The Young and the Restless 10-3-24 (Y&R 3rd October 2024) 10-03-2024 10-3-2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00You know what, they're here now. Thanks for listening.
00:03Yeah, let me know what happens. Bye.
00:13Hey, what's going on?
00:20Something happened. Oh God, terrible, horrible.
00:27Heather's dead.
00:31What? What happened?
00:35I don't know, they pulled her body out of the river this morning.
00:40Oh my God.
00:42Yeah, Daniel, he's telling Lucy right now.
00:49It's about mom, isn't it?
00:50Actually, Lucy, it is.
01:00Did I do something else to make you guys mad or make mom mad?
01:05Did she say something to you? Is that why?
01:08No, mom, you didn't do anything wrong.
01:14There's a reason why we haven't heard from your mom.
01:17Mom, something's happened.
01:23What do you mean?
01:27Dad, has she been in an accident? Is she okay?
01:33No, she's not okay.
01:40Lucy, I'm so sorry. I don't know how to say this.
01:44Your mom has died.
01:51Dad, why would you say something like that?
01:55Because it's true. Your mom's gone.
03:13You're in a good mood for a change.
03:16My doctor thinks that I am making remarkable strides on controlling my dark thoughts.
03:23Is that right?
03:25Kind of sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.
03:28Any day now.
03:30Don't get ahead of yourself.
03:32As much as you say you hate me, I'm not buying it.
03:35I think you like having me around. Advice, company.
03:39You are nothing but a reminder of what I've done.
03:45Ah, you got that turned around.
03:47I'm the one who keeps telling you to stop, hit rewind on killing Heather and just move on.
04:03Nothing in the news.
04:10An unidentified female body has been pulled from the Galewood River this morning.
04:19Dear God.
04:22Did they find Heather?
04:28Victor, hi.
04:32I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
04:34Oh, how nice to see you.
04:35Um, I figured now's a good time to have a check-in about Chancellor.
04:44First off, I gotta tell you that I really like the idea that you refuse to acknowledge Billy Abbott's attempt to change the name Chancellor to Abbott Chancellor.
04:55Well, soon Abbott will be off the marquee and everything and everyone will be back in their rightful place.
05:02Anything else to report?
05:05I don't think so. I'm assuming that you were the one who was behind the Odyssey 7 deal being put on hold?
05:11Let's just say I made a few calls.
05:14Good. Love it.
05:16You should. Your tip paid off.
05:19So, what next?
05:21From experience to retaking company of Chancellor's size is going to take a while. We need patience.
05:32Okay, well I know that you feel comfortable playing the long game, but I really think that we should make our move sooner than later.
05:39You do?
05:41Yeah, I think the time is now. We have to kick Billy out and put me back in control.
05:51I mean, I wanted to be there for moral support for Daniel, but he said he wanted to do it alone.
05:58I mean...
06:01This is shocking. I don't even know what to make of this. It's not real. I mean, it doesn't seem real.
06:10She drowned? I mean, did they say how? What was she doing down by the river?
06:15I don't know. All I know is she gave...
06:19She sent Daniel a text saying that she needed time alone and then he got a call from the police.
06:26Saying that he had to identify her body.
06:31What a nightmare. He's got to be reeling.
06:34Yeah. He's just trying to grasp the fact that he is a single parent now.
06:42Heather was the only mom that Lucy has ever known.
06:48She needs her mom. And Daniel can never fill that void.
06:52No, but you can help Daniel and Lucy by reminding them that they are not alone in this.
06:59They have you and Danny and Supergirl. You know you have me for whatever you need.
07:07I know. Thank you.
07:15Maybe it's not true.
07:19No, no. Hear me out, okay? Maybe she just got lost or she ran out of gas.
07:25And she's just missing, okay? I mean, how did you even find out? Who told you?
07:31The police. Right after they found her body in the river.
07:40You mean she drowned?
07:43I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
07:46I'm so sorry.
07:49Dad, that's not possible. Mom knows how to swim.
07:55Maybe they just found someone else that looks like her in the river. Maybe someone stole her wallet and that's why they think...
08:02It's possible, okay? It's possible.
08:06I went to the morgue today. I saw her body.
08:16What? I don't believe you. I need to see it for myself.
08:22That is not a good idea. I need to see her, Dad.
08:26She wouldn't want you to remember her that way.
08:28I don't want to remember her.
08:32I want to see her and talk to her and tell her that I'm sorry.
08:39And that I love her and that I'm such a brat.
08:45I just want... I want her here, Dad.
08:49I want that too more than anything.
08:52Honey, look, right now I wish there was something that I could say that would make this easier, but...
09:00All I can say is you're not alone. You are not alone. I am right here.
09:05I am right here. It's gonna be you and me and I am not going anywhere no matter what.
09:15It's you. It's you.
09:20This was not supposed to happen. You promised me that I could pull this off without getting caught.
09:29Get a hold of yourself.
09:31You lied to me. You told me that nobody would find out.
09:35Hey, I didn't lie to you. We always knew this was a possibility.
09:40But you covered your tracks. You were good.
09:43Why did they have to find her?
09:46Because you can't control river currents.
09:49Or what happens to a body when it's been underwater for a while.
09:53What am I supposed to do now?
09:56You do what you've always done. You pull yourself together and you stay calm.
10:05I don't know if I can do that.
10:07Hey, you don't have any choice, Sharon.
10:10You lose it now, they will catch you.
10:15And orange, orange really isn't your color.
10:23Unfortunately at the moment I don't have enough ammunition to kick him out, you know.
10:28Since he has become aware that you won't oust him and since you're no longer on the inside, a chancellor.
10:36A chancellor?
10:40Things become more difficult. We have to be patient.
10:43Well, the fact that I'm no longer working as chancellor shouldn't stop you from taking action.
10:49It's a little complicated now.
10:51Okay, well I would never do anything to risk our plan to get chancellor back.
10:57But the fact that he's aware that outside forces are out to get him and make him dig in.
11:03So we have to be very patient, okay? Try to dislodge him.
11:09And how do you propose we do that?
11:11Well, I'm thinking about that. It's going to be easy.
11:19And look, because I want to make sure that I can make Abbot Chancellor a success, I need to focus solely on work.
11:28Which means I don't have a lot of time for a relationship.
11:33But you seemed really happy with Chelsea.
11:35I was very happy with her, but we both agreed that it wasn't fair that she comes second all the time.
11:44I'm so sad you'll be alone.
11:46Well, I'm not going to be alone, especially if my two favorite people decide to stay in Genoa City and go to school here.
11:55That's what your mom is saying that might be happening?
11:58Yes, and we loved having you here this summer. It was so great.
12:02And I'm thrilled that you and Claire got closer. I really am.
12:06And you said that you're not going to pursue the captaincy of your field hockey team, not this year.
12:10I did. Our talk actually helped me realize that now wasn't the right time.
12:18And I hear that Walnut Grove has a great lacrosse program.
12:21We've actually already decided.
12:23We've liked hanging out here this summer, too, and we miss our friends from Walnut Grove.
12:28Okay, so does that mean...
12:31We're going to give it a shot.
12:33But if we hate it, you have to let us go back.
12:35Oh, you're not going to hate it.
12:37You're not going to hate it. You know what? This calls for a toast to the Abbott siblings taking over Genoa City.
12:41And no more boarding a school curfew.
12:43I'm not really sure you're going to get out of that.
12:45Told you.
12:47Cheers. This is great.
12:49It's great.
12:50So, listen, because you are staying in town, there's a few things that we need to talk about.
12:55You're going to be exposed to the inner workings of Newman Enterprises.
13:00What? Like local gossip? Seeing stuff online? We are used to that.
13:05And because of your father's position, you're probably going to be exposed to certain things at Abbott Chancellor.
13:12Look, the two companies, they're fierce rivals.
13:14So, it might get a little bit messy and it might not always be a family-friendly environment.
13:21Are you and Grandpa going to be lobbing grenades at each other?
13:24To be honest, that might be a possibility.
13:27Look, I am very excited about the future of my company.
13:33But your grandfather might try to spoil my success.
13:39Why would he do that?
13:40Because the great and powerful Victor Newman does not like to lose.
13:43But what he doesn't realize is that I have no intention of letting him win.
13:52I'm never going to get away with this.
13:58Once that investigation starts, it's only a matter of time. They're coming for me.
14:06This needs to stop.
14:08I don't hear any cops knocking at the door.
14:11And who said anything about an investigation?
14:14Sources believe that the woman pulled from the river drowned accidentally.
14:20You covered your tracks.
14:23And that text that you sent Daniel from Heather's phone was perfect.
14:29You know, there are people out there who don't want to lose.
14:34You know, there actually might be a way to turn this in your favor.
14:43A way to keep you safe and finally get the closure that you need.
14:50I know the kind of closure you are talking about.
14:54And you can forget it.
14:57I have already caused enough pain.
15:01Do you want to get out of this or not?
15:04I could do what you are suggesting.
15:08This whole nightmare will never end.
15:13The opposite is true.
15:16If you follow our plan, the nightmare will end.
15:21And Daniel will finally get what he deserves.
15:27You know I'm right, Sharon.
15:34Right now, this is the best. None of you.
15:40This is the only option that you have.
15:48I can't stop thinking about the last talk we had.
15:54She kept reminding me about how close we always were.
16:00And how much she hated fighting all the time.
16:05But dad, I was the one who was fighting.
16:13Making her feel like I didn't even want her there.
16:19How could I have been so hateful?
16:22Don't do that. You can't do that. I'm not going to let you do that.
16:26Your mom knew how much you loved her. How much we both did.
16:31Did she though?
16:34I put her through hell.
16:38With the drinking and the car crash with Faith.
16:43Even though I was making so many mistakes, she still tried to understand why I did what I did.
16:50She never hung up the phone without saying I love you and dad.
16:59I can't even remember the last time I said it back.
17:07You were the light of your mother's life.
17:10You know there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she was loved by you, or by me, or by your grandfather.
17:20Have you told him yet?
17:25I haven't been able to.
17:30Mom wanted so badly for us to go to Portugal. As a family.
17:38And then I threw a fit and she backed down.
17:44She didn't get to see her dad for the last time.
17:48Because of me.
17:51No. You cannot blame yourself.
17:55I wish you were here so that he didn't have to be alone when you told him.
18:05Me too.
18:08I don't even know where to start. I mean...
18:13How are you supposed to tell a man that his daughter is gone?
18:17I can't imagine what Daniel's going through right now. As a parent, this is killing me.
18:24I can't imagine how he's doing breaking the news to Lucy. I...
18:30I mean, it's gonna be excruciating. There's no doubt about that.
18:36But Phyllis, you being there for your family is the thing you do best.
18:40I don't know if I have it in me to help. I mean, I wish I could stop the suffering. I just...
18:49You can't stop the pain.
18:52All you can do is listen and just reassure them.
18:58You know, Daniel, and especially Lucy, that they're not alone.
19:03You know, they may have lost Heather, but they have another very strong woman in their lives
19:09who will do everything in her power to help them get through this tragedy.
19:15You're so good at this.
19:34I don't get it. Grandpa's so sweet. I can't picture him out to beat anyone.
19:40Least of all you, Dad. Why would Grandpa want to fight with you anyway?
19:44Okay, well, let me try and give you the short version here, all right?
19:48Years ago, your grandfather sold Chancellor to Grandma Jill. Since then, she's given it to me to run.
19:55And for whatever reason, your grandfather has decided that he wants the company back.
20:00Unfortunately for him, it's not for sale.
20:03But your grandfather would be well within his rights to try to reclaim it.
20:08Is he really?
20:09Yes, because that's what successful business people do. They buy and sell companies.
20:13Okay, but this company's not for sale. And most of the time when they do that,
20:17they don't do it in an underhanded way that negatively affects the family.
20:20Grandpa always says family comes first.
20:23And he already owns so many companies. Why does he need yours?
20:25Well, that's a good point, son. How much does one man really need?
20:34I mean, nothing has changed for me since I offered to help steal the company from Billy.
20:40But what's changed for you?
20:43Unfortunately, Victoria's soured on the idea.
20:47Because she's worried that her children will be caught in the crossfire between me and their father.
20:56So you want to give up on our plan because of her concerns?
20:59No, I'm going to move ahead.
21:01However, what complicates issues even more is that Victoria and Billy know that Newman was willing to buy them out.
21:08So, by making that offer to him, she's basically warned him that an attack is coming.
21:14And now, unfortunately, he knows that there's dissent in our ranks.
21:21So you want to hold off and give Billy space so that he doesn't think he's in danger?
21:28Yeah. Catch him when he least expects it.
21:32Although, by holding off, we're also giving Billy a chance to do more damage.
21:40Although there might be another solution.
21:43Which is?
21:45We plan a spy.
21:50Look, I'm sure it's hard to know what to say or what to do.
21:54But I'm confident that we can do it.
21:57I'm sure it's hard to know what to say or what to do.
22:01But I'm confident that once you get around Lucy and Daniel, you're going to know what to do.
22:14It's Daniel.
22:18Yeah, he told Lucy.
22:22How'd that go?
22:24She took a heart.
22:25Well, I'm going to get over there.
22:28Yeah, yeah.
22:32Listen, you are one of the fiercest women I know. You're going to be fine.
22:36Thank you. Thank you.
22:44Better set things straight before it's too late.
22:47Because those two got a habit of falling in bed with each other at the slightest hint of crisis.
22:53Looks like they're already on their way.
22:58No. I can't do it. I won't.
23:02Oh. So you're just okay with Daniel walking around free while Phyllis uses Heather's death as an excuse to lean on Nick every chance she gets.
23:14I won't do it. I won't!
23:25You okay?
23:37Hey, Paul, it's Daniel.
23:42No, no, listen.
23:48I really, I really don't know how to tell you this, Paul. I really wish that I didn't have to.
23:56Heather's gone.
24:01No. No, Paul. Paul. Not like that. I mean...
24:11Heather died.
24:14I don't know, Paul. I...
24:17You know, I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that's going on. We don't really know too many details.
24:26Well, the police called. They told me that they found her body in the river.
24:35I don't know, Paul. I don't know what she was doing down there.
24:44Yeah, no. Lucy is not good. She...
24:50I mean, I don't know how either one of us are going to go on without her, you know?
24:56Listen, I just...
24:58I figured you'd want to get out here. I know that it would mean a lot to Lucy. It would mean a hell of a lot to me, too.
25:08Yeah, keep me posted.
25:09Keep me posted.
25:16Paul, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
26:10I'm starting to like the way you think.
26:13Planting someone inside Chancellor's.
26:17Who do you remember?
26:19I mean, I would suggest Chance, but he resigned.
26:24I don't know. I mean, Phyllis is probably the only ally Billy has left.
26:30Phyllis Summers?
26:32Yep. Apparently, she's the new COO of Abbott Chancellor.
26:40Just let me know what I can do for you. I'll do anything. You just tell me what to do.
26:48Can you explain to me how a couple of days ago we were laughing about banana and peanut butter sandwiches and now today I'm at the morgue identifying Heather's body?
26:58I don't know.
27:01I don't have an answer for that, Daniel. I'm sorry.
27:04I'm sorry.
27:08You told me that you were going to tell Lucy. Where is she?
27:13In her room.
27:16Probably trying to hide how devastated she is.
27:20You know, the two of them, they were inseparable.
27:25I mean, I wasn't always there for her, but Heather was.
27:27You're here for her now, okay?
27:31And I'm here for you.
27:32We're gonna get through this as a family. We will.
27:38You sure about that?
27:41I mean, I can't even conceive of sleeping in the same bed without Heather right now.
27:47I just, I don't know how I'm supposed to bury her.
27:53Listen, you don't have to think about that right now. You're in shock. This just happened.
27:58That's probably why I feel numb, right?
28:03Hey, do you want me to, to call Danny? Do you, have you already called him? I can take care of that.
28:13Yeah. I don't know. Maybe, you know, talking to Paul, telling him that was hard enough.
28:33It's gonna be okay.
28:40Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?
28:44Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?
28:48Well, I don't know. You just seemed a little, you know.
28:54I've asked you to stop worrying, and to be honest, you're the one who seems a little upset.
29:04I just got some pretty awful news.
29:07Heather Stevens is dead. They just pulled her body from the river this morning.
29:14Oh my God, that's awful. How did that happen? What was she doing down by the river?
29:21Nobody knows. It was just an accident. Maybe she slipped and fell. I don't know.
29:27But I was talking to Phyllis, and she was with Daniel when he heard.
29:33How is he?
29:34How is he?
29:36I would guess he's in shock. Lucy, too.
29:40That poor girl.
29:42To lose her mom so young and so suddenly.
29:46I'm so sorry.
29:48And those two have been through so much lately. I mean, they lost their jobs.
29:53Their accident that almost killed Lucy and Faith. Now this.
29:58A lot of hits for one person.
30:00Yes, it is. And it's all my fault.
30:05Oh, are you sure that you two don't want me to drop you off at the movies?
30:11Oh, Peyton's mom's waiting for us outside.
30:14OK, listen, you watch out for your sister, OK?
30:17Yeah, will do. And don't worry about Grandpa. You can take him.
30:21Johnny's right. Don't let Grandpa bully you.
30:24OK, listen, I appreciate that, but you don't have to worry about anything. All right? Good. I love you.
30:30Have fun at the movies.
30:35Good kids.
30:37They are. They're very good kids. And I don't appreciate you using their goodness and manipulating it for your benefit.
30:45It's telling them the truth.
30:47You deliberately made my father, their grandfather into the villain in this war between you two.
30:53Your father, their grandfather is the one that started this war.
30:57I understand that. But why does this have to be a David and Goliath battle to the end?
31:01This is exactly what this is. This is David versus Goliath. I'm fighting for something I love.
31:08This is my opportunity to prove to Victor and everyone else that I can make a success out of Abba Chancellor.
31:13Nobody thinks that you can't.
31:15OK, then why did you offer to buy me out?
31:17Because I'm trying to protect the kids. That's why.
31:19By paving the way for Victor to take over my company without any sort of resistance?
31:25I thought that it would be the more civil approach.
31:27Victor's nothing civil about the way your father does business. We know that.
31:32This is everything for me. This is my chance to prove that my mother was right to hand me the reins.
31:39I know what this means to you, Billy.
31:41Then why not convince your dad to stop coming after me? To stop trying to steal my company?
31:48If anyone has a right to be angry here, it's me.
31:54Why is this your fault?
31:55Why is this your fault?
32:00I mean, Sharon, why would you blame yourself for what happened to Heather?
32:12It's just the last time I saw Heather, when I think about that and the things that I said to her and Lucy, she was very upset about that.
32:23The way that I made them feel, you know, maybe it made Heather distracted and she wasn't watching where she was going and maybe that caused her to slip and fall.
32:36Um, okay. I guess I can understand why you feel bad about your conversation with Heather, but taking responsibility for her death? Seriously?
32:48You're right. It was just a tragic accident.
32:53Here I am making it about myself when really I should be thinking about the people who lost their beloved partner and mother and have no idea how to go on without her.
33:18Look, I'm not the only one asking the question why you can't intervene on my behalf.
33:24I have my reasons.
33:26Which are what?
33:27Billy, I can't.
33:28Victoria, I am on the brink of losing something that means everything to me.
33:33There are aspects of my father's plan to take over Chancellor.
33:37It's Abbott, Chancellor.
33:39Aspects that you don't even know about yet.
33:42Okay, so fill me in.
33:44Help me understand why he is hell bent on trying to destroy me.
33:50Vic, what are these aspects you're talking about?
33:58Getting a department was a good idea.
34:04I know you mean.
34:06I know you mean.
34:10I couldn't stop expecting mom to just walk through the door and tell me this was all a bad dream.
34:20And I'm never gonna stop missing her.
34:24I know.
34:26Me too.
34:27If you don't want to try and convince your father to stop coming after me, then at least give me hints on how he's planning to screw me over.
34:34Why are you putting me in this position?
34:36Victoria, you're the one that wanted family peace. I agree with you.
34:39But if you really want that, you'll stop keeping your father's secrets and you'll tell me what the onslaught is I'm heading towards.
34:46I've already said all that I can say, Billy.
34:52Okay, fine.
34:53Okay, fine.
34:55Then that puts us back at square one.
35:02At least we were able to tell the kids, okay?
35:05And for that, I'm grateful.
35:07But the fact that you're not going to say anything means to me this is about to get very ugly.
35:12Very ugly.
35:22Using Phyllis to help us will not be easy. From what I've seen, she's very protective of Billy.
35:32There might be ways to use her without her cooperation.
35:38I mean, that's if she behaves predictably.
35:44I might have an idea.
35:47Care to elaborate?
35:51Don't worry.
35:54I have it under control.
35:56I promise you will not be disappointed.
36:03Dean, I...
36:04If you don't mind, it's been a really rough morning.
36:09I know.
36:12I ran into Nick and he told me the horrible news about Heather. I'm so sorry for both of you.
36:23I feel horrible about the last time that I saw Heather, the things that I said and did.
36:34Really doesn't matter now, does it?
36:36Oh, but it does.
36:38I mean, although I already apologized to you, I hope that someday, Lucy, you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
36:52I never had the chance with your mom to earn her forgiveness after the hell that I put her through.
36:59And for that, I don't know if I can forgive myself.
37:29I love you.
37:30I love you.
37:31I love you.
37:32I love you.
37:33I love you.
37:34I love you.
37:35I love you.
37:36I love you.
37:37I love you.
37:38I love you.
37:39I love you.
37:40I love you.
37:41I love you.
37:42I love you.
37:43I love you.
37:44I love you.
37:45I love you.
37:46I love you.
37:47I love you.
37:48I love you.
37:49I love you.
37:50I love you.
37:51I love you.
37:52I love you.
37:53I love you.
37:54I love you.
37:55I love you.
37:56I love you.
37:57I love you.
37:58I love you.
37:59I love you.
38:00I love you.
38:01I love you.
38:02I love you.
38:03I love you.
38:04I love you.
38:05I love you.
38:06I love you.
38:07I love you.
38:08I love you.
38:09I love you.
38:10I love you.
38:11I love you.
38:12I love you.
38:13I love you.
38:14I love you.
38:15I love you.
38:16I love you.
38:17I love you.
38:18I love you.
38:19I love you.
38:20I love you.
38:21I love you.
38:22I love you.
38:23I love you.
38:24I love you.
38:25I love you.
38:26I love you.
