General Hospital 9-19-24

  • last month
00:00You up for some company?
00:04Depends on who you are.
00:08I'm Dante Falconeri, Lucky Spencer's ex-brother-in-law.
00:14You were married to Lucky's sister?
00:16Uh, yeah.
00:18I'm Isaiah Gannon.
00:21Lucky was my...
00:24He's the best friend I've ever had.
00:27I heard about his sister's condition.
00:30I am so sorry.
00:32Did Lucky talk about Lulu at all?
00:36Family wasn't his favorite topic,
00:38but it was clear how much he loved his sister.
00:43If Lucky knew about Lulu's condition,
00:48he'd move heaven and earth to get home to her.
00:52Hello, Lulu.
00:54How is my favorite niece?
00:57Okay, fair to call me out on that,
01:00considering how long it's taken me to come see you
01:05since they moved you here from Silverwater.
01:09I have a good reason, though.
01:11I've been providing comfort to the needy.
01:16It's hard to say.
01:19It's hard to believe, I know,
01:21but I've been trying to help others.
01:26I'm trying to be a better person.
01:30Jury's still out.
01:32So, just the burger?
01:34It comes with fries, right?
01:36Serving a burger without fries should be illegal.
01:41Are you sure that you don't want to eat here?
01:43Actually, it's not for me.
01:46I thought Isaiah could use a break from hospital food.
01:49Oh, well, I'm sure he'll appreciate that.
01:52God knows we appreciate him
01:54giving us the lead on Lucky's location.
01:57You must all be hanging on by a thread
01:59waiting for Lucky to get back.
02:01Yeah, we're just hoping that Lulu hangs on.
02:03Well, you know, it could take a minute.
02:05Someone out there didn't want Isaiah
02:07to ever regain consciousness.
02:08So, wherever Lucky is, whoever he's with,
02:12he won't be easy to find or bring home.
02:15Well, at least Jason and Anna are on their way.
02:19I don't know Jason that well,
02:21but Anna would put my life in her hands
02:24any day of the week.
02:42For your patience,
02:44only extraordinary women like yourself
02:46will put up with the primitive conditions
02:48in our mining base.
02:50You, my darling, are worth it.
02:55Won't be for much longer.
02:58Then we'll be off to Dubai.
03:01Now, while I've thoroughly enjoyed
03:03this last-minute excursion,
03:05in the meantime...
03:06This establishment?
03:08Very difficult to find
03:09if you don't know where to look.
03:11Well, you always know where to look for anything.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:56Um, can I have a champagne, please?
04:10I think Brennan's intel is spot-on.
04:12You know, this is exactly the sort of place
04:14that a man with Sidwell's resources and taste
04:17and appetite for gambling would be.
04:23Is that Sidwell?
04:24Yeah, right there.
04:27Oh, that must be his girlfriend there.
04:32Why am I not surprised?
04:35Is that Holly?
04:39When Isaiah said that Sidwell called his girlfriend English,
04:42it didn't occur to me that it would be Holly.
04:45But it makes perfect sense.
04:47Of course.
04:48It is so her to be involved with someone like Sidwell.
04:53I guess we caught a break.
04:56Not necessarily.
04:58And you don't think she's gonna want to help us?
05:01Holly's signature goal
05:04is to help herself.
05:12It was never my intention to neglect you.
05:15Not that my presence has been missed.
05:17I'm sure you've had a lot of visitors since you've been at GH.
05:22It's a nice change from the long-term care facility.
05:27I wish the reason for your transfer was more positive.
05:32I'm sorry I wasn't able to be a donor for you.
05:37It doesn't mean I'm not here for you.
05:42Family never abandons family.
05:45And you and I are no exception.
05:48I'm so sorry for all of you.
05:50I know what my family went through while I was waiting for my transplant.
05:54Yeah, we're not the best at that.
05:57No one is.
05:58We're just trying to hold on to hope, you know?
06:01And we have that.
06:02As long as Lucky is still out there somewhere
06:05and Lulu is still breathing.
06:07You know, hope is everything.
06:08Especially in situations like these.
06:12Organ donations are just so incredible, aren't they?
06:16I mean, you're literally giving a piece of yourself
06:19or a loved one to save someone else's life.
06:22It's one of the most generous acts there is.
06:25Especially when, for a lot of families,
06:28it's a decision that's made during one of the most terrible moments in their lives.
06:32Yeah, it's a debt I'm honored to make good on.
06:35It's exactly what it feels like.
06:37It's like this incredible gift
06:39and it just makes you want to live your life to the fullest
06:42to make all the sacrifice worth it.
06:45Well, from what I can see,
06:47you're doing a great job, Ada.
06:49So are you.
06:54All right.
06:57Here you go.
06:58Oh, stop, please.
07:00Your money is no good here.
07:03No, no, come on.
07:04Come on, Isaiah's meals are on the house for years.
07:09And so are yours.
07:11Thanks, Jocelyn.
07:19You can tell me to get lost anytime you want.
07:21I just wanted to hear from someone who was with Lucky where he is.
07:27I could tell you where he was.
07:29Fair enough, I get that.
07:32He could definitely still be there, but...
07:36operations were winding down at the site.
07:39How did you and Lucky meet?
07:41He was providing security at a humanitarian aid organization where I was a doctor.
07:46Well, sounds intense.
07:48You call bullets flying, desperate locals stealing supplies,
07:52and aid workers being kidnapped,
07:55and, well, intense pretty much describes it.
07:59It sounds like it got to be a routine.
08:01Oh, I forgot to mention.
08:03Opportunists swooping in, seeing potential profits in the wreckage left unprotected.
08:08Most notably, a strip mining company.
08:11What were they looking for?
08:12Tin, silica, uranium, gold, platinum, diamonds even.
08:19Huh, that would attract a certain kind of person.
08:23Yeah, a ruthless, powerful one with the money and equipment needed to strip an entire landscape,
08:31recover what's left, and use his contacts to convert it.
08:36So how would someone like you working for an aid organization know so much about this company and this owner?
08:43I was coerced into treating Jen Sidwell.
08:46So what, this guy was sick?
08:48Vigilant, and a tad paranoid.
08:51And what, he demanded a physician?
08:56I was given the option to take on a position or be killed.
09:01I took on a position.
09:04And even though I never asked him to, Lucky decided to rescue me.
09:09Yeah, like his sister Lulu, they inherited that fearlessness gene.
09:16And in him trying to save me, Captain Fearless got himself captured.
09:22And when we both tried to escape, I was the only one who got out.
09:28With the idea that you were going to go get help?
09:30Yeah, that's if Lucky decides to sit around and wait for it.
09:33Yeah, that's not really his style.
09:36No, it's not.
09:38But there's anyone who can get out of this mess.
09:43It's Lucky.
09:47I know I bear some of the responsibility for your being here.
09:56I was in such a dark place then, Lulu, I made some terrible choices.
10:03But I never meant for this to happen.
10:08If that snake, Julia Jerome, hadn't botched the job I gave him, just...
10:13He's the one responsible for you being taken away from your loved ones?
10:20I'm just so sorry.
10:23I know the pain of being kept from your family.
10:27And what's happened to you is even worse.
10:30You're caught between two worlds. It's just not fair.
10:35It's not natural.
10:48People have given up on me before.
10:51I won't give up on you, Lulu.
10:55Somehow, I will help you.
11:14Oh, you're here.
11:16Well, I appreciate you allowing me to buy you a cup of coffee.
11:21I'm just glad we're not at the PCPD.
11:24It's not how you like to end a date, huh? At the police station?
11:28I know, not funny.
11:30And not a date.
11:32Oh, you caught that, huh?
11:34I did.
11:36Listen, thank you so much for helping me to interpret Heather's lab results.
11:41Oh, yeah. But I don't understand. The difference in those tests is staggering.
11:48Which is problematic, considering Gigi's lab is involved.
11:52Yeah, I should run another test, right?
11:54Definitely. I would send those samples out to a few different labs.
11:57If Heather is willing to cooperate.
12:00Oh, Heather will do anything to be able to have a relationship with her grandson.
12:05It's a sentiment I can definitely identify with.
12:08I know you can.
12:12Are you sure you're not hungry?
12:14Because I would really love to graduate from this whole coffee thing.
12:18You know, I can buy you a meal, lunch, maybe even dinner, a snack.
12:22Okay, okay. I understand you want to take things slow.
12:26It doesn't matter the speed.
12:29You and I aren't going anywhere.
12:34Lucky and Lulu always attracted this type of loyalty.
12:40I mean, a stream of friends and family traveling to Africa to find her.
12:46A line of people outside of Lulu's door.
12:50Even you, her ex.
12:54We have a son, Rocco.
12:58Rocco? Strong name.
13:00He was a strong kid. He's had to be.
13:05So you're here for Rocco?
13:07And for Lulu.
13:09Not that she knows that I'm here.
13:12I've heard stories of coma patients hearing their loved ones while they were unconscious.
13:19I've had patients who swear up and down they loved the music I played during their surgeries.
13:27Miracles may not be scientifically proven, but I believe in them.
13:36What kind of doctor were you before this?
13:39Transplant surgeon.
13:41No kidding. Any good?
13:43I used to think I was.
13:46Lucky should be a great match for Lulu.
13:50Full siblings usually are.
13:52That is great to hear.
13:55The one thing would be the condition of his liver.
13:58Why would that be a problem?
14:00He used to drink beers occasionally.
14:04A couple of times.
14:06If there's anything that I know, it's that anything's possible.
14:16I've never seen her before.
14:18She's not the kind of woman you forget.
14:21Hello, I'm sitting right here.
14:23Oh, apologies, darling.
14:25She pales in comparison to you.
14:28Too little, too late.
14:31Maybe the sparkly things that you love so much will earn your forgiveness.
14:38How sparkly are we talking?
14:45You'll miss us, though, one day of those two hour.
14:48Perhaps we should invite them over to join us.
14:50I thought this was a private celebration.
14:54We'll have plenty of time to be alone.
14:59Fine, if you're so keen to make new friends, go ahead.
15:03I'll order another bottle and I'll make new friends, too.
15:08I love how possessive you are.
15:11I, too, do not like to share my things.
15:18I thought you and Holly were friends.
15:22Sometimes it's complicated.
15:26And it is very possible that our interests will not align with hers.
15:30So you don't think she'll be interested in helping us save Luna's life?
15:35Oh, yeah.
15:37But you know, in her bones, Holly is a con woman.
15:42And the odds that she's running a con right now are extremely high.
15:48I wonder if she knows Lucky's being held at the mining site.
15:53I'd like to believe that if he is there and she knew, that she would try to get word out.
15:58You know, she's very resourceful.
16:02But then again, so are we.
16:05I think we should hit the tables.
16:08It's time that I bumped into an old friend.
16:13Oh, look, a spot has opened up at the table.
16:16To do your thing?
16:26Good evening, everyone.
16:29Care to have some fun?
16:37I guess my old friend just screwed us.
16:43Oh, honey, we didn't order these.
16:48I know, I just made way too many and I didn't want them to go to waste.
16:51So it's all in the house.
16:52Well, then, thank you.
16:54Can I get you anything else?
16:56No, I think we're good.
16:58Okay, thanks.
17:04So, she'll be jealous.
17:06Of the French fries?
17:09Well, they'll accept food from Jocelyn, but not me.
17:15Well, fries from Joss are just fries, but if they come from you...
17:18Two strings attached?
17:20Get it?
17:21That's very funny.
17:23Yes, if they come from you, they come with questions and hopes.
17:29Hopes about what?
17:31Maybe more fries in the future?
17:36And you should know where I stand when it comes to having a romantic relationship with you.
17:41Yes, I know where you stand.
17:43I guess I just don't...
17:47I'm not clear on why.
17:51I've had a really hard time moving on from losing Franco.
17:56And then my relationship with him was rock solid, or so I thought.
18:02And it ended really badly.
18:05And I just don't want to do that again.
18:08I don't want to do that to myself or my kids.
18:11So, who says we're gonna end up badly, or at all?
18:15Odds, history, life, take your pick.
18:18Okay, fair enough.
18:20Look, I'm sorry about Franco and Finn.
18:24And I'll beat him up on your behalf if that makes you feel better.
18:29But Finn is in rehab getting treatment.
18:32Where I'm sure he's beating himself up plenty.
18:36Well, for what he lost, he should be.
18:40And I can say that because I've been there.
18:49Oh, you know, I shouldn't be disappointed or even surprised.
18:54But you are?
18:57Holly is really gonna make things very interesting.
19:01We need a new strategy.
19:05I mean, we can't come at her and Sidwell directly.
19:07We're gonna have to figure out a different way of getting this location of his mining town.
19:13What about Sidwell's phone?
19:16I mean, yeah.
19:18It's gonna have all the information we need to find Lucky.
19:21If we can get that phone in our hands, then I can copy the chip onto this device that Vernon gave me.
19:40We need to make a move.
19:43I'll grab the phone.
19:45And I'm gonna need your help to do it.
19:49Hey, is it okay if I sit?
19:52Yes, of course.
19:53Why wouldn't it be?
19:54I didn't know if you were still upset with me.
19:58Jill, I'm not upset with you.
20:01And by the way, I would be very lousy at my job if I refused service to anyone who ever pissed me off.
20:07And you know what?
20:08I'm not upset with you.
20:10Not upset with you.
20:12And by the way, I would be very lousy at my job if I refused service to anyone who ever pissed me off.
20:18In fact, this place would be empty.
20:22Are you coming from rehearsal?
20:24Uh, if I don't give it away, huh?
20:27Just a bit.
20:29What can I get you?
20:32Just a BLT.
20:35BLT, coming right up.
20:43I really am sorry, Joss.
20:45I shouldn't have said that stuff about Uncle Sonny and your mom.
20:50You mean about them sleeping together?
20:53I understand now how personal it is for you, and...
20:57Okay, Jill, you don't need to apologize.
21:00Was it the best news to get?
21:02No, but I'm glad I got it.
21:06Abby, we don't even know if anything actually happened between them.
21:10Tracy was the one ranting about it, and Tracy rants about a lot of things.
21:14Yes, this time Tracy was ranting about something real.
21:19So, Carly and Sonny are...
21:22I don't know.
21:23I don't know what they are.
21:25But there's something.
21:37Excuse me.
21:39Hi, Detective Falconeri. How can I help you?
21:41I found this flower in Lula's room.
21:45Do you know who left it there?
21:47I'm sorry. I just came on shift.
21:49Right. Okay.
21:51The thing is, my ex-wife is in critical condition,
21:54and I just don't feel like random people showing up.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03My ex-wife is in critical condition,
22:05and I just don't feel like random people should be going in and out of her room, you know?
22:08I'll alert security and ask the other nurses if they've seen someone.
22:11Thank you. Appreciate it.
22:21What's going on? Are you okay?
22:23I'm fine.
22:24Well, what are you doing here?
22:27I needed to see Mom.
22:33You're awake.
22:35So it would seem.
22:37Last time I saw you, you were unconscious.
22:40The doctors were concerned you'd stay that way.
22:43Hospital clergy?
22:45No, I just visit patients.
22:48Provide what I hope is spiritual comfort.
22:52Earlier, I sat and prayed with my niece, Lulu.
22:58Yeah, I was just with her ex-husband.
23:01Yeah, yeah.
23:03Can I get you anything?
23:05Or I'm happy to sit and pray with you if you'd like.
23:10Thanks. I'm not very religious.
23:15I've been known to send up a couple prayers when the Bills play.
23:19If you're rooting for the Bills, you must pray a great deal.
23:24Are you a Giants fan?
23:25No, Seahawks.
23:27Should I remind you about the Seahawks Patriots Super Bowl?
23:31That's still too fresh.
23:33That's funny.
23:36How'd you get here?
23:38I was at Matt's.
23:40Asked his mom to drop me off here and sit at home.
23:43Does Sam know?
23:45I told her you asked me to meet you at the hospital.
23:48Well, that's not true, is it?
23:52Are you mad?
23:55No, I'm just bummed you felt like you had to lie.
23:58But listen, man, we can't have you wandering around the city or the hospital and us not know where you are.
24:03I know, but I had to come, Dad.
24:07I'm the only one who hasn't been able to see Mom since she was brought to GH.
24:11I know.
24:12It's not fair.
24:13I know. I know.
24:16I'm sorry, but listen, you want to see her, you come and see her anytime.
24:19You just got to let us know.
24:24So, hey, can I ask you why you felt like you couldn't tell the truth?
24:30I thought maybe you didn't want me to see her.
24:33Since she was moved here, you've been more worried than usual.
24:41I didn't know you were picking up on that.
24:43I was trying to be strong for you.
24:45You have been strong.
24:47For real, you're the one keeping everyone together.
24:52Listen, man, you have every right to know what's going on with your mom.
24:58Is it bad?
25:01Well, since we've been waiting for the transplant, she's gotten sicker.
25:06Sicker than she was the last time I saw her.
25:10I want you to be prepared.
25:16Will you go with me?
25:19Yeah, man, I'll go anywhere you want.
25:23And I'll be okay.
25:25So your mom said that she and Sonny are together?
25:31She said that they're involved.
25:34Whatever that means.
25:36Karine told me their last split up wasn't all that friendly.
25:39Yeah, not so much.
25:43You don't have to tell me anything.
25:45Look, I mean, it's not a secret.
25:47Sonny disappeared for months, and when he got back, he said that he was in love with another woman.
25:52I had no idea.
25:54Why doesn't that surprise me?
25:56What does that mean?
25:58It means, I mean, I don't know.
26:00I get the impression that you only hear good stories about Sonny.
26:04Or maybe those are the only ones that you want to believe.
26:08Probably a mixture of both.
26:10Look, no matter what I think about him, Sonny and my mom, they're like a rubber band, okay?
26:16And you can pull them as far apart as it'll go, and then inevitably, something will happen, and then they snap back together.
26:23Sounds almost romantic.
26:25Yes, it would be, if it wasn't so toxic.
26:28I don't get it.
26:30Your mom is smart and successful, and she owns half the Metro Corps.
26:35I'd never peg her as the victim type.
26:37She's not.
26:39Then why do you think she keeps going back to Sonny if he's so bad for her?
26:43I don't know.
26:45It drives me crazy.
26:48Maybe you need to not let it.
26:51So Lulu's your niece?
26:53My sister is Lulu and Lucky's mother, Laura Collins.
26:59She's formidable and wonderful and just happens to be the mayor of Port Charles.
27:05Formidable and wonderful?
27:07Sounds like the deputy mayor.
27:09She saved my life.
27:11We can thank the Lord for that.
27:14You can thank him somewhere else.
27:18Out. Now.
27:24Nice chatting with you.
27:45Great drinks.
27:48Very, very good. Very good.
27:50Unlucky, though.
27:52Not great drinks.
27:59Okay. Now it's time for you to put your poker face to good use.
28:06You're going to nab that seat next to Sidwell.
28:08All right? I'll come in, and I'll wish you good luck.
28:12And I'll lift his phone, copy the chip, and then I'm going to put it back.
28:16Okay. How long does it take, the chip?
28:18I'm going to need some time.
28:20I know, but that's a lot to pull off, getting his phone with the security cameras and the bodyguards.
28:25You just have to stay in the game, you know?
28:27You can't lose too quickly or else we're going to be done for.
28:33Okay. Don't worry. The WSB will pay your bet.
28:36I can pay my own.
28:38I don't want any bags.
28:41Shall we?
28:51Okay. Hang on.
28:59Ah. Hope your friend has better luck than the previous player.
29:03I mean, she lost everything.
29:54Hey, excuse me. That was my drink.
29:58Oh. I'm sorry.
30:01I assumed champagne was for the lady. My mistake.
30:12Can I get... Oh.
30:18I'm sorry.
30:20That's, um...
30:22You weren't kidding. That chair is jinx.
30:26I'm sure you don't want to play in a wet jacket.
30:29You're right. I don't.
30:45A little spill won't stop me cleaning out your bank account.
31:05You had a point.
31:08I make decent ones once in a while.
31:11I love and I respect my mom.
31:13And I may never understand why she runs back to Sonny.
31:17But it is not my choice to make.
31:21So is there any exception to your no romance between us relationship rule?
31:30I mean, not now, but sometime, you know, down the road?
31:43Okay? That's it? Just okay?
31:47Yes. I will accept and respect your wishes.
31:57I mean, if you're just saying okay to bide your time until the next time you ask, please don't.
32:08I have enough shields up as it is.
32:11You never have to shield yourself from me, Elizabeth.
32:13I hope that's true.
32:15You don't.
32:17You know that, Molly?
32:20You are the one person that I care about and will do anything for.
32:27Even if that means leaving you alone.
32:31What just happened?
32:33Stay away from that guy.
32:35He seemed nice enough.
32:37Cyrus Renaud is a dangerous man who's done horrible things.
32:41To you?
32:43And to people I care about.
32:46I used to be DEA.
32:48I went undercover in Cyrus' drug organization with three other agents.
32:53That guy had a drug organization?
32:55And we nailed him and got him sent to prison.
32:58In return, he killed two of those agents and made attempts on me and the other one.
33:03He said he was visiting Lulu Spencer.
33:06He was praying for his niece.
33:08Yeah, and did he also tell you that he was the one who ordered the explosion that put her in the coma?
33:15He left that part out.
33:17You know, there was nothing I wanted more than to take Renaud down.
33:22I really thought I'd be the one to do it.
33:25But I failed.
33:27When you fail, people die.
33:30I get that equation.
33:32As a doctor, I'm sure you do.
33:35Not to change the subject, but is whatever in that bag for me or are those delicious smells of former torture?
33:43Now come on, I'm not that heartless.
33:48Oh, you shouldn't have.
33:55She still looks like mom?
33:57She still is your mom.
34:00You can say something to her if you want.
34:06What do I say?
34:09Whatever you want.
34:14Hi, mom.
34:16It's me.
34:21Jason went to Africa to find Uncle Lucky.
34:26You have to hold on until I get back, okay?
34:31I know it's hard and you're probably tired.
34:36If you need something, I'm here for you.
34:39You're probably tired.
34:42If you need strength, you can have some of mine.
34:47Be strong for the both of us.
35:04I haven't told Sidwell that I know him.
35:07That much is blatantly obvious.
35:16Good luck, darling.
35:21A reward for saving me from starvation.
35:25An assassination and apparently a murdering drug kingpin.
35:30All in a day's work.
35:32I guess I'll have to get used to being in your debt, Wonder Woman.
35:35I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:37One French pie at a time.
35:39I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:40I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:41I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:42I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:43I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:44I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:45I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:46I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:47I'm sure you'll find a way to pay it off.
35:49One French pie at a time?
35:52It's a start.
35:55You know, you don't have to completely leave me alone.
35:59I do have the bandwidth to be a friend.
36:03And I don't know about you, but...
36:06I could use one.
36:08I would be honored to hold that title.
36:11Even if it's just that.
36:13A friend's.
36:16Take what I can get.
36:25Can I have a French fry?
36:27You mean a friend fry?
36:30Oh, that's...
36:32That's bad.
36:38Why don't you tell about school or something?
36:40Yeah, um...
36:43I've got a teacher who's a total try-hard.
36:47I think he'll be okay once he loosens up.
36:50And I started a new unit in science.
36:54Guess who my lab partner is?
36:56Abby Samuelson.
36:59I think she checked me out the other day.
37:01Maybe she was looking at my notes, but I don't think so.
37:16Come on.
37:47You know...
37:49This club and its patrons frown upon those that don't honor their pets.
37:55In fact...
37:57The penalty can be quite severe...
38:00On the rare occasion that it happens.
38:16Straight left.
38:23Excuse me.
38:27You seem to have your hands on a phone that doesn't belong to you.
38:46You're Red Hamlet.
38:47I don't cheat.
38:49I don't lie.