Blast Fighter (1984) Action Thriller

  • last month
After serving a jail sentence for the murder of his wife, a former police officer returns to his village to find peace. However, when his daughter gets murdered, he seeks revenge.
00:02:27Open the glove compartment.
00:03:10This will be standard equipment on the force.
00:03:13Easy handling, lightweight, basically a riot gun,
00:03:16but with an interchangeable rifle barrel
00:03:18that'll give you a six-inch bullseye at 300 yards.
00:03:21It can be fired either as a semi-automatic
00:03:23or using a hand-pump action.
00:03:25It shoots anything, from smoke bombs to flares,
00:03:28up to eight rounds for any specialized job you care to mention.
00:03:31Rubber pellets, lead slugs,
00:03:35armor piercing, even a spread of darts.
00:03:38It'll fire grenades, tear gas, explosives, you name it.
00:03:42And the scope has light-intensification capabilities in infrared.
00:03:48I checked it out, and it's a honey tiger.
00:03:56Here we go.
00:04:00Look, I know it's all you've been doing for the last eight years,
00:04:03but think about it.
00:04:06The consequences?
00:04:11Sorry, Tug.
00:04:14The committee has accused you of conflict of interest
00:04:16regarding the recording of the IMAX development.
00:04:18Do you have any statement on that?
00:04:20No comment.
00:04:25I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:27I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:29I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:31I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:33I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:35I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:37I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:39I'm sorry, sir.
00:04:42I'm sorry, sir.
00:05:06You hit him once more, and I swear I'll destroy you.
00:05:10You have no proof.
00:05:11You got no proof, asshole cop!
00:05:41If you never rode west of the Arizona border
00:05:48You can turn the other way, boy
00:05:52But you never get far
00:05:55You'll be living a lie
00:05:59If you want to see the wonders of the age
00:06:03You must follow
00:06:07You must follow the evening star
00:06:13Evening star
00:06:16Shine a little heaven on a stranger with no dream
00:06:21Where you are
00:06:24You can see the loneliness I mean
00:06:28And if I gotta fight
00:06:30I will never play somebody else's game
00:06:34If you follow the evening starlight
00:06:38You'll never meet somebody else in late
00:06:42If you follow the evening star
00:06:49Have you ever known a sunset
00:06:53When the sky's on fire
00:06:56How you end another day, boy
00:07:00You'd be searching too far
00:07:03Like the desert I rode on
00:07:06Any memory is lost in the restless wind
00:07:10I just lie beneath the beam
00:07:34And don't forget your bread, sir.
00:07:38Wallace's idea to chuglug this can.
00:07:41Well, I put it in my nose, and God damn, she has leaked in it!
00:07:44I grabbed that suckin' up.
00:07:50Have you ever held a woman
00:07:53Hi, Matt.
00:07:54Morning, Tom.
00:07:55How you doing?
00:07:56Put your money on a good night
00:08:01If you've never been there
00:08:04It's a sight for sore eyes
00:08:08If you wanna see the wonders of the age
00:08:12Making love beneath the evening star
00:08:18Evening star
00:08:21Shine a little heaven on a stranger
00:08:24With no dream where you are
00:08:29You can see the loneliness I mean
00:08:33And if I gotta fight
00:08:35I will never play somebody else's game
00:08:39I can follow the evening starlight
00:08:44You never need somebody else's name
00:08:47If you follow the evening starlight
00:08:51You never need somebody else's name
00:08:55If you follow the evening starlight
00:09:00You never need somebody else's name
00:09:03If you follow...
00:09:25...the evening starlight
00:09:55...the evening starlight
00:10:25...the evening starlight
00:10:56Help me, Tommy. Help me.
00:10:58Hang on, buddy. I'll get you an ambulance.
00:11:03Y'all get your ass off this hill.
00:11:05The buck is ours.
00:11:13Finish him off. He's sufferin'.
00:11:15We want him alive.
00:11:16Now fuck off.
00:11:26What the fuck did you do?
00:11:28Little man wants to play.
00:11:38That there's a gun and a half. Where'd you get it?
00:11:41You wanna sell it?
00:11:42The one you got's already too big for you.
00:11:47Who the hell is that?
00:11:48Some asshole.
00:11:50Come on. We got work to do.
00:11:56Come here.
00:12:04Put him on the hood.
00:12:07Now that is a suffocate.
00:12:13Got time for one more. Let's go.
00:12:16Come on.
00:12:24Come here. Don't be afraid.
00:12:27Come on.
00:12:31Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.
00:12:37Hey, suck his turk ass, old shit.
00:14:31You got a baby bottle?
00:14:36Aren't you old man sharp, son?
00:14:39Thought so.
00:14:43What do you want with a baby bottle?
00:14:45Just like to drink out of it.
00:14:46Sorry, I asked.
00:15:00Hey, get out of the road, sucker.
00:15:12Ooh, I gotta buy me a flying jacket so I can walk tall and be a real dude.
00:15:27It's 169.
00:15:30Thank you. Bye now.
00:15:33Hey, what do you think? Don't he walk just like a cop?
00:15:36Walks like a cop, my ass.
00:15:38That there's the X-Con shuffle.
00:15:47What's it gonna do?
00:15:50What did I tell you?
00:15:59You goddamn son of a bitch.
00:16:01Who the hell do you think you...
00:16:06You wanna know who I am?
00:16:08I'm a son of a bitch.
00:16:13Who wants to be left alone?
00:16:20Nine years with homicide.
00:16:22Six special commendations.
00:16:25You were the best cop in Atlanta.
00:16:27Why'd you wreck your life killing that turd?
00:16:30He wasn't a turd, he was a killer.
00:16:33But he had big protection, and you had no proof.
00:16:36Well, I did what was right.
00:16:42Even if it wasn't legal.
00:16:43What was that DA's name?
00:16:46He sent you away for eight years, but he went a long way up the ladder, didn't he?
00:16:50What's the damages come to?
00:16:53You closed chapter, right?
00:16:55You get it.
00:16:56I'll take care of that.
00:16:58My brother started it all.
00:17:03Hi, Tag.
00:17:06I'm sorry for what they did.
00:17:09Me too, Tom.
00:17:11But I always pay my debts.
00:17:15Yeah, you know.
00:17:17I nearly died when you left.
00:17:19Christ, I thought.
00:17:20He's going to the big city, I'm stuck here in this mud hole.
00:17:25And then you became somebody.
00:17:28And I...
00:17:32I cut down trees.
00:17:34Worked my ass off.
00:17:37And when my arms got to feeling like they were falling off.
00:17:40I kept slamming the old axe.
00:17:46I built me a sawmill.
00:17:48Made my place in this world.
00:17:52And I can tell you, I'm not letting anyone knock it down.
00:17:56Well, I just want to be left in peace.
00:17:59You only get peace.
00:18:01When you can impose it.
00:18:04And around here, I'm the one who imposes it.
00:18:08He's still alive, Chin Lee.
00:18:11And that's your style?
00:18:13That little goop there is worth half a million bucks.
00:18:18He comes from Hong Kong.
00:18:19And he'll pay $4,000 for a bear bladder.
00:18:22And up to $1,000 for a set of deer antlers.
00:18:24But he wants the animals alive.
00:18:26He gets a fortune from his yellow friends who use the stuff for medicine and aphrodisiacs.
00:18:31It's a good deal.
00:18:32Keeps the boys out of trouble.
00:18:34They're doing something they like.
00:18:36And it gives them all a chance to make a nice little pile.
00:18:41And you make ten times more than they do.
00:18:45You want to climb aboard?
00:18:49I've been a hunter all my life.
00:18:51But never a butcher.
00:18:54That's all I've got to say.
00:18:59Has your brother ever been in jail?
00:19:07Well, he will be soon.
00:19:10Anybody who kills animals like that hasn't got far to go before he kills a man.
00:19:21Got it.
00:19:51Let's go.
00:20:22I'll give you one minute to get out of this county.
00:20:24You hear?
00:21:01Hold it for me.
00:21:13Hold him.
00:21:14Hold him down.
00:21:16Dirty son of a bitch.
00:21:18I'll teach you to mess with me.
00:21:20I'll kill you.
00:21:21I swear to God, I'm going to kill you.
00:21:23That's enough, Wally.
00:21:27This asshole's spoiling everything.
00:21:29Shut up.
00:21:30Every time I ask, this shithead cop killed a man.
00:21:32Yet he comes here to protect me.
00:21:33Get out of here, Wally.
00:21:34Hey, not me.
00:21:35He's the one that's going to get out of here.
00:21:37I said finish.
00:21:46What's got into you, Tyke?
00:21:50Hell, we used to shoot them, too.
00:21:51Don't you remember?
00:21:52But not like that.
00:21:55We used to eat what we killed, remember?
00:21:58Those times are gone.
00:22:01It's become big business.
00:22:03This is slaughter.
00:22:07By this time next year, there's not going to be a damn thing left in these woods.
00:22:17You want a war?
00:22:22You just tell your brother to leave the animals alone, and I'll leave him alone.
00:22:27If something happens between you and my brother,
00:22:31you know whose side I'm going to have to be on, don't you?
00:22:37Those are the odds, Tom.
00:22:40One day you got a friend, the next day it might be your enemy.
00:22:43Hey, kid.
00:22:45About time we go eat.
00:22:46I'm going to get me a van, you know?
00:22:48What for? You ain't going nowhere.
00:22:49I know, you can pull all kinds of things.
00:22:50Heads up.
00:22:52Excuse me.
00:22:54Do you know where Tiger Sharp's cabin is?
00:22:55Well, that old Harry Sharp.
00:22:56Hey, lollipop.
00:23:00Why are you calling that child lollipop?
00:23:02If you could only lick her, you'd find out.
00:23:06I sure know what I'd use that van for now.
00:23:08Don't you?
00:23:10I sure know what I'd use that van for now.
00:23:12Don't mean to let you down.
00:23:40To see the wonders of the age
00:23:43You must follow
00:23:46The evening star
00:23:49Evening star
00:23:53Shine a little heaven on a stranger
00:23:55With no dream
00:23:57Where you are
00:24:01You can see the loneliness I mean
00:24:04And if I gotta fight
00:24:06I will never play
00:24:08Somebody else's game
00:24:10I can follow
00:24:12The evening star
00:24:14Like you never need
00:24:16Somebody else's name
00:24:18If you follow
00:24:20The evening star
00:24:29Have you ever known a sunset
00:24:33When the sky's on fire?
00:24:36How you end another day, boy
00:24:39You'd be searching too far
00:24:43Like desert I've rode on
00:24:46And your memory is lost
00:24:48In the restless winds
00:24:50I just lie beneath
00:24:53The evening star
00:24:56Evening star
00:25:00Shine a little heaven on a stranger
00:25:02With no dream
00:25:04Where you are
00:25:09What are you doing here?
00:25:11Are you Tiger Sharp?
00:25:13Who sent you?
00:25:21Your time spent in jail has preserved you real well.
00:25:32What the hell you think you're doing?
00:25:34Starting to clean the place up.
00:25:38What are you, Girl Scout or something?
00:25:43This your 4-H project?
00:25:46Well, listen.
00:25:48You just pack up and get out.
00:25:52I'm in no hurry.
00:25:56And I'll kick your ass out of here.
00:25:58If you even touch me, I'll split your head open.
00:26:00Now quit acting like a frigate horse's ass.
00:26:25What the hell?
00:26:51If I'm a frigate horse's ass, what does that make you?
00:26:53That's my business.
00:26:54Yeah, may I ask what you want here?
00:26:56I don't know you. I want to get to know you.
00:27:00Why is that?
00:27:03Why don't you try and ask yourself?
00:27:07I already did.
00:27:09But I can't figure it out.
00:27:12Then we have at least that in common.
00:27:14Only, um, ease up the questions, huh?
00:27:17You're not a city cop any longer.
00:27:20Um, and I don't mind if you sleep in here.
00:27:48Good golly, Miss Molly.
00:27:55Hi there. You all washed up?
00:27:59Good. Then you're ready to go.
00:28:01Let go of me.
00:28:03You male chauvinist.
00:28:05I may be a male chauvinist, but you're acting like a girl with a pair of balls.
00:28:10You son of a bitch.
00:28:20You're really in a hurry to get rid of me.
00:28:24Just hold on.
00:28:28Uh, don't you think you're overdoing it just a little?
00:28:34Don't get nervous now.
00:28:37All I have to do is slow down.
00:28:41I can't.
00:28:43I cut the brakes.
00:28:45Gearbox is gone.
00:28:59Hey, tell me one thing.
00:29:00Are you really...
00:29:01Not now.
00:29:07There might not be another chance.
00:29:10Just get ready.
00:29:11Do exactly as I tell you to.
00:29:13When I say jump, jump.
00:29:15Think you can do that?
00:29:16I'll do it.
00:29:20Hang on.
00:29:24Get ready to open the door.
00:29:52Come on.
00:29:54Matt, look.
00:29:55What the hell is that?
00:29:57Hey, Wally.
00:30:00It worked like a charm, man.
00:30:02Worked like a charm.
00:30:06You don't think something happened to him up there, do you?
00:30:10You guys are out of your minds.
00:30:21Pull up. Pull up.
00:30:25Look at that.
00:30:27Come on.
00:30:28Come on.
00:30:35Holy Jesus.
00:30:36Is that hot.
00:30:38Hey, where the hell is he?
00:30:41Can you see inside the car?
00:30:50Wally, no.
00:30:52You goddamn son of a bitch.
00:30:54You get your hands off my bigger.
00:30:55Oh, my God.
00:30:59Goddamn son of a bitch.
00:31:01Come on.
00:31:19Listen, I want to...
00:31:20Wait a minute, for Christ's sake.
00:31:23Hold it.
00:31:24I have to tell you something.
00:31:28Tell me when you leave.
00:31:30Oh, hell.
00:31:31You don't understand a frigging thing, do you?
00:31:34Oh, yeah?
00:31:35I understand you're a real ball breaker.
00:31:37That's right.
00:31:38I got it from you.
00:31:50God, what instincts I've got.
00:31:54It's not your fault.
00:31:55The last time you saw me, I was only eight.
00:32:00Why did you come?
00:32:01To know the man who should be my father.
00:32:03I've been waiting for this moment for eight years.
00:32:06When you got out of prison, you didn't even come to see me.
00:32:09Did you forget you had a daughter?
00:32:11I have to offer you.
00:32:13Nine years with homicide, eight years in jail.
00:32:16Spent most of my life with criminals.
00:32:19How the hell can I help you?
00:32:21Maybe all you had to do was be with me.
00:32:23I was a lousy husband and I'd make a lousy father.
00:32:29I'm full of anger and violence.
00:32:31And your shipwrecked, it's better to go down alone.
00:32:34You think you're suffering because you made others suffer?
00:32:38Who are you talking about?
00:32:40You or your mother?
00:32:42Both of us.
00:32:43Where were you when we needed you?
00:32:47She understood.
00:32:48She understood all I ever wanted to be was a cop.
00:32:51That's all I was.
00:32:53Did you ever think about her life?
00:33:18Tiger needs a lesson.
00:33:31He came to kill me.
00:33:34But he killed her like a frigging butcher.
00:33:42You bastard.
00:33:45You hit her once more and I swear I'll destroy you.
00:33:48You have no proof that he killed your wife or one of your men.
00:33:52I saw him do it.
00:33:54Your word against mine?
00:33:56He was here with me all night.
00:34:00You've got no proof, asshole cop.
00:34:15Come on.
00:34:27Dirty son of a...
00:34:46Great place for a kid to grow up in, though.
00:34:49Yeah, the woods can teach you a lot.
00:34:51Like playing Indian?
00:34:55Oh, man, I gave you up for lost.
00:35:00This is Pete. He's a senior up at George Washington.
00:35:03He's working a semester as a forest ranger
00:35:05and decided to come along with me.
00:35:11I just can't believe it.
00:35:13I just came along for the ride.
00:35:16Was it your idea to bring her here?
00:35:20Well, now that she's met me,
00:35:22you can take her back where she came from.
00:35:25He was just starting to warm up.
00:35:28I don't know.
00:35:39Hey, Tig.
00:35:40Hey, Tig.
00:35:42What did you ever do with that popcorn that I brought you?
00:35:46Right under your feet.
00:35:52You never used it?
00:35:57That's too bad.
00:35:59I was hoping you'd tell me if there's anything wrong with it.
00:36:05It shoots.
00:36:24We'll leave in the morning.
00:36:30I don't know.
00:36:32I guess I expected a little warmer reception from my father.
00:36:35Well, I told you I'd make a lousy father.
00:36:40So what are you planning on doing?
00:36:42Spending the rest of your life out here?
00:36:47Well, you know, at least the trees don't talk back to you.
00:36:51Don't make you feel like a horse's ass.
00:36:55What if I ask you to come with us?
00:37:00I don't know.
00:37:01Come with us.
00:37:05Well, I'd just say you were being over-sentimental.
00:37:08Jesus! Won't you try and understand?
00:37:11That you can live a normal life, like everybody else.
00:37:15Why do you have to act like some sort of god?
00:37:17Stop being a loner.
00:37:21Kid, I'm just a little beyond changing.
00:37:29Don't you ever think about me?
00:37:31I've spent most of my life with grandparents.
00:37:35But now I need you.
00:37:38I only appear to be a strong woman.
00:37:42I never had anyone to confide in.
00:37:46Someone that I could reach out to.
00:37:49Well, now I'm reaching out to you.
00:38:03Connie! Mr. Sharp!
00:38:05Get the gear!
00:38:06Pete! The camper!
00:38:08Get this stuff out of here!
00:38:12Pete! All this stuff is in there!
00:38:14I've got it!
00:38:18No! I've got to get the camper!
00:38:24Get the stuff out of the camper!
00:38:26I'm going! I'm going!
00:38:29I've got to help him!
00:38:32No! No! No!
00:38:34Stay back!
00:38:36Stay back!
00:38:38I've got to help him!
00:38:40Get away from there, Pete! There's a drum against the engine!
00:38:43Let them do it!
00:38:45Get away from there!
00:38:47Come on!
00:38:48My insulin!
00:39:02It could easily have been a disaster.
00:39:05They could have burned the whole darn woods.
00:39:09As soon as I get this radio working,
00:39:11I'll call the ranger's station in Blairsville.
00:39:16I'll get this area protected real quick, that's for sure.
00:39:26What's going on?
00:39:28I don't know.
00:39:32Tiger, wait!
00:39:34Where are you going?
00:39:35Get some wheels.
00:39:38We're getting out of here.
00:39:39We're getting out of here.
00:39:58If you've got $20, I'll show you some sights.
00:40:01I think we'd better find Wally.
00:40:03I'll try over at the store there.
00:40:05Why don't you call down to Atlanta and check?
00:40:10Hey there, Tiger!
00:40:12Hi, Sheriff. How you doing?
00:40:14Now, don't tell me you're still having trouble with those kids.
00:40:17I'm leaving them to you.
00:40:19Look, I'm going home.
00:40:20Can you help me get a car?
00:40:21Why, sure!
00:40:26I'm kind of glad to see you're going.
00:40:28You know what?
00:40:29I bet they ask you back on the 4th.
00:40:31Well, I doubt it.
00:40:32So, apart from that,
00:40:34what are your plans?
00:40:36Well, just anything,
00:40:38as long as I don't have to carry a gun.
00:40:40I have a 10-14 for the Blairsville Ranger Station.
00:40:43Does anybody copy?
00:40:45I wonder if all that bouncing around
00:40:47about the fuse was...
00:40:49Breaker 1-1, this is Nifty Pete
00:40:51with a 10-14 for the Blairsville Ranger Station.
00:41:03Anyways, I saw this demonstration down Franklin
00:41:06and that damn thing went through a 36-inch
00:41:08and nested him and he was fine.
00:41:10That's fine?
00:41:12I think it lists for 309 or something like that.
00:41:15Excuse me a second.
00:41:17I'll go get that lever fix.
00:41:28Hi, Tom.
00:41:29Hi, Tom.
00:41:32Remember those two old bucks up above the falls
00:41:34that were butting with each other
00:41:36until they locked horns?
00:41:38And they couldn't get loose
00:41:40and they died that way,
00:41:42hooked together.
00:41:45Well, for a while there,
00:41:47I thought we'd end up that way,
00:41:49but we won't.
00:41:51I'm leaving.
00:41:55And do you remember our showdown?
00:41:56To prove who was better?
00:41:59You wouldn't kill me.
00:42:01You'd just put a limp in me
00:42:03for the rest of my life.
00:42:06You have no idea how many times
00:42:08I thought about stomping on your legs.
00:42:12You limped your way right up the ladder.
00:42:14You did just fine.
00:42:17But forget it, Tom.
00:42:19I keep trying.
00:42:21I don't know.
00:42:23It seems to be working,
00:42:24but I can't raise any answer.
00:42:26Maybe they're all out on patrollers.
00:42:28This is Blairsville Ranger Post.
00:42:30What's your problem?
00:42:32You ain't trying to radio
00:42:34the Rangers by any chance.
00:42:39You wouldn't want us to end up
00:42:41selling peanuts in a park now.
00:42:47you assholes looking for trouble?
00:42:51The kid just stepped on my foot.
00:42:53Okay, now your laughs.
00:42:55Now disappear.
00:42:57You know, he sounds just like a cop.
00:43:00Say, Cap, how do you own a few pants?
00:43:02Well, it's a spandex.
00:43:05He's so tough he don't even need a gun.
00:43:07Soon as some nasty little crook sees him,
00:43:09he dies of heart failure.
00:43:18Get him.
00:43:23What hand do you shoot with?
00:43:28Well, from now on, you can jerk off
00:43:30and shoot with your left hand.
00:43:32On your feet.
00:43:41Well, he didn't last long, no.
00:43:45Where the hell's that son of a bitch
00:43:47and father of yours, huh?
00:43:49Where is he?
00:43:50Why, you want to ask him for a hand?
00:43:52I just thought I'd get a kick
00:43:54out of seeing me lick your tamby.
00:43:58Come on, you filthy pigs.
00:44:00Come on.
00:44:02Grab me, you scoundrels.
00:44:04Come on.
00:44:06It's time to reproduce.
00:44:14Calm down.
00:44:16You're gonna love this.
00:44:18All right.
00:44:21Happy now?
00:44:25You little bitch.
00:44:27I mean, she's as good as this.
00:44:29She's got no brother.
00:44:31You're gonna get it.
00:44:41Yeah, you do.
00:45:19You turkey, you killed a cop.
00:45:21Now we're really in Fort Hanson.
00:45:23I haven't killed anyone.
00:45:25You hear? Anyone.
00:45:27There were no witnesses.
00:45:29You guys are crazy.
00:45:31No witnesses.
00:45:34You never saw anything.
00:45:36You all got that?
00:45:38I'm not gonna end up
00:45:40in those goddamn hot seats.
00:46:05Matt, you come with me.
00:46:07You guys come.
00:46:09All right, let's go.
00:46:34Shh, be quiet.
00:47:04All right.
00:47:06Come on, Kay.
00:47:08Stay calm.
00:47:10Come on.
00:47:12Tell me what happened.
00:47:14They killed us.
00:47:16Just like that.
00:47:19I can see it.
00:47:30There you go.
00:47:32Come on, we have to get out of here.
00:47:34Come on.
00:47:48There she is.
00:47:50Hey, look at that, the frigging cop is with her.
00:47:52How sweet, father and daughter.
00:48:01I can't leave Pete, I can't.
00:48:02We're close to the car now.
00:48:13Still there.
00:48:33Come on.
00:48:41Wait here.
00:48:43As soon as I get the car turned around, you get in.
00:48:45Got that?
00:48:48Hey, hey, wait.
00:48:50You wanna leave her an orphan?
00:49:03Come on.
00:49:33Where the hell did they go?
00:49:35Don't worry, we'll find them.
00:49:37That son of a bitch.
00:50:03It's useless.
00:50:05Keep moving.
00:50:07I can't.
00:50:09Let's wait here.
00:50:11That's just what they're expecting we're gonna do.
00:50:20Come on.
00:50:23Get on your feet.
00:50:25I can't.
00:50:27You can too.
00:50:29Come on, what do you wanna do, give up?
00:50:30That means that Pete and Cochran would have died for nothing.
00:50:33Come on, let's go.
00:50:35No, I just can't.
00:50:38Hey, now.
00:50:40Where's the girl that said she was so strong?
00:50:43Where's your balls, Connie?
00:50:46What did you say?
00:50:48I said we gotta get going.
00:50:51You call me Connie.
00:50:53What do you want me to call you?
00:50:57This is the first time you've said my name.
00:51:00Okay, give me a hand out.
00:51:04You nut.
00:51:06Did I ever spank you?
00:51:08Better not try.
00:51:22They're not here.
00:51:24They're headed for the falls, they're trapped.
00:51:26Let's go.
00:51:31Here, hold on to that.
00:51:36This is the end of the trail, if you ask me.
00:51:39The trail ends in town, where I turn them in.
00:51:42Okay, get ready.
00:51:46Come on, let's go.
00:51:48Come on, let's go.
00:51:50Come on, let's go.
00:51:52Come on, let's go.
00:51:54Come on, let's go.
00:51:56Come on, let's go.
00:51:58Come on, let's go.
00:52:00Come on, let's go.
00:52:15Here we go.
00:52:24Are you all right?
00:52:26I can't.
00:52:28Yes, you can.
00:52:31Come on.
00:52:47See, you did it.
00:52:52I've had better bubble baths than that.
00:52:54Well, it's all over now.
00:53:01God damn, we must have got over.
00:53:03If they make town, we're in shit.
00:53:05Ernie, tell Rick and the others to prevent them from getting into town.
00:53:08Got it, what about the sheriff?
00:53:10Hey, and tell old Kitterson we're just out tracking some wild boars.
00:53:13This is just protecting our jobs.
00:53:15As soon as we get them, the chick will come back.
00:53:23I can't wait to get to town.
00:53:30It's okay.
00:53:48Nice try, Dad.
00:53:50Cut it out.
00:53:52Now we'll go up over that hill.
00:53:54Then what?
00:53:56Then there's another hill and then a road.
00:54:00Hey, don't run me down.
00:54:07I won't.
00:54:08There they are.
00:54:10Where'd you learn how to drive?
00:54:12Hey, Wally.
00:54:13I got my whole dirty tail.
00:54:14You get in the back here.
00:54:15You get in the silver seat.
00:54:16There you go, kid.
00:54:17That's a lot of hunting.
00:54:18That's right.
00:54:19You did it.
00:54:20You did it.
00:54:21You did it.
00:54:22You did it.
00:54:23You did it.
00:54:24You did it.
00:54:25You did it.
00:54:26You did it.
00:54:27You did it.
00:54:28You did it.
00:54:29You did it.
00:54:30You did it.
00:54:31You did it.
00:54:32You did it.
00:54:33You did it.
00:54:34You did it.
00:54:35All right.
00:54:36Thousand bucks.
00:54:37Who gets the pen?
00:54:38This guy's a public nuisance.
00:54:40Don't just kill him, huh?
00:54:41Because I want us to have some fun first.
00:54:42Shit, you're crazy.
00:54:43Hey, what do you want to do with the girl?
00:54:44Stick her up against the tree and we all play off her.
00:54:45You're so crude.
00:54:46OK, let's get the show on the road, everybody.
00:54:47The quicker we nail him, the sooner we save our town a lot of stink.
00:54:52Hey, Wally, what's your brother going to say?
00:54:54When I bring time to the cop's head, he'll hang it in his trophy room.
00:55:06Looks like a vampire's roost.
00:55:09I used to come frog hunting here when I was a kid.
00:55:25You're looking for a weapon, right?
00:55:37There's weapons and there's weapons.
00:55:47Hey, drag this down the river.
00:55:49What about you?
00:55:50I'm not going to drag you down the river.
00:55:52Drag this down the river.
00:55:53What about you?
00:55:54I'm going to try to find some way to buy some time.
00:55:56If you're going to stay here, so am I.
00:55:58Look, there's two kinds of women I can't stand.
00:56:01Those that find themselves irresistible and those that try to be a heroine.
00:56:04Now get going.
00:56:05Hey, cop, don't make an orphan out of me now.
00:56:08Don't worry.
00:56:10You'll be taking care of me till kingdom come.
00:56:14I don't think that day is far off.
00:56:19There's the girl.
00:56:20Down there.
00:56:22Down there.
00:56:31She's too far away.
00:56:41Hey, look it. He sprung a lake.
00:56:44What the hell are you laughing for?
00:56:46It's not funny. I'm going to burn you.
00:56:52My tampons.
00:56:55Shoot that son of a bitch.
00:57:08Get out of here.
00:57:10Okay? In.
00:57:13What the hell happened?
00:57:15Got three of them.
00:57:17No. 20 days with no complications.
00:57:22You saw what happened to Bucket.
00:57:23Now you know what kind of bastard we're up against.
00:57:25Hey, fool me. Ask what he is.
00:57:27Don't worry. We'll get him for you.
00:57:31There they go.
00:57:36Careful now. We're going to hit the rapids any minute.
00:57:38No jesting, Chester. It would be nice to say goodbye.
00:57:46Do what I tell you now.
00:57:47Right, boss.
00:57:52Keep her straight.
00:58:02We're going to tip over.
00:58:08Bring her around to the right.
00:58:10I can't.
00:58:11Chester can.
00:58:22I feel sick. I can't.
00:58:31Dad, help.
00:58:35Connie. Connie.
00:58:43Let the current take you. Don't fight it.
00:58:46Hang on till I get to you.
00:58:52There's the girl.
00:58:57Connie, stay behind the rock.
00:59:08I think I got her. I think I got her.
00:59:17There's the girl. Get him. Get him.
00:59:21Get him.
00:59:29Hold your fire.
00:59:43Don't worry. It's all right. You're going to be okay.
00:59:46Stretch your leg out.
00:59:47I clipped her.
00:59:48You owe me a thousand bucks, Roy.
00:59:51You still got to catch her.
00:59:53How you doing? You hanging in there?
00:59:56I'm sorry, Pop.
01:00:02Listen, I want you to try to hold real still, okay?
01:00:12That a girl.
01:00:17Almost there.
01:00:20Almost there.
01:00:32They'll be here soon.
01:00:34No, not for a while.
01:00:35Go on. You can save yourself.
01:00:37Shut up.
01:00:39You can make it without me.
01:00:41I said shut up.
01:00:46Hold still.
01:00:51Stay still.
01:00:56Now, I'm going to try to fish out the bullet.
01:00:59It's going to hurt.
01:01:00Now, you can bite, hit me, or scream.
01:01:03But please don't move your leg.
01:01:08I thought you said a hundred yards.
01:01:10Well, maybe two.
01:01:12I can't see.
01:01:14I can't see.
01:01:16I can't see.
01:01:18I can't see.
01:01:21You ready?
01:01:23Here we go.
01:01:51There's a group coming up. Watch your step.
01:01:55This is it, Wally.
01:01:57All right. Whoever falls in first, drinks.
01:01:59Come on.
01:02:17I've got to pull the bone apart.
01:02:20Before I put the splint on.
01:02:22You think you can handle it?
01:02:27I've got your blood in me.
01:02:41That ain't no deer.
01:02:42Must be hurting bad.
01:02:44We can't be too far off.
01:02:45We can talk a bit and start praying.
01:02:47You're a bad actor, huh?
01:02:48There are a hundred ways to feel pain,
01:02:49and only one way to feel pleasure.
01:02:51Doesn't seem fair, does it?
01:02:53I guess now I have to get up, right?
01:02:56No, I can carry you.
01:02:58You ready?
01:03:01We're going up over Clarence Ridge.
01:03:03That's what they said.
01:03:05Then we got him boxed in, Wally.
01:03:19The line's getting too rough.
01:03:21Let's get up through here.
01:03:32Shh, quiet.
01:03:39I guess they didn't find you.
01:03:40Where the hell did they go?
01:03:42Come on, come on, let's hustle.
01:03:49I'm going to draw them away from here,
01:03:50and I want you to get out in the creek,
01:03:52submerge, and let the current take you, okay?
01:03:56I'll never be able to do it.
01:03:59It's our only chance.
01:04:01Just a second.
01:04:02Just hold me a second.
01:04:05You are no horse's ass.
01:04:07Not at all.
01:04:13You're fine in the plane.
01:04:14It's nothing.
01:04:15They must have crossed back over.
01:04:16That's what I figured.
01:04:17But they've got to be close.
01:04:18We heard the girl scream.
01:04:20Okay, let's cross.
01:04:21Keep spread out.
01:04:23And shoot anything that moves.
01:04:47Get away!
01:04:48Get away!
01:04:50Wally, don't be a fool.
01:04:52And that goes for all of you.
01:04:53Stay where you are.
01:04:55I'm not going to end up in jail.
01:04:57You all stay right there.
01:05:03Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:06Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:08Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:10Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:12Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:14Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:17Tiger, I'm coming to talk.
01:05:21Tiger, listen.
01:05:22Let's call it an accident.
01:05:24Forget it.
01:05:27What do you want?
01:05:29To get yourselves killed?
01:05:31Your daughter is wounded.
01:05:33She'll never be able to make it away.
01:05:36Give me your word.
01:05:38Forget all this happened.
01:05:41And you and your daughter are home free.
01:05:46I don't trust him! He'll turn me in!
01:05:55Well, what do you say, Tyke? Your daughter's life, or my brother's freedom?
01:06:03You're thinking about giving up, aren't you? If you were alone, you never would.
01:06:10What about your old buddy and poor Pete? Leave me here, and play out this last hand.
01:06:18I'm not going to gamble the only thing I have left. I'm not leaving you, Connie.
01:06:28Okay, Tom, you have my word. I'm coming out!
01:06:33Thank you, Tyke!
01:06:37It's all set! Let him go!
01:06:46God damn you, little brother! We made us a deal!
01:07:08I don't believe it! He'll screw us!
01:07:11Why? There'll never be any answer to violence.
01:07:19I think I understand your violence. When you ran out of justice, you almost made it, didn't we?
01:07:29We haven't lost yet. We're still in the game.
01:07:41No, Connie, no.
01:07:50Connie, baby.
01:07:55See? You just couldn't be a bad father.
01:07:59Oh, baby. My God, please. Baby, no. Come on, stay with me.
01:08:16I love you, baby. I love you.
01:08:33You know what this means?
01:08:37There's only one way you're going to stop Tiger from ripping you apart.
01:08:40You're going to have to kill him. And that goes for all of you.
01:09:07Hey, don't just try to hit him. Shoot to kill.
01:09:30Get him! Go on! Get us out of here!
01:09:49Fly over that son of a bitch!
01:09:52I quit while I was ahead of you.
01:09:54I ain't quitting until he's dead!
01:09:56Why don't you come on!
01:10:00He shot you where his daughter was first hit.
01:10:02Well, he's going to get him where his daughter was last hit.
01:10:15Tell her so I can see.
01:10:20Tell her so I can see.
01:10:25Tell her so I can see.
01:10:31There's that son of a bitch.
01:10:46Get closer.
01:10:54What the fuck are you doing? I can't get a shot from this angle.
01:10:57Calm down.
01:11:00I got him. Jesus, did you see that?
01:11:10Turn back. Turn back.
01:11:12He's making Swiss cheese out of you.
01:11:14Well, it's a better deal than going to jail.
01:11:16Come on. Call for reinforcements. The men from the sawmill.
01:11:18Calm down.
01:11:19We gotta kill him.
01:11:21You realize how many guys he's already picked off, jerk?
01:11:24We are not leaving until he's dead. Come on.
01:11:30Quaker 3 to Frog 7. Quaker 3 to Frog 7.
01:12:16You stay here. I'll go after him.
01:12:18Yeah, I was with the chump.
01:12:20You made all the decisions, boss, and you're spoiling me.
01:12:23Now, keep out of this.
01:12:25I gotta be my own man, Tom.
01:12:27Let me be that man. Give me this chance.
01:12:29You said we were all in the same boat.
01:12:31Every one of you could end up with a ticket to the chair.
01:12:34Come on. Let's go.
01:12:36Come on.
01:12:57What the...
01:13:07There he is.
01:13:09I got him.
01:13:32Get the hell out of here.
01:13:34This ain't fully organized.
01:13:38Hey, wait up, you guys.
01:13:40Come on.
01:14:04Come on.
01:14:34Come on.
01:15:05There he is.
01:15:06Holy cow.
01:15:07He's driving down a cliff, Wally.
01:15:09The rope. The rope. Cut the rope.
01:15:17Stop shooting and cut the goddamn rope.
01:15:34Now, let's go down and pick up the pieces.
01:15:36I don't think there's any left.
01:15:37Come on. Get in. Get in.
01:15:39I'll pick up the pieces if I can see one.
01:15:44Let's drive this way.
01:15:47Come on.
01:15:49Old Wally better lay out a lot of costly crellas.
01:15:52That's how the music is.
01:16:05Bucky, you cross over and work your way along the other bank.
01:16:09Follow the machine bank.
01:16:10You hear me?
01:16:12Bucky, you cross over and work your way along the other bank.
01:16:15Follow the machine bank.
01:16:16You hear me?
01:16:34Bucky, we're back.
01:16:35I knew there was one of the pieces.
01:16:37Come on.
01:16:42Come on.
01:17:20Got you.
01:17:28Hey, Chuck, it looks like he's trying to get to his house.
01:17:31Anyone there?
01:17:32Nothing, but we're on our way.
01:17:42Come on.
01:18:12Come on.
01:18:42Come on.
01:19:12Come on.
01:19:37Over there.
01:19:42Over there.
01:19:58Jesus, hit the dirt.
01:20:00Hit the dirt.
01:20:03What the hell happened?
01:20:06What are you doing?
01:20:08What the hell's your minds?
01:20:10You too, asshole.
01:20:28Get off the trail.
01:20:30I sure hope you got cat's eyes.
01:20:35Get off the trail.
01:21:06Come on.
01:21:18He took his arm off.
01:21:20Jesus, take cover.
01:21:22No, keep going.
01:21:24Get us the fuck out of here.
01:21:29Stay down.
01:21:31Stay down.
01:21:38No, no.
01:21:39Take it easy.
01:21:40Calm down, Wally.
01:21:48Let me out.
01:21:53Switch your lights on.
01:21:55Switch your lights on.
01:22:05Switch your lights on.
01:22:35Come on.
01:23:02Stay down.
01:23:03Let's get out of here together.
01:23:06This is crazy.
01:23:08You're telling me.
01:23:34Let's go.
01:23:36Come on.
01:23:38Hey, where are you going?
01:23:40Fuck this, man.
01:23:44Come back here.
01:23:45Where are you going?
01:23:51Come back here.
01:24:03Come back here.
01:24:33Come back here.
01:25:22That was a bad move, Tiger.
01:25:34Come on.
01:25:36Come on.
01:26:01Just like those two old stags.
01:26:03Right, Tiger?
01:26:05Yeah, I guess we both always knew that...
01:26:08one day I'd get down to this.
01:26:13One shot each, right?
01:26:35Come on.
01:27:05Come on.
01:27:35Come on.
01:27:46That was a bad move for us all, Tom.
01:27:49And we're all gonna have to pay for it.
01:28:05Come on.
01:28:06Come on.
01:28:07Come on.
01:28:35Evening star
01:28:37Evening star
01:28:40Shine a little heaven on a stranger
01:28:43With no dream
01:28:45Where you are
01:28:48You can see the loneliness I mean
01:28:52And if I gotta fight
01:28:54I will never play somebody else's game
01:28:58I can follow the evening starlight
01:29:02You never need somebody else in late
01:29:06If you follow the evening star
01:29:17Have you ever known a sunset
01:29:20When the sky's on fire
01:29:24How you end another day, boy