The Apprentice (US) S04E03 - Something Old, Something New 2005.10.06

  • 5 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00Previously on The Apprentice, the candidates were challenged to create ad campaigns for Lamborghini.
00:07At Capitol Edge, Ali showed off her directing skills.
00:11Can you handle this? Hello.
00:12Even though I've never directed a video in my life, I can take control of the situation.
00:16Boom, stop. Perfect. Love it.
00:18Randall left Excel to attend his grandmother's funeral.
00:22I'm feeling mixed emotions. I think the guys are in good shape, and I'm going to focus my time on family.
00:28Already a man down, Project Manager Chris struggled to get Marcus under control.
00:33Marcus! Oh, he's going to be in the shot.
00:35Marcus, there's a lot of confusion that's getting caused right now.
00:37At that point, Marcus officially had no responsibility for the rest of the day.
00:41Give me the phone. Don't.
00:43And when Marcus questioned their print campaign, the men didn't listen.
00:48Why would the car be green with envy? You need a question mark. Green with envy? I think it's more powerful.
00:53There could have been changes made, some of which I suggested, but all of which were ignored.
00:57In the end, the Lamborghini executive agreed with Marcus' concerns.
01:02Is the Lamborghini green with envy, or are the other cars green with envy?
01:06That was exactly my point. It should have at least had a question mark. I agree with you.
01:10And the women's team pulled off their first victory.
01:12Capital edge.
01:17At their reward with the New York Islanders, Rebecca took a big fall.
01:22I think my foot basically twisted around inside the skate.
01:25And Toral came to her friend's aid.
01:27Oh, my gosh.
01:28Toral stepped up and said that she'd like to come with me to go see a doctor.
01:32I'm hoping that the doctor will tell me that there's some quick fix for all of this.
01:36In the boardroom, Chris blamed Marcus for the loss.
01:39You know, Chris, Marcus was not the reason you lost this task, because he was the only one who was right.
01:46You're fired, Chris.
01:49Sixteen candidates are left. Who will be fired this week?
01:55Who will be fired this week?
01:57Who will be fired this week?
01:58Who will be fired this week?
01:59Who will be fired this week?
02:00Who will be fired this week?
02:01Who will be fired this week?
02:02Who will be fired this week?
02:03Who will be fired this week?
02:04Who will be fired this week?
02:05Who will be fired this week?
02:06Who will be fired this week?
02:07Who will be fired this week?
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02:09Who will be fired this week?
02:10Who will be fired this week?
02:11Who will be fired this week?
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02:55Who will be fired this week?
02:56Who will be fired this week?
02:57Who will be fired this week?
02:58Who will be fired this week?
02:59Who will be fired this week?
03:00Who will be fired this week?
03:01Who will be fired this week?
03:02Who will be fired this week?
03:03Who will be fired this week?
03:04Who will be fired this week?
03:05Who will be fired this week?
03:06Who will be fired this week?
03:07Who will be fired this week?
03:08Who will be fired this week?
03:15Who will be fired this week?
03:24Right now Chris and Marcus is in the boardroom.
03:26There's no question that Marcus was the weakest player on this team.
03:31He should be fired.
03:38Marcus Aurelius.
03:40Appreciate it.
03:43Talk for a second.
03:44All I want to say is we should leave the boardroom in the boardroom and start fresh tomorrow.
03:45You know what?
03:46That's fine with me.
03:47It's over.
03:48It's done.
03:49It is.
03:50It's in the past.
03:51Today, this is day one.
03:54I've been a turnaround artist in the past.
03:55I'm a survivor.
03:56Do I talk too much?
03:58But I'll tone it down.
03:59It's not a big deal.
04:00One, two, three.
04:01One, two, three.
04:02One, two, three.
04:03One, two, three.
04:04One, two, three.
04:05One, two, three.
04:06One, two, three.
04:07One, two, three.
04:09Come on, baby.
04:10We start fresh tomorrow.
04:11I guess Rebecca's headed to the doctor today.
04:12Has she not been?
04:13She's maybe there now.
04:14Oh, okay.
04:15Maybe it was swollen.
04:16I mean, she went dead.
04:17It was nice to have someone from the team go with me to the clinic.
04:37Toral and I, I think that we have found friendship.
04:40Rebecca and I get along very well, you know, because we have a lot of things in common.
04:44I'm from Wharton.
04:45She's from Chicago.
04:46You know, she was a banker.
04:47I continue to be a banker.
04:49There you go.
04:50That's it.
04:51You know, we're really here to demonstrate work ethic, and that's a different style of
04:56thinking than those individuals who have not been trained by large corporate institutions.
05:02Do I hear Rebecca's voice?
05:04How'd it go?
05:05Well, I broke my ankle.
05:07You broke it?
05:09Oh, my God.
05:12How are you?
05:13I'm good.
05:14How are you?
05:15Hi, guys.
05:16The doctor said five weeks to six weeks I have to wear this cast.
05:20Certainly, I thought, uh-oh, this is going to cause a problem.
05:23I mean, we're running on all these tasks.
05:25Like, we're up all night.
05:26I know how that can wear on you.
05:28This could be a liability.
05:29So how are you going to do?
05:30You ready?
05:31I'm just going to do with my leg and my foot the way that it is.
05:34I am worried, but this isn't going to hold me back.
05:37I never go down that easy.
05:44It's kind of working.
05:46Gin, gin, gin.
05:51I didn't think I wasn't coming back tonight.
05:53No, I knew you were coming back.
05:55You're articulate, and you're smart, and that's the ticket.
05:57And I want people, the best people to win, based on intelligence, knowledge, and logic.
06:02I don't like cliques.
06:03I don't like politics.
06:04I hate fraternities and sororities.
06:06I don't like popularity contests.
06:08I would have to say that there are a group of women here that have seemed to band together
06:13based on the fact that they have no work experience.
06:16I like them all on a personal level.
06:18I think they're cute people.
06:20If I had a secretary job or an administrative job, I would happily hire any of these people.
06:26You're genuine to yourself.
06:28It's going to change.
06:30It works.
06:31Yeah, it does.
06:43So I'm really proud of the park.
06:45It's something that the community ultimately is going to get back.
06:48It's close to 30 acres, and as you see, it fronts right on the Hudson River.
06:51So it can be the most special park in New York.
06:54How are you going to handle the topography? There's a lot of slope.
06:57Well, there is a lot of slope, but we have a lot of good tractors.
07:00That's a very good question.
07:02Let's go over and see the group. Come on. They're over there.
07:17Good morning.
07:18Good morning.
07:19Rebecca, what happened to you?
07:21I wish I could say it was something really glamorous, but just a fall.
07:25Are you okay? Are you going to be able to continue?
07:27I'm definitely going to continue. I'm here to win.
07:29We know you have the choice of not continuing.
07:31I know I have that choice, but I'm here to win.
07:34And you can't win unless you play the game, and I'm in.
07:36Very good. All right.
07:39We're standing in front of Trump Place.
07:42It's an almost 6,000-unit development,
07:45and we're right now on the children's park of a large park
07:50that I'm donating to the city of New York.
07:53This park will someday be one of the most spectacular parks anywhere in the country.
07:58In business, it's not only important to make money,
08:01but it's also important to give something back to the community.
08:05For your next task, you too will be giving back.
08:09You're going to be creating a high-tech expo
08:13at the Cedar Crest Retirement Community
08:16to show retirees high-tech equipment.
08:19You're going to go to Best Buy.
08:21You're going to buy thousands of dollars' worth of this equipment,
08:25and you will teach the residents how they can use this technology to improve their lives.
08:31The people who attend will be surveyed on their overall experience.
08:36Very simply, the team that gets the highest score wins.
08:40Are there any questions? Do you have any questions?
08:43No questions. Marcus, do you have a question?
08:46I'm shocked. Maybe it's finally getting smart.
08:49You got my attention, sir.
08:51Carolyn and George, as always, will be my eyes and ears,
08:55and we'll see you very soon. Have a good time.
08:58Thank you, sir. Thank you.
09:00There's almost like a poetry here that the last thing I did with my grandmother was
09:04I took out my cell phone and took a digital picture of her
09:07and showed her her picture on the computer.
09:09So it was a natural choice for me to be project manager.
09:12My grandmother's watching over me, and I think that's going to be the extra edge here.
09:16Hopefully it'll be the extra edge.
09:22If you have concept ideas, I want them all written down
09:26so that when we get to the point of concept,
09:28everyone can go around the room and say,
09:30this is the idea I have for the concept.
09:32I decided that I was going to step up and be project manager.
09:35Look, I broke my ankle,
09:38and I had to prove that I'm valuable as a resource to the team.
09:42You guys come up with market research questions
09:44to ask each of the people that we talk to at Cedar Crest.
09:47Jennifer W., you are working on the catering at this point, all right?
09:51I delegated the event planning element to Jen W.
09:55because she has a background in event planning,
09:57so I thought the fit was natural.
10:01Yeah, we're just kind of maybe trying to draw it out,
10:03but maybe like three eight-foot tables,
10:05maybe have food off to the side.
10:07I was the event planner.
10:08It's something I actually love to do.
10:10I love to entertain, and I love old people.
10:13And I don't want to get it too far.
10:15I felt really confident that we had in the bag.
10:17I thought that we, as women, would be able to engage with the residents
10:21like they might see us as like their granddaughters.
10:25And would you like to touch it yourself?
10:28What's the point of watching,
10:30pardon the expression, some youngster like you,
10:33with beautiful eyes?
10:34Everybody has beautiful eyes.
10:35We were going to be judged on this task by surveys
10:38that the seniors themselves would fill out.
10:41Which I think is great,
10:42because I think when it comes to talking to people one-on-one,
10:45women tend to have a softer approach.
10:48Are you guys going to be there?
10:50I'll be there.
10:52They could interview me all day.
10:58So do you have a computer at your house?
11:00I feel it's really something from the devil.
11:06We grew up with computers.
11:10We grabbed Jacob and brought him into the room
11:12so we could ask questions.
11:13Jacob looked us straight in the face,
11:15told us that technology was from the devil.
11:18So that kind of concerned us a little bit.
11:21We knew we had to think of some outstanding ideas.
11:24Tevo, for example, we could easily demonstrate,
11:26you know, in a group of people,
11:27and then have, maybe have a couple different residents come up and try it.
11:30Tevo, that's a great idea.
11:32No, this little man that was 91 years old that sits right here,
11:34he's going to walk up there, hear Tevo,
11:36say, well, forget it.
11:37This technology expo isn't for me.
11:39I'll do the Tevo thing, because I'm Tevo Cat.
11:43I think you're wasting time doing that.
11:44When Marcus first started talking of Tevo,
11:46I knew it was going to be a problem.
11:48Tevo is a very hard thing to set up.
11:50People want something simple.
11:52George, would you tell me that a lot of people that are your age range
11:56and maturity range
11:58You're stepping on very, very thin ice.
12:00are set in their ways, in a lot of ways.
12:03That's what you have to figure out.
12:05I think your points are well taken.
12:07When you're wrong, we'll deal with it then.
12:10When you're wrong, we'll deal with it then.
12:12If that's the way the group wants to go in direction,
12:15when we're wrong, we'll deal with it then.
12:17I honestly believe Clay's the biggest bitch on this whole team.
12:20I mean, it was just so obvious,
12:21because he was trying to make a point to the team,
12:23but staring at Mr. Ross when he made it,
12:24clearly looking for approval,
12:26and he basically said,
12:27when you lose, Randall,
12:29I want to be on record as the one who said,
12:31this sucked.
12:32Okay, I'm done.
12:33Thank you, Clay.
12:34Everybody's radar.
12:35And if he has one wrong move,
12:36that bitch is going out.
12:43Leadership is very important in business.
12:45You have to inspire your staff.
12:47You have to really make them respect you.
12:49Go ahead, do it.
12:50Let's do it.
12:51Come on, you promised me.
12:52You guaranteed me victory?
12:54Did you guarantee me victory?
12:56You never quit.
12:57You never quit.
12:58Bring Jennifer in.
12:59People like working for the Trump organization
13:01because I make it fun.
13:03That's Miss Universe right there.
13:04Look, Jay is one of the top lawyers in New York.
13:08Good thinking.
13:09Nice to meet you.
13:10I make life interesting.
13:11It's always different.
13:12It's always exciting.
13:14Where else do you get a good time working with Trump?
13:16Trump is Trump.
13:17What can I tell you?
13:24Okay, everyone come sit down at this table.
13:27So we're all looking at each other, all listening.
13:29No discussion until everyone's said something,
13:32and then we'll start discussing, okay?
13:34Our task was to put on a technology expo for seniors.
13:37We were supposed to teach the seniors how to use technology
13:40and try and make it fun and easy for them.
13:43Are people listening?
13:44I want to make sure everyone is listening.
13:46What I am hearing right now is three different components.
13:49There's the computer station with three computers,
13:52then there's the TV station,
13:54and then there's the health fitness part.
13:56Are there any other ideas, just products,
13:59how we're delivering them just to specific products?
14:02Rebecca's management approach is very abrasive.
14:05You're in a group of such strong women, you don't talk at them.
14:09You talk to them to get their respect and their attention.
14:12Listen up, we're leaving here, like, now,
14:14so everybody get your stuff together so that we can go.
14:20Here we go.
14:21Once we decided what we would buy, we went to Best Buy,
14:24broke out into two groups, and went about our task.
14:27So we got two cameras, I got the USB port, I got this.
14:30I recommend the big one for the show.
14:32OK, but let's get that.
14:35I'm just kind of sitting back going doo-doo-doo.
14:39Why do you think our energy level's so low?
14:42Because I think our project manager isn't.
14:45We have a good chance of failing just because we're not,
14:48like, I mean, we really need to get jazzed about it.
14:50Yeah, we do.
14:51I don't know, Rebecca, if she can do it.
14:53I'll be jazzed if she can't get us jazzed.
14:55Next time, later.
15:05I got a couple points I'd like to bring up, if it's OK.
15:08I was bothered yesterday when you made those comments
15:11in front of George.
15:12I felt that that was contrived on your part.
15:14I think it's good for this team to have these meetings
15:16to make sure everybody's comfortable with everybody.
15:18We need 100% effort from every person on the team,
15:21and I don't know that I trust Clay.
15:23If we lose this task,
15:24I don't want you to drag my butt in the boardroom
15:26and me stand up and say,
15:28well, you never said anything until now.
15:30I want it to be known that I disagree.
15:31Right, but how is that constructive?
15:33It's constructive because it's letting you know,
15:35hey, I think we could lose this task.
15:37I think you'd agree that that's not constructive.
15:39For the sake of the team,
15:40I hope that the two of you guys bury the hatchet.
15:42There's still a lingering turd in the pool, OK?
15:46But hopefully that will get fished out soon,
15:49and this will all be resolved.
15:50One, two, three.
16:05I'm so happy you came today.
16:07Let me tell you about technology.
16:08So we organized our expo into three sub-themes
16:11with an overarching theme of connecting the generations.
16:14The first station was centered around hobbies and interests,
16:18and there Clay and Brian were responsible
16:20for getting people on the Internet.
16:21You can find anything on here.
16:23Maybe an old girlfriend?
16:24OK, we can do that.
16:26That would be something.
16:27The second station was centered around photography.
16:30There we had Adam taking pictures of seniors
16:32that they could take with them.
16:35Let me switch it over. Give me one second.
16:37The last station in the back, manned by Marcus,
16:39was focused on fun and entertainment.
16:41So we had home entertainment, we had TiVo.
16:43You want to get up and get a cup of coffee, boom.
16:46Oh, great.
16:47Marcus had a really captive audience.
16:49I mean, he had the floor to speak without being interrupted.
16:51It was like a dream come true for him.
16:53Jacob, hold on. Why don't you stay with me?
16:55You can have this guy start early.
16:58Jacob, I'm losing you. I'm losing you. Come on now.
17:01Have some.
17:02I will.
17:04Everything's delicious.
17:07I thought it was very inviting.
17:09We had food, we had signs, we had balloons.
17:11I mean, it was a great-looking expo.
17:20Hi there. I'm Rebecca.
17:24You want a piece of cake or anything?
17:26No, thank you.
17:27Do you want some cake or anything?
17:29Would you like some punch, or are you good?
17:31No, thank you.
17:32Well, help yourself. Feel free to walk around and take a look.
17:37What are you doing?
17:38I want basically the mean one.
17:40Oh, the mean one.
17:41Yeah, the mean one.
17:42I want the mean one.
17:43I want the mean one.
17:44I want the mean one.
17:46I want the mean one.
17:48I want basically the meeting room set up, event planner,
17:51everything down to the table linens, down to the food, beverage.
17:54Make them feel welcome, very inviting, not too overwhelming.
18:00Jennifer W. told me she was basically responsible for the event planning,
18:06but I thought the place was very dry, it was very drab,
18:09and there was nothing that really drew you in.
18:12What did that say on there?
18:14It said, Techno Expo.
18:17Yeah, you like that?
18:19It does? It's spelled wrong.
18:22It's supposed to be a C.
18:25Oh, well. Lovely.
18:30I was very unimpressed with the food and the decor that Jen W. planned,
18:34but I thought we would still persevere because we were enjoyable people
18:38with great personalities who could really interact
18:41and give the senior citizens of this home a good day.
18:44Press the what?
18:45You press menu first, and then you say, you just go,
18:51sorry, you just press OK again, and then you press OK.
18:57My station was the high-definition television.
19:01Sorry, you just press OK again.
19:03Look, I'm an investment banker on Wall Street.
19:06You know, I put together multi-million dollar deals,
19:09and the TV, I wouldn't say it's below me,
19:12but it's not something that I would generally do.
19:15I'm going to start again, OK?
19:19I did see Toral attempting to give a presentation.
19:22The television did not work more often than it did work.
19:27Yeah, I'm going to get there. You know what, let me find out.
19:30She is by far the weakest player on our team.
19:34We're learning how to determine what your heart rate is.
19:37Let's see how it works.
19:38OK, let's test it out.
19:40OK, so I'll demonstrate.
19:42I'll just put it right underneath here.
19:46The old men are having a blast talking to me.
19:48They love seeing all these young women,
19:50and I think that's one of the main reasons they're here.
19:58If my wife was around, she'd kill me.
20:06So right now my heartbeat is 113.
20:08That's very high. I've got you very excited.
20:11Jim, what am I going to do with you?
20:14I prefer the reasons we win this task
20:16is because of the concept, because of the vision.
20:19But at the end of the day, if we get the highest score
20:22because of the fact that we're women and the old guys like us,
20:26that's fine, I hope they give us a 10 on the survey.
20:28Hey, I'll take it.
21:09Axel, who was your team leader?
21:11I was Mr. Trump.
21:12OK, did he do a good job as a team leader?
21:14Very good.
21:15What did you think of your team?
21:16I thought the team did a great job.
21:17Did you have any weak link?
21:19We had some...
21:20Please don't tell me Marcus again.
21:21No, actually, you'd be proud to know that Marcus...
21:24Marcus, you've made...
21:25Look at these guys, they like Marcus.
21:28Capital H, who was your project manager?
21:31I was Mr. Trump.
21:32Were you happy with your team,
21:33or did you think you had some weak links?
21:35I was happy with my team overall.
21:37Who was the weak link?
21:38I would have to say Jennifer W.
21:43Carolyn, how did Capital H do?
21:45Well, at the end of the expo,
21:46the residents filled out a comment card or survey.
21:50Here are some of the comments.
21:51Excellent show. New world to me.
21:54Thanks for the pretty girls.
21:56Informed technicians would have helped.
21:58I was disappointed.
22:00Capital H, you were rated on an overall experience
22:03based on several factors,
22:04such as usefulness, comfort, and presentation of the products.
22:08Your average score on a scale from 1 to 10 is 7.9.
22:15George, you ready?
22:16How did Excel do?
22:18Excel did well.
22:19The comments that came back from the audience were the following.
22:23The products were well presented,
22:24and the staff were very courteous and very informative.
22:27Good display.
22:28Representatives were friendly and very well informed.
22:31Your average score is 8.1.
22:45As you know, Randall is on the winning team,
22:47and he was the project manager.
22:49So therefore, he's entitled to an exemption,
22:52but only if voted by you.
22:54Could I see a show of hands?
22:55Who wants Randall to be exempt
22:56because he was the winning project manager?
22:58All right. It's unanimous.
23:01Excel, as you know,
23:02this task was about giving back to the community.
23:06So for your reward,
23:08I thought you should continue to do just that.
23:11You've helped retirees,
23:13and now you're going to help children.
23:16Tomorrow morning,
23:17you're going to go to Montefiore Children's Hospital,
23:20and you're going to give from Best Buy
23:23thousands and thousands of dollars worth of free,
23:27beautiful electronic equipment to children
23:30that are in the hospital and suffering
23:32and having a hard time
23:34and not having a good life like all of us.
23:37To me, that's, like, the ultimate win,
23:39and I think you're going to enjoy it.
23:42So you go have a good time,
23:43say hello to the children.
23:44Capital H.
23:45It's really very difficult to say somebody lost
23:48when you're out there doing something very positive
23:51for, in this case, retirees.
23:52So you really both won, in the truest sense.
23:55But unfortunately, somebody has to be fired.
23:57I'll see you back in the boardroom.
23:59Go ahead.
24:00Thank you, sir.
24:30Rebecca just stabbed me in the back,
24:32and I'm very upset, and I'm very, very offended,
24:35and I'm very, very disappointed in Rebecca right now.
24:38I don't want to be mad.
24:40I'm just so f****** tired.
24:42And I don't even like to cuss
24:43because I'm going to take a piece of soap to my mouth right now.
24:46Hey, Jen.
24:47My performance is not why we lost this task.
24:50So Rebecca threw me under the bus in the boardroom
24:54in front of Mr. Trump, Carolyn, and George.
24:57I don't understand.
24:58That makes me feel like a complete idiot.
25:00I know.
25:01I don't want to go home.
25:02I, as of right now, can only assume
25:04that Rebecca's going to take me to the boardroom with her tomorrow night,
25:07and I'm going to have to fight for my life.
25:10Jen, don't be too hard on yourself.
25:13I think giving a reward to a child,
25:16being a reward unto itself,
25:18is a phenomenal concept.
25:21Look at what it's got.
25:23Have some fun today, huh?
25:25I can't really quantify the value of going out to a children's hospital
25:29and seeing little kids who are sick,
25:31give them a gift, give them something to eat,
25:33or give them something to drink,
25:35or give them something to eat,
25:36or give them something to drink,
25:37or give them something to eat,
25:38or give them something to drink,
25:39or go to a children's hospital and see little kids who are sick,
25:41give them a gift, give them a smile.
25:43I think, as a group, we'll be stronger
25:44as a result of giving these gifts to these children.
25:49DVD player?
25:51Got some pickle?
25:54Got good food?
25:55You want an X-Box?
25:57Well, guess what.
25:58She's got an X-Box.
25:59It was like Santa Claus.
26:00Kid's face just lit up,
26:02and for that particular moment,
26:03it wasn't about their illness.
26:04All those kids thought about was the toys that we brought
26:06and the smiles we put on their face.
26:08My little boy's a ten years old, but he's back in Kentucky.
26:11Have you ever been to Kentucky?
26:13Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
26:14Number five.
26:15Don't cry.
26:17You like Aladdin?
26:18Oh my gosh, what is that?
26:21I bet you're keeping him busy around here, aren't you?
26:23You making him run hard?
26:24Let's see if we can get some music to get you rocking and rolling here.
26:27Got it?
26:29That's nice.
26:30How is that?
26:31That's nice.
26:32I personally think I'll take a ton away.
26:34I mean, it brings the world into reality for you.
26:36Not just giving gifts to children, but children who are sick or disabled.
26:39It puts everything into perspective.
26:43What was nice about this team is that we were just as happy connecting with those senior residents as we were with these children.
26:48What are you going to buy with your first million?
26:51That's a sore subject around our parts.
26:54So we got some class action on this team, and I was really proud to see that.
26:57Ladies, it's been a blast.
26:59Do you mind if we leave?
27:01You want us to stay?
27:03There we go.
27:06I greeted everybody.
27:08I felt like I did a great job in making sure that they were taken care of.
27:11And I felt like you basically just threw me under the bus.
27:14You see what I'm saying?
27:15Because I did everything I was supposed to do for that test.
27:18The only person stationed that kept failing and the person didn't know how to troubleshoot it was Toral.
27:22Her TV froze up on her eight times.
27:25When Rebecca went to the hospital, Toral went with her.
27:29And I can only assume that they have bonded and that Rebecca and Toral have formed some sort of a friendship.
27:35But unfortunately, I mean, if you don't take that person to the boardroom, then I can tell you right now, it's all going to come back on you.
27:42I'd rather have you here than her.
27:45She's not our caliber.
27:47And I'm afraid that your friendship or whatever that you have formed with her, the fact that she went to the hospital.
27:52Clouds my vision.
27:54Yes, yes, yes.
27:56I mean, it's like, listen to everybody.
27:58How can seven brilliant women be so wrong?
28:04I'm still thinking about what I want to do today.
28:07And ultimately, you know, I haven't come to an ultimate conclusion right now.
28:13I'm just, I'm torn.
28:26Go ahead in.
28:27They're waiting for you.
29:10How's your ankle?
29:11It's OK, Mr. Trump.
29:13Who thought she did a good job, a really good job?
29:17I think Rebecca did an outstanding job.
29:19And I think we might have lost because some individuals didn't have the technical knowledge that maybe some of the men did.
29:25Mr. Trump, if that's the case, then Toral has to be talking about herself.
29:29Your station was the only one where there was constantly a problem.
29:33I don't think so.
29:34That's ridiculous.
29:35We're not asking for the world from Toral.
29:36We're asking for basic things.
29:38On a team, there's a reason why some people are starters and some people are benchwarmers.
29:42But we don't have room for someone to warm the bench.
29:44We don't even have a bench.
29:46I have substantial knowledge in finance, accounting, marketing.
29:48I have impressive work experience.
29:50The top real estate developers in the city know me.
29:53You have, in general, a group of people with very unimpressive work experience, poor professional education.
29:59Are you saying you're the only person who deserves to be here?
30:01I think I am one of the individuals who I believe will end up as a strong executive.
30:07Who else in this room do you think is a strong executive?
30:09I believe Rebecca is absolutely an intelligent person.
30:11That's a biased opinion.
30:13We think thoughts through before speaking.
30:17We speak less, we think more.
30:19I heard the men were much, much better than you.
30:22Carolyn, you and George watched.
30:24Did you think the men were much better or slightly better?
30:27The men were more entertaining.
30:29They had big screens, big signs, big balloons, good food.
30:32Yours was boring.
30:37Who picked out the food?
30:38Who did that?
30:39I did.
30:40Now, it may interest you to know that the men had cookies.
30:43They had cheese.
30:44The cookies were great cookies.
30:45I didn't see anybody try and eat one of your cookies.
30:47Wait, that's not why we lost.
30:49When you walked in, I know you were in charge of the events, and you told me you have an event planning background.
30:53And there was no large sign that said this was a technology exposition.
30:57As a matter of fact, going on the food, I looked at this cake, and it was misspelled.
31:01It didn't say techno exposition.
31:03It said techno exposition, and nobody even caught it.
31:06Who allowed that to happen?
31:08That would be my fault on that one.
31:10You know, you haven't done so well, Jennifer.
31:13Who would you fire?
31:14I believe that Torrell was the weakest link.
31:19Felicia, who would you fire?
31:21That's a tough one.
31:22It's not that easy.
31:23Or Torrell.
31:24Why Torrell?
31:25She's a liability, sir.
31:26I think that's absolutely ridiculous, Mr. Trump.
31:28Paula, who would you fire?
31:33Jennifer, who would you fire?
31:35If she doesn't bring Torrell back in, then she definitely should be fired.
31:38Mr. Trump, this is something I'd like to say.
31:40I think she's going to bring Torrell back in, but you never know.
31:42Something I'd like to state for the record about Torrell.
31:44Yes, go ahead.
31:45I would like to see a woman on this team as your next apprentice.
31:49And you don't think Torrell's going to make it?
31:50And I'm fearful that if Torrell does not proceed on, that a woman may not have the intellectual charge.
32:00She obviously still is standing up for Torrell, so that shows a lack of judgment.
32:04She's obviously way off base.
32:05That's the truth.
32:07Don't say that, George.
32:08I don't necessarily disagree with that.
32:10She went to the same school as Mr. Trump, George.
32:12No, no.
32:13Torrell has to be smart.
32:14I'll tell you why Torrell has to be smart.
32:16She went to a school that's truly the smartest people in the nation go to the school for business, the Wharton School of Finance.
32:23Now, that doesn't mean she has common sense, and it doesn't mean she has other things.
32:27So, Rebecca, you really have a very interesting little job, because you're going to pick two people.
32:32The rest are going up to this magnificent Sweden Trump Tower, and somebody of the three is going to be fired and go back home.
32:40Who are you going to bring back into the boardroom with you?
32:42Mr. Trump, this is a very, very hard decision for me to make.
32:46But I have to go with my gut, and I have to go with my integrity.
32:49Who are you going to bring in?
32:50I'm going to bring Jennifer M. and Jennifer W. please, Mr. Trump.
32:55You've put yourself in a very bad position, in my opinion.
32:58I appreciate that.
33:00But I intend to maintain my integrity.
33:03I believe in Torrell.
33:05I believe in her abilities.
33:07And as a result, I am incapable of bringing her in here, whether or not that leads to my defeat.
33:13Which it might.
33:14Which it might.
33:15It very well could.
33:16But there is something I will never put on the line, and that is my integrity.
33:20And I will not allow that to be set aside in order for one short-term gain.
33:27Torrell, you should drop to your knees and thank her.
33:30Mr. Trump.
33:31Because I don't get it.
33:32And you know what?
33:33She's lovely.
33:34She's wonderful.
33:35She's very loyal.
33:36I'm not the reason we lost any town.
33:37Now, I hate your decision, because I think you're wrong.
33:40What I do like is your loyalty.
33:42I think the loyalty is very admirable.
33:46Enjoy the view, Torrell.
33:48Thank you, I will.
33:49While your very good friend Rebecca goes through hell, enjoy the view.
33:53Rebecca, Jennifer W., Jennifer M., go outside.
33:56Just wait a couple of minutes.
33:58The rest of you, up to the suite.
34:00Enjoy the views.
34:23That was amazing.
34:30I was very surprised.
34:31Do you think she's right or wrong in what she did?
34:33I think she's got principles.
34:34I think she stood up for her principles.
34:36Are you surprised she didn't bring Torrell in?
34:38I'm surprised she didn't bring Torrell in.
34:40I'm very surprised that she took in Jennifer M., but Jennifer W., without a doubt, deserves to be here.
34:45She was responsible for the whole event and the planning.
34:49Robin, let him in.
34:51Right away.
34:52You can go into the boardroom now.
35:26So let me ask you, why didn't you bring Jennifer M. back?
35:29What did she do wrong?
35:31I brought Jennifer M. back, Mr. Trump, because I believe she oftentimes gets off point
35:37and spends copious amounts of time on things that are important but not leading to a win.
35:47I look at it much differently.
35:48I don't think she did anything wrong, okay?
35:50All right.
35:51I don't think she did anything wrong.
35:52What do you think?
35:53I don't think she did anything wrong.
35:54I don't know why she's here.
35:55Jennifer M. does not deserve to be here.
35:58You will not be fired tonight unless you say something really stupid within the next few minutes.
36:02I really think you made a mistake in not bringing Torrell in.
36:05Now, you can say what you want about Torrell and she's really smart and all of that stuff, you know?
36:10That's great.
36:11But the fact is the team can't stand her and she has brought the team down.
36:15And you could have brought her in that basis, not just for what she did in this test, but on that basis.
36:19You could have brought her back in.
36:21She certainly wasn't an inspiration to the team.
36:23Do you agree with that?
36:24I don't think this team was inspired by her, no, Mr. Trump.
36:28But wouldn't that be reason to bring her back in?
36:29It could be someone's reason to bring her back in, but I don't believe it would be my reason to bring her back in.
36:34You're very hard-headed, aren't you?
36:36I am very hard-headed.
36:38A good executive has to have a certain amount of flexibility.
36:41Where is the flexibility?
36:43She has no flexibility.
36:44It's ironic that you say I have no flexibility.
36:47When I stepped up to this task with a broken ankle, the first time I've ever had a broken bone in my body, walking on crutches,
36:54I stepped up to this task and was flexible enough to take on project leader.
36:59To call me inflexible.
37:02When I did that...
37:03You're inflexible.
37:04You're inflexible.
37:05He's right.
37:06You are a very inflexible person, and you're pretty tough.
37:09I'm very tough, Mr. Trump.
37:11Except you lost.
37:13I think the reason this task failed was because there was nothing to this presentation.
37:20I thought the place was very dry.
37:22It was very drab.
37:23The food was horrible.
37:25And there was nothing that really drew you in.
37:27There was not even a sign that said technology exposition.
37:31There was nothing.
37:32It was boring.
37:33You thought everything was fine.
37:34The reason why I picked what I picked is I spun off of my grandmother.
37:38She loved cake.
37:39That's why I chose that.
37:40I picked cookies because I knew that some people wouldn't like cake, and they'd probably want something easier and just handheld.
37:46And I even had sugar-free cookies for the diabetics.
37:48I made sure that I did that.
37:51Why did you lose?
37:52I think we lost because we didn't put on a good enough presentation.
37:55And is that your fault, or is it Jennifer W.'s fault?
37:58Well, like I said previously...
38:00Is it your fault, or is it...
38:01It's Jennifer W.'s fault.
38:02I think that just shows more her poor leadership, that she's letting her friendship that she's formed with Toro to cloud her judgment.
38:09How can seven other brilliant, intelligent women be so wrong?
38:14Well, look.
38:16Jennifer W., this task was about making an inviting environment for the retirees, and you really didn't do it.
38:23There was no real decoration.
38:25There was nothing special.
38:26The place just wasn't inviting.
38:29And that was your charge.
38:34Toro should have been brought in.
38:36She should have been here.
38:37She would have been fired.
38:41But I think you have a tremendous potential.
38:46Therefore, Jennifer W., you're fired.
39:56This girl is either going to be great or a disaster.
39:59Time will tell.
40:30I'd just like to say that I am a good event planner, and I'm very disappointed with the outcome of tonight.
40:37I thought that it should be Toro going home.
40:40She's obviously been the weakest link.
40:43If Rebecca lets her friendship with Toro cloud her judgment, then that's just another example of her poor leadership.
40:50I can tell you right now that the morale on the women's team is going to be low.
40:54They're going to be in shock, and they're really going to have to pull themselves together, unite,
40:59get past their differences if they want to continue and if they want to win.
