The Young and the Restless 10-4-24 (Y&R 4th October 2024) 10-04-2024 10-4-2024

  • 21 hours ago
00:00Sally. Adam.
00:04It's good to see you. Hang on, do you have to go?
00:10As a matter of fact, I do.
00:12Please don't.
00:14We have said everything that we need to say.
00:17Okay, well, maybe you have, but I haven't.
00:20Won't you please just give me a minute?
00:24I told you I wanted that contract on my desk first thing in the morning, so where the hell is it?
00:31Maybe you're not aware what time it is.
00:35Okay, take this however you want, but if your people don't get in line, changes will be made. Do you understand me?
00:43Just get it done, okay?
00:47Hi. Could I lie to you, please?
01:17Let's see what this is.
01:38What's wrong?
01:40Sit down, join us.
01:42I'm glad you're here with summer.
01:44Yeah, it's all right.
01:46Mom, what's going on? I can tell you're upset.
01:51I have horrible, terrible news.
01:57I'm so sorry for your loss.
02:01I hope that you will accept my condolences, and I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you and what you're going through.
02:10We're still trying to process everything.
02:13No, of course you are. This is all so sudden.
02:19Do you have any idea how this could have happened? I understand that Heather was found in the river.
02:27You know, we're really not ready to talk about this, Sharon.
02:31Sharon, why are you asking all these questions?
02:35Because you're making it sound like it wasn't an accident.
02:38Oh, it was an accident. That's what happened. It was just a horrible accident.
02:42No, but the way that Sharon was talking, Sharon, what are you suggesting?
02:47What do you know?
02:53My mom never came home last night, so if you know anything, Sharon, please...
02:59Honey, could you go to the car and wait for me there?
03:02But, Dad...
03:05Go to the car. Please.
03:13Are you insane?
03:17I mean, seriously, what is wrong with you?
03:20I just lost the woman I love, and you want to sit here and you want to grill me about how it happened?
03:25Daniel, I'm sorry, I didn't...
03:27Stop, stop. I don't care what you have to say right now.
03:31I had to tell my daughter today that her mom died.
03:37So maybe just think for a minute, just give us some space, and just let us grieve in peace, okay?
03:43Does that sound good?
03:49How could this have happened?
03:52I mean, Daniel was so worried about Heather when she just took off without any warning.
03:57I mean, she texted him, but it was after the fact, and...
04:02God, if she had just told him in person, maybe he could have stopped her.
04:06No, no, don't do that. I keep on doing the same thing. Let's don't go there.
04:11I'm going to give you two a minute, okay?
04:14You don't have to do that.
04:15No, it's okay. I'm going to make a phone call.
04:21Oh, wow. I've got to pull myself together. I really have to.
04:25I was just sobbing to your dad at the coffeehouse.
04:28Mom, you don't have to pull yourself together. This is heartbreaking.
04:34I mean, I'm heartbroken for Lucy and Daniel.
04:38I mean, just the other night at dinner, he actually seemed happy.
04:44I know. I know. He seemed so happy about his future, didn't he?
04:48His entire life has just turned upside down, just like that.
04:53I've got to go see him.
04:56Yeah, you should see him. He would like that, I'm sure.
05:00All right, babe.
05:01I'm going to go.
05:02Hey, are you leaving?
05:03Yeah, I've got to go be with my brother. I'm sorry. I'll call you later, okay?
05:11It's good that she's going to go be with Daniel.
05:13Yeah, yeah. They're close.
05:18Honestly, I've never seen my son this torn up, ever.
05:22Well, based on the information I just got, he's going to need all the support he can get.
05:28Why? What did you find out?
05:31Unfortunately, this is about to get a lot more painful and confusing for Daniel.
05:38I just, I want to know how you're doing.
05:41Don't you at least have enough time to share that much?
05:44You know, I'm actually doing a lot better, Adam.
05:48And I'd really like to keep it that way, so if we could just leave it alone.
05:51Won't you even talk to me?
05:54About what, Adam?
05:57Look, I finally got into a place where I'm not agonizing 24-7 about what happened.
06:01I can get through half my day without this gnawing pain inside me, so that's progress, at least.
06:06Okay, well, not me. I still think about you day and night.
06:11Don't do that.
06:14Just let it go, Adam.
06:16Seriously, it's hard enough trying to get past this, okay?
06:19Especially because I still have these deep...
06:22These feelings.
06:24But as each day goes on, and a lot of effort, they're slowly becoming more of a memory.
06:28But you stopping me in the middle of a restaurant, wanting to talk to me,
06:31just reminds me of everything that I am trying so hard to forget.
06:36Then stop trying.
06:40Stop denying what your heart is telling you.
06:43I can't do it, Adam. It is too painful.
06:50If that's how you want it to be...
06:55It's how you made it.
06:59I should probably fill you in on something.
07:05Are you okay?
07:08Victoria and I had a family meeting, and I told the kids that we're not together anymore.
07:20I see.
07:24What did you say?
07:26I basically told them what I told Connor.
07:30And I blamed it on my work.
07:35Okay. How'd they take it?
07:39I think they were okay with it.
07:42Johnny actually knew.
07:44Connor told him.
07:46I guess they played some game and they were chatting, so...
07:49He told them.
07:51Did Johnny say that Connor seemed upset?
07:54Or like he was blaming himself?
07:56No, Johnny said that Connor was alright.
08:00Okay. Good. That's...
08:03That's a relief.
08:06Connor seemed good about it with me, too.
08:09And that's definitely in part to you being willing to have that conversation with him.
08:15Thank you. That was very kind and generous. It meant a lot to me.
08:20He's a great kid.
08:24How's his treatment going?
08:25It's going great.
08:27It's going great. He's making progress.
08:31That's good. I'm glad to hear that.
08:37How are you?
08:41I'm okay.
08:49Is this how it's gonna be from now on?
08:54Talking like...
08:56Casual acquaintances?
09:00I don't know.
09:02I sure hope not because we've been through too much for it to be this way.
09:11Maybe it will get easier...
09:14With time.
09:19Maybe we'll be able to see each other and it won't be a big deal.
09:26Do you really believe that?
09:29Right now I have to believe that.
09:39How could this get any worse? What have you learned?
09:42I spoke with a buddy of mine in the police department.
09:46And they expect the full autopsy reports.
09:48But that's a good thing, right?
09:51Autopsies are brutal.
09:54And they can be graphic.
09:56And in my experience, when it's someone you love, it's a lot harder.
10:01So regardless of what that thing says, it's gonna be tough to hear.
10:05Hey, my daughter's very, very lucky to have you.
10:08I hope you know that your daughter can always count on me.
10:11Trust me, I do know that.
10:12When I let her down, you were there for her.
10:14You get the credit for pulling her through.
10:17I'm just happy to help.
10:19And she's been there a lot for me, too.
10:22That's good.
10:23What about you?
10:24What about me? What?
10:25Do you have someone to lean on?
10:34Nick is good.
10:35He's really good at pulling me, you know, off the ceiling.
10:40You know, grounding me.
10:41He's good.
10:44Just making sure.
10:46Because, you know, Nick's not here right now.
10:50He will be here soon.
10:55But thank you.
10:57That's very kind of you.
11:00I was just having a hard time telling Summer about this,
11:04but I'm very strong and I'm tough, so I'll be good.
11:09Well, if you're good, I'm gonna go to the station.
11:11I'm gonna see what else I can find out.
11:13All right. Thanks again.
11:26The idea that we may never be comfortable with each other again, it makes me...
11:35I know.
11:37Me, too.
11:45Well, I didn't expect to see you both here together,
11:52considering how you turned your back on Chelsea.
11:55What's this all about?
11:58This is none of your business. Why don't you keep walking?
12:00Okay, well, I don't take orders from you, Billy, so don't even try.
12:03What are you gonna do, Adam?
12:05You gonna hit me again?
12:08What are you talking about? You hit him?
12:11Billy overheard me and you talking, and he overreacted and things got a little heated.
12:17Well, he has nobody to blame but himself. Just ask him.
12:19He assumed that I said something cruel and vicious to you to upset you.
12:23He has no idea what we were really talking about.
12:25You were fighting because of me? Why would you do that?
12:28Well, somehow he thinks he has the right to stick his nose in our business.
12:31You know, you could have been upset about Connor or anything,
12:34but he immediately started accusing me.
12:36See, Chelsea, he can't help it.
12:38He uses Connor's situation to manipulate you.
12:41He uses your son's love to manipulate your time and your attention.
12:45And I really hope that you would stop allowing him to do that.
12:59What is wrong with you?
13:01Are you intentionally trying to ruin things for me?
13:04What exactly am I ruining, Chelsea?
13:07Huh? Your little private conversation with a man who already turned his back on you?
13:11Yes. We were talking. Privately.
13:14And we are not allowed to judge Billy's behavior after what we did to him.
13:18Melissa, please tell me you're not hoping that he's going to forgive you and take you back.
13:22Do you really think that that can still happen?
13:27Phyllis, I just heard the news about Heather, and I am so sorry for your loss.
13:35Please don't. Please.
13:37Um, I just wanted to offer my sympathies. I know how difficult this must be.
13:44Please do not.
13:48I'm sure that Daniel sees me as the bad guy right now.
13:52I'm sure that Daniel sees me as the bad guy right now.
13:56And I promise you, I am not.
13:59Okay, did you talk to him?
14:02Did you? Because that's the last thing he needs right now.
14:05Another one of your tirades.
14:11Phyllis, I... I was...
14:13Were you? All of you? You were only trying to do what?
14:17What? Get all the attention?
14:21I mean, you have everyone in town so worried about poor Sharon.
14:25Oh, don't talk to Sharon. Oh, Sharon's going through a hard time.
14:30Seriously, does it bother you so much that Heather's tragic death has taken the spotlight off of you?
14:40I will never, ever forget what you did to my family.
14:45How you attacked them and belittled them on a daily basis for the last few weeks.
14:51Do you remember the last thing you said to Heather? Do you remember?
14:56I'll remind you, it was not kind or pretty, Sharon.
15:02And if it's the last thing I do, I will make sure that everyone in town never forgets what you did.
15:16Hey, Chance.
15:19Yeah, thank you.
15:22I'm just trying to hold it together for Lucy's sake, you know?
15:29What news about Heather?
15:33Yeah, I'll be here.
15:46Get me a whiskey, please.
15:52From the look on your face, I bet you just saw Chelsea.
15:58Yes, I did.
16:02It was a close call, thank you.
16:05What does that mean?
16:08It doesn't matter now.
16:10Well, of course it matters.
16:13Well, of course it matters.
16:15Tell me what happened.
16:20I stopped in to grab a coffee.
16:23When Chelsea walked in, she sat down alone, so I joined her.
16:32And I was reminded of how much I care about her still.
16:37I could feel myself getting weaker.
16:43Probably a good thing that Adam interrupted us when he did.
16:47Wait, Adam walked in?
16:50Yeah, for a hot second I actually forgot about him.
16:54It's just me and the woman I love together again.
16:59I understand that.
17:02As much as I've tried to bury it, it all came back again sitting there with her.
17:11The closeness, the intimate understanding that we have of each other is all there.
17:17Proximity is tough.
17:21You know the dark side that takes you a lifetime to learn about someone?
17:25Yeah, all too well.
17:28Chelsea and I had that.
17:32We went in to this relationship eyes wide open.
17:37Did you tell her how you feel?
17:41I was going to.
17:44I was going to remind her of what we had and how special it was.
17:49And Adam walked in.
17:52Like a cold chill.
17:55I was reminded of the loss all over again.
17:59Adam, you need to listen to me.
18:04You need to really, really hear me.
18:07Stop picking fights with Billy.
18:11Stop using me like I am some football in your stupid macho game.
18:17So you are hoping that Billy will come back to you?
18:20I need him in my life, even if that's just as a friend.
18:24I don't know why.
18:25It's not like he's some superhero whose mere presence keeps you safe and protected.
18:31Well, Billy has been my hero, actually.
18:34He's been my lifeline, literally, in so many ways.
18:39I wouldn't be here if he hadn't found me on that rooftop.
18:44Okay, well the fact that that is your first point of reference is proof that you don't really love Billy.
18:50How dare you say that to me?
18:52Chelsea, you were just with him out of a sense of gratitude or obligation.
18:57Really, Adam?
18:59Okay, when did you become such an expert about who I love?
19:02You just said the man was a life raft for you.
19:05That's not love.
19:07How would you even know?
19:09Oh my God, how would you even know what real love is, Adam?
19:13The all-encompassing kind.
19:16True, real love where you love somebody more than you love yourself.
19:20Unlike what we had all those years.
19:22The kind of real love where you keep each other afloat.
19:25Work together to keep each other's heads above water.
19:28Come on, do you really think Billy...
19:30Adam, stop, please. Stop.
19:34God, stop worrying about Billy and me.
19:38Why don't you put all this energy on focusing on getting Sally back?
19:42Because Sally knows how I feel about you.
19:51And that was the final straw for us.
19:55After that, we never had a chance.
20:04Daniel just told me.
20:18How are you?
20:20How's Lucy?
20:23She's in her room. She's trying to get some rest.
20:26Probably crying under her pillow if she's got any tears left.
20:30It's good. It's good that she's not holding it in.
20:35What about you?
20:37Are you just trying to be strong for Lucy or have you let yourself have a good cry yet?
20:44A little.
20:46I had to break the news to Paul.
20:49I just wanted to be sure that I was the first one that he heard it from, you know?
20:54God, it must have been so rough.
21:00On the phone, long distance, yeah.
21:03I don't think there could be a worse way to hear that you lost your only daughter.
21:08And then, you know, to hear the pain in his voice.
21:12It was heartbreaking.
21:14I hung up the phone with him and I just lost it a little.
21:18Of course.
21:22You know, I think identifying the body was probably the hardest thing.
21:28I keep going between grief and numbness.
21:36Why didn't you call me? I would have gone with you.
21:39Yeah, no.
21:43My mom said that she'd come with me too, but I told her I had to do it alone.
21:50And it was so surreal, you know?
21:53This person is right there in front of you and they're just, but they're not.
22:00They're just not.
22:02And then I had to tell Lucy and, I mean, at least, at least I was there so I could hold her and try and comfort her while she cried.
22:14Daniel, I'm here for you, whatever you need.
22:22I just feel like I'm going through the motions, you know?
22:27I just feel like I'm going through the motions, you know?
22:32I feel like I'm walking around in a daze.
22:35I'm trying to take care of Lucy, I'm trying to answer calls and I'm trying to answer questions.
22:40I'm trying to get Heather's body released so we can plan some kind of service.
22:47Whoever that is, I am going to get rid of them.
22:51No, no, it's probably Chance. He said he needed to talk to me.
22:54It's okay.
22:59Hey, what are you doing here?
23:02Sorry to interrupt, but, you know, there's something you should hear.
23:09What? What's going on?
23:12Heather's autopsy. It's complete.
23:15Is this what you wanted to come over here and talk to me about?
23:17A buddy of mine showed me the preliminary report and he agreed off the record to let me come deliver the news.
23:24Yeah, Chance, I don't know if I can deal with the details right now.
23:28That's why I wanted to tell you.
23:31Everything they thought they knew about how Heather died, it's wrong.
23:36It's wrong.
23:43The top line indicates that Heather was in the water for hours, most likely since last night.
23:50So it happened right after we got the text saying she wasn't coming home.
23:55Here's more. She didn't drown.
23:59What are you talking about?
24:00Heather actually died of blunt force trauma to the back of the head. She was dead before she hit the water.
24:08Blunt force trauma? You mean...
24:11Chance, are you... are you suggesting that Heather was attacked?
24:17I don't know. I don't know yet, but I wanted you guys to hear this before the press got a hold of it.
24:22No, this just means that she fell and she hit her head before falling into the water.
24:31What if that's not what happened? What if this wasn't an accident?
24:35Don't jump to any conclusions just yet. Once we get the full autopsy report, we'll get more answers, I promise you.
24:40Okay, look, this was hard enough dealing with the thought that she accidentally fell in the river, but what am I supposed to do with this, Chance?
24:47What do I do with this? What am I supposed to tell my daughter?
24:50Well, you just had the nerve to tell me my love for Billy wasn't real.
24:54So have you ever stopped to consider the fact that maybe these feelings you think you're having for me aren't real either?
25:00Oh, so now you're... you're telling me what I feel?
25:04Adam, I know you still love Sally.
25:07What difference does it make? She's never gonna forgive me.
25:11Okay, I broke something in us and she closed her heart to me and she's moved on.
25:16Hearts can always be opened.
25:19Not after what I did. Not after what we did together.
25:23Well, you made it a lot worse when you continued to lie and then made up stories to cover those lies.
25:28And that was wrong of me to do that.
25:33But, Chelsea, I am right about us.
25:37Our son can see the difference even if you can't.
25:40Look, did...
25:42When Connor was diagnosed, I didn't think that I could handle it and I couldn't understand why.
25:50But this whole ordeal, it's changed me. It's made me the man that you have always wanted me to be.
25:57Connor, none of my old instincts kick in anymore.
26:02Just recently, Faith asked me to help her with whatever's going on with Sharon.
26:06Just recently, Faith asked me to help her with whatever's going on with Sharon.
26:11And I didn't feel the need to jump in and play the hero.
26:14You resisted the urge to run to the rescue?
26:18Isn't that what finally ruined things with us?
26:24It was so much more than one thing.
26:30How does that look, you again?
26:33Like you pity me.
26:37Alright, fine.
26:40Maybe you're right.
26:42Maybe you do belong with Billy. He clearly still loves you.
26:47I mean, why else would he want to rescue you from me?
26:51But where'd he go?
26:54Why isn't he here?
27:05Well, the good news is, you know, I can focus on my fashion line.
27:10I have some exciting new plans for the upcoming season, and God only knows,
27:14I need something to put all my time and energy into more than ever.
27:20Yeah, no, I hear that. I am definitely focused on work.
27:26Turns out this rebrand is a heavy lift, but, you know, I'm gonna make it happen.
27:30I'm gonna make it happen. It's gonna get a payoff. Big time.
27:36Look at us.
27:38Look at us. Single and loving it.
27:41Maybe not loving it, but, you know, trying to get by. How's that?
27:49I think you're doing a lot more than just getting by.
27:53Didn't you just say that your work at Chance of Winters is about to pay off?
27:56Yeah. Big time?
27:58I'm gonna take the world by storm if I do say so myself.
28:03And I know what a great dad you are.
28:07You're a good man, Billy, and good things are coming your way.
28:12I promise things are gonna get better.
28:16For both of us.
28:22Sorry, uh, I haven't, uh, sat with someone that actually gave me positive encouragement for a very long time.
28:31Everyone else is determined to criticize my every move and sit back and watch me fail.
28:38Well, I have a feeling they're gonna be waiting a long time, because I bet you're gonna prove them wrong.
28:44Thank you for that.
28:49Hey, I'm having a big launch party for the new company. Do you want to come?
28:58Uh, yeah. I would be delighted.
29:10I'm glad that Chance came to tell you about the autopsy in person.
29:15I'm hoping that he's gonna have more information for you soon.
29:21What does it mean? What am I supposed to tell Lucy?
29:26I don't know. Maybe, maybe it's better if you don't tell her, Daniel. At least not until you get more details.
29:36Yeah. Yeah, no, you're right. I mean, there's no sense in putting her through the same agony and confusion I'm feeling right now.
29:49Thank you. Thank you for being here. I know that I'm not thinking straight.
29:55Daniel, there is no place I would rather be than right here.
29:59Look, maybe you should go lay down, try to get some rest, and I will stay right here in case either of you need anything.
30:09There's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep right now. No, you don't have to stay. Thank you.
30:14No, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not. I can, I can distract you.
30:19I can distract you from all the thoughts and the questions driving you crazy.
30:25Look, I'll be fine. I promise I will.
30:28You know, maybe, what if, what if you packed a bag? You and Lucy, you guys could come and stay at the athletic club with me.
30:36No, I can't leave here. I...
30:40You were still trying to make sense of what happened here. If we leave everything...
30:49It just doesn't feel real.
30:52It just doesn't feel real, you know? I think I need to stay here, and I need to try and find a way to deal with this.
31:01Okay. Yeah, whatever you need.
31:10You know, when Heather and I, when we got back together, I, I felt like the luckiest guy in the world.
31:18I told her that I'd never lose her again, and...
31:24You know, now, I'm just, I'm not gonna be able to keep that promise.
31:29I know. I'm sorry.
31:32I'm sorry.
31:46You've had quite a day.
31:52Would you please leave me alone? I'm not in the mood.
31:58You need someone to talk things over with. Someone to analyze where things stand.
32:04There's nothing to analyze. Nothing new has happened, except for the fact that they found Heather's body, which happened way sooner than you said it would.
32:13You can't control currents, but you can control how you react in public.
32:23So how do you think you did?
32:26Under the circumstances, I did fine. Okay, I guess.
32:32Even when you ran into Daniel and Lucy? Because of that little fishing expedition you went on, I don't think that worked out too well.
32:40I was just trying to express my condolences, honestly. I am sorry, because I really am sorry.
32:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You used the sorry line with Phyllis too, and I don't think she bought it either.
32:52Well, she has a nerve talking to me like that.
32:58Sharon, you need to be more careful. You're starting to lose public sentiment, especially since people know that you were arguing with Heather leading up to her death.
33:11I'm trying, okay?
33:13Well, try harder. You know, what you need is a foolproof way to keep people from figuring out, ever, what happened.
33:23Will you please be quiet and let me think?
33:27No, because I do all your smart thinking for you, so I know that you don't want everything that you've done up to this point to be for nothing.
33:37What are you saying?
33:40Daniel still hasn't paid Sharon. Come on, you know what you need to do. It's time to make the next move.
34:01Hey, can you excuse us, please? We have a business situation to deal with, please.
34:06Phyllis, we're just enjoying a drink.
34:09It can't wait. It's a very important business problem.
34:13Looks like work is to the rescue, so it's fine. I should be getting myself back anyway.
34:20Um, okay, well, it's good to see you. Look out for that invite, then.
34:26Sounds good.
34:29Nice to see you too, Phil.
34:32Always, always fantastic.
34:34What the hell is going on?
34:37I'm sorry to break up your Lonely Hearts Club meeting.
34:42Okay, do I need to remind you that my personal life is off-limits? That's part of the deal.
34:47I just wanted to tell you something.
34:53I'm going through something personally that may affect my job in the next couple days.
35:05Heather died.
35:12Daniel is so torn up. Lucy is devastated.
35:19Phyllis, I'm so sorry.
35:22I was just... I was just wondering, since we have history, maybe, um...
35:32Do you want to talk to me? Maybe you could be my friend.
35:54You okay?
35:56I... Daniel is just a total wreck.
36:00Just the thought that somebody could have intentionally hurt Heather, it's unimaginable.
36:06If it's any comfort, the GCPD has launched a full-scale investigation.
36:10It's not going to bring Heather back.
36:11It's not going to bring Heather back.
36:13I tried to talk him down while I was there, but I don't think I was very convincing.
36:17Especially because I have all of the same questions that he has, and you...
36:21Summer, we're going to get to the bottom of this. Okay? I promise you.
36:26I know I was ambivalent about this before, but have you given any more thought to going back to the GCPD?
36:33I've been trying to find a way to tell you this, but I have already talked to the Chief about coming back.
36:38Really? What did he say?
36:41He seems open to it.
36:43But listen to me. It does not matter whether I am reinstated or not, I'm going to do everything I can to get you some answers.
37:08I'm sorry.
37:36Not a girl.
37:38You know what to do.
37:40It's finally time to make Daniel pay for the life he took.
37:56Next week on The Young and the Restless.
37:59I don't think that you have ever fully committed to the fact that I've changed.
38:03That I'm not the same manipulative bitch that I used to be.
38:05Sorry, Anne. I'm over it.
38:06No, I am sick of it.
38:13Well, something surprising came up.
38:16I tried to trace the location of Heather's phone.
38:19What happens now?
38:22I have one more person to question.
38:35The Young and the Restless
39:05Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
