The Young and the Restless 10-1-24 (Y&R 1st October 2024) 10-01-2024 10-1-2024

  • 5 days ago
00:00I didn't know it could last this long.
00:05What's that?
00:06The afterglow?
00:07From my little, uh, romp last night?
00:13Don't kid yourself.
00:15This is my natural shine.
00:18Who's kidding who?
00:19Remember, I'm the one who went to med school.
00:24Meaning, I took a lot of science classes, so I know chemistry when I see it.
00:30I know you're, uh, waiting for a major buyer to join you, but, um, I don't think I'm ready
00:37to leave you just yet.
00:39Well, you need to go, because Bob Elton's gonna be here any minute.
00:44Hold up.
00:45THE Bob Elton?
00:47Is there more than one?
00:50Look at you.
00:51Meeting with the CEO of one of the country's major department store chains.
00:57I'm pitching him on this new partnership that will put our products in all his stores from
01:01coast to coast.
01:02Expanding your market?
01:04And it secures shelf space for all of our upcoming products.
01:08The women wear makeup not to be beautiful for men, but for themselves.
01:17You remember I said that.
01:20Can't you see I hang on every word?
01:26I need to stay focused on work.
01:28Must be hard to do with me here, huh?
01:32So you won't be offended if I ask you to leave, so I can give my full focus to this meeting?
01:40Well, I wouldn't want to be a distraction to you catching a big fish.
01:47Elton's been dealing directly with Kyle, but I'm gonna make it so he wants to work with me exclusively.
01:56That will show Victor just how vital I am to our company's success.
02:01And just how expendable Kyle Abbott is.
02:04It's just a shame that you have to expend so much energy outmaneuvering your co-CEO.
02:11Well, I'm just doing what's best for Glissade.
02:14Kyle is the one who ran to Victor like a second-grade tattletale after he found out I told you Victor was our mystery investor.
02:25Kyle's made it clear to me. It's him or me. There's no room for both of us.
02:30Well, I wouldn't bet against you.
02:32I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.
02:35What are you doing here?
02:37Well, I just thought I'd grab some breakfast to celebrate.
02:40Celebrate what?
02:42The meeting I just had with Bob Elton.
03:26Hey, I just had breakfast with Tracy. I'll get out of your way.
03:29Well, don't rush off. Not like this.
03:32Hey, we haven't talked since you threw me out of your office.
03:36That's because I've heard all you have to say about how you think I should run my company.
03:40Billy, are you a snake?
03:41Jack, there's no words of wisdom you can offer me that are gonna change my plans for Abbott Chancellor.
03:49This is very good work.
03:53This is very good work.
03:57Did you forget about how good I am at this job?
04:00No. How could I forget, baby?
04:07I'm just very happy that you're back in Newman Enterprise.
04:13I tried to take the lead on something since Nick has been distracted with all that's going on with Sharon.
04:22That's a whole other story, isn't it?
04:24Your brother's very lucky that you're watching out for him.
04:32Are you sure you're loyal to this guy with Newman Enterprise? Your family?
04:36Why would you ask that?
04:41You happen to know that you offered Billy Boy Abbott a buyout?
04:48So he could get out of Chancellor Industries.
04:51Against my wishes.
04:58Listen, but I've heard some things about your company.
05:01Your tone is dripping with approval.
05:03I'm gonna be honest. I don't agree with your latest hire on your executive team.
05:09Phyllis? Really?
05:11Phyllis is second in command. I'm still calling the shots.
05:14I realize she's a force to be reckoned with, but she is no Lily Winters.
05:17Oh, you're right there. Phyllis has actually had my back instead of trying to stick a knife in it like Lily did.
05:23Give her some time.
05:25No, hold on. I apologize.
05:27I don't mean to be disrespectful.
05:30I've been doing it my whole life, so I shouldn't be surprised.
05:32Let's try this another way.
05:35Abbott Chancellor is a successful company for a reason.
05:38Catherine had a vision, and all who have followed her have taken that vision on for themselves.
05:44That's her legacy.
05:46Your mother is one of those people you're talking about. It's her legacy, too.
05:49Yes, exactly.
05:51I am concerned that you are moving further away from the people who can help you preserve it.
05:55Jack, I tried to work with Lily and Chance, but it's hard to have a shared vision when you don't see eye to eye on it.
06:02And I am very comfortable being in charge.
06:04What I'm trying to understand is, what is it to you?
06:07I'm your brother, Billy.
06:08Are you still upset that I'm using the Abbott name on the company letterhead?
06:12Or that I didn't take your advice to rehire Lily?
06:16I think it's best that you understand that you are not the boss of me anymore.
06:21Of course I'm not your boss.
06:23You know, now that I think about it, I've heard some things, too.
06:28Word is on the street, you're losing control of your company to your power-hungry wife.
06:33This is not an opportunity to take cheap shots at Diane.
06:37Have you really lost that much respect for me?
06:40That you are in contempt of my genuine, heartfelt advice?
06:44There you go, make it about yourself.
06:46No, no, no, this is definitely about you.
06:49And I'm sure there are plenty of other people that have noticed your ego has gotten to the point you can't see past it.
06:54It has blinded you to the very real possibility that you are taking Abbott Chancellor in the wrong direction.
07:04I won't deny it, alright, I did make an offer to Billy.
07:08And family was my motivation, I was thinking about my kids.
07:12I know, I know that Billy has issues.
07:16But he's a good father, and the kids look up to him the same way that they look up to you.
07:21We all agreed we wanted this for your mother.
07:24Mother can still run Chancellor if we buy out Billy.
07:28Why are you protecting a man who doesn't deserve protection?
07:31Daddy, why are you making an enemy out of the father of my children?
07:35Let's not talk about him anymore.
07:36Fine, let's not talk about it. Let's get back to work.
07:41I warned you.
07:42Don't you go against my wishes.
07:45Where do your lawyers really lie?
07:49By the way, Bob sends his regards.
07:52You found out about my meeting?
07:54Did you really think you could work your own brand of charms on my biggest retail prospect?
07:59Be careful, Abbott.
08:02Are you going to let your boyfriend fight your battles for you now?
08:04Why don't you come a little closer and I'll show you?
08:07I've seen you with your claws out, Audra.
08:09I think I'll keep a safe distance, but you, you may want to think twice before you let her see you.
08:13Nate, it's okay.
08:14I'm not surprised little Kyle here has moved on from tattle-telling to name-calling.
08:20I got it.
08:25Handle your business.
08:32If you're here to see Kyle, you might want to wait.
08:35He and Audra have business with each other.
08:41You think you bested me.
08:43Because I did.
08:45Your counter to my move won't show up on Glissade's balance sheet.
08:49What I'm planning will.
08:50Oh, I am always three steps ahead of you.
08:52So which one of your planned acts of subterfuge are you alluding to now?
08:56There's a new product concept I'm pitching to Victor.
08:58Oh, I know all about it.
09:00I also know that to get it into production before the deadline,
09:03you're going to need him to approve over the next few days.
09:06Well, I'll have samples in my hand by tomorrow.
09:09Ooh, somehow I doubt that.
09:12You see, I called the supplier and I canceled your order.
09:18You didn't.
09:19I did.
09:21So good luck with your show-and-tell with Victor.
09:24Good luck with your show-and-tell with Victor with nothing to show him.
09:32Business can be cut through.
09:34And at this level, it's almost always blood sport.
09:39I haven't really seen this side of Kyle.
09:42But I know how it works.
09:44You must have seen your grandfather Victor throw some haymakers.
09:47He's a heavyweight.
09:49I take it that's a boxing reference.
09:51You seem like you've gone a few rounds yourself.
09:54I pretty much went from being a doctor to a corporate raider.
09:59Man, I thought the egos were big in the operating room,
10:02but CEOs, they're the next level.
10:07Desire for power.
10:10Now that's a disease as serious as a heart attack.
10:14Well, you know I was Nikki's assistant at Newman Media,
10:18so I've seen my fair share of corporate manipulation and schemes.
10:24I've been a part of a few schemes myself.
10:27That's putting it mildly.
10:29You were part of some pretty deadly maneuvers.
10:32That I'll always regret.
10:35Which is probably why it makes me so uncomfortable when I see it.
10:39Brings back bad memories?
10:42There's one thing I've learned.
10:43It's that power struggles and vendettas rarely end well for anyone involved.
10:50You have taken this too far, Kyle.
10:53Oh, I am just getting started.
10:56Well, thanks for the warning.
10:58Bob was my contact. I brought him in.
11:02The only reason I said that meeting with Elton
11:04was because you have made it clear that it is your endgame to turn Victor against me.
11:08Okay, so you go behind my back and plan a private meeting?
11:11To pitch him on an idea that would benefit Glissade?
11:14It's not my mission in life to hurt you.
11:16No, you are no one's victim, Audra.
11:18And whatever loyalty you think you have to anyone, it's a lie.
11:21Are you seriously going to waste all this time with this petty infighting and sabotage?
11:26I will do what it takes to get you out of Glissade.
11:30I do not consider that a waste of time.
11:35My commitment and my loyalty to Newman has never wavered.
11:39Then why did you make an overture to buy him out of Chancellor?
11:42Because, Daddy, I wasn't certain that you were dead set against it.
11:46I have made myself clear from the very beginning.
11:48What are you talking about?
11:49I know you.
11:50I saw the look on your face when I presented my plan.
11:53You thought it was a sound one.
11:55We have had too much infighting in our family over business.
12:00Now, Nicholas and I have settled in.
12:02Adam is set to run Newman Media.
12:04Mom is prepared to take the reins at Chancellor.
12:06Why not avoid an unnecessary and potential painful power struggle between you and Billy?
12:12Let me guess.
12:14He accepted your offer to buy him out because he wanted to avoid a certain humiliating failure?
12:22Is that it?
12:24Look, I'm so sick and tired of everybody being so convinced that I'm going to fail.
12:29Okay, just take a step back.
12:31Let me do what I know I'm capable of doing instead of assuming that I'm going to fail.
12:34What I know I'm capable of doing instead of assuming that I'm going to screw it all up.
12:38If I wanted to see you fail, I wouldn't be trying to help you.
12:41Jack, I don't need your help.
12:43You have always denied yourself the benefit of my experience.
12:46I don't know why.
12:48Billy, I've made mistakes.
12:50Mistakes I've learned from.
12:52Mistakes I hoped I could help you avoid.
12:54Jack, I just don't have time for this.
12:56No, of course you don't.
12:58You need to burnish your conviction that you know better than everyone else.
13:01Do you remember when I tried to teach you how to sail?
13:05I taught myself how to sail.
13:07Yeah, sure you did.
13:09After you refused my help and without one sailing lesson,
13:12jumped on the sunfish and headed out, and the wind took you out to the ocean.
13:16I made it back to shore eventually.
13:19Yeah, when you crashed the boat on the rocks, you broke the rudder.
13:24You almost drowned.
13:26Okay, so what's the point of this little life lesson anecdote?
13:30Is it if I don't listen to you, I might nearly die?
13:33No, the point is your reaction.
13:35It hasn't changed.
13:37You're constantly fighting the help of the people who love you,
13:41as if it's some kind of an attack on you, some judgment about your capability.
13:45You know, Jack, I have changed.
13:47And I can admit that sometimes I should tack right instead of tacking left.
13:51Starboard when you meant port.
13:54Perfect example of someone who hasn't changed, right, big brother?
13:56Because you take every opportunity to tell me that I'm wrong,
14:00that you're smarter, that you know best.
14:02It's constant. It just never ends.
14:04And you still have this damn chip on your shoulder.
14:07Spending your whole life trying to prove to the world that you're worthy.
14:11Or is it yourself you're trying to prove it to?
14:15I know my worth, Jack.
14:18And I believe in the vision that I have for Abbott Chancellor.
14:22And I'm not going to let anyone cast doubt on that.
14:23Not you, not Lily, not Chance, and certainly not Victor.
14:29Wait, what does Victor have to do with any of this?
14:36Lily's immediate reaction was to turn me down.
14:40Of course he did.
14:42He doesn't know what's good for him.
14:44I wouldn't go that far.
14:46I mean, sometimes it just takes Billy a little bit of time to warm up to an idea.
14:49It'll never happen.
14:51We'll see about that.
14:53Don't you realize what you're doing?
14:55You're putting yourself at a disadvantage.
14:59I don't see it that way, Jack.
15:01Well, I do. He saw weakness in you, and he'll take advantage of it.
15:04I knew it. I knew that you'd be upset with me.
15:07Of course I am.
15:09Well, I was focused on trying to do the right thing rather than just trying to please you.
15:13I know you can't blame me for putting my family before business.
15:16And based on your reaction, it's obvious that your hatred for Billy
15:19supersedes any loyalty that you might have for your grandchildren,
15:23which makes me think twice about having a part of this in the first place.
15:27What are you saying?
15:29You're willing to leave Newman Enterprises over this?
15:35Are you really that surprised that Victor's coming after Abbott Chancellor?
15:39He told you that?
15:41No, not to my face.
15:44But he told a few people of his intentions, which he knew that it would get back to me.
15:49Trust me, that was no accident.
15:51Of course. He was going to make me panic, so I would make a mistake.
15:55And look what happened.
15:57Jack, we're not talking about this. I haven't made any mistakes.
16:00You fired Lily!
16:02That's because she was committed to getting me out of the company,
16:06and I don't have the luxury of a wait-and-see approach, okay?
16:09I see somebody coming after me, I'm going to need to react.
16:12Which means Victor's ploy is working. You're reacting rather than looking out for your best interest.
16:16Opposite of your opinion, Jack. I'm not an idiot, okay?
16:20I know what Victor's capable of, which is why I'm acting out of self-preservation.
16:24He's got you on the defensive already.
16:27That's where he wants you, where he can easily knock you down.
16:30Not if I knock him down first.
16:32And how exactly do you plan to do that?
16:35I have someone on the inside at Newman.
16:38That's in my corner.
16:40Wait, who?
16:43She's one of the people that alerted me to her father's plans, and she wants to protect my interests.
16:50She wants to protect your children from the fallout of any war between you and their grandfather.
16:56Which is why she offered to buy me out.
17:00Victoria made an offer for Newman to buy out Chancellor?
17:05Don't get excited, Jack. I didn't accept the offer because my company is not for sale.
17:09And everyone needs to realize that I am not giving in.
17:13I know you are definitely dug in.
17:16Let's talk about this discord at Newman, though.
17:19Victor can't be too happy with the idea that his daughter is trying to cut a deal behind his back.
17:30Did you really think after the way my own father betrayed me, I would trust someone like you to be my partner?
17:37And do you really think you can take on the woman who bested Tucker McCall and win?
17:41Yeah, I do.
17:44Hey, Claire.
17:46Do you have a minute?
17:48I have all the time you need.
17:51I'm done with Audra.
17:53You didn't see Claire come in, did you?
17:56She's been watching the whole time and looks a little unsettled at what she just witnessed.
18:02It was just business.
18:05Oh, I'm sure it is.
18:07Is this your first time seeing him work?
18:11I'm fully aware that sometimes in the corporate arena the gloves need to come off.
18:17Good for you.
18:19Well, it's been my own experience that Kyle isn't into really doing anything with a gentle touch.
18:27If you haven't found out already, you will soon enough.
18:32Hey, let's get out of here.
18:42What was that all about?
18:49Well, at least you got something for your trouble.
18:52More ammunition in your lifelong battle against Victor.
18:55You and I share a common enemy.
18:58That is definitely true.
19:00But look, Jack, I don't want to get caught in the crossfire here, okay?
19:04Although I do see the benefit of Victor having to fight a war on two fronts.
19:07Victoria has put herself in between you and her father.
19:11That's not a good place for her to be.
19:13Victoria put the needs of Johnny and Katie ahead of her own.
19:17Billy, you need to protect your relationship with your kids.
19:20You've already done that work.
19:22You need to protect it with everything in you.
19:25Trust me, I would not wish upon anyone the agony that comes with the schism that has developed between my son and me.
19:33Things aren't any better with Kyle?
19:36Before you take this any further, promise me you will think long and hard about how this business with Victor is going to affect your kids.
19:47It sounds as if you might be considering letting me go for trying to work things out with Billy.
19:54Don't you realize this affects other members of the family?
19:57You're talking about Mom.
19:59Yes, I'm talking about your mother.
20:01This was meant to be part of her recovery.
20:04Please, Dad, don't try to use this as a way to guilt me.
20:07No, don't you realize that she looks at this as an opportunity?
20:09She's looking forward to it.
20:11What about Katherine Chancellor?
20:14She'd turn on her grave if she knows that Billy is going to be in danger.
20:18What about Katherine Chancellor?
20:21She'd turn on her grave if she knows that idiot is running her company to the ground.
20:28By the way, a company that she willed to me.
20:32You sold your interest?
20:34Yes. There was a huge mistake and I'm about to rectify it.
20:39You know, you're touting all of this as a way to help Mom, but it seems that you're more intent on hurting Billy.
20:49Understand that once and for all, Billy Abbott does not belong at the head of Chancellor Industries.
20:54He has to be gone.
20:58It's quiet here, so we can talk.
21:04What Audra said before.
21:06I know that you were involved with Audra, Kyle.
21:10But it's really none of my business.
21:12Just like whatever's between us is none of her business.
21:15But I'm not blind to the kind of person Audra Charles is.
21:18We worked together before.
21:20It's clear there is no love lost between us.
21:24Well, she's upset that I outmaneuvered her at the side.
21:29I just hope that what you witnessed doesn't make you think less of me.
21:33Sometimes people treat me like I just fell out of a coconut tree.
21:39But I remember where I came from.
21:42I remember where I came from.
21:44I was raised by my Aunt Jordan, one of the most ruthless people around.
21:48I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you.
21:52My real family is making up for all the love that I missed at home, so that makes me lucky.
21:59Even Victor has expressed his affection.
22:03That being said, I am aware of his reputation and business.
22:07Victor certainly takes no prisoners.
22:09And I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I like or even condone that approach.
22:15But I also know that people are more than just what they do for work.
22:22Even my grandfather has a soft side.
22:25Does he?
22:27Just like you.
22:29I do have to ask, though.
22:31If you're so worried about me seeing you like this,
22:35is there maybe part of you that wishes that you didn't have to be that way?
22:40I don't like what I just saw, Audrey.
22:44I didn't ask you.
22:47It's clear you're not happy playing Victor's little game.
22:50Kyle's playing dirty.
22:52You're better than that.
22:54Don't let Kyle bait you into being someone you're not.
22:57I've earned this opportunity.
23:00I took Lysande away from Tucker.
23:03I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me.
23:04If I was a man, you would not be telling me to back down.
23:08That is not what I'm doing.
23:10Are you sure?
23:12I just don't want to see you get hurt.
23:16When a man is aggressive in business, it's a virtue, right?
23:22But when a woman tries to take what is hers, she needs to be protected or put back in line.
23:27So you're trying to say you're at a disadvantage here?
23:29I've earned every inch I've climbed up the corporate ladder.
23:33Had to work twice as hard as any man to get here.
23:36And I'll be damned if I'll give any ground.
23:39I didn't do that at Chancellor Winters, nor at Newman Media, and I'm not going to start now.
23:43Everyone wants to put me in my place.
23:45But I know what my place is.
23:47It's on top.
23:49And Glissade is a chance for me to really establish myself.
23:54I get it. I get it.
23:55And I fully respect how hard you worked.
23:58I'm only suggesting you don't have to go about it this way.
24:02Well, that's my call.
24:04Not yours.
24:06This is me, Nate.
24:08And if you don't like what you see, you can just go.
24:16Things didn't have to get so nasty that people could find a way to...
24:21get ahead without losing their heads or cutting off someone else's.
24:26Seems to be the rule rather than the exception.
24:29Some people have no problem sacrificing their personal relationships just to advance their career.
24:37You're talking about your mom?
24:40My parents are one example.
24:44But without getting into that, I just...
24:47I really want you to know that.
24:48Without getting into that, I just...
24:50I really want you to know that the way I was with Audra is not who I really am.
24:55It's just...
24:59And sometimes business can get ugly.
25:03I'm not proud of it.
25:05But in this particular situation, I don't see how else it can get done.
25:10I see the man that you really are, Kyle.
25:13I see you with your son.
25:16I've seen you hold caterpillars in your hand.
25:19I've seen you pick up Harrison when he's fallen down.
25:22I've seen you read bedtime story after bedtime story until he falls asleep.
25:30I just...
25:32I'm surprised...
25:34that I let you see all that.
25:37Kindness is not weakness.
25:40You've been like that with me too.
25:45I believe in you.
25:47I'm confident that you can achieve all of the things that you want.
25:55that whenever you can, you're gonna avoid stooping to Audra's level.
26:01Don't be afraid to remind me of that.
26:04I won't.
26:11You're seeing past everything else...
26:13to see the best of me.
26:16Because that's the man I want to be.
26:19That's good, because...
26:23I want to know all of you.
26:29I would think by now you would see that I don't scare that easily.
26:34You don't have to make excuses to me for who you are.
26:37I am in your corner.
26:39I'm not going anywhere.
26:43Okay, then.
26:45And you should move forward with that new product.
26:48Even though Kyle's advertised you.
26:50You just have to find a way to buy time with Victor.
26:54And then find a way to get it done.
26:56I made claims and set timetables I'm afraid I won't be able to keep now.
27:02Thanks to Kyle.
27:03I agree. He won't like that.
27:05So you need to fix it.
27:08I know I can impress Victor.
27:10But this is about pleasing myself.
27:13I'm my toughest critic.
27:15So if I'm happy with my work, Victor will be too.
27:19You were running Glissade after Tucker bought it.
27:23And then you were tough enough to take it.
27:26And then you sold your vision to Victor.
27:31You've had no problem playing with the big boys.
27:34You're right.
27:36If Kyle wants a fight, he'll get one.
27:39He'll get one.
27:44I'm not going to let my reaction to Victor's attacks affect my kids, Jack.
27:50You think your kids will always be on your side?
27:54It's another of the hard life lessons I've had to face that I'd hoped you could learn from.
28:00Your kids don't know Victor the way we do.
28:04Good or bad, they love and respect the hell out of that man.
28:09Well, I'm hoping they love and respect me more.
28:12Well, he is going to do whatever he has to do to undermine any of those feelings if it serves his purpose.
28:18Billy, I never thought I could lose Kyle's trust.
28:23You never know, he's talking about moving out of this house.
28:26We barely speak. I don't want that for you.
28:29I don't want that for Katie or Johnny.
28:32You have to do whatever you can to protect your relationship with them.
28:37Listen, I know Chelsea has faced her share of parental challenges.
28:43Maybe, possibly, she could be a help in all of this.
28:48Someone you could lean on.
28:50Jack, we're on a break, okay?
28:53Chelsea and I are on a break right now because I need to focus on Abbott Chancellor.
28:58Ignoring the pain will not make it go away.
29:02Okay. Thank you, I appreciate it, but you don't need to worry about me.
29:05That's impossible. I will always worry about you.
29:11And every other member of this family.
29:14Billy Abbott Chancellor is not a little sailboat.
29:18Hell, it's like the Titanic.
29:21It needs a strong, firm, steady hand at the helm.
29:27You don't want to be out at sea, crashing into an iceberg.
29:32Look, Victor's a cold SOB.
29:35But this time, I see him coming.
29:47I really appreciate you not totally losing it on me for going behind your back.
29:53You're my daughter, okay?
29:56I love you.
29:58I love you.
29:59I love you.
30:04I don't ever want this to happen again.
30:10In the spirit of complete and total honesty, I should let you know that I spoke with Cole about this.
30:17To get advice from him.
30:19Wait a minute.
30:21What does Cole Howard have to do with any of this?
30:24He tried to talk you into defying me? Is that it?
30:26Dad, of course not. I make up my own mind. I take responsibility for all the choices that I make.
30:32You're covering for him. So the answer is yes.
30:35Cole didn't weigh in one way or another. He just encouraged me to follow my instincts.
30:43What he should have done is talk you into not defying me.
30:49Okay, listen. If you're looking for someone to blame for influencing me in this matter, then maybe you ought to look in the mirror.
30:56What do you mean?
30:58Because when all of this happened, I asked myself, what would my father do? And I acted accordingly.
31:03So maybe you and me are more alike than you realize.
31:10Maybe we are.
31:12I love you.
31:14I love you.
31:16But, I'm going to take Chancellor back. Do you understand?
31:22Now we're on the same page. Okay?
31:24Well, there's nothing that I could do to stop you, even if I wanted to.
31:29You know me so well.
31:55Be good?
31:59Better than good.
32:01I'm sorry.
32:05I've got it easy at work.
32:08Devon's got my back.
32:10But, Kyle's trying to bring you down and drag you through the mud.
32:15And here I am, sitting on my high horse.
32:18Well, where else would a knight in shining armor be?
32:21As if.
32:23You're not a knight?
32:25I could play the hero role, but I don't think you need saving.
32:30Maybe I'll save you someday.
32:33One can only hope. But word on the street is, I'm a lost cause.
32:39We'll see about that.
32:41You will get this done.
32:47What is it?
32:49What is it?
32:51I just realized, I don't have to do this alone.
32:56I know who can help.
33:00I better get to it.
33:19What the hell is this?
33:28Thank you for coming.
33:30I'm hoping that this means you've had a change of heart about my offer to buy Chancellor.
33:35No such luck there.
33:37Vic, I asked you here.
33:40I'm sorry.
33:42I'm sorry.
33:43I asked you here because I think together we need to figure out the best way to protect our kids.
33:48We know the best way to protect our kids.
33:51That right there is not going to happen.
33:54So do you have a plan?
33:57I think we need to get together as a family with Johnny and Katie and we need to let them know what's going on between me and their grandfather so they can be prepared.
34:08If I were you, I would do the same thing.
34:10so they can be prepared.
34:12If things get ugly.
34:14This isn't an if.
34:16This is a when.
34:18And look, we talked about them staying in town
34:20and going to Walnut Grove, and...
34:22Please don't tell me that you're rethinking that
34:24and you want them to head back to boarding school
34:26because, I mean, it's been so great having them here.
34:28They've been getting so close to Claire.
34:30I'm on board with that 100%.
34:32I love having them in town.
34:34I think now we just have to make sure
34:36that they're on board with staying.
34:38And then?
34:40Look, whether they're here
34:42or whether they're away at school,
34:44they're getting older.
34:46And there's this thing called the Internet.
34:48They're gonna find out what's going on between me
34:50and their grandfather no matter what,
34:52and I want them to be prepared.
34:54I hate it.
34:56I do, but you're right.
34:58You and my father
35:00both seem very committed to your positions,
35:02which means war is imminent.
35:04I think it's best
35:06I think it's best if they see this coming.
35:12Amy Lewis.
35:14Amy Lewis.
35:18Who are you?
35:46I thought we were finished.
35:48Yeah, maybe you are,
35:50but I'm just getting started.
35:52There's a call that I can make.
35:54Meet me outside?
35:56It'll only take a moment.
36:00What do you want, Audren?
36:02Oh, I just wanted to let you know
36:04that Victor is moving forward as planned.
36:06So after teasing
36:08your big plans for weeks,
36:10you're going to show up empty-handed.
36:12Good luck with that.
36:14I make my own luck.
36:16And after you and I talked, I realized
36:18who would love my idea
36:20even more than Victor.
36:24Bob Elton.
36:26What are you talking about?
36:28I just pitched it to him over the phone,
36:30and he's all in.
36:32He thinks it's the perfect product
36:34to launch our partnership with.
36:36He wants it in all his stores,
36:38and he's even agreed to provide me with
36:40whatever I need to fast-track it.
36:42You're conniving.
36:44Careful, Kyle. Claire might still be watching.
36:46And now that she's seen the side of you,
36:48she can't unsee it.
36:50Leave Claire out of this.
36:52I have no interest in her.
36:54This is about me,
36:56you, and Victor.
36:58I'm sure by securing
37:00the commitment of a top
37:02player in our market will impress
37:04our boss.
37:06You better bring it, Kyle.
37:08Because any shot you
37:10try to take, I'm going to hit back
37:12even harder.
37:14Glissade is mine,
37:16and I'm not going anywhere.
37:18Neither am I.
37:20It's clear
37:22you want to fight.
37:24So get ready to lose, because I have
37:26no problem getting down to the dirt.
37:28That's good.
37:30Because before this is done,
37:32I'm going to bury you.
