TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00You haven't lost your faculties, Lorenzo.
00:02To what do I owe the pleasure?
00:05To the fact that you escaped Ayala's curiosity quite skillfully.
00:10But not mine.
00:12Who was calling?
00:15A client.
00:18Not just any client.
00:22Commander Alcaraz is the head of Intelligence.
00:27Alcaraz is the head of Intelligence of the African detachment.
00:32What happened?
00:35Apparently, several soldiers have been hospitalized for an intoxication.
00:41What are you saying? That's very serious.
00:45They don't know if it was because of my jam.
00:47Well, they will suspect something if they have called you.
00:50At the moment they are that. Only suspicions.
00:53For your sake, I hope they never confirm.
00:56I will investigate what was the origin.
00:58Do it, yes. But do it discreetly. Alonso can't know this.
01:02He won't find out about me. Believe me.
01:04As soon as he finds out, he will have the perfect excuse to give his beloved Catalina the business.
01:08That's something neither of us want.
01:10Exactly. So get to it.
01:14I don't want any more mistakes, Lorenzo. Got it?
01:16Your husband won't find out.
01:24Can you repeat the name of that commander?
01:28Alcaraz, sir.
01:30And do you know anything else about the reason for the call?
01:33I retired when I saw that he didn't need anything else from me. I'm sorry.
01:37Don't apologize for doing your job.
01:39There is something else, sir.
01:41Mr. Pellicer can't assure you, but he has the suspicion that ...
01:45that the call is related to the jam business.
01:49Is that so?
01:51Well, I couldn't hear the captain's interlocutor clearly,
01:54but I would dare to assure you that I heard the word jam.
01:58And if I didn't tell you anything, it was not to spread rumors.
02:02On this occasion, it was good to let me know.
02:04Well, on this occasion and in the ones to come.
02:06I understand, sir.
02:07You can go.
02:08Thank you, sir.
02:09Not you, Mr. Mez.
02:13Tomorrow morning, I want you available to make some phone calls.
02:17Very well, sir.
02:18The captain is not going to say anything.
02:20But we are going to find out what is so important
02:23that Commander Alcaraz wanted to tell you.
02:43Hanna, have you seen Manuel?
02:45No, sir. I haven't seen him.
02:47But if you need him, I can call someone to pick him up.
02:51Ah, I understand.
02:53No, it won't be necessary.
02:57Consuelo, I'm missing a deck of cards.
03:00Could you go get it?
03:02I'll stay with your tray if you want.
03:05I'll be right back.
03:10Do you really need another deck of cards?
03:18Ah, sorry.
03:21Anyway, Consuelo won't be back for long, so it has to be quick.
03:25Well, do you know where Manuel is?
03:29He told me he had to do some kind of management, but he didn't give me any more details.
03:35Is he in Lujan or when is he coming back?
03:37I'm telling you, I don't know.
03:40What's wrong?
03:42Well, I'd like to know that.
03:45It's just that I find it very strange that Manuel knows that you and I are brothers
03:49and that he hasn't come to talk to me.
03:52I don't know, I'm starting to think that those managements he has to do in Lujan
03:56are excuses to avoid seeing me.
03:58Well, don't think that, Curro.
04:00It has nothing to do with it.
04:01He's probably having a hard time assimilating it and that's it, like it was hard for you at first.
04:06Anyway, why don't you start the conversation?
04:08I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
04:13Here are the cutlery.
04:14Thank you, Consuelo.
04:16Here are the cutlery.
04:17Thank you, Consuelo.
04:36Santos, are you there?
04:41What are you still doing in bed?
04:44What time is it?
04:46It's time to serve breakfast to the gentlemen.
04:56I think I'm not feeling very well.
04:57No, no, it's obvious, it's obvious.
05:03Well, nothing that a warm bath and an infusion can't fix.
05:07Not at all.
05:08You're not going anywhere.
05:11You'll stay in bed all night.
05:18What's wrong?
05:20My throat is burning and I've spent the night coughing and shivering.
05:25My body is numb.
05:28Yesterday's cold.
05:31I'll let Dr. Guillén come as soon as possible.
05:33No, no, it's not necessary, Father.
05:36As you say, it's a cold.
05:38A little rest and I'll be fine.
05:40Well, then I'm going to order a tea with honey and lemon
05:45to calm your sore throat.
05:49Yes, but this afternoon, if you haven't improved,
05:51I'm going to call the doctor.
05:53Because I don't want to risk that cold hitting your chest.
05:56I'm not a child anymore, Father.
05:58Given your background, the precise thing is to act with prudence.
06:03And I don't want arguments.
06:05I'm giving the same treatment I would give to any subordinate.
06:11Now ...
06:12Now I bring you the infusion.
06:27Well, we're all here.
06:30We can start now.
06:34Excuse me, ma'am.
06:35Wouldn't it be more appropriate to teach cooking in the kitchen?
06:40I remind you, Simona, that my only interest is to make an anthology with your recipes
06:45and that here we will be more comfortable.
06:48Sit down.
06:54I understand.
06:56But how are we going to make him understand things if he doesn't see them?
07:00With the correct use of Spanish.
07:03After our last meeting, I realized that it is not necessary to get your hands dirty
07:07to have a complete description of the preparation of the dishes.
07:11Yeah, but there are problems, doubts that arise while cooking.
07:15Well, then I will ask you for a greater effort in the exercise of memory.
07:19I insist, here we will be more comfortable.
07:22It's a shame, I already had all the ingredients ...
07:24Simona, don't follow us, please.
07:26This time I'm going to be the one who decides the recipes.
07:29And let's start with the desserts.
07:32Well, at this point, Lope can help you more than me.
07:36The boy has pastry wood.
07:40How timely.
07:44What do you want to know?
07:45I would like the recipe for those elongated sweets, like biscochitos,
07:50that have chocolate on top and are filled with cream.
07:53The eclair.
07:55But the eclair is not a Spanish sweet, it is a French sweet, from the beginning of the last century.
08:00Go on.
08:02Well, it is a recipe that has not undergone many modifications since it was invented.
08:08Curious. Coincidence.
08:11And what else?
08:14Well, no ...
08:17It is not well known who was its creator.
08:19There are people who only attribute it to the chef Marie Antoine Cagain.
08:22Go to the point, Lope.
08:23You're going through the hills of Úbeda.
08:25And the lady has asked for the recipe, she has already said it.
08:28No, don't worry, I'm very interested in this.
08:32Go on, Lope.
08:35Well, Cagain is the author of the art of French cuisine, where he includes all his recipes.
08:40Although, unfortunately, the eclair does not appear among them.
08:44It is not until 1860 that there are written references.
08:52Santos, I have been asked to upload this to you, with honey and lemon.
08:56Yes, leave it on the table.
09:02What happened to you? Are you sick?
09:06A cold.
09:07Because of the fortunate chapuzón they suffered yesterday.
09:11In fact, I was looking for you.
09:15No, no, don't get up.
09:20Do you have any discomfort?
09:22I'm like a rose.
09:24Yes, we get wet, but it's just water.
09:26What can I do wrong?
09:29Sorry, I was saying it for myself.
09:31Leave it, Marcelo.
09:33You've done enough.
09:35Anyway, since I have you both here, I take this opportunity to tell you something.
09:39Since you are well, you will be in charge of replacing Santos
09:43in the care of Mr. Curro while Eva remains in bed.
09:46But father ...
09:48Sir ...
09:49No, no buts that are worth Santos.
09:51You are available to take care of the young man as he should.
09:55But I have never attended a young man.
09:58Well, there always has to be a first time.
10:00You have been in charge of his training.
10:02I mean, he will be prepared, right?
10:04Yes, but he still has a lot to learn.
10:08It will have to be enough, because I don't have another one either.
10:12Do you think you will be up to it?
10:16Of course, sir.
10:17I promise to do everything for me.
10:19Well, go in search of him, introduce yourself and inform the young man
10:23that it will be Calle who will attend him in the following days.
10:26As you wish, sir.
10:36Take the infusion.
10:50We pour the water until we get the texture we want
10:53and then we pour it hot on the baked cake.
10:56And that's it.
10:58Magnificent, Lope.
11:00I hope it has been useful.
11:02Much more than you think.
11:05Leave us alone.
11:09I hope I can contribute something more in the next recipe.
11:13Don't worry, if I need it, I'll have it called.
11:16If I need it, I'll have it called.
11:19Don't you want me to write anything down, ma'am?
11:22Haven't I expressed myself clearly enough?
11:45Finally alone, Lope.
11:48I must admit that you have pleasantly surprised me.
11:52Where did you learn to cook like that?
11:56My grandmother taught me the base.
11:59And for what house did she cook?
12:01No, she didn't work for any house.
12:04For no noble house, I mean.
12:07She cooked for us and for the people of the town.
12:10But she was versed in foreign recipes.
12:13No, no, no.
12:15Her thing was stews and potages.
12:17Some barbecue, desserts from here, and that's it.
12:20Of course, everything she prepared she did with great care and affection.
12:24I see, but you haven't answered my question.
12:27Where did you learn to cook like that?
12:30In books and magazines.
12:33Then I must understand that you haven't had a teacher.
12:36Yes, Mrs. Simona.
12:38Simona is not your teacher.
12:40Because your knowledge surpasses hers,
12:42so don't make me believe that she was the one who taught you to cook like that.
12:48You have a talent, Lope.
12:51A raw talent.
12:56No, don't thank me.
12:57Or at least not yet.
13:01You're wasting your time.
13:03What do you mean?
13:04That you're wasting that talent that God has given you between these walls.
13:09You've never thought of working in a restaurant.
13:13I already did that, ma'am.
13:15In Madrid, and the experience wasn't ...
13:18It wasn't enriching.
13:20What happened?
13:22Well, it's true that I was in one of the best kitchens in the country.
13:28But my task was reduced to being there.
13:31What they wanted from me was for me to clean the kitchen,
13:33to clean dishes, peel potatoes ...
13:36But you have to start with something.
13:40But here I can do whatever I want.
13:43I can create dishes,
13:45modify the ones we already have,
13:47I can do whatever I want, which is to cook.
13:52Well, maybe you would have done better staying in Madrid.
14:08No, María, that was in Boston.
14:10But we were in New York before.
14:12And which one did you like best?
14:14Well ...
14:16The truth is that New York is impressive.
14:18It has very tall buildings and ...
14:19There are people everywhere.
14:22But I think that ...
14:24If I had to choose, I would stay with Boston.
14:27And why?
14:29Well, because it has huge avenues
14:32and it is full of parks everywhere.
14:34And all the buildings are like palaces.
14:36You should have seen our hotel.
14:38If you hurry me, it was even bigger than the one in the King of Madrid.
14:41Well, very big, right?
14:43It's just that everything in the United States is very big.
14:46And we were also at Harvard University.
14:49And why is that?
14:51Did the Duchess want to go back to the puppet show?
14:55We were visiting an old teacher
14:57who was a friend of the Duchess during his youth in Paris.
15:00What a coincidence, right?
15:02To have coincided there.
15:04Well, he has been teaching philosophy classes at that university for many years.
15:07And we even attended one of his lessons.
15:09How clever.
15:11No, not at all, quite the opposite.
15:13It's not like here, where the teachers speak and everyone shuts up.
15:15Of course, as it should be.
15:16The one who knows has to speak and the others have to listen.
15:19Well, everyone participates there. It's like a debate.
15:22Well, that's great that everyone participates.
15:25I didn't understand a word.
15:27But it seemed that they expressed themselves very well.
15:29And not a word louder than the other.
15:33And don't you feel sorry for having left your wife's service?
15:39Well, you know.
15:41After my wedding to Marcelo,
15:43I had to stop working for the Duchess.
15:47Yes, of course.
15:59Didn't you see the smoke?
16:01It was quite striking.
16:03The fire reached the doors of the palace of the Duchess of Ormuelos.
16:06But is she okay?
16:08It's a miracle.
16:10The wind changed direction.
16:11The wind changed direction.
16:14Thank God.
16:16Well, half.
16:18It seems that the fire spread through the gardens of Santa Clara
16:20and took a large part of the olive grove.
16:22The lawyer Vergara will be happy.
16:24Well, I think he will surely take her to court.
16:27Because she has caused several thousand pesetas in losses.
16:31It was a matter of time before something like this happened.
16:34But why do you say that?
16:36Was it a lucky thing?
16:38Since the Duchess of Ormuelos became widowed,
16:39that farm is a chaos.
16:42If the fire managed to spread as you say, so quickly,
16:45it is undoubtedly because it was not clean of scratch and scab.
16:50And that makes you think that she was alone?
16:52No, I don't think so.
16:54The newspaper brings a chronicle of the handshake
16:57that Catalina and Pelayo attended.
16:59And what does it say? Talk about them.
17:01It's a privilege.
17:03Pelayo says that even members of the royal house attended.
17:05Well, read it to us.
17:07It says ...
17:09Among the guests, on the part of the groom,
17:11the couple made up by the Count of Añil
17:14and Doña Catarina de Luján stood out.
17:16The two young men were the center of attention
17:19throughout the evening.
17:21We already know why.
17:24Is there any interesting news?
17:26Well, yes. One that suits you personally.
17:31And that?
17:33Because it is about Manuela's request that you came.
17:35We let them enjoy it then.
17:38But have you already read it, cousin?
17:40I will.
17:42We were about to take a walk.
17:44Right, Pelayo?
17:46Yes, yes. And it is better that we leave soon
17:48if we want to be back at lunchtime.
17:55Those two have already read the chronicle.
17:58What happens is that they will be back in an hour and a half
18:00and that's why they run away from Lescarnia.
18:02No Cruz, nothing further from reality.
18:04Well, keep reading. Danoso, please.
18:06The two young men were the center of attention
18:08throughout the evening
18:10for their elegance and gallantry
18:12and they enjoyed the favor of the guests.
18:15What a bunch of nonsense.
18:17I'm sure they say the same about anyone who goes to the party.
18:19Well, don't get angry.
18:21No, I won't.
18:23But I'm not going to waste my time either.
18:25We all know that journalists like Darkova,
18:27but those from La Crónica Social are the worst of all.
18:37The protagonists of the request
18:39were welcomed in their circle of closest relatives.
18:48And López, the biggest one,
18:50as if he could see it.
18:52He gives it to her and she doesn't fall into the water.
18:54He even told her about Candela's story.
18:56That's why.
18:58And then the recipe was blown away in two kicks.
19:00I was also scared.
19:01I'm fine with it.
19:03The Duchess is weird.
19:05She doesn't have a recipe.
19:07Candela, she didn't explain it to us.
19:09It's for a book.
19:11I think there's something wrong here.
19:13If the Duchess has such a thin skin,
19:15she doesn't spend the day in front of a stove.
19:17Because she doesn't want to cook.
19:19She wants the recipes.
19:21That's why she met us at Mrs. Petra's office.
19:23There you have it.
19:25This is all very strange, Simona.
19:27And you and me?
19:28Do you remember the book your master, Orengo, gave us?
19:32Of course, I remember everything about my Candela.
19:34You don't need to give me details.
19:36I'm not giving them to you either.
19:38Well, a countess wrote that book too.
19:41Emilia Pardo Bazar.
19:43I knew it too.
19:47Isn't López here?
19:49He doesn't want him, girl.
19:51No, he hasn't been here.
19:53That can only mean one thing.
19:55Is he still at the office with the Duchess?
19:56Look at his face.
19:58It looks like he's more scared than a little bird.
20:00He wouldn't even eat him.
20:02That's why he wants him.
20:04To eat him?
20:06No, not López. His dishes.
20:08That's why he's asking for the recipes.
20:10This is a test.
20:12Candela, lower your feet to the ground.
20:14No, no, no. Think about it.
20:16Because of the book's excuse, he goes to the kitchen.
20:18Tests our dishes.
20:20And you'll see that the next thing he asks for
20:22is to go cook at his palace.
20:24And so, little by little,
20:26he asks the Marquise and us.
20:28And us.
20:30But don't you think all this is too complicated
20:32to change a cook?
20:35Mrs. Arcos, what can I do for you?
20:37Wow, you've finally finished your annoying meeting
20:40in my office.
20:42I'm sorry to inform you that no.
20:44The Duchess and López are still in their office.
20:46Well, I'll have to talk to Mr. Baeza.
20:48Because this is not a reception.
20:50Weren't the lessons supposed to be about cooking?
20:53That's right.
20:54And where has it been seen that someone learns
20:56to cook, to bake and to cook?
20:59Out of the kitchen.
21:01Well, that's what I think.
21:03Yes, me too.
21:05But the Duchess of Carril did want it.
21:07The Duchess.
21:09The Duchess was supposed to be in the kitchen
21:11and use my office from time to time.
21:16Well, she's angry.
21:18No, no, just a little girl.
21:20To speak like that of a lady?
21:21I'd like to see Mr. Baeza's hair.
21:23He's going to make him look like a donkey.
21:27Well, the story hasn't been so bad.
21:29Well, if I'm honest with you,
21:31I found out about half of it.
21:33And me?
21:36Do you know why the guys are angry?
21:38I don't know. They've argued.
21:40But come on, it's not the first time they've fought.
21:42Yeah, but so much?
21:46Well, what do you think of Catalina?
21:49What do I tell her?
21:51About what?
21:53Well, has she caught your attention,
21:55the fright with Pelayo?
21:57Well, I guess that since the newspaper
21:59already spoke badly of them at the time,
22:01she wants to heal her fright.
22:03I don't know.
22:05Do you think that's why?
22:07Why else?
22:09I don't know.
22:11But it seems to me that your cousin
22:13is not easily intimidated.
22:15I think it was for something else.
22:17Daughter, why don't you talk to her?
22:22I don't care if it wasn't you.
22:24Now you dedicate yourself, Teresa,
22:26to accusing your colleagues?
22:28Absolutely, Mrs. Arcos.
22:30Be careful with the tone you use, girl.
22:32Remember who you're talking to.
22:34Excuse me.
22:36Well, do everything I tell you.
22:38And I want you to go and clean
22:40all the silverware,
22:42even the last teaspoon of coffee.
22:44I'll get to it right now.
22:46And this time,
22:48I want you to go and clean
22:49all the silverware,
22:51even the last teaspoon of coffee.
22:53As you wish, Mrs. Arcos.
22:55One more thing, Teresa.
22:58Have you seen Mr. Baeta?
23:09Don't you have anything to say?
23:12Hello, Teresa.
23:14Are you crazy?
23:15I'm sorry.
23:19I thought that...
23:21No, I've seen this better, don't think.
23:23I'm waiting for you to apologize
23:25for whistling through the corridors
23:27and you dare to kiss your wife
23:29in front of my nose.
23:31I'm sorry, ma'am.
23:33I should never have whistled.
23:35That, of course.
23:37In this house, the ways of decoration are kept.
23:39I hope you don't forget from now on.
23:41No, Mrs. Petra.
23:43It won't happen again.
23:45If you'll excuse me.
23:47I'm not done with you.
23:52Do you know where Mr. Baeta is?
23:54I need to talk to him.
23:58Are you going to look for him?
24:00I can't right now.
24:02Do you dare to disobey an order of mine, Marcelo?
24:05I'll do it later, I swear.
24:07Don't swear in vain.
24:09Don Ricardo has asked me to go to Mr. Curro's room.
24:13What do you have to do there?
24:15Don Ricardo has asked me
24:17to go to Mr. Curro's room.
24:19Santos is sick, then?
24:23Don Ricardo says
24:25he didn't sleep well last night,
24:27but I have my doubts.
24:31Because with the same water I got wet
24:33and here I am, like a young Roble.
24:35Go with Mr. Curro
24:37and take care of the money.
24:43If you do it unintentionally, I won't notice.
24:45If you force yourself, you'll make it worse.
24:47I've already apologized.
24:49It has nothing to do with the whistle, Marcelo.
24:51Didn't you notice the look on Mrs. Arcos' face
24:53when you talked about Santos?
25:00That woman is not well.
25:02Let's go.
25:04This blanket is more than ready.
25:06Well, if it's ready,
25:08we fold it and go to the palace.
25:10But what I was telling you,
25:12Santos was dripping with water
25:13and María Mandrajo was trying to dry him up
25:16with a love that no mother has with her son.
25:19Are you exaggerating, María?
25:21Yes, I would say that too.
25:23But I even call him Feliciano.
25:25What are you saying?
25:27With these two ears that God has given me, I heard it.
25:30Well, let's see.
25:32We have to think that the two of them have a lot of trust
25:35and that maybe it was the tension of the moment, nothing more.
25:38Jana, I call him like his son.
25:39I call him like his son.
25:42Yeah, well,
25:44we'll have to look at it from the positive side.
25:46Maybe this makes him overcome his death.
25:49I don't know.
25:51What positive will he have?
25:53If all the good that one had,
25:55of good, of innocent,
25:57the other has it of evil and low.
25:59Yeah, I've seen it like that.
26:01Well, now that we are alone, I have to tell you something else.
26:03About Petra, about Marcelo.
26:05Don't get involved with him too.
26:07You have to understand that he is learning, María.
26:09I know he is a special guy.
26:12But hey, you have to support him because he is Teresa's husband.
26:15And maybe not for a long time.
26:17What are you saying?
26:19Because I was sewing with Teresa
26:21and I was watching him peel the turnip with one of our classmates.
26:24What did you see?
26:26Well, smiles, flirting.
26:28It's not a sin either.
26:30Well, caresses don't make a child,
26:32but they touch at dusk.
26:34And speaking of dusk,
26:36do you already have the date with Manuel?
26:37With Manuel?
26:40What are you waiting for?
26:42Well, Manuel is now dealing with other matters.
26:46I see.
26:48That sounds bad, daughter.
26:50Is there a new rum in paradise?
26:52What's up?
26:54It's just that he's collecting information
26:56about when Gregorio was in prison.
26:59What did he do?
27:01Nothing, but I think I can convince him
27:03to leave Mrs. Pia alone.
27:05Convince him with what?
27:07About the murder of the prisoner Mr. Berta told us.
27:11But we don't know where Gregorio is, do we?
27:14Manuel has located him
27:16and in fact he has mentioned him in the old slaughterhouse.
27:19Couldn't he have mentioned him in the town square
27:22with all the people?
27:24Bad news, Hanna, huh?
27:26I just hope everything goes well.
27:32Come on.
27:40My memory doesn't seem...
28:08Can you please put the pillow back on me?
28:16Hug me, please.
28:32We should have hugged more.
28:38You know, Feliciano,
28:42no matter how many mistakes I have made as a mother,
28:45God knows there are many.
28:49There is a bond that binds me to you.
28:53A bond
28:55that nothing or no one can ever break.
29:01I love you like I've never loved anyone
29:04and I can't love anyone in my life, darling.
29:08Feliciano, can you hear me?
29:21Son, for God's sake!
29:23Feliciano, talk to me!
29:25No, Feliciano, for God's sake!
29:28No, no, no!
29:30No, my son, no!
29:36No, my son, no!
29:38Not now, please!
29:40Open your eyes, Feliciano, for God's sake!
29:43Talk to me, talk to me!
30:20Doña Petra.
30:23Save your strength, Santos.
30:26You are burning up.
30:29I'm going to have an infusion of thyme
30:32and I'll have a doctor come and see you.
30:36He's done it.
30:38Dr. Guillén was here a couple of hours ago
30:41and he's prescribed the appropriate medication.
30:44What's wrong with him?
30:46What's causing such a high fever?
30:49Since he was a child, his lungs have always been weak
30:52and the slightest cold puts him in bed.
30:58It's probable.
31:01He should see another doctor.
31:06Dr. Guillén doesn't trust you.
31:08No, but a lung infection is very serious
31:12and we shouldn't miss the diagnosis or the treatment.
31:16For now, we'll do what Dr. Guillén has prescribed.
31:20But wait a second.
31:22I haven't been clear enough!
31:24Absolutely, Mr. Pichiter.
31:27Do your homework.
31:29I'll take care of my son.
31:53Mr. Pichiter.
32:24Julia, can I talk to you?
32:27One second, Curro.
32:43I'd like to apologize.
32:45The way I spoke the other day was totally inappropriate.
32:50Don't blame yourself, Curro.
32:53I shouldn't have pressured him to talk about the war.
32:56He warned me that it wasn't something he wanted to remember
32:59and I ignored him.
33:02I appreciate your words, but my behavior is no excuse.
33:07Then I accept your apologies.
33:10These days, I've been able to reflect on it and...
33:13I've realized that he had to live a real hell.
33:17Even that is short-lived.
33:20war isn't beautiful or epic.
33:24War is destruction and pain.
33:28I'm really sorry.
33:30I've been insensitive when I asked you to remember something so horrible.
33:35Can you forgive me too?
33:53I didn't expect to find you here, Curro.
33:57I came to see the progress on the restoration of the painting.
34:00Oh, I was coming too. How is it going?
34:03Maybe you should judge it yourself.
34:12It doesn't matter.
34:13It doesn't matter?
34:15That's what it's about.
34:16Yeah, yeah, but...
34:20It doesn't matter?
34:23There's still work to be done.
34:25For now, I've removed the old varnish
34:27and I'm correcting some of the most damaged parts.
34:31Can you see it?
34:35Then I'll finish cleaning it to get the original color back
34:40and then I'll varnish it again.
34:43The more times I do it, the more difficult it seems to me.
34:49I don't know if it's a matter of difficulty
34:51or that everything has its time
34:54and a work of art like this
34:56has to be handled very carefully.
34:59And do you need help?
35:00Because I could bring you anything...
35:03I prefer to work alone.
35:05I understand.
35:08And what about the cleaning?
35:10You'll have to excuse me.
35:11I'll leave you alone.
35:13Why? This is the most interesting part.
35:16Yeah, but I asked for a horse seat before.
35:20Well, I haven't been to the farm for many days.
35:23Of course, Curro.
35:24Enjoy the ride.
35:26And if at some point you're curious to see how the painting is going,
35:29you know where I am.
35:41Do you want me to explain how to clean the painting?
35:44The most important thing is not to damage the color.
35:46So for that, we have different solvents.
36:00A mayor told me you were looking for me.
36:03That's right.
36:04Sit down.
36:08You know,
36:10I'd like to know the reason for your call first.
36:13I want to hear from your mouth what Commander Alcaraz wanted
36:15when he phoned last night.
36:19Once again,
36:20in this house, you don't respect other people's privacy.
36:23It's just that your privacy ends where the others' start.
36:26In this case, mine.
36:34Who left the soul?
36:35That's the least of it, Lorenzo.
36:37It had to be that mayor.
36:40Ayala wouldn't have the pleasure of humiliating me.
36:42I doubt Margarita found out about anything
36:44and your wife didn't go.
36:45As far as you and I know.
36:47Lorenzo, keep your poison to yourself.
36:49We're talking about you, not me.
36:50What did the commander want?
36:53Military matters.
36:55All very tedious.
36:56But if you have time, I'll tell you.
36:58It didn't seem so tedious when I talked to him.
37:02A food poisoning
37:04that has left 56 soldiers in Africa hospitalized.
37:08And the suspicion that the cause is our products.
37:10You said it.
37:14How long do you think it will take to confirm it?
37:16They can't.
37:18You know, while you were moving your threads
37:20to stab me in the back...
37:21Lorenzo, to the point.
37:24I've been doing research.
37:27The intoxicated were guarding the blockade line.
37:29Do you know what that is?
37:32Those bastards were living in mousetraps.
37:35Without hygiene.
37:36Drinking stagnant water.
37:37There is no human way to prove
37:39that this was our fault.
37:41Yours, you mean.
37:45And it was your fault?
37:51Anything else I can help you with?
37:58Next time,
38:00before talking to my superiors,
38:02I'd appreciate it if you let me know.
38:24Those are my boots.
38:25I beg you to excuse me, I got confused.
38:27Don't worry, it's okay.
38:28Do you want me to help you?
38:29No, no, no, I'll put them on myself.
38:31You're not going to wear your t-shirt with your alcurnia,
38:33that's why I'm here.
38:36Sit down, please, sir.
38:41Careful, careful, don't break it.
38:43It's the only way for your foot to get in.
38:45What if you try with a shoe?
38:46Let's see.
38:47Sure, a shoe.
38:49If you want, I can go get one.
38:51You didn't bring it?
38:54And given the hurry you're in,
38:55if you want, I can try
38:57putting it on myself with a little push.
38:59I have an infallible trick.
39:00An infallible trick.
39:05If you'll excuse me.
39:16This way.
39:19I don't know if this infallible trick will work.
39:21Yes, yes, listen to me.
39:27We did it!
39:30Now, this one,
39:31I'll put it on myself.
39:32Are you sure you don't want me to help you?
39:34You, go get my horse,
39:35he must be nervous to go out.
39:42Let's see, what's going on now?
39:44His horse.
39:48Tell me, please,
39:49that you have notified the horsemen
39:50to have him ready.
39:52I forgot.
39:53It was a small mistake.
39:54What was I missing?
39:56I'm sorry, Mr. Coro.
39:58Leave him.
40:00But where are you going?
40:02To notify the horsemen.
40:03No, not now.
40:04It's late.
40:05I won't have time to ride
40:06before the sun goes down.
40:07So he's not going to ride?
40:10Do you want me to help him take off his boot?
40:11No, no, no.
40:12Step aside.
40:13So what do you want me to do?
40:15I want you to leave me alone.
40:17And I don't want to see you all day.
40:19Do you understand me?
40:21Okay, sir.
40:35Hanna, I'm sorry I can't help you,
40:37but it's just that this night has been refreshing
40:39and my bones hurt.
40:42Don't worry.
40:43I'm going to give you a herbal tea right now,
40:45and in half an hour you'll have it dancing jotas.
40:47You can't go back on your word.
40:49But this has nothing to do with the years,
40:51Mrs. Darre.
40:52It has to do with the fact that you've been still
40:54for too long,
40:55and your body is resentful.
40:57Well, let's not talk about me,
40:59I don't have any news to tell.
41:01Tell me about you.
41:02How's Manuel doing?
41:07the truth is he's better than ever.
41:11You don't know how happy I am, Hanna.
41:14I feel like I'm living a dream.
41:16It's as if God had rewarded me
41:18for all the suffering I've been through,
41:20and given me the best person there is.
41:23Wow, you look very in love.
41:26A lot.
41:27Every day more and more.
41:29This doesn't sound like a wedding bell, does it?
41:34Hanna, congratulations!
41:35When did you think of telling me?
41:37Well, we were dealing with the subject
41:39with so much discretion that in the end ...
41:40But who am I going to share it with here?
41:42Well, I have to celebrate it, I have to celebrate it.
41:45This is a secret.
41:47I'm going to prepare the infusion of ajejo.
41:49And there will be time for celebrations, you'll see.
41:52And when will the wedding be?
41:55Well, well ...
41:58The truth is that we still don't know.
42:01But it is true that Manuel has already spoken to the priest.
42:03And I already have the dress.
42:06How does it feel?
42:08What I'm going to do is give you a hug
42:10and congratulate you, look.
42:14I'm very happy.
42:16Well, let's have this.
42:18It burns, huh?
42:24It burns like hell.
42:29Well, and what are you going to do next?
42:31Because his thing would be for you to live as husband and wife.
42:33What are you going to do?
42:35That's what we're supposed to do.
42:37But then it won't be a secret to anyone.
42:40Not even for Mrs. Marquesa.
42:43Well, I guess she'll have to accept it.
42:46We both know it won't be easy.
42:48Especially for Manuel, but ...
42:51I also believe that our love is much greater than fear.
42:55And I know that maybe I may sound a bit innocent,
42:57but when I'm with him, I feel that everything is possible.
43:00I don't think you're innocent, Hanna.
43:03I think you're brave.
43:05And everything will be fine because you deserve it.
43:10And now I want you to tell me the truth.
43:13Before, I asked you about Manuel and I want to know how everything is going.
43:16It seemed to me that I saw a certain fear in your gaze and ...
43:20I think it has to do with Gregorio.
43:22It is so.
43:27It is possible that ...
43:29that this may end the whole nightmare.
43:33Are you sure?
44:02Gregorio, it's me!
45:15Why weren't you looking for me?
45:17Because I didn't know I had to talk to you.
45:19How are you?
45:23And you? Is something wrong?
45:25Of course something is wrong, Lope.
45:27You've been talking to my mother for an hour.
45:30Is that what worries you?
45:32How can I not be worried?
45:34What did you talk about?
45:36I don't know, did she ask you something about ...
45:38about us being a couple?
45:40No, no, no. She asked me about my life.
45:42About my past.
45:44How I started cooking, where I've worked.
45:47And what did you tell her?
45:49The truth.
45:53What's wrong? I shouldn't have told her the truth.
45:55Well no, Lope, no.
45:57You should have lied to her.
45:59Because my mother doesn't give up easily.
46:01And if she's so interested in you, it's because she's up to something.
46:03But what is your mother up to now?
46:05What do I know? You tell me.
46:08I don't know, has she told you ...
46:10Has she told you something? Any strange comment?
46:14Well, all she told me is that she had to see me stay at the restaurant in Madrid and that's it.
46:17See? That's a threat.
46:19Listen to me, that's what I thought at first.
46:22But then we continued to talk normally and I came to the conclusion that they were my imaginations.
46:26No, Lope, no. They are not.
46:28She's up to something.
46:29Vera, I swear I haven't told her anything that she can use against us.
46:32I swear.
46:36Honey, I understand that you are tense, but you have to calm down.
46:40I don't want your mother to show up here when she wants to.
46:44But we have to stay calm.
46:48I know.
46:50But I can't take it anymore.
46:52I know.
46:54How long is this nightmare going to last?
46:56Well, I don't know.
46:58I don't know.
46:59But what I do know is that I want to be by your side.
47:03And what we have to live, we're going to live together.
48:30Do you remember that this morning I told you that I was going to compensate you for being so stubborn?
48:35Of course.
48:36One doesn't forget things like that in a house where there is nothing to do.
48:40Well, you promised, didn't you?
48:42This is the compensation.
48:45Are you disgusted with me?
48:47Do you think you're going to buy me with some simple money?
48:50Mother, I want to be good to you.
48:52He told me that he went to talk to some engineers.
48:56And what's the problem?
48:58Stop suspecting him.
49:00I have my reasons.
49:02He has been very rude to me.
49:05And when he behaves like that, I know he's hiding something from me.
49:08And why do you think he's coming back?
49:10After this fight, maybe he doesn't feel like it.
49:12I hope so.
49:14But as long as he feels that Doña Pia is here, he won't go far.
49:18Unfortunately, you're right.
49:20Gregorio has a single purpose.
49:22Which is to take Doña Pia's life.
49:25And it's going to cost us blood, sweat and tears if he doesn't get it.
49:28Another visit to the Duchess?
49:31It seems that he has taken a liking to her.
49:33He wants to install us in La Promesa.
49:34But it's unfair.
49:35They are making them work too much and without any compensation.
49:38And what do you want us to do, little girl?
49:40They should complain to end this nonsense.
49:42Vera is right.
49:43We have to complain, Doña Simona.
49:46Here it is, doctor. Come in.
49:48The fever doesn't go down and it's hard for him to breathe.
49:55Dr. Guillén says he has a cold that has attacked his lungs.
49:59And why are you calling me then?
50:01What is this about some journalists and even a photographer coming to this house?
50:05What are you saying, Cruz?
50:06What you are hearing, dear.
50:08Here your daughter and the count intend to bring a journalist to give them an interview.
50:12They want to take pictures all over the palace.
50:14You're an idiot, aren't you?
50:16I'm sorry, I don't feel like bothering him.
50:18Well, you have.
50:19I was having a very important conversation and you couldn't think of anything else but to bother me.
50:23It won't happen again.
50:24Of course it won't happen again.
50:26Because as this is repeated, I will personally make sure that you are fired.
50:29Do you understand?
50:30I'm just saying that I have to be informed of what is going to be done in this palace.
50:34Well, it's been informed.
50:35And I'm sorry to contradict you, Father.
50:37But Cruz should be worried about the visit of those journalists.
50:40Because I plan to tell everything I think about you.
50:43And how you have treated me during these years.
50:45That's enough, Catalina.
50:46I have always thought that ...
50:48that the captain has never loved me.
50:50But I hope so.
50:52I have not been more lucky than when I dated her.
50:56The same thing happens to me.
50:59How do you say?
51:00That Hannah is the best thing that has happened to me in life.