The Young and the Restless 9-25-24 (Y&R 25th September 2024) 9-25-2024

  • last month
00:00Sharon? You home?
00:07Damn it.
00:16Sorry, Dad. It's just me.
00:20Your mom?
00:22Not here.
00:49What are you waiting for?
00:51Let's do this.
00:54This is wrong.
00:58Everything about this is right, Sharon.
01:02This is what we've been working towards.
01:05Come on, baby. This is the easy part.
01:16You want to walk out that door? Fine.
01:21But first, you are going to pour that poison into that whiskey bottle.
01:28And then, your future begins.
01:33News will get out. Poor Daniel Romilotti is dead.
01:40But you will have the satisfaction of knowing that for once in your life, you took control.
01:49You chose. You decided what would make you happy, and you acted.
01:57And that power? That power will bring you peace.
02:03The solution that you've been desperate for is finally right here.
02:10Close enough to touch.
02:40Oh, hello.
03:05How is it I'm the only one in this family that is ever on time?
03:08We are on time. You were just always early.
03:12What are you doing? Working on your next genius video game?
03:17Trying to find a job.
03:19You know what? I have a feeling things are going to go great for all three of us very, very soon.
03:26What does that mean?
03:28This? Having dinner together? How often do we do this?
03:33What? Us get together? We just had breakfast the other day?
03:37No, we had lunch last week.
03:39Okay, okay. Very funny. Just let me be happy.
03:42Let me enjoy spending time with my two favorite, favorite people in the world.
04:03Do you not see how easy this is?
04:07Just a couple drops and everything changes.
04:11You don't have to feel like you have to hide from your kids or Nick.
04:15You get to go back to being the mom they love.
04:19The woman Nick will fall in love with all over again.
04:26Killing Daniel is what he deserves.
04:31Daniel should have died, not Cassie.
04:34And it is time to balance those scales.
04:39Now do it, Sharon.
04:42Pour that son of a bitch his final drink.
04:55So, dinner's on me.
04:59Order everything and anything you want.
05:02Okay, do you really think that that's a good idea considering you don't have a job?
05:07You know what? Let's drink together.
05:09How about that?
05:12Champagne. Who doesn't like champagne?
05:14A bottle of your finest.
05:16A bottle of your finest? I didn't know people actually said that in real life.
05:20Hey, don't make fun of me.
05:22Aren't I allowed to be happy? I'm happy right now.
05:25Sure, you can be happy. I just can't tell if it's a good thing.
05:29Or a scary thing.
05:32Okay, you guys can make fun of me all you want, but I don't care.
05:36You know why? Because I have love in my life.
05:40I have love. This right here is love.
05:45And it makes me so happy to be having dinner with the two most important people that matter the most to me.
05:55Yeah, um...
05:57What's going on?
05:59You know what? I don't want to talk about me. Let's talk about you.
06:02What is going on with you?
06:04How is Harrison and this agreement with Kyle? What's going on there?
06:08You know what? Everything is great. I cannot be happier.
06:13Okay. And you?
06:16Oh, you want to know what's new with me?
06:21Well, Heather thinks that we should leave town, go set up home base someplace else.
06:28Are you kidding me?
06:31Sorry, I wish I was, but you know, she thinks we'd be better off getting a fresh start anywhere but here.
06:39This is because of Sharon? She keeps on attacking you?
06:43You and Heather and poor Lucy?
06:46Oh my gosh, this is absolutely unbelievable.
06:50You're kidding, right?
06:53Like, I'm trying to be understanding because I know she has issues and I've really backed off, but I'm not doing it anymore.
07:02I mean, I will be damned if I lose my family because of Sharon and her constant drama.
07:11When I heard that door, I was so hoping that it would be Mom.
07:15Where is she? What if she's not okay?
07:18So you haven't heard from her or spoken to her?
07:21All right. They left a voicemail, but no response. Not even a text. You?
07:28No, nothing. You okay?
07:34Trying not to be terrified. I keep telling myself that she really is just off getting her head together.
07:42That she'll come home and everything will be fine.
07:46But, Doug, this is so weird. So not right.
07:53Yeah, come here.
07:59Look, I know you're afraid. And it's scary, you know, the not knowing.
08:05We just have to trust your mother. There is nobody in this world who is more important to her than you and her family.
08:12We just have to believe that she's doing what she has to do to get through this, so she'll come back to us.
08:18I haven't thought this through. What if Heather drinks the whiskey or Lucy?
08:42She has gotten into her parents' liquor before.
08:45Come on. After all our planning, you're suddenly worried about collateral damage?
08:52Let me ask you something. Do you think Daniel was worried about that when he let Cassie get behind the wheel of his car?
08:58No, he wasn't.
09:01There's one target here, Sharon.
09:03The guilty party who deserves exactly what he brought to Cassie. Death.
09:16There's so much more to it than that. There are so many repercussions.
09:20Well, what about the repercussions from what Daniel did?
09:25Sharon, don't forget why you're doing this.
09:32You're beautiful.
09:36Oh, girl.
09:39God, she was so young.
09:42So small in that hospital bed.
09:46Her life draining out for her.
09:49And all you could do was watch.
09:54Her last breath.
09:57Her last heartbeat.
10:00And there was nothing you could do.
10:10It's just as raw as it was then.
10:14The pain, the loss.
10:17All those nights spent grieving alone, Nick nowhere in sight.
10:23That's all still inside of you.
10:29I feel what you feel, Sharon.
10:34And we both know that you lost part of your soul when Cassie died.
10:42Well, now is your chance to get it back.
10:45You have the opportunity to finally lay your little girl to rest in peace.
10:52Don't let her down.
11:04There you go.
11:07That's it.
11:16There you go.
11:34There you go.
11:41Oh, my gosh, you can't move.
11:43You can't move.
11:44You have to talk to Heather and explain it to her.
11:47Or, you know, better yet, let me talk to Heather.
11:50Better yet, let me talk to Sharon.
11:53I mean, I'm not doing this.
11:55I'm not doing this.
11:56You know, I'll be damned.
11:58I will put her in a headlock.
12:00Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:01Mom, what are you doing?
12:02What are you doing?
12:03Mom, Mom, Mom.
12:04I'm calling Sharon.
12:09Are you pleased with yourself right now?
12:11Yeah, kind of.
12:12Kind of?
12:13Oh, yeah.
12:14Oh, my God.
12:15Wait a second.
12:16Are you kidding me?
12:19You're not moving?
12:20Yeah, I mean, Heather wants to, but I convinced her that we need to stay right here in Genoa
12:26Oh, my gosh.
12:27Why did you do that?
12:29That wasn't nice.
12:30How would you like it if I did something like that to you?
12:33Is she serious?
12:35And you guys, stop talking about me like I'm not sitting here.
12:39Okay, I'm so sorry.
12:41I will find a way to make it up to you.
12:43I promise.
12:44Okay, how are you going to make it up to me?
12:45Yes, Daniel.
12:46How are you going to make it up to Mom?
12:47How about this?
12:48How about this?
12:49Don't get mad at me when I'm trying to resolve a problem that you have.
12:54How about that?
12:56Are you talking about Sharon again?
12:58Well, that's one thing.
13:00Trust me.
13:01Trust me with Sharon.
13:04You need all the help you can get because who knows that woman better than I do?
13:10Okay, just so you know, she apologized.
13:13I don't believe it.
13:14It's true.
13:15I doubt she meant it.
13:16She was very sincere.
13:18And I like to think that we are getting to the point where we can actually be in the
13:21same room with each other and be civil, so stand down.
13:29You know, there is this concept called boundaries.
13:32Oh, ooh, ooh, boundaries, really?
13:35You know who boundaries are for?
13:37Those little, little, little mouse people who want to live in a box and they're so scarce.
13:43You know what?
13:44I love big.
13:46That's what I do, and that's always worked for me.
13:49She does have you there.
13:51Gotta admit.
13:52All right?
13:54So, how are you going to make it up to me?
13:56Uh, well, I guess we could do this more often, you know?
14:01Celebrate, just the three of us.
14:03What do you say?
14:04You love big.
14:06So big.
14:08I like that.
14:09Celebrating with you guys.
14:12I accept.
14:14You're my favorite son, by the way.
14:17Where is the champagne?
14:19And there we go.
14:20All is right in the world again.
14:21You know what?
14:22Mom is a lot easier to deal with with two people, so I'm very glad you're sticking around, too.
14:35Good job.
14:38That wasn't so hard, was it?
14:59I understand wanting to savor the moment.
15:03But you need to get a move on.
15:10The idea is to get out of here before someone comes home.
15:14Because if someone walks in that door right now, I don't care how smart you are, you're not talking your way out of this.
15:20So pull yourself together, and let's walk out of here without leaving a trace.
15:26Then you're home free.
15:28Then you're home free.
15:44Good girl.
15:47Good girl.
15:57I'm realizing that my apologizing to you hasn't changed anything.
16:02And Sarah's hell isn't going to bring her back, but...
16:05I need you to know how incredibly sorry I am.
16:10I haven't forgotten the role that I played that night, and I never will.
16:17I'm sorry.
16:29So excited for his first day of school.
16:31He got himself up very early, got himself dressed in the dark.
16:36He put on his little backpack, and I found him passed out on the sofa.
16:42With his little backpack on.
16:45Exactly. It was so cute.
16:47I mean, have you ever seen a little boy who dressed himself in the dark?
16:51I wish I took a picture of it, actually.
16:54You know what I really wish?
16:56Is that Marquette had a kid's sign so that I could put him in the campaign.
17:01Um, Anat, if I still have for Abbott Chancellor first...
17:05Say what?
17:08That is why I wanted to take you out to dinner.
17:11You are looking at a red hot corporate queen.
17:17I am the new COO of Abbott Chancellor.
17:25That's great.
17:27Yeah, that's so great.
17:30That's it? That's so great?
17:33Be happy for me. Really.
17:35I mean, are you upset because that was Chance's position?
17:38Because I know he quit of his own volition. I know that.
17:41And I would have never gone after this if you didn't tell me he quit.
17:46I'm not upset about that, okay?
17:48No, I'm happy that Chance left. That was the right choice for him.
17:51But honestly, I'm kind of worried if it's the right fit for you.
17:55Mom, your history with Billy, professionally and personally,
17:59you had Restless Style, you had Jabot,
18:02you don't really have the best track record together.
18:05Yeah, I wasn't around for all of it, but I mean, I know the highlights.
18:08I'm kind of with Summer on this.
18:10You and Billy back together, is that really what you want?
18:12I'm aware of how we messed up in the past.
18:16I'm aware of that, you know, professionally and otherwise.
18:22But that is what makes us so amazing.
18:26Okay, amazing. How exactly?
18:29Well, because, I mean, we know each other so well.
18:33We know when to push each other,
18:36or when we need a little nudge,
18:39or when we need to back off.
18:42We're much wiser than before. We're so mature now.
18:45We know when to back off completely.
18:47I mean, I'm so happy about this.
18:50Please, you guys, can you be happy for me?
18:52Of course, we just...
18:54I don't think either one of us want to see you get hurt.
18:56No, we don't want to see things fall apart either.
19:00But that's why we're going to be so great together.
19:04Because everybody in this town is expecting us to mess up.
19:09And that pushes us all the more to be great.
19:14And we will be great.
19:16Listen, I...
19:19I know about our past.
19:21I'm very aware that we have quite a past.
19:24I'm very aware of that.
19:26But I'm so excited for the future of this company.
19:29Can you guys please just be a little excited for me?
19:37Well, I guess...
19:40here's to the bonafide,
19:47Corporate queen.
19:48Corporate queen!
19:50COO of Abbott Chancellor.
19:52Who's about to take the world by storm.
19:58All right, that's more like it.
20:01And by the way,
20:04it's not just an opportunity for me.
20:08I'm working on getting you hired as well.
20:11Ha, well, thanks for thinking of me,
20:13but winters took Omega Spheres, so that's a dead end.
20:16Au contraire.
20:19It is wide open.
20:24I'm not supposed to say anything,
20:26but Billy is in the works
20:28with this deal that is going to change the way
20:31that Abbott Chancellor does business.
20:34Oh, my gosh.
20:36And it's gonna leave things wide open
20:39for a genius game designer like yourself.
20:45Okay, yeah, sure, why not?
20:47Could be good.
20:49Could be good?
20:51Things are gonna be great for all of us, all right?
20:54Let's celebrate more.
20:56Um, chocolate, chocolate, dessert.
20:58Hey, can we get dessert?
20:59Um, I actually wish I could do that,
21:01but I gotta get to the athletic club and pick up Lucy.
21:05I thought she was grounded.
21:06What, are you giving her a spa day?
21:08Their kitchen donates food to the homeless shelter,
21:11so she's on packing duty
21:13for the community service part of her punishment.
21:16I gotta get there, I gotta pick her up,
21:18I gotta get her home,
21:19but let's do this again real soon.
21:22Yeah, you promise?
21:24I promise.
21:25All right.
21:26And next time, champagne's on me.
21:28All right, mwah.
21:29Okay, bye.
21:30It's the good stuff.
21:32Mm, no.
21:38Sharon, what are you doing?
21:40We gotta get out of here.
21:43Daniel, really, I'm sorry for what happened.
21:47Oh, come on.
21:48Don't be a sucker for that apology
21:51that he just coughed up in the moment.
21:54Cassie died because of him,
21:58and he moved on without missing a beat.
22:01He got to live his life,
22:03and what has he done with it, huh?
22:05Nothing, he's a waste.
22:08Imagine the light, the joy
22:10that Cassie would have brought into the world
22:12if she had gotten the chance to grow up.
22:17I don't want to think about it.
22:19But you do, because you can't avoid it.
22:23I have dreamed of it.
22:26And those dreams should have been your reality.
22:31But Daniel took that away from you,
22:34from Cassie.
22:36And tonight he needs to pay.
22:39I don't know, maybe I should.
22:41No, Sharon.
22:43This is what's meant to be.
22:46It won't be painful.
22:48Not like what Cassie had to endure.
22:51Daniel will barely feel a thing.
23:05Oh, my God.
23:06Oh, my God.
23:10Daniel, Lucy.
23:11Hey, Mom, what are you doing?
23:12Go back outside.
23:13Go back outside.
23:14What is it?
23:16Oh, no, Dad.
23:17No, no, no.
23:18Mom, what happened?
23:19No, no, no.
23:20Dad, please wake up.
23:21Dad, please wake up.
23:23Oh, no, no, no.
23:45Baby girl, just hanging out up there,
23:53watching and waiting is not going to force her to walk through that door.
23:57If I had been awake last night when she came home and packed,
24:00maybe I could have stopped her.
24:02Hey, we're not going to do that, all right?
24:04There's no blame.
24:05We're just going to look forward and do what we can to help your mom through this.
24:11I have something to tell you.
24:13I hope you won't be mad.
24:15What is it?
24:18I was at the park.
24:20I had just left Mom a voicemail.
24:23I was upset.
24:25Adam saw me crying.
24:27He was so kind, and he knows her history,
24:31so I asked him if he would help with Mom.
24:35I hope that wasn't the wrong thing to do.
24:38How could I be upset with you?
24:40We were just trying to help.
24:42But it's Adam.
24:44My brother and I are in a pretty good place these days, and you're right.
24:49He was really there for Sharon when she was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder
24:53and got her the help she needed, so it's fine.
24:56Did he happen to say if he'd seen her lately or heard from her?
25:01He said he and Sharon hadn't been in touch much other than talking about Connor.
25:07But he did give me some advice.
25:11What was that?
25:13To trust you to bring Mom home.
25:16He believes that if anyone can help her, it's you.
25:25I mean, you should have seen me.
25:27I was fire.
25:29I was fire convincing Billy that I was the only correct choice
25:34for COO of Abbott Chancellor.
25:38Not only because of my corporate experience, but because of my IT experience, too.
25:43I mean, I'm always going to have Billy's back, as well.
25:46And no one is going to work harder.
25:48I'm going to take Abbott Chancellor straight to the top.
25:51You know what, Mom? Sometimes I forget just how modest you are.
25:54You know what it's called? It's called self-love.
25:57It's called confidence.
25:59Well, everybody in this town is working so hard to put me down.
26:04It's true. You've taken your hits.
26:07And what do I do?
26:09I get right back up and I go harder.
26:12Cannot argue with that.
26:14What about you?
26:16You're so strong and determined.
26:19I mean, I like to think that you're that way because of me.
26:24It's true. You have been a role model for me.
26:28Sometimes for what not to do, but an inspiration, nonetheless.
26:32And your brother makes fun of me.
26:35But I know that he's inspired by me, too.
26:44Because he was in Savannah and it wasn't going so well for him.
26:47It wasn't.
26:49And he spiraled and he lost everything.
26:52And then he came home.
26:54And with my love, he was able to change his career path and do so well.
27:01He's such a genius.
27:03And now he's back with Heather.
27:05And they're so in love.
27:07More in love than before.
27:09You know?
27:10I feel like I did that for him.
27:14Okay. I get it.
27:16All good things you get credit for.
27:21As I should.
27:23Because I'm a mom.
27:25And that's what we do.
27:27We sacrifice.
27:29We lift our kids up.
27:33And we kick the ass of anyone who's trying to push them down.
27:42Okay. Enough of this.
27:44It's time to go.
27:46My God.
27:47What am I doing?
27:49Ah, ah, ah, ah.
27:50No cold feet now.
27:53This is madness.
27:55There would be nothing painless about this.
27:58Because I should have never listened to you.
28:00You listened to me.
28:01You listened to me because you knew it was the right thing to do.
28:06All I've done is validate what you already wanted.
28:12I never wanted this.
28:14Only a sociopath would want this.
28:17I am not going to take Daniel away from Heather.
28:20And Lucy the way that Cassie was taken away from me.
28:24That would make me just like him.
28:26Only worse, Cassie's death was an accident.
28:32This is murder.
28:45We've already been through this, Sharon.
28:47It is justice.
28:49Only in your mind.
28:51No, Sharon. In yours.
28:54All of this is you.
28:57The only reason we're here is because you know deep down inside that this is your only way out.
29:13No way out.
29:14It would just bring more pain and more grief, more guilt.
29:18I would never escape it.
29:20Of course I wish my little girl were still here and I could protect her.
29:24But she is gone.
29:26And this will not bring her back.
29:28Cassie thought the world of Daniel.
29:30If I murdered him, she would be a sheep of me.
29:34And I won't do that to her.
29:36I'm pouring this out to her.
29:40You're making a mistake.
29:42You're making a mistake.
29:43Shut up!
29:51You're making a mistake.
30:05Hey, you.
30:07As promised, a reward for completing your first community service shift.
30:22What's wrong?
30:26It's because there's no caramel sauce, right?
30:31Rainbow sprinkles.
30:32I forgot the rainbow sprinkles.
30:33Nah, the cherry.
30:34You always eat it with cherries.
30:36I know. I know.
30:39Thank you for smiling.
30:40Don't make me worry about you.
30:46So, don't keep me in suspense.
30:48How was it?
30:50Not as bad as picking up trash by the side of the road.
30:54That's not a complaint, right?
30:58And, um, observation.
31:01No way I would complain, especially not in front of Mom.
31:04I do not need her on my case about my attitude.
31:09Your mother loves you.
31:11She loves you a lot.
31:14She's just trying to make sure you grow up to be a responsible and compassionate adult.
31:18I know.
31:20I'm just really glad that we talked her out of leaving town.
31:23So am I.
31:25I think that she's going to be happy about it too, you know, eventually.
31:29Especially depending on how this job interview goes for her.
31:32I mean, it could be like we're starting a whole new exciting chapter right here in Genoa City.
31:38Then why don't you seem excited?
32:13I've got to clean this up.
32:15You can't make this right.
32:29You're making a mess.
32:31You can't make this right.
32:33Since when is being weak and a coward doing the right thing?
32:41If you walk away now,
32:44if you're walking away from everything that you have ever wanted since the day that Cassie died,
32:52you are so close to having it all again.
32:55Your family, your happiness.
32:58What about Nick?
33:01Instead of holding you in his arms,
33:04he is going to want nothing to do with you.
33:08You are going to lose him forever.
33:19Maybe it's Mom.
33:24Oh, hi.
33:27Sorry, it's just us.
33:30No, it's always great to see you two.
33:33Have you heard anything?
33:36Mom hasn't texted or returned her calls.
33:39Is it the same for you two?
33:41Not a word.
33:43Well, maybe if Sharon's taking care of herself, she went to sleep early?
33:48Yeah, yeah, sleep would be good, you know?
33:51Probably what we all need.
33:53I don't think I'll be able to sleep until Mom walks through that door.
33:59Anyone want something to drink?
34:02Uh, yeah.
34:04Yeah, sure.
34:05Be right back.
34:10She's really struggling, isn't she?
34:12Maybe she's just putting a ton of blame on herself.
34:15I think you're doing the same thing.
34:17You know, you wanted to be the one to find Mom and bring her home.
34:22You have to stop being so hard on yourself.
34:24Well, it's hard to do that when Sharon is God knows where.
34:27Look, Tessa says we should give her the benefit of the doubt.
34:31You know?
34:32So she didn't end up with the spa in Sedona,
34:35but she said she needed time for herself.
34:38Maybe she's taking exactly that to some other place.
34:42Yeah, I'd like to believe that. I really would.
34:44But these last few months, Sharon has not been herself.
34:47I mean, she says one thing and does another.
34:49She makes promises that she doesn't keep.
34:52I'm afraid that if we don't find her soon, whatever is going on with her,
34:57it could get worse.
35:01I am excited.
35:02I am feeling positive.
35:05We could definitely use the good vibes.
35:10You know, I spoke with Sharon.
35:12Oh, no. Did she start in about me again?
35:15No, she actually apologized for how she's been acting.
35:20And she seemed genuinely sincere.
35:23She was.
35:25She was. I would not lie to you.
35:28Okay, so then everything's okay.
35:31I mean, it's a step in the right direction. Yeah.
35:34That is great.
35:35Okay, so then if Sharon's children, I'm sure that Faith would be, too.
35:39Yeah, I don't think you should get your hopes up about that.
35:43Yeah, but if everything's okay with Sharon,
35:45then I'm sure that Faith won't mind if I give her a call.
35:47Loose, loose, slow your roll.
35:49Okay, we just got to a bit at the time with Sharon and Faith.
35:53I think that we should just maybe leave things alone for a little while.
35:59Do I have a choice?
36:01I'm not saying forever.
36:03I'm saying for now.
36:06Look, you, your mom, me,
36:09we've got all the time in the world to sit back and see how everything plays out here.
36:14And I got to be honest with you.
36:16I mean, I see nothing but good things ahead.
36:21I know what I'm doing.
36:23I will find a way to deal with my problems and move forward.
36:27Even if it means losing Nick?
36:29My life would be a lot cleaner without you whispering horrible, twisted things in my ear.
36:34Do you really think the thoughts are going to go away when I do?
36:39They're your thoughts, Sharon!
36:44Fine. Fine.
36:46You know what? You want to pull out now?
36:48I'm done with you.
36:50You're going to be on your own with those crazy thoughts bouncing around in your head.
36:54I will get help, and I will be fine, and so will my family.
36:58Not without me.
36:59I never wanted your help in the first place.
37:02You invented me!
37:05That was a mistake.
37:07You brought out the very worst in me!
37:10All I ever did was give you the courage to do the one thing that would give you everything you ever wanted.
37:21Go away.
37:25You really mean that?
37:58I love you.
