Days of our Lives 9-30-24 (30th September 2024) 9-30-2024 DOOL 30 September 2024

  • 5 days ago
00:00You have any idea how long I've dreamed of this moment?
00:10Me too, darling. And now the moment is here.
00:14It's even better than I imagined.
00:16No more talking. Just show me. Show me how much you love me, Arrow. Show me how much you want me.
00:24And cut. Great, guys. Very, very believable.
00:32Guys, hey, guys, you can stop now. I said cut.
00:37Guys, hey, hey, I'm the director and I said cut. Stop.
00:54What's the matter?
00:56Good, I didn't wake you.
00:58Wake me? I've been up for hours.
01:01Oh, but honey, aren't you starting the soap today?
01:06Yeah, I am. So I was hoping that I could use a shower.
01:09Why? What's wrong with yours?
01:12Oh, nothing. It's just wrong with my husband.
01:15He, for no good reason, is crazy jealous of Alex Kyriakis, and I am not going to put up with it.
01:38You and I, we have an amazing chemistry, don't we?
01:43It's off the charts for me, which is why we don't have to act.
01:50It's heat between us. It's real.
01:54It's very real.
01:59Everything okay?
02:01Yeah, yeah, it's all good. Just felt bad about keeping you up late last night, so I brought you a coffee.
02:06Oh, you didn't have to do that. But I am grateful for the caffeine boost.
02:11So how early did you get up today?
02:14I feel like I barely slept at all. My predictions were right. I spent the night tossing and turning, stressing about the show.
02:21Oh, sorry to hear that.
02:23That's actually why I came by. I need some advice from a communications pro.
02:29Advice about what?
02:31How to tell my producers they're making a big mistake.
02:40Hey, good morning, Kate.
02:42Good morning on this very first day of shooting.
02:46Is it? I thought you forgot.
02:49Oh, come on. Don't even start. It leaves me with so much work to do today.
02:54I'm just trying to lighten the mood. That's it.
02:57I know. I appreciate it. Actually, we do have some good news this morning.
03:01Oh, what is it?
03:02Yeah, well, you remember I told you Roman talked to Kayla about using the hospital for a set?
03:06She's absolutely on the case.
03:09Oh, great. That's great. That's great.
03:13Um, you know, before we get over to the set, I have some not-so-good news.
03:20Oh, no. What is it?
03:22One of our lead actors is causing problems.
03:28So we have to come up with a solution. Soon.
03:40Bonnie, in spite of taking the highest recommended dose of melatonin and practically ODing on valerian tea...
03:48Where are they?
03:50I was going to say, I didn't sleep a wink last night, so this isn't a good time.
03:55Where are they?
03:57Where are who?
03:59Not who, what? Where are the pink pages I asked for?
04:03I thought you wanted me to unpink the original pink pages.
04:07I did. So what do you call them?
04:10Well, they're still pink pages.
04:12Hmm. Confusing.
04:14Anyway, I need them right now because there's no way I'm doing these new Addie scenes.
04:18Look, there are no new pink pages, only the old pink pages.
04:22What? Why?
04:26Look, as much as I want my wonderful actors to feel creatively fulfilled and inspired to give their best performances...
04:35And more importantly, to leave me be so I can get on with writing the damn show...
04:39I didn't change any of the Addie scenes. Not a one.
04:52Hey, Addie.
04:54Hey, Reuben.
04:56Boy, isn't this exciting.
04:58I mean, look at this. You got lights everywhere.
05:02You got cameras.
05:04Wow. We're going to be doing a real television show right here in the pub.
05:10Definitely something I could never have predicted.
05:14Yeah. Well, I guess you can scratch this off your bucket list, huh?
05:19Because we are going to be putting on a real live soap opera!
05:33Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
05:54You didn't make any of the changes I asked for?
05:59Um, did I not just tell you that I didn't?
06:03So I would suggest being professional, Miss Kiriakis.
06:06Learn the part as written, and think about how lucky you are to be a working actor.
06:11You must think I'm a real idiot.
06:16What does that have to do with anything?
06:19Addie got to you, didn't she?
06:21You little drag race spy.
06:23She whispered sweet somethings into your ear and convinced you not to make those changes.
06:28That's not what happened.
06:29Oh, no?
06:30No. Addie had nothing to do with this.
06:33Andrew Carver, our executive producer, is the one who told me not to make the changes.
06:38And since he is not only my boss, but also the husband of the mayor and the man who signs my paychecks,
06:43I do defer to him on all matters related to both body and soul.
06:47And I'm right.
06:49But not in all matters related to one Addie Adams.
06:52And let me tell you this.
06:54That doesn't work for me, Mr. Hedrider.
06:58Well, you know that Addie is not Addie's favorite person.
07:05Well, apparently the feeling is mutual.
07:08You should have seen the two of them when they discovered I picked the same dress.
07:12I mean, for a minute I thought I wasn't producing body and soul.
07:15I was producing crazy ladies and horses.
07:19I did run into Addie afterwards and she gave me an ultimatum.
07:27Either body goes or she goes.
07:30Oh, no.
07:31You know, I was afraid that was going to happen.
07:34So, I mean, any thoughts about that?
07:39I have no doubt that Addie was serious.
07:43So, we have no choice but to move one or the other.
07:53So, what is it you need to talk to Abe and Kate about?
07:56Well, last night, Chanel and I got our new pages for the scenes that we're shooting together this week,
08:03including Faith and Arrow's first sex scene.
08:09And what's the problem?
08:11What's the problem?
08:12The problem is they're shooting the first sex scene the first week of the show.
08:16It doesn't even make sense.
08:17I mean, Faith and Arrow are supposed to be like star-crossed lovers, right?
08:21Yeah, yeah, from what I understand.
08:23Okay, meaning that it has to seem like at first they hate each other
08:28and that everything is getting in their way of finally sleeping together.
08:31Enemies to lovers, classic trope.
08:34So, if it just happens right away, where's the anticipation?
08:37You know, I mean, if they are already together, who's going to want to keep watching?
08:44I mean, you make an excellent point.
08:49Have you talked to Chanel about it?
08:51Yes, I have.
08:53And she actually agrees with me.
08:55For once.
08:59And then Johnny has the nerve to suggest that I actually enjoy putting my hands all over Alex during the photo shoot.
09:06And mama, that was just so insulting to me.
09:10Yeah, and you know what else he said?
09:12I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
09:14He said that he meant that it reminded me of the night that Alex and I had spent together.
09:20Oh, Lord.
09:21And on top of all of that, he was all freaked out because Alex and I said that we wanted to wait to talk to Kate
09:28about not doing the sex scene and he thought it was because I had changed my mind.
09:32He thought you wanted to do the sex scene?
09:34He said that he thinks that pretending to have sex with Alex for me would be like the next best thing to actually doing it.
09:44Well, those weren't his exact words, but still, mama, he doesn't trust me and that's just hurtful, you know?
09:53And why aren't you saying anything?
09:56Because, while I don't like hearing that Johnny doesn't trust you, I get why he's jealous and I sure as hell don't blame him.
10:07I don't blame him.
10:19Do you really think it's possible that Hattie will quit if we don't fire Bonnie?
10:24I mean, is it possible that she's bluffing?
10:28Well, you were there ringside for the showdown, so do you think it was a bluff?
10:34No. No, I think it was a giant headache.
10:50Is she? Or is she just your favorite character?
11:03Have you seen the research? I mean, the audience is loving her.
11:09I mean, Cassandra is popular also.
11:12Yes, she is, and the fans just love it when Charmaine and Cassandra are sparring.
11:21But, Hattie's threatening to quit.
11:28So it makes more sense to fire Bonnie.
11:31Yeah. Yeah, it does.
11:37Well, with the mess they made at the photo shoot, can you imagine what they could do on the first day of taping?
11:44First day of taping.
11:56Yeah, I gotta say, Roman, place looks great.
12:00I mean, not exactly like the Pineview Pub, but...
12:04Hattie, you do know the Pineview Pub is not real, right?
12:08Yeah, I know that. I'm just saying that the two places look pretty different, you know.
12:18Okay, well, this new version of Body and Soul is on tight budget.
12:23That's why I offered to use the pub as a favor to my wife.
12:28That was real generous of you, Roman. I'm sure they're glad to save a few beans here and there.
12:33They're good. From what I understand, the kids are going to use my pub staff as extras, so they're not going to miss any days of pay.
12:42Well, there you go. It's a win-win all the way around.
12:47And I'm getting a pretty big win myself, thanks to Abe.
12:55Okay, look, I did make some changes for Hattie, but that was it.
12:58Swan song to rewrite.
13:00This is a soap opera, Bonnie. We don't have time to keep reworking scenes.
13:04It's not like a movie where you have a month to shoot one scene.
13:07I heard it took them three years to make Apocalypse Now.
13:10I'm not. Can you believe that?
13:12Okay, let's stay on topic, though.
13:14The topic is that we are under the gun time-wise.
13:17We have to produce an entire show in one day.
13:21Okay, I know that. I have a subscription to Soap Opera Digest.
13:25I know how everything has to go so fast these days.
13:28Great, great. That's really great.
13:30So let's keep that in mind and not slow things down.
13:33And you may want to get a subscription to Soap Opera Digest for our director.
13:37Johnny's complaining now, too?
13:39Oh, is he ever? I mean, has that man been living under a rock?
13:42Does he not know full well that hot young couples on soap operas fall in love,
13:46have hot passion and sex, all while whispering schmaltzy little nothings into each other's ears?
13:50And that is what the audience is tuning in for.
13:53Arrow, aka Alex Kiriakis, is in the house.
13:56Arrow, aka Alex Kiriakis, is going to ravish Faith, aka Chanel DiMera,
14:01and Johnny DiMera is just going to have to grin and bear it.
14:07Mother, what?
14:09You don't blame Johnny for being jealous because of what?
14:13You think that I actually want to have a sex scene with him?
14:16I'm a married woman.
14:18Well, in the not-so-distant past, Flea, if you will, was her co-star.
14:24Okay, so what?
14:26So, well, in Johnny's mind, it's not completely crazy.
14:30If you still feel some kind of attraction to Alex,
14:34and saw this as some kind of a whole-pass situation.
14:38Okay, okay, first of all, Mama, that is not what a whole-pass is.
14:42And second of all, Johnny was the one who urged me to take this job.
14:46So he, of all people, should understand that that is exactly what this is.
14:49It's a job and nothing more.
14:51Well, then you need to keep telling him that,
14:54because he obviously needs some reassurance.
15:09So, if both you and Chanel have a problem with this scene,
15:14sounds like to me the best way to have it changed would be to work together.
15:19You're probably right.
15:21I just got a text suggesting we meet over at Kate's office.
15:27Oh, you mind if I take this? It's Jada.
15:29Yeah, go ahead.
15:31I should probably just tighten my lines anyway.
15:40Hey, Jada, what's going on?
15:45No, I haven't seen the news. What is it?
15:49What? What do you mean we were wrong?
15:57Oh, my God.
16:02No, no, thank you for telling me.
16:07Yeah, yeah, we'll talk later.
16:15Is everything okay?
16:19I... I can't believe it.
16:26Jada just told me that Everett didn't kill himself.
16:31What do you mean?
16:33He was murdered.
16:49But what if I say I play devil's advocate just for a minute?
16:56Well, go ahead.
16:59I don't approve of all the options.
17:01Okay, and trust me, seriously, I am not looking for a redo of the fashion at all.
17:09But, if we give in to Hattie's ultimatum and fire Bonnie,
17:15I think we're setting a dangerous precedent.
17:17We are effectively letting one actress fire another actress.
17:22How long is it going to be before she demands creative control?
17:26Well, we can make it clear that this is only for the one time.
17:30Oh, really? And what about when the other actors find out and they start making their requests?
17:37Oh, boy. Yeah.
17:42That's right.
17:43That's right.
17:45Can't let that happen.
17:48And, um...
17:50Can't let production be derailed by two angry actresses.
17:57That's right.
17:58We need to nip it in the bud before it all gets out of control.
18:03I feel for Johnny, I really do.
18:05I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself.
18:08And I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it's hard to see straight.
18:14Well, I'm the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.
18:19Ah, it's so fast. We haven't figured this out.
18:22Figured out what?
18:24What about her?
18:25I need to protect her.
18:26She isn't real, Bon-Bon. You two know that, right?
18:29My job as an actress is to give her dignity and lights,
18:33and I will not have her humiliated by the likes of Charlemagne.
18:38Okay, I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft,
18:43albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out.
18:45Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.
18:48You know, fine. I'll take it up with Abe and Kate.
18:51I'll take it up with them on the set.
18:53Great. Great. That's wonderful. You do that.
18:56And, since I don't want to lose my job,
18:58do tell them that I support whatever decision they make.
19:01I think they are both absolutely marvelous and wonderful people,
19:04and I am in awe of their brilliance.
19:06What a sucker.
19:07Yeah, I am. You ought to try it sometime.
19:11Bye, mate.
19:17So it wasn't Everett who stabbed Rafe and then died by suicide?
19:24According to Gina, it was this Connie woman.
19:28She attacked Rafe.
19:31She poisoned Everett.
19:34And then she forged that note.
19:38My daughter.
19:40To think that I invited that monster to his funeral,
19:43and she's the one who killed him.
19:48Every time that I think that I'm starting the healing process,
19:50it's like I'm...
19:52It's like I'm losing him all over again.
19:59Steph, I'm so sorry.
20:01I'm so sorry.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:16I'm sorry.
20:24It's okay.
20:30I'm sorry.
20:32You should go.
20:35I know you need to talk to Kate.
20:40Are you sure you're okay?
20:43I'll be fine.
20:47I should call Jada back anyway.
20:50Good luck with your conversation.
20:56If you need me, you call me whenever you need, okay?
21:00You'll be... You'll be working.
21:02It doesn't matter.
21:04I'm going for it.
21:09I'll see you on site.
21:30What are you doing here?
21:33I got your notes.
21:36We have one fight and you move out of the house?
21:40What? Moving out? Is that what's happening there?
21:42No, I was not moving out.
21:44I just came to take a shower.
21:47Because the last time I checked,
21:48there's plenty of hot water at the mansion,
21:50so I think this is about a little more than a shower, no?
21:52After last night, I thought that we could both use a little space.
21:59But you were right.
22:01Excuse me?
22:04I said you were right.
22:06About what? Us needing space?
22:10No, um...
22:13Last night.
22:16Everything you said,
22:18you were right, okay?
22:19I overreacted.
22:21Oh, man, I'm straight you did.
22:23I'm straight you did.
22:25Chanel, the man is trying to apologize.
22:28I am.
22:30I am, okay? Look,
22:33I know that the photo shoot was all just
22:37part of the job.
22:40It's just when I saw you,
22:42your hands all over Alex,
22:44it brought up a lot of stuff that I didn't even know was there,
22:47and I lost it for a second.
22:50But I truly am sorry.
22:54Can you forgive me?
23:02You can't mean this, Caroline.
23:05But I do, Thrust.
23:07And yes, you being Metz' twin brother might complicate things just a bit,
23:12but what I feel for you transcends any and all obstacles we face.
23:16So please,
23:18take me, Thrust.
23:20Take me right now.
23:24Man, hey.
23:26There's some pretty steamy stuff here.
23:29Tell me about it.
23:33Oh, no.
23:35What is it?
23:38What the heck are you doing here?
23:41I work on this set.
23:43I work on this set?
23:46I don't think so.
23:47You're supposed to be fired.
24:06You promise not to get all freaked out like that again?
24:09I promise.
24:11And you're really okay with me being an actor
24:14with a love interest?
24:16I am.
24:18I just want you to shine.
24:28then I guess
24:30I can forgive you.
24:32Thank the Lord.
24:37just FYI,
24:39you're not gonna have to direct me and Alex in a love scene this week.
24:45I'm not?
24:46I told you that we were gonna talk to Kate
24:48because we think it's too soon for Arrow and Faith to have sex.
24:54If that's what you want.
24:56Yes, it is.
24:58So you don't have to worry.
25:00You won't be directing us in a love scene.
25:04At least,
25:05not anytime soon.
25:14Kate, you got a minute?
25:16On the first day of shooting, it better be just a minute.
25:19Okay, well, you haven't seen Chanel around, have you?
25:21No, why?
25:22Well, we wanted to talk to you about something together,
25:25but clearly she's not here, so I'll wait.
25:27No, no, there's no time to wait. It's gonna be just...
25:30Okay, well, Chanel and I both feel that the
25:34love scene that you added feels a little rushed.
25:37Okay, look, because you just, because you just grew up.
25:39Okay, I know the two of you have a history,
25:41but you promised us that you could get past that.
25:43Yeah, it's not that.
25:44Okay, you know something?
25:45As the photo shoot the other day,
25:46there was a lot of heat going on,
25:47but it's all about the camera.
25:48I get that, and that's great, but...
25:50Okay, so what's the problem? Just tell me.
25:52The problem is,
25:53Faith and Arrow are supposed to be like star-crossed lovers, right?
25:58Okay, well, it's the beginning of their story,
26:00and they're already having sex?
26:03Yes, yes, we wanted to start the show with a bang,
26:07so to speak.
26:08Yeah, okay, well, maybe it would be okay
26:11and better if we held off on the bang part, you know?
26:15You know, give the viewers something to look forward to,
26:17let it build up, keep the viewers watching.
26:20Oh, make them wait.
26:23So if it's okay with you,
26:25Chanel and I would like to not do that scene.
26:33Hello, Will.
26:34Well, if it isn't the powerful
26:37and endlessly creative executive producer of Bonnie and Sol.
26:41Shouldn't you be on set for the first day of shooting?
26:43I am going to be heading over there soon,
26:45but I want to talk to you first.
26:48What's about Bonnie and Hattie?
26:50I should have known.
26:51Bonnie was just here again.
26:54Well, what did she want this time?
26:56New pink pages.
26:58And what did you tell her?
26:59What did you tell her?
27:00The truth that you instructed me not to undo any of Hattie's changes.
27:04Where did she take it?
27:06Mmm, kind of like Susie Gooch in the Blair Witch Project
27:10after she and the rest of the group discovered the effigies
27:12of those humanoid stick figures suspended in the trees.
27:14And now that she knows it's your idea.
27:17Damn it.
27:19And she's going to be waiting for me at the set.
27:23What are you going to tell her?
27:26Kate and I will be talking over her.
27:31And she's going to get new pink pages.
27:37Just not the ones she thought she was getting.
27:46You went behind my back and demanded the producers fire me?
27:51You bet I did.
27:52Because you make me crazy.
27:54Oh, you were crazy long before I came along.
27:57Have you ever heard of being a team player?
27:59Oh, wait a minute.
28:00Something really novel for you.
28:02A good sport.
28:04Because when the producers tell you to do something,
28:06you're just meant to do it.
28:08Not if those boneheaded cheats were marrying my boneheaded you.
28:12Kate, Kate, come on.
28:13Take that.
28:14Take that.
28:15Let me tell you something else, honey.
28:16You may think you're all that because you have the most lines.
28:19But I'll tell you something.
28:21You're nothing but a big pain in the behind.
28:23I'll tell you what I am, baby.
28:24I am the star of this show.
28:26Not if the fans don't like your hammy acting.
28:29Hammy, hammy, hammy, hammy.
28:31How'd you pick up a fancy word like that?
28:33You know what?
28:34I'm going to see you make me take the win.
28:37Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
28:39That's enough.
28:41All right?
28:42Drop the egos and be professional.
28:44You think you can do that?
28:54Here you go.
29:03I made a whole pot before I realized Abraham was already out the house before the crack of dawn.
29:11And you get a couple of unexpected early morning visitors.
29:14I'm sorry, by the way, for bringing you into our mess.
29:20That's okay.
29:22I'm just glad you and Shana worked it out.
29:25Yeah, me too.
29:27I've got to say, I'm not proud of the way that I acted last night.
29:32Yeah, well, yeah, you went too far.
29:36But, hey, you know what?
29:37I get it.
29:38I get it.
29:39If I saw Abraham sharing a bed on screen with someone who he shared it with in real life,
29:47I would have had some strong feelings for me, too.
29:54You know, I just...
29:57Those feelings, they really did take me by surprise.
30:02I'm the one who encouraged Chanel to audition for the show, and I trust her.
30:07I do.
30:08You know, I thought I was going to be cool with it all the way until I wasn't.
30:15Well, it is a little bit more complicated than the usual on-set situation.
30:23You mean because of her past with Alex?
30:28Yeah, that's just what I mean.
30:34But, Johnny, you're the one she chose, the one she married, so be secure in that, okay?
30:43And just be very proud of your very talented wife who adores you.
30:53So, you and Chanel talked about getting rid of the sex scene, did you?
30:59Yes, we did.
31:00Last night at the photo shoot.
31:03Hey, Kate, your assistant wasn't at her...
31:06Oh, you're here already.
31:09I thought you were going to wait for me.
31:11Well, I was, but the kid called me in, so...
31:13Then you decided to handle it on your own, sure.
31:15Never mind.
31:17So, what did I miss?
31:20Well, Alex was telling me how both of you decided that the love scene was happening too soon.
31:27Yes, yes, I totally agree with that.
31:30So, can we postpone it?
31:36Wow, I did not see that coming.
31:40Are you sure about this?
31:42Kate, I feel this is the best solution, so you'll just have to get to work on those new pink pages.
31:49If you say so, boss, but I feel like I need to remind you, once you hand out those pages, there is no going back.
31:56I know that.
31:58I've got it, Leo. I've got it.
32:01This is the hand we've been dealt, so we'll just have to play it.
32:10She's the one being unprofessional, acting all better than everyone.
32:14I shouldn't have stopped.
32:16Yeah, you know what? As soon as she got the job, she went around telling everybody that she's a diva, she's the best actress that ever lived.
32:24Well, I bet I am better.
32:26I'm sure all you're going to do is muck it up in two sceneries.
32:30Stop right now.
32:32Do you realize how foolish you've been?
32:34There's only one fool here.
32:36You got that right, man.
32:38Think about both of you, okay?
32:40Do you know how lucky you are?
32:42You're the leads on a TV show.
32:44Do you know how many people, how many struggling actors, would do anything to be in your position?
32:50Do you know that?
32:51And do you know how hard Kate and Abe worked to rescue this show, not to mention all the dedicated writers, directors, cast, and crew?
33:01Yeah, they're the heroes.
33:03Yes, they are. Yes, they are.
33:05If you keep this up, you're going to risk derailing this entire project.
33:10Tell her that.
33:12I'm telling you both, because you both need to stop these old tomatoes.
33:17But she's the one who gave us Megan Thee Stallion.
33:19You don't want to hear it, Bonnie.
33:22You heard him. You don't want to hear it.
33:24We don't want it from you either.
33:28And whether you like it or not, you're in this together.
33:32The show needs both of you.
33:35So shake hands and figure out a way to make this work.
34:07Pineview's not figured out for both of us.
34:25Sorry, I didn't call ahead.
34:27I hope it's not too early.
34:31Believe it or not, you're not my first unexpected visitor this morning.
34:36Not even my second.
34:38What brings you by?
34:40I wanted to drop off the bios you asked for on all the members of your new housing task force.
34:49But did I ask for these a while ago?
34:52You did.
34:53I am so sorry that I didn't get it done sooner.
34:56It's been a tough few weeks for me personally.
35:00Plus, I've been busy with Bonnie's soul.
35:04Well, I wouldn't normally chew you out for letting me down.
35:09But since it is my husband's TV show, I suppose I can give you a pass.
35:17It's been a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.
35:20You tell me.
35:23How's Abe doing?
35:24Oh, no, Abraham.
35:25He's fine. He's fine.
35:26It's just that this morning I refereed my daughter and son-in-law's argument over some steamy, steamy love scene.
35:35Oh, that.
35:36Yeah, I got an earful from Alex about it, too.
35:40Oh, do tell.
35:43What is his take?
35:45Oh, he doesn't want to do it.
35:47In fact, he was heading over to Kate's this morning to talk to her about it.
35:50Hopefully, he and Chanel can work something out.
35:55That doesn't mean to just go on.
35:57It's nothing to change.
36:04So, did you guys talk to Kate?
36:07We did.
36:08And we explained that we didn't want to do the love scene.
36:10We believe that it's just happening too soon for our characters.
36:16So, what's off?
36:19She said that our arguing just reminded her of how sparks fly whenever we're together.
36:25And so, it's still on.
36:37Well, good morning.
36:39Ah, this is perfect timing.
36:41I already put out the first flyer of the day.
36:44Now, I'm headed over to the set.
36:48Do I need to know?
36:50Well, maybe later.
36:53So, did you talk to Leo?
36:55I did.
36:56I did.
36:57How'd that go?
36:58He was surprised that there was no pushback, at least making the changes we requested.
37:06So, it's done.
37:07Yep, it is.
37:09So, Bonnie is getting her pink pages as we speak.
37:16All right, I tried.
37:19Don't kill each other in my restaurant to pay for work would be a nightmare.
37:30Leo, you're here.
37:32Oh, did you decide to unpink those pages?
37:36Well, like I told you, it isn't up to me.
37:39But I did have a meeting with Abe, and I do have new pink pages for you.
37:46New pages.
37:47So glad you all decided to come to your senses.
37:51I'm not sure you'll feel that way after you read them.
37:55But please don't shoot the messenger, or even hate him, because this particular messenger, a.k.a. the head writer, is a people pleaser and hates being hated, even though you never know it from his behavior, at times, anyway.
38:06What are you going on about?
38:16Oh, no.
38:20What the?
38:24You're killing me off?
38:26You're killing me off?
38:35You're killing me off?
