General Hospital 9-20-24

  • last month
00:00I'm really glad we did this tonight.
00:03Me too. I really needed it.
00:10This is what I love to see.
00:13Two beautiful people in love.
00:16My favorite boss back where he belongs.
00:19Well, I appreciate it.
00:21But don't get used to it.
00:24I was hoping seeing you here tonight was a sign you'd be around more.
00:27Unfortunately, no.
00:29I do miss this place. I miss you all.
00:31But Aurora's keeping me crazy busy.
00:34Maybe, but it is a quarter main business.
00:37They could be at each other's throats any minute now.
00:43Unless Nina gets to Drew first.
00:46Let me deal with it, Ned.
00:48I told you, I'll handle it.
00:50Maybe we should table the ELQ business for now.
00:53And discuss matters a little closer to home.
00:56Like the fact that the boathouse is still a crime scene.
00:59Yes, I'm concerned about that too.
01:01But right now we need to get this situation squared away.
01:03Michael, I have it covered.
01:05Valentin is ELQ's majority shareholder.
01:07And it's been weeks since he disappeared.
01:09And I have our best people working on tracking him down.
01:13Right. And the FBI said that his trail has gone cold.
01:16And you're telling me that you could find him.
01:18Yes, I can.
01:19We can't count on Valentin being caught.
01:21Yes, but we need to make sure that we lock ELQ down.
01:24So Valentin can't offload his shares to fund his new life.
01:27I don't need your constant reminders about my failure to secure ELQ.
01:32Well, you know, maybe if you sided with me and Drew.
01:34As opposed to collaborating with Valentin.
01:36We wouldn't be in this mess.
01:37Yes, and maybe if you hadn't invited Sunny over to the house.
01:40John Cage might still be alive.
01:42Sidwell may find you entertaining.
01:51But we don't.
01:52Since he's gone right now.
01:54Maybe that'll teach you to keep your mouth shut.
01:59At least we'll have peace and quiet until he wakes up.
02:02If he wakes up.
02:04You seem to have your hands on a phone that doesn't belong to you.
02:13You stay out of this, Holly.
02:14I'm afraid I can't do that.
02:16You're a thief, and I've caught you red-handed.
02:19What choice do I have but to sound the alarm?
02:32I'm afraid, Flash.
02:37What have you got?
02:38Are you going to keep me in suspense?
02:46You fold.
02:50All right, well, I'm going to collect my winnings and my woman.
02:55And call it a night.
02:59Not yet.
03:02Our night isn't over.
03:30I love your dress.
03:31Well, thank you.
03:32I love your dress, too.
03:33Curtis, you look OK, man.
03:35Oh, just OK.
03:36I did my hair and everything.
03:37Oh, my goodness.
03:38You both look amazing.
03:40Before I forget, Drew, I set up a call for Monday.
03:43Our negotiators are closing the Tokyo deal, and they want to run some things by you.
03:47Well, I'll make sure to be there.
03:50All right, sounds good.
03:51We're going to get a table.
03:52Enjoy your evening.
03:54Now, those two seem awfully close.
03:55I wonder what's going on between them.
03:56Who knows?
03:57I guess we'll find out eventually.
03:58That stuff with the Tokyo deal?
03:59That sounds pretty positive.
04:01You're not disappointed, are you?
04:02Honey, I want you to succeed.
04:03I don't begrudge you your success.
04:04But you might have wished that I found it someplace else.
04:05It's not that.
04:06It's just that I have a lot of work to do.
04:07I'll be back in a couple of days.
04:08All right.
04:09I'll see you later.
04:12All right.
04:32It's just that I have heard some stories at the hospital.
04:38Individually, the Quartermains, they are lovely people,
04:41but as a group.
04:42Right, yeah, their family battles are legendary.
04:46But I've noticed that it's usually confined to ELQ
04:49because Drew and Michael, they get along great at Aurora.
04:54Still, please have your exit plan in place, just in case.
04:59I mean, there's no reason to leave Aurora, okay?
05:04I have some plans for our family
05:08and that job there is gonna pay for it all, okay?
05:12So stop worrying.
05:15Things are only going up from here.
05:18Well, someone is in a good mood.
05:20Why wouldn't I be?
05:21I mean, the election's coming up.
05:23I'm ahead in the polls.
05:24Oh, don't get cocky.
05:26You're up by 7% with a 4% margin of error, Drew.
05:30This election is by no means a done deal.
05:33You need to direct your full attention
05:38to the final push for votes.
05:39I will, but I really don't wanna talk about politics tonight.
05:44Great, then we'll talk about business instead.
05:47There's a whole lot of other things
05:48I'd rather talk about.
05:49It's impossible for you to take that Monday call with Tokyo
05:52and do your debate prep at the same time.
05:55You can't do everything.
05:59I think it's time for you to turn over the reins at Aurora.
06:04Okay, everyone, time out.
06:06Take a few deep breaths.
06:09I think that's a good idea.
06:10No, no, no.
06:11If Ned has evidence that proves that my father
06:13wasn't where he said he was when Kate was shot,
06:14you know, you should turn that over to the police.
06:16And if not, zip it.
06:19We need to focus on EOQ.
06:22Look, we're in a position to remove Valentine
06:25from the company and our lives entirely.
06:28Yes, and I have instructed our EOQ lawyers
06:31to get in touch with the SEC.
06:33And they are moving to stop Valentin
06:36from making any EOQ stock transactions.
06:39Does that suffice?
06:40All I want is to keep EOQ growing long enough
06:43to provide for our families.
06:45I think everyone can get behind that.
06:49Then stay out of my way and let me do what I do best.
06:52Is that betraying our family?
06:54Michael, I know we planned to stay in tonight,
06:57but I could really use a night out.
07:00What do you say?
07:03Yeah, yeah.
07:05Okay, yeah, I would love to take my beautiful wife
07:08out of town.
07:10Let's go get ready.
07:11Right behind you.
07:20Way to clear a room.
07:22I've had enough gambling for one night.
07:25Does it really count as gambling if you cheat?
07:31I don't cheat.
07:33I don't lie.
07:35Let go of me.
07:41It's a lot easier to win if you have help.
07:50I don't know that woman,
07:52much less being cahoots with her.
07:53Yeah, I'd like to believe that.
07:55And I'm sure everybody else in the club would, too.
07:59How can you be sure?
08:06I'll take another 50,000 and a fresh deck.
08:13You don't know what you're doing.
08:15I'm interrupting a crime.
08:18You know what?
08:19I think I'm doing exactly the same thing.
08:21Is Sidwell aware of your, I don't know,
08:24what should we call it, your colorful history?
08:27Maybe he would really appreciate
08:28an old friend's perspective on you.
08:32So, let's not be hasty.
08:36Sidwell has more than enough to go around,
08:39and I have a nick, nick, nick, nick, nick, nick, nick,
08:42nick for your discretion.
08:45Oh, you can keep his money.
08:47I just need help replacing his phone
08:50before he realizes that I've taken it.
08:52I want no part in whatever WSB shenanigans
08:57you and Jason are cooking up right now.
08:59This isn't for the WSB.
09:02This is for Luke.
09:19Luke, don't do this.
09:33Listen to me, Lulu's in trouble, alright?
09:42She needs a transplant in order to survive, now she doesn't qualify for the National Registry,
09:48so her best hope is to get a donation from someone close to her.
09:53I know, and lucky is her best chance.
09:56So Jason and I, we've come here to find him and bring him home.
10:02I'm assuming that he's still in one piece.
10:05He was yesterday.
10:07You saw him?
10:09Wait, Holly, you saw him and you didn't do anything to help him?
10:14I haven't had the opportunity.
10:16Oh, right.
10:17Of course, because you're still lining up your latest score, aren't you?
10:20Sidwell surrounds himself with a small arm, and he has redundancies in place into his security apparatus.
10:30I'm trying to circumvent his security by getting the information off his phone.
10:34It won't do you any good, he changes the passcode every day.
10:38It doesn't matter how good you and Jason are, the chances of you getting in and out undetected are nil.
10:46Well, this is going to have to be an inside job, then.
11:00Oh, damn it.
11:12Sorry to interrupt, guys.
11:18Can I borrow you for a minute?
11:22Go, just don't be too long.
11:25I'll be back before you finish your drink.
11:28Well, you're a good sport, you know?
11:34Talking business isn't exactly how I intended to spend my night, either.
11:38Well, I didn't expect you to spend your night here with Drew.
11:42Well, I think it's good for Drew to be seen out and about leading up to the election, and I'm happy to help his campaign.
11:50I just don't remember you being interested in politics before.
11:55I wasn't.
11:57Until Drew.
11:59Thank you for getting Aurora Wellness up and running, you're doing an amazing job.
12:03Man, I can't take all the credit.
12:06I have a terrific team and great leadership from the top.
12:10Okay, well, that's what I want to talk to you about.
12:12Uh, I said I'd be worried.
12:15No, no, no, I'm just saying.
12:19My campaign requires my full attention, so does Aurora.
12:23Neither can reach their full potential if my focus is sport.
12:26Drew, I know you're not leaving the campaign trail.
12:29I'm stepping away from Aurora Effective immediately, and I'm naming you acting CEO.
12:38Michael has the worst qualities of all of his parents.
12:42AJ's self-importance, Carly's bad faith, and Sonny's hypocrisy.
12:49I wish there was a way for you to get along with Michael.
12:53I wish you were able to put your problems with Sonny behind you.
12:58That's not going to happen.
13:00Well, I would be happy to sit down with you and Sonny and hash it out.
13:06Why would you want to put yourself in the middle of all this, Lois?
13:09The last thing I have time for is to be a peacemaker, but if it would help.
13:14It won't, and no one's asking you to.
13:16Well, being part of a family is not waiting for an invitation.
13:21And you and Michael and Sonny are a family.
13:26That's a bit of a stretch.
13:29Sonny is Michael's father.
13:31They are always going to be a part of your life.
13:36Why do you want to hold on to this hatred for Sonny?
13:40How do you benefit?
13:42I am never going to change how I feel about Sonny Carinthos.
13:47You spent all last summer thinking that you were Eddie Main.
13:53You pushed everyone away except for one person, Sonny.
14:00That was Eddie.
14:01Obviously, I was delusional.
14:03Didn't matter to Sonny.
14:05He still looked out for you.
14:07Isn't that something that family does for each other?
14:12Lois, why is it so important to you that I get along with Sonny?
14:17How do you benefit?
14:21So the man you sent to prison for insider trading enticed you to work on his campaign
14:27and that kick-started your interest in the politics.
14:31Well, Drew and I both had to make amends for our past.
14:35But I think my opinion of him started to change when I saw
14:39how much Congressman McConkie respected him.
14:42You know, it was the congressman who suggested that he should run for office.
14:46I was sorry to hear about Mr. McConkie.
14:49He was a good man.
14:51Yeah, a very, very good man.
14:53And when I saw how much he liked Drew, I started to wonder if my
14:59combative relationship with Drew was blinding me about all the good that he could do.
15:05I mean, he saved the life of someone that I love more than anyone else.
15:12My daughter.
15:14Hey, so nice to see you both.
15:17I have a great table for you.
15:20Unless you'd rather sit with your family.
15:29I know that it's a lot to ask.
15:32I'm, I'm shocked.
15:34Being acting CEO wasn't even on my radar.
15:37Well, you've been my right-hand man and I know you've been
15:40very, very clear on how happy I am with the work you've been doing.
15:45So you win?
15:47Hell yeah, man.
15:48Thank you for believing in me, man.
15:50I won't let you down.
15:52I've never crossed my mind.
15:54One question.
15:57How come you didn't ask Michael to be acting CEO?
16:00He's run Aurora before.
16:01Michael will still be available if you need his help,
16:03but the better part of his attention is required elsewhere.
16:08I must be worse off than I thought.
16:14Contagious bruising and lacerations that all need stitches.
16:19Probably internal injuries and a concussion.
16:25I think the concussion's pretty obvious.
16:30It's, um, I'm talking to someone who's not here.
16:36Mom, let's get you off, right?
16:58What happened, Lucky?
17:02You might need to be...
17:05a little more specific.
17:09Helping people is all well and good.
17:15So you're right.
17:17This is as far as you can go.
17:21You have run right up to the edge of your very own grave.
17:27Now what?
17:31Luck must be on my side tonight.
17:37Don't worry.
17:39Your good luck charm is back.
17:41Took you long enough.
17:43Well, I knew that you could handle it.
17:45I'd like to cash out, please.
17:47Oh, so soon?
17:49Change of plans.
17:51Keep winning.
17:53Having on good authority,
17:55the Citadel really enjoys stiff competition,
17:57so if you play your cards correctly,
17:59we're going to get an invite to his camp.
18:01I can't guarantee that I'm gonna keep winning.
18:04Didn't you learn anything
18:06from your card chart, X?
18:08If you run into a problem,
18:10just think.
18:12What would Sam do?
18:16You know, I'll just grab this and get out of here.
18:18Thanks, Gio.
18:20You don't have to go, Gio.
18:22Look, if a truce between you and Sunny
18:24brings nothing more than a little peace and quiet,
18:26it would be worth it.
18:28I might actually believe that.
18:30If I could trust a word.
18:34You say.
18:36I'm the most trustworthy
18:38person in this house.
18:40Yeah, she's not wrong.
18:42Well, you were.
18:44And then you ditched your accent.
18:46You threw away something that made you unique
18:48like it was nothing.
18:54Consonants. Vowels.
18:56Who cares? Who cares?
18:58I do.
19:00Because it's you.
19:02It's been you for years, Lois.
19:04And I love your accent.
19:06This other person that you sound like,
19:08I don't even know who she is.
19:10So can you blame me for wondering if I can
19:12trust a word
19:14that this new you says?
19:16Hey, that's a little harsh.
19:20The truth often is.
19:26Let's get out of here.
19:28I've lost enough already, and
19:30I want to be alone with you.
19:32I've never known you to walk away
19:34from a table with so little to show for it.
19:36I'd prefer to leave with
19:38something than leave with nothing.
19:40It's not very sporty of you.
19:42Do you really want to leave
19:44empty handed? Go back to our
19:46guest and tell him that
19:48you encountered another player
19:50equally as good as him and you turned
19:52tail and ran?
19:56This is risky.
19:58But I think it's less risky
20:00than us breaking into Sidwell's
20:02camp uninvited.
20:06You've been on quite the run lately.
20:10It's getting late. I'm done.
20:14Uh, well,
20:16perhaps you can point us in the
20:18direction of the High Rollers table, then.
20:20Oh, this is the High Rollers table?
20:22Oh, this is.
20:25Maybe I have
20:27one more hand in me?
20:45There's your bets.
21:05Maybe you could draw
21:07on credit?
21:09Unless you've reached your limit.
21:11Do you have any cash?
21:15I can do better than that.
21:27that's beautiful.
21:29Can you win that for me,
21:42Nina was just telling me
21:44about her political awakening
21:46and she said that you had a lot to do
21:48with that. Oh, I doubt I had
21:50anything to do with it.
21:52Uh, Willow is being too modest.
21:54Yes, not only did she encourage Nina to
21:56get involved in the campaign, she's also
21:58Drew's biggest cheerleader and she got the
22:00entire family together to support him and
22:02you know how rare unity is for the
22:04quartermates. Well, here's
22:06to hoping for unity.
22:08And victory. Yes, from your
22:10lips. Well, I'm
22:12gonna go find my husband. Enjoy
22:14your night. Yeah, you too.
22:18So, you and Drew are here, together.
22:22He asked me to accompany him in
22:24public during the final stretch of his campaign.
22:26And you don't
22:28mind? No.
22:30It's a small favor that I can do
22:32for him, especially
22:34if it means
22:36helping him get to D.C.
22:44Well, I
22:46need to freshen up if you'll all excuse
23:00Nika, can you do me a favor?
23:02I'm not feeling so
23:04well. Oh, no. Can I get you something?
23:06Thank you, but I think I'm just gonna call a car
23:08and go home. Would you let my husband
23:10know that I've left? Of course.
23:12Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Nika.
23:14I can tell him.
23:22Henry, I need you to know...
23:24Just save your strength. No, I need you...
23:26I need you to
23:28know that
23:32away from you
23:36was the
23:38hardest thing
23:40that I've ever had to do.
23:42Well, that's interesting
23:44because you never looked
23:48I couldn't.
23:50But I...
23:52I think about
23:56every day.
23:58Our family.
24:00All the time.
24:02Eating was great, by the way.
24:08Thank you for
24:12such good care of our son.
24:14He misses you.
24:20Oh, honey.
24:24I miss him, too.
24:32But I...
24:34I knew I couldn't be the father
24:36that he deserved.
24:38That's why I had to leave.
24:44Would you do it again?
24:46I don't know.
24:50I don't know, but I...
24:52I did do it, and...
24:54I have to live with that.
25:00Helping people
25:02here is...
25:06It was the only way I knew how to
25:08atone for
25:12It's a nice story.
25:16I'm not buying it.
25:18I think the truth
25:20is you were too much
25:22of a coward
25:24to face your family as anything
25:26but a hero.
25:28It's easier to dodge
25:30bullets in the desert
25:32than to own up to being flawed.
25:36I messed up.
25:38I'm flawed.
25:42You could have come to me.
25:46I would have helped you.
25:48Yeah, then you would have known
25:50who I really was.
25:54And I would have loved you anyway.
25:58Of course you would have.
26:04Because you're so...
26:08You're so much better than I am.
26:12But I would still see you.
26:16You understand?
26:18I would still
26:20see that
26:22flicker of disappointment
26:24in your eyes.
26:26I couldn't live with that.
26:30You couldn't take it, not from you.
26:32So you've just decided
26:34for all of us
26:36no one else gets a say
26:40I'm sorry.
26:44If you're so sorry
26:46then come
26:50And as a hero
26:52it is a man
26:54who messed up and has the guts
26:56to admit it.
27:06Do you...
27:08Do I care?
27:14Only you can answer that.
27:20So tell me, Lucky.
27:24Are you brave enough
27:26to come back to your family?
27:30Sam, you and Jason.
27:34I will be ruling in his grave.
27:37Does Monica know?
27:40The Prophet?
27:41Oh, do shut up.
27:47That's gonna look good on my wrist.
27:59Remind me to send a thank you note to Sam.
28:03Making Sidwell angry is not getting us any closer, Lucky.
28:08Just wait for it.
28:11You promised me those diamonds.
28:14There'll be plenty of others.
28:16Not like those. Get my bracelet back.
28:19I have nothing left to bet with.
28:25If you want to get back in my good graces
28:27invite them to the camp
28:29and win my bracelet back.
28:38A word?
28:41Get lost.
28:43You'll want to hear what I have to say.
28:46It's about your competitor's girlfriend
28:48and the private conversation
28:50she shared with yours.
28:55Michael, how are you
28:57and the kids adjusting to Willow
28:59being back at the hospital?
29:02It's taking a little time to adjust.
29:04You mean your schedule's kind of up in the air right now?
29:06Yeah, I'm sure it'll calm down once it becomes a routine.
29:09Although, that might change
29:11if Drew wins the election.
29:15Because he's gonna have to hand Aurora off permanently.
29:19Yeah, and what does that have to do with me and Willow?
29:21Well, I already told Drew that he's gonna have to step aside
29:24and name an acting CEO
29:26until the election is over.
29:31You seem like the natural choice.
29:40Nina told me you asked her
29:42to accompany you
29:44for the final push of your campaign trail.
29:46I did. I did.
29:49For all the people constantly surrounding me.
29:52It's amazing. I still get lonely.
29:55Well, I'm glad Nina can help.
29:58You okay?
30:02I saw you notice me
30:03and then I saw you kind of bolt out of yours.
30:06I convinced Michael to go out tonight
30:08to get away from our...
30:13And then here I am.
30:16I don't want to cause any trouble.
30:18I'm just... I'm gonna leave.
30:19No, Willow.
30:20Wait, wait, wait.
30:23We can't take turns
30:25leaving every time we run into each other.
30:27People are gonna start to notice
30:29and it's gonna draw attention to...
30:32to a problem
30:34that doesn't exist.
30:37How can you say that?
30:41nothing is going on between us
30:43and nothing ever will.
30:45Nothing at all.
30:48You okay?
30:49You okay?
30:51Yeah, I stopped letting Ned get to me
30:54a long time ago.
30:56Well, as far as I'm concerned,
30:58no matter what anyone says
31:00about your accent,
31:01you will always be the same person
31:03that took me to my first punk show.
31:12But I kind of missed you sounding like
31:14the Aunt Lois that I grew up with.
31:17Oh, you got me, Angel.
31:20Always have.
31:22Always will.
31:24You don't mind?
31:25No, are you kidding?
31:28It's a relief.
31:30And I am so glad that you remember that
31:33that's the first show I took you to.
31:36Yeah, I loved it!
31:37Yeah, well, you know,
31:38everybody remembers their first
31:40down and dirty punk rock show.
31:43You know,
31:44Sonny took me to mine.
31:46That doesn't even surprise me.
31:48You both have a great taste in music.
31:51Somehow, I can't see Ned
31:53going to see a punk show.
31:55Oh, no, listen.
31:57Ned is a good guy, okay?
32:00He's just...
32:01He's just stressed.
32:03That does not make it okay.
32:05The way he talked to you...
32:07All right, look.
32:08You are right.
32:09No one should take their issues out
32:12on anyone, okay?
32:13You remember that.
32:17What's this problem
32:18with Uncle Sonny, anyway?
32:22There was a lot of bad history there.
32:26It's too much to get into.
32:29Seems like everyone has bad history
32:31when it comes to Sonny.
32:33She's always been so nice to me.
32:35It's hard for me to believe.
32:37Believe it.
32:44Have you seen Willow?
32:45Yeah, I just, uh,
32:46bumped into her a few minutes ago.
32:48Sorry to leave you stranded with Nina.
32:50No, actually,
32:51we had a pretty interesting conversation.
32:53She said that you were
32:54stepping back from Aurora.
32:56I am.
32:57You are next on my list to tell.
32:59Oh, that's...
33:00That's okay.
33:01You know, I'm...
33:02I'm ready to step up
33:03if you need me.
33:05I appreciate that.
33:06I really do,
33:07but I just spoke to Chris,
33:08and he is gonna take over
33:10as acting CEO.
33:14I'm so proud of you, honey.
33:17Oh, wait, no.
33:18Should I say acting CEO?
33:23You know, I'm just really surprised.
33:25Look, I was worried
33:27that you were spending
33:28too much time at Aurora,
33:30but I was wrong.
33:33You've more than proved yourself,
33:35and now you're being rewarded for it.
33:37Well, if Drew wins this election,
33:39chances are that the CEO job
33:42could be mine permanently.
33:44Curtis doesn't have much C-suite experience.
33:47Aurora's in a really good place right now.
33:49This is just until the election is over,
33:51and I thought you would agree with me
33:53that your focus is better spent
33:54on the situation at ELQ.
33:57Yeah, yeah.
33:58No, you're probably right.
33:59I mean, she...
34:00I got into it with Ned earlier
34:02about Valentine's.
34:03Look, you and I act quickly on this.
34:05We can get ELQ back under family control.
34:08Control yours and mine.
34:10And Aurora?
34:11Let's just wait and see
34:12how the election plays out.
34:20Are you okay?
34:23It's Drew.
34:24No, no.
34:25It's nothing.
34:28Nothing at all.
34:33You're gonna hear a lot of rumors about Sonny.
34:36Yeah, I've heard a few already.
34:37Well, a lot of those rumors are rooted in fact.
34:40Not all of them, but enough.
34:45It's just hard for me
34:46to put the Uncle Sonny that I know
34:48square in my head
34:49with the Sonny that other people hate.
34:51That's because, like everyone,
34:53you can't be reduced to just one thing.
34:57I mean,
34:59for any one of the bad things
35:01you're gonna hear about him,
35:02there are qualities about Sonny
35:04that are admirable.
35:07Sonny is the most loyal friend
35:10you will ever have.
35:12He is also the most reliable
35:13and the most generous.
35:15And you need to remember that
35:16when you start hearing all the bad stuff.
35:21I hope you don't mind me saying, but
35:24I've heard some bad things about Ned, too.
35:29Well, Ned will deny it
35:31until he's blue in the face,
35:33but he and Sonny
35:35share a lot of the same qualities.
35:38Those two are more alike
35:41than either one of them are willing to admit.
35:44I'm impressed.
35:47You are the second best player
35:48I've ever had the pleasure of losing to.
35:51Who's the first?
35:52A guest in my camp.
35:55You have a camp?
35:56It's a lovely spot,
35:57just a short flight away.
36:00Please, come and join us.
36:02Oh, no, no, no.
36:03We couldn't possibly impose.
36:07Please, we never get the chance to socialize.
36:10We've got plenty of room.
36:12It's a tad rustic, but very charming.
36:15And we have all the necessary comforts.
36:18And cards.
36:19Please, come.
36:21Give me a chance to repay you
36:22for such an entertaining evening.
36:24And maybe you'll give Jens a chance
36:26to win back some of what he's lost.
36:32How could we possibly turn down
36:33such a lovely offer?
36:36I'm dying like this.
37:02Not here.
37:04Not today.
37:35My driver will be waiting for you outside.
37:38He'll take you to your hotel,
37:39grab your things.
37:41We'll be right behind you.
37:43Okay, great.
37:44Well, we'll see you later, then.
37:51I'm glad they're coming back to the camp with this.
37:53I'm sure you'll find a way to win back
37:56the diamonds that you promised me.
37:59Jason's luck, it can't hold out forever.
38:02Oh, it wasn't luck.
38:05What do you mean?
38:07Well, it's more to those two
38:08than they're letting on.
38:12But don't worry.
38:13Win or lose, you'll get your bracelet back.
38:16And Jason and Anna
38:19will get what they deserve
38:21for lying to me.
38:26On the next General Hospital.
38:27If you repeat that,
38:29I will deny it and I will hurt you.
38:30You don't just turn your back on something you love.
38:33Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.
38:35Why wouldn't you warn me that Brad is back?
38:37Things and people aren't always what they seem.