The Young and the Restless 9-30-24 (Y&R 30th September 2024) 9-30-2024

  • last month
00:00Hey, working hard.
00:12Are you gardening?
00:13Oh, I was celebrating my new job with my children.
00:19Celebrate with a few cocktails, did you?
00:20Well, I mean, yeah, of course.
00:23In celebrations, there must be bubbles involved.
00:27Well, this sure puts you in a good mood.
00:30You know what?
00:31My kids did that.
00:32My kids put me in a good mood.
00:34It's been a tough year.
00:37Oh, gosh, I am really happy to say that it looks like things are looking up for all three
00:42of us.
00:43That's how it goes.
00:46That was a great movie.
00:48Best idea ever.
00:49Yeah, well, I mean, it was my idea, so of course it was the best idea ever.
00:53I'm glad I picked it.
00:56I swear we didn't have any fun at all, except for the most awesome, scary movie ever.
01:02Which we loved, but, you know, you would have hated it, so you didn't miss anything.
01:13She isn't even here.
01:44How's Faith?
01:47Poor girl.
01:48She was so exhausted.
01:49I think she conked out before I got out of the room.
01:53Yeah, it's not surprising.
01:55She's been worried sick about you for days.
01:59Sorry if that sounds like I'm...
02:01No, no, I know.
02:03I understand.
02:05Nick's right.
02:07We don't want you to feel like there's any pressure on you, or that you're under a microscope.
02:13We are just really glad that you're home, and we just want to help in any way we can.
02:19I know you do.
02:22And I'm sorry for what I have put you through.
02:26And Mariah, for the way that I spoke to you on the phone.
02:29That was so uncalled for.
02:30I apologize.
02:31You are under a lot of pressure.
02:34That doesn't excuse my behavior.
02:40I was just, um...
02:42I was in a really bad place.
02:45And all I could see was my family trying to fix me when I really didn't know what was wrong myself.
02:54So you ran away.
02:59But I'm home now, and I'm safe.
03:03You know, I'm feeling a lot better than I have in a long time.
03:08I can really see things clearly.
03:11You were just trying to help me, and I love you for that.
03:15And I so appreciate all of your support and your incredible patience.
03:21I will always be grateful for that.
03:26Well, we're just glad you came back.
03:31So, where did you go?
03:34What did you do?
03:36And if you're not ready to give us those answers, we can wait.
03:45I owe you an explanation.
03:49And, um...
03:52I don't think I can keep it inside any longer.
03:57You deserve the truth.
04:06You deserve the truth.
04:08You deserve the truth.
04:10You deserve the truth.
04:12You deserve the truth.
04:14You deserve the truth.
04:16You deserve the truth.
04:18You deserve the truth.
04:20You deserve the truth.
04:22You deserve the truth.
04:24You deserve the truth.
04:26You deserve the truth.
04:28You deserve the truth.
04:30You deserve the truth.
04:32You deserve the truth.
04:39I left.
04:41And I lied to you.
04:45Because I was feeling desperate and overwhelmed.
04:51I mean, to feel confronted and checked in on seemingly constantly, the pressure was just too much.
05:01We're sorry about that.
05:08The pressure wasn't only from you. It was from me.
05:14I just had, um...
05:16So much spinning around in my head, I felt like I was spinning out, and I...
05:22I thought I might lose control completely, and that terrified me.
05:28So I just did what I had to do. I did what I had to do.
05:35Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
05:38Mom, it's alright. It's fine.
05:41No. No, it's not.
05:45Why don't you tell us what happened?
05:47What's going on?
05:49There's just been so much spinning around in my head still.
05:55I haven't figured it out, but you know, at the time, it felt like I was doing the right thing.
06:04It just seemed like the most logical choice.
06:08But now...
06:13That's why I confessed.
06:19Confessed to what?
06:25I'm sorry.
06:29It's all still going around in my head, and...
06:34I realized that the only way I can make it stop was to confess.
06:40Just confess the things that I've done when I haven't been myself.
06:49Who did you make this confession to?
06:54To Cassie.
07:00I didn't hallucinate her.
07:03No, I... I went to her grave.
07:08And I sat with her.
07:10We just talked.
07:12Talked about everything that has happened since we lost her.
07:17And hearing myself say it out loud made me take a good, hard look at myself.
07:23And the things that I've done, and why I've done them.
07:29Did it help?
07:31You know, I thought I had learned to live with Cassie's death over the years.
07:38But in reality, all of that grief and the anger and the guilt...
07:47The guilt...
07:49I'd let her go out that night and into that party if I hadn't done that.
07:54Sharon, you... There's no one to blame for that.
07:58Intellectually, yes, I know.
08:04Emotionally, all of those feelings were just buried.
08:11And they festered and hardened and led me to some dark places.
08:17And I made some dark choices.
08:19But talking to Cassie made me see things very clearly.
08:26I was able to face my feelings and get to the bottom of what's been going on with me for far too long.
08:33That sounds encouraging.
08:36For the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm finally getting off of this roller coaster ride.
08:45So no more grueling climbs or sudden plummets.
08:50I feel... I feel steady. Resolved.
08:55And I'm aware of what I have to do.
09:00Well, that's definitely a positive step.
09:03You know, but it's just a step.
09:05With the medication and all, I'm hoping this will make you want to reach back out to your doctor.
09:14Actually, I already put in a call.
09:17And I made an appointment for tomorrow.
09:21For the one that I missed. But I also, at the same time, made a second appointment.
09:27That sounds like a commitment.
09:30Yeah, I'm ready to talk things through and work closely with him.
09:37And finally get to the bottom of all that's been going on with me.
09:43So, yeah, no more tears.
09:46I'm home and I'm ready to take my life back.
09:52I am very happy that your climb is doing great.
09:55Do you have plans for that?
09:57Oh, yes, I do. That right there, that's feng shui.
10:01Feng shui.
10:03Plants create positive energy. I'm all about positive energy.
10:07You most certainly are.
10:09Yeah, definitely. And, you know, Chance, great guy. Not a decorator.
10:14I wanted to ask you about that, actually.
10:17How is it between you and Summer with you taking her boyfriend's job?
10:22Any animosity there?
10:24No, not at all. He quit.
10:27And that's too bad, because he had a lot of potential.
10:30Yeah, I mean, did he, though?
10:32Really, let's be honest. He's a great cop.
10:35He's a great cop, slapping the cuffs on the bad guy.
10:39But, I don't know, does that necessarily transfer into the corporate world?
10:45No, no.
10:46I mean, when you want to deal really, really bad, you have to ride the edge of right and wrong, you know what I mean?
10:52I mean, Chance would be reading us our rights all day.
10:56Wouldn't work.
10:58Oh, my gosh. And, you know, he's a great guy.
11:01He makes my daughter really, really happy.
11:03In turn, that makes me happy.
11:05And I'm even happier that he quit his job so that I'm working here.
11:11It's all about making you happy, Phyllis.
11:13Yeah, speaking of which.
11:15Let's not do that right now.
11:17I was thinking about the happiness trifecta.
11:19What would make me really happy is if you would consider Daniel working here at Average Chancellor.
11:25I mean, since he's staying in town.
11:27I didn't know he had plans on leaving.
11:29Oh, yeah, that was Heather's bad idea, but he got her to see the light.
11:34And I just think he's a great fit.
11:37My son is a great fit for this company, especially since you're aiming in the AI direction.
11:44Well, I think that I am still considering bringing Daniel back.
11:50But in the moment, I think it's important that we focus on the big things.
11:55And that's what I think about that right now.
11:58And it's getting late, so I think I should probably drive you back to the club.
12:03What do you think?
12:04Oh, I accept your offer.
12:06I accept your offer.
12:07After I put this plan in a wealth corner.
12:12A corner that creates wealth.
12:18In my office.
12:19Yeah, of course.
12:20And you know what?
12:21Because you are so kind, I'm not even going to bring up Daniel working here.
12:28I mean, at this point.
12:30I'm going to let that slide for now.
12:32For now.
12:39This is weird.
12:41You said she had a job interview.
12:43That would have been over hours ago.
12:45Did you get any texts or messages from her?
12:48Didn't you leave her a voicemail, though?
12:50I did.
12:52No response.
12:55You know, I better know what she's doing.
12:58We were just talking about peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
13:01And I have not been a total jerk.
13:04And she knows how much I love them for breakfast.
13:07So maybe she's just stocking up on bananas right this second.
13:13Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.
13:16I mean, I'm not going to lie to you.
13:18We've been very worried.
13:20Taking off the way you did.
13:21I mean, we didn't know what to think or what to do.
13:24And I will keep on apologizing.
13:28No more apologizing.
13:31You just stay on the path to getting better.
13:33You deserve it.
13:35That's the plan.
13:37I promise things will all settle in soon and go right back to normal.
13:59Is that your phone?
14:09Is that a new ringtone?
14:15It's actually, um, just there.
14:20It's a reminder to take my meds.
14:24Because you know how scattered I have been lately.
14:27And I just want to make sure that I don't miss another dose.
14:32Uh, do you want some water?
14:35I don't need it.
14:43Hey, you.
14:44I'm just wondering where you are and if you're going to be getting back here anytime soon.
14:47With bananas and peanut butter.
14:50With bananas and peanut butter.
14:53Love you.
14:54Love you.
14:56You know, maybe mom aced that interview and she already got the job.
15:00That's why she's not answering.
15:01I don't want to spoil whatever surprise she has planned.
15:05I like the way you think.
15:07I bet she walks through that door any minute.
15:11I won.
15:12You know, I feel like I won.
15:14You know, and you gotta celebrate that.
15:17The kids are doing great.
15:19They're content.
15:20They're in love.
15:22Their families are happy.
15:25There's so much possibility for them.
15:29And especially if one of them gets a job in the future, you know, then I'm really going to celebrate.
15:42What are you sorry about?
15:43What part of that?
15:45Uh, you know, because I'm doing cartwheels over my life and things are just not going well for you.
15:53Well, I'm running my own company and my kids are home, so I'm good.
16:00Because your relationship fell apart and Adam hit you and Victor is declaring war on you.
16:07I should have stopped at sorry.
16:08I'm sorry.
16:09I'm sorry.
16:15I care about you and I'm just worried what this is going to do to your family.
16:19If Victor does decide to attack Abbott Chancellor and you, I mean, how is that going to affect your family?
16:28In particular, Katie and Johnny.
16:31If it does go that direction, yes, it's going to get tricky.
16:36Johnny and Katie are older now.
16:37They're very much aware of what the adults are doing around them.
16:42But you know what?
16:43This is their grandpa gunning for this fight.
16:46It's not me.
16:48You don't have to engage.
16:49You don't have to.
16:50I mean, there's an alternative to war.
16:54And I'm sure you're going to tell me what those alternatives are.
16:57Well, since you're asking, could you, I mean, would you consider maybe changing your mind about Victoria's offer to buy out Abbott Chancellor?
17:15I thought you were all in.
17:16I am all in.
17:17You sure?
17:19I'm sure.
17:21I'm all in.
17:23I want the best for you and for the company.
17:28And I know, oh my gosh, I know that Victor would be willing to throw so much money to buy a company that he's determined to own.
17:37Phyllis, this is not about the money.
17:41It's never been about the money.
17:43This is about cementing my mother's legacy.
17:48Is it maybe about fighting to prove yourself?
17:52And what if it is?
17:55Is that bad?
17:57Because I plan on proving my mom, Jack and Victor and all the haters wrong.
18:03I am not the screw-up they think I am.
18:08I am digging in.
18:10Abbott Chancellor is not for sale.
18:16Phyllis, we're barely out of the gate and you're already assuming that I'm going to win.
18:19I am not assuming that.
18:20Sounds like it.
18:21I actually, no, I actually think you could beat Victor.
18:24I do.
18:25But I am just saying, if he did win, you'd take the hit, Abbott Chancellor would go down.
18:33Are you willing for that to happen?
18:34It's not going to happen.
18:35Okay, but if it did, if it did, you know the first thing he's going to do is take the Abbott name off of that company.
18:43It's going to be Newman something, right?
18:47And then he's going to publicly humiliate you.
18:52Once again, that is not going to happen.
18:56So you need to move off of that.
19:01All right.
19:03What about your kids?
19:06This is for my kids.
19:08Are you sure you're not doing this to your kids?
19:11You know what I mean?
19:12What does that mean?
19:15I know you.
19:17You like the thrill.
19:20You like it when there are high stakes.
19:21Oh, wow.
19:22You like the risk.
19:23You're pushing all that.
19:25I am.
19:26I am.
19:27And you know what?
19:28Respectfully, you are an incredible businessman because you are willing to take risks.
19:33It's what makes you so great.
19:35Billy, your kids are involved in this.
19:40Your kids.
19:42And I know that you want to protect Katie and Johnny.
19:47And you're going so hard for the grandfather.
19:51I mean, is it worth it?
19:53Are there other options?
19:55With all due respect, Phyllis, I have thought about this.
19:59And yes, my kids are the most important thing in the world to me.
20:04Which is why I have a plan.
20:08If you have a plan, you could have led with that before I went into all of that dramatic stuff.
20:16Victoria has reservations about what her father's plan is and the attack that he's coming after us with.
20:25She cares about her kids just as much as I do.
20:29She does not want this war.
20:33I plan to use that to my advantage.
20:37Oh, you don't think that you can turn Victoria against Victor?
20:41The good news is, you're off the hook.
20:47What are you talking about?
20:49The worrying, the wondering.
20:52And you don't have to do that anymore.
20:54I'm home and I'm going to be fine.
20:57Well, Mom, we're really glad that you're on track with your meds and your doctor.
21:05Not only that, you probably don't realize this right now, but everything you've said over the past few weeks, it really sunk in.
21:17Your words and your love, it is what brought me home.
21:21And I will always be grateful for that.
21:24Well, that support and that constant support is what keeps me going.
21:30It's never going away.
21:32That's just how this family rolls.
21:35Check in as much as you like, but right now I am about as exhausted as Faith is.
21:42And you must be really tired too, both of you.
21:44Okay, that's our cue.
21:48I'm going to head out, but I love you, Mom.
21:53And I'm really glad you're okay.
21:56But I love you, Mom.
21:59And I'm really glad you're home and that you're feeling so strong.
22:04I love you too. Sleep well.
22:13You need anything?
22:17If I do, you are only a phone call away.
22:21But I think I can make it through the night.
22:26I'm just putting it out there.
22:29Welcome home.
22:56Damn it.
22:58Yeah, that was a close one, huh?
23:09So, what do you expect out of Victoria?
23:13You think that she's going to just whisper Victor's corporate secrets in your ear?
23:18I mean, I really don't see her volunteering.
23:20Give me a little bit of credit for my subtlety.
23:23Look, at the end of the day, any issues that Victoria and I have had in the past,
23:27our kids bond, that's never going to change.
23:31She does not want this war between her father and me.
23:37And neither do I.
23:39So I'm hoping that at some point, in some way,
23:41she will let me in on whatever Victor has planned and I can be prepared.
23:49You're using your kids to kill Victoria into telling you things about Victor?
23:55Is that moral outrage I'm hearing from you, Phyllis?
23:58Oh, Billy.
24:04This plan is risky. It could backfire.
24:08I'm not taking advantage of Victoria.
24:11I'm not taking advantage of her.
24:14I'm not taking advantage of Victoria.
24:18I'm simply helping her help me.
24:23Hey, you. Just wondering where you are and if you're going to be getting back here any time soon.
24:27With bananas and peanut butter.
24:30With bananas and peanut butter. Please.
24:32Love you.
24:33Love you.
24:36Daniel and Lucy are home.
24:39Too bad Heather won't be joining them.
24:43They're going to be so worried about her.
24:45Hey, you got bigger problems than crying about Daniel getting what he deserves.
24:53Why did Heather have to come home?
24:56If she hadn't, none of this would have happened.
24:59Well, she did.
25:01So you got to keep covering your tracks.
25:03Why can't I remember what happened?
25:07Or how it happened?
25:09How is it possible that I killed her?
25:11Why don't you try asking questions like, how do I not get caught?
25:17I was very careful cleaning up. I made sure no one saw me.
25:21I know. I know. I know.
25:22You did great, baby.
25:24You didn't panic. You didn't rattle. You stayed strong.
25:28I don't feel strong.
25:30Well, you were. And you can't let up now.
25:34Okay. First order of business.
25:37Heather's phone.
25:39I completely forgot that that was in my purse.
25:42You made a great save.
25:44Come on.
25:45A reminder for your meds. That was genius.
25:48All of it, actually.
25:50You get Heather's phone in the first place.
25:53Figuring out that facial recognition worked on a dead body.
25:58I mean, it makes sense, but who knew, right?
26:01And then you changed her access code.
26:04And you downloaded that app to block location and tracking.
26:09I guess being married to a cop paid off, huh?
26:17You still with me?
26:20Daniel is just going to keep texting and calling.
26:25And then what if Lucy starts doing the same?
26:28Hearing her voice and talking about how much she missed her mom.
26:31Hey, hey, hey. All of this has to stop.
26:35This is not the time to get sentimental.
26:40This is the time to stay free and stay safe.
26:44To focus on the life you have ahead of you.
26:47You cannot screw up right now.
26:53I'll send them a text.
26:55Making them believe that Heather is still alive.
26:58Good. Create a false narrative.
27:01Just remember that the most convincing lies have a grain of truth in them.
27:06And sometimes, that truth, it needs to hurt.
27:16Tonight was really fun.
27:18Thank you for the ice cream and the movie.
27:22It was really nice to just hang out.
27:28Well, I mean, you are kind of one of my favorite hangs ever, so...
27:33Except I have screwed up so much this summer.
27:38Yeah. You screwed up.
27:42Yeah, but you, you're working through your punishment.
27:45You accept the responsibility.
27:48And listen, when I was your age, I messed up even worse than you did.
27:51So I get it, you know?
27:52I know how hard it can be to try and learn a lesson.
27:57But I did. And you are, too.
28:01Oh, hey, you turned out pretty okay, so...
28:04I guess I have a shot.
28:08You know, if I haven't said it enough recently,
28:13I'm really glad that you and Mom got back together.
28:16Yeah, I am, too.
28:20Look, seriously, I'm the lucky one.
28:24You know, I have an incredible daughter,
28:27who, yes, you made some mistakes, but you're learning a lesson,
28:30but, you know, you're growing up to be a smart and strong woman just like your mother.
28:39You know she's proud of you, right?
28:43I think I need to apologize to her again.
28:47And tell her all of this, how much I love her and our family.
28:53I bet she would love that.
28:57Speak of the devil.
29:00What'd she say?
29:09Your mom's not coming home.
29:12I don't understand. What do you mean Mom's not coming home?
29:15Uh, she wrote,
29:18I'm sorry for texting like this, but the situation with Sharon has upset me more than I've admitted.
29:23I know you and Lucy want to stay in Genoa City,
29:25but I need to get out of town to clear my head, at least for a little while.
29:29Please don't worry about me. I'm fine.
29:31I'll reach out again in a few days. Love you.
29:37I mean, that's a joke.
29:39I mean, that's a joke, right?
29:41Then did she just, she just left?
29:44Where are you? Please call. Let's talk.
29:51This is all my fault, isn't it?
29:53Honey, this is not your fault.
29:55Of all the mistakes that I made with Faith, the drinking, the car crash,
29:58Sharon only went off on us because of me, the mistakes that I made.
30:02Sharon went off on us because of her own issues.
30:05No, but Mom has been so mad at me. What if she still is?
30:08What if she can't forgive me and she left town to, I don't know, punish me?
30:13No, no, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, slow down.
30:15Your mother would never do anything like this to punish you, okay?
30:18Hey, hey, if you want to blame someone right now, blame Sharon.
30:36Daniel wants Heather to call him.
30:47What are you going to do about that?
30:51That's right. Let him stew. Romelotti deserves to be the one worrying for a change.
30:58That's not why I'm ignoring him.
31:01If I do respond, I start up a conversation.
31:05What if I slip and make some comment that tips him that he's not dealing with Heather?
31:10Look at you, two steps ahead.
31:13Well, it buys me some time.
31:15But then when Heather doesn't come home, Daniel will go to the police and that will start an investigation.
31:23So what?
31:25How can you say that? What if her body washes up somewhere, then what?
31:30So what if it does? I mean, time will have passed. You'll be in the clear.
31:34No, I won't. I went off on that family in public more than once.
31:41At Crimson Lights, at Society. There were witnesses.
31:45You apologized.
31:47What if Daniel doesn't believe me?
31:49If the police do get involved, I will be questioned.
31:54And if that happens, you'll spurt a few tears.
31:58You'll tell him how sad you are that this good woman has died, who you barely knew.
32:03And that'll be the end of it.
32:06Come on, Sharon, this is a no-brainer for you.
32:09You just turned on the waterworks for Nick and Mariah.
32:12You are like the queen of tears on demand.
32:17My tears with my family are real.
32:20I'm home where I belong. I have a chance to reclaim my life.
32:24Yeah, you had him right in the palm of your hand when you told him about all the appointments you're making with your doctor.
32:30I meant that. I want to heal.
32:34You trying to get rid of me?
32:36A woman is dead. A young girl lost her mother because of your influence over me.
32:43I think it's past time that I be done with you.
32:46You know what? The last time you tried to dump me, you lasted, like, what, like five minutes before you came crawling back?
32:54Well, I know what I need to do now, and I don't need you to do it.
33:02Let me ask you something. You think some doctor is going to make it all better?
33:07What, he's going to, like, wave his magic wand, chuck some pills down your throat,
33:12and suddenly all those unresolved issues are just going to disappear?
33:17I hate to break it to you, but the only way you're going to get out of this is with my help.
33:26You need someone who understands the stakes, the danger, who isn't afraid to see it all through.
33:39Well, wow. Why do you feel that you can enlist Victoria as an ally more power to you?
33:49Do you mean that?
33:52Billy, I'm transparent. You know that about me.
33:58I mean what I say.
34:03And I am all for holding on to Abbott, Chancellor.
34:12There is one more thing.
34:14Of course there's one more thing.
34:16You've been feeling a lot of betrayal recently, and I feel like you have conflicted feelings.
34:21I don't have conflicted feelings.
34:23You do. You lunged at Adam, and he hit you. You lunged at Adam, and he hit you.
34:29You're emotional.
34:32What do you think happens to that anger and that rage when you sit on it?
34:37It doesn't go away. It sits there, and it festers.
34:42Clouds your judgment.
34:46You cannot let that happen.
34:52You're about to go in for the fight of your life.
34:57You cannot act impulsively.
35:01You have got to be strong, non-emotional, steady, analytical.
35:10Zero emotion.
35:15I've never felt more prepared.
35:20I'm ready for what comes next.
35:27Did you find anything?
35:29It looks like Mom took an overnight bag, some clothes.
35:33Yeah, her car is still in the garage, so I don't know.
35:38She should go to the airport and take a car service.
35:41Do you think that maybe Mom went to Lisbon to Grandad's?
35:44Would she even go that far without telling us?
35:48Does that mean that she's not coming back for a while?
35:50Oh, okay. Slow down.
35:53Take it easy. Take a breath.
35:55She said she's going to be gone for a few days.
35:58Let's just believe that, you know, and hope that she calls us soon, right?
36:06She seemed fine this afternoon. I mean, this is just bizarre.
36:10You know, what you said kind of makes sense.
36:13Mom left because of Sharon. Because every time that we saw her, she attacked us.
36:18Maybe it was just too much for Mom.
36:21Maybe. I mean, I know Sharon's had a rough time recently.
36:25She seems to be grieving Cassie's loss.
36:27But the way she came after us, it was way over the top.
36:32You said that she apologized.
36:34Yeah, but her family is still worried about her.
36:37And I don't blame them.
36:41I want you to go away.
36:44If you said that like you meant it, I'd already be gone.
36:48But the problem is, we both know that there are still things that need to be done.
36:56The only thing that I need is to find a way to deal with what happened to Heather.
37:02What happened to Heather is you killed her.
37:06And I have to find a way to make peace with that.
37:09No, no. There'll be no peace.
37:12No resolution while Daniel Romillatti is still alive.
37:17There is a chance that he will leave town once he thinks that Heather has left him.
37:23If he does, then I'm home free.
37:25Oh, come on. That's wishful thinking.
37:27And even if he left town, how is that justice served?
37:30He's lost the love of his life. Isn't that enough?
37:34No. No, it's not.
37:37Daniel is still alive.
37:40Able to move on. Unlike Cassie.
37:43How is that fair? How is that closure?
37:47You deserve more than that.
37:50You deserve the peace that you've been looking for.
37:53The future that you've been dreaming of.
37:57But you know what?
37:59Sometimes getting those things takes a little work.
38:04Takes getting your hands dirty.
38:07No. No, an innocent woman is dead because of me.
38:12No more. I'm done.
38:17You've already thrown the proverbial stone.
38:22Why don't you kill two birds with it?
39:04Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
39:34The Young and the Restless
