General Hospital 9-13-24

  • last month
00:00Something on my face?
00:15On your face and all around you.
00:18You, my handsome husband, are glowing.
00:21Everything about you radiates happiness.
00:23Is that what this feeling is?
00:26Yes, it is.
00:27Then you better get used to it because it's all smooth sailing from here.
00:31Well, I'm not sure about that.
00:33Look, Scorpio, is that pessimism I hear?
00:36Well, it's hard not to feel that way with everything that just happened.
00:40What are you talking about?
00:43Did you not catch the stink lines radiating from Tracy Quartermain a few minutes ago?
00:49Oh, here you go, Ma, drink this.
00:54Are you all right?
00:57Are you serious?
01:00You and Chase are going to make me a Nona?
01:06This house is going completely downhill.
01:08Entitled cooks, babies that cry all night, interloping hoi polloi that move in and never
01:14leave and now we can add liar to the list.
01:17Someone lied to you?
01:19Let me guess.
01:20Uh, Michael.
01:21Uh, Drew.
01:24Of course, it wouldn't be surprising if any of them were lying.
01:29No, this time the person is Violet.
01:32Jack, what do you got for me?
01:37I admire a woman who skips the small talk and gets right down to business.
01:42Well, Lola's life is on the line, so there's no time to waste.
01:45They hung up on me.
01:49I'm going to need an assistant if the crown one keeps letting you in here.
01:54If you think any assistant's going to stop me, then you are woefully underqualified for
01:59this job.
02:01Port Charles is my town.
02:02You're just passing through.
02:03How you doing?
02:04Well, my mom is being targeted for murder, so not great.
02:13Yeah, I know it's not easy, but it's very important that you let the investigation into
02:16your mother run its course.
02:18If you're asking me to trust that the police are going to clear my mom as a suspect, I
02:23can't do that.
02:24Christina, if you're thinking about going to the cops-
02:26I have to.
02:27I'm the one who got her into this mess.
02:29If you tell the police the truth about the night that Kate was murdered, it's just going
02:32to put you in their crosshairs.
02:34Well, if it gets my mother out of their crosshairs, then it's worth it.
02:37It could make things worse for both of you.
02:38I mean, Chase could think that you and your mother were involved in this.
02:40But that's not true.
02:41Yeah, but if they think it is, if they think it is, you can get charged with murder and
02:45your mother as an accessory.
02:48Okay, well, what am I supposed to do?
02:51There's a way to keep you out of trouble and your mom from getting into any more of it.
02:57I would have come sooner, but, you know, a busy couple of days.
03:01Yeah, I've been a little busy myself, trying to keep our daughter out of jail while being
03:05treated like a criminal myself.
03:07I'm sorry you're in that position.
03:09I can handle myself.
03:10Right now, we have a much bigger problem.
03:15How are we going to keep our daughter from being charged for a murder that you and I
03:19both know she didn't commit?
03:45Sounds like you have a plan.
03:46What are you thinking?
03:47Well, your mother has an uphill battle.
03:49Because of her criminal history?
03:50And all the evidence against her.
03:52And she threatened Cates in a room full of cops.
03:55She was in possession of a weapon, which she got caught disposing of.
03:58And she doesn't have an alibi.
03:59I already know how bad it is, Michael.
04:01And more importantly, Cates was a federal agent, so there's going to be a lot of pressure
04:04to make an arrest and convict the killer.
04:07Doesn't really sound like you have a plan.
04:09We may not be able to detract from the case against Alexis, but we can deliver them a
04:16stronger one against someone else.
04:20Do you have someone in mind?
04:24I get why you're all worked up.
04:26I have every reason to be worked up.
04:28You may be used to being interrogated.
04:30And you're not?
04:32You're the career criminal.
04:34You're only an instant one.
04:39You know, us swiping at each other isn't going to help Christine.
04:44Okay, just do me, just do me one favor, okay?
04:48Hold your judgment for our daughter's sake until I'm gone.
04:52Okay, maybe you could do me a favor then.
04:54And own up to your role in all of this.
04:57You think I don't know that all this is because of me?
04:59Jagger holding a grudge for over 30 years?
05:02Using our daughter to try to get his revenge?
05:06I was referring to more recent events at the quarter mains.
05:11Jagger is dead, so is his vendetta against me and my family.
05:15I want to put all this behind us.
05:19Do you know what she was doing that night?
05:22She was here with me.
05:24Until she left to steal a gun from you.
05:29I have never known Violet to lie.
05:32But if she is telling a fib here and there, it's completely understandable.
05:36Especially after everything she's been through.
05:38If we let her get away with this, who knows what's next.
05:42I hardly think that Violet telling a fib here and there is going to set her on a path to a life of crime.
05:49No, but maybe we want to think about getting her a therapist.
05:55Ma, of course, I'm happy to get her whatever she needs.
05:58But first, I'd like to hear the entire story.
06:01Grandmother, what did Violet lie to you about that's got you so upset?
06:05She is going around telling everybody that you and Chase are having a baby.
06:12Oh my God. Tell me it's a lie.
06:15Or at least a misunderstanding.
06:18Chase and I aren't having a baby.
06:21But I am thinking about it.
06:28Tracy was in a bad mood today.
06:30Tracy has been condescending to her employees for decades now.
06:35But today was ridiculous.
06:37Sasha is not allowed to have friends here.
06:40She lives here.
06:42Well, so does Cody, but Tracy didn't go after him.
06:45It's only a matter of time.
06:47Tracy generally applies the same amount of spite to everyone.
06:52Cody just seems to get off easy.
06:54So what are you saying?
06:56Well, maybe there's a reason that Tracy doesn't go after Cody.
07:01Are you saying you think Tracy is interested in Cody?
07:05I don't care. I need to talk to him.
07:10Okay. Please tell him to call me.
07:14His assistant keeps saying Jack can't come to the phone right now.
07:17Brennan will call you when he has something to tell you.
07:21Why should we wait for him?
07:24We can tap into the resource we have right here.
07:31Isaiah Gannon.
07:33This is Jason Morgan.
07:36I believe you two met on the shoulder of Route 41.
07:45I don't know if Port Charles will be big enough for both of us.
07:48Well, yes, I mean, it can be.
07:51On my terms.
07:53Which are?
07:54Well, if I require something from you, you deliver.
07:58I don't work for you.
08:01You do know that the WSB, they rent this building from the city of Port Charles.
08:07And if you make things difficult for me, I don't know, maybe these premises, they just won't be up to code.
08:12Oh, I see. We moved on to the threats portion of this conversation.
08:16Just curious.
08:18How does it feel to be a big fish in a little pond?
08:21From the city of Port Charles.
08:23And if you make things difficult for me, I don't know, maybe these premises, they just won't be up to code.
08:28Oh, I see. We moved on to the threats portion of this conversation.
08:32Just curious.
08:34How does it feel to be a big fish in a little pond?
08:37From the city of Port Charles.
08:39And if you make things difficult for me, I don't know, maybe these premises, they just won't be up to code.
08:44Oh, I see. We moved on to the threats portion of this conversation.
08:48Just curious.
08:51How does it feel to be a big fish in a little pond?
08:53From the city of Port Charles.
08:55And if you make things difficult for me, I don't know, maybe these premises, they just won't be up to code.
09:00Oh, I see. We moved on to the threats portion of this conversation.
09:04Just curious.
09:07How does it feel to be a big fish in a little pond?
09:10Oh, I like it.
09:12How's it gonna feel for you when you have to report back to your boss that you've been run out of town?
09:18What do you want?
09:19I want Lucky's location.
09:21And you've had plenty of time since last night to find it.
09:24What makes you think I even kept looking, much less found anything?
09:27Oh, because I have learned that if I do actually require something from you,
09:33my best chance is to request it through Carly Spencer.
09:36Because you seem to be very eager to do whatever it takes to make her happy.
09:42Ah, yeah.
09:46Sidwell headed northeast.
09:48The pond land.
09:50He has a secondary operation there.
09:55You know, I could report you for going rogue.
10:02I should be grateful to you for helping me.
10:05You a cop or something?
10:07Just a coffee importer.
10:09Interesting career choice.
10:11And a friend.
10:13To Lucky.
10:15We have that in common.
10:19I just wish I could have helped my buddy.
10:25If I hadn't gotten hit by that car, someone could have gotten to him sooner.
10:29We haven't given up.
10:31We're working hard to find Lucky's location.
10:34Yeah, and once we have that, I'll be going there to bring Lucky home.
10:37By yourself?
10:39Sidwell's surrounded by guards.
10:41It's going to take more than just some coffee importer to get him out.
10:46I'm coming with you.
10:51Are you threatening me?
10:53Because I actually might like that.
10:55Not threatening, warning.
10:57You're no longer a WSP agent.
11:00Emma, this isn't a bureau operation.
11:03This is off the books.
11:05I am acting independently of any agency.
11:08Which also means you don't have any support or backup.
11:12I can handle this myself.
11:15Jen's Sidwell is more dangerous than you realize.
11:18He doesn't care who he hurts or kills in the process of getting what he wants.
11:22I don't know, what are you doing?
11:24You're pretending that you care about me?
11:26Mostly I care about the potential for your little quest to blow back on me.
11:30You're going into danger with bureau intelligence alone.
11:34Okay, well then give me a team that I can take with me.
11:37You can't do that.
11:38You know I can't do that.
11:40Then do the one thing that you can.
11:42Which is give me Lucky's location.
11:46Only if you tell me why this Lucky character is worth risking your neck.
11:50And even worse, owing me a favor.
11:55I wasn't implying that Tracy is interested in Cody romantically.
12:00Good, because I didn't gain a son only to watch Cruella de Quartermaine
12:06turn him into a saddle.
12:10Tracy considers Cody a friend, one that she cares about very deeply.
12:16Tracy has lost a lot of people over the years.
12:20Her parents, Alan, Luke, and now recently Gregory.
12:25She must be very lonely.
12:29She lives in a house full of people.
12:31But look, Cody's different.
12:33He's nice to her, he's sweet, and he's uncomplicated.
12:37You make him sound like a golden retriever.
12:40Put yourself in Tracy's shoes.
12:43She comes to the stables to talk to Cody, a man who may be her only real friend.
12:49Only to find his attention is completely taken up by his new family
12:54and a beautiful young woman who is just as smitten with him as he is with her.
13:00Are you saying you think Tracy is jealous?
13:04Absolutely. Don't let Tracy get to you.
13:08Oh, I won't.
13:10Because I'm gonna find Cody a new job and a new place to live far away from Tracy.
13:17I was absolutely frantic when I came out here and I saw that she had left with my car.
13:23And then she came back, she was all wet.
13:25Where did she say she'd been?
13:27She said she went to your house and then to the baby's grave.
13:30She told me about the gun, but she didn't say anything about the grave.
13:34You know that our daughter is suffering right now from severe postpartum trauma
13:39along with everything else that has happened to her.
13:42She needs help, Alexis. Do you think we should admit her to a facility?
13:46I don't know what I think or what is right for her right now.
13:50All I could think of was the implications of her being in possession of a loaded weapon.
13:55Well, you were right to worry.
13:57It's a violation of bail, and if it isn't terrifying enough
14:00the thought that she might shoot somebody, I was afraid that she would hurt herself.
14:04She assured me she would not do that.
14:07Well, given her state of mind, I had no choice but to get rid of the gun, did I?
14:13Christina told me. Diane told me. Unfortunately, there's witnesses.
14:18Yeah, I know.
14:20Rick and Elizabeth just happened to be strolling by
14:23just in time to watch me toss the gun over the bridge into the river.
14:28What I didn't know at the time was that John Cates had just been murdered
14:32and the police were off looking for the 9mm gun that killed him,
14:35which is the same kind of gun that they witnessed me getting rid of.
14:42I did some digging into Cates' past, and he made a lot of enemies when he was a fed.
14:48Criminals who might be willing to place themselves at the scene of the crime
14:51for the right incentive.
14:55You want to pay someone to take the fall for this?
14:58I want to ensure that you don't take responsibility for a crime that you did not commit.
15:03Honestly, I'm surprised you're telling me all this.
15:06You should know. It's your life, it's your decision,
15:09but more importantly, you should know because, Christina,
15:12this plan is absolutely pointless if you undercut it
15:16by speaking up in Alexis' defense.
15:21It's oddly comforting how well you know me.
15:25Well, you're my sister, so...
15:34Christina, it's Detective Chase. Would it be possible for you to meet me at the station?
15:38Detective Chase? Is this about the federal charges?
15:43I have a few questions I need to ask you.
15:46I'm in the middle of something right now,
15:49so I'm not going to be able to get down there.
15:53Christina, this isn't a request.
16:01You wouldn't want to have Christina admitted into a facility.
16:06Because I asked her if she was going to hurt herself,
16:09and she seemed shocked, so I genuinely think that it didn't occur to her.
16:14I feel the same way, but now that means
16:19she was wanting to use the gun on someone else.
16:23What a comforting thought.
16:25Well, I'm just saying.
16:26But the good thing is that now we don't have to think that she's going to harm herself.
16:31So, now what do we have?
16:35She took the gun from your place, I got rid of it,
16:38and the police have now come looking for me.
16:41What'd you tell them?
16:46What are you worried about?
16:49You worried that I'm going to incriminate Christina?
16:53Or you?
16:55Christina, have a seat.
16:58Not sure why you're here.
16:59Well, we couldn't get in touch with Diane.
17:01Sure my presence here won't be a problem, right?
17:05Friend, I'm just doing my job.
17:07And I'm just a brother looking out for a sibling.
17:09I'm sure you can relate.
17:15We need to discuss your whereabouts tonight.
17:17Agent Cates was murdered.
17:18Is she a suspect?
17:19I'm letting you stay while I question Christina.
17:22In return, I expect your silence.
17:24It's fine, Michael.
17:27I was at my mom's house that night.
17:30The whole night?
17:32From the time my mom and Sam took me home from the station until the next morning.
17:37And you never left at all?
17:41I did leave for about half an hour.
17:46Where'd you go?
17:48To my daughter's grave.
17:51Were you alone?
17:55Was there anyone there that can corroborate that?
17:58The cemetery in the middle of the night?
18:01Let Christina answer.
18:02No, you know what? Actually, Christina's done talking.
18:05If you have to ask her anything else, call her lawyer.
18:11I will.
18:17I know that this is hard for you, but sometimes doing nothing is the best way to handle things.
18:25It's the station.
18:26Oh, okay.
18:28Max Corpio.
18:36Yeah, okay.
18:37Thanks for letting me know.
18:38I'll take care of it myself.
18:41Is something wrong?
18:46Some new evidence came in about John Cates' murder.
18:51Enough to make an arrest.
18:53Okay, I know what's going on here.
18:56Violet brought up the subject of having kids to me and Chase, and we told her we definitely want them.
19:02Great. You're going to be perfect parents in ten years.
19:06Well, definitely not now.
19:08Your marriage is only months old.
19:11And Chase isn't going to give up his dangerous and grossly underpaid line of work.
19:16And you have Violet to take care of.
19:18Your hands are full.
19:20True, but we're not waiting ten years.
19:23Are you crazy?
19:25You are too young to have children.
19:27I'm not that young.
19:29And the longer we wait, the harder it could be.
19:32Luckily, you have access to the best fertility treatments there are.
19:36So you can definitely put breeding on hold for a while.
19:44Deception can't take your absence.
19:47We have a snake for a CFO, a mobster for an investor, and a fool for a founder.
19:57The company needs you.
19:59I need you.
20:00Newsflash, Tracy.
20:01Not everything is about you, especially not Brooklyn's family planning.
20:08Why does my interest in Lucky even matter to you?
20:12Because you're asking for my help.
20:14And you're as determined as I've ever seen to get it.
20:19And if you don't want to share, there's the door.
20:22You know who his father was.
20:24Yeah, Luke Spencer.
20:26Then you also must know how much Luke did for the WSB over the years.
20:29So what, you're trying to rescue Lucky to pay off some imagined debt the WSB owes his father?
20:35No, I'm doing this for Luke.
20:38He and I were friends for many years.
20:43Special friends.
20:45If Robin had ever been in any kind of trouble, there's nothing Luke wouldn't have done to bring her home safely.
20:53He looked out for her.
20:55So I don't know about you.
20:59But I pay my debts.
21:05Well, I'll remember that when it comes time for me to collect.
21:20Oh, God.
21:21No, no, no, no.
21:22You're not going anywhere.
21:24And neither should you.
21:25Jen Sidwell is a dangerous man.
21:28Hey, Jason can take care of himself.
21:31It's Lucky I'm worried about.
21:33Sidwell's smart.
21:35He's always got guards around him.
21:37I figured.
21:38But thank you for the heads up.
21:40Yeah, it's going to take more than just a lone wolf.
21:45It's going to take a government agency.
21:47The WSB seems to be dragging their heels.
21:50We're not sure if they're even going to get involved with this.
21:54Yeah, look, either way, I'm going.
21:57And you're in no condition to join me.
22:00So do you have any insights that you can share?
22:04Are there any weaknesses in Sidwell's security?
22:07None that I know of.
22:09All I need is a single vulnerability.
22:12Something that will give me a tactical advantage.
22:14There's only one.
22:16Sidwell's girlfriend.
22:17I guess it's official.
22:19I am a suspect in John Cates' murder.
22:22No, you're a person of interest.
22:24Chase wanted my exact timeline of that entire night.
22:28It's a good thing you told him the truth.
22:30Otherwise, he might come back to hurt you.
22:32Can't afford to get caught in any lies right now.
22:34I just, I don't understand how he knew I left the house.
22:37Are you sure no one saw you at the cemetery?
22:41No, no one.
22:42I just don't understand how he knew I left the house.
22:45Are you sure no one saw you at the cemetery?
22:48It was dark and deserted.
22:51I mean, I think if someone were there, I would have seen them.
22:54There must have been some other way.
22:57Who knew that you went out that night?
23:00Just my mom, Sam.
23:02But they never would have told Chase.
23:04Maybe someone overheard them talking about you going out?
23:07No, no, that's not even possible.
23:09They never even left the house.
23:10Even then, they were still calling around.
23:12Yeah, they called me, presumably dad.
23:16But who else did they call?
23:22They called Molly.
23:24You know what, Alexis?
23:26You can say whatever you want about me.
23:28You can tell anybody who will listen your theory on, you know,
23:32what happened to Jagger that night.
23:34Bring it on.
23:36Then step forward and tell the truth.
23:37That you killed Cates.
23:39I don't know what you're talking about.
23:41You hated him.
23:43You were at the Quartermains at the time he was killed.
23:45You have motive and opportunity.
23:47I was there, but I wasn't alone.
23:49You're going to tell me that Lois is covering for you?
23:52You dragged her into it?
23:54Or worse, you dragged Michael into your mess?
23:56Carly, Carly was with me.
24:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:02Carly is your alibi?
24:04Yeah, we were at the Quartermains.
24:05We got together.
24:07In particular, Tracy Quartermains.
24:09Carly is your alibi.
24:11Just weeks ago, she almost went to prison for you.
24:13But yet, she'll cover for your murdering an FBI agent.
24:16I mean, talk about symbiotic.
24:18Well, we've always had a special bond.
24:20And we've always been very close.
24:22And then we got together.
24:24Stop, stop, stop.
24:26I mean, it's horrible enough that she would be an alibi for you.
24:30But the fact that you two would like,
24:32do it again after everything you've done to her.
24:35My time was accounted for.
24:38Why is that so hard for you to accept?
24:40Because if you're telling the truth,
24:42and you're innocent,
24:44you wouldn't need Diane.
24:46And she would be free to defend me.
24:48Which she isn't.
24:50Because she's busy defending you.
24:53Thank you so much for this advice so quickly.
24:56Well, it sounded urgent.
24:58Yes, it is.
25:00I'll fill you in on all of that in a minute.
25:02But I want to find out how Mac's doing.
25:03He and Cody are getting along really well.
25:08He and Tracy Quartermain, well, that's a different story.
25:12I'll fill you in later on that.
25:14Your anti-malaria tablets you requested.
25:17Amazing, thank you.
25:19I just didn't have time to put in a prescription, you know.
25:21Well, thank Frisco.
25:23If he hadn't asked Mac for help last year,
25:25then Mac and I would have gone to Africa
25:27and I would have taken the pills myself.
25:29I just hope they're still effective.
25:31Oh, yeah.
25:33I'm sure they're fine.
25:35You know, they have a very long shelf life.
25:38And you're hoping to get this through TSA?
25:42No, I'll check that.
25:44Why would you need that for a safari?
25:48It's not really a safari.
25:50It's more of a hunt.
25:53Oh, Anna.
25:55I love animals too much to help you hunt.
25:58Not that kind of hunt.
25:59Not that kind of hunt.
26:03I'm looking for someone.
26:05Someone I know?
26:08Lucky Spencer.
26:10Because you know Lulu's in so much trouble.
26:13And Lucky's in trouble now too.
26:15And I'm hoping that I'm going to track him down
26:18and bring him home.
26:20I'm not alone, you're not.
26:22I'm coming with you.
26:24Sidwell's girlfriend is the one person he trusts.
26:28So she's your best bet when you're trying to get to him.
26:32What do you know about her?
26:34She's beautiful.
26:39And she's got Sidwell wrapped around her little finger.
26:42She's the one person that he trusts.
26:45So she's my way into the camp.
26:47I'm assuming she'll help you.
26:49Sidwell provides her with a great life.
26:52She looks the other way on all his crimes.
26:55What's her name?
26:56What's her name?
26:58Maybe we can do a little research.
27:00Sidwell calls her English.
27:07Oh, okay.
27:09Thank you, you've been very helpful.
27:13To Lucky, he cheats her cards.
27:16You tell him yourself when Jason brings him home.
27:18Careful, Lois.
27:20Get Bensonhurst to show him.
27:22Oh, I don't care, Tracy.
27:24If Brooklyn and Chase want to have a baby,
27:26they can have as many as they want,
27:28whenever they want.
27:30It is not up to you.
27:32It's none of your business.
27:34Is this about deception?
27:36I mean, I know things have been strange
27:38since we brought Sonny in,
27:40but you and I have been working really well together.
27:42No, I love my job.
27:44And I love working with you.
27:45But I can work and have a family.
27:47Of course you can.
27:49Because it's 2024
27:51and women can do anything.
27:53That's easy to say now.
27:55But things change
27:57when you have a child to take care of.
27:59That is for Brooklyn to decide.
28:01Oh, come on, Tracy.
28:03Despite all your griping,
28:05you know that you're excited.
28:07You are going to go bananas
28:09over your own great grandbaby.
28:13Are you pregnant?
28:15Come on, granny.
28:17Let's let the newlyweds talk.
28:19Come on.
28:21I'm so sorry that you walked in on that.
28:23I did not want to start this conversation like that.
28:26It's fine.
28:28Just tell me.
28:30Are you pregnant?
28:34But maybe I'd like to be.
28:41you haven't been arrested
28:43or charged for anything.
28:45If that day comes,
28:47I will get you
28:49the best possible defense team.
28:53Because now I don't have anything
28:55to worry about.
28:57That's the only thing we can do right now.
28:59What I want to know
29:01is what you're going to do for Christina
29:03because I don't want to believe
29:05that she killed Cates.
29:07I want to believe
29:09we've raised a daughter
29:11that's better than either of us.
29:13We have.
29:14If they find out
29:16that she was gone all night
29:18and had a gun,
29:20she will be as much of a suspect
29:22as I am right now.
29:24That's not going to happen
29:26because Christina didn't kill Jagger.
29:28Neither did I.
29:30Do you honestly think
29:32that Anna
29:34is not going to have an airtight case?
29:36I mean,
29:38we're talking about
29:40the death of an FBI agent.
29:42They don't want to screw that up.
29:44Christina could very well
29:46be arrested for this
29:48and if that happens,
29:50how far are you willing to go
29:52to save our daughter?
29:54I will not let Christina
29:56take the fall for Jagger's death.
29:58We are not done with this discussion.
30:08I can't believe Molly
30:10would do something like this.
30:12Carol, we don't know
30:13the only one
30:15who would have told Chase I left the house.
30:17You really think she'd go this far?
30:19You said it yourself.
30:21She's an ADA.
30:23She's obsessed with her job.
30:25She hates me right now.
30:27She blames me for Adela's death.
30:29She's trying to get revenge on me
30:31by turning me in for something
30:33I didn't even do.
30:35Whether or not Molly talked to the police,
30:37it doesn't matter
30:39because if that's the only evidence
30:41that she or anyone else has,
30:43we're done.
30:45I know we have talked about
30:47having kids and that we both want them.
30:51You're going to be a great mom.
30:53Our future kids are so lucky.
30:55And you're going to be a great dad.
30:57But one thing we haven't talked about
30:59is when we want to start trying.
31:01I just assumed you wanted to wait
31:03with deception taking up
31:05so much of your time.
31:07Well, I just figured you wanted to wait
31:09because we're taking care of Violet.
31:11If you're factoring in Violet,
31:13she's going to be your cousin.
31:15It sounds like Tracy's going to be
31:17the only one that's having a problem with this.
31:19Don't worry about my grandmother.
31:21I can handle her.
31:23But I'm worried that we won't be able
31:25to handle a growing family
31:27while we're taking care of Violet.
31:29I don't think that'll be a factor
31:31because Finn gets out of rehab in one month
31:33and the first thing he's going to want to do
31:35is take Violet home with him.
31:37The important question is
31:39are you ready to start a family?
31:41I want to ask you the same thing.
31:45I love you
31:47and I adore Violet
31:49and spending all this time with her
31:51but I want a child of our own.
31:54I was just waiting on you.
31:58Sidwell is running another wildcat mine.
32:00He's probably holed up there
32:02and he's likely holding Lucky there, too.
32:04I've sent you the coordinates.
32:06I'm going to forward you everything, okay?
32:08Yeah, I'll leave right away.
32:09Please be careful.
32:11I mean, if something happened to you,
32:13I would never forgive myself.
32:15I'm going to be fine.
32:17The important thing is to bring Lucky back to save Lulu.
32:21Is there anything else you can do to help Jason?
32:23The political situation in Somalia
32:25prevents the WSB from intervening in any war here.
32:27That's fine, I'll do it on my own.
32:29Not necessarily.
32:33I don't like the idea
32:35of you taking off on some risky mission
32:37without any backup.
32:39The urgency of the matter,
32:41it demands immediate attention.
32:43If I have any hope of finding Lucky,
32:45I've got to cut some corners.
32:47No, you don't.
32:49I can come with you.
32:51I know how to handle a machete.
32:53I'm sure you do.
32:55Thank you for the offer
32:57and any other time I would jump at the chance
32:59but I am hoping to link up with Laura and Kevin
33:01and I think more people
33:03are just going to attract attention
33:05and you know, as well as I do,
33:07that if you come,
33:09I can help you.
33:11Luke was my friend, too.
33:15And that is why I want you and Mac
33:17waiting for me in the wings
33:19just in case something goes wrong.
33:21Which it won't.
33:23It won't.
33:25I have everything under control.
33:33You know what a cautious woman I am.
33:37can't wait
33:39to be a grandmother
33:42and I was going to claim the title of Nona
33:47if it makes you feel
33:49any better
33:51being a great-grandmother
33:54then it's all yours.
33:56Nothing is going to make me feel better
33:58about Brooklyn
34:00having a baby so rapidly.
34:01Oh, come on.
34:03Brooklyn and Chase having a baby
34:05may be a done deal
34:07but you don't have to have
34:09that smug smile on your face.
34:11I'm not smiling because
34:13of a potential baby.
34:16I'm smiling because
34:20I spent
34:24worrying about your relationship
34:26with Brooklyn.
34:28I really believe that you
34:29would treat my daughter
34:31like dirt
34:33resent her because
34:35she's mine.
34:36I mean
34:38we all know how you feel
34:40about me, Tracy
34:43but I was
34:49I can see how much
34:51you adore
34:53Brooklyn and how much
34:55she looks up to you.
34:57The two of you have
34:58a very
35:00special relationship.
35:02We disagree about everything.
35:04That's because you care
35:06about each other
35:08because you want the other
35:10person to be better.
35:15I know you've had a rough
35:17couple of years
35:20and you've really
35:22grown to depend on
35:26and I think
35:28that you're afraid
35:30if she starts a family
35:32you're going
35:34to lose that
35:37but you won't lose
35:39my daughter
35:41if she has a baby.
35:44It will only bring the two
35:46of you closer together.
35:48I promise.
35:55I don't do diapers.
35:56I do.
35:58I do.
36:03I'm really glad
36:05that I overheard Tracy
36:06throwing a fit
36:07otherwise I don't know
36:08how long it would've
36:09taken us to have
36:10this conversation.
36:11I'm just so relieved
36:12we're on the same page.
36:14When do you have to
36:15be back at the station?
36:17About 45 minutes.
36:19That's plenty of time.
36:28I know phone service
36:29is spotty
36:30but when you get this
36:31please call me.
36:33We may have found a
36:34location on Lucky
36:35Jason is on his way
36:36to find him.
36:37Please call me
36:38day or night.
36:43It's an awful feeling
36:44isn't it?
36:48Sending someone off
36:49to risk their life
36:50while you stay behind.
36:52Don't get me wrong
36:53watching and waiting
36:54from afar is safer
36:56it's a darn special
36:57kind of hell.
37:01I wouldn't have guessed
37:02that you felt that way.
37:05seems to bother you.
37:07Yeah, well
37:09now you know better.
37:15The cabin doors
37:16are now closed.
37:17Our flight time to Nairobi
37:18will be 18 hours
37:19and 52 minutes.
37:25Excuse me.
37:31You're in my seat.
37:36I'm not hiding
37:39You blinked a lot.
37:41Whenever you're lying
37:42you blink more than usual.
37:44I don't know
37:45what you're talking about.
37:47I don't know
37:48what you're talking about.
37:49I don't know
37:50what you're talking about.
37:51I don't know
37:52what you're talking about.
37:53I don't know
37:54what you're talking about.
37:58I did make
37:59one other stop
38:00the night of
38:01John Cates' murder
38:03I don't even know
38:04how that's relevant
38:06it really can't
38:07hurt me or mom
38:09I am positive
38:10nobody saw me.
38:11I just
38:12pulled into the end
38:13of the driveway
38:14I thought about it
38:15for like a second
38:16and then I left.
38:18Pulled into whose driveway
38:19and what were you
38:20thinking about doing?
38:21The quarter mains.
38:23I knew John Cates was there.
38:25I went to kill him.
38:29It's nice to see you.
38:31What brings you by?
38:33Sorry but I'm here
38:34to make an arrest.
38:35How'd you know
38:36where to find me?
38:38I'm not here for you.
38:40Christina's not here.
38:42I'm not here
38:43for Christina either.
38:47I came myself
38:48because I want to make
38:49this as
38:51painless as possible.
38:53Alexis Davis
38:54you're under arrest
38:55for the murder
38:56of John Cates.
38:58You have the right
38:59to remain silent.
39:00Anything you say
39:01can and will be
39:02used against you
39:03in a court of law.
39:04You have the right
39:05to an attorney.
39:07If you can't afford
39:08an attorney
39:09one will be provided
39:10for you.
39:16On the next
39:17General Hospital
39:18you are going to want
39:19more out of life
39:20than trying
39:21to make Cody happy.
39:22I don't know
39:23how much longer
39:24we have to do that.
39:25I can't believe
39:26you would do
39:27something like this.
39:28Is everything okay?
39:29Better than okay.
39:30I need to find out
39:31what they have on me.
39:32Can I trust you?
39:33How are you gonna
39:34back that up?