Street Crimes (1992) Action Drama

  • last month
Two cops, one (Dennis Farina ) with a gun and one (Michael Worth) with his fists, risk everything to make the neighborhood crime and drug free by taking down the most powerful street lord
00:01:35I knew you would love this car.
00:01:36And you know what?
00:01:37You haven't even seen the engine.
00:01:38Let's pop the hood on this baby.
00:01:40You have not seen anything.
00:01:42So, Tony, you want to talk options?
00:01:44Let's talk some options for a minute.
00:01:45Look at this.
00:01:46Got a luggage rack.
00:01:47You got tinted windows.
00:01:48You got the fog lights, power steering,
00:01:49power brakes, windows, doors.
00:01:55All right.
00:01:56Thanks a lot for coming by.
00:02:02Is that the cassette?
00:02:05You want a cassette?
00:02:06Yeah, I got a lot of tapes.
00:02:07This car will come with a cassette.
00:02:10I want to buy a car!
00:02:11All I need to know is what is it going to take
00:02:13to see that this car gets driven off the lot tonight?
00:02:16It's a big decision, actually.
00:02:17Of course it's a big decision.
00:02:19That's why I'm here.
00:02:20I'm going to help you with this.
00:02:21I'm telling you.
00:02:22Is this a beauty or what?
00:02:24We're already closed.
00:02:26Sorry about that.
00:02:27But I saw the...
00:02:32I want to hear from you.
00:02:34Is this a car you love?
00:02:36Listen to this.
00:02:37What we have got is a beautiful first-time buyer's plan.
00:02:41What am I saying?
00:02:42What am I...
00:02:43We stopped that promotion last month.
00:02:45Last month?
00:02:47Wait a minute.
00:02:49I got an idea.
00:02:50Did you tell me you love this car?
00:02:51Look, my friend.
00:02:52I don't want to have any trouble.
00:02:53All right?
00:02:54We're getting ready to close now.
00:02:55Maybe we ought to go inside and fill out the paperwork.
00:03:01First, you got to promise me.
00:03:02You got to promise me you're not going to tell not even your friends,
00:03:05not even your best friends what I'm going to offer you here.
00:03:07All right?
00:03:08I promise.
00:03:09All right.
00:03:10And not even your relatives, Tony.
00:03:11I'm serious.
00:03:12I couldn't stay in business with what I'm going to do for you.
00:03:13Listen to this.
00:03:15Tony, would you forgive me for a second?
00:03:17I want you to sit behind that wheel.
00:03:19The keys are in there.
00:03:20Turn on that stereo.
00:03:21See how it sounds to you.
00:03:22And would you excuse me for just a minute?
00:03:24I'm going to be right back.
00:03:35Put it in the briefcase.
00:03:36All right.
00:03:37I got a wife and two kids.
00:03:39Please, please.
00:03:41It's my little kid's birthday tomorrow.
00:03:44Shut up!
00:03:50I'll do anything you say.
00:03:53Just don't hurt me.
00:03:54Please don't hurt me.
00:03:57What the hell?
00:03:58Oh, God!
00:04:14Oh, God!
00:04:42I'm just kidding.
00:04:43It's okay.
00:04:44Mister, please, please.
00:04:45Please don't hurt me.
00:04:46I've got a wife and two kids.
00:04:48Please don't hurt me, mister.
00:04:50This ain't going to hurt a bit.
00:05:13Oh, God!
00:05:44Oh, God!
00:06:14Hey, Tony.
00:06:15Hey, Tony.
00:06:16What's happening?
00:06:18Tony, uh...
00:06:20The wife and I have been thinking of buying a car.
00:06:23You know anybody?
00:06:24Sure he does.
00:06:26Tony knows this place.
00:06:27You can go get cars for no money down and no credit check.
00:06:30Of course, they ain't got no more cars, either.
00:06:33Very funny.
00:06:34Listen, I heard the insurance companies are offering a new rate.
00:06:39Oh, yeah?
00:06:40Yeah, a big discount, as long as you don't know Tony.
00:06:43Ha ha ha ha!
00:06:44Ha ha ha ha!
00:06:46Ha ha ha ha!
00:07:13I hear you're looking for a new car.
00:07:17You know, I don't think this is very funny.
00:07:25What happened to the shooter?
00:07:28He got away.
00:07:34He escaped in the car that you were going to buy?
00:07:39Well, you're right.
00:07:42That isn't very funny.
00:07:45It's humiliating.
00:07:47What is it? Is it because I'm a rookie? Is that why I can't win with you guys?
00:07:51No, being a rookie has got nothing to do with it.
00:07:54If I'd blown those guys away instead of handling it with my fists,
00:07:57that would have made me a hero, right?
00:08:00No, not a hero.
00:08:03You don't have to kill somebody to get the message across.
00:08:07No, you don't.
00:08:09But at least you're never misunderstood.
00:08:1220-Crash-12. 20-Crash-12.
00:08:14We have a report of a 415 in progress.
00:08:16Hanging activity in the 2000 block of Mayfield.
00:08:19Possible weapon involved. Approaching extreme caution.
00:08:2320-Crash-12, roger. Show us responding code 3.
00:08:26You shot my baby sister in the head!
00:08:30I should blow you away right now.
00:08:32Hey, man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
00:08:34Shut up!
00:09:04Come on!
00:09:59Say goodnight, asshole.
00:10:05Are you all right?
00:10:08Are you all right?
00:10:11Are you all right?
00:10:13Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.
00:10:15For what?
00:10:17For this.
00:10:19Oh, you mean for saving your life.
00:10:21I can't handle it, man.
00:10:23Oh, sure, I know.
00:10:25Oh, hey, by the way, you might need this someday.
00:10:29Come on, shut up.
00:10:32Shut up.
00:10:41This is a serious conversation.
00:10:43That's right. Until you're sued a few times, you can't get into this.
00:10:46You know what I'm saying?
00:10:48At least once.
00:10:50Don't let him get you.
00:10:52No, it's too hot.
00:10:54No, it's good.
00:10:59I know Bev's leaving me for somebody else.
00:11:05So, who's the lucky guy?
00:11:09That was a very insensitive thing for you to say, man.
00:11:12I'm in pain here, you know?
00:11:14Yeah, you're right.
00:11:16Who's the lucky girl?
00:11:18You're a real asshole, Flanagan.
00:11:20Why are you brutal with us?
00:11:22One life.
00:11:27Hey, I heard you tried to scare someone to death today with your bare hands.
00:11:31Lighten up, Flanagan.
00:11:33Why don't you have another keg of scotch?
00:11:35Yesterday you were a hero.
00:11:37Today you could have been dead meat if your partner hadn't been there.
00:11:40Well, that's what partners are for, aren't they?
00:11:42Back each other up, do stuff like that.
00:11:44Yeah, well, I'm glad you two guys found each other anyway.
00:11:46Now you got a designated driver.
00:11:49You know, I'm not embarrassed by the fact that I can recognize myself in a mirror when I leave a bar.
00:11:53And you shouldn't be.
00:11:55He's right. You are an asshole.
00:11:58You're both very, very sensitive today, aren't they?
00:12:03Hey, let me see.
00:12:06Join us.
00:12:09You boys cops?
00:12:11Do we look like cops?
00:12:13He does.
00:12:15Yeah, well, that's about it from me, guys.
00:12:17See you tomorrow.
00:12:20Well, I was just leaving myself.
00:12:22Mind giving me a ride home?
00:12:24I actually...
00:12:26No, no, you go ahead.
00:12:28You don't want her walking home alone, not in this neighborhood.
00:12:30Yeah, he's right.
00:12:32All right.
00:12:37Good night.
00:12:39Good night.
00:12:41Good night.
00:12:47You like that?
00:12:49Damn right.
00:12:52No wonder your wife is leaving you.
00:12:54Why do you say that?
00:12:59The chick is a guy.
00:13:12You're awful quiet this morning.
00:13:15Yeah, well...
00:13:18So, how did it go last night?
00:13:21It was a strange evening.
00:13:23I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind.
00:13:26Cahill, coffee, please.
00:13:29Do you know what the cholesterol content of that is?
00:13:35You add that to your drinking and you're raging.
00:13:37Can you get me the ketchup, please?
00:13:47You know what?
00:13:49I don't know.
00:13:51You know what?
00:13:53I don't know.
00:13:55You know what?
00:13:57I don't know.
00:14:10Something wrong?
00:14:12I don't mean to be a pest.
00:14:14I have your best interest at heart here.
00:14:19I saw a guy in the news the other night.
00:14:21He was celebrating his 100th birthday.
00:14:24Said the secret to a long life
00:14:26is to have two shots of scotch every day,
00:14:28a good cigar every afternoon
00:14:30and lots and lots of fried foods.
00:14:33I don't believe it.
00:14:35Cheat yourself.
00:14:37You just made that up, didn't you?
00:14:39Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.
00:14:41Okay, well, if you made it up, what's the point?
00:14:43The point is this.
00:14:45If you stop pestering me, I'll stop lying to you.
00:14:48Cahill, more coffee, please.
00:14:54Come on.
00:15:24Come on.
00:16:00Come on.
00:16:02Come on, come on.
00:16:04Come on, against the car wrestling.
00:16:07What took you so long?
00:16:09Watch this guy, will you?
00:16:13Come on.
00:16:15Come on.
00:16:17Come on.
00:16:19Come on.
00:16:21Come on.
00:16:24Pretty big man with a gun in your hands.
00:16:26Shut your mouth.
00:16:28If you didn't have that gun...
00:16:30Yeah, you'd what?
00:16:32Tonight, you'd set her on Main Street.
00:16:34We're gonna be locked up tonight.
00:16:36Yeah, well, don't bet on it.
00:16:38Not in a plot, chicken shit.
00:16:40You got the balls.
00:16:44Listen, you mind if we stop and get a little something to eat?
00:16:46I got a little hungry waiting for you.
00:16:48Shut up. Drive. Just drive.
00:16:53Come on.
00:17:19Wanna buy some rock?
00:17:21Do you wanna score some crack?
00:17:25What's your name?
00:17:29LaToya, where's your mom and dad?
00:17:31Ain't got no dad.
00:17:33Why don't you let me take you home?
00:17:35Can't go home if I don't sell more rock.
00:17:39Well, I'm not gonna buy any, so why don't you go on home?
00:17:45Because Mama said I can't come home without more money.
00:17:47Come here.
00:17:52Mama don't mean nothin' by it.
00:17:54She's sick, you know.
00:17:56Yeah, I know.
00:18:06Now, take the money and forget the drugs.
00:18:08But Mama keeps track of stuff.
00:18:13All right.
00:18:15Hey, thanks, mister.
00:18:17Go on home, okay?
00:18:19Go on home, okay?
00:18:40Yeah, you got it.
00:18:42All right, ready?
00:18:50So where's Bruce Lee tonight?
00:18:52Haven't you heard?
00:18:54He's doin' a high noon at the boys' club tonight.
00:18:58Well, maybe he's obsessed with his manhood, huh,
00:19:01after his she-male last night?
00:19:04It's not very nice, Flanagan.
00:19:06Ah, the world ain't nice, big deal.
00:19:09Cop gets suckered by TV,
00:19:11he deserves whatever happens to him.
00:19:13Maybe the kid needs some time to adjust.
00:19:15He's a little different, that's all.
00:19:18Well, time he gets with the program.
00:19:22What program is that?
00:19:24The drunken asshole program.
00:19:26At least I still got my wife.
00:19:30Well, she'd be home right about now,
00:19:32sucking off a vacuum salesman.
00:19:37How do you know she's got an appointment with the sweeper man?
00:19:40I don't.
00:19:42I'm sure it's perfectly innocent.
00:19:44You asshole.
00:19:48What was that all about?
00:19:50My soon-to-be ex told me last week
00:19:53she has an appointment tonight
00:19:55with the sweeper salesman with Flanagan's wife.
00:19:57Not bad.
00:20:00So, Tony ought to be warming up right about now, huh?
00:20:03Yeah, so?
00:20:05Nothing, just, you know,
00:20:07it's gonna be outnumbered, is all.
00:20:09Look, Cap, I'm not going, okay?
00:20:11Yeah, okay, well, you know, I was just saying, you know,
00:20:14him being your partner and all.
00:20:16I said I'm not going, and that's final.
00:20:47Thanks for coming, man.
00:20:49I was on my way home.
00:20:51Besides, I told you the other guy wouldn't show up, didn't I?
00:20:55Besides, I told you the other guy wouldn't show up, didn't I?
00:21:25So, you got a thousand cops with guns waiting outside?
00:21:29Just you and me, buddy.
00:21:33What'd you say?
00:21:35I was saying the Lord's Prayer.
00:21:38Let's get it on.
00:21:40In the ring.
00:21:55Let's go.
00:22:37Get him!
00:22:38Get him!
00:22:39Get him!
00:22:40Get him!
00:22:41Get him!
00:22:42Get him!
00:22:43Get him!
00:22:44Get him!
00:22:45Get him!
00:22:46Get him!
00:22:47Get him!
00:22:48Get him!
00:22:49Get him!
00:22:50Get him!
00:22:51Get him!
00:22:52Get him!
00:23:19All right, Tony boy.
00:23:24All right.
00:23:30All you guys chill.
00:23:32Johnny, chill.
00:23:33Do what I say.
00:23:44Don't thank me, man.
00:23:46You're mine next time.
00:23:50Same time, same place.
00:23:53I'll be here.
00:24:17I thought that went pretty well.
00:24:32I think the rest of the world is a little wacky.
00:24:47Thank you.
00:24:49Dinner was fabulous, really.
00:24:51Thank you.
00:24:52Daddy tells me you don't approve of his eating habits.
00:24:54No, he doesn't exactly eat from the Pritikin menu.
00:24:57And we need to cook for him, right?
00:24:59I think that maybe...
00:25:00Hey, you think my daughter's got nothing to do
00:25:02than sit around here all day cooking for me?
00:25:04Calm down, Daddy.
00:25:05He's not attacking me.
00:25:07Look, I'm sorry, okay?
00:25:09But it's just that some people get the wrong idea.
00:25:11They think that just because Susan is...
00:25:15The word is blind.
00:25:17Well, the truth is that she takes better care of me
00:25:19than I take care of myself.
00:25:21That's not too hard to believe.
00:25:23She also teaches music five days a week at UCLA,
00:25:26volunteers three nights a week at the Westside Braille Institute,
00:25:29takes care of the house,
00:25:31cleans my clothes,
00:25:33takes care of the garden.
00:25:34What do you do?
00:25:35He does his best to try to make me feel needed.
00:25:37I do a hell of a job of that, don't I, kiddo?
00:25:39You do.
00:25:42Anyone for dessert?
00:25:45I don't know.
00:25:47Hey, Tony, you gotta taste this. Susan made it herself.
00:25:49I bought it myself, Dad.
00:25:57She is quite a woman.
00:25:59How come you didn't introduce her to me before?
00:26:02Because she is quite a woman.
00:26:09You must get quite a view with that thing, huh?
00:26:14My wife.
00:26:16She bought it for me when we moved in.
00:26:18On a clear night with a full moon,
00:26:20and you can see forever.
00:26:22Take a look.
00:26:30Oh, yeah, that's great.
00:26:42Hey, look out, look out!
00:26:46I'm sorry.
00:26:48I feel so clumsy sometimes.
00:26:49No, no, no, it's my fault.
00:26:50This chair, I pulled it.
00:26:51No, it's not your fault.
00:26:52You had no way of knowing.
00:26:54I'll go clean it up.
00:26:55Susan, honey, it's okay.
00:27:01I'm sorry.
00:27:21I'm really sorry.
00:27:23Look, I told you, it's not your fault.
00:27:25No, okay, I just...
00:27:27I just wanted things to go right.
00:27:29What do you mean?
00:27:31I mean, I wanted to...
00:27:33I wanted to ask you out.
00:27:35You don't have to ask me out.
00:27:37No, I know, I don't have to do anything.
00:27:39It's just...
00:27:41See, I had this thing about being seen in public
00:27:43with the beautiful women.
00:27:45I don't think so.
00:27:49So you're busy Friday night, right?
00:27:54We are now.
00:28:05So I hear you're taking my daughter out.
00:28:07Yeah, on Friday.
00:28:09She doesn't need charity.
00:28:11Yeah, I know that.
00:28:13Yeah, I know that. She's a beautiful girl.
00:28:15You're damn right she is, and she's a lot more than that,
00:28:17and don't you ever forget it.
00:28:20I won't.
00:28:40I knew you could do it.
00:28:42Shit, is he good or what?
00:28:46You know, we could take some money
00:28:48off the sheriff's department with this guy.
00:28:50No, we make money later. Pay me now.
00:28:52I know you're planning a drink at 12 o'clock.
00:28:54It's $10, bro.
00:28:5615? When did it become $15?
00:28:58Oh, wait, I was telling you.
00:29:00So anyhow, the kid challenges me to a boxing match.
00:29:02Can you believe that?
00:29:05So when are you gonna fight him?
00:29:07Uh, what, are you serious?
00:29:09Well, yeah, why not?
00:29:11Tony fought a kid the other night.
00:29:13Oh, shit, that's how this whole thing got started.
00:29:15Yeah, great. Thanks a lot, Tony.
00:29:17I don't think it's such a terrible idea.
00:29:19Couple of tough guys on each side, square off,
00:29:21nobody gets dead.
00:29:23Nah, I don't know.
00:29:25Some girl challenged me yesterday.
00:29:27Oh, it's an epidemic.
00:29:29You see what you started here, Tony?
00:29:31I told her I'd meet her tonight.
00:29:34I wouldn't miss this for the world.
00:29:38You're gonna show up tonight, aren't you, Ernie?
00:29:40I don't know, maybe.
00:29:43You're not telling us you forgot how to box, are you?
00:29:47Hell no.
00:29:50Hey, I can still kick some ass.
00:29:53Oh, shit.
00:29:55Come on, Ernie.
00:29:57Come here.
00:29:59What's your name? Are you all right?
00:30:01Hi, Ernie Blake.
00:30:03To hereby take you, Madonna,
00:30:05to be my lawful wedded wife.
00:30:07Come on, get him out of here.
00:30:09Come on, Ernie.
00:30:11You know, I'm not normally attracted to fat chicks,
00:30:13but I always end up with them.
00:30:15All right, all right.
00:30:19We're looking pretty good.
00:30:21You're looking like shit.
00:30:23Look around, Johnny.
00:30:25What'd you see?
00:30:27I see a gym full of cops and homies, man.
00:30:29What I see is a serious decrease in sales.
00:30:31A lot of people sitting here yelling and screaming over nothing
00:30:34when they should be buying.
00:30:36Unlike people getting in my pocket.
00:30:40You know what I'm saying?
00:30:43Show me.
00:30:46Show me.
00:30:59Come on.
00:31:08Come on.
00:31:10Come on.
00:31:12Right there.
00:31:14Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:32:47Hey, Tyrone.
00:32:50What's going on?
00:32:52Nothing, man. I'm just going home.
00:32:55Like the fights?
00:32:57Yeah, they're okay.
00:33:00Well, I don't like them.
00:33:02I ain't planning on going back.
00:33:11Take it, man.
00:33:14Friends, right?
00:33:17Friends, right?
00:33:33Get on home now.
00:33:35This is a dangerous neighborhood
00:33:37unless you got the right kind of friends.
00:33:40You know what I'm saying?
00:33:55You be careful with my daughter, do you understand?
00:33:57Yes, sir. I'm Brian.
00:33:59First date with my daughter, you can call me sir.
00:34:01Yes, sir.
00:34:03Be careful, man.
00:34:05I will.
00:34:13She wouldn't rather take my car.
00:34:17You ever driven a, um...
00:34:19It's a wonder you can talk at all
00:34:21with your foot in your mouth all the time.
00:34:23Yeah, I get a lot of practice.
00:34:25So where are we going?
00:34:27Well, I thought we'd go to the college
00:34:29and take in some classical music.
00:34:31I heard they're having some kind of chamber music tonight.
00:34:33Is that what you usually do on a first date?
00:34:35Take a girl to hear chamber music?
00:34:39Look, don't treat me like I have the plague.
00:34:41Either treat me like a woman
00:34:43All right.
00:34:47Okay, so I want you to think of your favorite romantic place
00:34:49and take me there.
00:34:51I don't think you'd like it.
00:34:53Only you.
00:34:59All right, here we are. Hold on a sec.
00:35:03Give me your hand.
00:35:05All right.
00:35:25I remember a view exactly like the one you described.
00:35:27Dad took Mom and I to dinner at the Towers.
00:35:29It was the most beautiful sunset I ever saw.
00:35:33It was incredible.
00:35:35That was on my 16th birthday,
00:35:37less than a year before the accident.
00:35:39You know, you don't have to talk about that
00:35:41if you don't want to.
00:35:43No, it's all right.
00:35:45I got over the unfairness of being blind real fast.
00:35:47After all,
00:35:49my mother was dead.
00:35:51And Dad.
00:35:53In a strange way,
00:35:55his needing me so badly really helped me out.
00:35:57For nearly six months
00:35:59after the accident,
00:36:01he would put me to bed every night
00:36:03and try to act cheerful.
00:36:05And then he would go in his room
00:36:07and cry himself to sleep.
00:36:09I just figured
00:36:11my job was to help him stop crying.
00:36:15You're a very brave woman.
00:36:17Strong, maybe.
00:36:19But brave?
00:36:21I don't know.
00:36:23What other choice did I have?
00:36:25I wanted to live.
00:36:27And I wanted my dad to live.
00:36:29So I didn't really have any other choice
00:36:31but to be strong.
00:36:33You make it sound so simple.
00:36:35Life is simple.
00:36:37It's complicated.
00:36:47No one's ever touched you exactly like that before.
00:36:51And no one ever will again.
00:37:03And no one's ever kissed you exactly like that before.
00:37:05And no one...
00:37:23I didn't lay a hand on her, okay?
00:37:25Yeah, I know. You did worse.
00:37:27What does that mean?
00:37:29She likes you.
00:37:31She likes me.
00:37:33Don't sound so happy about it, all right?
00:37:35Why? You know, I like her too.
00:37:37Well, it means that she's probably gonna want to see you again.
00:37:39What's wrong with that?
00:37:41I'm not such a bad guy, am I?
00:37:45You don't get it, do you?
00:37:47I mean, you just don't fucking get it, do you?
00:37:49My daughter deserves more than I'm not such a bad guy.
00:37:53Well, she deserves more than a cop, right?
00:37:55No, not more.
00:37:57Just not a cop.
00:37:59Why? What is it, the pay? Is it the hours? What?
00:38:01Because ten years from now, some asshole blows your brains out,
00:38:03and I'm not around, who's gonna take care of my daughter, huh?
00:38:05Tell me, who's gonna take care of my daughter?
00:38:15You're gonna have to get yourself an agent.
00:38:19What are you talking about?
00:38:21What, you don't read the papers?
00:38:23No, why?
00:38:25L.A. Tribune. It's been coming down to the fights.
00:38:27Someone told them you started it.
00:38:29Oh, shit.
00:38:31You're an inner-city hero, kid.
00:38:33Get used to it.
00:38:43You just became a target.
00:38:59Hey, what do you make of those two in the motel parking lot?
00:39:07I just don't want you to misunderstand me.
00:39:09No, I know how you feel.
00:39:13Susan's your daughter.
00:39:15You haven't got a clue as to how I feel.
00:39:17Susan is a very special person,
00:39:19and I don't mean special like handicapped.
00:39:21Susan is a very special person,
00:39:23and I don't mean special like handicapped.
00:39:33When her mother died,
00:39:35I felt like the whole world was gonna cave in on me.
00:39:39I kissed her goodbye one morning,
00:39:41and a couple hours later, she's lying under a semi.
00:39:45I never got to say...
00:39:47I just never got to say a lot of things.
00:39:55Susan and I,
00:39:57we depend on each other a lot.
00:39:59And every once in a while,
00:40:01some guy will come along, and why not?
00:40:03I mean, she's a great-looking girl.
00:40:05And then they start thinking
00:40:07that just because she's blind,
00:40:09that she ought to be happy
00:40:11that she's going out with anybody.
00:40:13You see, she can't always tell
00:40:15that these guys are bullshit artists.
00:40:17And once in a while,
00:40:19she starts liking one of them.
00:40:21And I'm just...
00:40:23real protective, you know?
00:40:25Just real protective.
00:40:29is gonna make my baby cry.
00:40:31I don't give a damn how protective I am.
00:40:33She doesn't harm anybody,
00:40:35and I'll be damned
00:40:37if anybody is gonna hurt her.
00:40:41Not anymore.
00:40:43Not anymore.
00:40:47You know what I'm saying?
00:40:49Brian, I'm not like those other guys.
00:41:01what do you think's going on with those two?
00:41:03Let's go find out.
00:41:05Yeah, let's.
00:41:13Let's go.
00:41:25What do you think, sir?
00:41:27Something wrong, officer?
00:41:29May I ask what you're doing here?
00:41:33Are you waiting for someone?
00:41:35No. We're just talking.
00:41:37It's kind of a strange place
00:41:39to stop and chat, huh?
00:41:43There's some kind of law against talking.
00:41:45Who's that?
00:41:49Where is she?
00:41:51I don't know what you're talking about.
00:41:53Where is she?
00:41:55This is police brutality!
00:41:57It's gonna be a lot more than that
00:41:59unless you tell me where she is.
00:42:01Now, where is she?
00:42:03Keys. Give me your keys.
00:42:05Give me your wrist.
00:42:07Give me your wrist.
00:42:11Give me your wrist.
00:42:25Police! Open up!
00:42:27Open up!
00:42:31Where's the girl?
00:42:33What girl?
00:42:35It's over, pal. We just talked to her parents.
00:42:37I don't know what you're talking about, man.
00:42:39You can't do this. This is illegal, man.
00:42:41You just can't do this. This is illegal, man.
00:42:43Hey, shut up!
00:42:51Are you all right, honey?
00:42:53You're not daddy.
00:42:55No, I'm not.
00:42:57But I want you to know
00:42:59that everything is gonna be all right.
00:43:01Would you like me to call you daddy?
00:43:09I want you to go in the bathroom
00:43:11and put your clothes on, okay?
00:43:43It's gonna cost you.
00:43:47It was worth it.
00:44:03I'm telling you, man,
00:44:05Gerardo doesn't want you hanging with that cop.
00:44:07I don't care what Gerardo thinks.
00:44:09You can stop hanging around him.
00:44:11I'm telling you something, man.
00:44:13Since when did you become a cop?
00:44:21Hey, what's the trouble?
00:44:23My little brother doesn't like cops.
00:44:25He runs in the family.
00:44:27He's a cop.
00:44:29He's a cop.
00:44:31He doesn't like cops.
00:44:33He runs in the family.
00:44:37What's this all about?
00:44:39Neighborhood is more than just streets and buildings.
00:44:41Sometimes it's guns and knives.
00:44:43Yeah, well, it used to be more than that.
00:44:45People need to be reminded what they already know.
00:44:51I gotta go.
00:44:53Grab an autograph?
00:44:55You're pretty cynical, you know that?
00:44:57Yeah, well, it comes with the territory.
00:44:59Things are getting better.
00:45:01Still the same shit going down outside.
00:45:03Maybe less than last week.
00:45:11Hey, Tony.
00:45:13You ain't the worst cop I ever met.
00:45:17Hey, Jimmy.
00:45:19Get a haircut, man.
00:45:29Steve, you okay?
00:45:31I'll be all right, man.
00:45:33Hey, guys, let's close up, okay?
00:45:35Let's close the shop. It's getting late.
00:45:39Hey, Tony.
00:45:43Give it up, man.
00:45:47You looking good.
00:45:51You got a minute for an old friend?
00:45:53Yeah, sure.
00:45:55We've come a long way since the hood.
00:45:57Yeah, in some ways.
00:46:01I know we live on opposite sides of the street.
00:46:03At least we learn to respect each other.
00:46:05I think maybe we learn to forget each other.
00:46:09You saved my life once, T.
00:46:11I ain't gonna never forget that.
00:46:13It's no big deal.
00:46:17Well, it was a big deal to me.
00:46:19A guy had a gun to my head and was gonna blow it off.
00:46:21I know you would have done the same thing for me.
00:46:23People like to think they do the right thing.
00:46:25The fact is, man,
00:46:27most people ain't got the balls.
00:46:31Gerardo, what is this?
00:46:33This ain't no walk-down memory lane.
00:46:53things you got going on down here...
00:46:59You planning on making this some kind of regular deal?
00:47:01Haven't really thought about much.
00:47:03Well, I'd think about it if I were you.
00:47:07Sounds like a threat.
00:47:09No, I never threaten a friend.
00:47:11However, keeping these kids off the streets,
00:47:13that can't be too good for business, can it?
00:47:15You know, some people might look at it that way.
00:47:17How do you look at it, Gerardo?
00:47:19I look out for my friends
00:47:21as long as I can.
00:47:25Amen, buddy.
00:47:31Take care of yourself, T.
00:47:33Yeah, you do the same.
00:47:39So I hear this friend of yours is a tough guy.
00:47:41He's the only guy that ever beat me.
00:47:43No kidding.
00:47:45Gerardo and I met when we were about, uh,
00:47:47ten years old.
00:47:49We were real poor, and this guy ran the martial arts
00:47:51studio in the neighborhood.
00:47:53They figured it was better if we were fighting in the ring
00:47:55instead of cutting our throats in the street.
00:47:57Makes sense.
00:48:01By the time we were 15,
00:48:03we were the best.
00:48:09That hurt.
00:48:15I learned a lot of things from our instructor.
00:48:17The most important thing I learned?
00:48:23Yeah, well, uh,
00:48:25you are the most disciplined son of a bitch
00:48:27I ever met.
00:48:31I'm not so sure it's a compliment.
00:48:33Meaning what?
00:48:35Well, the way I see it, you're not so much
00:48:37dedicated to clean living as you are
00:48:39addicted to discipline.
00:48:41What's the difference?
00:48:43You're like a born-again alcoholic, squirting off the sauce.
00:48:45You can't stand to see other people drink.
00:48:47It's because I know what it does to them.
00:48:49No. You know what it does to you.
00:48:51Bullshit. I don't even drink. I never have.
00:48:53I'll bet somebody close to you has.
00:48:55Look, kid, something's chasing you.
00:48:57And until you look at it straight in the face,
00:48:59you'll always be running.
00:49:01See you tomorrow.
00:49:23I remember you. Here.
00:49:25Ain't no need for talking to strangers now.
00:49:27That's all right, ma'am. I'm a cop.
00:49:29No need of telling me that.
00:49:31I've seen you fight before.
00:49:33Pretty bad.
00:49:35For a white boy.
00:49:37Say, uh...
00:49:39Aren't you the guy
00:49:41that Dave's been writing about in them papers?
00:49:43The guy that's doing all of this?
00:49:45Yeah, I guess so.
00:49:53But I still hope
00:49:55the brothers will be a white ass.
00:50:05So, um...
00:50:07How many of you
00:50:09have ever seriously
00:50:11considered being a police officer?
00:50:17Well, you know, uh...
00:50:19You know, being a law enforcement
00:50:21professional can be very rewarding.
00:50:23How much money can I make?
00:50:25How much money can I make?
00:50:29Well, you can start at about $30,000 a year.
00:50:33I made more than that selling crack
00:50:35last month.
00:50:37Oh, yeah?
00:50:39Yeah. Maybe you should come work for me.
00:50:43No, the pay isn't too good in jail.
00:50:45You get to beat people up, man?
00:50:51Sounds pretty cool.
00:50:53Well, uh...
00:50:55Yeah, it can be.
00:50:57Of course, you got to watch out for those
00:50:59video cameras these days.
00:51:05Anyway, anyway, uh...
00:51:07Any other questions?
00:51:09How come cops are such assholes?
00:51:13Well, I'm glad you asked that question.
00:51:15Mainly, it's because
00:51:17we got to deal with punks like you.
00:51:19So I'm a punk?
00:51:21Yeah, you're a punk.
00:51:23Oh, so just because you're a cop,
00:51:25that means you get to shoot innocent people?
00:51:27Innocent people, huh?
00:51:29You know what innocent is?
00:51:31Innocent is a three-year-old girl that you guys
00:51:33shot the other night in a drive-by.
00:51:35We didn't shoot nobody, man.
00:51:37Oh, you didn't, huh? You're a gang member, aren't you?
00:51:41Well, that was a gang shooting, and you're part of all of that.
00:51:43Yeah, but you're a cop, ain't you?
00:51:47So how come you shot my homeboy Smiley last year?
00:51:49He wasn't doing nothing.
00:51:51Oh, he wasn't doing nothing. He was going home.
00:51:53Yeah, he was going home.
00:51:55With your $30,000 of crack in his pocket.
00:51:57Hey, man, Smiley didn't sell.
00:51:59Oh, Smiley didn't sell.
00:52:01Yeah, I think you do.
00:52:03Public speaking was never Flanagan's strong suit.
00:52:05Yeah, everybody don't sell.
00:52:07You cops always think that.
00:52:09Oh, we always think that?
00:52:11Look how you think.
00:52:13$30,000 last year, like that's something.
00:52:15You see how you act?
00:52:31Hey, give me a hand, will you?
00:52:35Hey, uh, heard you've been taking some flack.
00:52:37Some people don't like
00:52:39the company I've been keeping with lately.
00:52:43This place really changed, though, huh?
00:52:45Yeah, it's becoming a neighborhood again.
00:52:47I mean, it doesn't solve everything,
00:52:49but it's a start.
00:52:51Yeah, I'm glad.
00:52:53Thank you.
00:52:55It all happened because I called you out.
00:52:57No, it happened because some people
00:52:59took advantage of a chance when they got one.
00:53:01Hey, Jimmy!
00:53:03Hey, man, I gotta go.
00:53:05Take care, all right?
00:53:07See you later.
00:53:15See you later.
00:53:29We can get laid without waiting that long.
00:53:31All right, fine.
00:53:33All right.
00:53:45Hey, do you think I should give her some kind of,
00:53:47I don't know, an advantage?
00:54:01What kind of an advantage
00:54:03do you suggest?
00:54:05Never mind.
00:54:15Hey, Brian.
00:54:17Hey, Brian, Brian.
00:54:19Can we see you a minute over here?
00:54:21Yeah, no, not right now.
00:54:23No, come on, let me buy you a beer, all right?
00:54:25I don't want a beer. Thanks.
00:54:27Brian, they'll be fine. Come on, they'll be fine.
00:54:29Yeah, really. Hey, look, Tony can score, all right?
00:54:31I can score. Tony?
00:54:33Tony can what?
00:54:35You can what?
00:54:37Brian, Brian, Brian.
00:54:39Just come with us, okay?
00:54:43Just come with us, okay?
00:54:45I'll be right over here.
00:54:49If you want to come with us, darling,
00:54:51you can come with us. No, that's all right.
00:54:53I'll be right over here. I'll be back shortly.
00:54:55I'll be back shortly.
00:54:57I want your opinion on some ball.
00:55:01Hi, how you doing? I'm Tony, glad to meet you.
00:55:03He really does
00:55:05like you.
00:55:07My dad and I only exactly see eye to eye
00:55:09on a lot of things.
00:55:11Are you dating me?
00:55:13That's a big one.
00:55:15He is really protective.
00:55:17But it's more than that.
00:55:19Next year will be 20 years,
00:55:21and when he doesn't have the job anymore,
00:55:23what's left?
00:55:27I don't think your dad likes the idea of you getting together with a cop.
00:55:31Are we getting together?
00:55:35It kind of feels that way, doesn't it?
00:55:37All I know is
00:55:39it feels good.
00:55:53So what's they hold up?
00:55:55They get nervous? I don't know.
00:55:57I heard these homeboys brought in some kind of a ringer.
00:55:59A ringer? Yeah.
00:56:01Well, we're ready for them. What can they have?
00:56:07Let's do it!
00:56:09They brought someone in so you wouldn't be bored, okay?
00:56:11I'm gonna beat him ugly.
00:56:13Okay, hey, Tommy, it's not over till the fat lady sings, right, pal?
00:56:15That's right, and you don't forget who's gonna buy the pizza tonight.
00:56:17You got it.
00:56:19Movement, Tommy, movement.
00:56:35Let's go!
00:56:45Looks like your old buddy just threw things up a notch or two.
00:56:49Watch out, Dave!
00:57:05Get him!
00:57:31Hey, get him out of there!
00:57:35Get him out of there!
00:57:37Get him out of there!
00:57:49Come on!
00:57:51Come on!
00:58:05Come on!
00:58:15All right!
00:58:17Come on!
00:58:21Come on!
00:58:51Get out of the way!
00:59:13Come on! Come on!
00:59:21Come on!
00:59:39Put him up! Put him up!
01:00:05I thought you told me this guy could fight.
01:00:07He used to fight pro, man.
01:00:09You look like a fool.
01:00:37Way to go!
01:00:41Way to go!
01:00:57Let's go!
01:01:11Let's go!
01:01:33Thank God you can never find a cop when you need one.
01:01:35Can I try to talk to you?
01:01:41It doesn't matter, man.
01:01:43I've seen guys take it like this before.
01:01:45Get an ambulance!
01:01:47I can make it, man.
01:01:49Did Johnny do this?
01:01:51No. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
01:01:57He didn't pull the trigger, but he bought the guns.
01:02:03Hang in there, buddy.
01:02:05You are gonna make this, man.
01:02:07That's it. Hurry up!
01:02:09That's it. Hold on, man. Fight it.
01:02:11Hang in there.
01:02:13Come on, Jimmy.
01:02:55That's too bad about the kid.
01:02:59His name was Jimmy.
01:03:01Well, it could have been you.
01:03:09Word on the street is it's over.
01:03:11What's all over?
01:03:15The papers are making it sound like the dealers have taken back the street.
01:03:17They say you aren't gonna show tonight.
01:03:21What has it got to do with me anyhow?
01:03:23Whether you like it or not, kid,
01:03:25people think the fights were your idea.
01:03:27Problem is the fights are getting into Gerardo's pocket.
01:03:31What does the neighborhood think about it?
01:03:33They're scared.
01:03:35I mean, if the dealers aren't scared, a cop's away.
01:03:37I heard they're gonna kill a cop if you show up tonight.
01:03:49So what do you think he's gonna do?
01:03:53I don't give a damn what he does,
01:03:55as long as he doesn't get dead.
01:04:07You know, you were right all along.
01:04:09About what?
01:04:13My life is just one giant goddamn monument to self-control.
01:04:19But you know why?
01:04:23Because people who don't have control are losers.
01:04:27My mother was a loser.
01:04:29My father was a loser.
01:04:31They drank themselves to fucking death.
01:04:33You know, they say that alcoholism is hereditary.
01:04:37Well, they say a lot of things.
01:04:41You are not your parents.
01:04:43You're goddamn right I'm not.
01:04:45I hated them.
01:04:47And I can't.
01:04:49No, no, no, I won't be like them.
01:04:53You know, Tony, sometimes a person pushes against their will
01:04:55to do what they want to do.
01:04:57No, no, no, I won't be like them.
01:05:01You know, Tony, sometimes a person pushes against a thing so hard
01:05:05that he makes it happen.
01:05:09You think that's gonna happen to me?
01:05:11This has got nothing to do with your parents.
01:05:13You're running away from yourself.
01:05:15Come on.
01:05:25Are you gonna show up tomorrow night?
01:05:27I never ran from a fight. Ever.
01:05:31It's not good for the soul.
01:05:33Getting your head blown off is not so hot for the body, either.
01:05:35I ain't afraid of Gerardo.
01:05:39Look, there is such a thing as a healthy fear.
01:05:41It's kept me alive for years.
01:05:43Believe me.
01:05:47Jimmy trusted me.
01:05:49A lot of those guys trusted me.
01:05:51Hell, even some of them trusted you.
01:05:53So what?
01:05:55So what?
01:05:57None of them trusted us two weeks ago.
01:05:59We're doing something worthwhile down there.
01:06:01Well, let me tell you something.
01:06:03It's not your job to save the whole world.
01:06:09I'm not trying to save the world.
01:06:11I just want to save that little piece that I live in.
01:06:25Baby, you're looking real good tonight.
01:06:27You know I like that.
01:06:29It's good.
01:06:37Come on, get in there.
01:06:49This is it.
01:06:51Let me get the phone.
01:06:53Yeah, what's up?
01:06:57No, man, that was real sloppy.
01:07:01Now this has to be real smooth.
01:07:03No mistakes.
01:07:05I understand he's dating some chick.
01:09:33You're a feisty little bitch, aren't you?
01:09:35Ah! Ah!
01:09:36Oh, God Jesus Christ! I'm gonna kill you!
01:09:39Oh, God! Oh! Oh!
01:09:42Ah! Ah!
01:09:47Ah! Ah!
01:09:58Hold my effective anesthesia.
01:10:00She's up.
01:10:03Sometimes she falls asleep on the couch.
01:10:06We can wait on the porch.
01:11:03Ah! Ah! Ah!
01:11:20What's wrong?
01:11:26They got my daughter.
01:11:27What are you talking about?
01:11:30Your friend left a note.
01:11:32Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:11:34No, you stay here.
01:11:35Stay by the phone just in case.
01:11:57I want to see Gerardo.
01:11:59Give me your hand.
01:12:00I mean, he ain't in for me.
01:12:06Either way, he ain't in.
01:12:11So why don't you just run along?
01:12:22Ah! Ah!
01:12:51Get out!
01:13:00Get out!
01:13:13Next time, call ahead.
01:13:19Where is she?
01:13:20Where's who?
01:13:22Anybody else touches me, even touches me, he's dead.
01:13:28Don't play tough guy with me, man.
01:13:29I don't play, T.
01:13:32I kicked your ass ten years ago.
01:13:35I can do it again.
01:13:38Where's Susan?
01:13:42I don't know.
01:13:46But I heard things.
01:13:48What have you heard?
01:13:50I heard she'll be released unharmed after you don't show up tonight.
01:13:57You really think I don't show tonight you're gonna win these streets back?
01:14:00For a while.
01:14:02Nothing lasts forever, I know that.
01:14:04But I'm a business man, T.
01:14:06It's nothing personal.
01:14:08It's business.
01:14:09I could make you tell me.
01:14:19That would definitely be a mistake, T.
01:14:26That's the second time I saved your life tonight, T.
01:14:29That makes us even.
01:14:50Don't even think about it.
01:14:56Don't think about it.
01:15:26Don't think about it.
01:15:48Where is she? What did he say? What did he say?
01:15:51He said he's gonna let her go if I don't show up tonight.
01:15:54Well, what are you gonna do?
01:15:56Listen, I don't give a good goddamn what you'd like to do.
01:15:59We're talking about my daughter here.
01:16:44Hi, you've reached 555-8090.
01:16:47No one is here to take your call, but if you leave a message, we'll call you back.
01:16:52Well, what do you think? Is this guy gonna let her go or what?
01:16:54Look, all I know is if I don't show up tonight, Gerardo takes these streets back.
01:16:58And no matter what I do afterwards, this neighborhood's gonna know he backed me down.
01:17:01Well, I'm sorry, kid. I know how you feel, but, uh...
01:17:03No, you don't know how I feel, but don't worry.
01:17:07Susan's safety is a lot more important than my pride.
01:17:10Um, I don't know the exact address, but it's the second exit north of the Santa Monica on the 405, and then...
01:17:25Daddy, it's me. Um, I don't know the exact address, but it's the second exit north of the Santa Monica on the 405, and then...
01:17:33How does she know where she is?
01:17:35It was a game we played when she was a kid.
01:17:36If she knew exactly where she was, she felt less handicapped.
01:17:40The second exit off the 405?
01:17:41Yeah, Mulholland. Big deal. It narrows it down to about a million people.
01:17:46Down to one.
01:17:48She said Gerardo.
01:17:51Down to one.
01:17:53She said Gerardo.
01:17:56That would be the last place I would think to look for her.
01:18:15Very nice.
01:18:20Too bad he can't see what I got for you.
01:18:23Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm gonna get us all killed.
01:18:26Now what are you gonna do, huh?
01:18:32What are you gonna do now?
01:18:43The hell's that?
01:18:49Fuck you.
01:19:19Fuck you.
01:19:58It's all right, darling.
01:20:00You're all right.
01:20:06What's happening?
01:20:07Don't worry. It's gonna be all right. We're gonna get out of here, okay?
01:20:19Come on.
01:20:25Let's go.
01:20:49Come on.
01:21:00You understand I gotta do this.
01:21:03I understand.
01:21:19Come on.
01:21:49Come on.
01:22:20Gerardo killed my brother.
01:22:23I thought you could use some help.
01:22:49Come on.
01:23:25You should have walked, T.
01:23:27Too many people walk away.
01:23:29At least I gave you a choice, man.
01:23:31No, you don't give choices. You give orders.
01:23:34And you're done giving orders on these streets.
01:23:37I'm done talking.
01:23:39I'm done talking.
01:23:41I'm done talking.
01:23:43I'm done talking.
01:23:45I'm done talking.
01:23:47I'm done talking.
01:23:49I'm done talking.
01:24:20Come on.
01:24:31Hit him.
01:24:32Come on.
01:24:49Come on.
01:24:51Come on.
01:24:55Come on.
01:24:58Come on.
01:24:59Come on.
01:25:00Come on.
01:25:01Come on.
01:25:02Come on.
01:25:03Come on.
01:25:04Come on.
01:25:05Come on.
01:25:06Come on.
01:25:07Come on.
01:25:08Come on.
01:25:09Come on.
01:25:10Come on.
01:25:11Come on.
01:25:12Come on.
01:25:13Come on.
01:25:14Come on.
01:25:15Come on.
01:25:16Come on.
01:25:17Come on.
01:25:18Come on.
01:25:19Come on.
01:25:20Come on.
01:25:21Come on.
01:25:22Don't let him get away!
01:25:38Come on, man!
01:25:41Get him.
01:25:42Come on.
01:25:46Come on, Tony.
01:25:48Good job, good job, good job.
01:25:50Time for a little break right there, boy.
01:26:02Come on, man.
01:26:03Come on, G!
01:26:05Get him, get him, get him.
01:26:07Come on.
01:26:08Let's go, G.
01:26:10Come on, G.
01:26:11I got this.
01:26:13Let's go, G.
01:26:17Get him.
01:26:19Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:26:49on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:26:58on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:05on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:10on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:15on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:20on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:24on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:28on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:31on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:34on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:36on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:39on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:40on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:41on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:42on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:43on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:27:44on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:28:14on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:28:44on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:29:14on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:29:44on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:14on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:21on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:28on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:35on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:42on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:49on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
01:30:54on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come