Days of our Lives 10-1-24 (1st October 2024) 10-1-2024 10-01-24 DOOL 1 October 2024

  • 4 days ago
00:00I was just coming to see you and I saved your trip I just looked over this
00:13proposal from your sister-in-law to shoot a soap opera here at the hospital
00:17well I mean it's just it's just some scenes right so I wanted to take some
00:23time to give it the careful consideration it deserves and my answer
00:30is absolutely not
00:35hey did you guys talk to Kate alright we did yes we did and we explained that we
00:58didn't want to do the love scenes we believe that it's happening too soon for
01:01a character all right that's great so it's off then yeah no she said our
01:08arguing only reminded her of the way that sparks fly whenever we're together
01:13so it's still on I I don't understand yeah me neither I thought that we made a
01:24compelling case to Kate but apparently it's not compelling enough because these
01:29scenes are gone go
01:36so you spoke to me I did how did I go well he was surprised but there was no
01:44pushback on making any of the changes that we've requested okay so it's done
01:53honey has her pink pages in hand as we speak I just hope there's no good shit
02:05well if there is maybe if we capture it with a camera you know just kidding but
02:13actually I'm beginning to understand what people say about all the drama
02:16behind the scenes on a soap opera could be a whole nother show of its own you're
02:24killing me off you're killing me off Bonnie it's nothing personal I swear we
02:29think you are a wonderful actress you have incredible presence you're charming
02:34and charismatic you're sexy and beautiful that's such an ugly word we
02:40don't like to use that one we are allowing you to pursue other career
02:44opportunities it has nothing to do with you not at all see it's storyline
02:49dictated as we say this story line dictated yeah that means well I know what
02:53it means the hell it was storyline dictated this is patty
02:59like sands through the hourglass so are the days of our lives
03:17oh no I hope you're not having second thoughts oh no I love I love what we're
03:41doing despite yeah me too I do I just wish we'd been a little bit more
03:48discerning in the casting process. As do I, as do I. But it's over now. And once Hattie did that ultimatum
04:04the decision had to be me. Yep, let's just hope it's the right one.
04:16I don't get it Seth last time we spoke you were excited about the prospect of
04:22this. And I was until I read the numbers. Kayla, the legal and insurance liabilities of
04:28shooting a TV show there prohibitively expensive. But it isn't, did you even read
04:34the whole proposal? Most of it. No I don't think you did because right here look
04:40right here it says that the show has their own liability insurance and that
04:45we are covered anytime they shoot here I mean it's not even an expense that we
04:49need to consider. Okay, can we take it? But I haven't even gotten started about what a
04:55disruption it would be to our operations. No, no, no. Okay, okay I know I saw it here let me see it's um
05:01here it is the third page. The show will be shot on the fifth floor wing where
05:07there is just completely vacant and the patient consensus shows that. So that
05:13means there will be virtually no crossover between fiction and reality.
05:19Our patients won't even know what's going on up there and if somebody happens
05:23to find out they'll probably get a big kick out of it. Yes, but. No, no, no and I need to
05:30remind you about the city giving us subsidy credits. So you know all in all
05:37it is gonna pay for itself and that's on paper maybe. No, no come on you said that
05:45we need to come up with some innovative budget solutions and like all the
05:51hospitals in the country we have been running at a deficit. So this might be
05:57our answer. Body and soul might just save us.
06:06Admit it this is because of Hattie isn't it? Well it's a little more complicated.
06:11Don't bother denying it. That suck up diva already told me about the ultimatum that
06:17she gave the producers. I just can't believe they came to your outrageous
06:21demands. Nothing outrageous about the miss or loser.
06:25Charlamagne is a star of the show. Says you, says me and I guess everybody seemed to
06:32agree that it was more important to keep me happy than it is to keep you happy.
06:36No brainer Leo? Not exactly.
06:47Not exactly? You mean it wasn't a no brainer to fire Bonnie? Well I mean we did
06:57actually use our brains in giving the matter careful consideration. Careful
07:03consideration my foot. You got bullied by Hattie Adams and you didn't have the guts to
07:09stand up to her. I'll tell you something my husband is my agent now he's not
07:13gonna let you get away with this. What? You're being sensual. Just what? Yes, you won't believe what just happened.
07:26They say she's mad as a wet hen. Do you blame her? Well no. I guess I don't blame her but
07:35you know what I do blame her for? Being impossible to work with. I also think
07:40that she goes around telling people she's a great actress. Which I won't comment on
07:45because my mother told me that if you can't say something nice about somebody
07:49post it on Nextdoor. That's what I like about you. You're so quick. You are so
07:56funny. Oh you put a smile on my face. I don't put a smile on everybody's face
08:01though. Yeah well sorry about that but you know what I can't complain right now.
08:08I'm so happy because everything is just going my way.
08:18And since we're on the subject of problematic talent Alex and Chanel came
08:26to me this morning and gave me an ultimatum of their own. Why not? Okay well I mean it
08:35wasn't exactly phrased as an ultimatum but they're balking at doing their sex
08:39scenes. In their opinion the characters wouldn't be doing that so soon. I mean and
08:44I could see the merit to that argument but there's no way I'm gonna ask Leo to do more
08:49rewrites. He has too much on his plate already. So do we all. I agree. You know speaking of that
08:56what's the situation at the hospital? Well I just got a text from Kayla and
09:03she's following up with Seth Romans as we speak. My first thought when you came
09:11to me with this was how much free publicity we'd get for the hospital. But
09:15then I watched the show and it occurred to me the body and soul exactly portray
09:21us in the best light a lot of the time. But University Hospital will never even
09:26be mentioned. As far as the viewers are concerned this will be Pineview Hospital.
09:31I see. And there will be no bad publicity at all. Right. What other objections could you have?
09:40None. I suppose. So? So. I changed my mind. They can shoot the episode while we're here.
09:58Great. On one condition.
10:01Knock knock. Oh hey Steph. Oh so you're in here now huh? Yep. Well Rafe will be coming back to
10:23his office soon so I just figured that I'd start clearing my stuff out. Any
10:29regrets about leaving the acting commissioner job? I mean I didn't mind
10:34being in charge but I hated the reason for it. Yeah of course. So everything okay?
10:45Yes yes I I actually just wanted to come see you and thank you for calling earlier
10:52letting me know the truth about Everett. So relieved that it turns out that he's
10:59innocent but I feel terrible for ever believing the things that he said he did
11:05in that suicide note. I mean we all believed those things Steph. I'm a cop. I mean if
11:11anyone should have figured it out. Well you you had a feeling that there was
11:17something off about his note. I did. I did. It just seemed impossible for me that someone
11:26could have forged that. Or if Connie Veninsky. Yeah some criminal genius as it
11:33turns out. But she isn't baby you now. She belongs. Thank God. And Steph I'm sorry that
11:42I didn't come tell you this in person. You know it it didn't occur to me until
11:47later that I should have tracked you down so that you weren't alone when you heard.
11:51Actually I wasn't alone. Alex was there.
12:03So because Leo had to rewrite all those scenes with Bonnie and Hattie, Kate said
12:10that there's no time for him to rewrite anything else. Even though you and Alex
12:15and I objected to it. You objected to it? And yeah he completed our case to Leo who also said
12:22no. Damn. I mean it's just I would have thought that if we all three had an
12:28issue with it they would have at least considered a rewrite. Yeah no you would
12:31definitely think so and bro I get it I mean it's gotta be an even bigger
12:33problem for you than it is for Chanel and me right? Or wouldn't it be? You want these
12:38hands all over your wife? Did I say that? What I said was I agree that it's too soon for the
12:43Fathero sex scene or love scene all right whatever you want to call it it's just
12:46not good for the show that's it. Yeah I think it's a little bit more than that
12:50Johnny right? It's not gonna make you uncomfortable. It's got to. I mean to watch. I can relate.
12:54The last thing I want is for the woman I love to even fake me making out with
12:57another guy. Okay well I'm not gonna talk about this with you anymore Alex. I just want to help. That's all I'm trying to do right now.
13:04I think I have an idea that might possibly solve the problem and promise
13:10me that you will not get upset about this Johnny. Don't take it the wrong way.
13:12Okay just tell us your idea okay? Well I think maybe the sex scenes between the love
13:19scenes between Faith and Arrow maybe we should just get another director.
13:24So Alex Kiriakis was with you Nicole?
13:45You didn't mention that you two were spending time together again? Well it's
13:50kind of hard not to since we're neighbors. Neighbors? Yeah he moved back
13:56in my building a few weeks ago. Did I not tell you that? Um no you didn't. Well he did.
14:03He did. He's right right down the hall and since I'm doing PR work for Body and Soul
14:09and since he's on the show we've run into each other a lot lately. Is that
14:15weird at all? I mean given your history. You'd think it would be somewhat awkward but it isn't.
14:25Our relationship is completely behind us. We're just friends now and that's the way we want to keep it.
14:35You sure about that?
14:43Why are you looking at me like I just screwed two heads then Johnny? Because it seems like a pretty basic thing to me if you're not comfortable being on set while Chanel and I are shooting a sex scene or a love scene whatever it may be.
14:53Maybe we just get another director to film. Are you suggesting that I quit?
14:57Absolutely not. Of course not. I'm suggesting that maybe for those particular scenes we have somebody else do them and then you come back to do the rest of them.
15:04Well thank you Alex that's a brilliant idea but I'm not gonna go to Kate and Abe and tell them that I'm not capable of directing a love scene with my wife.
15:12Yes because you are capable and you'll do it and everything will be fine. Right Jill?
15:18Right, right.
15:26Hey I was just about to head down to the pub. What's up?
15:30Well schedule change. We're not shooting at the pub this morning so I need you to get away to the hospital ASAP.
15:39Alright. Guerrilla filmmaking. Gotta love it.
15:42And Leo just did a slew of rewrites. You'll have an email to you by the time you get to the sets. So I will see you later Tony.
15:55Oh and Leo did you get those little pages sent over to Bonnie and Addie?
15:59I did.
16:01And how were they received?
16:04Tears, legal threats and opiatrics to put anything I write to shame. In other words what we'd expect. But at least bloodshed was avoided. Though just barely.
16:15Well unfortunately one of them had to go. Now we just have to get through those scenes.
16:26I won't be Justin and Luke. No I'm not upset with you. I know you would have made it happen if you possibly could.
16:38No I don't.
16:42I love you too. I'll see you later.
16:47I'm sorry. Couldn't help but overhear. No. No lawsuit. Not that it's any of your business but no.
17:06It's part of my contract. The producers can let me go at any time. You just have to pay what's left of my guarantee. Okay?
17:16Well look at the bright side of that. That means you get paid for 26 weeks and you don't even have to go to work.
17:24No that means I don't have to hang around with you anymore.
17:30You know what Hattie? I was really looking forward to working with you. I thought it was going to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
17:43You and me starring on a soap opera. I pictured us having a whole lot of laughs. Just like we did back in the old days you know.
17:53You and me, we were going to be a team. Just like when we replaced Arlena and Adrian. Except this time no one was going to get hurt.
18:04But it was exactly the opposite of what I pictured. No fun, no laughs and no teamwork. And this time someone did get hurt. Bad. Real bad.
18:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:40Ah, Kate, I was just texting you.
18:43Oh, goodness I hope. Are you going to take the show here?
18:48Yes, Seth approved it.
18:51Oh, that's fabulous. Thank you so much for making that happen.
18:57Yeah, I was happy to do it, but I just...
19:05I did have a condition that I was forced to accept.
19:13Hello, Kate.
19:16I presume Taylor gave you the good news.
19:18Yes, she did. And I want to thank you so much for greenlighting our proposal, Seth.
19:24Oh, I'm not Seth. I'm the new chief of staff of Pineview Hospital. Meet Dr. Blake Lemore.
19:47So, you promised Seth the role on the show, did you?
19:53Well, that was his condition. That's the only way I could get him to agree.
19:58Well, I have to admit I don't have much acting experience, except in a couple of high school productions played George Gibbs in Our Town.
20:09I bet your parents thought you were brilliant.
20:12They were very proud.
20:14Yeah, I'm sure they were.
20:17Well, congratulations. Seth, you've booked it.
20:21Now I'm going to go find the actor who was originally hired to play the role and let him know that he's been replaced as Dr. Lemore.
20:34And I'm going to learn my lines. All five of them.
20:46Justin, Justin, I know you're upset, and it's justifiably so, but you have to give me a chance to explain, all right?
21:17I have made an awful lot of enemies today.
21:23You and me both. Also, I just got an email from our line producer. Marie Fallon is pregnant.
21:33What? But she plays a nun.
21:38Maternity habits will be the next big fashion craze. Oh, and production would like to change the swarm of killer bees to an invisible miasma of carbon monoxide.
21:49Well, we can handle those problems on another day. Have you finished up those final pages for Cassandra?
21:56Just now.
21:58Well, we need to get those over to the hospital right now. I'll be right behind you.
22:02Copy that.
22:08Oh, Eddie. Abby. Oh, listen, Abe.
22:15Listen, Abe, I appreciate all your support. You know, I do, but I'm just a little bit surprised.
22:22I always knew that I would be the one to come out on top of all this, but I didn't expect Bonnie's accent to be quite so final.
22:36Well, you know what I said, that pie meal wasn't big enough for the two of you.
22:42Well, ultimately, Kate and I agreed.
22:46Yeah, yeah, but I just read the new scenes and...
22:51Oh, yikes. What a way to go.
23:06Oh, what?
23:10Bonnie, hey.
23:12So, like I have a flesh-eating disease? Vestring sores?
23:18Just a little pale, actually. Why are you made up like that?
23:26What, you haven't heard? What's happening to Cassandra?
23:30No, no, I haven't had a chance to read the new pages yet, so...
23:35I'm being killed off. On my first day, no less.
23:42Oh, no, Bonnie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
23:46They liked my acting. Johnny, I was so excited. I mean, I worked for hours on my own film, and I was so proud to be a part of it.
23:56So, why are they doing this to me? Why? How can this happen, Johnny? Johnny, why? Why?
24:16So, Jimmy's got a big problem with these sex scenes, huh?
24:21Oh, yeah. We had a big fight about it last night.
24:24Damn, really? I'm sorry, Snow. But I'm sure you can convince him that he has absolutely nothing to worry about, right?
24:33Considering you're not really a huge fan of mine, for a whole lot of reasons. In fact, you can't stand me, right?
24:44Actually, that's not completely true.
24:54Don't you have to give me my rights before making accusations like that?
24:59Nothing you say will be held against you.
25:02Well, that's a relief. And I repeat, Alex and I are just friends. But...
25:13When I got over Tasha's, I was pretty upset.
25:20So, I stupidly, impulsively kissed him.
25:26Oh, I see.
25:30So, is there any more to this tale?
25:33No. Alex put the brakes on it right away.
25:37Oh, that sounds unlike him.
25:40I know, right? Try not to take it personally.
25:43But seriously, Alex is still getting over Theresa. I'm still getting over Everett.
25:49And he doesn't want to do anything that could ruin our friendship again.
25:56Right. And how do you feel about that?
26:12And honestly, I don't want to ruin my friendship with Alex either.
26:18It's just, I've been having some... thoughts.
26:24Thoughts? Or thoughts?
26:29Well, it doesn't matter. Because Alex is obviously not in the same place.
26:36Which is probably, definitely not for the best.
26:41What I need to do is take a break from relationships in general.
26:48I told myself that after Chad and I broke up. And then I started spending time with Everett and...
26:55Oh, God. I'm going on and on, keeping you from running the police department.
27:03Oh, no, it's fine. Listen, I'm on break right now, okay?
27:07And I am here for you, Steph, whenever you need to talk.
27:10Well, I am here for you too, Jade. I hope you know that.
27:14I do.
27:16And as for you and Alex, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
27:25Anyway, I promised that I would make it to set today, so I'd better get going.
27:33I'll see you.
27:35See you. You take care, okay, Steph?
27:47So, you can stand me?
27:52Yeah, I can. Because sometimes you're not so bad.
28:00Well, thank you. You know, I actually like you a small percentage of the time myself.
28:06Okay, well, look at us bonding like champs.
28:10Hey, we used to be good friends back in the day, so maybe if we could get back to that, at least for work's sake, it wouldn't make it a complete nightmare.
28:17And I would like to get back to that and at least maybe peacefully co-exist.
28:24Look, Alex, I admit that I have been a bit hostile and belligerent, even.
28:31Making you feel bad for what happened with Ali, which really wasn't your fault, okay?
28:36She and I, we weren't meant to be, obviously.
28:40And look, what I'm trying to say is that I can use one less stressor in my life.
28:47So, I say, why don't we just try and see the best in each other and get along?
28:58I am all for that. Trust me. Let's just hope that our on-screen chemistry doesn't fizzle out now that we're not sniffing at each other in real life.
29:10I just got a text from Leo. He's adding another scene for me.
29:15Another for me?
29:17Well, I guess not. I gotta head over to the hospital right now.
29:24See you outside.
29:39Abe, thank goodness you're here. You know, every time they put out a fire, another one pops up.
29:46I got one put down.
29:48Hey, it's nothing major. I handled it. It just feels good to know I have backup, that's all.
29:58But I'm sure things will get better once we get into the groove.
30:04I don't know about that. I think this whirlwind may never end.
30:18You need a minute?
30:20No. No, I don't want to sit on this track. I don't know if it's just that.
30:24Just do it. Just do it.
30:29Okay, everyone. Places. We are ready to roll.
30:33Ready to roll. Places, everybody. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
30:44And action.
30:50That's not good. You have a visitor.
30:54Who? Who might that be?
31:00Show me.
31:08Uh, Cassandra?
31:12I heard you're not long for this world.
31:16Word gets around, doesn't it?
31:20It does.
31:23So tell me.
31:25What happened?
31:26What happened?
31:28Well, it seems I contracted a disfiguring and fatal disease after I moved to Tangier.
31:39It's all so incurable, unfortunately.
31:44So that's very tragic.
31:50I know we haven't always been very close.
31:53Bit of an understatement, don't you think?
31:57We've been at each other's throats since I first stepped foot in this burg.
32:02Yes, I suppose that's true.
32:08I will admit that I have wished for your death more than a few times, as I assume you have wished for mine.
32:18Yeah, I know.
32:19Yeah, I know.
32:22But now that you're...
32:25Now that you're at the end...
32:29This awful, useless period, I...
32:35I should tell you that I...
32:38I should tell you...
32:42I'm gonna miss you.
32:49I'm gonna miss you.
32:55Okay, cut.
33:25Where is everyone?
33:32No harm in seeing what is coming up in the next few days.
33:39Faith groans, arching her back in pleasure as Arrow, lying on top of her,
33:45gazes at her longingly, lustfully, as we know they are about to make mad, passionate love.
33:58Oh, lordy, lordy. Wait until Johnny sees this.
34:10Hey, congratulations, ladies, on the genuine emotion in that scene.
34:19Oh, okay, good. Um...
34:22All right, we just got the last few pages from Leo.
34:26Uh, so...
34:30Before we go ahead, do you guys wanna do a brief rehearsal?
34:37What about me?
34:38Uh, yeah, Leo said you're done, so...
34:41All right, uh, okay.
34:45Well, I hope they give you a fabulous send-off party,
34:50and I hope they get you a great pink cape with your face on it.
34:57And I'll be there.
35:00I'm sure you will.
35:03I wish you well.
35:05Even if you do hate my guts at the moment.
35:07Even if you do hate my guts at the moment.
35:12Ain't that right?
35:17Okay, um, are we ready to go?
35:23Yeah, let's do it.
35:28All right.
35:35Okay, Doc.
35:37Be honest with me.
35:39This is the end, isn't it?
35:42Try to relax, dear.
35:43We'll give you something to make you comfortable.
35:48It says here that I administer morphine.
35:52That would really be a nice thing.
35:53Nope, it's you.
35:54Uh, look.
35:56Uh, no, this would cost production hundreds of dollars, so...
36:02Got it.
36:03So, here goes.
36:05Here we go.
36:12You didn't answer my question.
36:14I'm dying all the time.
36:19It says here that I nod gravely.
36:22I was the one nodding gravely.
36:24Can't I just get a line to say?
36:29You're an under five.
36:30Okay, that means that we have to keep you under five lines.
36:35Otherwise, it's gonna cost production hundreds of dollars.
36:39Yes, exactly.
36:43Here I am.
36:44Nodding gravely.
36:50Okay, good.
36:51Uh, now, enter Arrow.
36:55It's a clone.
36:57Oh, my handsome son.
37:00I'm so grateful you came.
37:02I'm so grateful you came.
37:03I'm so afraid I wouldn't see you before I passed on.
37:09I'm afraid of my last.
37:11But that's just it, mother.
37:13You're not going to do either.
37:16What are you saying?
37:17What do you mean?
37:18I'm saying that you're not going to die, mother.
37:22Thank God.
37:25Thank God.
37:32Yep, yep, yep.
37:34Ah, hey.
37:35How's it going on set?
37:37Very smoothly, I'm very happy to say.
37:42But there's still the possibility of us writing a cameo for you, you know.
37:47Very kind of you to offer, but no, I will not change my mind.
37:50Well, thank you for changing Seth's mind.
37:54Well, he does love to be the center of attention.
37:58So now that he's a working actor, I at least will get rid of him for a few hours a week.
38:02Well, so it's a win-win-win for you.
38:04Yeah, I suppose so.
38:06I do feel bad about Bonnie, though.
38:09Well, stay tuned.
38:11Not everything is as it appears.
38:14What does that mean?
38:16Well, they have a saying in soap opera.
38:19There's always a twist.
38:23So, you're not going to die?
38:25No, mother, you're not going to die.
38:27I'm not going to die.
38:31I found this.
38:35I just got back from the jungles of Iguaza,
38:38where I discovered the spirit of Bonnie,
38:42the juice of which will save your life.
38:47Hold on.
38:49Save my life?
38:54Does this mean I don't get a kill on basketball?
39:01Leo, I appreciate your speed.
39:05And thank you for getting those pages done so quickly.
39:09And I also...
39:11I also appreciate your discretion.
39:13Well, I understand why you didn't want anyone to see those final pages
39:17until after Hattie and Bonnie had shot their last scene together.
39:21Not like anyone could have since they weren't written yet.
39:25Hey, Dallas.
39:28How did that scene go with Bonnie?
39:30Oh, it went okay.
39:34You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
39:37I feel kind of sad that she's getting fired.
39:41Well, actually, I'm glad to hear that.
39:44You are?
39:46Yes, because Bonnie...
39:49A.K.A. Cassandra...
39:53She's not the one being killed off.
39:56Really? She's not?
40:02You are.
