The Ice Pirates (1984) Sci-Fi Comedy

  • last month
In a dystopian future, a group of pirates get sold to a princess after they are convicted for stealing ice. They must now help her find her father.
00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:00:30Long after the great interplanetary wars, the galaxy has gone dry. Water has become the
00:00:38only thing left of value. Evil Templars from the planet Mithra have gained control of this
00:00:44life-giving resource. Their power is now absolute, except for a few rebel pirates who've survived
00:00:50by stealing ice from the great Templar fleets.
00:01:20Range is 120, closing 785 per second.
00:01:50Looks like a Y class freighter on the starboard fringe. Code? CP 183. Signed up perfectly.
00:02:20Laser shield on. Let's get it over with.
00:03:20That's good. Seal it up.
00:04:20I got it. Will you let me get it?
00:04:50Take care. Take care. Take care.
00:05:05You take care of him.
00:05:06Take care of him.
00:05:30What's going on?
00:05:32We've got a bad program.
00:05:33We always have bad programs.
00:05:35Yeah, 15 gallons says our robots can beat anything they've got on this ship.
00:05:38Oh, he's coming back.
00:06:04What's going on here?
00:06:06Who are you people?
00:06:08Maintenance, ma'am.
00:06:09You don't belong on this ship.
00:06:26Whose quarters are these?
00:06:28Princess Karina of Argon, you pirate rogue.
00:06:42Everything all right, madam?
00:06:47Come on.
00:06:49Yes, thank you. Everything's fine.
00:06:52Before I saw a mouse...
00:06:55Would you like me to check on it for you, madam?
00:06:57No, thank you. That won't be necessary.
00:07:00Just the raving imagination of an old woman.
00:07:05Oh, by the by.
00:07:54Let's go.
00:07:55She's a real princess.
00:07:57Good. Let's go.
00:07:58Well, maybe we should take her with us.
00:08:01For the ransom.
00:08:02Jason, you promised you wouldn't do this.
00:08:04It's all cleared.
00:08:06Hmm, I'll say.
00:08:08She's beautiful.
00:08:09What a waste.
00:08:13Farewell, my beauty.
00:08:23What happened to we rape, we pillage?
00:08:26Tell your highness she just slept through the finest moment of her life.
00:08:54Spring water. I can smell it from here.
00:08:57Just take a look at that.
00:08:59I'm retiring.
00:09:00Retiring? Let's just get the ice first.
00:09:07He's all yours, Bader.
00:09:08Let him go. Just get down there.
00:09:12Let's go.
00:09:19Let's go.
00:09:28Pirates, sound the alarm!
00:09:31Sark to interrupt.
00:09:34Ah, thanks very much.
00:09:38I just stole those jukes.
00:09:44Yeah, yeah!
00:09:49Guess we got you pegged.
00:09:53Everything okay?
00:09:54Yeah, come on.
00:10:03Jason, it's in here!
00:10:12Get him out of here!
00:10:13My hand!
00:10:14Don't forget my hand!
00:10:15Use the robot!
00:10:17Use him!
00:10:19Come on, get in there!
00:10:20Attack him!
00:10:21Get in there!
00:10:23Come on!
00:10:24You next!
00:10:25Get in!
00:10:26Hit him!
00:10:27Hit him!
00:10:28Hey, I'm on your side, you piece of junk!
00:10:33How much do we pay for these things?
00:10:35That's up to you.
00:10:37More pumpin' the robot put together!
00:10:39Attack him!
00:10:40I want my money back!
00:10:41Hey, watch your neck!
00:10:47Not me, you idiot!
00:10:49You're safe!
00:10:50Get in there!
00:10:51Come on, cowboy, go!
00:10:52Get in there!
00:10:53Come on, get in there!
00:10:54Get him!
00:10:55Chop him!
00:10:56Oh, my throat!
00:10:57Chop him!
00:10:58Get in there!
00:11:06Get him off!
00:11:07Work it!
00:11:08Work it!
00:11:09Get in there!
00:11:10Double down!
00:11:11Roll him in!
00:11:12Roll him!
00:11:13Oh, I love this guy!
00:11:14I love this guy!
00:11:15Get in there!
00:11:16Come on, do what I told you to do!
00:11:17Watch your neck!
00:11:21He tries harder!
00:11:22Blue guys try harder!
00:11:23Why am I so tired?
00:11:24Come on.
00:11:25Come on.
00:11:26Come on.
00:11:27Come on.
00:11:28Come on.
00:11:29Come on.
00:11:30Come on.
00:11:31Come on.
00:11:32Come on.
00:11:33Come on.
00:11:34Come on.
00:11:35Come on.
00:11:39You, come on.
00:11:46You see down there?
00:12:05Power off in C-section, sir.
00:12:21Check it on the auxiliary system.
00:12:25It's a negative.
00:12:28Nobody move!
00:12:29Hands on your heads!
00:12:31Get him up!
00:12:33Don't stop.
00:12:38Call them off or I'll kill you.
00:12:41I mean it.
00:12:45Very funny.
00:12:50It's all yours, laddies.
00:13:04Go to Liz's place?
00:13:17How long has the princess been on board?
00:13:19She'd be well advised to stay clear of her ladyship.
00:13:22She didn't look dangerous to me.
00:13:27I'm sorry, sir.
00:13:28I'm sorry.
00:13:29I'm sorry.
00:13:30I'm sorry.
00:13:31I'm sorry.
00:13:48I'm not gonna blow up this ship.
00:13:49Time to leave.
00:13:52248, get in there!
00:13:58All right, let's just get out of here.
00:14:02You all right?
00:14:03Where the hell are you going?
00:14:04Come on!
00:14:05This way!
00:14:06This way!
00:14:07We didn't give her enough time, Jason!
00:14:08We got two million gallons, minimum, I guarantee it!
00:14:31Keep going, I'll catch up!
00:14:35There's a whole fleet out there!
00:14:36I'll meet you at the interlock!
00:14:39Come on!
00:14:42Keep up the good work!
00:14:47I know you're all wrapped up, but this will only take a second!
00:15:00What the hell's going on?
00:15:16Where's Jason?
00:15:18Not the girl.
00:15:19Oh, God damn it.
00:15:20He's gonna get us all killed.
00:15:21She's dead.
00:15:22Let's get out of here.
00:15:23Come on.
00:15:24Come on.
00:15:26They're into the ice hole.
00:15:27Come on.
00:15:32Make way.
00:15:33Excuse me.
00:15:34Make way.
00:15:35Who are you?
00:15:36Off I drill, ma'am.
00:15:37Women and humans first.
00:15:38Stop them, you fools.
00:15:39He's one of them.
00:15:40Come on.
00:15:41This way.
00:15:42I don't know who you are, sir, but I demand that you put me down.
00:15:43I'm not a human.
00:15:44I'm not a human.
00:15:45I'm not a human.
00:15:46I'm not a human.
00:15:47I'm not a human.
00:15:48I'm not a human.
00:15:49I'm not a human.
00:15:50I'm not a human.
00:15:51I'm not a human.
00:15:52I'm not a human.
00:15:53I'm not a human.
00:15:54I'm not a human.
00:15:55I'm not a human.
00:15:56I'm a human.
00:15:57I'm a human.
00:15:58I'm not a human.
00:15:59Lets take a rest.
00:16:01Leave me down.
00:16:02Let me down.
00:16:03I'll fire it off.
00:16:04I'll chop it off.
00:16:05Oh he's losing his head over women.
00:16:06Your kick.
00:16:07You won't get away with this I'll have him executed.
00:16:08Come on, lets go.
00:16:09Nadzik, you're done behind.
00:16:10They already are.
00:16:11Put me down you stupid piece of metal.
00:16:12Along from the Freighter Mitoraxul.
00:16:18They're reporting pirates onboard.
00:16:20Set converging course, sound battle station.
00:16:23You were given extra ships to destroy the pirates in the sector, Captain.
00:16:26One extra squadron, sir.
00:16:29There are thousands of planets in this area alone where they can hide.
00:16:33Is it a lack of ships, Commander?
00:16:36Or a lack of resolve?
00:16:39Pirate craft identified on Metarack, sir.
00:16:41Arm all batteries.
00:16:43Prepare to fire.
00:16:54How's your stomp?
00:16:58It's pressing.
00:16:59Warships closing.
00:17:01Thank you.
00:17:02Sixteen seconds.
00:17:03Reciprocal course.
00:17:04You're kidding.
00:17:05We're going right at them.
00:17:07Right at them.
00:17:11That ship looks bigger than the survivor collision.
00:17:14Control room won't and neither will the Commander.
00:17:16Fire all batteries.
00:17:17The speed of convergence will trap us in the blast, sir.
00:17:19He's not changing course.
00:17:21Neither are we.
00:17:24Deletion danger six seconds.
00:17:26Five seconds.
00:17:27Four seconds.
00:17:28Three seconds.
00:17:29Two seconds.
00:17:30Alter course to starboard.
00:17:39Spring water for supper.
00:17:41Two speed to green four.
00:17:43Initiate evasive tactics.
00:17:45They're already onto that planet.
00:17:46Anyone ready?
00:17:47Better ask our computer experts.
00:17:50I haven't quite...
00:17:53I think they found us.
00:17:56Spin left.
00:17:57Our main batteries.
00:17:58We better take separate cons.
00:18:00Good luck.
00:18:01See you in Zagora.
00:18:07Spin left.
00:18:09Prepare to break.
00:18:15Spin to port.
00:18:19Spin to port.
00:18:20It's not happening.
00:18:21The directionals are off.
00:18:23No wonder they always follow our reception.
00:18:25It's up to you, partner.
00:18:30Temple pigs.
00:18:34Here they come.
00:18:44Get him.
00:18:46Here comes another.
00:18:47Get him.
00:18:48All right.
00:18:49Quit that.
00:18:53That one.
00:18:54Get him.
00:18:55You missed him.
00:19:15Get her out of here.
00:19:24If you resist,
00:19:26we shall kill everyone on board,
00:19:28including the wounded.
00:19:32Call him off.
00:19:35Back off.
00:19:36Take him.
00:19:39Even your robots are insolent.
00:19:51your days of amusement
00:19:53are coming to an end.
00:20:00Killing you would be too easy.
00:20:03I have something better in mind for you.
00:20:12Yes, you missed him.
00:20:14Get him in.
00:20:16Get him.
00:20:20No, that's...
00:20:26Now to the people, man.
00:20:28There you go.
00:20:30Up on me.
00:20:32Hey, Jase, you want your soup?
00:20:49Give you this gold piece, or half the soup.
00:20:52Food's more important.
00:20:55Tell you what I'll do.
00:20:56I'll let you have it for a quarter
00:20:57of what you got left there.
00:21:01Well, okay.
00:21:05I did well.
00:21:11What you in for?
00:21:13Petty theft, grand larceny.
00:21:17Bitch, where's my necklace?
00:21:19I don't know what you're talking about.
00:21:20You liar, you little punk.
00:21:23Hey, hey, he said he doesn't have it.
00:21:26Maybe you dropped it or something.
00:21:30Maybe you took it.
00:21:32Maybe, but you want to go ahead and search me?
00:21:36You want to go ahead and search everyone here?
00:21:38I'm sure no one would mind.
00:21:40That's a lot of people to search.
00:21:43They're not gonna let you keep it anyway.
00:21:45We've all got the same sentence, remember?
00:21:48Well, if I catch this son of a bitch,
00:21:51I'll kill him anyway.
00:22:01It's always the same in the slave section.
00:22:05The closer we get to Mithra,
00:22:06the more everyone gets to thinking about being redesigned.
00:22:11Yeah, castrated, lobotomized.
00:22:14It's a new process.
00:22:16They say it doesn't hurt.
00:22:17They do that to everybody in this section?
00:22:23Eh, everyone except for the monk.
00:22:26They don't castrate clergy, just in case.
00:22:29Just in case what?
00:22:31Just in case there really is a god.
00:22:33Ha, ha, ha.
00:22:38Look, there it is!
00:22:40Mithra, it's still from your planet.
00:22:43Mithra, it's still from your planet.
00:22:45Look, look, look at the legs.
00:22:47God, I can smell them from here.
00:22:50They're not legs.
00:22:51They're meals.
00:22:53They keep the water covered so it doesn't evaporate.
00:22:56There still must be plenty of it
00:22:57to waste on fields like that.
00:23:00Not when you consider it's the only source
00:23:01of water left in the galaxy.
00:23:03If we get out of this, that's it.
00:23:23I'm quitting.
00:23:24There's no way we're getting out of this.
00:23:28Well, if we do, I'd rather start my own business.
00:23:32We already got our own business.
00:23:35Ah, legitimate.
00:23:36Doing what?
00:23:37Making robots.
00:23:38Well, you're very good at that.
00:23:39Yeah, people are making a fortune with it.
00:23:41Oh, I know.
00:23:42What are you going to use for water?
00:23:46People with water don't have to invest.
00:23:48They already got everything they want.
00:23:50That's why we're pirates, remember?
00:23:53I'd rather not talk to you, okay?
00:24:04Royal scum.
00:24:05What do you know about her?
00:24:07She's the daughter of his lordship,
00:24:09Count Vasco of Argon.
00:24:11The explorer?
00:24:12He disappeared three months ago,
00:24:14searching for the Seventh World.
00:24:16Seventh World?
00:24:17Still chasing that old wives' tale?
00:24:19She's being honored at the royal court
00:24:22in memory of her beloved father.
00:24:25She doesn't even know they killed him.
00:24:27Who killed him?
00:24:32Who killed him?
00:24:34May they all end in thirst.
00:24:36Power to the people!
00:24:44Stand clear.
00:24:47Good luck, my sons.
00:24:49Remember, God saves.
00:25:12Power to the people!
00:25:14Walk off your jobs!
00:25:16Turn off your machines!
00:25:18Workers, unite!
00:25:24Say, you get your overtime last week now,
00:25:27and they cheated me out of two hours.
00:25:29If they don't pay us soon,
00:25:31I'm gonna do something drastic!
00:25:33Not now, please.
00:26:10I'll... I'll need two of those, please.
00:26:14Uh, any chance you could help me get out of this?
00:26:18Well, ah.
00:26:19Well, maybe we could just get together later then, huh?
00:26:22Oh, I don't think you'll be up for it.
00:26:27Oh, God.
00:26:28Turn off your machines!
00:26:31Walk off your jobs!
00:26:32Power to the people!
00:26:38Be cool.
00:26:39And whatever you do, don't panic.
00:26:51Just pretend that it happened.
00:26:56Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:26:59Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:27:01Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:27:03Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:27:05Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:27:07Do as you're told, or it will happen.
00:27:20Look at that there.
00:27:22Thank you. I'll take over from here.
00:27:25How does that feel?
00:27:27Perfect, madam. Thank you.
00:27:29Good. Step down and stand over there.
00:27:31Yes, ma'am.
00:27:37How does that feel?
00:27:39A little snug.
00:27:42Step down and stand over there.
00:27:46This is where the completed units are finally inspected and shipped to the retailers.
00:27:50Turn around and present yourselves.
00:27:52Your Highness, may I?
00:27:53Thank you.
00:27:55They are fine-looking specimens.
00:27:59Sometimes I think it's a shame that they, uh, do all the things that they do to them.
00:28:04Now, I don't know what your personal preference is,
00:28:07but this one up has excellent form and definition.
00:28:11May I?
00:28:17He also looks a lot younger than that one.
00:28:22And more intelligent.
00:28:24Oh, basically, they're all the same when it comes to that.
00:28:26What about the black ones?
00:28:28Ah, yes. We found them to be very popular.
00:28:32So what do you think, then, Annie?
00:28:34Well, I think we should take the black one, definitely.
00:28:37He'll go very well with the new wallpaper.
00:28:40As far as the others are concerned, I don't think it really matters.
00:28:45Well, then, I suppose we'll take...
00:28:49this one.
00:28:52He's certainly not the biggest or the best,
00:28:55but that won't matter in the sewage plant.
00:28:57That's true.
00:28:59Excellent, then. Now, if you'll step this way,
00:29:01I'll give you the service manuals and the contract forms.
00:29:03This way, your highness.
00:29:08The princess will explain later why she saved you.
00:29:11In the meanwhile, you will work as her slaves.
00:29:13Any failure to behave as you're expected,
00:29:15and I shall take great personal pleasure
00:29:19in seeing that what remains of your masculinity
00:29:23is removed forever.
00:29:27Do you understand?
00:29:29Yes, ma'am.
00:29:31Yes, ma'am.
00:29:33Come along, then.
00:29:48Thank you.
00:30:19Did she say anything yet?
00:30:23The princess.
00:30:25No. I gotta get back to work.
00:30:32Hey, La Noma, where you been?
00:30:34You could have waited for me.
00:30:42Ah, you got a job.
00:30:46You gotta try it. You'll like it.
00:30:49I'm trying to quit.
00:30:59You're not supposed to care about that anymore, remember?
00:31:11A splendid party, my dear.
00:31:15I congratulate you.
00:31:16I'm glad you think so.
00:31:18Isn't that the...
00:31:20The pirates. I bought them this morning at the factory.
00:31:23I couldn't resist when I saw them in the showroom.
00:31:25I can imagine.
00:31:27They make fine slaves, don't you think?
00:31:29Slave, check this robot.
00:31:31Yes, sir.
00:31:33Right here.
00:31:38Hey, I said over here.
00:31:45Okay, don't get tense.
00:31:47It's a good spot.
00:31:49May I?
00:31:51You think you'd give me a sandwich or something?
00:31:55What are you doing here?
00:31:57Just spreading a good word and trying to save my ass.
00:32:02What's going on?
00:32:04Don't do that!
00:32:10She wants to see us.
00:32:12She's planning on leaving or something.
00:32:15Who wants us to bring them a sandwich?
00:32:18Or some cake.
00:32:20Anything with sugar in it.
00:32:36We have exactly half an hour to get to the launching pad.
00:32:39Where are we going?
00:32:41You're taking me to the pirates' moon.
00:32:44That's not a pretty place for a lady.
00:32:46Of that, I have no doubt.
00:32:48But I have important business there.
00:32:50Princess Corinda!
00:32:52Can I speak with you for a moment?
00:32:54Come on.
00:33:00This way.
00:33:02Stop them!
00:33:04Care for a drink?
00:33:14This way!
00:33:16Wait for me!
00:33:18Coming your way!
00:33:24Let's go!
00:33:26Hey, wait!
00:33:28Wait for me!
00:33:36Let me out of here!
00:33:46Let me out of here!
00:34:10Let's get out of here!
00:34:13Come on!
00:34:15Wait for me! Don't go so fast!
00:34:25Hey, Jetson!
00:34:27Hey, Bloods!
00:34:29Y'all want to pump some kitties?
00:34:35It's been a long time.
00:34:39Get the hell out of here.
00:34:54I heard that. You got the deal.
00:34:56Let's go, Bloods.
00:34:58This be my bad chariot.
00:35:00Did they at any time say where they were going?
00:35:02Did you hear what they said?
00:35:04Did you hear what they said?
00:35:08What did they say?
00:35:10They really must try and teach these things how to speak.
00:35:20Couldn't you just tell me?
00:35:22A ship?
00:35:24Range and bearing?
00:35:26Three, two, four.
00:35:28Cross-tracking error?
00:35:32Corrective velocity?
00:35:34What the hell is that?
00:35:39Did you forget that and program the course?
00:35:41Seven seconds.
00:35:43Don't give them an inch.
00:35:49Two, one, clear.
00:35:51Anything on radar?
00:35:53No. Why?
00:35:57No. All clear.
00:35:59Except for him.
00:36:01What's him?
00:36:03This little fella?
00:36:05He's just the ship's garbage robot.
00:36:08Ah, congratulations, ladies.
00:36:10You're now bonafide pirates.
00:36:12Should be in Zagora in, uh,
00:36:14about three days.
00:36:16Do you know this man?
00:36:20He's an old friend of mine.
00:36:22What do you know about him?
00:36:24His name is Lanky Nibbs,
00:36:26a rabble-rouser from the midsection.
00:36:28Can you arrange for me to see him?
00:36:32It's a private matter.
00:36:34Tough guy to deal with.
00:36:37And what do you intend to buy him with?
00:36:39The water on this ship.
00:36:41Well, you've got three problems there.
00:36:43Which are?
00:36:45Your partners.
00:36:47I do believe we have the controlling vote.
00:36:49This ship and everything on it
00:36:51belongs to me.
00:36:53Uh, not anymore.
00:36:57You don't actually think
00:36:59we believe you can use that, do you?
00:37:01You should.
00:37:03Who's gonna fly this ship?
00:37:05I will.
00:37:07Find a pirate moon all by herself?
00:37:09He's already fed the course
00:37:11into the computer.
00:37:13I can always find it again.
00:37:21I still don't think he'll use it.
00:37:23Is that because you consider yourself
00:37:25so charming that this galaxy
00:37:27couldn't survive without you?
00:37:29Or is it simply because you're too stupid
00:37:31to realize just how close to dying
00:37:34I like the first one, don't you?
00:37:36I think she means it.
00:37:38Let me make our relationship
00:37:40perfectly clear.
00:37:42You will do exactly as I say
00:37:44until we reach Zagora.
00:37:46I've taken the precaution of reprogramming
00:37:48the vid so that if anyone tampers
00:37:50with the water on board,
00:37:52this ship will self-destruct.
00:37:54Percy, keep an eye on them.
00:37:56Yes, ma'am.
00:37:59What can you do with a vid?
00:38:07Can't touch it.
00:38:11Percy, huh?
00:38:13Yes, sir.
00:38:15You're a real tough guy, aren't you?
00:38:17Let me demonstrate.
00:38:59Identify yourself.
00:39:01Your humble servant, Zong, my lord.
00:39:17Come closer.
00:39:21Closer, closer, closer.
00:39:29They want me to disconnect.
00:39:33Give up my body.
00:39:37I can still feel with it.
00:39:41After all these eons,
00:39:45I still feel.
00:39:49Give me your hand.
00:39:52Give me your hand.
00:40:02What other news?
00:40:04Princess Karenya
00:40:08escaped in the warship as planned.
00:40:12Like father, like daughter.
00:40:16Genes are a compelling force.
00:40:19You must be forever vigilant, Zong.
00:40:23We cannot fail in this matter.
00:40:25Everything is proceeding as planned, my lord.
00:40:39Base 1, this is 2PQ,
00:40:41frequency 5JD3.
00:40:46Base 1, this is 2PQ,
00:40:48frequency 5JD3,
00:40:50late of the Eagle.
00:40:54I.D.'s correct. How's that?
00:40:56A little static, but not bad.
00:40:58How are things in Zagora?
00:41:00Drying up.
00:41:02Here's the first deep spacer in in three months.
00:41:04Hope you're loaded.
00:41:06That's a negative.
00:41:08Did the Eagle return?
00:41:10Yeah, what was left of her.
00:41:12What happened?
00:41:14I don't know.
00:41:17If you have any water on board, be careful.
00:41:19Thanks, Meek.
00:41:21Any other news?
00:41:23Nothing much. Another group of pioneers
00:41:25went out to find the Seventh World.
00:41:29They were decimated in the time warp.
00:41:31Only the kids made it back,
00:41:33and most of them were told the Eagle won.
00:41:37Ready to depart?
00:41:47Tune to beacon Z4.
00:41:49See you in a couple hours.
00:41:51Thanks, Meek.
00:41:58You put that on me!
00:42:02That thing!
00:42:04What thing? What the hell are you talking about?
00:42:06Something jumped on me when I was sleeping.
00:42:08I don't know what it was.
00:42:10It was a big, black thing.
00:42:12It was a big, black thing.
00:42:14It was a big, black thing.
00:42:16I don't know what it was.
00:42:18It was a big, black thing.
00:42:20I don't know what it was.
00:42:23Something jumped on me when I was sleeping.
00:42:25What's on your back?
00:42:27There's blood on your back.
00:42:31There's blood on your back!
00:42:33Help me move this thing.
00:42:35What was it?
00:42:37I don't know what it was.
00:42:39You didn't put that on me.
00:42:41I didn't put anything.
00:42:43What is that?
00:42:45It's coming this way!
00:42:49What the hell was that?
00:42:51I don't know.
00:42:53Must have come out of this thing here.
00:42:55Kind of a petrified egg.
00:42:58Hmm, where'd this come from?
00:43:01The closet.
00:43:03I remember seeing it fall out of the box.
00:43:04The closet.
00:43:19The manifest.
00:43:21Box B-28.
00:43:24OK, we've got 25, 26, 27, B-28.
00:43:29Oh, no.
00:43:34What is it?
00:43:38Space herpe.
00:43:43Dormant form.
00:43:45Keep away from heat and moisture.
00:43:50Extremely dangerous when activated.
00:43:55Oh, boy.
00:43:58Oh, great.
00:44:00Get rid of it!
00:44:02Hey, hey, it's me, guys.
00:44:04The lady ship wants to see us.
00:44:06She's decided to give us a third of all the water
00:44:08if we help her in Zagora.
00:44:09Hey, did you see anything out there?
00:44:15What happened?
00:44:16We're here.
00:44:19Ship just got herpes.
00:44:46There'll be no more spit left to shine.
00:44:49Unless we got a ship with some water in it.
00:44:53Keep away.
00:44:54Keep away.
00:45:03Tear break!
00:45:15Come here.
00:45:17Come on, come on.
00:45:19I think it might be better if we don't mention you're a princess.
00:45:23I think you're right.
00:45:27You better keep any of your promises.
00:45:29I don't?
00:45:30I won't next time.
00:45:31You will?
00:45:33Female women in the galaxy.
00:45:34Just my size, spaceman.
00:45:37How about a good time?
00:45:43It'll be coming up in a minute.
00:46:07Don't be a spacey.
00:46:08So, did you get away with everything intact?
00:46:19Hell of a hell.
00:46:20Tell you all about it.
00:46:26Hi, y'all.
00:46:27Sorry, Zeno.
00:46:28I forgot, man.
00:46:29Works perfect.
00:46:31Still the same old set up.
00:46:35Not a slow one in the bach.
00:46:42They're fresh from the lower sector this morning.
00:46:55It's the cute one and the nigger.
00:46:59I met the Black Gentleman.
00:47:04Ah, gentlemen!
00:47:05Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
00:47:06So what happened to the eagle?
00:47:08We lost the starboard section.
00:47:10The whole section?
00:47:12Lady, you're right.
00:47:13The directionals went out.
00:47:14Yeah, and we just heard from Beef.
00:47:17They put a bounty out on your cats.
00:47:19Two million.
00:47:21Two million, I might turn myself in.
00:47:23That's it.
00:47:25I'm going to Zapp's.
00:47:26You want to go?
00:47:28You got any water?
00:47:30Did the sun break?
00:47:31They're playing nice.
00:47:33Would you like to come?
00:47:35Hey, Zina, have you seen Lanky Nibs?
00:47:37Oh, he disappeared.
00:47:38Somebody said he got sick or something.
00:47:40She loves you.
00:47:41He's up at Sweetwater.
00:47:43What's he doing in Sweetwater?
00:47:44Hiding out.
00:47:46From what?
00:47:47No one knows.
00:47:49Jason, they told me you were dead.
00:47:52Well, come on over here, darling, and give me a hug.
00:47:54I knew they wouldn't get you.
00:47:56So what do you got today?
00:47:57We have a special.
00:47:58Solar steamers and live fondue.
00:48:00So you always have solar steamers.
00:48:02Um, what would you like?
00:48:04Love you.
00:48:06Uh, just bring a couple of drinks.
00:48:08If you want anything else, just ask me.
00:48:10You're very beautiful.
00:48:12Thank you.
00:48:16Well, he's not here.
00:48:18Where's Sweetwater?
00:48:19About 50 miles outside of town.
00:48:21Can we go?
00:48:22Well, we'd need a land craft for that.
00:48:25The only person I know who's got a land craft
00:48:27is that guy sitting right over there.
00:48:29Thank you.
00:48:32That's a guy?
00:48:34Uh, he works for the city,
00:48:36so we can't bribe him with water.
00:48:38But maybe if you were real nice to him,
00:48:43he'd do us a favor, if you know what I mean.
00:48:46Not a chance.
00:48:48Then I guess we don't go.
00:48:50You're a bastard.
00:48:52I've been told that.
00:49:01Have you any suggestions as to how I should handle this?
00:49:05Just have a lot of fun.
00:49:15That wasn't very nice.
00:49:17Believe me, she had it coming.
00:49:21Well, she seems to know what she's doing.
00:49:44You're he, the she,
00:49:46and she thinks you're one.
00:49:48She does?
00:49:50Right in.
00:49:52I think you'd better go over there
00:49:53and see what you can do, Jason.
00:49:57No way.
00:49:59No water, then.
00:50:01You wouldn't.
00:50:03Try me.
00:50:06You still haven't told me
00:50:07why you need to see Lanky Gibbs.
00:50:11He knows where my father is.
00:50:14He knows where my father is.
00:50:21I'm gonna remember this.
00:50:26I'm sure you will.
00:50:32Want me to go with you?
00:50:34Oh, no, I think he'd do much better on his own.
00:50:44Come on.
00:50:56You're a mighty fine-looking woman, ma'am.
00:50:58I'd consider it an honor if you'd take this dance with me.
00:51:01No, thank you.
00:51:04I'm afraid you don't understand, ma'am.
00:51:06I'm insistent.
00:51:08The lady said no.
00:51:09You get lost, bitch.
00:51:11Don't buy it.
00:51:20Wait, this is serious.
00:51:24Screw you, honey.
00:51:41Here we go again.
00:51:57Feeling better?
00:52:05Hey, cool the dog off. That's my dog.
00:52:11I think you owe the lady and me an apology.
00:52:20My apologies.
00:52:27You didn't sound so serious.
00:52:32I'm sorry.
00:52:34Don't believe him. He's lying.
00:52:41Come on.
00:53:07Do you mind if I ask you something personal?
00:53:11Uh, you like my blouse?
00:53:14You like the color?
00:53:16I mean, you think it suits me?
00:53:18Oh, I'm being silly.
00:53:20No, you're not being silly.
00:53:22I think it's very flattering.
00:53:24It's exactly the kind of thing that drives men crazy.
00:53:27Wouldn't you say, Jason?
00:53:30It's very nice.
00:53:33Green is definitely your color.
00:53:35Oh, thank you.
00:53:37Thank you.
00:53:41Hands on the wheel, darling.
00:53:43Plenty of time for that later.
00:54:06Uh, why don't you wait here?
00:54:09Be careful.
00:54:12Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him for you.
00:54:14All right.
00:55:17Oh, misty.
00:55:19The buggers are stealing me blind.
00:55:22Lanky, what happened to you?
00:55:24He shouldn't have come, Jason.
00:55:27What are you talking about?
00:55:29She knows.
00:55:31They followed you. Don't you know that?
00:55:33Nobody followed. What the hell happened to you?
00:55:38The barn.
00:55:40Yeah, the barn.
00:55:42Time warp.
00:55:44Lost 20 years in 20 seconds.
00:55:49You looking for your father?
00:55:53You have his manor.
00:55:59Oh, son, we missed him again.
00:56:01Those nippers have hard heads.
00:56:03What do you know about my father?
00:56:05He's a good man.
00:56:07A fine spacer.
00:56:09A fine spacer.
00:56:12Captured me in the midsection three months ago.
00:56:15What happened?
00:56:17He told me wars were coming to an end.
00:56:21Galaxy was getting a second chance.
00:56:24His entire crew were changed beings.
00:56:28Never seen such joy and hope amongst men.
00:56:32Just from seeing him.
00:56:35Seeing what?
00:56:37The seventh world.
00:56:39They found a way through to the center in the seventh world.
00:56:43And you believed them?
00:56:45I saw the tapes, tasted the water.
00:56:49It's there, Jason.
00:56:52Just like they always said it was.
00:56:56But what happened after that?
00:56:59We flew to a base in the tri-system.
00:57:03They were there, waiting for us.
00:57:08After your father left the ship,
00:57:10they came on board and massacred the entire crew.
00:57:14For what?
00:57:18A planet of water like the seventh world
00:57:20would destroy their control of the galaxy.
00:57:23Then my father's still alive.
00:57:25It's possible.
00:57:26If he is, he's being held in the tri-system by Wendon.
00:57:30How'd you get away?
00:57:32Played dead.
00:57:33After they left, I stole the ship.
00:57:38Always knew they'd find me.
00:57:40Who is it?
00:57:43I don't know.
00:57:44We're the only ones left who know.
00:57:49They have to kill us.
00:57:51Let's get out of here. Come on.
00:57:54Come on, let's go.
00:57:55Save yourself.
00:57:57Tired of running, fighting.
00:58:00What's the matter with you? Come on, let's go.
00:58:02Hey, what the hell are you doing?
00:58:04Saving you. You crotchety old fart.
00:58:06I still walk on my own.
00:58:09Come on.
00:58:18Look out!
00:58:26Bounty hunters, come on.
00:58:27Move out of your goblins!
00:58:29Get them alive!
00:58:33Come on!
00:58:34Come on, come on!
00:58:36Let's get out of here!
00:58:38Stop, please, stop!
00:58:40Stop! Stop!
00:59:01Just like old times, huh?
00:59:03Yeah, remember the time when we went up there?
00:59:05They're coming back!
00:59:07Watch the ladder!
00:59:13Come on!
00:59:26Just get it started! Go, go, go!
00:59:38Faster! Faster!
00:59:42Come on!
00:59:43Come on!
00:59:49Come on!
00:59:50Come on!
00:59:51Come on!
01:00:13Kill him! Kill him!
01:00:17Kill him!
01:00:18Kill him!
01:00:28What? What?
01:00:34I'm not the boss of this.
01:00:42Good luck! And don't forget to write!
01:01:01Never thought I'd be dying before you, Jason.
01:01:04You're not dying, so stop talking about it.
01:01:07You always were the optimist.
01:01:09That's right. We're getting you out of here.
01:01:13It's his back. It's broken.
01:01:20Miss all you beautiful women.
01:01:23Most of all.
01:01:30What can I do?
01:01:31Find it.
01:01:34It's there, Jason.
01:01:36My father knows.
01:01:38Go to the tri-system.
01:01:52I'm sorry, Jason.
01:02:01I'm sorry.
01:02:20It's a dream. There never was and never will be a seventh world.
01:02:23But you're still coming, right?
01:02:24Someone explain to me just what a seventh world is.
01:02:27And they teach you nothing.
01:02:28Just the basics, like how to stomp on little people like you.
01:02:32Six water planets were destroyed in the Galactic War.
01:02:34Some people believe that there was a seventh planet that spun out of orbit and survived.
01:02:38Oh, yeah? Where?
01:02:39No one knows. Except the lady's father, of course.
01:02:41Look, if there was a seventh world, it would have been discovered in the last 10,000 years.
01:02:44Not if it's in the center of the galaxy.
01:02:46Well, it's impossible to go there, so it's a moot point.
01:02:48It's not impossible.
01:02:49Yeah, what do you know? You haven't experienced a time warp at the center?
01:02:52Yeah, and I don't want to either.
01:02:53Yeah, well, I've seen ships where healthy men, even young children,
01:02:56who came back ages ago, have seen all of this.
01:02:59It's past the princess's tea time, Percy. Grab a few bivvies.
01:03:03You two on the workbench. Put those things over there.
01:03:07The rest of you guys keep going.
01:03:09We're in trouble.
01:03:10Is this the best you can do?
01:03:12That's all they had in the town. These cost 5,000.
01:03:15I told you robots were a good business.
01:03:20Take your time, guys.
01:03:22Hey, isn't that, uh, Hedlis?
01:03:25He was sold to scrap.
01:03:26Haven't quite figured out his program yet, but he's doing okay.
01:03:30Yeah, he looks real good.
01:03:32Have a blast off.
01:03:33I don't know what we'd do without you.
01:03:36All right, keep coming. Second on the left, and save your batteries.
01:03:43Hey, what do you know about this trisystem?
01:03:44Remember Lord Axan's son?
01:03:46Weird winder?
01:03:48He got fed up with his antics, so they set him up for his own planet.
01:03:51What exactly are we going there for?
01:03:53It's the last place Lanky saw the princess's father alive.
01:04:16See, would you keep stirring that, darling?
01:04:18Now, let me take a look here at this recipe.
01:04:20Half a teaspoon carrots.
01:04:22Well, he's a big eater, isn't he?
01:04:26Put a few of these things in here.
01:04:30Yeah. Nice. Nicely.
01:04:32Hey, you ever think about playing this game?
01:04:34Nah. Too rowdy for me.
01:04:36Yeah, I know what you mean. Me too.
01:04:38That's barbaric!
01:04:40Oh, yeah.
01:04:41Oh, man.
01:04:42Have you ever been to a club, Rad?
01:04:48No, no, thank you.
01:04:52It wasn't as good as they advertised.
01:04:56How disappointing.
01:04:58That's what I thought.
01:04:59It says here that the water planet has so much moisture on its surface
01:05:03that it continuously creates cycles of clouds and falling rain.
01:05:10Well, you know what that means.
01:05:11We'll both be able to take a hot, wet bath together.
01:05:15I call her Myra.
01:05:16Nothing but the finest herbs, my dead mother's stuffing,
01:05:19and fresh garlic from her real garden.
01:05:21Okay, okay.
01:05:22Now, note the juice which flows from the initial incision.
01:05:44Kill it!
01:05:46Kill it!
01:05:48Oh, my God!
01:05:55Way to go!
01:05:56Eating dog, damn it.
01:05:58What was that?
01:06:00Uh, just a...
01:06:03A what?
01:06:06Space herpe.
01:06:08That's disgusting!
01:06:10How long have you known about this?
01:06:14It's the first we've heard of it.
01:06:17A couple of days.
01:06:20And you didn't tell us about it?
01:06:23That's unforgivable!
01:06:24How could you do a thing like that?
01:06:26I want the entire ship surfaced before we reach the tri-system.
01:06:29Yes, sir.
01:06:37It's really not that dangerous.
01:06:40That's not what I've been told.
01:06:55Range 257 closing 8-5-0.
01:07:00Bearing correct.
01:07:01Smells like rotten eggs down here.
01:07:03We've got a 1.7-0 level.
01:07:06We should be feeling fine.
01:07:08You are moving out of visual contact.
01:08:33Look out!
01:09:25Welcome to the playroom.
01:09:27I was wondering if you'd ever come.
01:09:29Your father has given up hope.
01:09:31Where is he?
01:09:32Probably moping.
01:09:34I'm afraid he's lost his sense of humor.
01:09:36He no longer realizes that all of life is but a game.
01:09:40What have you done to him?
01:09:42I've coddled him as if he were my own child.
01:09:45After all, he's responsible for all of this.
01:09:50I want to see him.
01:09:51No, you'll make him sick.
01:09:54And if he dies, they'll stop taking care of me.
01:09:58You give us her father,
01:10:00and we'll take you to the seventh world with us.
01:10:04There'll be room for everyone.
01:10:06What for? We have everything here.
01:10:09But you still live in fear.
01:10:11It's stimulating.
01:10:13Besides, I couldn't exist without servants.
01:10:16Let me in.
01:10:21You see, I exist exactly the same way the system exists.
01:10:26I survive because people without water will do anything.
01:10:32Let me demonstrate.
01:10:34Zegar, you can kill him now.
01:10:56Stop or I'll kill him!
01:10:58Do as she says!
01:11:02I mean it!
01:11:11You need some help?
01:11:13Got him right where I want him.
01:11:16I know the feeling.
01:11:17All right, girls. Let that be a lesson to you.
01:11:19I have a splitting headache.
01:11:21Would you happen to have a Tylenol?
01:11:23You'll need more than a Tylenol if you don't tell me where my father is.
01:11:26I can't do that.
01:11:29We'll see about that, you fat-faced little freak.
01:11:32You want me to make you?
01:11:33What are you going to do?
01:11:35Pull out my fingernails?
01:11:37Chop off my head?
01:11:59He's in the Oval Room!
01:12:04Big macho guy.
01:12:14Stand back, ladies.
01:12:16Do as he says, girls.
01:12:34Oh, Daddy.
01:12:47You're not my father?
01:12:49That's not my father.
01:12:54That's not my father.
01:12:56That's not my father.
01:13:00It's an Omega robot.
01:13:07We'll find him.
01:13:09Don't worry. We'll find him.
01:13:11How touching.
01:13:12It always gets me when people cry.
01:13:27How could I have thought that thing was my father?
01:13:31It's just a straightforward program.
01:13:34Nothing to indicate he was forced to make it.
01:13:37There must be something.
01:13:39Some kind of message in the memory bank?
01:13:44Zeno, sync to coordinate 10.
01:13:47It's only nine seconds in the whole program.
01:13:49What is it?
01:13:51Some kind of circle?
01:13:52It's a ring.
01:13:56Where's my father's ring?
01:13:58Ring? What ring?
01:14:00He must have given it to you.
01:14:02You mean I have value again?
01:14:04How would you like me to dropkick you into the next time zone?
01:14:07You're so physical.
01:14:09It really isn't necessary.
01:14:16It was a gift. He gave it to me.
01:14:19What else have you got in there?
01:14:21Care to make a deposit?
01:14:32Please work.
01:14:51They tell me that you are dead.
01:14:54There is no hope.
01:14:56Just our own salvation.
01:14:59It all seems purposeless without you.
01:15:02But these are good people.
01:15:04So I shall take them to the seventh world.
01:15:08The Omega will save Wendon in case you still survive.
01:15:13My coordinates are 283 on the Iona projection.
01:15:19No deviation is permissible.
01:15:21If you do, you will be suspended in time forever.
01:15:28I love you, Karina.
01:15:30I can only dream and pretend that you still exist.
01:15:35God save us.
01:15:46At least we know he's still alive.
01:15:51I'm going to find him.
01:15:58Set course for the Meridian.
01:16:00Aye, aye, Captain.
01:16:02Keep a close lookout.
01:16:04What's going to happen to me?
01:16:06Don't worry, Captain. I'll take care of him.
01:16:08I just wanted to get ahead.
01:16:10Don't drop me a Palooka. I just got my nose done.
01:16:14So what do you think?
01:16:16I'm beginning to believe it.
01:16:22What's that?
01:16:28Buford, yeah.
01:16:30I just rebuilt him.
01:16:34Looks good.
01:16:36His motor system is .01 milliseconds faster than the finest Omega built.
01:16:43I don't mean anything by this, but is there any particular reason why he's black?
01:16:49I wanted him to be perfect.
01:17:10Oh, hi, guys.
01:17:18Oh, that's good.
01:17:20Oh, yeah, a little harder.
01:17:23Oh, that's perfect. Don't stop.
01:17:26Oh, yeah, a little...
01:17:28Oh, don't stop.
01:17:31Who is it?
01:17:33Me, Jason.
01:17:45Just came by to see how you were feeling.
01:17:48Much better, thank you.
01:17:51I, uh...
01:17:53bought the tape I was telling you about.
01:17:57Thank you, Percy. That was wonderful.
01:18:00My pleasure, ma'am.
01:18:06How's the fellow?
01:18:08I think I overworked him.
01:18:11That's a lot of body to rob.
01:18:15How would you know?
01:18:17I've been observing it for the past four billion miles.
01:18:27What's it called?
01:18:31Oh, Dave.
01:18:34Ashen Storm.
01:18:48Did you just do that?
01:18:51Force fields.
01:18:56You had me worried.
01:18:58Oh, don't worry.
01:19:00You're in the hands of a professional.
01:19:07Slip it in there, darling.
01:19:12Your environmental chamber is ready.
01:19:15The program, Ashen Storm.
01:19:19All rags to this material are reserved.
01:19:23Enjoy yourselves.
01:19:39Thank you.
01:20:04I think I should take my saber off.
01:20:07Let me.
01:20:13It feels so stiff.
01:20:16The belt, I mean.
01:20:52Shouldn't you be at the controls?
01:20:56You think that's first?
01:21:13Oh, Jason.
01:21:22What's going on?
01:21:23I don't know. I just got here.
01:21:25Let's see what's happening.
01:21:27I know. What's going on?
01:21:29We've got an unidentified ship on our tail.
01:21:31I don't believe it.
01:21:32This thing is moving five times faster than anything I've ever seen.
01:21:35What's the configuration?
01:21:36The ship just popped out of nowhere.
01:21:38Visual scan coming through.
01:21:41She's a Templar.
01:21:42That's impossible. They don't have anything that moves that fast.
01:21:45We're entering the time warp. Everything's speeding up.
01:21:47Starfield's closing at a multiple of seven.
01:21:50Hope you don't mind, but I have no intention of facing this soap.
01:21:53Now we're already at maximum power.
01:21:55Better take advanced action. She's closing fast.
01:21:57We can't change course. It's too late. We'll be lost in the warp forever.
01:22:00We can't fight them if we don't maneuver.
01:22:02She's coming right at us.
01:22:05My congratulations, Collegium.
01:22:08You have succeeded in doing what the entire Galactic Command failed to accomplish.
01:22:14You've led us to the seventh world.
01:22:17It's a pity you chose, like your father, to work against the Order.
01:22:23He planned this from the very beginning.
01:22:26You and me, Shepard. Check the laser shields.
01:22:29We just lost the first batch.
01:22:30Accelerating at a multiple of 48 is still increasing.
01:22:33That's a day going by every half hour.
01:22:35Multiple 64 is still increasing.
01:22:37She's coming in with lock mode.
01:22:38We're gonna try to board her. Skip the robots.
01:22:40There's one end of her body yet.
01:22:41Get him down here. We need every available hand.
01:22:43Check the upper deck.
01:22:44You know we got the hold.
01:22:46It's all yours, ladies. Keep it on course.
01:22:48And remember, we're all getting older.
01:23:00They're on to us.
01:23:01Check below. I'll take the corridor.
01:23:03Robots, wait here.
01:23:20Get the robots down here.
01:23:25Go in there. Get it out.
01:23:26You're on target.
01:23:29Get the robot out.
01:23:31Take the control room.
01:23:34It's a jungle in there.
01:23:35How's it going?
01:23:36It's going great. How's it going with you?
01:23:39Jeez, what a mess.
01:23:43Ten thousand.
01:23:45More than a day every second.
01:23:47Surprise, surprise.
01:23:48They decided to treat me like a human again.
01:23:51What do you think?
01:23:52I think you talk too much. That's what I think.
01:23:55What is it?
01:23:56I think I better go to my room.
01:23:58What is it?
01:24:00I feel sick.
01:24:01Her match does look a bit peaked, doesn't she?
01:24:04We're all three months older.
01:24:07They're all wearing out, Jason. We gotta get some more parts.
01:24:14This one still has a good power system.
01:24:16Damn it, Jason. There's no way we're gonna stop him.
01:24:23Get in there.
01:24:24Come on. Go, go, go.
01:24:27Oh, God.
01:24:29Get in there.
01:24:31Careful. Watch out.
01:24:33Don't slip.
01:24:37Okay, here's another seven.
01:24:38Where's the rest of them?
01:24:39They're being activated.
01:24:40Get them in there. Go, go, go.
01:24:41Let's go.
01:24:42Come on. Let's go.
01:24:43Hey, your weapon. Hey, hey.
01:24:47This is a mess, isn't it?
01:24:48What are you doing here?
01:24:49I'm afraid I have some bad news.
01:24:51Well, maybe it's not that bad.
01:24:53The princess is pregnant.
01:24:56Pregnant? How in the hell did that happen?
01:24:58You can be sure I had nothing to do with it.
01:25:00She's asking to see you.
01:25:04I'll be back in a minute.
01:25:05Remember, a minute's a very long time. It's a circumstance.
01:25:19Ah, well done, Percy. You got him.
01:25:23Is everything okay?
01:25:25I'm afraid not, sir.
01:25:35Yeah, what's going on?
01:25:38Big surprise, Daddy.
01:25:48Oh, that's not mine.
01:25:57No, that's not...
01:26:03Definitely yours.
01:26:04Would you like to hold him?
01:26:06No, I've got some other problems I have to take care of.
01:26:12Sorry about that.
01:26:24What the hell is going on?
01:26:30Go back to the ice holes. We'll stop them there!
01:26:36What's going on?
01:26:39I don't know.
01:26:40I think they're on to something.
01:26:41Oh, I've got it.
01:26:42I've got it.
01:26:43I've got it.
01:26:44I've got it.
01:26:45I've got it.
01:26:46I've got it.
01:26:47I've got it.
01:26:48I've got it.
01:26:49I've got it.
01:26:50I've got it.
01:26:51I've got it.
01:26:53I've got it.
01:26:54I've got it.
01:26:55I've got it.
01:26:56I've got it.
01:27:12Jason, don't be disturbing Nanny. She's getting very old.
01:27:22I don't know about you, but I'm getting real tired.
01:27:27All right, now!
01:27:35Advance! Come on, let's go!
01:27:37Stop them!
01:27:39Now, Buford! Now!
01:27:42Get out of here!
01:27:44Go back!
01:27:46Get up!
01:27:48Down! Down!
01:27:50Now! Let's go!
01:27:59Robots, attack!
01:28:01You all right?
01:28:02I think.
01:28:04I'm getting too old for this.
01:28:08Take this!
01:28:18All right! All right! Yeah!
01:28:38I've cut him to pieces ten minutes ago.
01:28:54Oh, no! Not him again!
01:28:57You are finished!
01:29:00The Seventh World is mine!
01:29:03Come on, Roscoe! You're looking bad!
01:29:05You don't look too good yourself.
01:29:07You're gaining on us.
01:29:09Well, I guess this is it.
01:29:11Here I come, Dad!
01:29:13Get it, Roscoe!
01:29:16Jason! Jason!
01:29:18It's him! It's... It's him!
01:29:22That's our baby!
01:29:24That is him.
01:29:26Isn't he beautiful?
01:29:28Mom! Dad! We won!
01:29:30He's a chip off the old block.
01:29:35Always hated kids.
01:29:41Oh, geez.
01:29:57We came through it.
01:29:59We're back to the exact moment we were at when we entered the time warp.
01:30:03Velocity's back to normal.
01:30:05What happened to the other ship?
01:30:07It's gone.
01:30:08They were one degree off the exact course when we entered the warp.
01:30:11Just one degree and they're lost forever?
01:30:13Will somebody please tell me that what I think just happened really did?
01:30:18It did. It did.
01:30:20It did. It did.
01:30:22It happened!
01:30:24We made it! We made it!
01:30:26You were dead! You were dead!
01:30:43I don't believe it.
01:30:45It's beautiful.
01:30:48I knew it. I knew it was out there.
01:30:53Your father was right.
01:30:57I can't wait to see him.
01:31:00Look how beautiful that is.
01:31:02It's exactly as they always said it was.
01:31:04All that water.
01:31:06You know what this means, don't you?
01:31:09We're out of business.
01:31:12That's right.
01:31:56We're out of business.
01:32:26We're out of business.
01:32:56We're out of business.
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