Treasure Of The Yankee Zephyr (1981) Action Adventure Comedy

  • last month
A drama about good guys, Barney ( Ken Wahl ) and Gilbert Carson and their nemesis Theo Brown, attempting to recover $50 million in gold from a DC-3 wrecked during World War II.
00:00:30No finer gift for two servicemen than President Roosevelt himself at the White House presenting
00:00:40Officers Carriage and Fuller the Distinguished Medal of Honor for bravery in the face of
00:00:46the enemy.
00:00:47A Christmas at home and then back to the action for these two gallant soldiers with a pat
00:00:52on the back from America.
00:00:58And more December 25th surprises as family and loved ones send mail and packages to the
00:01:04men serving with General MacArthur's fleet.
00:01:07This is Takuna Air Force Base in New Zealand and these heavily guarded crates contain 15
00:01:13million dollars of gold bullion for operational aid in the Pacific.
00:01:21The Santa Claus DC-3 gets a yuletide send off as it carries its cargo of joy to our
00:01:27gallant troops.
00:01:31Christmas cheer, service decorations and plum pudding make up the rest of the seasonal
00:01:36package for those fighting for their country on this Christmas day.
00:01:47So to all of our troops so far away from all of us here in America, a very Merry Christmas.
00:04:48I'm telling you it's sick, Gibb.
00:04:51Well, what do you want to do?
00:04:52Go back, miss the chance.
00:04:53Great deer sport, I told you.
00:04:54We left the post because the buzzer's busted.
00:04:55Doesn't look like you brought the net anyway.
00:04:56Come on, you motherless tick.
00:04:57What do you mean the net, you barbie bastard?
00:04:58You said you'd bring it.
00:04:59Geez, I got oil pouring on my ears.
00:05:00Come on, you slut fly.
00:05:01Net, the bleeding net.
00:05:02How can I catch a deer without a net?
00:05:03I thought you were going to bring it.
00:05:04Now drop down, drop down.
00:05:05Drop down.
00:05:06Drop down.
00:05:07Drop down.
00:05:08Drop down.
00:05:09Drop down.
00:05:10Drop down.
00:05:11Drop down.
00:05:12Drop down.
00:05:13Drop down.
00:05:14Drop down.
00:05:15Drop down.
00:05:16Drop down.
00:05:17Drop down.
00:05:18Drop down, down, down.
00:05:19Drop, drop.
00:05:20If you want it so bad why don't you go out and get it?
00:05:21Drop down.
00:05:22Look at that bastard.
00:05:23I'm coming right back.
00:05:24Come on, drop you pissing windbag.
00:05:25Come on, hurry up.
00:05:26Drop, drop.
00:05:28Drop, drop, drop.
00:05:29Come on, hurry up.
00:05:45Hurry up!
00:05:47Too old for this game.
00:05:54Hey, look, the bastard's got away.
00:05:56All right, you got one more shot, I'll go around again.
00:06:09Go left!
00:06:10Go left, you bastard!
00:06:16Go left!
00:06:34Hang on, beauty.
00:06:36Nobody's going to hurt you here, you know.
00:06:39Just take him for a ride.
00:06:42Come on, hurry up!
00:06:57I'm getting too old for this game.
00:07:06It's too much weight!
00:07:08It's too much weight!
00:07:09You stay there.
00:07:11I'll just go back to Clobbering Man.
00:07:17Wait here, I'll come back. I'll pick you up in an hour.
00:07:22I'll see you.
00:07:29I can't get my legs going!
00:07:32What are you doing? I want to leave it in!
00:07:34You bloody poor, sweet-looking monkey!
00:08:05Oh, my God!
00:08:09He's... he's...
00:08:10He's coward, you know!
00:08:35Oh, my God!
00:08:47Oh, my God!
00:08:49Oh, my God!
00:09:04Give me...
00:09:05Give me a screw.
00:09:19Give me a screw.
00:09:37Goddamn, he's a junkie.
00:09:41He'll talk to his deer all night.
00:09:44Hope he freezes his ass off.
00:09:49Oh, my God!
00:10:20Oh, my God!
00:10:24Oh, my God!
00:10:49Oh, my God!
00:11:54Yankee surfer.
00:12:50Happy Christmas.
00:13:05Hey, don't...
00:13:36Oh, you beauty.
00:13:49Oh, my God!
00:14:09Out in the defense.
00:14:50Hey, come on, boxer.
00:14:59Easy, boobs.
00:15:05Oh, come on, out you go.
00:15:11Bloody whip.
00:15:13Hey, I'm after you.
00:15:15Hey, I'm after you.
00:15:18Come to me, baby.
00:15:42You know...
00:15:49Mr Gibson...
00:15:53You've really done it this time.
00:16:21Going into town?
00:16:23How are you, Gibbs?
00:16:24What are you doing out here?
00:16:25Minding my own business.
00:16:26Love, Adam.
00:16:46Not a lot of call for used middles.
00:16:48What do you mean, used?
00:16:51Those are brand-new.
00:16:55Where do you get all this stuff?
00:16:57Loose lips.
00:17:01Do you drink?
00:17:04Yeah, OK, OK.
00:17:05I'll give you 75.
00:17:0775 lousy dollars...
00:17:10...for all this?
00:17:1275 lousy dollars...
00:17:15...for all men risks his life?
00:17:43Come on!
00:17:44Come on and play poker!
00:18:09Give these back!
00:18:13It's Gilly at the pub!
00:18:22Your croc is a very interesting critter.
00:18:25Now, your crocodile will wolf down...
00:18:29...a whole hindquarters of a horse...
00:18:32...and then it'll go back to its lair...
00:18:35...and pretty soon it'll vomit it all up again.
00:18:38That's the way he likes it.
00:18:39He'll leave it there...
00:18:40...until it gets all kind of jellified and rich.
00:18:47When he comes back to eat it...
00:18:50...he's got these powerful digestive juices...
00:18:54...turns the whole thing to custard in a couple of hours.
00:19:00Now, you wild pig!
00:19:02You wild pigs are very fastidious creatures.
00:19:06Where the hell have you been?
00:19:08They're bound to shoot you, you blind cretin!
00:19:11They tried to murder me!
00:19:13I'm going to bust the chopper...
00:19:14...because you're getting too old for it, you drunken sot!
00:19:23Just calm down, you old bloke!
00:19:31Now, come on now, Gibbs.
00:19:34I did it!
00:19:37Gibbs, you're going to hurt yourself.
00:19:40Knock it off.
00:19:46Piglet! You blind piglet!
00:19:49I warned you, I'm going to pop one. Gibbs, knock it off!
00:19:52You fart!
00:19:56Cool off for a while.
00:20:05Damn you, Gibby!
00:20:07I'm getting tired of this game.
00:20:09You're getting me mad now, Gib. I'm serious.
00:20:12You'd better get off of me.
00:20:28I wish you and Otto were down there.
00:20:30I wish you and Otto were down there.
00:20:32I was about to forgive you.
00:20:41Thank you.
00:20:42Get off of me, you old paid customer!
00:20:45Thank you.
00:20:46Take care.
00:20:51Out of this!
00:20:52I don't feel sleepy!
00:20:56Let me in, you buggers!
00:21:02Well, I might have one for the road before I go, Frank.
00:21:18I think I'll just have that beer first, all right?
00:21:22Come on.
00:21:31Gibby, damn it!
00:21:56Gibby, stop it!
00:21:57You're going too far, Gibby!
00:21:59You're going too far, Gibby!
00:22:00I said stop it!
00:22:02Gibby, I'm warning you!
00:22:05I said stop it!
00:22:23Sorry about that, old man.
00:22:26Frank, sorry about the damage,
00:22:28but I'll see you right by it as soon as my check comes in, okay?
00:22:34Well, it's half your fault, Frank.
00:22:35You let him get drunk.
00:22:39All right, I'm going, I'm going.
00:22:55Come on.
00:23:26Oh, fuck.
00:23:28Hey, can you make a little less racket?
00:23:30Where's all that tucker gone? Some of that bully beef, huh?
00:23:34I think there's a half a can under the sink.
00:23:41Are we going hunting today or what?
00:23:44No, the chopper's busted.
00:23:46It's all right, we'll go hunting.
00:23:48I'll get the gun.
00:23:49I'll get the gun.
00:23:50I'll get the gun.
00:23:51I'll get the gun.
00:23:52I'll get the gun.
00:23:53I'll get the gun.
00:23:54The chopper's busted.
00:23:55What do you mean?
00:23:56The whirly thing on top doesn't spin.
00:23:59It was all right the other day.
00:24:01It was handling like a grand piano the other day.
00:24:03Yeah, well, I was hanging on underneath it.
00:24:07So fix it.
00:24:08Can't. Needs rebuilding.
00:24:10So rebuild it.
00:24:12Christ, I've got something to show you.
00:24:15I'm going to need some cash first.
00:24:17How much?
00:24:18About two grand for the damage you made me do.
00:24:21Now, wait a minute.
00:24:23That's another grand's worth of renovations you did at Frank's last night with a chainsaw.
00:24:27Frank's? Chainsaw?
00:24:29You're mad, you bastard.
00:24:31Where the hell did you get to anyway?
00:24:33You don't care.
00:24:35You tried to murder me.
00:24:36What'd you do, get lost?
00:24:38Maybe I found the gold mine.
00:24:41Maybe I was going to tell you about it.
00:24:43What are you talking about?
00:24:44This garbage on the front of your jacket?
00:24:47I'm going to make big bucks out of these.
00:24:49Where'd you get them?
00:24:50Found them by a lake.
00:24:52Which lake?
00:24:53What lake? You wouldn't know, would you, you mongrel?
00:24:56Because you always fly with your thumb up your arsehole.
00:24:59Hey, do you want some of this?
00:25:01No, thanks.
00:25:02Yes, sir.
00:25:03Big bucks.
00:25:05And nobody knows about it but me.
00:25:07Good for you. You know, you're eating the cat food.
00:25:09Do you know how much war medals is worth out the collectors?
00:25:13Big bucks?
00:25:15To downright, you couldn't find them in a fit.
00:25:18Cat food?
00:25:49You're very ugly.
00:25:52What did he say?
00:26:11Yes, sir.
00:26:13There she sits on the beach like a great grounded whale.
00:26:17I don't know how she went so long without being discovered.
00:26:21What, did you find an old airplane?
00:26:26Maybe not.
00:26:27Well, if you found an old airplane, let's fly up and have a look.
00:26:29There might be something worth salvage.
00:26:31You said the chopper was rutted.
00:26:33Yeah, but Sachs will fly us up in the 500.
00:26:35Oh, yes. Tell the whole wide world, why don't we?
00:26:39You say you got 75 each for these?
00:26:42Some salesman you are.
00:26:43Look, there could be gold in some of these.
00:26:46If you got 75 apiece for them, they're probably worth a couple of hundred.
00:26:49That's it, what'd I tell you?
00:27:10Okay, up to the hotel.
00:27:37Sorry, we're closed. That door's meant to be locked.
00:27:39You got $75 apiece for these, huh?
00:27:42Stop that.
00:27:43Just a minute.
00:27:45You're not Gibson, is it?
00:27:48Yeah, I don't know.
00:27:50No, not really. Come on.
00:27:53I'm sorry, I would have made a purchase.
00:27:55You forgot his credit cards.
00:27:59Whoa, we better make tracks.
00:28:08Hold it. Hold it.
00:28:10After that truck.
00:28:28I am telling you, you're hallucinating.
00:28:31I know a cop when I see one. This guy's got a city detective written all over his face.
00:28:34You tell me, Chief.
00:28:36I should know that.
00:28:37The guy finally got a lumber for receiving stolen goods.
00:28:39You gave him the goods, and now they're...
00:28:40Stolen goods?
00:28:41What do you mean, stolen goods?
00:28:42The stupid medals, you foolish bastard.
00:28:44What do you think?
00:28:49You really went and did it this time, didn't you?
00:28:51I ain't done nothing.
00:28:52The laws of salvage say they belong to me.
00:28:54They're mine.
00:28:55No bugger's gonna find them, I know, but look at this.
00:28:57Give me a lookie.
00:28:58On the back of every one of these things is a serial number.
00:29:01It'll take authorities about five minutes to run it through a computer check to find out where they came from.
00:29:04I told you where they bloody come from.
00:29:06They come from the Yankee flipping zebra.
00:29:08But it doesn't make sense.
00:29:10And what about this collector guy of yours?
00:29:12He's not on some holiday.
00:29:14Come on, Mafia tactics for a few lousy war medals?
00:29:16I tell you, these is worth big bucks.
00:29:18No, it's gotta be something more than that.
00:29:20Are you sure you're telling me everything?
00:29:22Well, there was some mail bags and the medals.
00:29:26Yeah, I know that.
00:29:28What else?
00:29:29And there was these big heavy boxes.
00:29:31What was in them?
00:29:32I don't know.
00:29:33Well, didn't you check?
00:29:34Well, it was locked.
00:29:35I was up to me neck in bleeding water.
00:29:37Well, it's a shame your boss is a chopper.
00:29:39Or else we could go up and have a look.
00:29:41Hey, me daughter could lend us a couple of grand.
00:29:46You don't have a daughter.
00:29:48Don't tell me I don't have a daughter.
00:29:50Yeah, well, if you got a daughter, how come I never saw her?
00:29:54She lives over in Billport.
00:29:56Out of me second wife, Irma.
00:29:59GI nurse.
00:30:01Great big girl.
00:30:03Big pair of lungs.
00:30:07Irma, I mean.
00:30:08Not Sally.
00:30:12What's that?
00:30:20What's that?
00:30:28And in their angry tumult cease, And give forth wild confusion peace.
00:30:42My say-so is no.
00:30:43No, I say-so.
00:30:48Now, why, Sally, you've got money that's mine to be right.
00:30:52My say-so, and my say-so is no.
00:30:55If you had all the money in one go, you'd pour it down your throat and kill yourself.
00:30:59Come on.
00:31:00What am I, a dog?
00:31:01What has to beg for scraps at the back door?
00:31:03The beetle-bopped us busted.
00:31:05We've got to get it fixed.
00:31:07It's a business proposition.
00:31:08We've got a salvage job.
00:31:10Can't be done without the mixmaster.
00:31:12I'm sorry.
00:31:13The legal instructions are quite clear.
00:31:15You cannot have the money unless I approve it, which I don't.
00:31:19And then not without adequate security, which you do not have.
00:31:22All right.
00:31:23Don't trust me.
00:31:24I'm just...
00:31:25I'm just an addled old scumbag that can't be trusted as far as a deer can dump.
00:31:31Oh, that's very charming.
00:31:32But look at him.
00:31:34He's a businessman.
00:31:36He owns his own helicopter, his own deer farm.
00:31:39He's me partner.
00:31:41Look at him.
00:31:42He's a sober, respected member of the community.
00:31:46If he says it's worth big bucks...
00:31:47If Barney Whittaker says it's going to make big bucks, it's safe as mother's milk.
00:31:54Look at me.
00:31:57Sadly, I'm not getting any younger.
00:32:02These old bones won't last forever.
00:32:06And that money is mine.
00:32:09By rights.
00:32:15All right.
00:32:16All right.
00:32:17All right.
00:32:18Just tell me properly what this is all about.
00:32:21It's an airplane, a war plane.
00:32:24It's called the Yankee Zipper.
00:32:42And of course, the security of his farm, not to mention his helicopter.
00:32:48I'm sure you're perfectly happy with that, Sam.
00:33:05Well, sign this, please.
00:33:07Yeah, sure.
00:33:09I shall be looking to you, Mr. Whittaker, to protect this investment.
00:33:13May I have your list?
00:33:14Oh, yeah, sure.
00:33:15Thank you.
00:33:18My father and I have come to an agreement.
00:33:20Half a day, he says it will take.
00:33:22Well, I can't give you anything in writing,
00:33:24but I figure if we got the cash for the whirly-twirly,
00:33:26it'd be a day at the most to set us to rights.
00:33:28Be a piece of pudding.
00:33:29You hear that, Sal?
00:33:30Mr. Barney Whittaker says it'll be a piece of pudding.
00:33:34Well, I'll make the arrangements.
00:33:37God knows why I'm trusting you.
00:33:38Thank you.
00:33:49Is this your transportation?
00:33:52And my security?
00:33:54That's right.
00:33:55It's junk.
00:33:56Yeah, well, that's why we need the do-re-mi.
00:33:58And besides, since your father's put me in hock up to the eyebrows,
00:34:01what gives you the spunk to come here criticizing a man's helicopter?
00:34:04Oh, I find that logic ridiculous.
00:34:06Anyway, since I've invested $2,000 of my father's money in this outfit,
00:34:10either I decide how it's spent or there won't be any do-re-mi.
00:34:14Say, I got an idea.
00:34:17Why don't you come along with us so you can show us exactly how you want it done, huh?
00:34:21I'd rather roll naked in the mud.
00:34:27Yes, you've made your personal opinion of me perfectly clear, Mr. Whittaker.
00:34:31That does not alter our basic positions, though.
00:34:34So you forget about this ridiculous metallic insect
00:34:38and find a more practical method of transportation.
00:34:40More practical?
00:34:42Lady, it's a good 80 miles of mountains and wilderness before you even get to the lake.
00:34:45That's another 20 to get to the other side where the wreck is.
00:34:48The metals alone will weigh a ton.
00:34:50What do you want us to do, hike in there with wheelbarrows?
00:34:52I thought my father was the only one who knew where it was.
00:34:54Yeah, well, I got a pretty fair idea from the air.
00:34:56Like a pig's ass, you do.
00:34:58And the only easy way of getting up there is by chopper.
00:35:04Roads. There are a lot of roads shown on this map.
00:35:06You could drive there.
00:35:08No, no, no. These are paper roads, love.
00:35:10Government ink.
00:35:12Well, um...
00:35:14a boat.
00:35:16You could motor your way up the river.
00:35:18You'd be carrying the boat on your back this time of year.
00:35:20There's not enough water in the rivers to lift it up.
00:35:22Horses. Horses.
00:35:24What the hell is she... We don't have any goddamn horses.
00:35:26We've got a donkey. Would you shut up?
00:35:28For all I care, you can go back and run your old soup kitchen.
00:35:35You know, it's just that I don't think that that thing is very safe.
00:35:42Oh, shit.
00:36:12Oh, shit.
00:36:43Mr. Whitaker, is it?
00:36:47Very pleased to make your acquaintance.
00:36:49My name's Brown.
00:36:51Theo Brown.
00:36:53Mr. Theo Brown.
00:36:56What's all this about, then?
00:36:58We are aware that you and your partner have found an airplane called the Yankee Zephyr.
00:37:04And some rather valuable medals.
00:37:07Well, you may have all the medals.
00:37:10All the medals. I guarantee it.
00:37:13We're more interested in some confidential material on board.
00:37:17Where is the aircraft?
00:37:19And you want us to lead you to it.
00:37:21Ah, you're quick, Mr. Whitaker.
00:37:24Well, I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr. Brown.
00:37:26I'll talk it over with my partner when he gets back, and we'll let you know.
00:37:30How's that?
00:37:32I am a paragon of patience, Mr. Whitaker.
00:37:37But I think you'll agree time is of the essence.
00:37:41Unless we want someone else to find the wreck first and leave us all in the cold.
00:37:46I should say we have seven days at the most.
00:37:49Probably less.
00:37:51And this confidential material, what is it, an atomic bomb or something?
00:37:54Oh, yes, if you like.
00:37:56And at the very least...
00:37:58The bomb wasn't invented then, was it?
00:38:00Now I'm beginning to lose my patience.
00:38:03Hey, look, who the hell are you coming up here with your monkeys and leaning on people, huh?
00:38:07And what happened to the coin collector?
00:38:10And what happens to Gibby and me if we don't play ball?
00:38:13What if I told you, Mr. Theo Brown,
00:38:15to get your zoom back into basic black land cruises
00:38:18and piss off on my property before I lose my patience?
00:38:27I see.
00:38:35Incidentally, who was that striking young woman I saw in town with Mr. Gibson?
00:38:42Who was that striking young woman I saw in town with Mr. Gibson?
00:39:00You'll be sensible, eh?
00:39:02Yeah, Lance. We'll be back.
00:39:31I hate this place. I don't even know what it is, anyway.
00:39:37It's rather petty of Gibby.
00:39:42It's Barney!
00:39:44What do you mean?
00:39:45The mad bastard. He's gonna land the bloody thing.
00:39:47Here on the port?
00:39:48Hey, Barney!
00:39:57Barney, you crazy!
00:39:59You can't land here!
00:40:01Look at him, Sam. He's coming right in.
00:40:10Get out of the way!
00:40:12Get out of the way!
00:40:18Barney, what's happening?
00:40:20I haven't even built the grub yet.
00:40:22What are you doing?
00:40:23Come on, we gotta go. Let's go.
00:40:25Get your hands off me! I'm not going on that thing!
00:40:30What are you doing? What are you...
00:40:32Sam! Calm down!
00:40:36I don't wanna go!
00:40:39I don't wanna go on this thing!
00:40:41Sam, it's...
00:40:42Hey, it's all right.
00:40:52All right, Sam.
00:40:53I mean, this is gotta be illegal.
00:40:54Hey, Barney.
00:40:55Who do you think you are? You're picking me up.
00:40:58Oh, look!
00:41:00There goes the bully bee.
00:41:10How'd you get this thing off the ground, Bob?
00:41:13You can't stay up, can't you?
00:41:15What do you mean by that? Is that a joke?
00:41:17Is that another one of your jokes?
00:41:19Come on, Sam!
00:41:40Airborne to ground. Airborne to ground.
00:41:42How do you read? Over.
00:41:43You've got to be coming too low, don't you?
00:42:03Now, what do you think you're doing?
00:42:16Oh! Oh!
00:42:18You all right?
00:42:19I'm scared.
00:42:20Sally's okay.
00:42:28Hey, Gibb, you wanna move over a little bit?
00:42:30I'm trying to fly this thing, huh?
00:42:32You know, I did not ask to be invited here.
00:42:35This was your bright idea.
00:42:37Come on, Sam.
00:42:39Move over.
00:42:40Get out of Sally for a minute.
00:42:48There they are, Marker.
00:42:50Clear as a bell.
00:42:51Steer 109.
00:43:03Yeah, sorry.
00:43:05The air's getting a little thin.
00:43:07Couldn't we go where it's thick?
00:43:32Let's go.
00:43:34Let's go.
00:44:01What was that all about?
00:44:03Well, the dynamic turbo vapor collects in the vacuum chamber...
00:44:07unless you give the friction tubes a real good blowout now and again.
00:44:12I don't believe you.
00:44:15You want some action?
00:44:17Pull up next to them.
00:44:27Who's that?
00:44:29Anybody we know.
00:44:31It's a man.
00:44:33He's got a gun.
00:44:35He's got a gun.
00:44:37He's got a gun.
00:44:39He's got a gun.
00:44:41He's got a gun.
00:44:43Anybody we know?
00:45:01Down here, Alan.
00:45:03Down to the ground. Come to the ground. Do you read, Alan?
00:45:05Yeah, what's up?
00:45:07What's your name again?
00:45:08Joker in the pub.
00:45:09Says he told them the old man found him by a lake somewhere.
00:45:12That's an hour and a half away.
00:45:14He could have lost us.
00:45:15Tell him we'll meet him at base. Collect the boats.
00:45:35What's that noise? Anybody?
00:45:37Oh, shit.
00:45:45Hang on.
00:45:51Do you think I'm supposed to be impressed by that kind of flying?
00:45:54I am not!
00:45:56Come on. Follow me. What you doing?
00:45:58All right, this is it. I've had enough laughs.
00:46:00I want to be put down.
00:46:02I want to be put down!
00:46:04Oh, shit!
00:46:25Oh, God!
00:46:29Oh, God!
00:46:34Come on, Sally. Give me your legs.
00:46:36Don't pull me any more.
00:46:38Get out! Get out!
00:46:40Get out, Sally!
00:46:44Come on, mate.
00:46:46Get down underneath. Come on.
00:46:48That was real exciting, Barney.
00:46:51But I reckon you bent the transportation.
00:46:54Yeah, you're not wrong, kid.
00:46:56Are you all right?
00:46:58Oh, that's great. That's just great.
00:47:00How about you, Sally? Are you all right?
00:47:02Oh, well, I'm all right. I'm fine.
00:47:05Are you sure you're all right?
00:47:07Oh, yes, I'm all right.
00:47:09Well, I'm really, really sorry I got you into all this.
00:47:11Oh, that's okay.
00:47:13A couple of hours, you said, would take.
00:47:15Just fly up in the old beetle-bopter.
00:47:17Piece of pudding!
00:47:19Jesus, you get the wind up you
00:47:21if every little thing doesn't run like clockwork, don't you?
00:47:23I reckon you two like a couple of barnyard hens.
00:47:26I told you about the stupid piece of...
00:47:32Where is he going?
00:47:34I don't know. Does he need a note?
00:47:36Gibby, where are you going?
00:47:38I need to drink.
00:47:42He's got a lot of friends in the hills.
00:47:44He's just going for a look. He'll be all right.
00:47:46Oh, sure.
00:47:48Oh, yes, a lot of friends here, huh?
00:47:50Sure. Why don't we invite them all for a party, huh?
00:47:53It'd be great. Friends.
00:47:56Oh, it's a great place for a party.
00:48:00There's a Chinese takeaway right over there.
00:48:02I can't get into this stupid piece of junk.
00:48:16Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
00:48:21About 15 miles, I should think.
00:48:24Heading north.
00:48:26OK, we'll head for the new camp over at Barrett.
00:48:59It's like a beacon up here.
00:49:02Well, that's good. It'll help someone to see us.
00:49:05Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
00:49:26Buckle up.
00:49:47Barker, you idiot. You've lost us.
00:49:49We're not south of the lake. We're north of the lake.
00:49:51Look at this map. We're right here.
00:49:57What the hell?
00:49:59What the hell?
00:50:05I would like to know where it's going.
00:50:07Can I... What?
00:50:10Hold out.
00:50:12Hey, come on. Get up there.
00:50:17Oh, God.
00:50:19Oh, my God.
00:50:21Oh, my God.
00:50:27I've got a friend of mine. Get off the top of me, daughter.
00:50:30Boy, am I glad to see you.
00:50:32Gary, where have you been?
00:50:34We were flying over the glacier.
00:50:36Well, you know, that whirlybird's been a bit sick lately.
00:50:39Do you know, he nearly dropped me in the tree.
00:50:42He flies with his stunt up his arse.
00:50:44And each week, we're into the mountain.
00:50:48Some helicopter pilot, eh, Harry?
00:50:51No, it's all about that.
00:50:56Hey, I found this...
00:51:14Good man, Sir Harry.
00:51:15I've known him for years.
00:51:17Didn't I do you right, mate?
00:51:22Ain't he a beaut?
00:51:24Sure is.
00:51:25Where is this salvage job then, Gep?
00:51:27Come on, I know you, you old bugger.
00:51:30What are you up to?
00:51:31Barney thinks that we got some cops or gangsters out here.
00:51:36Yeah, a lot of trouble for a few war decorations, you know.
00:51:39Oh, it's medals here.
00:51:40He's got a lot of gear, I can't understand it.
00:51:42Whoever they are.
00:51:44They won't find it in a fit.
00:51:46I'm the only one who knows where to find it.
00:51:48Come on, Gip.
00:51:49Give us an idea there, what are you up to?
00:51:51It's a Sibelius, isn't it?
00:51:52The fifth.
00:51:57Very good.
00:52:00How are we going to get up there?
00:52:02I suppose you wouldn't consider renting us your tractor?
00:52:06Come on, Gip.
00:52:07I don't see why Mr. Fixit here couldn't build us a car.
00:52:10A car? No, is it?
00:52:11Yeah, that's a good idea, Barney could do it.
00:52:13It's a great idea.
00:52:14Well, I've got a pair of wheels.
00:52:17Well, all we need is an ashtray and we're in business.
00:52:21Well, what about a beetle bopper?
00:52:23Use some parts of that?
00:52:24What sort of state's the engine in, Bar?
00:52:26I'm telling you, Harry, it runs like a cat over water.
00:52:29Well, probably wouldn't work.
00:52:32Probably not.
00:52:33Probably could.
00:52:35Probably could.
00:52:37Of course it could.
00:52:38Of course it could.
00:52:41Hey, how are you, Barney?
00:52:43Come in, you buggers.
00:52:44Hey, Jack.
00:52:45I thought you brought your spanner with you.
00:52:47You still putting the hooves in the gumboots?
00:52:57Yeah, she dropped in by a beetle bopper.
00:53:02Yeah, unfortunately, it was an unfortunate drop.
00:53:07Come on, Cell.
00:53:10Come on.
00:53:15Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:53:19Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:53:23Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:53:27Let's take the top of the chopper, the bottom part,
00:53:30sort of make a cabin out of it.
00:53:32You know, sort of put something up on top.
00:53:37Can you get it high enough?
00:53:40Can you get that up high enough?
00:53:45Should work.
00:53:50Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:53:54Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:53:59Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:54:03I'll never love no blue-eyed man.
00:54:11It's a beautiful, my heart.
00:54:17We should have been always together.
00:54:21But drinking has kept us apart.
00:54:26Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:54:30Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:54:35Beautiful, beautiful bride.
00:54:39I'll never love blue-eyed men.
00:54:52Here we go.
00:54:53Here we go.
00:54:54Here we go.
00:55:03There he is.
00:55:04Hi, Cell.
00:55:09We got brakes on this thing.
00:55:11Or missed his radio.
00:55:14Just like a flippin' Ferrari, baby.
00:55:17Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:55:36What can I do for you?
00:55:38Beautiful one, too, eh?
00:55:40Oh, we're looking for some people.
00:55:41Oh, sorry, didn't catch your name.
00:55:46Ah, yeah.
00:55:47You live here, right, Harry?
00:55:49No, we were just asking about a couple of friends
00:55:51that may have dropped by, Harry.
00:55:53You may have helped them out yesterday.
00:55:56Too many friends around here this time of year.
00:55:59Now, Harry, I just want you to tell me exactly what...
00:56:03Harry, listen.
00:56:04I don't know anything.
00:56:06Just give me a phone...
00:56:09Not in there, Harry.
00:56:12There's a salvage job somewhere up in the North Fjord.
00:56:15That's all I know.
00:56:16Get the boss on the blower.
00:56:17Listen, I can't...
00:56:22Fair enough, boss.
00:56:23It's a big episode.
00:56:26Would you mind turning off the air-conditioning, please?
00:56:31It's a party!
00:56:32Yeah, but it's not fair!
00:56:54What is all this?
00:56:57Looks like the end of the road to me.
00:56:59Run the buggers down.
00:57:02No, stay here.
00:57:13Miss Gibson.
00:57:17May I say...
00:57:20that I think you're a most attractive woman.
00:57:27Mr Whittaker, I'm beginning to find this tiresome.
00:57:31Yeah, I can understand that.
00:57:33And Mr Gibson...
00:57:37Mr G.
00:57:38I'm particularly pleased to make your acquaintance at last.
00:57:42You said these men was cops.
00:57:44Mr Gibson...
00:57:45You go around behind.
00:57:46I propose that a man of your age would be much more comfortable with us.
00:57:50I'd wager a man with your knowledge could lead us to just the right spot.
00:57:54Save us all a lot of trouble.
00:57:59You see, I told you there was a big bucks in this.
00:58:02Me and Gibby got a business arrangement.
00:58:04He's with us.
00:58:08I suggest you reconsider that decision.
00:58:22You know...
00:58:27You know your crocodile.
00:58:29He'll wolf down the hindquarters of a horse and take it back to his lair.
00:58:33Take it back to his lair.
00:58:34And he'll vomit it all up.
00:58:35Vomit it all up.
00:58:36Leave it lying there till it gets all ripe and jellified.
00:58:40Then when it comes time to eat it up...
00:58:42He's got these powerful digestive juices.
00:58:46It turns the whole thing into a kind of custard.
00:58:53What is it?
00:58:58No! No!
00:59:03Look out!
00:59:04Look out!
00:59:05Look out!
00:59:10Come on!
00:59:12Barney, watch out!
00:59:13You bastard!
00:59:14Get out!
00:59:16Get out, you bastard!
00:59:19We'll be last of them!
00:59:20This isn't a vacation!
00:59:21What is going on here?
00:59:24Oh, Jesus!
00:59:27Stop shaking!
00:59:28Get going!
00:59:35Come over there, Gibby!
00:59:38You fool!
00:59:41Come back, you little runt!
00:59:58Barney, please!
00:59:59Look out!
01:00:00What's going on?
01:00:01Barney, please!
01:00:03Oh, God!
01:00:04Cease fire!
01:00:06Cease fire!
01:00:07You'll kill yourself!
01:00:08You'll kill Gibby!
01:00:10You'll kill him!
01:00:12Get to him, you idiots!
01:00:14Take it in. Don't hit him.
01:00:18They're not marksmen, are they?
01:00:25Get hold of those...
01:00:26We need him alive!
01:00:27Take that scum to the wagon!
01:00:31Stop it!
01:00:37Right there, Arthur!
01:00:39Right there!
01:00:42I'll arrest him.
01:00:44Let them!
01:00:58Barney, we've got to go over!
01:01:00Get out!
01:01:03Barney, please!
01:01:13Barney, get out!
01:01:46Oh, God!
01:01:51Over there!
01:01:53Oh, God!
01:02:06Oh, God!
01:02:22Run! Run!
01:02:36Wait for me!
01:03:09No, no, no.
01:03:11They won't hurt him.
01:03:12He's the only one who can find the wreck.
01:03:14Come on, let's go.
01:03:36Come on, let's go.
01:04:06Come on, let's go.
01:04:34Naked like a bloody salmon!
01:04:43You bastard!
01:04:45Relax, old man.
01:04:46You don't turn!
01:04:47I'll take you for a ride.
01:04:48You don't turn!
01:04:50Sharpie of endless is not good.
01:04:53Very good.
01:04:58Let me down!
01:05:03Let me down!
01:05:08Let me down!
01:05:13What about Gibby?
01:05:15If I know Gibby, it'll be the worst day's work they've done picking him up.
01:05:23Wait there, some kind of deer!
01:05:26Got a nice old stag here.
01:05:28Ah, Mr. Gibson.
01:05:30I'm happy to have you as my permanent guest.
01:05:32I will endeavor to make you welcome and comfortable.
01:05:35Ah, good on you.
01:05:37Are they going to do any more target practice, sir?
01:05:41That rather depends on you.
01:05:47War hero, were you?
01:05:50This came from a plane you found somewhere on these mountains.
01:05:56I want to know where it is.
01:05:59Now, I should estimate, roughly,
01:06:03that it's about here.
01:06:07There now.
01:06:08You're about as warm as Friday's deer dunk, chief.
01:06:13Ah, Mr. Gibson, I neglected to introduce my associates.
01:06:17This is Mr. Broken Teeth.
01:06:20This is Mr. Ruptured Spleen.
01:06:23And my right-hand man,
01:06:26Mr. Rapier Daughter with a Salt Unless You Play Ball.
01:06:29Yeah, well, I see.
01:06:31I'll get your drift, as they say in the classics.
01:06:34I'm hearing you loud and clear.
01:06:36Shut up.
01:06:37Yes, sir. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Sir. Sir.
01:06:40Barker, show Mr. Gibson to the front seat of my Land Cruiser.
01:06:44Well, he got my road.
01:06:45Oh, that's a bit dodgy.
01:06:46There ain't no roads where the Yankee Zipper is.
01:06:49In fact, when I found her,
01:06:50I had to walk all the way across the top of the mountain
01:06:53before I found a mate of mine who...
01:06:54I don't care if it's on the top of the mountain or the bottom of the lake.
01:06:58I shall see to it that this expedition
01:07:00finds what it came here for.
01:07:03If I have to grind your slimy, dirt-ridden, ugly little face
01:07:08into every yard of this hideous country to do so.
01:07:12Do I make myself clear?
01:07:15I think you put that very well.
01:07:19Does charity shows, too, does he?
01:07:21Oh, you bastard!
01:07:24Cheeky little bugger, isn't he?
01:07:28Barker, what about the other two?
01:07:30Cut through the trees.
01:07:31Just over there.
01:07:32Eliminate them.
01:07:33If they get to the police,
01:07:34it would be rather crowded around here.
01:07:37No worries, Mr Brown.
01:07:39It's all under control.
01:07:41I see. Fine.
01:07:43And Barker...
01:07:45Don't write me an essay on it, will you?
01:07:49All right.
01:07:51Mount up!
01:07:58And now, Mr Gibson,
01:08:00to the matter at hand.
01:08:31Look, I need to know what's going on.
01:08:35I mean, you can't just tell me
01:08:37this is a straight piece of salvage.
01:08:39Don't you think?
01:08:41Must be onto something pretty valuable, eh?
01:08:44What about Gibby?
01:08:45What are we going to do?
01:08:47Well, it's one of those situations
01:08:48where if you go forward, you're buggered.
01:08:50If you go backward, you're really buggered.
01:08:52So you might as well go forward.
01:08:55I don't know what you're talking about.
01:08:57So you might as well go forward.
01:09:00All right, we'll sort it out.
01:09:02Come on.
01:09:27Come on.
01:09:28Come on.
01:09:55Well, it's more or less
01:09:57a big area.
01:09:59Back up! Back up! Back up!
01:10:02Back up!
01:10:03They need to go down!
01:10:06Get on your legs!
01:10:07Up there!
01:10:11Up! Up!
01:10:14Now that's fine.
01:10:16Back up!
01:10:20Get on your legs!
01:10:28Now, Mr Gibson,
01:10:30show me exactly where it is.
01:10:34Maps is useless, Mr Brown.
01:10:36Show me now.
01:10:39Well, it's somewhere around...
01:10:43Roughly around...
01:10:45Around here.
01:10:50I had a girlfriend once.
01:10:54Called Olive.
01:10:58She had these red eyes.
01:11:01Just like these little buggers.
01:11:28Do you know where we're going?
01:11:31We've got a hell of a lot of tracks.
01:11:32The vehicle's going backwards and forwards.
01:11:34But how do you know which way?
01:11:35We don't.
01:11:36Well, it's kind of difficult.
01:11:37You know, you've got your 25th meridian
01:11:39that's going right through the...
01:11:43I think we should try from...
01:11:47Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
01:11:50We're going to wolf down the whole hind quarters.
01:11:53Of a horse and take it back to his own home.
01:11:58You know, his lair.
01:11:59Lock it and sick it up.
01:12:01Vomit it up.
01:12:02Put it on his own back door, as you might say.
01:12:08Well, I got it wrong, Chief.
01:12:11I've done it this time.
01:12:14Better tell his lordship.
01:12:17Mr Brown.
01:12:20We have stopped, Mr Gibson.
01:12:23Yes, sir.
01:12:24Yes, sir.
01:12:25Well, these mountain passes, you know,
01:12:27they're all very much alike.
01:12:28A little bit of brown here and a little bit of brown there.
01:12:31Pardon the expression.
01:12:32Well, it's so roundy-roundy, isn't it?
01:12:36Back down there, God knows what it's like down there.
01:12:38Could be murder down there now.
01:12:40Who knows?
01:12:42Could be murder right up here.
01:12:46Yeah, well, come on, boys.
01:12:48Get them out.
01:12:49Hard down on your neck.
01:12:51Back you go, Mother Plankwood.
01:12:56Gibby's been leading them on the right paths.
01:12:58Hey, look at this.
01:13:00They've been back and forth here at least twice.
01:13:04I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm,
01:13:06but I'm freezing and I'm tired.
01:13:08And I can't walk anymore.
01:13:12All right.
01:13:13Got it.
01:13:19We don't have any horses.
01:13:37Come back with my horse!
01:13:44Okay, okay.
01:13:46No, look, the trouble is,
01:13:48this is, uh, it's Maori country.
01:13:50We're around, uh, around...
01:13:53Oh, excuse me.
01:13:55And we're across the 25th Meridian.
01:13:58You know, I mean...
01:14:00All right, men.
01:14:01About face.
01:14:03Come on.
01:14:04Follow me.
01:14:05Turn the vehicles around.
01:14:10Here we are.
01:14:14Whose house is this?
01:14:16I don't know.
01:14:18Nobody really owns it.
01:14:20Is it okay for us to be here?
01:14:22Oh, yeah, that's what they're here for.
01:14:26Yeah, there's always, uh,
01:14:28food and blankets and stuff like that.
01:14:34Baked beans.
01:14:36Baked beans.
01:14:39How would you like a hot bath?
01:14:43What are you talking about?
01:14:45What are you doing?
01:14:48Here, come on, help.
01:14:49Lift up.
01:14:51Ah, look at that, huh?
01:14:56It's a bath.
01:14:57It's all yours.
01:15:11Come on.
01:15:21Oh, great.
01:15:59We may look thick, Mr. T,
01:16:01but how come we've seen the same bridge twice,
01:16:04the same bluff three times,
01:16:06and been up to our necks in the same creek
01:16:08every other morning?
01:16:11Mr. Brown.
01:18:19Is that the end of the round?
01:18:21How am I doing?
01:18:23Hold it, Barker.
01:18:25Unfortunately, we have to keep him alive.
01:18:30Mr. Gibson,
01:18:32I abhor violence.
01:18:34Nevertheless, I'm forced to give you two alternatives.
01:18:41you will stop this childish prevarication
01:18:44and lead us directly to the Yankee Zapper,
01:18:47or B,
01:18:49I shall find your daughter,
01:18:51break every fragile little bone in her body,
01:18:56and then you shall lead us directly to the Yankee Zapper.
01:19:02Well, I think I'll take the alternative.
01:19:08It's a bit tricky.
01:19:11You see, the first time I saw the Yankee Zipper,
01:19:14I was suspended arse-over-elbow underneath the Mixmaster.
01:19:19That can be arranged.
01:19:45They busted a tank, didn't they?
01:19:47So why don't we make use of some of their transportation costs?
01:20:47Come on, quick. Let's go.
01:20:55Come on.
01:20:58Come on. Get down. Get down.
01:21:08Take it.
01:21:10Just give me 15 minutes to start firing.
01:21:11I can't. Where?
01:21:12In the air, anywhere. It doesn't matter.
01:21:13I can't do this.
01:21:14Just do it.
01:21:15I don't...
01:21:16Oh, God. This isn't...
01:21:18Then what do we do?
01:21:43Here you are, Mr. T.
01:21:46Good for the eyesight.
01:21:48No, thanks. I've had breakfast.
01:22:19Some more kibbles.
01:22:21Are you hungry?
01:22:26Give me. Give me.
01:22:27Shh, shh, shh.
01:22:32Oh, God.
01:22:34Just fire in the air. It's okay. It's all right.
01:22:38Hold him over the trunk.
01:22:43Oh, God.
01:22:48Oh, shit!
01:22:50Get out!
01:22:51Get out!
01:22:52Don't cover yourself!
01:22:53Get out!
01:22:54Get out!
01:22:55Get out!
01:22:56Get out!
01:22:57Get out!
01:22:58Get out!
01:23:00Ah! Ah!
01:23:03Oh, God!
01:23:05Keep moving! Keep moving!
01:23:07Get out of the boat!
01:23:10Lord, this is insane.
01:23:19Give me a gun!
01:23:21What are you doing? Give me a gun!
01:23:24You give me a gun!
01:23:29Oh, shit.
01:23:31Oh, my God.
01:23:35I think the boat has got a salvage gear in the back.
01:23:38Where are you?
01:23:43Oh, shit!
01:23:57They're behind us! Come on, move!
01:23:59Piece of shit!
01:24:06Come on, get a little further!
01:24:10Over here! Come on, you jokers! Move it!
01:24:12Further! Come on! As quick as you can! This way!
01:24:23Lloyd, is that you?
01:24:27Come on, get up!
01:24:28Hold it!
01:24:31Come on!
01:24:32Hey, mate!
01:24:33Come here!
01:24:35Wait till it's down, you idiot!
01:24:38Get in!
01:24:42Oh, shit!
01:24:43Get out of here!
01:24:46They're going for the boat!
01:24:48Hey, mate, me!
01:24:49Shut up!
01:24:50Shut up!
01:24:52Get to the other boat!
01:24:56Come on!
01:24:58Come on!
01:25:01That's it! That's it! Keep it up! Keep it up!
01:25:03After them!
01:25:04Come on!
01:25:05Pick it up! Get into the water!
01:25:07Come on, you jokers! They're getting away!
01:25:09Hurry up!
01:25:14It's down!
01:25:15Who's gonna drive this thing?
01:25:17Jet boat champion.
01:25:19Auckland, class of 76.
01:25:21She's a nutcase.
01:25:29I don't like this.
01:25:30You gotta turn around! Hang on!
01:25:33Come down!
01:25:53Come on!
01:26:24Get down! Get down!
01:26:49Hold on! I'm gonna go too!
01:26:51Get down!
01:27:08Go round! Further!
01:27:14Look out!
01:27:15Oh, shit! Jesus Mary, just forgive me!
01:27:17Come on, Sally! Faster!
01:27:22Come on!
01:27:27You won't go any faster!
01:27:52Come on!
01:28:10Go bloody back! The thing's on fire!
01:28:26It's down!
01:28:31Marty, look out!
01:28:35Go back! Back to the camp!
01:28:38Slow down!
01:28:41Get the jet!
01:28:43Come on!
01:28:51Come on!
01:29:02Right on, bail out!
01:29:21Come on!
01:29:52Come on!
01:30:17Come on! Get your ass up it!
01:30:22Go! What the hell are you thinking of doing?
01:30:24Get around!
01:30:25Get around!
01:30:26Get around!
01:30:27That's right!
01:30:52Ha-ha! Sell your adornment!
01:31:15It is the best you can do, Hale.
01:31:18It is the best you can do, Hale.
01:31:22Yes, sir.
01:31:30Leave him.
01:31:39Look, you've got it stuck on a stick.
01:31:41Start the engine.
01:31:42Sorry, sir.
01:31:43Start the engine!
01:31:48Get your ass up!
01:31:59Can't see the bleeder.
01:32:01It's got to be there somewhere.
01:32:03Must be.
01:32:05What's that?
01:32:07Oh, that's just the sun glint.
01:32:09I told you she's on the beach.
01:32:12Well, wait a minute!
01:32:13She's drifted out!
01:32:15Great jump in Raccoon's tits!
01:32:17It's her!
01:32:18Well done!
01:32:19It's her!
01:32:22A hundred cases of old crow!
01:32:24Right there!
01:32:25Just beckoning to us!
01:32:28Take it easy.
01:32:29Take it easy!
01:32:30Take it easy!
01:32:31Easy now!
01:32:35He's right in the tail.
01:32:37There you go.
01:32:38Now, I'm coming to the tail.
01:32:40I'm all right.
01:32:41Hold it. Hold it.
01:32:42Just let me bring her round.
01:32:43Bit drownded.
01:32:44That's all right.
01:32:45We'll save her.
01:32:46We'll save her.
01:32:51How are we going to get inside?
01:32:54Yeah, that's a good question.
01:32:55There's a cargo door in the back.
01:32:57Start unloading the salvage gear so we can get her up on the beach.
01:33:00And hand me that, too, will you?
01:33:02The wetsuit. Come on.
01:33:04But she's ten feet underwater.
01:33:06So we'll pull her up.
01:33:07Can't wait to see this.
01:33:10Of course, we'll pull her up.
01:33:14Oh, you're such a fool.
01:33:15I'll look from up there.
01:33:16And you stick to the river.
01:33:26Oh, this is a wretched, wretched country.
01:33:46Hey, you got that rope?
01:33:50Come on, come on.
01:33:59Gibby, hurry up!
01:34:03Barney's ready for the float bags.
01:34:06Gibby, hurry up!
01:34:08I am hurrying up.
01:34:19Over here.
01:34:27Hey, hey.
01:34:30How did you manage this?
01:34:31Oh, they'll be honoured.
01:34:36Well, turn the nose around.
01:34:39Okay, okay, that's enough whinging about it.
01:34:41Let's get this thing going.
01:34:42It's the road, wasn't it?
01:34:44Come on, out of there.
01:34:45Here, by the bushes to your left, man.
01:34:47No, your left.
01:34:55You all right?
01:34:57Give me some rope.
01:34:58I need some rope.
01:34:59No, no, you can't go down there again.
01:35:02She's resting up on her legs.
01:35:03If we don't leash her up now,
01:35:04she might not be there tomorrow.
01:35:06Look, Barney, it's not worth it.
01:35:08It's just a few thousand dollars.
01:35:10I'm usually not a man of many emotions,
01:35:16Look at this!
01:35:17Look at this thing!
01:35:18Look at that!
01:35:19Oh, damn!
01:35:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:35:28There's about a thousand more down there,
01:35:30just like that.
01:35:31Do you think he was on the plane?
01:35:35And there's a hell of a lot of this, too.
01:35:37Look at this!
01:35:39Do you think he was on this plane?
01:35:41He must have known about this.
01:35:44You must have known about this.
01:35:46What else have you lied to me about?
01:35:51Well, you didn't tell me about the man.
01:35:53You lied to me about them.
01:35:54That's different.
01:35:55That was for your own protection.
01:35:57Oh, don't give me any of that shit, Barney Wicker.
01:35:59What shit?
01:36:00You didn't do anything for my protection.
01:36:02You did it for this, this!
01:36:03All right, well, if it's so much trouble,
01:36:05I'll just chuck it back in the lake, huh?
01:36:07Chuck it back in the lake!
01:36:08How would you like that, huh?
01:36:10Come on!
01:36:11Yeah, come on!
01:36:12I brought it up.
01:36:13I can throw it back if I want to.
01:36:14Give it to me!
01:36:15Yeah, yeah.
01:36:16You kind of like the feel of it, don't you?
01:36:20Yes, I do!
01:36:21Yeah, well, so do I!
01:36:22Yes, I do!
01:36:23I can't believe it!
01:36:24Back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back,
01:36:27back, back, back, back, back, back.
01:36:31It's gonna be a million dollars!
01:36:33Oh, no!
01:36:34Back, back, back, back, back, back, back.
01:36:36Back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back, back.
01:36:42We've got gold, Gibby!
01:36:44Yeah, she's a boot, ain't she, me daughter?
01:36:46Yeah, she is!
01:36:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:36:52Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:36:55You call that pushing, Royden?
01:37:03It's got to be in this lake.
01:37:08Shut it down!
01:37:12Come on, Sal!
01:37:21Come on, then.
01:37:22All right.
01:37:23Well, you and me, baby.
01:37:25You and me.
01:37:27Be good!
01:37:46You and me, boy.
01:37:48I'll send a postcard.
01:37:57It must have been here.
01:37:59I don't understand it.
01:38:01Look at that.
01:38:06Mr. Brown?
01:38:07It was here.
01:38:08Over there?
01:38:13By God.
01:38:17Go on!
01:38:18Come on, Sally!
01:38:20Ha, ha, ha!
01:38:24Ha, ha, ha!
01:38:35Come on, Sally!
01:38:37Full speed ahead!
01:38:39All right, Captain!
01:38:41Ha, ha, ha!
01:38:46Here we go!
01:38:51It's almost mine here.
01:38:52Fifty million dollars.
01:39:04Hey, Barney!
01:39:06We'll tow her into the backwater at Mirori Creek.
01:39:09You can hide a battleship in there.
01:39:11What do you think we got?
01:39:14We got a yucky zipper!
01:39:16Ha, ha, ha!
01:39:18Hey, Sally!
01:39:19Steady as she goes!
01:39:21Get around that point there.
01:39:29Oh, God.
01:39:35Hey, what is it, Sal?
01:39:37You got an appointment?
01:39:39We've got company!
01:39:45It's Brown!
01:39:47Hey, Sally!
01:39:48Come back in!
01:39:54Get that boat back here!
01:39:55Come on!
01:39:56Hurry up!
01:40:08Come here!
01:40:09Get your ass down here!
01:40:17Come on, Barney!
01:40:18Oh, shit!
01:40:25Well, I'll be a crocodile for a bit!
01:40:29Cease firing.
01:40:30I'll get aboard her.
01:40:32He's just about split my head in half.
01:40:35Cut him loose!
01:40:36Hey, look!
01:40:39What's that?
01:40:41Well, I'll be a crocodile's asshole.
01:40:45That's gold, isn't it?
01:40:46That's right!
01:40:47Where'd he come from?
01:40:48Inside your plane!
01:40:50Keep him covered in hail?
01:40:51That's it!
01:40:52I told you!
01:40:53Ha, ha, ha!
01:40:54Get gold, girl!
01:40:55Come on, come on!
01:40:56All right.
01:40:58Hang on.
01:41:10She's just not moving.
01:41:17Shoot, you fathead!
01:41:23Hey, they hit the float bags.
01:41:26You have 30 seconds to get over the side
01:41:29and leave me my 50 million dollars.
01:41:32She's had it, Sal.
01:41:3350 million smackaroons.
01:41:39Mr. Brown?
01:41:41Mr. Brown?
01:41:48It's going downhill!
01:41:50Mr. Brown?
01:41:52Mr. Brown?
01:41:59Oh, for God's sakes, let her go, Barney.
01:42:01Let her go.
01:42:02Sal, you're old, damn!
01:42:05It's old age!
01:42:07Ah, we got her!
01:42:08Barney, let her go!
01:42:11Hey, Brown!
01:42:13Thank you, Mr. G!
01:42:15Get off her!
01:42:16She's going down!
01:42:30Mr. Brown?
01:42:31Mr. Brown?
01:42:32Barney, you gotta do something!
01:42:34You gotta save them!
01:42:35You can't let them drown!
01:42:36Let him go down!
01:42:38You bastard!
01:42:39It's mine!
01:42:40Get away from me!
01:42:42Move over!
01:42:43Get away from me!
01:42:44Oh, I can't watch.
01:42:46Barker, you traitor!
01:42:48This ship is going down, it's mine!
01:42:50I'm a business-competent idiot, it's mine!
01:42:53It's mine, get off here!
01:42:58Get off here!
01:42:59Get off here!
01:43:00It's mine!
01:43:01It's mine!
01:43:28Anybody beer?
01:43:46That's a thought.
01:43:50Well, at least we're getting something out of this.
01:44:13Here, give me that wine.
01:44:14I can't keep flipping the zipper.
01:44:16I can't keep flipping the zipper.
01:44:20Who found the Yankee flipping zipper?
01:44:24Slash of a knife cuts away a man's life's work.
01:44:37All right for you, innit?
01:44:45Happy Christmas.
01:45:16That's better.
01:45:19You know, it's just broken up.
01:45:22I mean, there must be gold bars all over the bottom of the lake.
01:45:27Yeah, a thousand feet down.
01:45:29Same as the mountain is up.
01:45:31Well, it's submarine then.
01:45:33Or, um, that French guy's thing.
01:45:35Uh, you know, um, a bath is, you know, a bath.
01:45:40Anyway, what about a boiler?
01:46:00Oh, it's me old fox.
01:46:03My old fox.
01:46:10Come and have a drink.
01:46:12Barney, you bastard!
01:46:16We've got some gold.
01:46:18One bar.
01:46:19We could, we could mount a proper diving team.
01:46:24I'm sure there are banks even that would...
01:46:27Oh, Barney, you piece of putt.
01:46:33Sally, why don't we just get a new chopper, huh?
01:46:38Where is your sense of adventure?
01:46:41I mean, it's all over there.
01:46:43Somebody's gonna come get it.
01:46:46Piece of putt, huh?