McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Vs Vampires Shazam Figure

  • 2 days ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Vs Vampires Shazam Figure


00:00hmm I wonder what the magic word would be for don't eat me
00:04here's a look the brand-new McFarlane toys DC multiverse DC vs. vampires gold
00:09label collection Shazam
00:30possessing the powers of living lightning Billy Batson is an unlikely
00:34hero a cocky delinquent foster child constantly grappling with the
00:37responsibilities that come with the immense powers as the keeper of magic
00:40Billy is still a teenager and Shazam is the idealized grown-up version of him at
00:45times the responsibility of being the last standard bearer of the Council of
00:48Eternity can seem impossible to live up to however Billy's foster siblings
00:53always have his back and after a rocky start to the relationship so does the
00:57Justice League what he lacks in experience he makes up for in courage
01:00and soon becomes known as Earth's mightiest mortal so stupid it was
01:05please please don't eat me just before of course we get a closer look at the
01:09DC vs. vampires Shazam first I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane toys
01:13yeah provided the sample we could have a look at second I'm gonna ask the tape
01:17measure what exactly is the figures heights and the tape measure is gonna
01:20tell us well the tape measures don't really talk unless your tape measure
01:23talks to you sorry what the tape measure is in fact gonna tell us that
01:28the figure stands at 7 inches in heights or Shazam is gonna stand at 18
01:32centimeters tall if the DC vs. vampires line has been one you've really sunk
01:36your teeth into yes I know I'll see myself to the door let's bring in the
01:41ones that you probably already have in your collection right now here's first
01:44what the figure looks like with the Man of Steel Superman here's also what he
01:47looks like with Batman now some of the sizing may be it just a little bit off
01:50one of the things as well with them using like the hush Batman for example
01:53is that makes Batman hush a lot bigger of a Batman than the other two here's
01:58also what he looks like as well with Joker I mean not that there's necessarily
02:01good or bad anymore it's just all evil just nothing but evil and a whole lot of
02:05blood and there will be so much more gore in store but first first let's look
02:09at the accessories that come included Captain Marvel am I by the way allowed
02:12to say Captain Marvel I'm just by the way looking at the four lawyers at my
02:15door right now they're all shaking their head now you all shaking your head like
02:18no man you're good you can know it's the other shaking your head no it's
02:21owned by somebody else no just stick the script okay sticker script Shazam does
02:26Shazam does come include the black circular display display stand that has
02:30still the DC logo branded down below you don't have to look that far away from it
02:33to notice that there is a peg and that can plug into either one of his boots
02:37let's move that off the side figure does also come include a trading card love
02:41the artwork by the way that they selected I don't know who's responsible
02:44for selecting this if it's Todd himself that's doing this Todd if you had your
02:50eyes closed or you're listening to music at the time I was doing like a okay it's
02:54good it's a good image it's also a good image too if you look at the back of it
02:57with it's basically just the head but it's a really cool head especially when
03:00they've got the glowing eyes like this his real name in case you're curious is
03:04Billy Batson and then there's a paragraph read if I bring this really
03:06close you can read for yourself I'm only really holding it for the three of you I
03:13mean everybody already knows that I've read this at the beginning of this
03:15review you didn't know that move that aside now so for the true true
03:21accessories that aren't display stands and they're not of course trading cards
03:25the figure does come include a pair of close fists good for punching paint
03:28faces these hands by the way can't be swapped out but I mean like look how
03:33good these hands are already on the ends of his forearms why would you swap these
03:36out with hands that look like these there's no blood on them there's nothing
03:40really to indicate that this guy's clawing anybody's faces I'm just gonna
03:44choose to leave them off myself if you wanted to see it just for the sake of a
03:48tutorial it's just a case of removing the hand just popping off the peg and
03:52then replace it just like that thumbs go in whether you're a zombie or
03:56otherwise just plug in place like that and now you've got yourself a close
03:59fist now look where we've gotten to and look where we came from don't you all
04:03agree that this is a much cooler looking hand whether you've got blood on it or
04:06not I know okay so let's pop that off replace it back with a hand that we
04:09started with ouch ouch ouch these hands by the way because they have the nails
04:13on the end of it they prick your skin especially or at least at least on mine
04:17let's go ahead and plug the hand back in place there we go yeah you may already
04:21notice that you only only has really the blood on the one end and then each one
04:24of the piggies at least the ones that went to the market this one stayed home
04:28hey this one ate entrails you can see that there's blood like all over this
04:31hand there's no blood at all on this hand this hands completely clean I don't
04:35know if he's one that just likes to wipe his uniform like he's like licking and
04:39you know devouring on whatever he's eating and then he just wipes it on his
04:42shirt I kind of do that sometimes too when somebody's not really looking and
04:46I've like just made a mess on my hands I don't do it on the front of my shirt
04:49usually I just kind of wipe why am I admitting this just a little bit on the
04:53side of the sleeve and it's usually only something I know isn't gonna stain if
04:56I'm like eating spaghetti sauce for example and I have a red shirt that's you
05:01know I can go ahead and just wipe that anywhere nobody would be any of the wiser
05:03but it looks like he has just literally taken his hand and wiped it on the front
05:08of his chest gotten this pristine looking lightning bolt all dirty oh
05:12that's a shame I don't know what's gonna is tied gonna take out blood they say
05:17that it does but I've had blood on my shirt again don't probably ask me I've
05:20had blood on my shirt it wasn't the easiest thing to get out with tide at
05:23all no way at all am I sponsored sponsored by tide let's look at the head
05:28sculpt though for Shazam what a cool-looking head of course you've got
05:31the pointy ears on the side very much similar to Superman I mean obviously all
05:35the all the ones that have been vampirized actually you know what that's
05:38not true if we look at Joker for example Batman would be the hard one
05:41because he's wearing the cowl Joker doesn't have little a little pointy
05:45ears Shazam has it Superman has it Superman right here has it Superman from
05:50a from a standpoint of the paint and the way they are molded are probably the
05:54most identical or more more similar with one another again you've got those
05:58Shazam a little bit bigger a little bit bulkier than Superman so you know I guess
06:01he's been eating good lately the thing that's interesting about the head sculpt
06:04though is not only do you have the glowing eyes this has been done by
06:07obviously painting the pupils here in red and then they put it little dollops
06:10they're in white but it actually really the head sculpt for me kind of looks
06:15like something and I can't quite place my finger on I was kind of thinking like
06:18the nightmare demons from an American werewolf in London maybe possibly he's
06:22got shaved sides there for his hair so he's really only sporting the coif on
06:25the top but it's a really cool-looking head sculpt it might be one of my
06:28favorites we've gotten from the DC vampires thus far of course he does have
06:33fangs they're all the better to devour you with the teeth on the top are a
06:36little bit longer so I don't know you know how he's gonna be closing his mouth
06:39maybe his teeth just hang out the front of his lip I like the way they've
06:42painted a little bit of a little lighter of the coloring of the gray on the front
06:45of his nose and also down below here in his lip so there's a really nice
06:48contrast they spent the budget here really on paints because there's a lot
06:51going on here with his face of course when you look at the rest of his body
06:55it's all here kind of a crimson red a precursor perhaps something to warn us
06:59for what will be happening down the road just all this dark crimson red that he's
07:03got for the majority of his costume of course the one area that wanted to be
07:06the cleanest just happens to be the place that he's wiping his hands on he's
07:09got sort of this spritzing looks like somebody just like took a strong blue
07:14blood all over the front of this it gets the job done I know this guy again it
07:18has been busy I gotta kind of wish that you would have had blood on this hand as
07:22well but I mean I don't know how excessive the blood really needs to be
07:24funny though enough though he's he only has it here and he has it here he has
07:27nowhere really on his face other than this little drip down here let me just
07:32wipe your mouth there you go on the back though he's got a torn and tattered cape
07:36it's made of a softer plastic got a nice little bit of give to it I love the way
07:39they've also sculpted top here really cool looking cape from the lower half of
07:43his body like if you were to look at it from like this point on I mean it'd be a
07:47weird way to really look at at Shazam but if you were looking at just like
07:50this there's no real indication no telltale sign this guy's been eating
07:54away at people's bodies of course he's got a lot of cool detailing going on
07:58here I love the gold I'm not as crazy necessarily the way they've done the
08:02boots now in order to have the boots sort of being more streamlet as seamless
08:06like this they've given these flaps on the sides now we've gotten a couple of
08:10times this before you know it does cause some conflict when it comes to having
08:14the legs move back and forth with the feet more specifically move back and
08:17forth because he ends up just lifting these up and leaving kind of these
08:21little lifts I have to kind of keep pressing them down I find it also kind
08:24of causes conflict too and it gets this guy to stand because I always feel like
08:28I'm kind of fighting with his feet and some again some nice detailing on the
08:31figure overall now for the figures articulation going back to the head
08:35sculpt if you guys again have any ideas who this head the head looks like I keep
08:39thinking nightmare demon let me know if you you think it's nightmare demon are
08:42you just thinking this guy's crazy the head does rotate all the way around not
08:46only not only does it rotate up and down and back and forth but you may not be
08:50able to see this but the figure does technically have a ball joint that's
08:54working just below the neck so not only does he move this way and this way up
08:57and down but his neck also moves up and down as well some some decent range of
09:02motion as for the arms the arm do come out and because the way they've ripped
09:06the top of the cape they're not getting in the way at all when it comes to these
09:09arms even when really rotating the arms around yeah you'll feel it yeah you'll
09:12notice it's there it's kind of like a ghost under your bed wait there's ghost
09:15under our bed arms rotate all the way around the figure does have a swivel in
09:20the bicep double hinge on the elbow and hands rotate all the way around whether
09:24you want to use the cooler hands or you want to be line it back to the boring
09:28fists stick with these hands my friend these are the better-looking hands upper
09:34torso is gonna be on a ball joint so what they've essentially done is they've
09:37made the lightning bolt it's a little bit of a softer plastic but they've
09:41overlapped it so it not only occupies the space for the top of his torso but
09:45also overlaps the section of his abdomen as well so the upper torso yes gonna be
09:49on a ball joint the lower abdomen is also on that same ball joint not I guess
09:53the same ball joint you get the idea legs do split up you can take the legs
09:58and move them forward I do notice though when moving the legs forward that they
10:01are a little bit more tight and I don't know if just because the trunks are a
10:05little tighter the plastic I will say as well it seems to be a little bit harder
10:08generally when we're looking at this area don't spend a whole lot of time
10:11looking this area but when we look at these areas usually they are using
10:15softer plastic I can't help but draw your attention to the crotch here and
10:18say that the plastic they're using here for the trunks seems to be a little bit
10:22harder that's all I'll say legs again move forward and back you can split them
10:27out this way again you got the swivel at the top of the thigh double hinge on the
10:31knee no articulation because the actual the boot is just one same sculpt as the
10:36as the leg as the calf so they obviously would have painted this piece and they
10:40probably would have just molded this in the crimson red now again when you will
10:43we look at the feet so the feet move back and forth and they rock back and
10:47forth but again because you've got this lip of plastic can you see how close how
10:51close we need to get it how close we need to get it when you have it
10:53overlapping like this it does end up sort of causing you can see it bends the
10:57plastic a little bit and the same also when you move it back and forth to the
11:01figure does have toe articulation and he does have pegs on the bottoms of his
11:04feet I think for what we've looked at from the DC versus vampires line I love
11:09the line so far I think my favorite figures are still probably Joker and now
11:14Shazam Shazam I just don't have a little bit of a problem getting this guy to
11:18stand I'll just lean him forward just a little bit and bring back in the man of
11:21steel who again was a good-looking figure also as well he had what I thought
11:25initially were gonna be similar hands but you can see like Superman's Supe's
11:29hands are a little bit thinner in the fingers but I think like my favorite
11:32right now is still Joker and Shazam I mean obviously we have Batman here as
11:35well let's bring back everybody we started things with at the beginning of
11:38the review Joker and Shazam I think right now are my favorites the front
11:41runners for the DC versus vampires there's a lot of good stuff that was
11:45going on with the Joker there's a lot of good stuff going on here with Shazam
11:48as well now again like blood is selectively placed in some of the areas
11:52Joker probably has I would imagine like the most he's got on his hands he's got
11:55it all over his face this guy doesn't worry about napkins at all Shazam just
11:59literally wipes all over his clothes but Shazam doesn't have as much of it he
12:03only has just a few little trickles down the side of his lip he's got the front
12:06of the front of his lightning bolt all dirty look at the mess he's made and of
12:09course he's got it on his hand as well yes to be fair he does have again
12:13swappable hands but I mean like if this is the offerings that they're giving us
12:16for accessories these would just be accessories I'm fine just to leave in
12:19the bag because gnawing gnawing scraping away people's bodies is the cooler
12:24looking hands to be displayed with the figure if you ask me my personal love of
12:29horror may have yes some biased influence towards liking the DC versus
12:33vampires line so much from Todd and his team I admit it's not a line that's
12:36gonna appeal to everybody the molds themselves obviously are being reused
12:40again I mean if we look at just the hush Batman alone we can count on two hands
12:43how many times that figure has been released and yet though the vampire
12:47version of Batman is one of my personal favorites using that mold I don't have
12:51Shazam so I can't speak so much for that if you happen to know though which line
12:55the Shazam came from let me know down below obviously they would have had to
12:58retool the brand-new vampire head giving him gnarly ripping hands and a torn and
13:02tattered cape give a fresh take which is so weird to say for a zombie Shazam but
13:07it does give a fresh take on this classic character he has blood but not
13:11excessive levels of it so if you are one that gets a little squeamish to the
13:15sight of blood he luckily only has it on the ends of his fingers well it looks
13:18like he kind of is licking his fingers after a meal it's got a little trickle
13:21of it on the side of his face and all right smeared across the front of his
13:25lightning bolt the figure does have one issue though and that's his standing if
13:30I had the original Shazam which this figure probably was based from I
13:32probably would have said the same thing these little flaps that give us quote
13:36the seamless look to his boots does cause some conflict when it gets him to
13:39stand but that's one of the benefits that these figures do come in clear with
13:43display stands they're not just for show it's not just so I can talk about
13:46branding something at the beginning in this review they serve a purpose and the
13:50purpose of this display stand is to ensure that the vampire version of
13:54Shazam isn't going to be falling off my shelf what do you guys think of Shazam
13:58let me know down below in the comment section and have you also been liking
14:01the DC versus vampires if you have which is your favorite big thank you once
14:05again to the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide the sample of the
14:08DC versus vampires Shazam that we had the chance to have a look at this review
14:12I didn't slip at all I don't think I said captain how many times I say
14:14Captain Marvel once oh I just said it again the lawyers were shaking their
14:18heads if you guys did enjoy this video though do it a solid throw it a like you
14:22guys want to stick around for more so I hope so we are wrapping things right now
14:26for a vampire version of a hero but there are gonna be more heroes coming
14:30your way for the rest of this week as we look at some more DC multiverse so yes
14:34hit the subscribe yes turn on that Bell yes come back as always thanks for
14:38watching see you guys next time
