Days of our Lives 10-4-24 (4th October 2024) 10-4-2024 10-04-24 DOOL 4 October 2024

  • 20 hours ago
00:00Jada, hey.
00:01Well, I'm actually not in my room right now, I'm taking a little scenic tour of my floor,
00:17which is nothing to write home about, but sure is nice to be mobile.
00:22Anyway, I was just checking to see what you were doing later.
00:30Well, I know that visiting hours are ending soon, but I was actually wondering if you
00:37could come and pick me up.
00:41Yeah, that's right.
00:44Jada gave me the all clear, I'm just waiting for my walking papers and I am going to be
00:50a free man.
00:53Just heading to Gabby's room right now to give her the good news.
00:59What are you doing here?
01:14Gabby, I had to come back.
01:20I hate how we left things after you got hurt.
01:32I'm so, so sorry that we fought.
01:40Seems to me you were itching for a fight.
01:42I mean, why else would you have told me that you were ready to get into bed with Ava again?
01:48I never, ever should have gotten involved with that woman.
01:54And I know that.
01:56It was a terrible mistake.
02:02We were seeing our entire marriage.
02:06Someone I didn't care about.
02:08It was completely meaningless.
02:14I care about you.
02:18I care about you.
02:22The person I care about the most and I love.
02:28I need you.
02:30So please, please take me back.
02:44Hey, what are you doing just sitting out here?
02:46I thought you were shifting in for like 10 minutes.
02:48I tried to sleep.
02:50I can't go home.
02:52Oh, oh, okay.
02:54Well, I know Mark was supposed to come get you, but he called me and see if I can come get you instead.
02:58Something about an important meeting.
03:00What kind of meeting?
03:04Honestly, sis, certainly remembering your wedding vows.
03:08Genius move.
03:10It's like I said, Chad mentioned that there was a box of wedding mementos in the attic, so I went up there to see if there was maybe something I could use.
03:20And no one saw you go up there?
03:22I made sure no one did.
03:26Luckily, the box of wedding mementos was right there and there was a piece of paper that had Abigail's vows written on it neatly in very legible handwriting.
03:38As far as Chad knows, you've never seen that piece of paper before.
03:42No, no, not at all.
03:46Poor guy.
03:52He thinks that I just remembered those beautiful vows and that his beloved wife's memories are starting to come back slowly but surely.
04:16Hi, Chad.
04:20I didn't know you were home.
04:22Yes, I was just up in the attic.
04:24Chad, we have to talk.
04:42As time spins through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
05:00So you were up in the attic?
05:02Sit down, darling.
05:09Now, you know how Charlotte loves to go up to the attic to play in all those things and find Doug's old theatrical trunk and look through all the old costume bits and bits of my jewelry?
05:24Yeah, it's her favorite place to play.
05:26Yes, right.
05:28Well, she was up there playing dress-up.
05:32I was with her, and she was going through every box that she could find, including the one that had the mementos of your marriage to Abigail.
05:43Yeah, I pulled that out the other day.
05:45I wanted to show it to Abby to see if she, you know, would remember anything.
05:52And she actually did.
05:54She remembered her wedding vows from our last wedding, the one when we went to Paris afterwards.
06:02It's amazing.
06:03It's wonderful.
06:05Well, I'm glad she remembers something.
06:11Is there a butt coming?
06:15Unfortunately, there is.
06:23It haunts me, Mark.
06:28The look on Chad's face, like, when I was reciting the vows to him, I can't even describe the look in his eyes.
06:43I'm so excited, you know?
06:45I'm so excited that his wife was really back, that he was watching her remember their wedding day, watching her remember the love that the two of them shared together.
07:04I can imagine how hard this is for you.
07:12For me?
07:14Forget about me.
07:16I'm lying to him.
07:18Who cares how I feel?
07:20Come on, sis.
07:21No, I hate this, Mark.
07:23I hate it.
07:26I hate the thought of how Chad would feel, thinking that this was all a lie.
07:33How hurt he'll be when he finds out.
07:36Has the man not been through enough?
07:38The reason you're so upset is because you have a good heart.
07:44And I love you for that.
07:47Hey, this hasn't been easy for me either.
07:51The man obviously went through hell when his wife was murdered.
07:54And now to make him think that she's back when she's not, when she never will be back.
08:00But what's the alternative?
08:02There is no alternative.
08:07Once I got the text from Clyde, it's clearer now than ever.
08:28We don't have a choice.
08:31I have to get Chad to the altar soon for his wedding number four.
08:40They're gonna kill her.
08:43Her mother's a dead woman.
08:51So Ava really doesn't mean anything to you?
08:55No, not at all.
08:57The whole thing was completely meaningless, like I've told you over and over again.
09:05Doesn't she work for you now? I thought you just hired her back at the bistro.
09:09But I also just fired her.
09:11What? You did?
09:16I don't even know why I hired her in the first place when I can't stand the sight of her.
09:21I don't know. I guess I was feeling charitable.
09:26Giving someone a job who was struggling.
09:28But none of that matters to me now.
09:31Ava Vitale can sling ash at the pub for all I care.
09:36Because all that matters to me is you.
09:40And that you take me back.
09:47My love, I will do anything to make that happen.
09:52Anything you ask.
09:57What do you say, darling?
10:06I'm thinking.
10:13What is that?
10:17It's me.
10:18It's Rafe.
10:20Oh my God, Rafe.
10:24You and Mom are having a dream.
10:28A dream.
10:29A dream.
10:32Just a dream.
10:38A dream.
10:45Still trying to get the hang of it, are you?
10:48Running a legitimate business?
10:51What are you doing here?
10:52Well, certainly not for the second-rate French cuisine.
11:01I'll save you from trying to decipher the legalese.
11:07I'm suing you for defamation.
11:26You're suing me for defamation?
11:29What the hell are you talking about, E.J.?
11:32When did I defame you?
11:34My, you do have a short memory.
11:37You defamed me when you told Mayor Price that I had a hand in stealing Nicole's baby, that I was, in effect, a kidnapper.
11:46And since that will undoubtedly hurt my reputation and therefore my career prospects, I'm going to need to be well compensated.
11:55Well, you know, E.J., the last thing I would want is for you to be stuck in the poorhouse.
12:06Well, maybe not the last thing, but...
12:11Anyway, you're delusional if you think that I'm going to bankroll your future after you admitted to me that you helped Sloan Peterson cover up the fact
12:23that she stole your ex-wife's baby.
12:27E.J., I may not be the lawyer of the family, but I'm not an idiot.
12:31And I also know that the truth is the best defense against any claim of defamation.
12:40Impressive. Impressive.
12:43I mean, you may not be the lawyer of the family, as you said,
12:46but I suspect that you've been sneaking peeks into my law books because you are right about that.
12:55The truth is a solid defense against claims of defamation.
13:01However, the burning question is, who is going to give a damn about the truth when it becomes common knowledge that I slept with your wife?
13:16Never mind my stupid dream. Oh, my God, Rafe, you're out of bed?
13:20Well, actually, I've been doing that for a while now. Yeah. I've been taking walks around the floor.
13:27That is so great.
13:28Yeah, well, I don't know. I'm feeling lucky, grateful, relieved to be healthy and strong.
13:39And yeah, I had to come by and give my sister even more good news.
13:49Well, as I've seen, you up and about isn't good enough. So, what is it?
13:55What is it?
13:57Well, not only am I out of my room, but I am getting out of the hospital today.
14:05You're getting so soon. That's amazing.
14:08So soon, yeah. Right.
14:10So, oh, my God, I am just, I'm so sick of staring at the ceiling tiles, lying around and doing nothing.
14:18I cannot wait to go home and get back to work.
14:22I bet you can.
14:25Now, look, enough about me. How about you? How are you?
14:31Not too bad. I mean, given the fact I almost got blown to smithereens by the psychopath who stabbed you.
14:42Rafe, I feel like such a fool.
14:47My God, I can't believe I hired that homicidal maniac as my assistant.
14:51How could I not have seen that she was dangerous, that she was totally insane?
14:57No, she was an accomplished con artist, okay?
15:02I mean, come on, you couldn't have seen that.
15:06Anyway, Janie tells me that she is locked up and safely behind bars at the Bayview and she is not going to hurt anyone else.
15:18Including Stefan.
15:19Including Stefan.
15:23What about Stefan? Why did you just bring him up?
15:28Because she hurt him, too.
15:33So? I couldn't care less about him.
15:38Come on. Come on. Really?
15:49That's from Mark.
15:51Okay, all right. All right, you can have it. Just take it home for me.
15:57Clearly you love him more than me, so it's fine. Whatever.
16:00No, I don't.
16:02I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
16:05Mark is a really good brother right now, huh?
16:08He is.
16:09I couldn't care less the way he does. I think mom and dad would be very proud of him.
16:16Yeah, I wish they hadn't died.
16:22Yeah. Yeah, me too.
16:28I know it was really hard for you, especially.
16:32It was hard for all of us.
16:36Just you, me, and Mark.
16:39We lost him in an accident.
16:43And Mark is a great, great, great older brother, but I'm here for you, too, okay?
16:57The hardest part for me is lying to Erin and Felicity.
17:06Yeah, those poor kids.
17:10Well, yeah, both their parents died in that accident.
17:13And how they react when they're both told.
17:17Erin, trying to be brave.
17:21Felicity, totally falling apart.
17:25Even now, I sometimes hear her up in her room, crying.
17:32And talking to herself, thinking she's talking to mom up in heaven.
17:40Saying how much she misses her.
17:51Well, as bad as that is, you know, we can take heart in the fact that this will all soon be over.
18:01And that we'll be able to tell them that their mother, our mother, is alive.
18:16Did Charlotte get upset when she found the box?
18:19Oh, no, quite the contrary.
18:21She was delighted to see pictures of you and her mom on their wedding day.
18:26Especially when she was in the pictures.
18:30Why do you seem upset?
18:32About her mother?
18:37Well, after we looked at the pictures, she wanted to talk about her mother.
18:44And she told me that she knows her mother is in heaven.
18:50And then she said,
18:56Can we call mommy?
18:59And I said, no.
19:01No, of course.
19:04Heaven is not a local call.
19:06I mean, the people there that love us can watch over us, but we can't talk to them.
19:19She was so disappointed.
19:23So disappointed.
19:27I got upset. I got angry.
19:31Because she could talk to her mother if we wanted it.
19:36Because her mother is not in heaven.
19:39Her mother is just across town.
19:42And if Abigail could see how much her little daughter needs her.
19:52Chad, it's time that you tell those children their mother's alive.
20:01I love you.
20:11So it's going to be common knowledge, huh?
20:15What are you going to grab a bell, head out to the square, give it a ring and announce to everybody that you betted your brother's wife?
20:23Well, I certainly wouldn't put it that way, since you very well know I didn't bet anyone.
20:30But rather, your wife threw herself at me.
20:36Actually begging me to have sex with her.
20:39And all I was trying to do was attempt to help her right an egregious moral wrong.
20:46And I hardly think that John Q. Salomite would fault me for that.
20:50Well, it's a great speech. You did really.
20:55Unfortunately, I don't have any spirit bells lying around, so maybe I can help you out with a glass and a fork.
21:02I hardly think I'll have to resort to the town crier routine.
21:07Since I think the intruder would be more than happy to print a not so blind item about my night of passion with Gabby.
21:15Actually, it's a damn shame that Lady Whistleblower has taken down her shingle.
21:21I'd have been more than happy to give the story to her.
21:28Right, so what you're saying is once this story of your passionate liaison with my wife is in print,
21:38the whole idea of you keeping Nicole from raising her child, that's going to be considered what fake news?
21:46Oh, Stefan, keep up.
21:49No fake news.
21:52But you see, as you well know, I have quite a bit of experience with jury selection.
21:58So I can say with some authority that I know that they'll see you.
22:03I can say with some authority that I know that they'll see you for exactly what you are.
22:12A cuckolded husband, humiliated and vengeful.
22:19Trying to desperately proc himself up with baseless accusations.
22:25And by the time I finish making my case, you wouldn't have enough money left to split the rent with your good buddy Ava.
22:37Of course, that is if I file the suit.
22:44Which I won't.
22:54That is if you sign this affidavit saying that any accusations you made about me to Mayor Price and anyone else for that matter were patently false.
23:13Listen, about Stefan, I didn't want to overwhelm you with everything when you first woke.
23:19It's stuff you didn't need to hear.
23:22Uh, well, actually, I did need to hear that stuff.
23:28Because you're my sister. I love you very much.
23:32Unfortunately, Jada knows that, and so she told me.
23:41I guess I should have assumed that she would.
23:46So, she told you what happened between me and Stefan?
23:52She did.
23:54Not all the details, of course, but just, um...
23:59That she cheated on you.
24:05With your ex-girlfriend? Good old Ava Vitale? While I was rotting away in prison?
24:13Yeah. That must have been really tough to hear.
24:19It was kind of brutal, actually.
24:23But hey, you know, I told you that she was trouble way back when you first got together, didn't I? I was sure that she'd ruin your life.
24:33Yeah, well, to be fair, the relationship ended because of something I did. I was the one that cheated on her.
24:42Yeah, but man, did she ever get back at you?
24:47Setting you up as a dirty cop? Trying to ruin your career and your reputation?
24:55I'd say she went a little overboard, don't you think?
25:01Maybe a little.
25:06And she didn't succeed at her attempt at trying to ruin your life, so she decided to ruin mine instead.
25:13But she didn't succeed there either.
25:16But can you honestly say that she's ruined your life, Gabby?
25:23My marriage is over.
25:26Okay, but it doesn't need to be.
25:29Okay, listen.
25:31I understand that Stefan hurt you, okay? I get it. And I am not making light of that, but...
25:40When he came back, you were so in love. And you were so happy. I mean...
25:48Don't you think that at some point, you can forgive him?
25:54And can't we both agree that...
25:58Maybe at times, you're about the most love-headed person?
26:04Oh my god. You think your hot-headed little sister-in-law is overreacting, don't you?
26:13Maybe a little.
26:15Dammit, Luke!
26:16No, I just... All I'm saying is this. I just...
26:19I don't want you to make some drastic decision that you can't take back.
26:24Right? I mean, you two...
26:27You're so good together. You're so happy together. And so in love. And you know that. I mean...
26:35Listen, I just want you to ask yourself...
26:40Do you, in your heart, really think that your marriage is over?
26:48Julie, I want to tell the kids that their mother is alive.
26:51I've wanted to since the moment we found Abby.
26:54But Abigail has not.
26:56No, she doesn't. She doesn't want the kids to know because...
27:01Because she's afraid. Because of how different she looks.
27:04Because she doesn't remember them. She thinks it would be too traumatic for them.
27:09You disagree?
27:12I have no idea. I have no idea how the children are going to react.
27:18Nobody does. Including Abigail.
27:22The longer we wait...
27:24I understand. I don't like the idea either. But she doesn't want to talk to them until she gets her memory back.
27:29You just said she got her memory back about the vows.
27:32Yeah, but she doesn't remember the kids.
27:34She doesn't remember anything about them.
27:38Please. I'm not a pessimist. And I don't want to sound pessimistic.
27:43But when, if, and perhaps never, she gets her memory back, who can tell?
27:49And in the meantime, she's living in Salem.
27:52Anybody could talk to the children.
27:55Wouldn't it be better for them to have the news from their father that their mother's alive?
28:06Aaron and Felicity have been through enough.
28:08I think it's cruel to continue to lie to them.
28:10Yeah. I know. It's breaking my heart.
28:17But as long as Clyde is holding her mother hostage, it's another case of not having a choice.
28:27We have to keep them in the dark.
28:40It's just that you and Stefan have been through so much. I mean, you thought the man was dead. For years.
28:57You don't have to remind me of that, Rafe.
29:00Well, maybe I do. And maybe I also need to remind you that when you did find each other again, you were so damn happy.
29:07And it's just, are you going to let this one mistake ruin everything?
29:14It was a damn big mistake.
29:16Okay, granted, it was, but do you want to throw everything away because of that? I mean, it just seems, I don't know, look, it's none of my damn business, okay?
29:27It's just, it does seem like maybe there's a way to get past it.
29:32Well, Stefan's infidelity isn't the only thing that he and I need to get past.
29:40What else?
29:45I may have escalated the situation when I slept with EJ.
29:52You what? What?
29:54I know, I know, it was really stupid, but I was so angry, Rafe, I was so hurt.
30:01Okay, there is hurt, and there is angry, and then there is completely insane.
30:07You hate EJ, he sent you to prison, my boy, in God's name, would you sleep with him?
30:13It was Connie's idea.
30:14Wait, what? Connie Vinitsky, the homicidal maniac, she told you to sleep with EJ?
30:21Well, not exactly.
30:27She told me I should get back at Stefan by cheating on him like he cheated on me, you know, like an eye for an eye type of thing.
30:34Oh my God, and you listened to her?
30:37In my defense, I didn't know that she was a homicidal maniac when she suggested it, nor did I know that she was hellbent on ruining my life.
30:46And honestly, it didn't exactly seem like bad advice at the time.
30:54Didn't seem like bad advice to sleep with your husband's brother?
30:59The man who sent you to prison? I mean, for God's sake, Gabby.
31:06Look, I had to do something, okay?
31:10I couldn't stop thinking about Stefan sleeping with Ava, I couldn't stop picturing it.
31:20I had to do something.
31:22I couldn't stop thinking about Stefan sleeping with Ava, I couldn't stop picturing it.
31:32As hard as I tried, I couldn't get the disgusting image of the two of them in bed together out of my mind.
31:40It was like on a constant loop in my brain.
31:52Uh-huh. That's all you have to say.
32:01I'm just wondering.
32:04Dad sleeping with EJ?
32:07Someone you hate?
32:09Someone who sent you to prison who is not only a despicable, amoral human being, but your husband's brother did that?
32:19Did that make you feel better? Did that get rid of this disgusting image that was in your head?
32:28Honestly, no.
32:36No matter what I do, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop picturing Stefan having sex with that woman.
32:49I don't know.
33:20One more thing.
33:24You mentioned that whole thing about my wife throwing herself at you.
33:31And that may have been true that one time.
33:35But she admitted to me that that was the only time that it happened.
33:41And that she was not interested in coming back for more.
33:50Yes, that's true.
33:55It was only ever that one time.
33:58However, what is not true is that Gabby wasn't interested in coming back for more.
34:18As you put it.
34:21You see, your wife did come to my room again.
34:28Hoping it could happen again since the first time was so satisfying.
34:39However, I turned her down.
34:43Out of respect for you, brother.
34:49Although even so, I doubt you'll ever be able to get that image out of your head.
34:59You said, one time.
35:06Am I right?
35:21Okay, you're right.
35:25The longer we wait to tell the kids, the greater the risk of them finding out from someone else.
35:37And it would be very hurtful for them to find out from a stranger or God knows who.
35:44Not to mention keeping something like that from them, even if it is amazing news.
35:50And so...
35:55I told the kids.
35:59Oh, thanks.
36:02Thanks, darling.
36:05That's all I wanted to hear.
36:17Hey, what a surprise.
36:20What are you two doing here?
36:22This is nothing weird. I was taking Felicia to feed the ducks.
36:27I got you a car nut.
36:29Oh, from Sweet Bits? Great.
36:31Thanks, Wes.
36:34So, what are you guys doing anyway?
36:37I mean, you mentioned you had an important meeting.
36:39I did, but it finished early.
36:43And since none of you were picking up Felicity, I figured I'd have time to take a walk.
36:47I ran into one of my patients.
36:51This is Abigail Devereaux.
36:54Abigail, this is my brother Aaron and my sister, Felicity.
37:00Nice to meet you guys.
37:03Nice to meet you, too.
37:07You look familiar.
37:22So, I thought you said you were getting sprung from this joint.
37:27Where's your ride?
37:34Actually, it's about to arrive.
37:37The sand isn't all wet.
37:39That's great.
37:46In spite of all the discussion that we just had,
37:52I know that everything you said came from a caring place.
38:01I did.
38:03You know, um,
38:05I didn't mean to be hard on you.
38:07It's just,
38:09I love you.
38:12I love you and I want you to be happy.
38:17I want the same for you.
38:22And I am so happy that you're getting out of here any minute
38:26and that you're all right.
38:28Yeah. You and me both.
38:33And, um,
38:35whenever you get out of here,
38:38I just want you to know
38:40you always have a home with me.
38:43Don't you forget that, okay?
38:47Don't you ever forget, okay?
38:51I love you.
38:53I love you, too.
38:57See ya.
39:21You think I look familiar?
39:26Um, well, I...
39:29Are you sure we haven't met?
39:31I guess she just has one of those faces.
39:34And, uh, hey, I should probably be getting back to the hospital.
39:38Did you get home for dinner?
39:41All right. See you later.
39:43Good to meet you. I'm Bill.
39:44Yeah. You, too.
40:01I can't believe...
40:05I can't believe I just saw my little brother and little sister after all this time,
40:09and they didn't even know it was me.
40:12I don't understand.
40:13Of course, with the plastic surgery, yes, I look completely different, but...
40:19Oh, my goodness.
40:24They're great kids.
40:29I mean, she didn't recognize me, but she...
40:32She thought I looked familiar.
40:34I mean, she sensed something.
40:36She sensed it was me.
40:40Come on.
40:44It's Chad.
40:53Hi, Chad. Is everything okay?
40:56Yeah, everything's fine.
40:58But, um, we need to talk.
41:01Can you come over to the house?
41:56Don't worry, Mom.
41:59I'm gonna get you out of this.
42:02I promise we're gonna save you.
42:06Oh, my God. What are you still doing here?
42:08I think you need to go back to the hospital.
42:10Uh, I do.
42:14I just got a phone call from a patient I had to take.
42:18Uh, you guys weren't gone very long.
42:20How are the ducks?
42:22They were really hungry.
42:24Right. They always are.
42:30Did the patient leave?
42:32Uh, what's her name again?
42:34Abigail. Yeah, she had to go.
42:36I thought I'd think she looked familiar.
42:43You got here quick.
42:45I came as fast as I could.
42:50I'm assuming the kids aren't here.
42:53No. Julie took them to Sweet Bits.
42:56Right. Yeah.
43:01That's why I wanted you to come over.
43:07When the kids get home,
43:10I'm gonna tell them the truth.
43:14I want us to tell them that their mother is alive.
43:24Commissioner Hernandez.
43:26What a surprise. I thought you were in a coma.
43:30Well, I woke up.
43:32Oh, yes.
43:34I do believe I heard rumors to that effect.
43:37Not that anyone would know the difference.
43:41Well, what can I do for you?
43:43You stupid son of a bitch.
43:45You know exactly why I'm calling.
43:48I heard about you getting involved with my sister,
43:51and I am warning you.
43:53You stay the hell away from her
43:55and out of her marriage.
43:59Is that a threat, Commissioner?
44:01Go to hell.
44:09Guess he didn't get the memo
44:11that there will soon be no marriage to stay out of.
44:16But that marriage is doomed.
44:24You brought me flowers?
44:34One of the nurses asked me to bring them to you.
44:37They were on the desk, and...
44:40Well, no one...
44:43Brought them in, so...
44:50Well, from the assistant's...
44:52Gabby Sheet.
44:55She used to be your recovery.
44:57P.S. Sorry for what happened.
45:01We all worried that Connie was a psycho.
45:04And we're relieved that you're gonna be...
45:13Everyone could see how insane that woman was except me.
45:22What are you doing here?
45:27I just...
45:31I wanted to let you know that I...
45:34I just spoke to my lawyer.
45:38Your lawyer?
45:46And I'm filing for divorce.
