.
07:42What do you think they never forget to do?
07:48Let's see.
07:51They always remember to buckle their seatbelts.
07:55We did that too. Remember?
07:57Zip. Click.
08:00Then I make sure my friends get to school safely.
08:05That makes me feel...
08:09How do you think that makes the school bus feel?
08:15Yeah. Let's see.
08:18It makes me feel proud to do such an important job.
08:26I really like your story, Steve.
08:29Yeah. You did a great job reading too.
08:33Thanks. Now I feel proud too.
08:38Come on.
08:41A clue! A clue!
08:43You see a clue? Where?
08:46Right there.
08:48There is a clue. Right here. On this circle.
08:52This circle must be our first clue.
08:54You know what we need? Our handy-dandy...
08:57Notebook. Right.
09:01We can draw a line that curves all the way around.
09:07We can draw a line that curves all the way around.
09:11A circle.
09:13So, where could we go on the bus today with a circle?
09:21Maybe. But I think we should find two more clues just to be sure.
09:25It's art time! It's art time!
09:28Art time. Let's go.
09:32Oh. Painting.
09:36You know, I think I'm going to paint a Steve portrait.
09:40Yeah. I'll start with the outline.
09:51There. Now I have to paint my shirt my favorite color, green.
09:57Uh-oh. Do we have the color green?
10:03No. What should we do?
10:08Mix the colors.
10:11Mix the colors. Great idea.
10:13But what two colors should we mix?
10:17Maybe if we start with yellow.
10:20What color could I mix with yellow to make green?
10:28Blue. Let's try it.
10:34Look at that. It worked. Yellow and blue make green.
10:39Thanks. Now I can paint my shirt.
10:46Oh, no!
10:49What's the matter, Tickety?
10:51I don't have any pink paint. And I need to paint myself portrait.
10:56Oh. Well, what could Tickety do to make pink paint?
11:02Mix the colors.
11:04Yeah, right. Tickety could mix two colors together to make pink,
11:08just like we mixed yellow and blue to make green. Okay.
11:13So, which two colors can we mix to make pink?
11:19Well, red looks a little like pink.
11:23Okay. So, red.
11:26What color should we mix with red to make pink?
11:34White. Tickety, maybe you should try mixing red paint with white.
11:44Look! Red and white make pink.
11:50Now I can make myself portrait.
11:54Look at me. I'm all pink.
11:57I love art time.
12:00It's a very nice painting, Tickety. You must be very proud.
12:03Snack time!
12:05It's snack time! It's snack time!
12:08Snack time. Come on.
12:12Sounds like Mr. Salt's cooking something up.
12:15Hey, Mr. Salt. What are we having for snack today?
12:18Well, for school day, I made something special. Can you tell what they are?
12:23Uh, do you know? What do these snacks look like?
12:32Buses. Yeah. Look at that.
12:34Little cracker and cheese buses. Cool. Thanks, Mr. Salt.
12:38You're welcome.
12:42A clue! A clue!
12:44You see a clue? Where? On my bus?
12:47No, on the cheese.
12:50There is a clue. On that cheese. You know what we need? Our handy dandy?
12:56Notebook. Right. Okay. Cheese.
13:02Let's draw a rectangle with a triangle on top. Circles and semicircles for the holes.
13:09And there. Cheese.
13:11So, what was our first clue?
13:15A circle.
13:17Right. A circle. Now our second clue is cheese.
13:22Well, where could we go on the bus today with a circle and some cheese?
13:31Interesting. Well, guess we'll just have to wait and see.
13:36The mail's here. Let's go.
13:39Here's the mail. It never fails. It makes me want to wag my tail.
13:43When it comes, I want to wail.
13:51Hey, Steve. What are you doing?
13:53We're playing school. Blue is the teacher.
13:55I love school. That's where I learned about my letters.
13:59In fact, I have one right here.
14:04Thanks, mailbox.
14:05Thanks, mailbox.
14:06We just got a letter.
14:10We just got a letter. We just got a letter. We just got a letter.
14:15Wonder who it's from?
14:19Look. It's a letter from our friends at school.
14:22Hi, Steve. Let's go see my classroom. Come on.
14:28This is where we play with our blocks.
14:36This is where we read our books.
14:41This is where we paint. It's my favorite thing to do.
14:47Bye, Steve.
14:52Hey, do you go to school?
14:57You know, one day, I want to go to college.
15:00It's ABC time. It's ABC time.
15:03It's ABC time. Cool.
15:06Yeah. We're going to play letter detective.
15:09Who's going to pull a letter out of that bag?
15:12Right. And then we yell out when we see something that starts with that letter.
15:20A G.
15:23Okay. So, when you see something that starts with the letter G, yell out that word. Okay?
15:29All right, letter detectives. Let's start looking.
15:48Guitar. Does guitar start with the letter G?
15:55Yeah. Guitar starts with the letter G. Good job. Great job.
15:59My turn? Okay. I pick the letter A.
16:06Okay, letter detectives. When you see something that starts with the letter A, yell out that word.
16:13I'm looking. I'm looking.
16:23What was that? What begins with the letter A?
16:27What was that? What begins with the letter A?
16:36Acorn. Nice job.
16:39Okay. So, G is for guitar and A is for acorn. Good to know.
16:44My turn. My turn. Can I pick a letter?
16:50Look what I picked. An S. The letter S.
16:56Okay. S.
16:59Looking for something that starts with the letter S.
17:03But I don't see anything.
17:06Do you see anything that begins with the letter S?
17:12Steve? Me? Oh, my name, Steve, begins with the letter S. Cool.
17:20So, guitar starts with a G.
17:24And acorn starts with A.
17:27And Steve, that's me, starts with S.
17:31Steve, do you know what school time is next?
17:35No. What time is next, Tiki?
17:37It's bus time. It's bus time.
17:40We'll go get the bus ready.
17:42We better find our third clue. Come on.
17:45A clue.
17:47You found our third clue? Really? Where?
17:52There is a clue. On this tomato sauce.
17:57You know what we need? Our handy-dandy...
18:00Notebook. Right.
18:04First, an oval with a line below for the lid.
18:08Then this shape for the container.
18:11And a tomato with a little stem on top.
18:14There. Sauce.
18:17Hey, we have all three clues.
18:20You know what that means.
18:22We're ready to see what's next.
18:24Let's go.
18:26Let's go.
18:28Hey, we have all three clues.
18:31You know what that means.
18:33We're ready to sit in our...
18:35Thinking chair. Come on.
18:38Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
18:42You will help, right?
18:46So we're trying to figure out where we're going to go on the bus today.
18:49What was our first clue?
18:52A circle.
18:54A circle. Right.
18:55And our second clue was...
18:59And our third clue was...
19:01Tomato sauce.
19:05Where can we go on the bus today with a circle, cheese and tomato sauce?
19:12The cheese and the tomato sauce are both things you can eat.
19:16But what about the circle?
19:22Maybe it's something that's shaped like a circle.
19:25But what can you eat that has tomato sauce and cheese and is shaped like a circle?
19:36Pizza. Right.
19:38Because pizza is shaped like a circle and it has tomato sauce and cheese on top.
19:44Are we going out for pizza on the bus today?
19:48We just figured out Blue's clues.
19:52We just figured out Blue's clues.
19:53We just figured out Blue's clues.
19:55We just figured out Blue's clues.
19:57We just figured out Blue's clues.
19:59Because we're really smart.
20:03Hey, we figured out Blue's clues.
20:06We're going to the pizza parlor today on the bus.
20:12Don't forget to buckle up.
20:14Zip, quick.
20:23Down the street.
20:25Sitting next to my buddy.
20:27Because that's my favorite.
20:28So get on the bus.
20:31We're riding on the bus.
20:34The pizza parlor.
20:35We're here.
20:36Come on.
20:37Quick, zip.
20:43Hi, what can I do for you today?
20:45Well, we just rode our bus from Blue's school.
20:48And we would like to order one circle-shaped pizza with tomato sauce and cheese on top.
20:53You've got it.
20:54A circle-shaped pizza with tomato sauce and cheese coming right up.
21:11Everyone take a seat.
21:12Your pizza will be done soon.
21:15Hey, I had so much fun playing school today.
21:18Thanks for being my school buddy.
21:23Now it's time for so long.
21:26But we'll sing just one more song.
21:30Thanks for doing your part.
21:32You sure are smart.
21:33You know with me and you.
21:35And teacher Blue.
21:36We can do anything that we want to do.
21:41See you later.