Diary Of A Hitman (1991) Crime Thriller

  • 2 days ago
Hitman Dekker ( Forest Whitaker ) struggles with his conscience when asked to perform his last hit on a young woman and her baby. Things get complicated when he decides not to kill the woman.
00:01:30Hi, this is Coney leave a message better be good news
00:01:35Hey, Connie
00:01:37Connie pick up the phone
00:01:41Get my turn I leave a message here you're gonna get into a lot of trouble for all this shit
00:01:47See I care
00:01:50Hey, but you're $20,000 rich. All right, you're okay
00:01:53Two crazy-ass days, huh? I thought of myself as an average working slob
00:01:58I mean, maybe my job was a little different
00:02:01Hired killer hit man, whatever you want to call it, but the way I looked at it. I was a pro a pro
00:02:07He's a pro, right?
00:02:09Bullshit I was fooling myself. My life was driving me nuts. I started to fall apart in every way
00:02:14I wanted something better. I mean why not?
00:02:16I mean other people seem to manage to be able I mean guys a lot dumber than me seem to be able to get together
00:02:21Purely business nothing personal. I'm Otto. I'm Coney. I
00:02:27Was losing it. I thought I could just patch things up get a quick fix. I mean, who do you go to?
00:02:33Certainly, not you
00:02:35Who can you talk to make you feel better about yourself without ending up in the state pen?
00:02:40So I went to this psychiatrist. I pretended to hit I just did was part of a dream I had
00:02:46What's your bet? I'm not the first guy who ever lied to a shrink
00:02:51I don't get to use the couch here. No, no that comes later. Oh, please
00:02:58You comfortable
00:03:01Okay, so
00:03:03You were referred to me by guy at the bar was drinking with I got his number written down in somewhere
00:03:10No, no, it's okay. It's just a formality
00:03:12Skinny white guy with like a mole right here
00:03:15Said that you turned his life around
00:03:21Sometimes I have these bad dreams
00:03:25Tell me about it. Oh, yeah, I can tell you any dream. I want to reason
00:03:33Like last night for instance
00:03:37This one's weird
00:03:39This dream is
00:03:42I'm in this underground car park and there's this guy what what tell me what?
00:03:51Somebody told him I was skinning no way
00:03:54No way. I can't describe his face to you. You scared shit
00:04:00Were you the guy? No, this is just a whole different guy
00:04:03this guy were wrestling in this
00:04:09Open grave, this is ridiculous
00:04:14Not the underground car park
00:04:16No, you listen to me for a second, I'm trying to tell you this guy
00:04:21He goes I got a brilliant idea. I've got a brilliant idea
00:04:29Purely business
00:04:38And that's when these girls dad said these topless titty girls
00:04:43Uh, they came out of the grave I know out of the
00:04:48Radio City Music Hall, you know the Rockettes with the with the with the legs and the and the boobs and and and money
00:04:55money's falling out of the sky into my I
00:04:58Thought you said this was a bad dream
00:05:08Out of curiosity
00:05:11Do you rent or do you own do you have a fantasy about where I live?
00:05:17No, I
00:05:18have a fantasy
00:05:20About the juiciest rock cat doing the splits on my face
00:05:27Well, uh
00:05:29Sometimes a rock cat is just a rock cat. I
00:05:33Checked where you live
00:05:37Digging Heights
00:05:39Classy I
00:05:44Mr. Smith
00:05:47John Smith, I
00:05:50Think that I should point out that
00:05:58Psychotherapy is not for everyone. Are you saying I don't belong here? I
00:06:04Can't afford it maybe
00:06:08I'm not suggesting
00:06:09But but it is a rigorous discipline. This is not a judgment on you. I just think you please sir
00:06:15Use the door
00:06:32What a mistake
00:06:35Sometimes a shrink is just a shrink. Oh
00:06:38Man, he couldn't help me feel better. Only I could and now I knew I wanted out
00:06:45I mean, I just do one more kick
00:06:47That couldn't hurt get the down payment for my co-op then I kick it pure and simple get out of a tie
00:06:50You know retire exit fade away. Oh
00:06:52Ladies and gentlemen
00:06:57Hey boss, how you doing you're late I've been thinking
00:07:02I need a vacation
00:07:04If I need the cash to buy my apartment not happy about your work last night
00:07:09You got your ways
00:07:11But you get in a little while
00:07:13You know, it's funny
00:07:17I've been doing this for a long time and I never met a guy that didn't ask me why first
00:07:23I never met a guy
00:07:25It didn't deep down inside. No the answer to the question inside
00:07:30Nothing look it's over now
00:07:34Christ a parking garage of all places
00:07:40Must have sounded like bowling Saturday night. I mean couldn't you take it him outside of some nice quiet potato field
00:07:46What do you got against buds?
00:07:50What do you care as long as you get your cup
00:07:53I'd worry about the noise back. I
00:07:55Worry about you all the time rubbing you around
00:08:01And I worry about Shandy downtown
00:08:05Get out of you. Come on. I
00:08:08Saw it would intense the worst thing on my rap sheet. Ain't nothing to connect me with no more
00:08:15But the buzz is
00:08:18Shandy's got a hard-on to put you back inside one way or the other
00:08:23Decker I just want you to shave up. I care about and you're falling apart on me for Christ's sake look
00:08:30You just line up to work
00:08:32The day after tomorrow I close on my place. I
00:08:36Need the Bucks man
00:08:39You'll get elephant bucks for this job
00:08:41We're back. All right, go deep
00:08:51Hey, how you doing? Hey, damn you get me all upset over Shandy. I'm thinking I'm a pro. Can I forget that?
00:09:01The photo was there the letter with the inscription
00:09:03Such a good girl
00:09:50Told you hate running into a guy whose wife you're nailing. I mean, what do you say to the guy?
00:09:55Is it cold enough for you? How is our little woman? So you attending the tenants meeting tonight?
00:10:03I'm booked
00:10:05Hot date
00:10:08Well, you know if
00:10:10If one tenant breaks the no-buy pledge, we're all penalized. I mean you do understand that don't you what's
00:10:18Is that we all got to stick together? Okay, it is us against the sponsor. Do you understand that?
00:10:23Gotcha. So tonight eight o'clock if you think you can break that engagement, okay, we all gotta stick together a little piss
00:10:31Was thinking maybe I should break that engagement stand up his wife
00:10:37Sheila would punish us both. I'm really doing him a favor. He's a life a trip
00:10:52It's message time
00:10:55Always some last words to wisdom from old King Koenig my rabbi
00:11:10The buildings at do what do you think Shandy on to you?
00:11:18Anyway, just be cool. It's Sheila. We're on for tonight eight o'clock
00:11:25Monday 215 Marvin Sadler your trusty broker. Well, you've bought yourself your apartment. Yep. Congratulations
00:11:32All that's left to do is to rock and roll with the damn payment
00:11:39Marvin again. Remember, we'll give you w-2s. Thanks w-2s. I'll get Koenig to send in the forms
00:11:53Special request buddy the client wants to meet you in person. I know I know this is unusual
00:11:58But mr. Al tiffy our paymaster will not take no for an answer and we aim to please right?
00:12:05Hey Joseph Church, I'm better four o'clock sharp. Don't be late
00:12:11Are you hiding your money again
00:12:15In the radiator I bet
00:12:21Hadn't been in a church. It's my grandma died. She was in an open gasket
00:12:25He made a shit fits me
00:12:28Magic, maybe it was a makeup that did it. I don't know. I swore that was gonna be my last time
00:12:33Now in a way was another funeral. It was bringing me back. Thanks for coming
00:12:44Believe in God
00:12:46Say smart. I don't understand what we have in this meeting already got the information in the letter. I didn't for a long time
00:12:55I've been in hell
00:12:57Jane dragged me down names. Never tell me names. I'll function better when the pop is impersonal
00:13:05One thing
00:13:07Why am I getting my whole fee up front?
00:13:10Not proud of my past snorted a number of prime years of my life away
00:13:16Her doing she made me crazy
00:13:23Maybe I'm talking myself out of a job here
00:13:26Why don't you just get a divorce?
00:13:35She has stuff on me
00:13:39Another mistake I made my trusting nature. She's hurt me a lot of ways
00:13:51Can I share something unnecessary
00:13:55Six months ago. I took Jesus as my Savior and in return this is what he did for me
00:14:00I'm truly blessed. Come on, Adisa
00:14:08What's your problem I mean you got something wrong with your eyes this light you gotta be a bat
00:14:17I've been saying
00:14:21The name Kona give me was Isaac I changed it professional reasons
00:14:25Unimaginable high drugs pale in comparison
00:14:32Sad to say Jane names
00:14:35Helplessly addicted
00:14:37You know, you really don't have to tell me all these things. I don't ask my codependency group. They'll tell you it's her life of mine
00:14:44I see
00:14:46They tell you to contact me
00:14:48I'm not gonna tell you
00:14:50No, oh fucking bitch is killing me not like her sister a lot easier on the nerves a couple of fur coats a trip to
00:14:58St. Thomas not my life's blood
00:15:02If you just tell me why I'm here
00:15:06I'll do this job for you
00:15:14Don't know what to do
00:15:32There's a baby what baby Jane's an infant
00:15:39You expect me to do in front of a kid you better talk to Konig on that go ahead and call you mr.
00:15:46I'm sure you have a quarter on you
00:15:50There's 20,000 in that envelope
00:15:56This is not the full amount
00:15:59She's twice the down payment
00:16:03One additional squeeze of the triggers you head out the door
00:16:10Hard to bring up casually
00:16:13How old is the kid
00:16:16Personal remember
00:16:18Hold it's a few months doesn't walk or talk
00:16:24Letting you charge me full rate for what's technically a half fare
00:16:34Wait a minute you you're not under the impression
00:16:38This is my kid
00:16:41This is one of Jane's drug pusher boyfriends, or it's I don't know she won't say who's it is
00:16:48I gotta think
00:16:52It's a crack baby, it's pathetic to look at you'd be doing it a favor
00:17:00More night dinner never it's my birthday
00:17:07Fucking Konig babies no
00:17:17Kept thinking to myself. What was my life coming to I couldn't sleep. No way so I had to get out of the house
00:17:30If I see the whole gang is he Clyde
00:17:48It's good to see you
00:17:53You want some beer yeah, yeah draft draft
00:18:02Where's Avery and I don't see his silly ass no way lung cancer you out of touch
00:18:10Johnny D
00:18:17I'll see none of the guys
00:18:20You a stranger yourself. What's the matter? No time for the old neighborhood. You know one thing or another the story now double it
00:18:29We don't serve mixed drinks mixed drinks
00:18:32Never heard a story
00:18:34Jesus we got glasnose going on get educated
00:18:43Don't make strings means he don't serve no obnoxious white boys like yourself son. Who are you shoving?
00:18:51I'm dangerous man
00:18:53Show you my piece. I don't pack it in public out in the car. You'll see you're gonna hear about me
00:18:59He likes the jazz on the jukebox, that's all well that's the right in the back
00:19:05He ducking the man your guess is good as man
00:19:10Hey your machine ate my quarter
00:19:15All right, I'll take it
00:19:18I'll take it
00:19:20I'll take it
00:19:22I'll take it
00:19:24I'll take it
00:19:26I'll take it
00:19:28All right, all right, I'll give you your money back
00:19:40Hey Sheila
00:19:47Sheila let's open the door
00:19:54Damn it. I'm tired of this shit. Come in. Look. I don't want to go through this chain thing again here
00:20:03Shit, I don't wanna play this game. I open the door
00:20:21Not a word about my outfit
00:20:35You know, the tenants meet it's not gonna last all night we've got to get with
00:20:38Let's go
00:20:48Watch out
00:20:52You're tearing my bustier, I don't think you appreciate me fully
00:21:05Damn boots
00:21:08Tell me had an eight-and-a-half
00:21:12We ought to have our heads examined
00:21:14wide open here
00:21:16Yeah, Sheila and I weren't exactly what you would call lovebirds. You know what I'm saying?
00:22:08It's great night, huh
00:22:38What are you doing in there? Give me a heart attack?
00:23:09Leave me alone. I was having a good time. Oh my arm. Just leave me alone. What's wrong with your arm?
00:23:23What's the story short stuff
00:23:26Might bother nobody just playing
00:23:30Ball is playing
00:23:32Shoot hoops with the other kids. Let's play
00:23:35Hey Jack, man, see you but I am I'll give a walk
00:23:42How you gonna grow up smoking weed? Oh save it that lines print on every path
00:23:47Meet this on the bottle for me. What do your eyes give down you or something?
00:23:54It says Phil kept alive from normal legs gotta be a battery in this light
00:23:59Battery in this light Batman, what'd you do you called in there to pull on your part? Oh, shut up
00:24:15Show me ain't nothing. It's nothing you can show me show me quick
00:24:40Fell honest wasn't the only in this time
00:24:47I'm gonna take him out. Don't go. We didn't meet you. You don't want to get mixed up in this
00:24:56Social workers
00:24:59We'll call the cops
00:25:02You don't understand
00:25:04He's all I've got
00:25:09That's how it is
00:25:30Give me a ciggy, but anything I'll show you this car
00:25:46Uh-huh. Okay. Thank you
00:26:03Zizek could you please not play with that, please?
00:26:11Thank you
00:26:15Okay, very good no indication of cataracts glaucoma very good
00:26:24Doc doc
00:26:29I'm seeing double here. I'm gonna dry a cell the nurse put in to dilate your pupils
00:26:36Your vision will be affected temporarily did you drive to the office I could arrange for someone to get important things to take care of
00:26:45How temporarily we're talking about
00:26:48Could you could you put something in them give me my eyes back no, I'm sorry. There's nothing I couldn't put in them
00:26:58Keep my eyes back tonight
00:27:06Zitzak the nurse should have explained it to you
00:27:13Almost killing me my eyes going fucking doctor made it worse
00:27:30Maybe it was fate telling me to take the night off that dismisses is it wake up tomorrow? Yeah
00:27:40No Coney hey
00:27:46Tonight I don't know man. Ha ha you you're kidding me, right?
00:27:55Goddamn eyes goddamn optometrist. I can't see shit
00:27:59You can't see shit. That's why you win
00:28:02I'm a suicide
00:28:03Put these drops in my eyes
00:28:06And this guy this guy Zizek saying whatever you got to tell him
00:28:12Who is this prick anyway wants to see a baby get blasted?
00:28:16Since when did you have personal opinions?
00:28:18Even if I get my eyes back. I need a break a day or two. What's the difference?
00:28:23Look all the times I fronted you I stayed you and now you're gonna play prima donna on me. I
00:28:29Don't understand. What do you want to get my ass burned? Okay, fine. Fine. Don't get yourself out of whack
00:28:34Hey, I sent you a little present, you know plain brown
00:28:45See no problem
00:28:48I'm counting on you. Yeah, but I'm telling you man
00:28:52I want a soda subtropics
00:29:04Crazy day
00:29:07There I was
00:29:10You know, I thought to myself
00:29:13If the world would just stay like this I
00:29:17Wouldn't have to do nothing
00:29:20Huh, that would be a real vacation
00:29:59This soon enjoying the fruits of free enterprise, why not? We spent the time we did the time. Hey watch it. Be careful
00:30:07Things are going great
00:30:11Hey, look at these photos
00:30:13My little boy has he grown, huh? This here's the new place coolies pizza a paradise cool. He's got a wife and a kid
00:30:21That's nice. I guess he really pulls together. Okay? Okay, so fine. He's got a crummy pizzeria franchise, buddy
00:30:26He's got his act together this time. I gotta get home. I got business
00:30:32So you're moving lots of automobiles
00:30:35Porsches how many times I gotta tell you I'm a Porsche to you
00:30:39Confuses me cuz I drive in the halls. This guy wants to be my buddy
00:30:43But you know, I mean, I don't have buddies
00:30:46Anyway, what was I gonna do discuss the old days of our pie with anchovies? I
00:30:52Gotta get all my life. Get my package do the job close up a co-op and get out of the business
00:30:59Man, I'm looking for a package for mr. Koenig
00:31:02I'm still over the paradise
00:31:15Nick's gift of technology you're up to the moment hit man device shooter bumper offer to keep it quiet toy
00:31:27Now I'm a goddamn sleep jockey
00:31:59Jopel Shandy, you know, like the shanty man can't hey, come on get in the car
00:32:17Decker and your new brakes. Oh
00:32:21Man this car just has a mind of its own. It's a monster. I can't control it. Oh
00:32:26Well, ah there I got it
00:32:31Hate it can't do it
00:32:35Here grab the door no wait
00:32:42Hey, put that up here put it up here. Hey you mean pick along
00:32:57Hey, you know, I'm this I sincerely mean this
00:33:02Sammy singer-dancer
00:33:07Bojangles Bojangles
00:33:11What talent
00:33:14Now that's an all-all-around entertainer Sammy was you left the real void
00:33:25I'm gonna get on out of here. I got some business
00:33:32What's your vote pick pat him down cuff him take him down headquarters confiscate his tool box
00:33:40Pick roles in these matters
00:33:49And now for KDK sports good news for you Steelers
00:33:54Ball scores, huh?
00:33:56How about that? How about that pig Steelers by six? I had a point spread everything
00:34:02Spread my cherry hole you did spread the cherry hole. I didn't
00:34:09York security at the Art Museum lately. I was working in last spring April
00:34:17Seem to be missing a
00:34:21Bronze vessel late chow dynasty. I think they said it's pronounced Joe
00:34:29Joe chow, what's the difference? Huh?
00:34:31fourth century BC
00:34:33Asteroids, thank you. Yeah, give or take
00:34:37You know these cases nine out of ten times was a security guard who did it
00:34:42Why is that pick because nine times out of ten security learned the skills in the joint got that, right?
00:34:52Yeah security they're either ex-offenders or ex-cops
00:35:05You packing a bronze vessel
00:35:10Ain't no bronze vessel in my pocket. I'm so happy to see you
00:35:29Get your face out of here, will you get out of here? I don't want to see your face
00:35:34I'll explain it to pick you see he's not packing a bronze vessel
00:35:39He's just happy to see me. Yeah
00:35:49Vessel I
00:35:51Just took it cuz I wanted it. I have any good reason
00:35:55and he knows
00:35:57He knows everything about me. Oh, I really am
00:36:01I'm dying
00:36:04Without confidence, I'd step I'm telling you he had me I was a dead man
00:36:11Decker don't fall apart of me. You got a pop to do
00:36:21Decker there's something else as it wants a birthday present
00:36:26Proof you did the work. Who's this guy? I think he's dealing with
00:36:30Insisting you bring back a piece of her
00:36:33He's a sick son of a bitch. You fucking better do this. I'll do it
00:36:39I'll do it
00:36:42It's just like you described it I told you don't was funny I was all better
00:36:50My eyes cooperate. I almost cooperate
00:36:54Now it's just me in a
00:36:57Nothing personal purely business. She'd asked me why they always did. She'd know why
00:37:06They always
00:38:48What did you put your eye out I thought you were my husband
00:38:51It's his birthday. That's why I didn't I
00:38:54Didn't ask who was
00:39:17TV guy
00:39:24Where is the goddamn TV?
00:39:29Look I feel so terrible for shooting you like that. I won't mind if you just want to walk out the door right now and leave
00:39:46I got an appointment
00:39:57See you guys keep late hours, huh?
00:40:01Well, there's a patient
00:40:04But I left it on to keep me company
00:40:08What a mess I can't watch any of my favorites. It was working fine till Al took it apart. That's when it went kapooie
00:40:14All right. All right, baby. Having one of those days one of those lives
00:40:39What a mess
00:40:46She's made
00:41:22Got low hum does that mean there's hope or no?
00:41:25Okay, can you hold him for one second, please? No
00:41:41No, it's gonna be okay
00:42:11He's fine, he's okay now, how you doing
00:42:25I'm gonna kill you all
00:42:59Can't believe this I was at the Grand Union over a Belmont and I walked out and there was these three guys
00:43:25Hey, this is the best
00:43:32Hey, what I look great. Hey, what's up the cookie man? Oh, it's Al's birthday
00:43:40Well, honey in the future cater
00:43:44I'm sorry. I didn't bring your last-minute shopping. It's when those goons attacked me. I dropped everything and ran
00:43:51I don't know why the store won't deliver your groceries
00:43:54Yeah, they cut off the credit some mix-up I'll get I'll speak to Al
00:44:03Yeah, I'll be right with you, okay
00:44:09It's the team repairman I really need to help him Kiki that's the line leading the blind
00:44:15Jackie and on Alice birthday. Well, I personally cast no stones
00:44:24Terrible you should get out more truth is you don't get out at all, honey
00:44:28How am I supposed to go to Vegas and leave you like this?
00:44:33It's just that
00:44:35Well, the pay in Vegas is so tempting
00:44:39Where do they see the only on silicone set on the strip?
00:44:43He can't think he needs to work on the TV mighty big toolbox not to hold a screwdriver
00:44:50I'm pretty well equipped. Oh bad. Kiki. If I'm gonna surprise Al you got to go now. Okay gotta go Janie
00:44:56Janie people don't live like this ask the man. What do you think? Mr. Repairman?
00:45:05He's obviously too flabbergasted for words just take a look at this place
00:45:11Where she comes up with these harebrained schemes
00:45:14Where she comes up with these harebrained schemes and TV, you know that
00:45:22Like she could tackle a major construction job like this on her own
00:45:26The idea is that we do it together me and now like Al would really dirty his hands
00:45:37I'll get in in one sec. Okay, the baby's look over here. Look
00:45:42We turn to one home improvement tank, I swear she keeps the home shopping club in business
00:45:53Jane honey
00:45:55How long do you intend to stare at these paint sales? That's how the men suggest. I decided to live with them
00:46:01He didn't mean forever
00:46:04all hideous I might add I
00:46:09Prefer the color they sprayed my coat with. Oh, I just love this
00:46:13Favorite leopard. I call the cops. I wonder if I call right now. They're probably still in the name
00:46:21Don't bother yeah, and then they make me hang around for weeks of lineup and shit and here goes Vegas
00:46:35For Billy Billy, sweetie
00:46:44We had a really hard time put a little kid to sleep, yeah, he's real cranky. Thank you
00:46:57I don't need a ton of bricks to fall on my head. I'm cramping your style
00:47:11I'll call you when I get to Vegas. Okay, okay tonight
00:47:16Who are these killjoy creeps to tell me fur is no fun?
00:47:38Expected any more companies I'll any minute
00:47:43Yeah, well we'll leave out aside for a time being who else has the key to your place
00:47:52She's suspicious, but you frosted, huh? No, she's a dancer
00:47:59Look why don't you just take whatever is valuable and go
00:48:09Who are you don't need a gun don't need a gun. There's no other tenants here
00:48:17I'll get this really good deal structure company. My bus goes down
00:48:42You know, I won't risk the baby
00:48:44You touch my baby, I'll kill you I just wish I was here
00:48:47That's all one thing to bully a woman alone in a house with a child, but he cut you down to size
00:48:51I told you I'm expecting him any time now
00:48:54Don't count on it. A man does not miss his own birthday
00:49:04How many times you been here this month
00:49:09Once to mess with the TV so the repairman could get in
00:49:14What do you know about it? I'm married to him
00:49:18Don't you get it
00:49:22I'm your divorce
00:49:26Your husband hired me to kill you
00:49:36We'll be celebrating our fourth anniversary this summer, that's all she wrote
00:49:41You know, I was 16 years this big time cruising the schoolyard in a silver BMW
00:49:48All the girls would just gag over him but it was me I was the one he was after let me call him
00:49:54It's a misunderstanding on your part. It looks like
00:49:57No, no, he has a bad temper, but he cools off. He loves me
00:50:03Love you not
00:50:09This isn't happening
00:50:13It's about the baby that it got in his head it's not his baby you go in there look in that baby space
00:50:18You'll see it sales, baby. No, don't
00:50:22He's he wakes up all in and then you
00:50:27Have to watch my step around you
00:50:38Don't care what your goddamn name is
00:50:41It just mrs. Itzik sounds it's Jane like rain
00:50:44Jay I in when L gets pissed off these things in my ear Jane Jane go away come again some other day
00:50:53What's yours
00:50:57It's gone
00:50:59As in there
00:51:02Smith and Wesson
00:51:05Stainless steel satin finish
00:51:10Sleeve no, please. It's not my idea. It's Lee
00:51:17Nothing could beat a 30 especially close range
00:51:29Kiki ah, it's big out. He's checking up on me. No, Kiki Scott downstairs went to the first phone
00:51:36She knew you weren't my boyfriend, huh? Is that down for a second?
00:51:40Can I answer before it wakes the baby? You got a phone in a can?
00:51:44That's where you are. You're in the shower. You got shampoo in your ears. So call back
00:51:50You went to movie
00:51:52Big I was a no-show. So you took the baby. I don't go out
00:51:56Kiki'll figure you did she knows I don't
00:52:00Have to repeat it. I don't go out. I don't go out
00:52:18I'll bet you money. That's big out
00:52:21Answer this bitch. He couldn't wait a half an hour. The son of a bitch is always breathing down my neck
00:52:27Between you and me your husband
00:52:31He's a pain in the ass
00:52:36Yeah, he is
00:52:38fucking control freak
00:52:41He is well, I got a message for your mr. Born again
00:52:45I don't give a shit if Jesus wants it for a son be I do business on my time table
00:52:54You do
00:53:20How about maybe we eat his cake
00:53:25All right
00:53:48Angel food for our
00:53:52It's the wrong flavor, babe
00:53:55You didn't whip this up bakery delivered it
00:54:01That's right, you don't go out I'll cut you a piece
00:54:12No sharp objects feel okay. Let's have some cake
00:54:25Hey, I'll keep some fancy champagne in this in the fridge that really burn his tail just sit tight get your champagne
00:54:34Come on let's not overdo this thing here. All right
00:54:51Ought to lift the candles and made a wish for our
00:54:54Course we know what big I was wishing for his birthday. Yeah, we do
00:55:07I saw his business card commodities
00:55:13No, that's a four-year to go for his dad now, of course that I have anything to show for it in my closet
00:55:19First your business to Al though, you know shady business mostly hijacked off trucks or shit like that
00:55:24But mr. Al's idzik wouldn't last long and the stock exchange of the tales I could tell
00:55:32Business calm
00:55:46For Al's cake for Al's cake screw Al
00:55:52Don't really burn Al's tail. Yeah. Yeah, why'd you?
00:56:07Oh, what are you doing? I said so yourself
00:56:12So yourself, you're the one that's in control here. Not
00:56:23Jake come on out of there
00:56:29You're making me mad Jay open the door
00:56:49Give me a chance to please you. I
00:56:56Know what men like
00:57:02Low job, that's what they like
00:57:07But you do too
00:57:12I'll do that for you
00:57:18Take care of my mouth not all over you
00:57:24Around the world drive you wild
00:57:35Rather I showed you watch my body dance around watch me move
00:58:00Wait this
00:58:14Go back
00:58:16Go back to the woods cuz you have it
00:58:21You have it you haven't got the goods and you haven't got the rhythm and
00:58:28You haven't got the jazz and you haven't got the stuff that our team has
00:58:58You are cheerleader cook after him with my friend Mary Ellen
00:59:09So you're a pom-pom routine
00:59:14Show you everything
00:59:26Could rest
00:59:36Party dress any dress just just get dressed
00:59:47Dusty rose you like dusty rose
00:59:51Oh, they couldn't make up my mind turns out Al didn't care
01:00:02He's always screwed around girls galore maybe somebody else be more appreciative
01:00:15Have to do me up
01:00:30Hands are warm cows are clammy. I never noticed that before
01:00:35Your eyes clear nail polish, did you see that?
01:00:41I'm gonna go with you and you tell him to his face right to his face what he can do with his contract
01:00:46I mean, can you believe a man would do that to his wife see him for the bastard? He really is, huh?
01:00:54Serves him right what's going on here
01:00:59It's wrong with you, what is it running a family you and that sister of yours you want me to you know you do
01:01:05You're a whore
01:01:06You do what anybody?
01:01:13Put me through all this
01:01:29You got a house around you
01:01:38I got a sister
01:01:41That is fucking
01:01:44Husband watch you dead
01:01:49There is no old Jane
01:01:53Promise you
01:02:30Made you swallow
01:02:33None Kiki gave him to me you're lolling around popping pills
01:02:37watching your scram TV screen
01:02:40pretty paint streaks on the wall
01:02:42pink and purple
01:02:46Got you dressing up like a baby doll like a wind-up toy. Can you wouldn't do that to me?
01:02:51She can't anybody
01:02:54It's for the tracks ain't gonna put it out your mind
01:02:58Guess it was right about you
01:03:45Short picture that's the instructions
01:03:58That's $20,000
01:04:06For me it's only half I've got another 20 coming to me I
01:04:12Don't deserve this. I'm not a whore
01:04:15You're coming on to me with the kid in the next room
01:04:19You're your own worst witness to save my baby
01:04:29You think that's a lot you think that's a little bit
01:04:36For a tie
01:04:50Thanks for you
01:04:53And it pays for your baby no not my baby you kill me kill me
01:04:59Me you hear me, it's a crack, baby
01:05:04He is a healthy baby I kicked cold turkey everything I made him healthy
01:05:12It's the truth
01:05:14No, I made up one lie me and Mary Ellen. We didn't make cheerleader
01:05:18Mary Ellen was so great. Her dream was to be a nurse
01:05:22mine was
01:05:28She's rough
01:05:32When you and Kiki
01:05:34or in the kitchen
01:05:36got a guy remembered 300 degrees to a
01:05:4022 to 25 minutes per pound gotta remember
01:05:43Remember gotta remember the baby's gone
01:06:56Jane don't go in there. It's gonna hurt you
01:07:34It's a pretty dirty trick up for that I just you know, I needed to know if you're really
01:07:44Saved him you have to let him live
01:07:48You're controlling this the fuck you controlling this I
01:07:54Can do this
01:07:57This is who I am
01:08:00We are the Wildcats and we couldn't be prouder and if you don't believe it
01:08:07We are
01:08:12A little louder
01:08:53Okay, the course is personal it's goddamn personal to them
01:08:56It's all personal the way I was shaken up the way she had my number the way she and I saw through each other
01:09:04I'm a pro. This is who I am
01:09:07No, it is. No, but then who am I?
01:09:11I gotta know
01:09:37Gotta have a session. Mr. Decker. Mr. Decker. This is my home. I'm entertaining guests. I
01:09:48Don't know where else to go
01:09:56It's all these people pull away I
01:10:04Can't even remember their names I
01:10:10Have done so many horrible things
01:10:25Don't know it's all right
01:10:35Mr. Decker
01:10:37You have violated my home
01:10:39We do not have a professional relationship
01:10:42And if what you have told me tonight is in fact the truth I
01:10:48May very well have to call the authorities. I just came here to ask you
01:10:57How am I supposed to live I
01:11:06Don't know
01:11:08Oh, I don't know who you are
01:11:26Gotta go
01:12:08Don't know if you leave your name and phone number your call will be returned as soon as possible. Hello. You there Decker?
01:12:37It's your friend Jesus
01:12:39You know your current employer
01:12:41Koenig told you where 210 East Liberty
01:12:44Asked for me. I'll be in the back
01:12:46I'll show you my real church
01:12:49Don't you want your co-op down payment?
01:12:51Come and get it. You're an owner
01:12:56I'm not a happy individual backer. You know, I feel I'm going to be
01:13:06It's coming up on 953 two hours overdue you owe me an explanation
01:13:18You know, I got a good mind to burn a bill for every minute you keep me waiting has that what are you doing
01:13:24Sitting there screening and calls enjoying yourself. Well, I got this hook in my goddamn guts here. You know, I feel I'm going to be very upset
01:13:31Well, nobody tells me I expect closure on this to the letter of our agreement we're not finished
01:13:53Come on
01:14:07We're seeing with my husband Decker he knows
01:14:13His father put your life straight in the heart carried him out in a body bag
01:14:17Hey, ah, you're coming with me this way and there you are. You're gonna my ribs
01:14:24Couldn't help the kid again
01:14:27Here we are. We take your car and you'll drive
01:14:40Time weighed heavy
01:14:45You and me we've been tied a lot of years I played the gig I
01:14:55Got his proof right here. I don't need to see it. That's good though. It's worth 20,000 you
01:15:05That's my commission
01:15:22She's sick, he's poison he's the client
01:15:48Knew you'd come around it's gonna be just like old times
01:16:28He's risen
01:16:38Know chair to offer you but it's a room with her you
01:16:43It's a one-way glass she's performing in front of a mirror guys are watching her on five sides
01:16:58Here's your 20 all yours once you assure me you got my word
01:17:02You know, I'm convinced that James destined in and suicide in time
01:17:06You promised me proof
01:17:09It's funny
01:17:11You know, I had a whole different take on Jane
01:17:15You're you're calling her Jane all of a sudden
01:17:20J a I n rhymes with rain Jane Jane go away
01:17:29You spoke she cursed you up and down I told her it was me
01:17:35She puts on two together
01:17:38She's smart. Okay, I
01:17:41Never dreamed my name would come into this. I wonder how comfortable I am with that
01:17:44Intimate contact wasn't the deal with Jane. This is intimate here my hand. It was so anxious to get this
01:17:54I'm satisfied. I can see it. I work so hard to get it. I mean, that's one take over you. I don't want it
01:18:01I don't want it
01:18:04Did you want to know the details I
01:18:06Mean after you won't wait. I
01:18:09Will felt to pump one into a brain
01:18:11Jane's brain go away. Come again
01:18:17I'm tired of this. Just take your money
01:18:20Okay. No, this this is a new experience for me
01:18:24I'm trying to imagine how though to pump one into this
01:18:30the destruction the damage in this soft skull I
01:18:35Don't want to hear this. Okay
01:18:37When you first saw me under the painting of the Holy Virgin
01:18:43You said to yourself then I smell baby killer, you know
01:18:48Maybe I was right about you
01:18:51When you were so late, I used another content
01:18:54How long is this gonna take for Christ's sake? I don't stand a chance
01:18:59I'm not gonna let you do that. I'm not gonna let you do that
01:19:06Don't stand still I hired a third party to check out the situation
01:19:10Fuck you you did boys obviously unstable, you know ought to be there any moment
01:20:42Should take your money it down payment and go home
01:20:49Jessica's dead a zig zag
01:20:54Zane Albert Zane
01:20:59Zane huh
01:21:02Kind of a tall guy a little beady brown eyes big deal in stock exchange. Yeah, I
01:21:09Killed him. Oh
01:21:13Shit yeah Clyde
01:21:16You've been nice to the guy the next time you order Stoli say, please
01:21:23You see I told you you hear about me
01:21:30Is he really dead
01:21:36I'm getting our stuff together. We're getting out of here. Yeah
01:21:44I'm scared. I know
01:21:58Gotta help us get out of here. We need you
01:22:05To come to see that guy I told you about with the pizzeria
01:22:08It's family love that tastes like a kid. You know what? I mean a woman and a kid all the same time. I
01:22:17Had to get out of town, but I had one piece of unfinished business first
01:22:21You asshole
01:22:23Shanny never know about the garage. That was you keeping me in line, wasn't it?
01:22:26He just wanted his bronze vessel Joe child second third give or take you know what it was
01:22:32He wanted me to blast the baby
01:22:36Not that I like babies
01:22:38Well, I like this baby and Jane
01:22:42We changed each other
01:22:44Stranger things have happened not that there could be anything with Jane of me. I mean never hell. I'm not stupid anyway
01:22:51Live in town, so I will see you for a while make another
01:23:01Someone sometime someone like Jane no
01:23:07Crane Jane between my eyes mom. I got damn troubles the woman and baby live
01:23:14Maybe me too
01:23:17Maybe not the girl has a chance
01:23:20So we'll both be sure that nothing happens to her. Otherwise
01:23:24watch out, I
01:23:26like to say I was a pleasure talking to you, but
01:23:29This is I'm really talking to your machine. Then I guess I'm really talking to myself
01:23:41Can't believe it she said she'd even pick me in the baby up at the station
01:23:46Yeah, well I thought Mary Ellen was what was she cool
01:23:54It's really all gonna be okay, I know it Mary Ellen and she's my best friend still she's a nurse remember I told you
01:24:04One way ticket to Denver, please from me and the baby first-class sleep at the park apartment is 620
01:24:23Can't it's yours
01:24:38Where are you going? It's better. I don't tell you that
01:24:46Excuse me, excuse me gate e compartment 7 trains already boarding. Okay. Thank you
01:24:58Thank you
01:25:07Listen you stay inside the compartment here we can go to dining room
01:25:13Now you just tip the guy and a guy bring all the stuff to your room
01:25:15You'd be out of sight, but we never been on a train before really wanted to
01:25:23You know the police they uh, then I look at so hard for you, but they do want to ask you some questions
01:25:33Right, you should be able to go in the dining car the dining cars nice they got table linens and they got a nice silverware
01:25:41it's just
01:25:42You just gotta be careful. He's
01:25:45You don't talk to no strangers
01:25:51I'm sorry. I'm very sorry
01:25:57Well, we I
01:26:00Mean well, we see each other sometime. I know it's crazy, but you saved us
01:26:06I guess you can't come with us hide
01:26:12It's it'd be kind of obvious if anyone walked in a room they wouldn't have to ask which one's Decker
01:26:25I'll go
01:26:29You gotta go
01:26:32Yeah, yeah
01:26:46Hope I see you again sometime
01:27:06Me too