General Hospital 9-23-24

  • last month
00:00Lily's vitals are holding, barely, I just wish there was something else we could do
00:11for her.
00:12I know, me too, but the only thing that will give her a real chance is a transplant.
00:19You know everything about a transplant is a miracle, not just the surgery itself but
00:26finding the right match, finding the right match in time.
00:30But those miracles do happen, and I really hope she gets the miracle I did and they find
00:35a donor soon.
00:36We were hoping that match would come from someone within the family, but it's looking
00:41like Lucky might be her last hope.
00:44And nobody knows for sure where he is.
00:46Kevin and Laura went to his last known location in Africa, and Jason and Anna are looking
00:51for him.
00:53So, the prospective donor is in a dangerous place, and someone has to find him and bring
00:59him back.
01:00Pretty much.
01:01That's exactly what Drew did for me.
01:10We're still short-staffed with nurses in pediatrics and radiology.
01:14True, but we're completely staffed in all other departments.
01:19And Elizabeth, she's doing a great job on the schedule.
01:23At least with the new hires, we'll be up to strength in our lab.
01:32No, no, no, this can't be right.
01:36Brad Cooper?
01:38I was shocked when you told me to meet you here.
01:41I thought you'd be in your new big office over at Aurora getting ready for your CEO
01:46of the Year cover.
01:48Well, that is a very specific thought, but I like it.
01:53I'm not complaining.
01:54What are you doing here?
01:56Well, you know your uncle, I like to have my hands in a little bit of everything.
02:01I gotta say, though, Marshall and Nika have done a great job here.
02:05But, the only way to really know what's happening is to be here in person, on site.
02:12You're not second-guessing your choice to stay at Aurora?
02:16No, no, no, not even a little bit.
02:19Nephew, the Savoy.
02:22It's a special place to me.
02:24You put your heart and soul into this place.
02:27Yeah, that's right.
02:28You don't just turn your back on something you love.
02:31No, you don't.
02:32Can I get you a drink?
02:33No, I'm good, I'm good.
02:34Thank you, thank you.
02:35I'm good.
02:37So, you and Molly, you guys have a late night dinner or something?
02:44Actually, I don't even know where Molly is.
02:50That's a problem.
03:13What can I get you?
03:14Manhattan, please.
03:16It's not really a cocktail lounge.
03:18Right, um, all the vermouth bitters and the cherry?
03:22So, bourbon, rocks, or neat?
03:26One of each.
03:44What do you got?
03:48If something is worth doing, it's worth doing extraordinarily.
03:57That's not a fortune.
03:59That's a piece of passive-aggressive rubbish.
04:03Don't you think you've kept your guest waiting long enough?
04:06I suppose so.
04:11Geraldine, you're sending me, were you?
04:15What does your fortune say?
04:18All adversaries bid you love.
04:28That's doubtful.
04:32Jocelyn, thank you so much for filling in.
04:34I cannot believe I had two servers call in sick.
04:37It's totally fine.
04:38I'll just stay and I'll help you close up.
04:40Are you sure?
04:41I don't want you to cancel any plans or force you to tolerate being around me.
04:45Okay, that's not fair.
04:47You're right, it's not fair.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:51I've just been on edge with Jason going to Africa.
04:53I get it.
04:55And just so you know, my issue is not with you.
04:57I just don't like when you put Sonny's well-being over your own.
05:17I'm sorry.
05:32Whoa, check you out!
05:35I thought Sasha and Olivia were the only master chefs around here.
05:39I can follow instructions on the back of the box with the best of them.
05:43So are these brownies for anyone in particular?
05:47Family brownies?
05:48They are for Violet's school bake sale.
05:53Why didn't you ask Sasha to make them?
05:55Or at least pick some up on the way to school.
05:57Because I want Violet to know that she is loved and cared for.
06:04Nothing says I love you more like brownie batter on your face.
06:08Mixer got away from me, thank you.
06:11You're welcome.
06:14Seriously, that's stuff about wanting Violet to feel loved.
06:19You sound exactly like my mom.
06:23Please talk to me.
06:25Come on, come here.
06:26How do I make things better between us?
06:28You know that it's not that simple.
06:30There has to be something, Jocelyn.
06:32We both just have to learn to live with the way things are, alright?
06:36You made your decision about Sonny.
06:38I don't like it.
06:40But I accept it.
06:43You do?
06:45Michael helped me understand your point of view.
06:49What did Michael say?
06:51He basically said that if you're with Sonny in whatever capacity,
06:55that that's for the greater good of our family.
06:58I don't know, he told me to butt out.
07:00So I'm butting out.
07:06Listen, I appreciate this.
07:08I really do.
07:11But I don't want you to feel like you can't come and talk to me about things.
07:15I love that you're not afraid to voice your opinions.
07:19Because saying I'm gonna butt out and actually butting out are two very different things.
07:26Okay, how about this?
07:28I'll try to manage my expectations and you do the same.
07:31Okay, deal.
07:33But Sonny and I have too much of a history for me not to side with him when he needs my help.
07:41But that doesn't mean we're definitely getting back together.
07:46That's reassuring.
07:48And also terrifying.
07:54Apologies, Jack.
07:56I was having dinner here with my sister-in-law.
07:59I don't believe we've met.
08:02Jack Brennan.
08:03Felicia Scorpio. Formerly Jones.
08:06Ah, yes. Frisco's ex-wife.
08:09That's right.
08:11Your former husband was a very good boss.
08:13I was sorry to hear that Frisco left the Bureau.
08:16It's a lesser place without it.
08:19So I hear.
08:21I appreciate you dropping by within your busy schedule.
08:28I happen to be of service.
08:31I can't imagine what the WSB can do for a small local jurisdiction.
08:36Well, not small enough to stop the WSB from opening an office in Port Charles.
08:41Well, I can't speak for the higher-ups.
08:44Well then, speak to Anna and Jason's status in Africa.
08:50We had hoped to get word by now.
08:52I'm afraid I can't help you.
08:54Their mission falls outside the Bureau's auspices.
08:58Anna, the WSB has eyes everywhere.
09:02But I can't be leaking privileged intelligence.
09:05To do so could compromise Bureau security and Bureau assets.
09:10He doesn't trust us.
09:13Anna and Jason aren't a part of the WSB either.
09:18We're asking for less information than you gave them.
09:21Well, I did that to assist them in locating Luke Spencer's son.
09:24It was a one-time favor.
09:27Consider the favor that we're about to do you.
09:30And that is?
09:31Not letting it slip just how free you are with their resources.
09:39Hi, TJ.
09:41It's me.
09:42I know you're working.
09:44I just thought maybe I'd catch you on a break.
09:48Just wanted to hear your voice.
09:53But I'll see you at home.
09:59ADA Lansing Davis.
10:05Long day?
10:07Not as long as yours.
10:10You heard about my mom?
10:12I did.
10:13How are you doing?
10:17You are the first person to ask me that all day.
10:20Well, what's the answer?
10:23I've been better.
10:27You look like you could use some company.
10:31I could.
10:36The IPA on draft.
10:41Okay, I'm a little confused.
10:43Molly just took off.
10:44She didn't tell you where she was going?
10:46She left me a message saying she's fine.
10:50Okay, but you haven't spoken with her?
10:52It's typical for us lately.
10:54One of us reaches out, but we don't actually connect with the other.
10:59Well, couples go through these phases every now and then.
11:02Sometimes they're completely in sync.
11:04Sometimes not so much.
11:07But you both still care about each other, right?
11:09We do.
11:10We do.
11:11It just...
11:13It feels like we're going through the motions.
11:15We keep finding reasons to be apart.
11:17Well, you both have demanding jobs.
11:19We've never had these kind of problems until now.
11:24Does Molly feel the same way?
11:26She knows we pass each other a lot, coming and going.
11:30I don't know if she thinks it's a problem.
11:35Have you talked to her about this?
11:40In passing.
11:42As much as I want to put this all on Molly, I know that I can't.
11:46Because I keep staying at work and finding reasons to be apart, too.
11:49Alright, alright.
11:52I know, sometimes it's just easier to pour yourself into work.
11:56And then you go home and there's all these emotional landmines just sitting there waiting for you to step on.
12:03There's always a patient or a follow-up that needs my attention.
12:07And at work, you know what's expected of you.
12:10And you know what you're doing.
12:12At the hospital, I know what the rules are.
12:13At home, I have no clue.
12:22And it's only a trial.
12:24Although, Brad's been back close to a month and there haven't been any problems.
12:28A month?
12:30And you're just now telling me this now?
12:33It's been on the staffing report.
12:36So you knew?
12:38Of course I did.
12:39But why wouldn't you warn me?
12:41Why wouldn't you warn me that Brad Cooper is back?
12:45Better yet, why wouldn't you stop it?
12:49The only reason I'm alive is because Drew risked his life to save mine.
12:54He's always been brave.
12:56And he was a Navy SEAL after all.
12:58I know.
12:59And he's been through a lot in his life.
13:02He easily could have turned out to be a selfish, bitter guy who thinks the world owes him.
13:07So now he turned out to be a kind, compassionate man who just wants to help other people.
13:14He is something.
13:19Well, I think I've done enough cheerleading for one day.
13:22I'm gonna go check on my patients.
13:24Okay, you know where I'll be.
13:28Thank you!
13:33You know, there's no reason for you to be terrified.
13:38Mom, I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm genuinely scared for you.
13:45Because if you're not getting back together with Sonny, then that can only mean one thing.
13:49That there's no future for us, and I thought you'd be happy about that, Justin.
13:53Saying that you and Sonny hooked up the night that Agent Cates was murdered
13:58is about you protecting Sonny so that he doesn't get charged for murdering him.
14:02Okay, I don't want to get back into it with you again. I don't.
14:05Mom, I'm not asking you to confirm anything.
14:07I already know what happened.
14:09And by the way, I understand why you're doing it.
14:14All I'm asking is for you to see my perspective.
14:17Which is?
14:18You're risking your entire future for a man who does not have the best track record
14:23at returning the undying loyalty that he expects from other people.
14:27That is not true.
14:31You were willing to go to jail for Jason because he gave up everything to protect you.
14:36Do you think that Sonny would do the same thing?
14:39Anna and Jason have made contact with the person holding Lucky Prisoner.
14:43And I'm afraid that's all the information I can give you.
14:47See? That wasn't so hard.
14:52The Bureau has plans to be in Port Charles for the long haul,
14:56and it's in all our interests to get along.
15:00Look at us. Picture of cooperation.
15:05And on that note, I should be going.
15:08Wait, I have another question.
15:10Why did you help Anna and Jason?
15:13Well, as I said, I did it to help Luke Spencer's son.
15:18You didn't even know Luke.
15:20No, I didn't.
15:22But the Bureau owes him a debt.
15:24You decided to pay it.
15:26That's right.
15:27And what's in it for you?
15:29Your good will is plenty.
15:33Have a good night.
15:38You know, it used to be whatever happened at work,
15:42I knew once I got home, I could let that all go.
15:45Now I find myself tensing up on the drive home,
15:48and by the time I even walk through the door,
15:50I can feel that everything has changed,
15:52even though between us, nothing actually has.
15:56Something did change.
15:58Maybe not between you, but to you.
16:04When I was learning to walk again,
16:06Portia wanted nothing more than to help me.
16:09And instead of being grateful,
16:12or, God forbid, just letting her,
16:15I pushed her away.
16:17Uncle, that seems counterintuitive.
16:19Yes, it's very counterintuitive.
16:22Why wouldn't I just let the person who loves me the most help me?
16:26Why didn't you?
16:28I don't know.
16:30It was about control.
16:32I thought I was the only one who understood
16:35what I was going through.
16:37So I isolated myself.
16:39I didn't reach out to anyone.
16:41Why would I?
16:43No one would understand what I was feeling.
16:45That was my problem to solve.
16:48I had no control over what happened to me
16:51at the MetroCorp pool when I was shot.
16:54So, I had no control.
16:59So, I had to have control.
17:02Somehow, someway.
17:04So, did...
17:06Did any of that actually help?
17:09Uh, not for my recovery, not for my rehab,
17:13not for most of my relationships,
17:15but, other than that, killed it.
17:21Listen, uh,
17:23I know nothing I say compares
17:25to dealing with losing a child.
17:28I know.
17:30And I get what you're saying.
17:32So, how are you doing with everything?
17:35Well, today has been hard
17:39and crazy in its own way,
17:41but it's also just kind of been that way for weeks.
17:44So, just feels like the new normal.
17:47Yeah, I hear you.
17:49Maybe I was selfish for wanting a child.
17:52How was that selfish?
17:55Well, you know,
17:57when TJ and I decided we wanted a baby,
17:59I found out I couldn't.
18:01And then we tried a surrogate,
18:03and that didn't work either.
18:05And then...
18:09I mean, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.
18:11I'm not sure that's how the universe works.
18:13Well, I don't know.
18:15Infertility in a miscarriage
18:17didn't get the message across,
18:19so the universe felt like it had to
18:21literally throw my sister and my baby out a window.
18:25I just...
18:29I can't help thinking about
18:31all the things I was excited to do with my baby.
18:33You know?
18:35Like, um,
18:37first words,
18:39and first steps,
18:41first birthday,
18:43and, like, going to the zoo.
18:45And the park,
18:47and, like,
18:49taking those cute little
18:51first day of school pictures.
18:59The lab was short-staffed,
19:01Brad Cooper has years of experience,
19:03and he's really good.
19:05He's good at tampering with test results.
19:07With his record, with his history.
19:09Come on,
19:11we cannot allow Brad Cooper
19:13access to confidential information.
19:15He's had access
19:17for the last month,
19:19but Brad's been closely supervised,
19:22and so far, his work has been incredibly
19:24precise and productive.
19:26Well, thankfully,
19:28he's a trial hire.
19:30I will be keeping my eye
19:32on Brad Cooper, and the minute
19:34he steps out of line, which he will,
19:36he's gone.
19:48Donna abhors her father.
19:50So does Avery, and not having
19:52Sonny in their lives would be devastating
19:54for them, and the grandchildren.
19:58I know, that's what Michael said.
20:00Michael's a smart man.
20:02Look, no matter
20:04how hard I try, I can't find fault
20:06in that.
20:08It's actually quite noble,
20:10in a weird, twisted, gothic
20:12sort of way. Yeah.
20:14Well, I could do worse than twisted and noble.
20:17I'm not tying
20:19myself to Sonny forever.
20:21I know that you think that,
20:23Mom, but if the past
20:25is any indication, I think it's
20:27gonna be harder to extricate
20:29yourself from Sonny than you think it is.
20:43Good evening, ladies. Oh, sorry,
20:46we're close. Oh, that's okay.
20:48He's a friend of mine. Jack, this is
20:50my daughter, Jocelyn. Jocelyn, this is
20:52Jack Brennan. Oh, it's
20:54nice to meet you. Your name
20:56is oddly familiar. Oh, that's
20:58probably because it was alleged that I
21:00attempted to kidnap your mother
21:02from this very establishment.
21:04And I thought you said he was a friend.
21:06Uh, he is.
21:08Uh, it was a complete misunderstanding.
21:10You were arrested
21:12for it. It was a
21:14misunderstanding, like he said. Jack is a WSB
21:16agent. In fact, he's
21:18the new head of the WSB
21:20Port Charles Field Office.
21:24well, the fryer is off for
21:26the evening, but there's coffee. Okay,
21:28thank you so much for filling in. Um, have fun
21:30with your friends. I love you. Yeah, I love you
21:32too. Okay.
21:38Yeah, my daughter
21:40tends to be tough
21:43on the men of my life. Mm-hmm. Well, actually, I was
21:45expecting my name to elicit a much
21:47stronger reaction than that. Well, I gotta tell
21:49you, on Jocelyn's scale of one to
21:51Sonny, I think you're a four.
21:53I'm hurt.
21:55Oh, there's plenty of room to move up on that.
21:57Want a cup of coffee? No, no,
21:59I'm fine, thanks. I didn't come here
22:01for refreshments. I came here about
22:03your friend, Jason.
22:07So, you said you have
22:09some good news.
22:11Yes, I do. Um,
22:13but I feel like I should
22:15maybe warn you a little bit.
22:19It's just about
22:21Heather Weber.
22:25Well, then a warning was a good idea.
22:27Don't worry.
22:29I think that you're gonna be pleased.
22:31As a matter of fact,
22:33I know that you will. Well, there's only
22:35one way to find out, so
22:37what's the news?
22:40I received Heather's lab
22:44The ones that her legal team requested
22:46to check the cobalt levels
22:48in her blood. Yeah, she needed those
22:50to get her case re-examined.
22:52And Heather's levels?
22:54They're almost exactly
22:56the same as they were before.
22:58They're still extremely high.
23:00How is that possible? The bad hip was
23:04Apparently, that wasn't the problem.
23:06Well, then if it wasn't the hip,
23:08how did they get toxic levels of
23:10cobalt in their bloodstream?
23:12Well, by ingesting it,
23:14inhaling it, even
23:16prolonged contact with the skin.
23:18So, Heather was
23:20eating or wearing cobalt?
23:22Honey, I don't think that Heather was
23:24eating cobalt, no.
23:26But, um, it's in food.
23:28You know, fish,
23:30nuts, vegetables,
23:32all kinds of things.
23:34So pescatarians everywhere can just go on a killing spree
23:36at any moment. Trina, honey, I don't know.
23:38But whatever the reason,
23:40Heather Webber,
23:42she's never eaten out of pit and go.
23:44Hey, Terry.
23:46Do you have a second?
23:48Sure. So I spoke to
23:50my brother, Steven, and I wanted to give you an update.
23:52Terrific. I'm glad he finally called
23:54you. Me too. And with
23:56good news. He's been
23:58released from prison.
24:00Good. I'm glad.
24:02I know how worried you are about
24:04your brother. Yeah.
24:06He did his time, and now he's settled
24:08in Sedona.
24:10What's he gonna do for work?
24:12You know, I don't know. We actually didn't
24:14get into that. I know it's something in the
24:16medical field. Oh, I'm glad.
24:18He was such a good doctor.
24:20It'd be a shame if he didn't find a way to
24:22use the skills and knowledge he has.
24:24Think he'll
24:26visit? Port Charles?
24:28You? In Port Charles?
24:30Oh, I doubt it.
24:32He doesn't want anything to do
24:34with Heather, and visiting me
24:36would put him in her orbit.
24:38One way or another,
24:40it's always something with her.
24:42I mean, now we
24:44have to deal with the ramifications of her
24:46cobalt poisoning.
24:48But in spite of everything she's
24:50done, she still deserves the best
24:52treatment possible.
24:54Of course.
24:56That aside, do you think she
24:58deserves a second chance?
25:00Yeah, whenever I had a
25:02school thing, my mom would always make these
25:04Italian cookies with the little
25:06pine nuts. Oh, pignolis?
25:08That's it. Uh-huh.
25:10I loved them. And so
25:12did she. Of course. I mean, she was
25:14born in Italy. It was in her blood.
25:16Wait a minute. So your mom
25:18played the violin for the New York Phil. She had to
25:20practice for hours
25:22and hours, and she still managed
25:24to make time to bake for
25:26you? I told her
25:28she didn't have to do it, but she said she wanted
25:30to. Because, you know, I was her favorite
25:32son, and she loved
25:34me the most. You're an only child to you.
25:36Doesn't make it any less true.
25:38Camilla used to make
25:40the best cookies. Oh, my
25:42mouth is watering just thinking about them. And
25:44Aunt Chia, she made them too, but they just weren't as good.
25:46If you
25:48repeat that, I will deny it, and I will
25:50hurt you. I'll take it to the grave.
25:54you know,
25:56a lot of the kids at my school
25:58didn't even like those pignoli cookies
26:00anyways. It didn't matter
26:02who made them.
26:04I got in a fight with some kid about it
26:06once. Did you win?
26:08He was insulting my mom's
26:10cookies. Therefore, my mom
26:12and our family's honor. Yeah,
26:14I won. What'd your mom say?
26:16Well, I didn't tell her about
26:18it. Not at first.
26:20Of course she got it out of you.
26:22Yeah. After I spilled my
26:24guts about it,
26:26she started making
26:28American chocolate chip cookies.
26:30Oh. But she still made
26:32the Italian ones for me.
26:42Sorry about
26:44that. No worries.
26:46How is your mom doing?
26:48I'm worried
26:50about her. I mean, she's
26:52convinced that everything
26:56I think the truth will come out.
26:58We might have to pry it out of
27:00its hiding place. In court?
27:02It'd be great if it could
27:04happen sometime before that.
27:06I hear all the other cops talk about
27:08testifying in court, and it makes me nervous
27:10just thinking about it.
27:12Court's the one place I'm not nervous.
27:14Because usually you know
27:16what's gonna happen. And
27:18if you ever had to testify, the prosecutor
27:20would make sure that you do too.
27:22So I'm not gonna get caught up in any of those Perry Mason
27:24gotchas? Those don't
27:26happen in real life.
27:28But even if
27:30things did go off the rails in trial,
27:32there are procedures
27:34in place that limit
27:36the number of possible outcomes, you know?
27:38So the
27:40courtroom is your happy place?
27:42I guess so. Yeah.
27:44Okay, what about when you're not in court?
27:46I don't know.
27:48Right now,
27:50let's just say I'm not being
27:52the partner,
27:54sister, daughter,
27:56or mother that I should be.
27:58No one thinks that.
28:00If they do, you can point them to the nearest exit.
28:02Can't always do that with family.
28:04But no, I mean, no.
28:06No one's come right out and said it,
28:08but I know it's what they think.
28:10Oh, so you're psychic too?
28:12I don't have to be. I can tell
28:14just from the way they look at me.
28:16They're disappointed or angry
28:18with the way that I'm reacting, and
28:20maybe they're right. I mean, I've never
28:22felt so out of control.
28:24You don't seem out of control.
28:28Why does it just feel like everything is
28:32Except when I'm
28:34in court.
28:36When I'm in court, I'm the person
28:38I want to be.
28:40That man is slick. Maybe
28:42too slick. I hope we can trust
28:46Make no mistake, we can't.
28:48Do you think he'll
28:50sell out Anna and Jason?
28:54it would create
28:58and a whole lot of
29:00unwanted attention to him.
29:02Well, maybe this time
29:04it'll keep him honest. Maybe.
29:08Is Brennan going after Lucky
29:10because it's a good fit for
29:12the Bureau, or
29:14is he trying to curry favour
29:16with Laura, Anna
29:18and me? Or, maybe
29:20he's trying to curry favour with
29:22someone else.
29:28Have you heard
29:30from Jason? Why do you ask?
29:34Robert Scorpio
29:36summoned me to his office to question me
29:40Anna and Jason's activities
29:42in Nairobi.
29:44What'd you tell them?
29:46I told them that Anna and Jason have made
29:48initial contact with Sidwell.
29:50And I haven't heard anything beyond
29:52that yet. Well, they found him
29:54fast. I snuck Anna
29:56the Bureau's dossier on Sidwell
29:58so they knew where to start.
30:02Sounds like you've gone further down that
30:04slippery slope.
30:06WSB's gonna frown
30:08on that. They'll frown on all
30:10of it if they knew.
30:12I know you're doing
30:14all this as a favour to me.
30:16I'll put it on your tab.
30:18Or I'll use
30:20it to boost my ratings on
30:22Jocelyn's Sunny Scale.
30:24Oh, speak of the devil.
30:26How are things going between you and
30:30Can we not get into it? I just had a long
30:32talk with Jocelyn about it and...
30:34You'll get no judgements
30:36from me. I try not
30:38to dwell on exes.
30:40Even your own?
30:42I'm just not interested in the past.
30:44Yours or mine.
30:46I prefer to live in the here and
30:50I like that.
30:52The people in this town, they
30:54have long memories. So you may want to
30:56come up with another excuse for the zip-tie
30:58situation and a misunderstanding.
31:02I like a kinky?
31:04That'll be a tough sell in this town.
31:06Good call. Okay, how's this?
31:10and people aren't always
31:12what they seem.
31:14That I'll buy.
31:18So how does a man go
31:20from Pittenville
31:22to the head of the local
31:24WSB office?
31:28You know, it's very cool that you and Chase
31:30are doing all the right parent things for Violet.
31:32I don't know that we're doing it,
31:34but we are definitely trying.
31:36We just, we want Violet to know that we love
31:38her and that we are here
31:40for her.
31:42I'm not a parent, but I had a really great one
31:44and that's how she made
31:46me feel.
31:54I know you never met your dad,
31:56but still, you're a pretty lucky kid.
31:58Baby, I know it.
32:00My mom, she
32:02she got me on
32:04practicing for hours
32:06and hours and she would just sit there
32:08help me with my scales
32:10and, you know, I was
32:12I was bad at counting
32:14and she was like my
32:20She was so patient
32:22and amazing.
32:24Like how you and Chase
32:26are with Violet.
32:28You know, your kids are going to be so
32:30lucky when you have them.
32:34Well, we're working on it.
32:36My career
32:38trajectory is a long story.
32:40I don't care
32:42what anyone else thinks about my promotion
32:44from guest of the
32:46state to head of the
32:48WSB field office.
32:50Does it bother
32:52you? Not at all.
32:54Maybe one day
32:56I'll share some of my past with you.
32:58There is nothing you
33:00could say that would change
33:02our friendship.
33:06Don't be so sure.
33:10Do you remember
33:12what I said to you the first time you visited me
33:14at Bentonville?
33:16Straight answers are kind of rare
33:18in my world.
33:20Yeah, I don't think you gave me many that day.
33:24was very little about our first
33:26encounter that could be taken at face value.
33:28It was mostly
33:30set up. Mostly?
33:32Well, I enjoyed your
33:34company. Nothing
33:36false about that.
33:38What about this?
33:40Is any of this
33:42a set up? I don't have
33:44any agenda here. There's nothing
33:46I want from you.
33:52Nothing that has to
33:54do with bureau business.
33:56I'd love a
33:58burger though.
34:04Molly and I both
34:06lost Irene. But when
34:08it comes to dealing with the loss, she's
34:10isolating herself, nephew, and
34:12she's diving right into work.
34:14I think it makes her feel better somehow.
34:16And I'm not saying that she doesn't feel
34:18this loss every bit
34:20as much as I am, because I know
34:22she is. But
34:24our job is giving her something she's not
34:26getting anywhere else.
34:28She hasn't reached out to you and talked to
34:30you about what that is? I'm not sure she wants
34:32to. Maybe she doesn't know how to.
34:34Uncle, we
34:36have always supported each other.
34:38We were a team.
34:40And then this.
34:42And if we can't share this,
34:44what can we share?
34:46Nothing you and Molly
34:48have been through could have
34:50prepared you or given you the
34:52necessary tools to navigate the loss of a
34:54child. I don't want to lose Molly too.
34:58And I'm starting to think that that's out of
35:00my control. But you and
35:02Molly have so much history
35:04together. We do.
35:08I'm not sure that's enough to guarantee us a future.
35:12I'm afraid I've had a second chance.
35:14Obviously, I'm grateful for that.
35:18When it comes to Heather,
35:20I'm not so sure
35:22she deserves one.
35:26What about Brad Cooper?
35:28What does it matter? He's already working
35:30here. And I'm the one who gave him
35:32a recommendation.
35:36Well, maybe you gave him a second
35:38chance because you
35:40saw something in him
35:42that he deserved one.
35:44Your assessment of me is very generous.
35:48Well, who knows? Maybe you're believing
35:50him enough to give him
35:52that second chance will
35:54be enough to make a difference
35:56in him. I thought that you would be
35:58happy about this.
36:02It just feels too good
36:04to be true.
36:06The tests say what they say.
36:08Yeah, I guess they do.
36:12Trina, honey, what's wrong?
36:16Ever since I found out that Heather
36:18was moving to get her case
36:20reexamined, I feel
36:22like I was on thin ice, waiting
36:24for it to crack.
36:26And I felt like the water was gonna
36:28pull me under.
36:30Honey. I thought that she'd
36:32be free. But you
36:34don't have to worry about that.
36:36You don't have to worry about that anymore.
36:39I guess I didn't realize
36:41how much this was actually affecting
36:43me until tonight, but
36:45now knowing that Heather
36:47is never getting out of prison,
36:50I feel free.
36:52You do.
36:54And I know it sounds
36:56cliche, but
37:01I just feel like, oh,
37:03weight has been lifted.
37:06I'm so glad.
37:10Things are finally turning out the way that
37:12they're supposed to.
37:35Oh, my God.
38:05You're finally
38:07getting the peace
38:09that you deserve.
38:11And I am so happy for you.
38:15Me too.
38:17Now let's order something.
38:19Yes. Oh, my goodness.
38:21Order anything you want.
38:23Honey, we are celebrating, girl.
38:36On the next General Hospital...
38:38She's about to do something she shouldn't.
38:40I need to ask you a few questions.
38:42I think this is the part where you tell me what did go down.
38:44Where were you last night?
38:46I'm gonna do what I can to help you.
38:48Why hang on to the past when you've got a good future staring you right in the face?
38:50What aren't you telling me?