The Young and the Restless 10-7-24 (Y&R 7th October 2024) 10-07-2024 10-7-2024

  • 21 hours ago
00:00Out celebrating tonight?
00:07Every night is a celebration.
00:08I no longer have to work with you, but you're not still mad about that, are you?
00:13That you convinced Victor to fire me.
00:16Why would I be mad?
00:17Well, it was either going to be you or me.
00:20Turned out to be you.
00:21Yeah, with your help.
00:24I just have to give you kudos for that, Kyle.
00:27You had to go pretty low to convince Victor that I was the problem.
00:32You were the problem, but there's no better victim here, okay?
00:37You were trying just as hard to get rid of me.
00:40Not hard enough, apparently.
00:43Next time, I'll double the effort.
00:45Oh, there's not going to be a next time.
00:50I won and you lost.
00:54Game over.
00:57What are you doing?
01:17You can't pull this off.
01:28I can't deal with that right now.
01:31I need to think.
01:35Cameron, where are you?
01:40You got me into this mess and now you're abandoning me?
01:45You're going to find out that I killed Heather.
01:49I will lose everything.
01:51My freedom.
01:52My family.
01:58So what do I do, Cameron?
02:01What do I do?
02:41Forced trauma?
02:43Yeah, she even says that Heather was probably dead before she even hit the water.
02:48Oh my God.
02:50Do they know how it happened?
02:52They're still investigating.
02:54But they think it means that she either fell or she was pushed.
03:02Or somebody hit her and watched her die.
03:05It's a possibility, isn't it?
03:08That somebody did this to her?
03:10I don't even want to think about that.
03:12How horrible for her to live the last moments of her life with that kind of fear and that kind of violence.
03:19This is terrible.
03:21Yeah, and what's worse is that Daniel and Lucy know that there's somebody out there who would deliberately do this to Heather.
03:33Calm down, Sharon.
03:35Isn't that what you're always telling me to do, Cameron?
03:39To calm down?
03:40Take a breath?
03:46They are not going to lock me up for the rest of my life.
03:51I won't let that happen.
03:54I can do this.
03:59That's right, Cameron.
04:01I don't need you anymore.
04:04This is my life and I am going to fix this once and for all.
04:12I just need to get Daniel and Lucy out of that apartment.
04:20But how?
04:22Do I just wait until they leave?
04:29No, that could take too long.
04:30Somebody might see me here.
04:32I have to think.
04:33I have to think of something else.
04:35I have to.
05:05I have to.
05:27You're feeling pretty full of yourself.
05:31I am pretty happy with how things turned out.
05:34Not by a stretch, Kyle.
05:35Not by a stretch.
05:36I'm not just going to roll over for you and Victor and hand you Glissade on a plate.
05:40I brought this business to you.
05:42Don't you mean stole it from Tucker McCall?
05:44It doesn't matter how I got it.
05:46It's mine.
05:48And I intend to keep it.
05:50It was yours.
05:51Belongs to Victor now.
05:52And I run it.
05:53So I guess the moral of the story is what goes around comes around.
05:56Yeah, not quite yet.
05:58Audra, you're wasting your time.
06:02You're more resourceful.
06:04You'll weasel your way into another company.
06:07Isn't that why you're hanging out with Nate to try to squeeze yourself into a gig?
06:12You're such a fraud.
06:14You pretend to be this high-powered businessman,
06:17but all you really are is Daddy and Mommy's little boy who didn't get what he wanted,
06:22so he needed to find new toys to play with and break.
06:26Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?
06:28You have no idea what it's like to have to work for something.
06:33Fight for something.
06:35I've had to do that my entire life,
06:38and I'm not going to give up now.
06:40Not to you, Victor, or anyone else.
06:43You're making this personal, Audra.
06:45It was just business.
06:47All business is personal, you smug son of a bitch.
06:51Clearly it is to you.
06:53But you're just going to end up banging your head against a wall.
06:56Or can't win.
06:58Even if the odds are less than 1%,
07:01I'm going to keep trying.
07:03Why? What do you expect to prove?
07:06That I can not only play with the big boys,
07:09but that I can beat them.
07:11That I can be better than they are.
07:14You wouldn't know about that because you've never had to struggle in your life.
07:19Well, my life has been nothing but struggles.
07:24And I'll be damned if I let you take this away from me.
07:29I already have.
07:35Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
07:38Or the police. We don't know if foul play was involved in Heather's death.
07:43It's definitely a possibility.
07:47Okay, yes it is.
07:49But us speculating about how she died, it could just make the situation worse.
07:53Okay, but Daniel and Lucy, you know, they don't live in a bubble.
07:58They're going to hear things.
08:00They're going to hear, you know, facts about how this happened.
08:05And at the end of her life, it's going to be horrible.
08:08They're going to suffer terribly.
08:10What are we going to do about that?
08:13Just going to be sensitive to that and be there for them.
08:17Alright? They're going to need time to process this.
08:20And to grieve.
08:21My question is, what do we do tonight?
08:25Like, now?
08:27Should I go back over there and be with Daniel?
08:30Should I give him space? I don't know.
08:33You know what one thing we can do is we can start putting together a memorial service for Heather.
08:39That's true. We could do that.
08:42Daniel does not need to be dealing with that at all.
08:44No, definitely not.
08:46I will, I'll start doing some stuff and then I'm going to need some details from you.
08:53Of course. Whatever I can do to help, I'll do it.
08:58Oh, wow. I can't imagine what he's doing right now.
09:06I, uh, couldn't sleep.
09:09Hey, uh, yeah. Me either.
09:16I can't believe she's really gone, Dad.
09:24This is going to be rough for the both of us.
09:27But we're going to get through this, I promise.
09:30How? How are we supposed to do that?
09:35I don't know right now.
09:37But I do know that your mom would want us to be strong and to be brave and to lean on each other whenever we got sad.
09:49I'm going to be sad forever.
09:56No. No. Not forever.
10:03Yeah, I'm pretty sure that your mom would want us to be happy again.
10:09And she'd want us to be out there living life the best that we could.
10:15And look, I, I really believe with all my heart that she's going to be with us every single step of the way.
10:26Right here.
10:29In our hearts.
10:31And that, that will never go away. That's forever.
10:44What were you looking at?
10:47Uh, nothing.
10:51I came in, you were looking at your phone.
10:55Was there a message from someone? Was, was it about Mom?
10:59Luce, it's, um...
11:02Dad, please, please, please tell me.
11:11I got a message a few minutes ago. It came from your mom's phone.
11:19Oh my God. What? Dad, Dad, I knew it. It was all a mistake. Mom's alive.
11:45What did the text say? Did Mom say where she is?
11:48It wasn't Mom, Luce.
11:50No, but you just said that she...
11:52Someone found her phone and they want to return it. That's all.
12:03Hey, hey, look.
12:08I wish more than anything that it could have been her.
12:13You know, and that this was just a horrible nightmare.
12:17I saw her body, Luce.
12:20There was no mistake.
12:23So, uh, what did, what did, what did the text say?
12:29Just that they found the phone and they're looking for the owner.
12:34What are you going to do?
12:38I need to get that phone.
12:41You know, there could be a clue on there to tell us what happened to Mom.
12:45Hotel reservation, a text, maybe something in her calendar that would tell us what she was doing down by the river.
12:55I want to come with you.
12:58No. It's late. You go back to bed. I'll handle it.
13:02Dad, do you really think that I can sleep?
13:06Every time I close my eyes, I see her.
13:12Dad, I, I want to be a part of this. I, I need to.
13:19Okay. You can come.
13:21Can we go now?
13:24Luce, honey, I don't think whoever sent that text is planning on waiting up for us to come and get the phone.
13:31Dad, but if this can help us find out what happened to Mom, we need to go now, tonight.
14:14Look, I know you both want to help Daniel and Luce, but let's not go overboard, okay?
14:20How is putting together a memorial service going overboard?
14:24I'm just saying, just ask them, okay?
14:27Ask them what?
14:30Of course you can offer to help with the service, yes, but let them decide if they want your help.
14:37I, I, of course. I will not be pushy.
14:41I just know from past experience the best thing you can do for them is to let them decide what's best for themselves.
14:46I am so nervous that this whole thing is going to push Daniel back into that black hole when we almost lost him.
14:59Mom, he's a different person now. He knows he's got to keep it together.
15:06Not just for himself, but for Luce, too.
15:10No, I think Dad's right.
15:12Dad's right.
15:14We offered to help, but we need to let Daniel take the lead on this. He's got to be the one that's in charge.
15:43There they go.
15:46It's time.
16:12You're out pretty late.
16:25So are you.
16:27What's your excuse?
16:30Thousand thoughts running through my head.
16:33I hope they're good thoughts.
16:35They are.
16:37You seem happy.
16:40I'm very happy.
16:42What's going on? Something great happened?
16:46You have no idea how great.
16:54Thanks for meeting.
16:55Yes, sounded urgent.
16:58I was about ready to murder Kyle Abbott. Is that urgent enough?
17:04Why? What happened?
17:07I got fired.
17:11Yep. Victor decided the two of us couldn't work together anymore, and he's not wrong.
17:18So he set up this ridiculous contest to determine who gets the top job, and I lost.
17:26Audra, I'm so sorry.
17:29I didn't really lose. Kyle somehow snaked his way into impressing Victor with some new product.
17:36How he did it so fast is anybody's guess, but he did it, and then boom, I was out.
17:43Wow. What a bastard.
17:47Yeah, only now he's the bastard who runs Glissant.
17:51I'm so sorry. I know how hard you worked for that and everything that you went through trying to get it away from Tucker.
17:56It's just, it's not fair.
17:59Yeah, well, whoever said business was fair, or life for that matter.
18:06So what are you gonna do?
18:09Well, my first instinct, after wanting to clog Kyle's face off, was to fight.
18:17But, you know, it's Victor Newman.
18:21Yeah, been there.
18:24So now I just have to think pretty deep about what I'm gonna do next, because I just don't want this to blow up in my face.
18:32Yeah. I mean, I get how angry and frustrated you are.
18:37You know, it's like, what are we supposed to do, right?
18:40The worst thing in the world just happened, and now we're stuck trying to figure out how to move forward.
18:50Sally, you are a true friend.
18:55There's no one else I could have called to come over here tonight because nobody else knows what hell I went through to get this company.
19:04But you weren't talking about me just now, were you?
19:09A part of that was about you and Adam.
19:15Okay, yeah, maybe a little bit snuck in there, but I'm not here to talk about me. We're here for you.
19:22We can talk about anything. I suddenly have all the time in the world.
19:36Do you see anybody?
19:39Honey, I don't even know who we're looking for.
19:42Then how are they going to find us?
19:46Well, there's a picture of us on your mom's phone. Look, we're a half hour early anyway, okay?
19:53Chance is here.
20:06How are you?
20:08Not great.
20:10Listen, your mom was a terrific lady. I'm very sorry this happened.
20:18I'm glad I ran into you, though. I wanted to let you know that I'm officially back at the GCPD.
20:24It was a little sudden. Anyway, I got Heather's case.
20:30Her case?
20:33Are you saying that Heather's death is a police investigation now?
20:43Mom, thank God. Where were you? I've been looking all over the place for you. Where did you go so late?
20:52It's not that late.
20:54It's later than when you usually go somewhere, Mom. And it would have been nice if you told me.
21:03Faith, I'm sorry. I just went out for a little drive. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought that you were asleep.
21:16Did you think to leave me a note at least? And why didn't you answer any of my texts?
21:23I must have turned off my phone.
21:26You can't do that, Mom. Lucy's mother just died from going out alone at night. You can't keep scaring us like this.
21:40Audra was fired?
21:42Hey, you asked me why I was in such a good mood. That's the reason.
21:47Hm. Seems pretty sudden.
21:50Well, yes and no.
21:54What do you mean?
21:56I might have stacked the deck to show our investor what a liability she is. But it's all for the greater good.
22:04The company will be better off and I will get to run it.
22:08You arranged this?
22:10I might have created a little scenario where I got to shine and Audra had no answer for it.
22:16Look, it was kind of beautiful, Claire. I mean, she never knew what hit her.
22:22Hey, I thought you'd be happy for me.
22:25I am happy for you, Kyle. It just seems like you're kind of gleeful about it.
22:31Well, why wouldn't I be? It's like a huge weight's been lifted off of my shoulders. We were dragging each other down.
22:37But did she really deserve to be fired?
22:40Why are you so worried about Audra all of a sudden?
22:42Why are you so worried about Audra all of a sudden?
22:45I'm not worried about her. It just seems kind of sneaky and underhanded, that's all.
22:54I just did to her what she would have done to me in a heartbeat.
22:59It was impossible for us to work together. You saw how it was at the club earlier. It was like that daily of hourly.
23:06So I decided instead of slogging through the next few months trying to make it work, I would accelerate the process of getting rid of her.
23:15And I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, I feel like celebrating.
23:21So, join me at the jazz lounge. Let's turn this into a real party.
23:30I just still don't understand why Heather would suddenly decide she needed time away.
23:36I'm not buying that either.
23:38Didn't the text she sent Daniel specifically say why she needed space?
23:42Yeah, because Daniel and Lucy wanted to stay in Genoa City.
23:46Isn't that a good enough reason?
23:48No, that's not Heather. She'd never do something like that. She was a direct person.
23:52If she had a problem with something, she would say it. She wouldn't just sneak out in the middle of the night.
23:59Why'd she end up by the river?
24:01It's not really the best neighborhood. If she needed to think, there are a lot of safer places to do it.
24:07Well, I mean, maybe she was walking and then that's when she got attacked.
24:13Okay, look, I love you both. I know you very, very well, obviously.
24:19I think instead of trying to come up with a bunch of wild theories as to what happened to Heather,
24:25I'm suggesting to you that you just stay out of it and let the police figure it out, okay?
24:31Yes, this is an official investigation now.
24:37Honey, do you think you could give the two of us a minute and let us talk in private?
24:42Maybe you go upstairs and see if your Aunt Summer's here?
24:54This is tough, man.
24:57Yep. You know, it's about as tough as it gets.
25:02I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she's gone.
25:06You know, I'm never going to see her again.
25:10I just, I really want to know why this happened and how this happened.
25:16I'm going to do whatever I can to get you those answers, Daniel.
25:19I cared about her too.
25:22I know you did.
25:24I know that the two of you go back a long way and...
25:29You know, she always used to refer to you as one of the good guys and there was really high praise coming from her.
25:35Yeah, well, just know they didn't hand me this case. I asked for it.
25:40So this is personal for me.
25:46Then you should probably see this.
25:59Faith, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to scare you. I just, um...
26:06I was feeling a little restless tonight and I needed to go out.
26:14But I'm home now. I'm perfectly safe.
26:18Did it help you?
26:24Actually, it did.
26:27It gave me some time to reflect on things and to not dwell on the past anymore, just to count my blessings.
26:43And you are definitely one of those blessings.
26:48I'm sorry if I'm still hovering. I know I can be annoying.
26:53You are anything but annoying.
26:57And you will see.
27:00Things are going to get better now. I am going to be better.
27:07I really believe that.
27:10I turned a corner tonight.
27:16You still upset with me?
27:19I'm not upset with you.
27:20I'm not upset with you.
27:23You sure about that?
27:30I know what it feels like to need to prove yourself.
27:37Who is it for?
27:39Because if it's for you, that's great. But if it's for someone else...
27:45Maybe you need to think about why that's so important.
27:50I've thought about it. It's for everybody.
27:55Everyone who ever doubted I have what it took to succeed. To play in the big leagues and win.
28:00Look, I needed to prove that I belong here.
28:04And it feels pretty damn good to say it and mean it.
28:07And Audra is included in that group?
28:11Audra thought she was better than me. And smarter than me. And now she's unemployed.
28:16So, yeah, I'm taking a lot of satisfaction out of that.
28:21Would this have anything to do with your romantic history?
28:25My romantic history?
28:28You two did sleep together, didn't you?
28:35Who are you texting?
28:38Mariah. I just want her to know you're okay.
28:42You told her that I was gone?
28:44I didn't know what else to do. And she was worried too.
28:49I just feel bad that my children don't trust me to leave the house.
28:54It's not that we don't trust you. But it was late. And after what happened to Heather, we were scared.
29:01Yeah, of course. What happened to Heather? It's unimaginable.
29:11It's just so awful.
29:17Which is why we all have to be grateful for every moment we have together because it could all just be taken away.
29:28I feel so bad for Lucy. To lose your mother like that, it's just so tragic.
29:35I was thinking that maybe I should reach out to her.
29:38Reach out? Why?
29:42Because she's probably feeling horrible right now and she might want to talk to somebody.
29:50Yeah. Yeah. Well, that is a lovely, thoughtful idea.
30:00But it might be a good idea to instead give Lucy some time before you reach out.
30:11It's just all so fresh right now. So, let's give it some time, okay?
30:20Are you saying that we should not help with the investigation?
30:27Lucy, you just saying the word investigation scares me.
30:32Dad's right.
30:34Okay. Well, I'm glad that chance is on the force. We have someone there we can trust.
30:41Are you happy he's back?
30:44I mean, I was nervous when he first floated the idea. I still have nightmares from the last time he was in the hospital.
30:53Oh, yeah. I'm sure his mother does too.
30:56But it is what he loves and what he's missed. And he's very good at it.
31:04I know that he's going to do everything that he can for Daniel and Lucy. So, I am grateful for that.
31:13I feel like I should go over and be with Daniel right now.
31:19My son is hurting. I'm hurting for him too.
31:27I'm thinking whoever found her phone, maybe they saw something or maybe they know something.
31:32And you were supposed to meet them here tonight?
31:34Yeah, that's what they said.
31:36What time?
31:37Fifteen minutes ago.
31:41You don't think they're coming?
31:45Text them again. Tell them how important it is to get the phone back. Offer a reward.
31:51You think that'll work?
31:53It's worth a try.
32:02Was Heather's phone password protected?
32:05Yeah, of course.
32:07Abandoned? How did they know the password?
32:10How were they able to get into the phone and use it?
32:20I don't know if fighting for Adam is in my best interest anymore.
32:25You said he still loves you.
32:27Yeah, I mean, he said that.
32:30Okay, so, in a perfect world, would Adam be the man who gave you what you wanted?
32:36I mean, we don't live in a perfect world, Audra, and as long as Chelsea's around...
32:41Oh, forget about Chelsea. Remind Adam that you're the one.
32:46It's not like you're forcing him to do anything.
32:49You're just putting him back in touch with the love you already have for each other.
32:54Think about everything you've already been through together.
32:58Think of everything that you've lost.
33:03That kind of love just doesn't go away, Sally.
33:11But neither did the love that he had for Chelsea.
33:14I bet it would if you fought for it hard enough.
33:18That's what I'm gonna do with Glissade.
33:21I'm not gonna let Kyle or Victor win.
33:25I'm gonna fight for what is rightfully mine because I earned it.
33:28I deserve it, and if it means taking that backstabbing Kyle Abbott down, then that's what I'm gonna do.
33:35The meek really don't inherit the earth, Sally.
33:39Not the part of it we live in, anyway.
33:44We need to take what belongs to us.
33:50So, that's what's bothering you.
33:53You mean Audra?
33:54You mean Audra?
33:56You had a personal relationship, didn't you?
33:59I wouldn't call it a relationship.
34:02It was nothing. It was a fling, and it's been over for a long time.
34:07I'm not asking because I'm jealous.
34:10Good, because you have absolutely no reason to be.
34:13And I love seeing you so excited about work.
34:15But, having been raised the way that I was, by someone who could only be happy if someone else was miserable,
34:24I can't help but be triggered when I hear you talk like that.
34:30You're not comparing me to your Aunt Jordan, are you? The same woman who kidnapped my son?
34:36Not at all.
34:38Kyle, you are so much more than Jordan could ever be. You have a heart.
34:42You know how to love. You have a conscience.
34:47But, I see a red flag when somebody celebrates another person's misfortune.
34:57Even someone like Audra.
35:00It only ends up destroying them in the end.
35:04Well, I promise you don't have to worry about that.
35:08That was a one time only deal that I felt I needed to do for my future.
35:15And Harrison's future.
35:18Everything that goes along with that.
35:27I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go out to bed.
35:31Okay. Sweet dreams.
35:33You're not gonna sneak out again, are you?
35:35That was a joke.
35:39No, I'm staying put.
35:44Good night. I love you.
35:47I love you more.
36:06Oh. Now you show up.
36:12Yeah, you didn't think you'd get rid of me that easy, did you?
36:15Well, thanks a lot for leaving me all alone at Daniel's apartment.
36:19I thought you needed to figure that one out by yourself.
36:23And you did a great job. I'm proud of you.
36:26Now, all you gotta do, without arousing any suspicion,
36:32is alert the police that there's evidence to be found in Daniel's apartment.
36:37You do that, you get the ball rolling, your job's done.
36:42Daniel will be arrested for Heather's murder, and you will finally get the justice you deserve.
36:57What's going on over there?
37:00Let's find out.
37:08Hey, what's happening?
37:10Hey, um, it's a long story I'll fill you both in later,
37:15but Chance and I were just talking, and, uh,
37:21we may have a little something to talk about.
37:23Uh, we may have a lead.
38:23Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
