General Hospital 9-26-24

  • 4 days ago
00:00I don't think he makes days nicer than this.
00:04Where have you been?
00:06What? Where am I?
00:08Tracy, I'm not even five minutes late.
00:11In my book, on time is five minutes early.
00:15Well, be sure to send me a copy.
00:19I don't find this amusing.
00:22Punctuality is a principle that I hold dear, and if you don't agree, then we should rethink our arrangement.
00:29Wait, hold up. Who do you think you're talking to?
00:33I'm here for my writing lesson.
00:36Awesome! Where's your mom, bud?
00:39She's at the main house.
00:40Alright, well, let's get you settled up, cowboy.
00:42Alright, I'm gonna go say hi to Maxine.
00:45Have fun with your Uncle Cody.
00:47I will.
00:49Yeah, you will. You wanna know why?
00:52Because fun is my middle name.
00:55It is?
00:56Nope. Let's go.
00:59Valentin is wanted by the FBI, Ned.
01:04I'm aware.
01:05His assets have been seized. This does not look good for ELQ.
01:11Well, I wish we were in agreement when you decided to team up with Valentin in the first place.
01:16Val made mistakes, Drew, including you.
01:19We need a fresh start.
01:21Okay, we need a far less controversial CEO.
01:25Obviously, I am not an option with my busy political schedule.
01:29That leaves one person.
01:33It'd be so easy to kill you all right now.
01:38Much more interesting if I give you a chance to keep breathing.
01:45What's the game?
01:47Three players.
01:49If you win, you and Anna live another day.
01:55If Lucky's name proves accurate, he and Holly live.
02:00If I win, you all die!
02:06It's inspired, really. It is.
02:09No matter what happens, I can't lose.
02:15Welcome to my world.
02:17It's fun, isn't it?
02:19It's insane.
02:22Kill them if you want, but not me.
02:53Does that sound harsh?
02:57It sounded like a reprimand you give to one of your employees, which I'm not, by the way.
03:02Timeliness is very important to me.
03:05It is to me, too, but there was an accident on Belmont.
03:10You know what? I'm not even going to explain myself because I don't buy for one minute
03:15that you're this angry over me being a few minutes late.
03:18Really? And what am I angry about?
03:20You tell me.
03:25My current mood has nothing to do with your tardiness.
03:29It does relate to the employees you mentioned.
03:33Well, now we're getting somewhere.
03:36Two of our staff have been insubordinate and very ill-mannered,
03:44and I'm so annoyed about it.
03:47Real staff of the Court of Main Mention.
03:51I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
03:54Go on. What kind of insubordination are we talking about?
03:59Our cook took it upon herself to throw an elaborate brunch for another family at our boathouse,
04:07and to compound matters, our stable hand was involved.
04:12Well, that is rude.
04:14Some people have no work ethic anymore.
04:17Throwing a party while we're on the job. Disrespectful.
04:21Sasha wasn't on the clock. She was her day off.
04:25Oh. Well, then shame on the stable hand for getting caught up in the action
04:29when you should have been with the horses.
04:32It was his day off, too.
04:35Okay, wait a minute. Now I'm confused.
04:38What exactly is the problem?
04:40Their blatant disregard.
04:43For you?
04:44Yes, for me.
04:46When I confronted Sasha, she got huffy and defensive,
04:50and Cody chimed in on her behalf.
04:54I thought he and I had a better understanding.
04:59You know what they say about problems?
05:01They're like onions.
05:03Gotta peel off each layer to get to the root of it.
05:07Spare me the vegetable analogies.
05:10All right, fine.
05:12But I know what this is really about,
05:15and I'm betting that you do, too.
05:19Uncle Cody, are you happier part of our family now?
05:23I am the happiest.
05:26I can't tell you how much it means to have you, your mom, your grandpa in my life.
05:32I still can't believe Grandpa Mac is your dad.
05:36Yeah, sometimes I can't believe it, either.
05:38All these years, it's been just me.
05:40Were you lonely?
05:42Um, yeah. Yeah, but I learned to be okay with it.
05:45You know, I kind of leaned into the cool parts about it being just me.
05:51You know, there's no real rules, no one to answer to.
05:54No curfew.
05:56That does sound cool.
05:57It is.
05:59But I gotta tell you, buddy, having a family that I care about that cares about me back,
06:04it's a whole lot cooler.
06:05I agree.
06:07I know I said this already, but the brunch setup was so much fun. Thank you.
06:12It was fun until Tracy stormed in.
06:16Yeah, like a tornado.
06:18That was a lot of hot air over a quiche.
06:22Is something up with Deception?
06:24No, everything's fine at Deception, for once, actually.
06:28I keep checking on updates for Lulu.
06:31How is she doing?
06:33Fortunately, she's getting worse every day.
06:35She needs a transplant, like, now.
06:37I'm so sorry, Maxi.
06:40I know how close you and Lulu were.
06:42She's my best friend.
06:44Always has been.
06:46Always will be.
06:47Michael is the obvious choice, and you know it.
06:51Says who?
06:52And who authorized you to make that call?
06:55I'm a member of this family, Ned.
06:57Oh, yes. Yes, you made that abundantly clear when you changed your last name to Quartermain,
07:02which conveniently coincided with your decision to run for office.
07:05Yeah, I make no apologies about that.
07:07Oh, no surprise there.
07:09It's funny, I don't remember getting an apology from you when you decided to back our on-the-run CEO
07:14who's dragging our company through the mud.
07:17You really want to talk scandals?
07:19Do the letters S-E-C mean anything to you?
07:21I am too busy with the election to deal with this.
07:23We can both agree that we need to wipe Valentine's fingerprints from ELQ.
07:29I am not disputing that.
07:30And replace him with Michael Effective immediately.
07:34And remind me once again why.
07:36I would support that decision.
07:38Because you're a team player, Ned, and you can prioritize the company over your personal interests.
07:44Wow. Almost sounded like you believe that.
07:47Just try it.
07:48Ned, this once.
07:51Are we, uh, interrupting?
08:01I don't know what these people are doing, and I don't care.
08:04I'm not involved in any of it.
08:06I never asked to come here.
08:08You're the one who persuaded me to leave Monte Carlo,
08:11and now I'm going to be killed if somebody doesn't win a card game?
08:17Holly, as much as I've enjoyed my time with you, I don't trust you.
08:24You knew these people, and you didn't tell me.
08:27I explained why.
08:30I just don't like people who keep secrets.
08:35Take them.
08:36Where are we going?
08:39Don't touch me!
08:44Get the women out!
08:55Secure them.
09:05All right, gentlemen.
09:08I'm ready to play for your lives.
09:14I'm getting acquainted.
09:16Your point?
09:20Might be a little premature for you to presume that you know what I mean.
09:27But you and I are a lot more alike than you are willing to admit.
09:32And if I told someone, acquaintance or not,
09:35that I got this worked up over an unauthorized use of my boathouse,
09:39and they bought it,
09:41well, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them to.
09:46Enlighten me.
09:49Why do you think I'm so...
09:52What did you call it?
09:53Worked up?
09:54Worked up.
09:57It all boils down to one thing.
10:01How you feel about Cody.
10:04Is Sasha a part of your family now, too?
10:07You know, because she's your girlfriend now?
10:12Some people, and not all, but some, and I'm one of them.
10:17Some people have a hard time believing in themselves.
10:20Then Sasha came along,
10:22and she didn't only believe in me when I couldn't,
10:25but she taught me to do it for myself.
10:27You're like the most awesome person I know.
10:30I believe in you. How could you not believe in yourself?
10:33I don't know, buddy.
10:35But that's something you're never gonna have to worry about.
10:38Talk about cool. You wrote the book, kid.
10:40I hate writing.
10:42Me, too.
10:43So when would I write a book? Like...
10:46It's just a saying.
10:49Ready to go for a ride?
10:50I asked my mom like 27,000 times if it was time to go.
10:54What do you think?
10:55I think it's time to go.
10:58And, yes, for the record,
11:02Sasha is a part of my family.
11:04Then she's a part of my family, too.
11:16You okay?
11:24Oh, this is disgusting.
11:29You won't find anything.
11:31Well, excuse me if I don't just sit around and wait to die.
11:34I'm in danger, too.
11:35No, actually, you're not.
11:38You're not sick, Rob.
11:42The whole reason for coming here was to bring Lucky home so that he could help save Lulu,
11:46and he only lives to do that if he wins.
11:51And that means that Jason can't win,
11:57which means I'm a dead woman.
12:01Unless Sidwell wins, then no more organs.
12:05You know what I don't understand?
12:07I don't understand why you didn't help Lucky escape when you found him.
12:11Because I didn't know that Lulu needs a transplant.
12:17How could I have done?
12:18I'm two months into the most odious con,
12:24and I was this close to a big fat payday.
12:27Yeah, well, that's good.
12:28But two weeks, two weeks more was all I needed,
12:31and then I'd have had millions of dollars,
12:34and instead you and Jason just show up.
12:41Now our lives are at risk.
12:47You know what? You will always survive.
12:49You always do.
12:58I need to ask a favor of you.
13:06When you get out of this,
13:09you've got to go to Robert,
13:11and he has to tell our daughter how much I love her.
13:19You are such a bitch.
13:23I'm sorry, what?
13:25You know perfectly well that I can't go to Robert and tell him that I left you here to die.
13:33Well, I don't see what choice you have,
13:36unless you've got a magic get out of jail free card.
13:40I'm screwed.
13:47I'll do the honors.
13:57Excuse me, there's something that requires my attention.
14:01Oh, in case you want to try anything stupid,
14:06just to let you know, I'm God's hell side.
14:15What the hell are you doing here?
14:18We came to take you home.
14:24I was just filling that in on my idea for you to take over as CEO.
14:30Idea? It came up more like a mandate.
14:33Do you have time to join us?
14:35Oh, no, not really. We're about to take the boat out.
14:37Michael, it's fine.
14:39No, it's not fine. We have a date.
14:41This sounds important. I'll just meet you at the boathouse.
14:43This could take a while.
14:47Are you sure?
14:48Yes, of course.
14:50Okay, well, I know if we miss our reservation, I will make it up to you.
14:54I know you will.
15:01Well, I take it you're not on board with me being CEO?
15:05And repeating this two versus one dynamic?
15:08No, not particularly.
15:09It's not our intention to repeat anything.
15:12And there it is. Our intention.
15:15You're creating conflict where there is none.
15:18Okay, look, we need to nip this Valentine scandal in the bud and get EOQ back on solid ground.
15:23No one's disputing that.
15:24Wouldn't it be easier if we're all on the same page?
15:26In theory.
15:27Then let's make it a reality.
15:30Right, Drew?
15:33You okay?
15:34Yeah, I'm just realizing that Ned is right.
15:40There's a first.
15:42No more two against one.
15:45All right?
15:46I got phone calls I gotta make.
15:47I'm confident that you two can figure this out on your own.
15:51I'll check in with you later.
15:55Look, Ned, I don't have an agenda other than doing what's best for the family.
15:59I believe you, Michael.
16:01You do?
16:03It's not you that I don't trust.
16:06It's true.
16:09If you are suggesting that I am harboring romantic feelings for my stable hand,
16:16you have read one too many trashy novels.
16:19I'm not saying that at all.
16:22Thank goodness.
16:24Not that I'd blame you, because that Cody's one tall drink of water.
16:29And young enough to be my son.
16:31All right, all right.
16:33Look, you and I have been meeting here on and off for several months now, right?
16:39And it's clear by how much you talk about Cody that you two have become very close.
16:45I don't talk about him that much.
16:47Oh, well then how do I know you go horseback riding together, share the beer, play backgammon?
16:53We even had you on the lake in that old rowboat.
16:56Never thought I'd see that day.
16:58Neither did I.
17:00You and Cody confide in each other.
17:03Weren't you one of the first people he told about knowing who his real father was?
17:08I guess I mentioned him more than I realized.
17:14He's your good friend.
17:16And now that he's dating Sasha and reunited with Mac and the Scorpios.
17:23You're afraid of losing him.
17:26And why wouldn't you be tracing him?
17:29Look where we are.
17:32It has been a difficult year.
17:35And then some.
17:38I haven't spoken to Finn in months.
17:43Another good friend.
17:46Loss is hard.
17:49Losing Gregory was even harder.
17:55He had become one of my closest confidants.
18:00And then there's Luke.
18:02I miss him most of all.
18:05He has a name that doesn't come up very often.
18:08Well, some of those layers are harder to peel back than others.
18:12Luke, Finn, Gregory.
18:15They were all so compelling.
18:17Luke especially.
18:19And although they're very, very different, Cody reminds me of him.
18:25Of Luke?
18:28Maybe I just want to see it, but I think they share a lot of the same qualities.
18:37Cody reminds you of someone very important in your life.
18:43Yeah, he does.
18:45So it's safe to say that Cody is now a part of you too.
18:51And I couldn't stand it.
18:54Stand what?
18:56Another one of those relationships just slipping away.
19:01Oh, Jason, I appreciate the effort, but I can get myself out of this.
19:05I understand.
19:06You win the hand, okay?
19:07Just get you and Anna out of here.
19:09I'm serious.
19:10I'm serious.
19:11Sidwell, he talks a big game, but he loves gambling too much.
19:14He's not going to kill me or Holly.
19:16It's you and Anna who are in trouble.
19:18You need to listen to me.
19:20There's no time.
19:21What does that mean?
19:23Lulu had a medical crisis.
19:26She needs a liver transplant.
19:30And you're her best shot at a donor.
19:31That's why there's no time.
19:32There's no time.
19:33You have to get home as soon as possible.
19:43Now, where were we?
19:52I'm very sorry about Luke, Gregory, Finn.
20:00At least Finn's still alive.
20:03But he's not present the way you wish he was.
20:08Grief isn't linear.
20:11It's got ups and downs, twists and turns.
20:15My own private roller coaster.
20:19Can I get off the ride now?
20:22You think you're making progress.
20:25You're at peace with the hand lights dealt you and then boom.
20:31Out of nowhere, it hits you like a ton of bricks.
20:36You sound like you're speaking from experience.
20:44A few weeks ago, I heard my sister and I's song on the radio.
20:50My girl.
20:54Me and I used to play that over and over.
20:57We would dance and sing for hours.
21:02There I was in my car all these years later.
21:07And rushing back?
21:09I just lost it, y'all.
21:13I'm convinced that the deeper the love, the longer the journey.
21:19There is no bond like siblings.
21:23Not in my experience.
21:26I had a brother.
21:28He drove me crazy like nobody else.
21:32But he loved you and he knew you like nobody else.
21:36I don't know why we keep investing in people when we're just going to lose them.
21:40Because of the love.
21:42The bond is worth it.
21:45Everything you're feeling now is normal.
21:48You might want to temper your reaction to it.
21:51Maybe not lash out at that poor girl over a brunch.
21:57Oh God, I guess I owe Cody and Sasha an apology.
22:02I say that's a good place to start.
22:05And you.
22:07I'm so sorry.
22:10For scolding you for being late.
22:13It will not, will not happen again.
22:16If there, if there isn't again.
22:20You don't recognize it, do you?
22:25A good friend when they're sitting right next to you.
22:29I may not be a compelling man.
22:32But I'm a pretty compelling woman if I say so myself.
22:36I'd have to agree.
22:40Thank you, ma'am.
22:43Michael, I get it.
22:45You really are in it for the family.
22:48I can see that you are willing to put aside what you want.
22:52For the greater good.
22:54But you don't think Drew is.
22:56I know he isn't.
22:59All right.
23:00I disagree.
23:01I mean, not only did Drew take the fall for my mom, but he also saved Willow's life.
23:05You don't come through for family more than that.
23:07And we will be forever grateful.
23:10But I realized that Drew is a quartermain through and through.
23:15You make that sound like a bad thing.
23:17Drew wasn't always like he is now.
23:20You know, maybe his recent struggles changed him.
23:24I don't know.
23:25But what I do know is that he is out for himself.
23:29And he's going to take what he wants.
23:31I've seen nothing from Drew to indicate that.
23:34And if you did?
23:35I'd act accordingly.
23:36Well, keep your eyes open.
23:38Watch my back.
23:40Michael, your intentions may be pure.
23:43But that doesn't mean Drew's are.
23:45I will never fully trust him.
23:48And if you were smart, you wouldn't either.
24:01What are you doing here, Drew?
24:04Look, I can tell that you were upset at the house.
24:06And I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry.
24:09I did not mean to ruin your night with Michael.
24:11I really didn't.
24:12It doesn't matter what you meant.
24:14Or what I say.
24:15Because I have continually asked you to stay away.
24:17And it's like you don't care.
24:20Of course I care.
24:21That's the whole point.
24:22I care too much.
24:23I have feelings for you.
24:25That jeopardize my marriage.
24:27And it makes me feel...
24:30It makes me feel like absolute crap.
24:32Okay, I...
24:37I really don't want you to feel that way.
24:40Then stop it.
24:41Stop running into me and checking on me.
24:47Drew, I need you to leave me alone.
24:57I'll put down first.
25:05What you got?
25:10Oh, come on.
25:14Can you beat that?
25:31Take him away.
25:32And bring back Holly from the cell.
25:34Now, you're lost.
25:36It's English's game.
25:39Always lands on her feet, that one.
25:44Let's give condolences to Anna Devane for me.
25:51Pleasure playing cards with you.
25:54I am sorry, man.
25:57Yeah, get home safe.
26:00Yeah, get home safe.
26:15He's such a savvy card player, he's quite naive.
26:20You're not going anywhere.
26:26James just finished his writing lesson.
26:28Oh, how'd it go?
26:30And I remembered I had some papers in my car that I need to give to Tracy and Brooklyn.
26:35Deception business?
26:36Yeah, do you think you could keep an eye on him while I go find them?
26:40Mom, I don't need someone to keep an eye on me.
26:43Okay, Mr. Runaway who ended up in the lake.
26:46That was one time.
26:47No, no, no.
26:48One time lake.
26:50Two times disappearing act.
26:52I got him.
26:56I'm not going to be very long.
26:59Good luck.
27:02Hi, James.
27:04What's new?
27:06Do you kiss people, like, on the lips?
27:11I do, I do.
27:12But only one person.
27:14My wife, Olivia.
27:15Kissing makes Mom and Spinelli happy.
27:18Well, I feel the same way.
27:21So, if kissing makes people happy, why would one make Willow sad?
27:27How was the lesson?
27:29It was good.
27:30I just love that kid.
27:32I know.
27:33We talked about you, actually.
27:36How incredible you are, how grateful I am to have you in my life.
27:42The feeling is mutual.
27:44James asked if you were a part of my family now.
27:48I hope I didn't speak out of turn when I said yes.
27:53As someone who has no family,
27:57nothing would make me happier than to be a part of yours.
28:00Well, it's another mutual feeling, then.
28:03What's like it?
28:06I drift, but I'm already here.
28:08Yeah, I guess we just skipped to the good part.
28:11I guess so.
28:13I'll never forget the day you showed up.
28:20The woman from Robert's post.
28:24All those secrets of yours.
28:27And you were awful.
28:34You know,
28:37my marriage to Robert was
28:41the sweetest time of my life.
28:45I think I knew
28:48in my heart that something that special couldn't last.
28:53Do you know what I remember the most about that time?
28:59It was just how
29:01at peace and
29:03content Robert was with you.
29:05As was I.
29:07I guess I always felt bad about
29:10getting in the middle of that.
29:12I think that you made Robert happy
29:16in a way I
29:18I never really did.
29:20But Robert
29:23could never be happy again if you die here.
29:28I just
29:30For the life of me, can't figure out a way to prevent it.
29:34Honestly, Holly,
29:38I don't think you can.
29:42Anna, I told you
29:44there is no way I am going back to Robert
29:47and telling him that I left you here to die.
29:54Leave him alone.
29:56Where are you taking her?
29:58Don't give up.
30:00You tell Robert to tell her.
30:04I don't care.
30:06I don't care.
30:08I don't care.
30:10I don't care.
30:12I don't care.
30:14I don't care.
30:16I don't care.
30:18I don't care.
30:20I don't care.
30:30I'm sorry.
30:34I lost the game.
30:37I knew you would.
30:40I wonder what his hand was.
30:44A losing one.
30:47Well, your luck has held.
30:49Let's see if the trend continues.
30:51Look, we did what you wanted.
30:54We played your sick game and now two people are gonna die.
30:57Yes, they are.
30:59But that doesn't mean that our deal has changed.
31:02You continue to win.
31:04And if you lose...
31:06Are you not bored of this by now?
31:11Bored of this by now?
31:13Not even a little bit.
31:17Well, I think it's time we shake things up.
31:20Put something in it for me.
31:22Such as?
31:23Well, let's play a hand.
31:25And if I win...
31:27I go free.
31:35Take the other two to the courtyard.
31:37Yes, sir.
31:42Welcome back.
31:44I'm glad that pleasantness is behind us.
31:48And I'll forgive you.
31:50Just this once.
31:52You're still playing?
31:54I'll go back tomorrow.
31:55You'll stay.
31:57And you're right.
31:59It's night time.
32:00We reset the terms.
32:24Just to let you know, I'm gonna be off the grid for the rest of the night.
32:27I have plans with my wife, so if anything comes through...
32:30I won't see you till the morning.
32:32Yeah, okay. Thank you.
32:36Well, that was impressive.
32:39Yeah, I learned the hard way to make my family my top priority.
32:44After Willow got sick, you mean?
32:46Yeah, yeah. That changed my perspective on...
32:49Well, everything.
32:51What about Aurora and ELQ?
32:54I mean, don't you feel pulled in a thousand different directions?
32:56I do, and I only work for one company.
32:58And at any given second of any given day, there's something I could be doing?
33:02Yeah, sure, but...
33:03None of it's more important than Willow and the kids.
33:05Without them...
33:07It all means nothing. You are so right.
33:10Kind of a theme with me.
33:13You know, Spinelli gets the short end of the stick more often than not.
33:16And he's so patient and kind about it.
33:20No more.
33:21I hereby declare that I am going to make my relationship a priority.
33:26Well, I recommend a standing date night.
33:30Two times a month minimum, and once a week if you can swing it.
33:34I like that.
33:36Aren't we so lucky to have both found our person?
33:40We're so lucky.
33:42Drew, please.
33:45Just go.
33:47I will. I will.
33:51I'll go, but I want you to know that I understand what you're going through.
33:56You can't.
33:57Because I'm going through the same thing.
33:59You are not married.
34:01I'm married.
34:05Drew, you are amazing. You make my heart race every time I see you.
34:10Back at you.
34:11But it is not a racing of my heart that I want.
34:14Because it was everything that truly matters to me at risk, and I...
34:18I wish more than anything that I could make it just go away.
34:21That you could walk into a room and it wouldn't affect me like it does.
34:26I am having trouble with that, but you can help me.
34:30You helped me before. You helped me in Greenland. You can help me now.
34:36Stay away from me.
34:52Are sad and guilty the same thing?
34:56Sometimes they can be.
34:58What does guilty mean?
35:02That you feel bad about something and wish you hadn't done it.
35:07Like how I felt when I took Georgie's phone?
35:10Yeah, exactly like that.
35:13But I'm a little confused, James.
35:15What does any of this have to do with Willow and a kiss?
35:20I heard Willow tell Aunt Nina that she felt guilty about kissing Drew.
35:29They're gonna kill us.
35:31Yeah, they made that clear.
35:34Our only chance is to jump them when they come back in.
35:38You did see that they were armed, right?
35:40I know.
35:42Well, I have to get you out of these cuffs, because I can't...
35:45I can't go after those guys alone.
35:48What about that right there?
35:50It's not...
35:51Here, just try.
35:55Okay, come here.
36:00Can you get in?
36:09It's not working.
36:10Just keep trying.
36:11I am trying.
36:12I know.
36:14Yeah, try that.
36:16It's not strong enough.
36:18It's just bending.
36:22You know, wait.
36:23I can find a nail.
36:26There's a nail here, look.
36:28If I could get this out, I could...
36:33Anna, Anna, Anna!
36:39Just try that.
36:44It can't do it.
36:47It can't do it!
36:56This is it.
36:59Isn't it?
37:02Are we gonna die in here tonight?
37:42From now on, you're not just playing to keep yourself alive,
37:45you're playing to keep Holly alive.
37:47You will live as long as he continues winning.
37:53No, I refuse!
37:56It's funny you think you have a say in this.
38:00You brought me to this hellhole and now I'm just a part of your sadistic game?
38:07Do you think I didn't know that you were up for the diamonds all along?
38:11You think I'd let you cheat me?
38:16Do not lay your hands on me!
38:19And don't even think of calling for the guards.
38:22Lucky, can you get free?
38:24I'm way ahead of you.
38:26Or Jason and Anna.
38:27I'm the same stuff.
38:32On the next General Hospital.
38:34You never tell if you heard nothing.
38:35You should know if you do, I'm going to.
38:37Is that why you haven't called me?
38:38Can't be too sure on that.
38:40As much as I can, the rest is up to them.
38:42I would hope that you would make that happen.