TV ve DiziDöküm
00:14Estas horas trabajando y asuntos importantes que tendez
00:22No hay nada más importante que tu familia Jose Luis
00:31Que ocurre Pilara me gustaría hablar contigo sobre lo que ha sucedido en la cena
00:39En la cena no ha sucedido nada
00:42Te parece poco que esa muchacha y tu hijo se hayan ido cada uno por un lado
00:49Cosas de juventud
00:51Son cosas tuyas
00:53Porque te empeñas en celebrar esta boda a prisa y corriendo
00:57A prisa y corriendo no, pero si cuanto antes
01:00Que tiene eso de malo
01:06No se porque no podemos tomarnoslo con mayor sosiego
01:09Porque no hay necesidad
01:10Adriana sabia lo que venia
01:12Pero no sabia que su hermano iba a estar al borde de la muerte
01:16Deja que el niño se recupere
01:19Y después retomemos el asunto del enlace
01:21He dicho que no
01:22Esa boda se va a celebrar y se va a celebrar a escape
01:25Pues si no quieres hacerlo por compasión con esa muchacha
01:29Por favor hazlo por tu hijo
01:32A él tampoco le está resultando fácil tener que casarse con una desconocida
01:37No le he oído quejarse
01:39Pero cuando se ha quejado Julio de algo ante ti
01:53Sufres demasiado
01:55Y no deberías, piensa en tu salud
02:00Estoy bien, no te apures
02:02Estarías mejor si dejaras en mis manos los asuntos de enjuntia de esta casa
02:06Esto no es un asunto de la casa
02:09Este asunto ataña a mis hijos
02:10Tu hijo estará bien en cuanto case con esa muchacha
02:14Y no insistas más
02:16La boda se va a celebrar de inmediato porque ya lo he decidido
02:19Y no hay más que hablar
02:34No sé qué ha podido pasar
02:36Se estaba viendo
02:37Y esta tarde tenía mejor cara
02:39Es que hasta dijo que tenía hambre
02:41Por eso me sorprendió ir a darle un beso de unas noches sin notar su calentura
02:45¿Y las hierbas que yo les di se las suministraron?
02:46Tal y como usted dijo
02:48No ha estado tomando otra cosa en toda la tarde
02:51Ahí las tiene aún
02:53No sé por qué no he dejado de notar ese olor inmundo que desprenden
02:56Son hediondas
03:02Estas no son mis hierbas
03:04¿Cómo que no son sus hierbas?
03:05No son las hierbas que yo traje
03:07¿Estás seguro?
03:09Es lo que le hemos estado dando durante horas
03:17Pedrito, abre los ojos
03:18Mi amor, abre los ojos por el amor de Dios
03:20¿Qué le ocurre?
03:22Abre los ojos, Pedrito
03:24Corre, vaya a ver si alcanza el galeno
03:25Dígale que regrese de inmediato
03:28Estoy aquí para ayudarte, Pedrito
03:29Pero tienes que confiar en mí
03:30¿Qué está haciendo?
03:31Tenemos que hacer que devuelva
03:32Solo eso le salvará la vida
03:42Eso, muy bien
03:46Vamos, bien
04:00¿Quién le ha dado esto a su hermano?
04:02¿Qué le has hecho beber al niño, Isabel?
04:06Yo no sé de qué me hablan
04:07Te hablo de la infusión que le has estado dando a Pedrito toda la tarde
04:12Yo se la di, pero yo no la preparé
04:14¿Quién se la preparó entonces?
04:17La criada, supongo
04:24Juana, ven
04:26¿Tú sabes lo grave que es lo que has hecho?
04:29Si no fuera por Rafael, ahora mismo Pedrito estaría muerto
04:34Templa, mujer
04:35Aún no sabemos lo que ha ocurrido
04:39Señora, ¿se puede saber qué tipo de preparador le hiciste al niño?
04:42¿Las hierbas que me dieron las que trajo el señorito Rafael?
04:49¿Fue esto lo que le preparaste?
04:54No, no he despremiado este dufo
04:56No mientas
04:59Lo hago, señora
05:00Seguí las instrucciones al pie de la letra tal y como me dijeron
05:03Tú sabes lo que ha podido pasar
05:07Por tu error, ese niño casi muere
05:12Yo... lo siento
05:16Lo siento
05:17¡Vete! ¡Lárgate de aquí!
05:25Esa chica es una despistada y una torpe
05:28Pero dudo que haya obrado con mala fe
05:36La culpa es mía, y nada más que mía
05:39Debí ocuparme personalmente de preparar esa infusión
05:44No te apures
05:46Sí, me apuro
05:48Ahora chasco que me apuro
05:55Yo os he criado como si fuerais hijos míos
06:01Os he dado de comer cuando teníais hambre
06:03Os he arropado cuando arreciaba el frío
06:06Y he rezado por vosotras cuando habéis caído enferma
06:16Yo me arrancaba los ojos
06:19Antes de ver que os pasaba por mi culpa
06:22Lo sé, Isabel
06:25Y lo siento
06:28Lo siento
06:30No sé por qué he dudado de ti
06:33Perdido lo haremos, Álvaro Pedrito, ¿sí?
06:36No me lo tengas en cuenta
07:03Buenos días
07:05¿Serán para ti?
07:08¿Deseas algo?
07:09Buscado al señor
07:11Ya ves que aquí no está
07:12Le traigo unos papeles que me ha dado Gaspar
07:14Déjalos ahí, sobre la mesa
07:18¿Dónde están?
07:19En la habitación
07:20¿Dónde están?
07:21En la habitación
07:22¿Dónde están?
07:23En la habitación
07:24¿Dónde están?
07:25En la habitación
07:26¿Dónde están?
07:27En la habitación
07:28¿Dónde están?
07:29En la habitación
07:30Sobre la mesa
07:47¿Alguna cosa más?
07:51¿Qué es eso?
07:52Son tus frutas favoritas, recién cogidas del campo
07:55No tengo hambre
07:57Están maduras y muy dulces
07:59Son puro caramelo
08:00Tienes esparto en los oídos que no escuchas
08:05Anda, vete
08:16¿Qué te pasa?
08:17No tienes buena cara
08:18¿No te encuentras bien?
08:20No, no es eso
08:22¿Qué ocurre?
08:30Me has dado un susto de muerte
08:33Pues, no soy tan fea
08:36Me alegra verla sonreír
08:39Te dije que me tutearas
08:40Lo intento, pero eso a mí no me sale
08:43Será que soy de aldea, vaya usted a saber
08:45Pero para mí las cosas son como tienen que ser, y no hay tuteo
08:50A ver
08:51But for me, things are the way they have to be and there's no time.
08:56Let's see.
09:01The little angel already has a better face.
09:04But something very bad could have happened.
09:07But it hasn't happened.
09:09Oh, you don't have to hurt him, Majín.
09:11Do you know what he's been talking about in his dream?
09:16And what did he say?
09:17Strange thing, I'm not going to deny it.
09:20Something like...
09:23a bear?
09:27Since we got here, Pedrito has been obsessed with bears.
09:31God forbid I run into one of those beasts.
09:34That's what I told him.
09:36There's something else that I can't stop saying over and over again.
09:40Your name.
09:42I love it so much, don't I?
09:44It's true, isn't it?
09:46And Joel.
09:49That little boy is all I have.
09:52And I don't know what to do if something bad happens to him.
09:56He doesn't know and he'll never know.
09:59He's better off getting that and getting alcohol on his cheeks.
10:03What did Mr. Baleno say?
10:05That the worst has happened.
10:07He's gone, but he'll come back to examine him again.
10:10That's a good thing.
10:11If he's gone home, it means he's taken it easy.
10:18Can I talk to you?
10:21Tell me, Juana.
10:23Luisa, wait.
10:25Stay, please.
10:30I've come to apologize for what happened last night.
10:34You were right, I was checking the pots in the kitchen
10:37and I confused the herbs that Mr. Rafael brought with others.
10:44With what?
10:46The one we use against rheumatism.
10:50And that can't be drunk.
10:53It's a very serious mistake, Juana.
10:56I know, and I'm sorry.
10:58Please forgive me.
11:02I forgive you.
11:04But from now on, I don't want you to get close to my brother.
11:07And don't prepare anything that will be ingested by him.
11:26My boy, how are you?
11:28I'm thirsty.
11:30That's a good sign.
11:32I'll get some water.
11:34Thank you, Luisa.
11:35Tell me.
11:38I talked to him, but he doesn't allow discussion.
11:41He wants to celebrate this wedding and he wants it to be now.
11:44And he doesn't listen to reasons.
11:46As always.
11:48It's what your husband has done all his life.
11:50To impose his will regardless of your opinion or anyone else's.
11:54This time I have a strange feeling.
11:57As if there was something else that is escaping us.
12:01Something like what?
12:03I don't know.
12:06But I know he's hiding something from me.
12:09I can feel it.
12:11You don't usually make mistakes in this kind of mess.
12:14And God knows I'm going to find out what it is.
12:17What are you up to, sister?
12:19What are you going to do?
12:22I haven't decided yet, but ...
12:26Whatever it is, what my husband is hiding from me ...
12:30You can believe me if I tell you that Victoria is behind it.
12:36She has never been so present in this house,
12:39nor has she been so close to José Luis.
12:41I see them all day whispering between their teeth,
12:44keeping quiet when I arrive,
12:46looking at each other as accomplices.
12:49That woman has planned something and she has put my husband in it.
12:55Nothing at this wedding makes sense.
12:58Nothing at all.
13:00And I'm going to find out what it is.
13:06Well, I told you I was thirsty.
13:16You've been very bad.
13:18You scared us to death.
13:21I don't remember anything.
13:26Don't you remember having a fever?
13:30Or that Galeno came to visit you?
13:33I just remember ...
13:36that we were walking through the woods
13:41and suddenly I turned around and Ayaya wasn't there.
13:48I looked for her everywhere, but ...
13:52she had disappeared.
13:54As if by chance I saw her.
13:58I got scared.
14:00You're bad.
14:02You were afraid a bear would show up.
14:07And what did you do?
14:09I hid.
14:17I will never leave you again.
14:20Do you hear me?
14:22Never again.
14:26May I?
14:27May I?
14:29I can see that the king of the house is better than good.
14:33You'll have your gut stuck to your back.
14:37Well, I'm glad.
14:39Because I'm making you a chicken broth
14:41to make you feel better.
14:43I'll bring you a slice of bread with cheese
14:46so you can fill your stomach while the broth is being made.
14:49Then I'll change your sheet.
14:55You like it, don't you?
15:01Or was it she who found you in the woods?
15:05Luisa told me you had woken up.
15:08You're going to kill me.
15:11I wanted to tell Ayaya and Victoria
15:14to tell them you're okay.
15:18You're going to have to eat well
15:20if you don't want to stay in the bones.
15:22I don't stay in the bones.
15:23I'm strong, like the muscular man we saw at the fair.
15:29You'd like to be here.
15:39There's more than I expected.
15:41You've earned it.
15:49I'm grateful you took the blame.
15:51I've bought your silence
15:53because no one can find out
15:55that Isabel has endangered the child's life.
15:57It's been tiring.
16:00But I'd never forgive my niece.
16:03So it's best if you don't know.
16:05Don't worry about me.
16:07I'll keep the wet one
16:09so flies don't get in when I close my mouth.
16:13Your letter of recommendation.
16:15With this, you'll soon find a new job.
16:17I insist.
16:19If you dare to say anything about this,
16:22there'll be a rumor
16:24that this letter is fake
16:26and that we fired you for being a thief.
16:29Is that clear?
17:04Is he leaving?
17:06What do you want?
17:08Pedrito has woken up.
17:11That's great.
17:13He has no fever and he's hungry.
17:15That's a good sign.
17:17Where's the maid?
17:19On the street, of course.
17:21Did you fire her?
17:23There are mistakes that can't be ignored.
17:25But you said she was a good woman
17:27and that she worked well.
17:29Maybe by giving her another job...
17:31It's too late to back out.
17:33But you can turn her down
17:35and ask her to come back.
17:37She won't even be at the door.
17:39I don't want her to come back.
17:41Sometimes you have to be relentless
17:43and you should learn your lesson.
17:44It's not easy when you live in the big house
17:46with your husband and all the work you do.
17:49Now that Pedrito is better,
17:51maybe it's time to talk again
17:53about the date of your engagement.
17:56I haven't changed my mind
17:58about what I told you last night.
18:00The Galician has said
18:02that we have to keep an eye on Pedrito.
18:04Until he's fully recovered,
18:06I won't think about that wedding.
18:08The patience of your in-laws
18:10and your future husband has a limit.
18:12And mine, by the way.
18:14And even more so the Galician's.
18:16I'll do what my heart tells me.
18:18You'll do whatever you're told.
18:22Or what?
18:24Lock me up in my bedroom again?
18:26If it's necessary, yes.
18:29That's better than giving you a couple of beatings,
18:31which is what you really need.
18:33I already told you once
18:35that I wouldn't allow you
18:37to put your hand on me again.
18:39I'm not saying I won't get married.
18:41I'm saying I won't get married
18:42until my brother is fully recovered.
18:44Which, by the way,
18:46I thought would come out of you
18:48so much that you say you're worried about us.
18:51Now I see that you care less about us than a king.
18:54Don't you dare come out
18:56and leave me with a word in my mouth.
18:58I'm not done, young lady!
19:08Of course you don't mind.
19:10Come in and sit down.
19:12I'm fine.
19:14I'm overjoyed.
19:16That can only mean one thing.
19:18Your brother is much better.
19:20And all thanks to your brother, Don Rafael.
19:22He was the one who warned us
19:24that the maid had given Pedrito the wrong herbs
19:26and made him return them.
19:28That happened?
19:31It sounds like a story from a comic book.
19:33Reality sometimes surpasses
19:35the most illustrious novels.
19:37Speaking of novels, what have you got?
19:40Rinconete and Cortadillo.
19:42By Cervantes.
19:44Have you read it?
19:46I thought you might want to read it
19:48if your brother likes it.
19:50When he's done with the search, of course.
19:54He'll love it.
19:56There's nothing he likes more
19:58than an adventure and knightly novel.
20:00It's in the right place.
20:02There are countless adventure novels
20:04in the library of the Casa Grande.
20:06Reading is one of the few pleasures
20:07he loves more than hiking.
20:09Unlike you, he means.
20:11It's no secret
20:13that I'm a village girl, not a country girl.
20:15I prefer the bustle of the city
20:17and its hustle and bustle
20:19than the pure air of the mountains.
20:21You haven't learned to love this place yet.
20:23I doubt I'll ever do.
20:25It's a matter of time
20:27before you start seeing the good in it.
20:29If you say so.
20:31I'm sure he'll find something
20:33he likes here.
20:35Maybe he will, I won't deny it.
20:38Do you want to take the novel to my brother personally?
20:41Maybe another day.
20:43Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go.
20:45If you'll excuse me.
20:47I'll walk you to the door.
21:08I know I'm here
21:10because I thought I'd find you here.
21:14I won't let you down.
21:16I was expecting you.
21:19I've been told
21:21your brother is much better
21:23and I wanted to hear from you.
21:25Yes, he's much better.
21:27And thanks to you.
21:29I'm sure he'll be fine.
21:37I don't even want to think
21:39what would have happened
21:41if you hadn't been there.
21:43I did what anyone would have done.
21:46More than what those who watched over him did.
21:52The important thing is that Pedrito is going to get well.
22:02I guess
22:04there's nothing stopping that wedding.
22:08That's exactly what my aunt said.
22:11And she's right.
22:16I'll marry him because that's how my father decided it,
22:19but not when they want me to.
22:21And I won't do it
22:23until my brother is fully recovered.
22:25So I hope your brother understands.
22:27And if he doesn't, I don't care.
22:29One of Julio's virtues
22:31is how reasonable he is
22:33and how big a heart he has.
22:35It wasn't like that last night.
22:38It was just a slip-up.
22:40But he'll end up understanding his reasons.
22:43He's a good person, I told you.
22:45And your father?
22:47Do you think he'll understand me too?
22:49I'd sin if I thought he would.
22:51My father is only considered among a few.
22:54And neither you nor I will enjoy that honour.
22:57He only considers
22:59Julio and, at the time, my grandfather Antonio,
23:02who passed away recently.
23:08Maybe I'll have to enjoy you a bit first.
23:27Are you okay?
23:30You look pale,
23:32as if you'd seen the devil himself.
23:33Do you want a seat?
23:37It's just that
23:39thinking about being forced to do something
23:41I don't want to do makes my blood run cold.
23:44My father is used to
23:46forcing everyone to do as he pleases.
23:48Like my aunt Victoria.
23:50Cut off by the boss himself.
23:54Since I arrived in Valle Salvaje,
23:56I've only received orders and orders from her.
23:59I suppose she only wants what's best for you.
24:01What does she know about what's best for me?
24:04She doesn't know me at all.
24:10Only you seem to know me, Rafael.
24:17Don't look away from me, I beg you.
24:22If I look at you, I don't think I can contain
24:25my desire to kiss you.
24:27Then don't.
24:32You're going to marry my brother, Adriana.
24:37I can't do this to anyone I love.
24:41And I can.
25:01Would you like something to drink, ma'am?
25:04No, thank you. I won't stay long.
25:06I've only come to ask about the child.
25:09He's much better, thank God.
25:11And his son, Mr. Rafael, who acted in haste.
25:19Mrs. Pilara.
25:21Please, have a seat.
25:24To what do I owe this honour?
25:26I'm fine standing.
25:28I've only come to ask about your nephew,
25:29but your maid has told me he's much better.
25:33You may leave.
25:40It must have been a relief for you.
25:43That's right.
25:45Everything's back to normal and we can finally start
25:48preparing my niece's wedding with her son.
25:50Something that interests us all.
25:53Some more than others.
25:54What are you insinuating?
25:56Anyone would say you're more concerned about that wedding
25:59than the child's health.
26:01Both things are worthy of celebration.
26:03God bless us, finally, after these days
26:05as bleak as the ones we've lived through, don't you think?
26:08What I think is that you're very interested
26:11in setting the wedding date as soon as possible.
26:14And I'm still trying to find out why.
26:17You're wasting your time.
26:20I'm only interested in celebrating the event
26:22for the good of both families.
26:24And your husband agrees with me.
26:26Don't you talk to each other?
26:28My husband and I talk about everything, dear.
26:32But he doesn't know her like I do.
26:35He doesn't realise he's got an ace up his sleeve.
26:38I'm sick of him always trying to get me to give up.
26:42I only think about my niece's happiness.
26:46You're lucky.
26:48You really think about your niece's happiness.
26:51Do you really think anyone would believe you?
26:54You care less about your niece's happiness
26:56than the dirt on the floor you step on.
26:59Show me your cards, Victoria.
27:01I understand that for a family like yours,
27:04getting along with mine
27:06must be the reason for celebration, and a lot of it.
27:10But there's something else.
27:12Something you're hiding.
27:14You think you know everything,
27:16but you don't know about the mass.
27:21Be very careful about belittling me or my people.
27:25Belittling you?
27:28Are you going to deny
27:30that this link
27:32puts you in a much better place on a social scale?
27:36A place that you wouldn't have dared to imagine
27:39even in your best dreams?
27:41The one who wins this wedding
27:43isn't me, my dear,
27:45but the Galvez and Aguirre,
27:47to be clear.
27:48And now, without the courage to be rude,
27:51I'm going to ask him to leave.
27:53I have a child to look after
27:55and a wedding to prepare.
27:56I have a child to look after
27:58and a wedding to prepare.
28:17Does it bother you?
28:23Do you prefer to be alone?
28:32Then make me one for me.
28:57You're thinking about what happened last night, aren't you?
29:00I didn't even know which father was going to announce the wedding date.
29:03He could have told me to be prepared.
29:05You already know Julio.
29:07He's used to doing and undoing whatever he wants
29:10without asking anyone.
29:12It's my wedding, not his.
29:19But that's not what bothers me the most.
29:21I don't want to be alone.
29:23I don't want to be alone.
29:24But that's not what bothers me the most.
29:27Did you see Adriana's reaction?
29:29She's a characterful woman.
29:31That's good, isn't it?
29:33She's going to face María in no time.
29:35Julio, it's normal that she doesn't want to get married so quickly.
29:39Yesterday her brother debated between life and death.
29:42There's a commitment on the table.
29:44And I don't think she's arguing about it.
29:46She's just asking for time.
29:50How would you feel if Irene had been dead in a bed?
29:54Or Alejo?
29:56Or myself?
29:58Would you really be thinking about your wedding?
30:02That child is only eight years old, Julio.
30:05And he's been like a son to her.
30:13Think about it.
30:41I'm so glad the child is okay.
30:44How are you?
30:54How are you and my son doing?
30:58Fine. Why?
31:01We're both too old to deal with remittances and subterfuges.
31:06How long ago did you and him...
31:12So much?
31:14I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you.
31:17My mother-in-law.
31:20The only ally you'll have in this matter, woman.
31:22Your kids are my kids in this monastery.
31:25You got married a long time ago and you still haven't given me offspring.
31:30Gaspar has been tired lately.
31:33A swallow doesn't make summer.
31:35The farm and the problems with Rafael aren't trivial.
31:38You're good at protecting your husband's manhood, but please.
31:42No one believes that.
31:45Men are like that.
31:47They quickly lose interest in what they have at a good price and...
31:50They go after the unattainable.
31:54And what can I do?
31:56Many things, my dear.
32:01Men are like matchsticks.
32:04You just have to light them a little so they start burning.
32:11Show him...
32:13what he's missing.
32:21You're a good woman, Matilde.
32:24But you won't save your marriage with kindness.
32:51I've come to talk to you.
32:53Do you mind?
32:56I wanted to apologize for last night.
32:59Before that, I'd like to tell you something.
33:02Of course.
33:05I didn't like your behavior in front of my family.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry.
33:17I didn't like your behavior in front of my family.
33:20It's not the first time it happens, and I think you should correct it in the future.
33:24Especially because our patience has a limit.
33:29But I understand the reasons why you act that way.
33:34I understand that you don't want to celebrate the wedding until your brother is fully recovered.
33:40It's understandable and human.
33:45And you shouldn't react that way.
33:47I apologize for that.
33:53I don't know if I can do it,
33:55but I give you my word that I'll try to convince my father to delay the date of our wedding.
34:00Will he really do that?
34:03If any of my brothers were in bed right now,
34:07debating between life and death, I wouldn't have a body for weddings either.
34:17I'm sorry.
34:33Your incompetence has cost me money.
34:36I had to pay a good sum to that maid so that she would shut up and take responsibility.
34:41Thank you, ma'am.
34:43No, don't thank me.
34:44I didn't do it for you, but for the good of the plan we have in our hands.
34:51It's the second time that everything is going wrong because of you.
34:55Do you realize how much trouble you could have gotten us into?
35:00I didn't have you because you were a coward, Isabel.
35:03I thought you wanted to do justice to your brother.
35:05I want to.
35:07Well, it doesn't seem like it.
35:09That you are, then, an incompetent, useless...
35:12It was very simple what I asked you to do.
35:17Killing a child seems simple to you?
35:20Give me eight years, for God's sake.
35:22It's like killing a rabbit.
35:24I've seen that creature grow up.
35:30Are you telling me you can't do it?
35:34Yes, I can, ma'am. Yes.
35:37Give me another chance, please.
35:40I don't think so.
35:43The best thing would be for me to take care of this.
35:46So that things go well, it's better to do them ourselves.
35:49Are you going to kill the child?
35:56I came for some clothes and clean water, Pedrito.
36:00Give it to me and you tell me.
36:02Come in and take whatever you want, Menester.
36:13This is the list of what you have to buy.
36:15Arrive to town tomorrow, first thing in the morning.
36:32What are you doing here?
36:37The village carriage has arrived.
36:39I bought the best wine and a wine cellar that seemed very playful.
36:44I thought it would be good for you to rest.
36:48Leave them there on the table, I'll see when I pay.
37:09Good night.
37:39Good night.
37:56You are very tense, darling.
38:04I think you should take a breath.
38:16Maybe I can help you with that.
38:20What are you doing?
38:25I thought you would like it.
38:28You don't know what I have with Rafael.
38:30The guilt of the problems with the cattle.
38:33I've explained it to you more than a hundred times.
38:35You don't listen to me when I talk to you.
38:36Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.
38:39Well, you did.
38:41What do you think Julio or Rafael would think if they appeared through that door and saw you there,
38:44half naked, touching me like a vulgar ramera?
38:48I'm sorry.
38:50Aren't you ashamed or what?
38:52A little bit of decorum, for the love of God.
38:56And it will be the last time you show up at El Pajar without warning, is that clear?
39:01Is that clear?
39:06Let's go.
39:37How are you?
39:39I'm fine.
39:42I'm tired and it's still a little hard for him to breathe,
39:46but nothing that can't be fixed with a few days of rest.
39:49The important thing is that Galeno has just seen him and has said that he is out of danger.
39:53I just ran into him.
39:55I was on my way to the big house with Adriana.
39:58Well, you'll know.
40:01If you want to go for a while, I'll stay.
40:04I'll stay.
40:06I'd rather be here. Miss Adriana told me not to leave her side.
40:10I'm her aya.
40:12I don't think anything will happen because she'll stay with me.
40:17I've taken care of her since she was born.
40:19No, no, and it's not my intention to offend her,
40:22but those are the orders I've been given and I prefer to fulfill them as if they were carved in stone.
40:27Picajosa, which is one.
40:32He's still asleep.
40:43I was dreaming that he was fighting against a giant bear.
40:47And who was winning?
40:49Well, me. Who's going to win?
40:51Look what I brought you.
40:53When we finish reading El Buscón, I have a new novel that I think we will love.
40:57Rinconete y Cortadillo, by Cervantes.
40:59Do you know how to read?
41:01And you?
41:03Don't call me you.
41:05I'm just Luisa.
41:07And no, I don't know the letters and the numbers.
41:10They only give me enough so that they don't cheat me in the market.
41:14But maybe when you learn well, you could teach me.
41:17What do you think?
41:19Are you hungry?
41:21I'll go get your dinner, I've prepared your favorite dish.
41:30How do you know what my favorite dish is?
41:33No idea.
41:37Maybe he has magical powers.
41:40After the recognition, I would dare to assure you that the child is out of danger.
41:45He still needs rest and follow-up, we have to see his evolution.
41:49But I think that in a few days we will see him running through the mountains again.
41:53What a joy.
41:54What a joy.
41:57Yes, the intervention of Mr. Rafael was fundamental.
42:03I ask you to keep an eye on the child daily.
42:06And don't repair expenses.
42:08Come when you need to collect your fees.
42:18Judging by your faces, the Galeno has brought good news.
42:21Thank God, Pedrito is already out of danger.
42:25I'm very happy for you.
42:28We can start with the preparations for the wedding.
42:32Regarding that, I think we'll have to wait a bit.
42:36I've already heard from the Galeno.
42:38Pedrito must continue to be watched to see his evolution, so calm down.
42:44Does his father know?
42:46I haven't had time to talk to him yet, but I'll do it as soon as he returns.
42:50I think we should toast to the good news.
42:53Bring some glasses and the best bottle we have.
43:04Those who do not steal the world, do not live.
43:08Why do you think that the Alguaciles and the judges hate us so much?
43:13Sometimes they banish us, sometimes they attack us.
43:17Others beat us, others hang us.
43:21I can't say it without tears.
43:24The good man was crying like a child,
43:27remembering those who had bitten his ribs.
43:32Let's see, let's see if it's for you.
43:41Meat cake.
43:43It's or it's not? Your favorite dish.
43:45Does it have magical powers?
43:48I'll come back for the dish later.
43:51No, wait, don't go.
43:53Where did you find me?
43:55When I got lost.
43:57Where was it?
43:58Up, at the top.
44:00Were there bears there?
44:02Huy, huge bears, and wolves, and even tigers and lions, I would say.
44:06I know that in these mountains there are no tigers or lions.
44:09I'm not from here, I don't know.
44:11That's what Luisa knows best, that she's from around here.
44:14If she says there are, there are.
44:17When can I go on an excursion again?
44:19You haven't fully recovered yet and you're thinking of getting into trouble again.
44:23I want to go to the mountains at the top, where you can see the snow.
44:26I think that for now, the auntie won't let you go far or close.
44:30Then I'll stay here.
44:32Of course, you can train him and he'll sleep here with you, in your room.
44:37Could I?
44:38No, I don't think that's the auntie you should be very happy about.
44:41I'm afraid with what you tell him, he'll believe everything.
44:44Can I ask you a question?
44:45Tell me.
44:47Are you going to stay here and live with us?
44:49Would you like that?
44:51Then I'm going to stay with you here for a while.
44:54What do you think?
44:56I'm going to get your dessert, which is also going to be your favorite.
45:00Chocolate cake.
45:02She has real magic!
45:04I already told you.
45:08You like this girl.
45:10She's nice.
45:12Is she going to take care of me from now on?
45:13I don't know.
45:16Are you mad at her?
45:20But she's very funny.
45:23And she was the one who saved me.
45:25She could take care of me.
45:29I think we can do something.
45:40For Pedrito.
45:41For Pedrito.
45:48What are we celebrating?
45:50That the sister of Miss Adriana is finally out of danger.
45:54El Galeno has just given us the news.
45:56Apparently, she is still weak.
45:59She needs rest and strength, but her total recovery is near.
46:03How glad I am.
46:06So we can start as soon as possible with the preparations for the wedding.
46:12I just came from talking to the priest about the matter.
46:16Everything is already underway.
46:19Bring me a glass.
46:21You hadn't told me anything.
46:23I didn't want to bother you with a trifle.
46:26The wedding will be held in five days.
46:30Five days.
46:37The sooner the better.
46:38The sooner the better.
46:40Let's toast.
46:49To the wedding of Julio and Adriana.
46:54May they be very happy together.
46:58Honey, doesn't this seem a little rushed to you?
47:02We weren't expecting the child to get well.
47:05Well, it's fine now.
47:06But you didn't know that.
47:08What do you mean?
47:10El Galeno just told us.
47:12And you were just talking to the priest.
47:15So what?
47:17You asked me to wait for your brother to get well and that's it.
47:21Let's not waver anymore.
47:27To the grooms.
47:30To the grooms.
47:37If Rafael hadn't realized the mistake with the herbs,
47:41wouldn't it seem strange to him?
47:43Do you think that Juana would have said first that she wasn't going to prepare that herbal tea
47:47and then she would change her mind and admit that she did?
47:49How are we going to carry out our plans with that slut getting into everything?
47:53I know perfectly well what I'm doing.
47:56What's your problem?
47:58Why don't you talk?
48:00What good would it do you?
48:02I'm tired of your contempt.
48:04I also had a husband and I know the weaknesses of men.
48:08I have no intimacy with my husband.
48:13Gaspar is seeing another woman.
48:17I would like to know the surroundings of the valley with me.
48:20I think I can cancel all my commitments.
48:22Actually, you know what I like best.
48:25I'm looking forward to hearing it.
48:27Dancing. Show me how you do it.
48:29That man seems very familiar to me.
48:32Don Antonio?
48:34I'm sure it's him.
48:36I've seen that man in my house on the Via de Madrid.
48:38He came a few times to visit my father in his office.
48:41What a mess he was in.
48:43Rafael told me that he saw him restless days before his death.
48:45He didn't give good explanations about the Holy Brotherhood.
48:48Don't you see that José Luis can arrive at any moment?
48:51I'm sure there are many things that my husband doesn't tell me and that's going to end today.
48:55Why does he insist on marrying Julio in a hurry?
48:59Since I arrived in Valle Salvaje,
49:01I've been overwhelmed by unexpected events.
49:05Trust me. Soon we'll be husband and wife.
49:08I'm starting to think that Gaspar isn't the only one responsible for everything that's happening.
49:14Stop it!