Real Men (1987) Comedy Sci-Fi

  • last month
Government agent Nick Pirandello (Jim Belushi) must work with
Bob Wilson (John Ritter), a meek insurance agent, to get help from aliens to save Earth from disaster. However, Bob finds it difficult to believe Nick and in himself.
00:05:20What poison? Where's your button?
00:08:15You've done your country a great service.
00:08:18Would you like me to do it again?
00:08:21Maybe later.
00:08:23Maybe later.
00:08:35Hey, did you get the map?
00:08:38Yeah, I got the map.
00:08:40I'm with them.
00:08:42We've got the map, and you'll never get it back.
00:08:45Henderson was with them?
00:08:47Yeah. He didn't get the map.
00:08:49What was that?
00:08:51It was a message, telling them to give up.
00:08:53I know who their leaders are.
00:08:55Who are their leaders?
00:08:57I don't know.
00:08:58Okay, Nick. Tell me what we do now.
00:09:01Part of the operation is to get the map.
00:09:04We're going to get the map.
00:09:06Okay, Nick. Tell me what we do now.
00:09:09Part of the agency is broken off.
00:09:11They want...
00:09:12The big gun.
00:09:13Yeah. And they've got...
00:09:15Most of the agency, the boys in the street,
00:09:17budget, personnel, support in the state.
00:09:19There's more.
00:09:20The Russians are on to it.
00:09:22That's right, Nick. Now, we can't let this happen.
00:09:24Here. Look at this.
00:09:26Looks like pillbox.
00:09:28How'd you know it wasn't pillbox?
00:09:31There's a certain weakness in the eyes.
00:09:34He's a lookalike.
00:09:36The computer pulled him.
00:09:37Looks like a paper pusher.
00:09:39Yeah. In an insurance company.
00:09:41Nick, they're expecting pillbox,
00:09:43and it's too late for us to switch him with someone else now.
00:09:46We need somebody to escort him.
00:09:48You've been in touch with him,
00:09:50so you know how important this thing is.
00:09:52His name's Bob Wilson.
00:09:54We want you to get him to Washington by Friday
00:09:56for the 8 o'clock rendezvous.
00:09:57You want me to train him?
00:09:59No. You're pulling him out of his environment, Nick.
00:10:01That can be a big strain on him.
00:10:03He'll just get pretty confused
00:10:05when he finds out what's really going on.
00:10:07Nick, watch out for him.
00:10:09Circle back for him.
00:10:11Baby him along a little.
00:10:13Build up his confidence.
00:10:15You want me to be sensitive to this guy's feelings?
00:10:17And his life, yeah.
00:10:21Promise me you'll try?
00:10:23I'll try.
00:10:27What kind of guy is he?
00:10:29Average. Maybe a little less.
00:10:33I don't know.
00:11:03I don't know.
00:11:33What is it?
00:11:37those kids that hang around the Magruder's garage,
00:11:39they yelled terrible things at Heather
00:11:41when she came home from school.
00:11:43You know what they said to me, Dad?
00:11:45And Bobby's new bike is missing.
00:11:47They stole it, Dad.
00:11:49You don't know that, son.
00:11:51You can't go around making accusations.
00:11:53You can't prove.
00:11:55I think you should go down there and talk to them.
00:11:57Yeah, Dad.
00:11:59Go down there and kick their butts.
00:12:01We're civilized people, Bobby.
00:12:03We don't kick people's butts.
00:12:17Hi, guys.
00:12:21You haven't seen a two-wheeled bicycle
00:12:23that belongs to my son Bobby, have you?
00:12:25No. Your kid lost his bike or what?
00:12:27Yeah, it disappeared.
00:12:29I thought it might be down here.
00:12:31That pink one right over there looks a lot like his.
00:12:33No, that's Oph's bike.
00:12:39Looks a little small for Oph, don't you think?
00:12:41Yeah, well, you know, Oph likes a small bike.
00:12:43But listen, your kid lost his bike, huh?
00:12:47Well, Oph's got this new bike.
00:12:49You need a bike,
00:12:51we got a bike we don't need.
00:12:53You want me to ask Oph if he'll sell you the bike?
00:12:55Well, that's very nice of you,
00:12:57but why don't I just check the serial number
00:12:59and make sure that's not Bobby's bike?
00:13:01Yeah, well, I can't let you do that.
00:13:03You see, the paint's not dry yet.
00:13:05But I tell you what,
00:13:07I can see you got a real hard-on about this bike.
00:13:09Why don't you just give me $250
00:13:11and I'll get Oph to give you the bike?
00:13:15Okay, that's it. Hand over the bike.
00:13:17Hey, what's that?
00:13:19Guy bashed right into me.
00:13:21You bumped right into Oph.
00:13:23Let me give you a hand there, huh?
00:15:28That was good.
00:15:30That thing with the cabinets,
00:15:32it was terrific.
00:15:38Nick Perandolo, CIA.
00:15:40And you're...
00:15:42Bob Wilson, right?
00:15:44You know, while I was looking around
00:15:46for something to work with...
00:15:48Oh, I hope you don't mind me using some of your stuff.
00:15:50Anyway, I've got to go.
00:15:57I came across the letters you wrote your wife
00:15:59before you were married.
00:16:01You're beautiful, Bob.
00:16:03Some of the sentiments blew me away.
00:16:05One question, though.
00:16:07What was that thing that she did in Santa Barbara
00:16:09that you keep pleading with her to do again?
00:16:12Bet it felt pretty good, huh, Bob?
00:16:16What do you want?
00:16:18The point is, Bob, I think we'd make a great team.
00:16:21If you don't mind me working while we talk to you,
00:16:23I'm under a little time pressure here.
00:16:28I can see you're a sensitive guy.
00:16:31You know what?
00:16:33I've never even been to college.
00:16:35And you never will.
00:16:37Unless you apply yourself.
00:16:39They've got application forms.
00:16:41You're going to have to fill one out.
00:16:43I'm aware of that.
00:16:45Every line.
00:16:47Okay, no big deal.
00:16:49Is my presence here upsetting you, Bob?
00:16:51Hell no!
00:16:53You sure?
00:16:55Maybe if I let you hold the gun,
00:16:57you'd feel more comfortable.
00:16:59I don't know. Maybe.
00:17:01Well, why don't you try?
00:17:03Really? Yeah.
00:17:07There you go. You're welcome.
00:17:11You don't have to test it, Bob. The gun is empty.
00:17:17This one's loaded.
00:17:20You want to be very careful with this one, Bob.
00:17:25You feel better? Oh, much.
00:17:27Go over to the window.
00:17:31You see that man in the suit
00:17:33with the submachine gun up in your tree, Bob?
00:17:35You ever see a man like that
00:17:37in your neighborhood before?
00:17:39No, I don't think so.
00:17:41What about him?
00:17:43Well, he shouldn't be in that tree
00:17:45between us and the light.
00:17:47He should be in one of those trees down the street.
00:17:49You want me to go out and tell him to move?
00:17:51You got a good sense of humor, Bob.
00:17:53I like that in a man.
00:17:55What do you like in a woman?
00:17:57Big tits.
00:17:59They say you're not sensitive.
00:18:01It's only a few people, Bob.
00:18:03Now, our problem is
00:18:05we're going to get to Washington
00:18:07by 8 o'clock on Friday.
00:18:09We've got plenty of time.
00:18:11It's only Monday.
00:18:13Maybe we could leave tomorrow.
00:18:15Oh, no, we're going to take a long scenic route, Bob.
00:18:17That's nice.
00:18:19Why are we going?
00:18:21Well, I'll tell you.
00:18:23You're going to have to trust me on that part.
00:18:25But when you find out what it is,
00:18:27you're going to be so thrilled to be a part of it.
00:18:29But there are some people
00:18:31who don't agree with what we're doing.
00:18:33Like the man in the tree?
00:18:35You catch on quick.
00:18:37They're not going to be a problem, though.
00:18:39We're going to go out there,
00:18:41deal with them,
00:18:43and get to Washington on time.
00:18:45Uh, gee, I can't, Mr., uh...
00:18:49I wish you'd caught me earlier
00:18:51on this one, Nick.
00:18:53I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass.
00:18:55I can't go.
00:18:57Why not?
00:18:59I got a lot of work at the office.
00:19:01My boss won't let me.
00:19:03Oh, well, it's important.
00:19:05I'll explain to your boss when we get back.
00:19:07All right.
00:19:09I'm not going to give you a weapon
00:19:11but I never want you to say
00:19:13I've been too tough on you.
00:19:15I'd never do that.
00:19:17Probably not.
00:19:19But you're new to this.
00:19:21And it's your first time.
00:19:23So I just want you to watch,
00:19:25enjoy yourself.
00:19:27If you feel like helping,
00:19:29jump in.
00:19:31You're going to make a few mistakes
00:19:33but don't you
00:19:35worry about it.
00:19:41Okay, partner.
00:19:43Let's go out there and take them out.
00:19:45They're going to shoot us, aren't they?
00:19:47Probably, Bob.
00:19:49It's what they brought the guns for.
00:19:51Let's go!
00:19:59Don't worry about your family, Bob.
00:20:01I put them with the neighbors.
00:20:03They're destroying my guns!
00:20:09He missed you.
00:20:15I'm not with him!
00:20:17I'm not with him!
00:20:19I'm not with him!
00:20:23I'm not with him!
00:20:25I'm not with him!
00:20:27I'm not with him!
00:20:29I'm not with him!
00:20:31I'm not with him!
00:20:45You son of a bitch!
00:20:47You draw fire
00:20:49and you save my ass.
00:20:51I'm buying a tombstone, Bob,
00:20:53and you're pulling a stunt like that.
00:20:57You saved my life, Bob.
00:20:59That's something I'm never going to forget.
00:21:03They thought I was with you.
00:21:05Bob, you are with me.
00:21:07Now, Bob,
00:21:09it'd be easy for me to lie to you and tell you
00:21:11that we're not on a dangerous mission here.
00:21:15You sound terrible.
00:21:17Where did he hit you?
00:21:21It looks like the Adam's apple.
00:21:23God, I hope he didn't knock it loose.
00:21:25If it's floating around in there,
00:21:27it could fold over at any time
00:21:29and choke you to death.
00:21:31Terrible way to go, Bob.
00:21:33Did it feel like it hit you pretty hard?
00:21:35Pretty hard.
00:21:37Let me see.
00:21:41I don't know.
00:21:43I'm no doctor, Bob,
00:21:45but it sounds loose to me.
00:21:47Put your fingers over like this
00:21:49for the next couple of days.
00:21:51Don't talk and don't breathe
00:21:53any more than you have to,
00:21:55and be careful.
00:21:57There could be more of them out there.
00:21:59Come on, Bob.
00:22:09Some fun, huh?
00:22:11You're enjoying yourself.
00:22:13I can tell.
00:22:15Come on.
00:22:21Get up!
00:22:23Very good, Bob.
00:22:35What are we doing in Mr. Goodman's house?
00:22:37I left a special map that's vital
00:22:39to the mission in here.
00:22:41What's so vital about it?
00:22:43It shows us exactly where we want to be
00:22:45Friday at 8 o'clock.
00:22:47That's vital, all right.
00:22:49Sure is.
00:22:51Let's just chow down, huh?
00:22:53Who knows when we can get another chance.
00:22:55What if those guys come back?
00:22:57Oh, Bob, we're as safe here as anywhere.
00:22:59How safe is that?
00:23:01Not very.
00:23:05Oh, my God.
00:23:07It's only the third fall.
00:23:09What's wrong?
00:23:11It's got to be at least three days old, Bob.
00:23:15Well, when I went over to your house
00:23:17in your refrigerator,
00:23:19I had some of the freshest cottage cheese
00:23:21I ever tasted.
00:23:23And all your milk containers were full.
00:23:25So what?
00:23:27Jesus, Bob, don't you see?
00:23:31The milkman is making extra stops
00:23:33at your house.
00:23:35Your wife is home
00:23:39all day by herself.
00:23:45Oh, God!
00:23:47I know how you feel.
00:23:49I know what's going through your mind, Bob.
00:23:51He's got her in all different kinds of positions.
00:23:53She's telling him about
00:23:55your sexual inadequacies.
00:23:57They're laughing their heads off about it.
00:23:59Oh, he's chasing your wife
00:24:01through your house
00:24:03with your shorts on his head.
00:24:05I know, Bob.
00:24:07I've been through that.
00:24:09Your wife did that to you?
00:24:11No, I'm not married.
00:24:13I went through it on the other side.
00:24:15But it's the same thing.
00:24:17All right.
00:24:19Can I let you out?
00:24:23Come on, buddy.
00:24:25Come on.
00:24:35You feel better?
00:24:37You get that out of your system now?
00:24:45Come on.
00:24:47Come on, Bob.
00:25:15Come on.
00:25:31Hi. I'm Bob Wilson.
00:25:33I live at 3...
00:25:37You were supposed to
00:25:39hold the fence for me, Bob.
00:25:41You did a good job of distracting them.
00:25:43But you don't want to use
00:25:45the same trick every time.
00:25:47What am I talking about?
00:25:49You're doing fine.
00:25:51Forget what I said.
00:25:53Did I tell you you're doing a great job today?
00:25:59She's gonna be a tough one.
00:26:13She's gonna be a tough one.
00:26:39This is Dad.
00:26:41I'm at a place called Lucky Lady Liquor.
00:26:43Mom! It's Dad!
00:26:45It's time for the mental hospital!
00:26:47What mental hospital?
00:26:49Dad, they caught all the terrorists
00:26:51that attacked our street.
00:26:53What terrorists?
00:26:55Hi, honey.
00:26:57I can barely hear you because of the workmen.
00:26:59Is the hospital nice?
00:27:01I'm not in a hospital.
00:27:03Sweetheart, there is no shame in having a medical problem,
00:27:05especially after what you've been through.
00:27:07Barbara, listen.
00:27:10Hello, Mrs. Wilson.
00:27:12This is Dr. Stilwell.
00:27:14Bob shouldn't be talking to anybody yet.
00:27:16It would have been better
00:27:18if he hadn't have made this call at all.
00:27:20But I want to assure you that he's fine,
00:27:22and he'll be coming home soon.
00:27:28I hope I haven't messed anything up.
00:27:30Me, too.
00:27:33Come on.
00:27:35Look, you're gonna feel a lot better about it
00:27:37once we get moving again
00:27:39and you get a little wind in your face.
00:27:41Hey, we switched cars for a diversion.
00:27:43I stepped us up.
00:27:45I stole a Torino.
00:27:47Oh, that's great.
00:27:49I thought you'd be pleased.
00:28:00That was beautiful, Bob.
00:28:02Caught me totally unaware.
00:28:04Hey, you're gonna make
00:28:06a very good agent, you know that?
00:28:08Okay, now.
00:28:10We gotta get going, so why don't you get in the other car?
00:28:12I'm not going anywhere.
00:28:33You sure you don't want to come out?
00:28:35You can get awfully hot just sitting in the car like that.
00:28:38I'm not coming out.
00:28:42Look, you're upset.
00:28:44Don't try to hide it.
00:28:46Hey, look, you're not crazy about the mission.
00:28:48You didn't like it from the start.
00:28:50Totally understandable.
00:28:55You're gonna feel a lot better about it
00:28:57once we get to Washington.
00:29:01You know what?
00:29:03I'm gonna introduce you to the president.
00:29:05Now, isn't that gonna be exciting?
00:29:07Don't treat me like a child.
00:29:18I'm coming out!
00:29:22All right, I'm willing to listen.
00:29:24That's great, Bob.
00:29:27Okay, what is it?
00:29:29We have been negotiating
00:29:31on UFOs for seven years.
00:29:33If we don't get to Washington by Friday,
00:29:35the whole deal will be off.
00:29:37Drive me home.
00:29:39Bob, you said you were willing to listen.
00:29:41Negotiating with UFOs?
00:29:47Men from outer space, alien beings, UFOs.
00:29:49We've been negotiating with men from outer space
00:29:51for seven years.
00:29:53That's right. Come on now, you've heard about it.
00:29:55There are no UFOs.
00:29:57Bob, that's what they tell the general public.
00:29:59You're right.
00:30:01How are you supposed to know?
00:30:03I mean, they've been lying to you for so many years,
00:30:05you don't know what to believe.
00:30:07What are you talking about?
00:30:09What is that?
00:30:11Read the inscription.
00:30:13Come on.
00:30:18To Nick from his friends far away.
00:30:21They gave it to me, the UFOs.
00:30:23This is your proof.
00:30:25Read it and weep. Come on.
00:30:27To Nick from his friends far away.
00:30:31Take me home.
00:30:33You're one hell of a skeptic, aren't you, Bob?
00:30:35All right, you want proof?
00:30:37I want proof.
00:30:39I'll give you proof.
00:30:57Come on.
00:31:19Can we go now?
00:31:21What is that, the inner workings of your mind?
00:31:23You saw it.
00:31:25They hammered it through the baseball,
00:31:27and the outer space pen still writes.
00:31:29I saw that in a commercial on television.
00:31:31They sell pens over the phone that can do that.
00:31:34All right, all right, all right.
00:31:36There's one thing that the pen does do.
00:31:39You willing to watch?
00:31:45Pay attention.
00:31:55Pay attention.
00:32:26Can the pen on TV do that, Bob?
00:32:29It's a homing pen.
00:32:31It goes right back to their galaxy.
00:32:33They probably think I'm in trouble or something.
00:32:36I hope they don't think I didn't like the pen.
00:32:38You can't give it back?
00:32:40Oh, no, that's it.
00:32:42The only one I had.
00:32:44Oh, boy, I hate to lose a memento like that.
00:32:47A real collector's item, a pen like that, Bob.
00:32:49Then you just threw it into outer space.
00:32:52Bob, you were demanding proof.
00:32:54I had to give you proof.
00:32:56I hear something!
00:32:58I hear something!
00:33:00I hear something!
00:33:04Come on!
00:33:17Who's shooting at us?
00:33:19The Russians.
00:33:21The Russians? What do they want?
00:33:23They killed just to get a chance to talk to the UFOs.
00:33:26So I noticed.
00:33:34Oh, yeah.
00:33:36Oh, yeah, definitely gonna be a tough one.
00:33:38Hey, Bob.
00:33:40You got any special skills?
00:33:44Is there anything you're good at?
00:33:48You know, anything you want an award for?
00:33:51Well, I was an alternate on the debating team in high school.
00:33:54You want to go out there and argue with them, Bob?
00:34:00We're definitely going to have a transportation problem.
00:34:04Six-yard line!
00:34:12They're sending in Dolowski, the top negotiator.
00:34:36Good to see you again.
00:34:38You're looking as lovely as always, Dolly.
00:34:42Your macho charm is not going to get you out of this one, Nicky.
00:34:46I don't know about that, Dolly.
00:34:48Your own people are not going to let you get to Washington.
00:34:51Give us the map. We'll protect you.
00:34:54Where? In some gulag in Siberia?
00:34:56You're up against us and your own people.
00:34:58It's suicide. You're a pro.
00:35:00But, uh, why did you have to take this poor Slovnychki with you?
00:35:05Bob, she's just trying to divide us.
00:35:07What's a Slovnychki?
00:35:09A piss-ant and little nothing.
00:35:11Don't take it personal.
00:35:13All right, Bob here can take care of himself.
00:35:15If there's going to be any rough stuff, you can bet he's going to be the first to go.
00:35:18Listen, Nicky, we trust you.
00:35:21If you give us the map and your word, you keep quiet.
00:35:24We forget about the whole thing.
00:35:26What about Bob? Yeah, what about Bob?
00:35:28We don't know him. We'd have to have guarantees he wouldn't talk.
00:35:31I wouldn't talk. What kind of guarantees?
00:35:34We'd want him dead.
00:35:36Nick, Nick, we can't live with a deal like that.
00:35:39I might be able to, Bob. I couldn't.
00:35:41Bob, let's at least listen to her, okay? Just listen.
00:35:44Shh, shh. Let me handle it. Come on.
00:35:46All right, if I were to sell out, Dolly, what kind of compensation could I expect?
00:35:50A million dollars.
00:35:52All right, if I were to sell out, Dolly, what kind of compensation could I expect?
00:35:55A million dollars in cash.
00:35:57A million dollars? A million dollars for Nick?
00:35:59No, that's insulting. Are you kidding?
00:36:01Bob, it's not so insulting.
00:36:03Look, it's a negotiation technique. They're going to start low.
00:36:06Let me handle it, all right?
00:36:10Dolly, I'm going to consider your offer.
00:36:13But quite frankly, I'd consider it a bit on the low side.
00:36:15Let's see this thing through, Nick. Nothing matters but our getting to Washington.
00:36:18I think it's important to save the world.
00:36:20Don't get hysterical.
00:36:22What kind of position could I expect in the KGB?
00:36:27Colonel? Uh-uh. No, that's a deal-breaker.
00:36:29Bob, it's fine.
00:36:31You can never accept a deal like that.
00:36:33That's it. The deal is over. Forget it. Take a walk, Ski.
00:36:35And, Nicky, there would be other compensations if you came over to us.
00:36:49Wait here, Bob.
00:36:52Dolly, can I speak to you privately back there?
00:36:55I'm sorry.
00:36:57Maybe later.
00:37:13Oh, Nick, one last thing.
00:37:27All of us at KGB are dumping our generic stock.
00:37:31No, no, Dolly.
00:37:33They're getting that Defense Department contract.
00:37:35It was a good tip.
00:37:37I got it from our boys off the cabinet, Dad.
00:37:40We have a White House tab.
00:37:42They're not going to get the contract.
00:37:49I'm sorry, Nick.
00:37:54We gotta get out of here.
00:37:56What do you think they're trying to do?
00:37:57Trying to murder me.
00:37:59They know I can't afford a loss like that.
00:38:03I didn't know you smoked.
00:38:05It's just after sex, Bob.
00:38:07I'm trying to give it up.
00:38:08Well, at least you don't smoke that much.
00:38:11That'll kill you.
00:38:12It won't kill you, but it'll make you very sore.
00:38:19I want to check the back.
00:38:34You want the good news first or the bad news?
00:38:37Give me the bad news.
00:38:39We're going to make our way out of here alive.
00:38:41What's the good news?
00:38:42Doesn't look like we're going to be here for long.
00:38:49All right, we got one chance.
00:38:52Stay close and do exactly what I do.
00:39:15I think the man and the UFO are helping us.
00:39:17Good, we need all the help we can get.
00:39:21Let's go.
00:39:25Bang! Bang!
00:39:28Bang! Bang!
00:39:29Get down!
00:39:31Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:36Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:39Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:40You got a quarter?
00:39:43I said, you got a quarter?
00:39:46Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:48Wait here.
00:39:49I'll cover you!
00:39:51Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:55Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:39:58Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:40:03Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:40:05Bang! Bang!
00:40:13Bang! Bang!
00:40:18Knicks, I got one!
00:40:20Keep it covered!
00:40:21Bang! Bang!
00:40:24Here, right here.
00:40:25You call that cover?
00:40:26I've only got two hands!
00:40:30Hello, Mike?
00:40:31Sell Tenerex as quick as you can.
00:40:36Oh, I can relax.
00:40:39I'm out.
00:40:45What is this?
00:40:53They just break for lunch?
00:40:55Yeah, they're not as dedicated as we are, Bob.
00:40:57You know, they have no incentives, no motivation.
00:41:00Can we just walk away?
00:41:02Come on.
00:41:03Come on.
00:41:04Come on.
00:41:13Come on.
00:41:19What do these spacemen want from us?
00:41:21I mean, who are they?
00:41:22What do these spacemen want from us?
00:41:24I mean, what are we negotiating for?
00:41:27I mean, is it a good deal?
00:41:28Is that what you want to know?
00:41:29Yeah, I want to know.
00:41:30What, are you trying to second-guess the negotiating team, Bob?
00:41:32Is that it?
00:41:33I just want to know if it's worth the trouble I'm going through.
00:41:35I don't want to waste my time if all we're going to get out of it
00:41:37is a few pictures of space or something.
00:41:39Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
00:41:41Here, write this down.
00:41:43You got something to write with?
00:41:44I used to have a pretty good pen, Bob.
00:41:47I think I've got something.
00:41:51Okay, what is it?
00:41:52All right, all the flowers.
00:41:56All the trees.
00:41:58All the little birdies.
00:42:00Oh, and all the children.
00:42:01All right, so what is this all about?
00:42:03Well, it seems like the guys in Chemical Warfare
00:42:07dumped this stuff in the ocean by mistake.
00:42:10Now, this stuff kills this special algae,
00:42:12and that kills this bacteria,
00:42:14and it goes right up the food chain.
00:42:17Well, to make a long story short, Bob,
00:42:20all life on Earth is going to be dead in five years.
00:42:23All life on Earth will be dead in five years?
00:42:26Unless we do something about it.
00:42:28Okay, what if we do do something about it?
00:42:30Well, then everything will be fine.
00:42:32We just don't know what to do.
00:42:34So that's where the UFOs come in, Bob.
00:42:36You see, they're going to give us this good package,
00:42:38which includes a formula that will reverse the whole thing.
00:42:42Now, skip over to the other side and write this down.
00:42:44What's this?
00:42:45This is what they want.
00:42:46Just write it down.
00:42:47A glass of water.
00:42:49That's it?
00:42:51They want anything with the water?
00:42:53Like what?
00:42:54A cracker or something?
00:42:56No, Bob, just the water.
00:43:00What's this?
00:43:02It's a vinyl map to show us where we're going to pick them up.
00:43:05We better not lose this.
00:43:07I'd say, Bob, the whole world would be doomed, wouldn't you think?
00:43:12It's time to get that safe car, Bob.
00:43:15Where do we get one of those?
00:43:17Well, there's always one place that you know you're always going to be safe.
00:43:23Where's that?
00:43:24Right here.
00:43:28Mom, how are you?
00:43:29Oh, Nicky!
00:43:31Oh, come on in! Come on in!
00:43:34Who's Mom?
00:43:35She's my mother.
00:43:37Dad is home from the hospital.
00:43:41That's great. How does he look?
00:43:43Oh, he looks just great.
00:43:45Oh, Mom, that's wonderful.
00:43:47And Grace is here, too.
00:43:50That's wonderful, too, Mom!
00:43:52Oh, this is Bob.
00:43:53We're working together.
00:43:55Oh, it's very nice to know you.
00:43:57I'm fine.
00:43:58Bob, Bob, yes, Bob.
00:44:00I'm Bob.
00:44:01I'm Grace.
00:44:02I'm Grace.
00:44:03I'm Grace.
00:44:04I'm fine.
00:44:05Bob, Bob, yes.
00:44:06Oh, I've got coffee and sandwiches in the kitchen.
00:44:10So, Nicky, why don't you come and...
00:44:13Okay, I'll help you. I'll help you.
00:44:15Bob, you stay right there.
00:44:49My name's Bob.
00:44:50I probably shouldn't even be here.
00:44:52I'm, uh, I don't...
00:44:55Oh, excuse me, excuse me.
00:44:57Sorry about that.
00:45:00Wait, I don't think you got the right guy.
00:45:03Oh, excuse me.
00:45:06Oh, my God.
00:45:12I love you, Bill.
00:45:20Here we are.
00:45:29How are you, Dad?
00:45:31God, you look great.
00:45:35Will you look at the tits on this guy?
00:45:38Huh? Look at them.
00:45:40Dad, I'm real proud of you.
00:45:44Oh, did you meet my new partner, Bob?
00:45:47Bob, this is my father.
00:45:49We've already introduced ourselves.
00:45:53Good to meet you, Dad.
00:45:55Dad just had a facelift.
00:45:57Doesn't he look great?
00:45:59Let me tell you about my dad.
00:46:01We're real proud of him.
00:46:03You know, a lot of guys,
00:46:05when they come to that midlife crisis,
00:46:07they feel like they've missed something.
00:46:09They flip up.
00:46:10They don't know what to do.
00:46:12But not Dad.
00:46:14He knew what to do.
00:46:15He hopped right on a plane,
00:46:17flew to Sweden,
00:46:18and had the operation that is allowing him
00:46:21to experience the side of life that he missed.
00:46:24Now, a lot of people in the family
00:46:27didn't understand what Dad was doing.
00:46:30Mom, at first,
00:46:33you were pretty confused, weren't you?
00:46:36Oh, well, sure.
00:46:39Admit it.
00:46:43And we finally realized
00:46:45that Dad was right.
00:46:47He had done what was right for him.
00:46:50And hell, it's opened up a whole new life for him.
00:46:53Now, I'll bet you my dad looks better now
00:46:56than he looks better today
00:46:58than any of the other guys he fought with.
00:47:08I enjoyed meeting you, Bob.
00:47:11Thank you, Dad.
00:47:12Okay, oh, one thing.
00:47:14Mom, I'm in a bit of a jam.
00:47:17I need a safe car.
00:47:18Can I borrow yours?
00:47:21Thanks, Mom.
00:47:25Drive safely.
00:47:37Is this what you call a safe car?
00:47:41You'll feel better when we get some seatbelts, Bob.
00:47:45I'll feel better when we get some seats.
00:47:51Why are people in the CIA trying to stop us from saving the world?
00:47:55Oh, well, they want the big gun. You see, the UFOs have weapons, too.
00:47:59They have a big gun that can blow a whole planet away.
00:48:03And there's a faction in the agency that's willing to trade for it.
00:48:07Well, if it can blow a whole planet away, who are they gonna use it on?
00:48:11What do you think, Bob? The Russians.
00:48:15Wait a minute. If it can blow away a planet, that would kill us, too. What about the end of the world?
00:48:19Oh, that's not their problem, Bob. Their job is protecting the United States.
00:48:23Getting the gun is their job.
00:48:27But doesn't anyone think enough to take in the big picture?
00:48:31I don't know, Bob. That's not my department.
00:48:35You sure don't want anything? The package with the three different colored luncheon meats look good.
00:48:39No, thank you.
00:48:43Happy pie?
00:48:47Huh? You want one? You sure?
00:48:51It's got a guaranteed shelf life of three years.
00:48:55Still got one more to go. I don't feel like a happy pie, okay?
00:48:59You don't look like a happy pie.
00:49:03These things are beautifully packaged, you know that?
00:49:07Think about it, Bob. All life on Earth can be dead, and these pies will still be fried.
00:49:11And these pies will still be fresh.
00:49:15Technologically, we're something.
00:49:31Do you have a bathroom?
00:49:35It's for my friend.
00:49:41They know all about the negotiations.
00:49:45Look at this. They printed the whole thing.
00:49:49It's a free country, Bob. They can do that.
00:49:53Hey, all these articles are straight out of the CIA files.
00:50:01What are we going in here for? I gotta take a leak.
00:50:05Again? Yeah, again.
00:50:09Nick? What?
00:50:13You know, I've been thinking. Doesn't the government have special guys to take care of this stuff?
00:50:17Yeah, we are those special guys, Bob. Nick, I don't think I'm right for this mission.
00:50:21Sure you are. I want to get off.
00:50:25Gee, you know, Bob, if you left the mission, I'd have to shoot you.
00:50:29I saved your life, Nick. You said you'd never forget that.
00:50:33And, Bob, I never will.
00:50:37It was right in front of your house.
00:50:41Wait here. I'll be right back.
00:51:37That idiot lets me run off with the vital map.
00:51:41Okay, let's get a move.
00:52:11Oh, no.
00:52:31I moved the car.
00:52:35You moved the car? Yeah, it was out in the open.
00:52:39What about me?
00:52:43Did you give any consideration to how I would feel when I came back from taking my leak and found the car was gone?
00:52:47I guess not. I guess not, you son of a bitch!
00:52:51I've been running up that road for a mile, you stupid imbecile.
00:52:55You endangered the whole mission. I've got the map. Did you know that?
00:52:59The one time I depend on you and you're not there.
00:53:03Do you know how important this mission is? I think so. Why don't you act like it?
00:53:07You don't know anybody else's feelings. Get in the car.
00:53:21Look, just... Get in that car!
00:53:25Well, I don't suppose you'd accept my apology.
00:53:29Well, I want you to know that...
00:53:33I'm sorry.
00:53:37And nothing like this will ever happen again.
00:53:41Right. I thought, you know...
00:53:45I thought you didn't want to talk about it.
00:53:49I thought you didn't want to talk about it.
00:53:53You know, I thought you didn't want to go on this mission.
00:53:57I didn't understand how you felt.
00:54:01I underestimated you. Okay, we're going to forget about it.
00:54:09Hey, look, I've got to apologize.
00:54:13I wasn't taking a leak. I tried to run off.
00:54:17I know, Bob. I was watching you.
00:54:21You were watching me? Yeah.
00:54:25You didn't say anything.
00:54:29You came back, Bob.
00:54:33A lot of guys would have kept on running.
00:54:51What's this?
00:54:55Oh, we got to get the glass to put the water in.
00:54:59It's a publicity thing, you know. They put a presidential seal in the glass.
00:55:03That way, when they travel through the universe, we get a little publicity.
00:55:07You're kidding. What idiots think up something like that?
00:55:11I don't know, Bob. I think there's a special department of idiots in the White House that do that.
00:55:15This should be it here.
00:55:23Here is the special glass for the water.
00:55:27This is where they keep it? Yeah. This way doesn't attract any attention.
00:55:31What if it broke? Bob, whatever you do,
00:55:35there are going to be risks.
00:55:39Who are those clowns?
00:55:43Holy shit! Clown attack!
00:55:47Yeah, it's a clown unit. They're putting in some of the CIA's best agents in clown suits
00:55:51so they won't be recognized. So they won't be recognized?
00:55:55Yeah, they've gone bad. Bad clowns?
00:55:59Oh, boy.
00:56:07Oh, those pinks.
00:56:15Oh, Jesus.
00:56:19Oh, Jesus, it's Hartman.
00:56:23You know, next to me, he's the best agent in the world.
00:56:27Oh, Jesus. What?
00:56:31The way they're doing this is beautiful. I wish I could watch it from the sidelines.
00:56:35So do I.
00:56:39Okay, Bob. You ready?
00:56:43Bob, why are you crying?
00:56:47Bob, it's a challenge. Of course it is a challenge.
00:56:51We can do it. I'll take out three,
00:56:55and you take out the two on the right. You have to take out the two on the right, Bob.
00:56:59Bob, please stop crying.
00:57:03It's eating away at my confidence, Bob.
00:57:07Come on!
00:57:11I guess I can tell you now.
00:57:15Tell me what? I didn't just pick you out of a crowd like I said.
00:57:19You're Russia's number-one agent in the United States.
00:57:23What are you talking about? Bob, they hypnotized you.
00:57:27Just like in the movies. They give you a code word, and you activate.
00:57:31Activate, boom. You're out of the house, blowing up a nuclear plant.
00:57:35You're very good, Bob. With your training, you could take me out any time.
00:57:39I'm not a Russian agent. Sure you are.
00:57:43No, I'm not. Bob, look deep inside yourself.
00:57:47Look at me. I'm an American agent.
00:57:51How do you feel about me?
00:57:55I want to kill you. See?
00:57:59I just thought you'd like to know before you die.
00:58:03Let's take him.
00:58:19No hitting in the nuts, all right?
00:58:31Come on. I don't believe it.
00:58:35You're working with a bunch of clowns!
00:58:57Oh, jeez!
00:59:05Shit! You got them all.
00:59:09I just saw the first part. You came charging down the alley,
00:59:13and pinks hit you, and you went wild.
00:59:17Then you took out Hartman and Bindo before I could even get out here.
00:59:21Then I was trying to help you, but I ran into the dumpster and knocked myself out.
00:59:25What happened after that, Bob?
00:59:29I must have taken them all out and been programmed to rest.
00:59:33I saw this movie once where this guy was hypnotized...
00:59:37What are you talking about, Bob? You're not a Russian agent.
00:59:41I just said that to build your self-confidence.
00:59:45I'm not a Russian agent? Of course not. How can you believe that?
00:59:49That's ridiculous. And I took out all these guys?
00:59:53Oh, yeah, that part's true.
00:59:57I took them all out? Boy, I'm pretty amazing.
01:00:01They wouldn't be proud of me if they knew their dad took apart a CIA all-star team.
01:00:07They never learn.
01:00:11You decked Hartman?
01:00:15Of course. You were right. All I needed was a little self-confidence.
01:00:31You're one hell of a guy, Bob.
01:00:55What are we doing here?
01:00:59I thought I forgot about that.
01:01:03What about getting to D.C. Friday night?
01:01:07Bob, it's only Thursday. If we get there early, we're just gonna have to sit around and wait anyway.
01:01:11I still think we should be getting to Washington and saving the world.
01:01:15Bob, we need to take time to learn and grow and develop a decent relationship.
01:01:19Will you look at the tits on this one?
01:01:23Well, you're definitely becoming more sensitive.
01:01:27I can feel it. Bob, you've been very good for me.
01:01:31You've changed me, and I want to thank you for that.
01:01:51You know what I see, Bob?
01:01:55A great and long-term relationship.
01:01:59Be right back.
01:02:11Yeah. Wow.
01:02:15You know, you just attracted the best-looking guy in the place.
01:02:25That was my seat.
01:02:33You want to do something about it?
01:02:37If I have to.
01:02:49We thought you'd left. Is your friend coming back?
01:02:53Can I buy you a drink?
01:02:57Don't you think if I wanted you to buy me a drink, I would have told you to buy me a drink?
01:03:01Huh? Right.
01:03:05Get lost. Right.
01:03:09You too. Double bourbon straight to the rim.
01:03:17Yes, sir.
01:03:27You're probably saying to yourself, why me?
01:03:31Why me? Why you? Because I like you, that's why.
01:03:35And I'll be honest with you. I'm going to spend the night with you, and I'll be gone in the morning.
01:03:39Can you handle it? I'll try.
01:03:43I knew you could. Do you have a car?
01:03:47I'll follow you.
01:03:51Move. Come on. Go.
01:03:55Oh, Bob!
01:04:07Wish me luck, Bob.
01:04:11Wait! What? It's another attack.
01:04:15They're not CIA agents, Bob. Don't worry. Who are they?
01:04:19I'll be back as soon as I can.
01:04:49This is going to be a tough one, isn't it?
01:04:53On your knees, slave!
01:04:57Okay. You're one of those feminists, aren't you?
01:05:01Silence! All right, now look. If you're going to get rough with me, I can get rough right back.
01:05:09You miss me?
01:05:19Go for it.
01:05:39That was good.
01:05:43I was very impressed.
01:05:47That was very good what?
01:05:51That was good, uh, mistress?
01:05:55Oh, that was good mistress!
01:05:59Oh, God, that was great!
01:06:03You're one of those girls that are a lot different at the office than you are at home, aren't you?
01:06:17Oh, it hurts! It hurts!
01:06:21I haven't hit you yet.
01:06:25Oh, sorry, mistress. When do I get my turn?
01:06:29This is your turn.
01:06:33Don't you think maybe we could have a little dinner first or something?
01:06:37You know, candlelight wine.
01:06:47Admit your pain. Admit your weakness.
01:06:51No! No! Yes! Yes!
01:07:15So she rejected me.
01:07:19I put myself out on the line again,
01:07:23and I was hurt.
01:07:27I said, okay, I'm 12 and you're 34, you're married to my uncle,
01:07:31but I think we could have something special.
01:07:35She said she didn't think so.
01:07:39You know how that hurts?
01:07:43You're not seeing anybody on a...
01:07:47regular basis, are you?
01:07:53You got him, boys?
01:07:57Yes, sir, Mr. Wilson. Thanks again, Bob.
01:08:01Don't make a big thing out of it. What a guy, huh? Acts like it was nothing.
01:08:05What do you think about what he told us about the clown thing, huh? Incredible.
01:08:13What was that? Nothing. Ready to go?
01:08:17I guess so.
01:08:21I don't know what's happening.
01:08:25This woman has become very important to me, Bob.
01:08:29I left my phone number.
01:08:33You think she'll call? How should I know?
01:08:37I don't know.
01:08:41I think that, you know, I won't see her for days.
01:08:45I'm sure I'll meet other men.
01:08:49I think I love her, Bob. You think you love her?
01:08:53So, if I don't pay attention to my feelings,
01:08:57who will?
01:09:01So I think I should get off the mission.
01:09:05Okay, that's it.
01:09:09Get out!
01:09:13What? You want off the mission? Okay, you little wimp. Get off!
01:09:17You're out. Hey, Bob. I am getting a little sick and tired of your pissing and moaning.
01:09:21I came to do a job, and I'm gonna do it. You think this mission is easy for me?
01:09:25You think I don't want to go home, too? But you hear me complaining all the time?
01:09:29No. We've got an important job to do, and I'm gonna do it.
01:09:33Listen, I didn't... I think I respected you once.
01:09:37You know, I even wanted to be like you. Just remember
01:09:41who saved your ass back there when those clowns were all over you.
01:09:45Yeah, well, I have you know... What?
01:09:49I'm grateful. Very grateful for that, Bob.
01:09:53Well, I just want you to know that I'll be using that same kind of ability
01:09:57to back you up at every stage of this mission.
01:10:01Are you gonna behave? Yes.
01:10:05Okay, close the door.
01:10:17Listen, I got you one of your pies that you...
01:10:29I love her. Forgive me. I can't do it.
01:10:33Not before I die, Nick.
01:10:37Figures. Pissant little nothing.
01:11:07The kids are ready!
01:11:15Stupid son of a bitch!
01:11:19I'm gonna kill you!
01:11:23I'm gonna kill you!
01:11:27I'm gonna kill you!
01:11:31Stupid son of a bitch walking around dressed like that
01:11:35just asking for a shot!
01:12:05Oh, shit!
01:12:17What are you doing here?
01:12:21I was worried about you.
01:12:25You know, you're something, Bob. Coming in here
01:12:29outgunned, outnumbered, going up against guys
01:12:33who have more experience than you.
01:12:37You're a hell of a guy, Bob. I'm a hell of a guy.
01:12:41What about you? I don't make a big thing out of it.
01:12:45It is a big thing to care about someone, not to sell them out or give up on them,
01:12:49to stick by them even when they're a pain in the ass.
01:12:53I think that's plenty big. I ran off on you.
01:12:57Okay, make a big thing out of it.
01:13:01I wouldn't be out of line if I asked you if you needed a little help, would I?
01:13:05Hell, no. I could use your help. Yeah? Well, there is one thing, Bob.
01:13:09You never want to carry your weapon like this.
01:13:13You always want to put it on the other side with the butt out.
01:13:17So if they shoot off your right arm, you can always grab it with your left.
01:13:21Oh, yeah. That is a big help. Well, should we go in there and take care of the situation?
01:13:25Hey, anything you say, partner.
01:13:29One thing, though. Huh? It would be a good idea
01:13:33if you had a loaded weapon. That'd be nice.
01:13:37Yeah, in case they shoot at you.
01:13:41Let's go.
01:13:57Come on!
01:14:05Let's go!
01:14:11It's Mahoney!
01:14:15He's going to help us.
01:14:19I'm with you, Nick!
01:14:23I don't think so.
01:14:39Did I tell you you're doing a great job today?
01:14:43No. You are.
01:14:51The water's got to be here.
01:15:01What kind of water is that?
01:15:05Oh, don't worry, Bob. It's a good bottled kind.
01:15:09All right, we go this way.
01:15:21Don't try it. Throw the guns away.
01:15:25Come on.
01:15:29We want the big gun, Nick.
01:15:33Millard, you were behind it the whole time, weren't you?
01:15:37That's right, Nick. All right, Wilson. Walk out there and ask him for the big gun.
01:15:41Like hell I will.
01:15:45I'm shooting Nick unless you do what I tell you.
01:15:49Go ahead and shoot him.
01:15:53Bob, he's kidding.
01:15:57I'm going to shoot him.
01:16:01Bob, I've changed. A lot.
01:16:05You think I'm bluffing?
01:16:09I don't care.
01:16:13Sorry, Nick. This is bigger than both of us.
01:16:17Kill him. It's still not going to get you the gun.
01:16:21Why don't you go out there and get you the big gun?
01:16:25No, I wouldn't. Bob, don't be the hero.
01:16:29It's okay, Nick. I'll take care of this.
01:16:33Yeah? Like how?
01:16:41That's incredible.
01:16:45How do you do something like that?
01:16:49All right, Bob.
01:16:53They're here.
01:16:57Go make your rendezvous.
01:17:17They're just like us.
01:17:21Yes. We were all like in this universe.
01:17:25Have you decided? Do you want the good package or the big gun?
01:17:29We want the good package.
01:17:33You are a wise people.
01:17:57We got the baseball you sent us.
01:18:01We are learning to play. It is a wonderful game.
01:18:05A gift for you.
01:18:13And here is Nick's back.
01:18:49It's a thrill, isn't it, Bob?
01:18:53You never forget the first time you saved the world.
01:18:57Tremendous thrill.
01:19:05Tremendous thrill.
01:19:09Tremendous thrill.
01:19:13Tremendous thrill.
01:19:17Tremendous thrill.
01:19:21Dad's home.
01:19:25Dad's home. Hi, Dad.
01:19:29Hey, guys. I missed you.
01:19:33They fixed up the house great, huh, Dad?
01:19:37Well, they owed us that, didn't they, sweetie?
01:19:39It's good to have you home, Bob.
01:19:41It's good to be home.
01:19:43Hey, you kids wait here.
01:19:57They did a good job.
01:20:01Listen, I've been thinking.
01:20:05Haven't we been getting a little too much milk lately?
01:20:11I didn't want to tell you this before.
01:20:15I know how you hate conflict, but...
01:20:19I can't get the milkman to stop delivering.
01:20:21He comes around every day, and he's been bothering me,
01:20:25making a lot of suggestive remarks.
01:20:29I don't want to discourage him, but...
01:20:31Don't give it another thought. I'll take care of it.
01:20:33You're not going to do anything violent.
01:20:35That shouldn't be necessary.
01:20:37Sometimes all it takes is a word or just a look.
01:20:39I'll take care of it.
01:20:55Wait here.
01:20:58You know, I decided to get my boy's bike back.
01:21:01Listen, dipstick, didn't you get enough of this last week?
01:21:04I guess not.
01:21:06Come on, Dad.
01:21:08Yeah, Dad, let's just go.
01:21:11It's too late, scumwad.
01:21:13Look, we don't want any trouble.
01:21:15Nailed it.
01:21:22You're right. We're going to give you your kid's bike back.
01:21:24Of course you are.
01:21:26But you're going to have to pay to have it repainted.
01:21:28Remember this?
01:21:32Dad, I'm really proud of you.
01:21:34Well, I hope it's not because of what I did back there.
01:21:37No, it's because you stood up for us.
01:21:40Good girl.
01:21:42Hey, your father's quite a guy, huh?
01:21:45Hey, Nick, you don't think I over-responded, do you?
01:21:48No, not at all.
01:21:50You were flawless, Bob.
01:21:52Called for a little force, you used a little force,
01:21:54and it was very controlled.
01:21:57You're doing a good job, Bob.
01:21:59Well, I got to go.
01:22:01I've got a date.
01:22:03I mean, uh,
01:22:05I'm putting in time
01:22:07to develop a meaningful relationship.
01:22:14So long, kids.
01:22:22Dad, that guy's flying away in a helicopter.
01:22:26Don't make a big thing out of this.
01:22:28Hey, Bob!
01:22:32Your house looks great from here!
01:22:34They did a great job!
01:22:46Try to be more sensitive.
01:22:51I'm sorry.
01:22:53I'm sorry.
01:22:55I'm sorry.
01:22:57I'm sorry.
01:22:59I'm sorry.
01:23:01I'm sorry.
01:23:03I'm sorry.
01:23:05I'm sorry.
01:23:07I'm sorry.
01:23:09I'm sorry.
01:23:11I'm sorry.
01:23:13I'm sorry.
01:23:15I'm sorry.
01:23:17I'm sorry.
01:23:19I'm sorry.
01:23:21I'm sorry.
01:23:23I'm sorry.
01:23:25I'm sorry.
01:23:27I'm sorry.
01:23:29I'm sorry.
01:23:31I'm sorry.
01:23:33I'm sorry.
01:23:35I'm sorry.
01:23:37I'm sorry.
01:23:39I'm sorry.
01:23:41I'm sorry.
01:23:43I'm sorry.
01:23:45I'm sorry.
01:23:47I'm sorry.
01:23:49I'm sorry.
01:23:51I'm sorry.
01:23:53I'm sorry.
01:23:55I'm sorry.
01:23:57I'm sorry.
01:23:59I'm sorry.
01:24:01I'm sorry.
01:24:03I'm sorry.
01:24:05I'm sorry.
01:24:07I'm sorry.
01:24:09I'm sorry.
01:24:11I'm sorry.
01:24:13I'm sorry.
01:24:15I'm sorry.
01:24:17I'm sorry.
01:24:19I'm sorry.
01:24:21I'm sorry.
01:24:23I'm sorry.
01:24:25I'm sorry.
01:24:27I'm sorry.
01:24:29I'm sorry.
01:24:31I'm sorry.
01:24:33I'm sorry.
01:24:35I'm sorry.
01:24:37I'm sorry.
01:24:39I'm sorry.
01:24:41I'm sorry.
01:24:43I'm sorry.
01:24:45I'm sorry.
01:24:47I'm sorry.
01:24:49I'm sorry.
01:24:51I'm sorry.
01:24:53I'm sorry.
01:24:55I'm sorry.
01:24:57I'm sorry.
01:24:59I'm sorry.
01:25:01I'm sorry.
01:25:03I'm sorry.
01:25:05I'm sorry.
01:25:07I'm sorry.
01:25:09I'm sorry.
01:25:11I'm sorry.
01:25:13I'm sorry.
01:25:15I'm sorry.
01:25:17I'm sorry.
01:25:19I'm sorry.
01:25:21I'm sorry.
01:25:23I'm sorry.
01:25:25I'm sorry.
01:25:27I'm sorry.
01:25:29I'm sorry.
01:25:31I'm sorry.
01:25:33I'm sorry.
01:25:35I'm sorry.
01:25:37I'm sorry.
01:25:39I'm sorry.
01:25:41I'm sorry.
01:25:43I'm sorry.
01:25:45I'm sorry.
01:25:47I'm sorry.
01:25:49I'm sorry.
01:25:51I'm sorry.
01:25:53I'm sorry.
01:25:55I'm sorry.
01:25:57I'm sorry.
01:25:59I'm sorry.
01:26:01I'm sorry.
01:26:03I'm sorry.
01:26:05I'm sorry.