General Hospital 9-17-24

  • last month
00:00Stella. Hey sweetheart. Oh, it's not too early for you. No, not too early for me.
00:06And I'm glad to have you all to myself. And you look great as always. I'm just trying to keep up
00:12with you. Look, they have a breakfast burrito with chorizo that'll knock your socks off and
00:19home fries are good too and so are the flapjacks. Wow, there's so many choices. I'll ask the chef
00:24what he recommends this morning. I love the surf lodge, but I love that you have it in here.
00:32I didn't even know they serve breakfast. It's a courtesy to all the nightclubbers. They have a
00:38place to restore themselves before crawling home to bed. And you would know that from personal
00:43experience? I'll never tell. But you can sample the menu and keep it in mind for the next time
00:49you're out all night. Oh, I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon. Don't be too sure.
00:56Life can surprise you. This fundraiser has donors from all over the fashion industry,
01:04but don't worry, it's going to be small, just high dollar donors. I am really flattered that
01:11you would think of me to cater in events like this. Sasha, don't be intimidated. This is just
01:17Drew. And a few of his billionaire friends. And your food is incredible, and I will pay for a
01:24kitchen staff to help you. It's just that Tracy has been a little unhappy with me lately, so I
01:33feel like I need to keep my head down and be available to the family. What bees in her bonnet
01:39now? You know what? It doesn't even matter. Drew is a quartermaid, and this is important.
01:46I mean, I think he's really going to make a fantastic congressman. Wow. You've really
01:54turned into an ardent supporter. Looks like our soon-to-be congressman has made quite the impression
02:02on you.
02:29morning. Come on in.
02:33What brings you by? Her sister. Oh, uh, what about Christina? You tell me, starting with
02:41everything you know about her whereabouts and actions the night John Cates died.
02:46Um, I wasn't with Christina that night. Why would you think I know any more than you do?
02:54Because you two have been joined at the hip since the shooting. Yeah, she's been struggling.
02:58Yeah, she's been struggling. Well, I need to know what she's been struggling with,
03:01and I think you know. Come on, Sam. Michael, did Christina kill John Cates? What? No, of course not.
03:09Huh, you seem pretty sure. Is that because you know who really did?
03:16Alexis doesn't know I'm reaching out. She needs help. Yeah, whatever. I mean, whatever,
03:24whatever money, whatever, I'll pay, okay? Yeah. Hold on. Just take care of the situation. Yeah.
03:36Hold on. I'll call you back. May I come in? Yeah, yeah. Come on in, Mom.
03:45Is this an unofficial visit or is it a personal visit? Are you aware that my mother is being
03:50arraigned today? Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go and support her. No, that's the absolute worst thing
03:57that you could do. What are you doing here?
04:07I'm so sorry, Mom. It's okay.
04:10Everything's fine. Look at you. I'm fine. Nothing about this is fine, but it's okay. That's why I'm
04:17here. I'm gonna do what I should have done when they first brought you in for questioning.
04:21What are you talking about? I'm going to confess.
04:54if you're in the courtroom, it's just going to taint her by association.
04:58Molly, I respect the hell out of you, but I'm gonna support Alexis. I'm even gonna go there
05:03and pay her bail. Not necessary. We will make our own arrangements. I know I'm not your favorite
05:08person, and Alexis and I, we've had our ups and downs, but we've always come together when it
05:13comes to Christina. I want to be there for both of them. This arraignment is not about Christina.
05:20It's for my mother, and I just told you what is best for her. Christina needs to see that her
05:25father shows up for her mother. This is not about Christina. It's about my mother.
05:31Just remember, this is privileged. What do you have to confess? Mom, it was me. What was you?
05:39As soon as we got home from the hospital and you went to the kitchen, I took your keys from
05:44your purse, and I took your car, and I went to Dad's, and I got that gun. I know all that. I know,
05:49but what you don't know is when I was here at the station, I overheard Kate's telling Anna Devane
05:54that he was going to the quarter mains that night. Do not say another word. I went to the quarter
05:59mains. I went there to kill John Cates. I pulled into the driveway, and I sat there with the gun in
06:09my hands for like three minutes, or I don't know. Maybe it was a lot longer. I can't really tell.
06:12All I know is that I couldn't get myself out of the car. I couldn't do it. What did you do after
06:18that? I went to Adela's grave to be with my daughter, and you know the rest. You found the
06:24gun when I came home, and that was it. I wish you hadn't, but if we tell the police everything
06:32that I did that night, all of it, then they can retrace my movements. No, you can't.
06:40You can't do that. But Mom, that could get you off the hook. No, it won't. It'll do just the
06:46opposite. It will make me look emptier. Okay, I admit that Drew has surprised me.
06:56Oh, okay. You've got to tell me more. Stop. I just think that he's going to be great at this job.
07:04I've seen him at events, and he is disciplined, and he stays on message,
07:10and he really knows he's charismatic, and he's telegenic. That doesn't hurt.
07:17I think he's really great with people, and Sasha, I think that he can actually win this.
07:24With you in his corner, I don't see how he can. So you'll do this, right? You'll create an amazing
07:30menu. You'll supervise the caterers. I don't know. Please, don't make me beg you. You're the best in
07:36town. Come on. And if Tracy gives you a hard time, have her talk to me. Or better yet,
07:41she can take it up with Drew. He'll convince her. He can charm the pants off anyone. Obviously.
07:52You and Drew have really come far. We have.
07:59But not far enough.
08:00Just giving him a little morning yoga, huh? Yeah. He centers me before work at the hospital.
08:10Well, how's that going? I haven't seen you since... I've been busy. Good busy. I love being back at
08:18the hospital, helping people. Ended back to school flurry. The flurry, thankfully, it's over now.
08:24Yeah. Everybody's survived. Kids. Michael. Yes. The family's great. Everything's great.
08:30But I really should get going. No, please don't. I'm not okay. I really have to go.
08:47I'm no cop. I don't know any more than anyone else. Why do you think this has to do with
08:51Christina? Because I've been putting the pieces together. Christina had a pretty messy night.
08:57I mean, she was dragged down to the police station by Cates, who was trying to charge her
09:00for the death of her own child and was unsuccessful. She was a wreck. And rightfully so highly emotional,
09:06driven to the point of potentially being unstable and knowing my sister mad as hell.
09:11And we both know how impulsive she can be when she gets like that. Are you worried that Christina
09:15killed John Cates? I'm worried about my mother trying to clean up whatever mess Christina made.
09:20She is protecting her. And in doing so, she framed herself for a murder she didn't commit.
09:26Would anyone believe that Alexis is guilty of killing Cates? The evidence is piling up. And
09:31yes, sure. It's circumstantial. But you and I both know that a lot of convictions are based
09:35on circumstantial evidence. So there's only one way that I can get my mom to be free.
09:41And that is to find the person who killed Cates and bring him forward.
09:46Don't get me. I just found the body. Damn it, Michael.
09:50You and I both know that Sonny killed Cates or gave the order. So which one is it?
09:58Ava was just thrilled that I was able to sell a bunch of pieces.
10:01I'm sure she was. It's clear that you have an eye for art and a passion to go with it.
10:07Well, I thought I lost it, but it's coming back.
10:11I just don't want the glitter of your recent successes blind you to the bigger picture.
10:16I don't know what you mean.
10:19I'll say it plainly. Your appreciation for art is impressive and you're a great salesperson,
10:26but you can't live your life in that gallery. It's time for you to get your butt back to school.
10:33So are you and Drew seeing each other, but keeping it on the down low for the sake of
10:39his campaign? No, it's not about romance anymore. Not recently anyway. Oh, thank you.
10:45We've just been too busy focusing on his campaign.
10:49Right. So all those long hours into the night, all those events you have to plan together,
10:57like dinners for major donors. Nina, you are invested. Dedicated. Dedicated.
11:06Dedicated to getting him elected. That's real. But there's more to it, isn't there?
11:16I feel like we could definitely pick things up again after he wins.
11:24Sam, you know that if my dad was involved in Kate's murder, he wouldn't discuss it with me.
11:29I didn't ask you if he discussed it.
11:31Look, your mother is an exceptional attorney, right? And outside of Diane,
11:36no one is better at maneuvering the legal system. And she and Christina are innocent.
11:40And innocent people never go to prison. Kate's hasn't been dead that long. New
11:43evidence could surface. You got anything in mind? The gun, for one. We're all pretty sure
11:47that the gun that your mother threw over the bridge wasn't the one that killed Kate.
11:52We are. The police aren't. If the gun is still in the river at Blackstone Canyon,
11:56they need to find it. They'll run a ballistics check on it and they'll prove that Alexis didn't
11:59kill Kate's. They've been searching the river. They haven't found anything.
12:02The cops aren't going to give up. They need that gun to make their case,
12:05just like we needed to disprove it. We?
12:07Yes, we. I want to help just as much as you do. But trying to track down the guilty party is not
12:13the way to go here. We need to focus on finding the evidence to clear Christina and Alexis.
12:19Everything else is just a waste of time. Molly, I get why you're upset.
12:23Do you? Yes.
12:24Because I'm hearing a lot about your needs and what you think Christina needs,
12:28but neither of you spent last night in a jail cell and neither of you is going before a judge
12:32this morning with your freedom on the line. I know what Alexis is facing. You don't have
12:36to tell me that. Great. Then let's focus on her.
12:40Everything you're saying about Alexis is the truth, but we can't change the fact
12:46that Christina just went through something horrible and I need to be there to support her.
12:52She's not a child, Sonny. She's my child.
12:54Yes, the dutiful daughter whose need to blindly support you drove her all the way to Ava's hotel
13:00suite. I know your intention is to help her.
13:04Mom, it's the truth. The police can verify it. I know it's the truth, but if you tell it,
13:07it will look like you're crafting a story to cover up for my movements.
13:11But it's exactly the opposite. You're trying to cover for me and I cannot let you take that risk.
13:15Christina. Mom, listen to me. If I come forward and we
13:19come forward together and we tell the truth, then we can make this right.
13:23We got the hand that we have. We need to let it just play out.
13:26Okay, but- But nothing.
13:30We both know neither one of us killed Kate's, but if you come forward, there are two different
13:36outcomes. One, you will make me look guiltier or two, you will inadvertently incriminate yourself.
13:43But I didn't kill him. But you don't have an alibi.
13:47You stole the gun. You took the car. You ended up at the quarter mains.
13:50All of it shows that you have means, motive, and opportunity. Do you think the police aren't
13:55going to run with that? How can the police do a thorough
13:58investigation and find the real killer if they don't know the truth?
14:01Because that's their job. Your job is to not incriminate yourself or me.
14:06I don't want to make things worse. Then don't.
14:09And what you just said to me? That you wanted to kill Kate's?
14:14That you were going to kill Kate's? Don't ever say that again.
14:18Don't let anyone ever hear you say that again. I just want to help.
14:22And do what I say. I am begging you, Christina.
14:27Do not take this further. Willow, I smell your famous scones.
14:36Hey, it's nice to see you. I miss you. I miss working with you.
14:42I know. I'm sorry. I've been a little out of touch. I'm just getting back into my nursing
14:45routine, which is exactly what I needed. But I still have to figure out the balance
14:48between work and Halloween. Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot.
14:51But I'm sure that you will hit your stride in no time.
14:54Can I get you some coffee? Or that while you're zen,
14:57you want some herbal tea? I think I have some time for tea. Thanks.
15:02It's good to see you too. What brings you by?
15:05Oh, I'm trying to convince Sasha to cater this donor event that I'm throwing for Drew.
15:12And you know, I really have to talk to him. I just saw him down at the boathouse.
15:18He was just finishing up with his paddleboard. Oh, great. Well, I'll try to catch him.
15:26I just wanted to say I'm really proud of everything that you're doing at GH.
15:30But can we try to make some time to see each other soon?
15:33I would really love that. I will get back to you and we'll set something up.
15:38Okay, perfect.
15:46Peppermint with honey, right? Oh, great memory. Thank you.
15:51Where did Nina go? To find Drew.
15:54I told her. She's at the boathouse.
15:58Okay. Hey, congrats on the catering job.
16:02Thank you. Yeah, Nina just offered it,
16:05but I'm still a little unsure. Yeah, there's a lot of that going around.
16:12Willow, are you okay? I mean it. Promise me.
16:16Miss Davis, the officer will be taking you to the courthouse for your arraignment soon.
16:21Thank you. Do we have an understanding?
16:28I don't like it. You don't have to like it.
16:31Besides, this probably won't go to trial. Probably?
16:34The police will find real evidence and the charges will be dropped.
16:40Look, I have an arraignment now that I have to work on,
16:43and I cannot worry about what you're going to say and do.
16:46Okay, I understand. And then when I make bail,
16:49then I'll be home and we can talk about it. I'm sorry for everything I put you through.
16:56You are not thinking clearly, and I was not thinking clearly when I disposed of the gun,
17:01but I am thinking clearly now, so you need to let me handle this.
17:04Let me fight this battle for both of us, okay? After all this, you still want to help me?
17:10I am your mother. That is what mothers do.
17:13You would do the same thing. Yeah, I would.
17:18There's no way Christina would have known what was going to happen
17:21when she walked into Ava's hotel room. She went there looking for a fight.
17:27Did she go there to persuade Ava not to testify against me? Yes.
17:32Did she go there thinking that she was going to lose her child or nearly her life? No.
17:37Well, if she never went there at all, my baby would still be alive.
17:41She knows that. She's suffering because of that.
17:44She's suffering? What about TJ and me?
17:47You're all suffering. But it's Ava's fault, not Christina's fault.
17:53Christina should have known there was no way she was going to change Ava's mind.
17:56She just made a bad judgment. No.
17:59She was reckless and impulsive like she always is. When Ava subpoenaed her, I was there.
18:05I told her there was no way she was going to be able to fight this.
18:08I coached her through the whole thing. As always, she wouldn't listen.
18:11You're not listening now. I've heard enough.
18:17You are not my mom's lawyer. We don't want or need you in court today.
18:22As for what is best for your daughter, Christina needs her mom to make bail
18:27more than she needs to see you offering support from the back of the courtroom.
18:32So that is what is best for your child, Sonny. You've made your point.
18:37You won't go? No, I won't go.
18:43Thank you. Okay.
18:47One more thing that I need you to do for me. What's that?
18:54Since I can't be there for Christina, I need you to be there for her.
19:01You and I, you know, we've known each other for a long time and I know that you're hurting.
19:05You need to put that anger away. And just for your sister, you know,
19:11just be there because you know what? I don't think she can handle it otherwise.
19:16You think you can do that? I can't make any promises.
19:29I'm not losing too much sleep over John Kate's death. Are you?
19:33After he targeted and tormented Christina? No, I'm glad he's gone.
19:36I'm sure the feds aren't shedding too many tears over him either.
19:40He may have gone rogue, but he's still an FBI agent.
19:44Don't think they're not going to close ranks to catch his killer.
19:47I have no doubts. And I hope they do.
19:50I hope they find evidence to clear my mom. But if they don't,
19:54what will you do? Will you let an innocent woman go to prison?
19:58Working at the galley and Joss and I just moved into a new apartment from the outside.
20:03Honey, it looks like you're maintaining, but I can see that you're stalling.
20:09Maybe maintaining is all I can manage right now.
20:12Or maybe you're just afraid of taking the next step.
20:17I remember you told me that you were afraid of losing your job.
20:21Taking the next step. I remember you told me
20:26that you were afraid of losing Spencer if you stopped grieving.
20:30I don't think that's unusual. No, it isn't.
20:33But Spencer wouldn't want you to put your life on hold forever.
20:38It's time for you to take the next step. It's time for you to reach for your dreams again.
20:44The last time I reached for my dreams, I went to Paris and Spencer died.
20:52Yes, he did. But you didn't.
20:59You still have your whole life ahead of you.
21:02How do you want to spend it? Hiding in that gallery?
21:05Or is there something bigger that you want to accomplish?
21:08Hi. Willow said that you were here.
21:20Yeah? What's going on?
21:24I was just talking to Sasha about catering that fashion donor fundraiser
21:29that I'm throwing you next week. And don't let the word fashion throw you.
21:33This isn't the celery carrot stick kind of crowd.
21:37This is serious foodies that are attending. This is not working for me.
21:44Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind. I'm fine.
21:48I don't see how you could be. It's just taking me a minute to
21:51balance my schedule with the kids. Willow, we don't ever have to talk about this ever again.
21:59And if you want to tell me to mind my own business, I will.
22:02But I have to tell you something. I was cleaning up during the
22:074th of July celebration and I saw you and Drew kissing.
22:15I'm not judging you at all. I just get the sense that
22:20what happened between you and Drew is weighing on you.
22:24Especially since you said you were just with him.
22:27I just want you to know that if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm here.
22:33There's nothing to talk about. It was, it was just a kiss.
22:37We were caught up in a moment. Oh, good. No big deal.
22:42Yeah. No, it wasn't.
22:47But then it happened again.
22:56Were you able to dispose of the gun that was used to kill Kate's?
22:59Jason handled it. Okay, good.
23:03You heard that Alexis is being arraigned this morning?
23:05Yeah, Molly was here, but I already knew. Molly, huh?
23:11Sam came to see me. Do you think that was coordinated?
23:15I just think that they're worried about their mother and Molly was here adamant about me not
23:20going to the arraignment. So if she made some good points, I'm not going.
23:24That's probably for the best that Sam has her suspicions.
23:28About me? She doesn't have proof,
23:29but she's doing the math. Is she going to push this?
23:35She is determined to do whatever it takes to clear. Alexis and I tried to encourage her to
23:40find the evidence she needs to prove that Alexis didn't do it instead of focusing on
23:45who did. Did she listen?
23:47We'll see. The problem is Christina's got time that's not accounted for.
23:52And Alexis knows that too. That's why she's covering for her.
23:55But I don't think that's a bad thing for Alexis. Christina is not going to let her
24:01mother take the fall. No, that's why I'm doing everything that I can to ensure that doesn't
24:06happen. Christina.
24:10Hey, Sam. Hey.
24:11Have you talked to Alexis? Yeah, I was just with her at the police station.
24:16Okay. How'd she seem?
24:18She feels confident she's going to make bail and they're going to drop the charges before going to
24:25trial. Right.
24:30Have you seen my dad? I thought he'd be here.
24:36He won't be. And that's for the best.
24:40You told him not to come, didn't you?
24:41I spoke to Sonny Christina. I am trying to do what's best for mom. You should be too.
24:53Come on, let's go.
25:11Do you know that guy?
25:59All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Henry Upton presiding.
26:08Be seated.
26:09Counselor, you're unfamiliar to me. Would you please present your credentials to the court?
26:17Your Honor, I'm Counsel Noah Reynolds, representing the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
26:24I'll be prosecuting the murder of one of our own.
26:29I don't want to have feelings for Drew, but I do.
26:34Oh, Willow.
26:36And you know I love Michael and our kids and the life we've built together.
26:44How could I do something so reckless twice? What is wrong with me?
26:48Hey, hey.
26:51I'm sure that your feelings for Drew didn't happen in a vacuum.
26:58Maybe something isn't working between you and Michael?
27:04No, no, no, no. Michael and I, we're happy. We are and we will be as long as I
27:10keep my distance from Drew. He's not pressuring you, is he?
27:15No, no, no. Not in the least. He respects Michael and he understands how important our family is to
27:22the both of us. Okay, that's good. So how are you gonna keep your distance? You all live here.
27:30You're bound to run into him like you did this morning.
27:34I suppose we could move out. But if Drew gets elected, I mean, he'll be in DC most of the time.
27:42Okay, that's something.
27:44I'm doing everything I can to keep away from Drew. I even
27:48went back to my job at GH so I wouldn't have to work with him.
27:53I thought being away from Drew would make me remember what mattered most to me.
27:58Just stop me before I stupidly destroy the life I only dreamed of.
28:08Well, it's done that, right? You're still with Michael.
28:12I just feel so out of control. Like, what is wrong with me?
28:22What do you mean? Well, it's just that I uprooted my whole life. I put everything on the line and
28:27why? Why? For, like, my ego? Because you want to be a politician who actually does some good.
28:34Yeah, but is that worth it? My private life is, is, it's a mess. I'm actually down four points
28:41in the polls right now. That four points is within the margin of error. You can overcome that.
28:47But my opponent is a mom with a husband and kids and family she totes around for every press
28:53conference and rally. Like, she's got the family values thing on a log. Even if the whole image
28:58is fake, I can't compete with that. You have Scout. I thought about bringing Scout into this.
29:05But I can't do it. I can't use her as a prop.
29:09Then use me.
29:14I don't regret killing Jagger. Bastard deserved to die. But I did not want you to witness that.
29:25Because you thought I'd turn you in? Because I didn't want you to have to carry the weight
29:30of that secret. I don't want you to have to carry the weight of that secret.
29:34You'd have to carry the weight of that secret. I don't want you to lie for me, cover for me.
29:41You never asked me to do that. You know, the night of that shot,
29:46Jagger and I saw you standing there. For a split second, I thought, he's got me.
29:53Killing a federal agent, point blank, put me away forever. But I didn't.
30:05And I'm going to ask you, what stopped you?
30:12Thank you, Mr. Reynolds. Am I to understand you're defending yourself, Ms. Davis?
30:17Yes, Your Honor. I'm a fully accredited attorney.
30:23If you think you're laying the groundwork for an appeal or mistrial, I assure you, you are not.
30:28That is not my intention, Your Honor. Very well. Ms. Davis, as the defendant,
30:33you've been charged with a felony count of murder in the first degree. How do you plead?
30:39Not guilty, Your Honor. And on my behalf,
30:42I ask that bail be set, and as an officer of the court, that I be released on my own
30:48recognizance. Mr. Reynolds, the prosecution requests bail be denied, Your Honor.
30:54Alexis Davis is a proven danger and a threat to the community and should remain in custody.
31:05Just to talk about working in a museum or becoming a professor of art history,
31:11have you given up on those possibilities? No. Not really.
31:17Well, what degree would you need as a prerequisite for a curator or a professor?
31:23I would need a bachelor's and an MFA and eventually probably a doctorate.
31:28And are there any other things that you're interested in?
31:31College is the place to explore all kinds of fields.
31:35Yeah, I've heard.
31:38Going back to PCU and finishing your degree will broaden your options.
31:43Just start off with a few classes. At least you'll be moving forward.
31:47I don't know if I'm ready to move forward. Thinking about starting again, it scares me.
31:57Going back to school feels scary now, but don't do it for yourself today.
32:03Do it for yourself 10 years from now. Do it to give yourself options and opportunities
32:09that you'll never have if you remain stuck. You're right. I know I am.
32:17And it just so happens that I have the day off. So we are heading over to campus
32:23and we all want to get you registered for the fall semester. I'm sure it's not too late.
32:29You're sure? I may have called the admissions office and asked.
32:34Well, I'm not surprised.
32:42Let's do it. Let's get unstuck.
32:48Now you talk.
32:52Hey, I can see how you would have feelings for Drew. He saved your life.
32:59That was gratitude. These feelings just snuck up on me. And you are clear on your love for Michael?
33:08Yes, yes. Okay, then I think your instinct to keep some distance from Drew is best.
33:17Just when I think about the way that I've betrayed Michael.
33:19Look, it never got further than a kiss, right? No, no.
33:24Okay, so it was a mistake. We all make mistakes.
33:32That goes for Drew, too. He's not some sleaze. He really loves Michael and
33:40doesn't want to hurt him. Like I said, everyone makes mistakes.
33:46Thanks. Thank you for not judging me. Please. I am far from perfect.
33:56So what are you gonna do about this? I don't know.
34:03I don't know what to do. If we work together, we can push your campaign over the top.
34:11Work together? Yeah. Like in what capacity?
34:14Imagine me. Front and center, on your arm, supporting you. And it's just a matter of
34:20time before people are bound to jump to conclusions about our status.
34:26And what, we're just supposed to like smile and say no comment?
34:30Well, there is nothing wrong with potential voters perceiving us as the country's newest
34:39and greatest power couple. And you would do that for me?
34:46Well, I think I owe you one. Yeah, you kind of do.
34:53I killed Jagger for the family. Look, Dad, you don't have to.
34:57No, no, I want to say it. I want to say it.
35:01He came after Christina and he kept coming after her, especially in the worst time of her life.
35:07And I knew that he wasn't going to stop and he was going to come after all the people that are
35:11close to me for some stupid vendetta. So he had to be stopped.
35:18Why are you telling me this? Because I never wanted to put you
35:22or any of my children in a position to cover for me.
35:26I know that. All that matters right now is protecting Christina.
35:30One other thing.
35:36If you had called the cops, I wouldn't have stopped you.
35:41You had all the power in the world in that moment. And you chose me.
35:51I'll never forget that.
35:57I love you, son.
36:00I love you too, Dad. Okay, I will always choose our family.
36:19Your Honor, this is not the first time the defendant has been
36:22sent to prison for a serious assault. That has no bearing on this hearing.
36:27The defendant lied to police regarding both her whereabouts
36:30on the night in question and her procurement of a firearm.
36:33Which is pure speculation.
36:35Multiple witnesses have provided statements detailing her illegal disposal of said weapon.
36:40Alleged disposal. Your Honor, I thought this was a bail hearing, not a trial.
36:44You're right. As-
36:48And has unlimited resources that is-
36:53Your Honor, please.
36:54I think that's enough.
36:58Ms. Davis, it's clear you're a gifted and talented lawyer.
37:06I've made my decision.
37:12The defendant will be held without bail
37:15and remanded to Pentonville Penitentiary while she awaits trial.
37:28On the next General Hospital-
37:30That almost sounded like an apology.
37:33That's a compromise I'm not gonna have to make much longer.
37:36I'm gonna help you get through this.
37:38I don't know that I love the sounds of this.
37:40You're gonna find the actual murderer.
37:42No, you can't do this!