Walking the Edge (1985) Action Drama Thriller

  • 2 days ago
A Los Angeles cabby/numbers runner (Robert Forster) helps a widow (Nancy Kwan) gain revenge on a killer (Joe Spinell) and his gang.
00:02:38You motherfucker mcgee, you know, I don't make no nigger jokes man
00:02:46Beans beans
00:02:48the musical fruit
00:02:50The more you eat
00:02:51Knock it off mckay. The more you two, you know, jimmy. You're an asshole too. You know that. Hey knock it off the buddy
00:02:56Give me a headache. Oh tell these pentacles to leave me alone. I didn't do nothing to them
00:03:00What did my husband do, for God's sake?
00:03:02You hurt my father.
00:03:03Shut up, kid.
00:03:06You double-crossed Mr. R, Mrs. H.
00:03:09He was a very bad, bad boy.
00:03:12Now he's got to pay for it.
00:03:14Don't play the dumb broad, lady.
00:03:15How the hell you think Jerry be paying for this estate you got here, huh?
00:03:20You get out of our house!
00:03:22Bruce, I told you to sit down and shut the fuck up!
00:03:24You too, bitch!
00:03:27Your father is a dope pusher, kid.
00:03:29You're a liar!
00:03:30No, I'm not a liar.
00:03:31He pushes hard-line shit to kids your age.
00:03:34And to pretty little girls who are climbing the back seat of that Mercedes-Benz to get their heads straightened out.
00:03:40You have a real great father, kid.
00:03:44You had.
00:03:46You're a sick man.
00:03:48I like it like that, baby.
00:03:50I'm totally crazed.
00:04:00Hey, Bruce.
00:04:02He's coming.
00:04:03Okay, Jimmy.
00:04:04The girl.
00:04:05Hey, Suze.
00:04:06The boy.
00:04:08I can't tell!
00:04:09I can't tell!
00:04:29Run, Dad, run!
00:04:43Where the hell is the girl, Jimmy?
00:04:59You stupid bitch, go get her!
00:05:12I think I hear something over there, man.
00:05:17Damn it!
00:05:19Keith, where are you?
00:05:20Over here, man.
00:05:22Get over here by the fence.
00:05:34What the hell are you doing there, Suze?
00:05:36I'm smoking a joint, man.
00:05:38Yeah, well, let's take it on the arches over here.
00:05:40Hey, forget that bitch, man!
00:05:42I'm gonna find her.
00:05:48We're gonna find that bitch now, man.
00:05:50No way up here.
00:05:51She could be three miles away from here.
00:05:53I'll still look for her, Bruce.
00:05:55No, no, you stay right here.
00:05:57Where the hell is that idiot, Suze?
00:05:59I don't know, man.
00:06:00Come on, baby.
00:06:01Give it up.
00:06:02Give it up.
00:06:03Give it up.
00:06:04Give it up.
00:06:05Give it up.
00:06:06Give it up.
00:06:07Give it up.
00:06:08Give it up.
00:06:09Give it up.
00:06:10Give it up.
00:06:11Give it up.
00:06:12Give it up.
00:06:13Give it up.
00:06:14Jimmy, you pissed brain!
00:06:15What're you doing?
00:06:16You nigga-lifted a J, man.
00:06:17I did not.
00:06:18Look at this shit, man.
00:06:19Ah, come on, will you morons stop talking about this
00:06:21before the cops put your ass in jail?
00:06:24I don't have to put up with this shit.
00:06:25I don't have to put up with your shit either, Brewster.
00:06:33I don't want any crap from you, Jason.
00:06:35I deal with bats and I deal with Muriel.
00:06:37You pick up and deliver.
00:06:38Otherwise, keep your friggin' mouth shut.
00:06:40Is that clear?
00:06:41but the figure they give me was 3.80.
00:06:43So fuck 3.80.
00:06:45I told that stupid bitch Muriel Herron's boys scratched in the fifth race,
00:06:49which is an $80 difference, and that's all I'm paying.
00:06:52You want to argue that walk?
00:06:55No, I guess I don't, Bob.
00:06:57No, I didn't think you did.
00:07:05All right.
00:07:07So what do you want me to tell Fats, 5.16?
00:07:105.16? Not Bob?
00:07:12We're not friends anymore, Jason?
00:07:14Just business acquaintances, is that it?
00:07:17My friends don't talk to me that way.
00:07:19So fuck it. I'll get out here.
00:07:31We don't make that kind of mistake, Jason.
00:07:33I don't know why I should have to tell you this again.
00:07:36The numbers we give you are the same goddamn figures that we agreed on with the players.
00:07:41And they're right. Everybody seems to know that except you, for Christ's sake.
00:07:45What do you want me to do, break his fingers?
00:07:47Maybe. Maybe that's what it's leading to, Jason. I don't know.
00:07:51Look, it'd be one thing if it was just 5.16, but it isn't.
00:07:56You let these bastards get away with it once,
00:07:58and the next thing you know, it's a fucking epidemic.
00:08:00Now, I pay like clockwork.
00:08:06Well, don't I pay like clockwork? You're my runner, you tell me.
00:08:10Pay like clockwork, Fats.
00:08:12Mm-hmm. Every dollar, every nickel, every dime.
00:08:16A player hits for the week, his money's there.
00:08:18So now I gotta go on out, but not coming in.
00:08:24Well, what you're short is what you don't get paid this week.
00:08:30Wait, are you kidding?
00:08:33You can't do that to me, Fats.
00:08:35What the hell? I run that cab for you, not for the goddamn company.
00:08:38I ain't got any dough.
00:08:40So now we got balls, huh? Now he wants to fight.
00:08:44Okay, Jason, I'll tell you what.
00:08:47You collect from 5.16, it's yours.
00:08:50Same thing goes for 4.12 and every other half-dollar player that still owes us, okay?
00:08:54Plus, I'm gonna make you a real deal.
00:08:59You pull down the two-and-a-half times that fuckin' jigpimp...
00:09:03What's his number? 606, Leon.
00:09:07You bring in the 2,500 he owes, you get half.
00:09:12You're a jewel, Fats.
00:09:15Now, at any event, Jase, you're gonna have to make up your mind.
00:09:18Either shit'll get off the pot.
00:09:20I mean, look at you, for Christ's sake. You're not exactly a wimp.
00:09:24You got a right arm stronger than a fuckin' ox.
00:09:26You probably threw harder than anybody in the history of triple-A baseball, for Christ's sake.
00:09:32You could have been a right-handed Sandy Koufax...
00:09:36if you had the balls.
00:09:43You're okay, Jason.
00:09:46One hell of a guy, but the world don't give a shit about nice guys.
00:09:51Don't think about that.
00:09:54See you Thursday.
00:09:56Oh, uh, and, Jason...
00:09:59don't push Leon around too much, okay?
00:10:02Fuck you.
00:10:05Uh, I've had worse offers.
00:10:23Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:26Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:29Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:32Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:35Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:38Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:41Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:44Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:47Five, six, seven, eight.
00:10:53I'm glad it's finally happening. It's about time.
00:10:56Oh, you'll see. Go on in. You'll see.
00:11:25You finished?
00:11:26You scared me. I thought...
00:11:28This is great. This is just great, Linda. No shit.
00:11:34Oh, so you finally caught the slut.
00:11:38Good for you, Jason.
00:11:39You stay out of this, you old hag.
00:11:41Oh, listen to who's calling who an old hag.
00:11:47Who's calling who an old hag?
00:11:50I hope you haven't been sleeping with her, Jason.
00:11:52You better see a doctor if you have.
00:11:54Jason, listen to me.
00:11:55She's just a crazy old woman.
00:11:57An old snooping, peeping toad.
00:11:59Oh, at least I'm not a twat, sugar.
00:12:03You give her hell, Jason.
00:12:05Slap the bewadens out of her.
00:12:06She deserves it.
00:12:08Jason, it's not what you think.
00:12:11Geez, I hadn't thought of that.
00:12:12You mean to tell me there isn't another guy in there?
00:12:15So what happens now?
00:12:16Now you get your friend and you get out.
00:12:19Five minutes, I give you five minutes max.
00:12:22So what if I don't leave?
00:12:24What then?
00:12:25Linda, I've been pushed a lot lately.
00:12:29I have been pushed a lot.
00:12:31Be gone when I come back.
00:12:35Aren't we hitting it a little heavy tonight?
00:12:40You played a doubleheader today, Julia.
00:12:44Someone told me old baseball pitchers never die.
00:12:47They just lose their balls.
00:12:50Only their fastballs.
00:12:52So who said anything about speed?
00:12:56I did.
00:13:00So who said anything about speed?
00:13:04Feel up to another doubleheader?
00:13:14Maybe I'll go warm up in the...
00:13:25Look, Phil, I filled out the trip report.
00:13:27I don't have time for the rest of that paperwork.
00:13:31All right, well, then you tell him to take me off the list for a while, all right?
00:13:36I'll come back when I feel like it.
00:13:37I'll give him a call.
00:13:39Oh, I'm gonna get you in trouble.
00:13:41Well, how much of crap do you think I was gonna take, Phil?
00:13:45All right.
00:13:48Hey, Jason.
00:13:51I need to borrow the greatest arm in the history of triple-A baseball for a second, buddy.
00:13:54I can't get that off.
00:13:57How's the wheels?
00:13:59The wheels is creaky.
00:14:01I think I'm getting old or something.
00:14:03This is tough.
00:14:05It's been on there a long time.
00:14:07Come on, you can get it, buddy.
00:14:09It's the bottom of the ninth.
00:14:10You got the bases loaded, two outs.
00:14:11Full count.
00:14:12You put crazy glue on this.
00:14:14I wouldn't do that to you, buddy.
00:14:16It's too hot for humor.
00:14:19Take off that screwball, buddy.
00:14:20All right.
00:14:21Thank you, man.
00:14:23All these years I've known you, I don't believe how strong that arm of yours is.
00:14:28Hey, check that out.
00:14:32Looks like lunchtime's over.
00:14:34Well, shit, I just got here.
00:14:36I got a lot of paying and receiving this afternoon.
00:14:38I can't be doing this.
00:14:39I don't need taxi business.
00:14:42Yeah, well, after you get friendly with her, why don't you invite me over?
00:14:47Are you the driver?
00:14:48Well, seldom is possible, lady.
00:14:51This is right here, you know, and it's cheaper.
00:14:53I have money.
00:14:55This is an uncomfortable cab.
00:14:56There's no air conditioning.
00:14:57The heat doesn't bother me.
00:14:59How long can I hire you for?
00:15:01Well, after dark, I get a long tooth and a very hairy face.
00:15:05I'll need you for at least an hour.
00:15:12You're a hard case, you know that, lady?
00:15:14I'm superstitious.
00:15:18How do you mean?
00:15:20Your cab number, 23.
00:15:22I was born on the 23rd.
00:15:32Where to?
00:15:33501 Melrose.
00:15:49I'm superstitious, too.
00:15:51All gamblers are.
00:15:52Are they?
00:15:54When we get there, park in the street and keep the motor running.
00:15:58You're the boss.
00:16:16It'll be about five minutes.
00:16:53Hello, Ron.
00:16:55Where did you get out?
00:16:57I called the sanatorium and they said they didn't know that you were still...
00:17:02It isn't a sanatorium, Ron.
00:17:04It's a hospital.
00:17:06I had a nervous breakdown.
00:17:08I came to see you, Chris.
00:17:09I did, honest.
00:17:11They wouldn't let me in.
00:17:13You were being protected, guarded.
00:17:19Anyhow, I got so busy here, I meant it.
00:17:24Oh, Chris.
00:17:27So terrible.
00:17:30Jerry, little boy.
00:17:37Jerry was my best friend.
00:17:41My God, Chris, are you all right now?
00:17:43You must still be destroyed.
00:17:45I don't know how you're able to stand up under a thing.
00:17:50What kind of animals would do a thing like that?
00:17:53Butcher a young kid in cold blood.
00:18:00I had a lot of time to think while I was in the hospital, Ron.
00:18:05A lot of sleepless nights.
00:18:08Horrible nightmares.
00:18:10I kept reliving it.
00:18:12Over and over I relived it.
00:18:15Every moment.
00:18:17And the one thing that kept coming back, kept haunting me, was...
00:18:24Mr. R.
00:18:30He double-crossed Mr. R, Mrs. H.
00:18:33So now he pays.
00:18:35Chris, you're not thinking straight.
00:18:39You're still upset?
00:18:40Don't play the dumb broad, lady.
00:18:42How the hell do you think Jerry would be paying for this estate you've got here?
00:18:46Christine, please.
00:18:47Please believe me.
00:18:49I didn't know what they were going to do when this thing got out of hand.
00:18:53It's true.
00:18:56If he was pushing drugs to young kids, maybe he deserved it.
00:19:00But Danny was my baby.
00:19:05My son.
00:19:25I love you.
00:19:56There's an auto body shop down on Weston.
00:19:58I don't know the exact address, but it's south of Wilshire.
00:20:01I know where it is.
00:20:02When we get there, I'll tell you.
00:20:04Weston, south of Wilshire.
00:20:15You can turn the radio back on.
00:20:17It's jazz.
00:20:19I like jazz.
00:20:21All right.
00:20:38I don't want to hear that.
00:20:40It's almost over.
00:20:42I said I don't want to hear it.
00:20:44All right.
00:20:53That's it right there.
00:20:56On the left.
00:20:58Wait, down there?
00:20:59Yes, on the left.
00:21:02No, don't pull in.
00:21:05Yes, yes, go on, pull in.
00:21:06All right, pull in, pull in.
00:21:08Jesus Christ, lady, it'd be nice if you gave me a little bit of warning.
00:21:12I just did.
00:21:23All right?
00:21:25You don't have to wait.
00:21:27If I don't come back, you don't have to wait.
00:21:29Five minutes is all I...
00:21:30I ain't going to leave without my money anyway, lady.
00:21:33Just in case.
00:21:53Hey, Su.
00:21:56Slime in that 18-inch wrench, man.
00:22:01Hey, man.
00:22:02We ain't open for business.
00:22:04This is a private place.
00:22:06I got it.
00:22:08Hey, Jimmy.
00:22:11Is that you, Jesus?
00:22:17Hey, Su.
00:22:20Hey, Su.
00:22:42Son of a bitch.
00:23:13God damn it, lady!
00:23:20Jesus Christ!
00:23:22What are you nuts?
00:23:25You must be crazy, lady.
00:23:27God damn it, they were shooting at me with fucking bullets.
00:23:29You stupid bastard.
00:23:31Jesus, they were trying to kill me.
00:23:33I'll never have another chance like that.
00:23:35It beat the shit out of me.
00:23:36My God damn hands feel like they're broken.
00:23:38They were all there.
00:23:39Jesus Christ.
00:23:40I told you not to wait.
00:23:42Look at me, I'm bleeding.
00:23:43But you had to.
00:23:44You had to get in the way, you...
00:23:45I'm bleeding.
00:23:46Jack off, cabbie.
00:23:47You stupid...
00:23:50Son of a...
00:23:52Stupid nothing.
00:24:01Are you hurt?
00:24:02You're hurt, uh-oh.
00:24:12We'll get you home.
00:24:17Stay right there.
00:24:23Can you make it?
00:24:25Of course I can make it.
00:24:26All right, just watch your step.
00:24:28I can see.
00:24:30Don't look.
00:24:32Just like we're kissing.
00:24:33I don't know what you're involved in,
00:24:35but I don't want this woman or anybody to know where you are.
00:24:37Come on.
00:24:38Just easy.
00:24:50You're welcome.
00:24:53Are you sure you don't want me to sit on the floor
00:24:55so you won't get blood on your furniture?
00:24:58Suit yourself.
00:25:02I'll never forgive you for what you did.
00:25:04You'll never forgive me for what I did.
00:25:06Jesus Christ, you got a lot of balls, lady.
00:25:09Forget it, Jason.
00:25:10She's not going to forgive you.
00:25:12She's not going to forgive you.
00:25:14You might as well live with it.
00:25:15What the hell do you know?
00:25:17I know you killed that guy, lady.
00:25:19Now, I'm not real hip.
00:25:20I never saw death before,
00:25:22and it scared the shit out of me.
00:25:24I could feel it then, and I can still feel it now.
00:25:26Give me a towel, please.
00:25:44It was a sick thing to do, lady.
00:25:46Sick and bizarre.
00:25:48You got one oar in the water.
00:25:50In about two minutes, I'm going to call the cops.
00:25:52In about ten minutes after that,
00:25:53they're going to come and take you away,
00:25:54and that's where I think you're going to be for a long time.
00:25:58Look at my face.
00:25:59Look at my fucking face!
00:26:01Will you turn around, please?
00:26:07Sure I will.
00:26:13Just don't shoot me in the back, lady.
00:26:18What a fucking jackpot.
00:26:22All right?
00:26:25Yes, thank you.
00:26:31Is it bad?
00:26:35What did he do, stab you?
00:26:38I didn't even feel it until I was in the car.
00:26:41I didn't even know what had happened.
00:26:46Doesn't look like a stab wound.
00:26:48I don't know what the hell that is.
00:26:51Guess I was lucky, huh?
00:26:55Listen, I got some salves,
00:26:56something we use for sliding bruises,
00:26:58raspberries, you know?
00:27:05You've heard of sliding bruises?
00:27:09All right, girl, sit down here.
00:27:11Ease the pain, I think.
00:27:16It doesn't hurt.
00:27:20Sit still.
00:27:22It's my back mostly.
00:27:24It's kind of hard breathing.
00:27:32I think you need some stitches.
00:27:35Forget it, I'm all right.
00:27:36I'll be alive, I'm not used to it.
00:27:39Does it hurt?
00:27:40Yeah, to being shot at.
00:27:44How could you do that?
00:27:46How could you put a gun up to a guy's face and blow it off?
00:27:50It was easy.
00:27:52They killed my son.
00:27:58And here is the Channel 7 news update
00:28:00on the mystery hit-and-run murder of a car mechanic
00:28:03who was found dead in a June Avenue garage and body shop earlier today.
00:28:06The homicide section of the police department
00:28:08have launched a city-wide search for an Oriental woman
00:28:12who, according to the witnesses,
00:28:14escaped in a yellow taxi cab
00:28:16after shooting one mechanic and narrowly missing two others.
00:28:19The police report no motive for the slaying.
00:28:23This is Joe Ross for the Channel 7 news.
00:28:26They're looking for a cab with bullet holes in it.
00:28:28You got that? That's my cab.
00:28:30I gotta bang that window out, quick.
00:28:32You could get me to a bus.
00:28:34I have relatives in Chinatown.
00:28:36That makes me an accessory.
00:28:38I'm already an accessory.
00:28:40Makes me 18 and abetted.
00:28:42When it's dark, let me wait till it gets dark.
00:28:44Then I'll leave.
00:28:45You can hardly walk. You ready to leave?
00:28:47You'll never see me again.
00:28:49Wish you'd get that lucky.
00:28:51Well, I didn't ask for it to happen.
00:28:55I just did something about it.
00:28:58What the hell do you expect me to do, lady?
00:29:00Jesus Christ, I got problems of my own.
00:29:02This is a big one. You're in a hell of a jam.
00:29:05You're gonna be on the run. You got money?
00:29:10Jesus Christ, I can't do anything about this.
00:29:12Look, maybe you can stay here a day or a couple of days,
00:29:16but I ain't gonna get involved.
00:29:18I don't care what's right and what's wrong.
00:29:20I ain't gonna get involved in this thing.
00:29:22I can get you some money. I got a way.
00:29:27Get in the bedroom.
00:29:29Up here, take this.
00:29:32Keep quiet.
00:29:37Jason, the football game is almost ready to start,
00:29:39and I thought that since you're home,
00:29:41we'd watch it together like we always do on Sundays.
00:29:43Mrs. Johnson.
00:29:44I don't care if you yell and swear.
00:29:46Just don't use that F word.
00:29:48Mrs. Johnson, I've got a date, and I'm late already, so...
00:29:51Well, I'll just watch it with you.
00:29:54Don't you even have it on, Jason?
00:29:56No, I don't.
00:29:58Oh, well, then I'll just watch it by myself, then.
00:30:02Okay. Good night.
00:30:07I hope you didn't bet too much, Jason.
00:30:09Just a small wager.
00:30:11Oh, good night.
00:30:13Good night.
00:30:14Next time, Mrs. Johnson.
00:30:22All right, I've got to leave.
00:30:24I'm gonna meet a friend.
00:30:26Leave the television on. Don't answer the phone.
00:30:29This woman is a real snoop.
00:30:31She sees everything that goes on around here. Everything.
00:30:33If you so much as look through that window or move those drapes,
00:30:36she'll see it. Don't do it.
00:30:38All right, if I gotta get in touch,
00:30:40I'll let it ring one and a half times,
00:30:42count to ten, then start dialing again.
00:30:44That's a count of about 15 before it starts to ring.
00:30:46Got it?
00:30:51Keep the door locked.
00:31:03Oh, shit!
00:31:26Oh, shit!
00:31:56Oh, shit!
00:32:15Hey, Lone Ranger.
00:32:17Go take your three wheel and go plan the fucking freeway.
00:32:22What are you laughing at?
00:32:32You know, Jimmy,
00:32:34when you thought beating your meat was the best piece of ass in East L.A.,
00:32:38me and Jesus were running down a corpus
00:32:40and bringing back flake on a boat.
00:32:44Those beanies are good with a knife,
00:32:46but Jesus,
00:32:48he was real stubborn.
00:32:50He was real special.
00:32:53I remember these two rookie shit-heels,
00:32:55they tried to cut the connection.
00:32:58Jesus gave them a new smile,
00:33:01from here...
00:33:04to here.
00:33:07Jesus was a real good friend.
00:33:11Miss Dahl was a good connection at Gone Bad,
00:33:13so I guess we should thank that lady for turning those lights out.
00:33:19She owes us two for killing Jesus.
00:33:22Hey, Jimmy.
00:33:25What's the matter with you?
00:33:27You looted out? Huh?
00:33:29Take two and you make one fucking moron!
00:33:32At least I ain't one all by myself.
00:33:35At least I ain't like McKee.
00:33:37I beat twice to you, airhead.
00:33:41Look at that shit.
00:33:44What's up, motherfucker?
00:33:49Come on.
00:33:51Are you two assholes through?
00:33:58You wanna cut somebody, McKee?
00:34:00We're gonna find that lady
00:34:02and cut her up into tiny little pieces.
00:34:05Then we're gonna find out if that cabbie likes Chinese food.
00:34:09I'm gonna feed him those little pieces.
00:34:11Spread the word around.
00:34:13I want this guy to sweat it out.
00:34:18This way he won't be disappointed
00:34:21when we find him.
00:34:28Mark gets it under control and gets off a good kick.
00:34:32Schultz waiting, he's got it at the 20,
00:34:34and he's off to the sidelines.
00:34:36He's got some speed, and oh, Nelson comes in.
00:34:39Oh, my, a fine tackle by Don Nelson,
00:34:42who just came in out of nowhere.
00:34:44That's right, Jim. Don Nelson,
00:34:46from a Rundell high school in Maryland.
00:34:48He's got good speed, and he's a hard hitter.
00:34:50So it was her.
00:34:52Aren't you glad to see me?
00:34:54It all depends. On what?
00:34:56How dangerous you are.
00:34:58I am a dangerous bad dude, Coach East.
00:35:00That's what I hear.
00:35:04Have any idea who that was
00:35:06we were mixing it up with today?
00:35:08You sound like your man.
00:35:10You know, I kind of am, Jase.
00:35:12I mean, it's not like I didn't see you
00:35:14for the sake of it.
00:35:16All afternoon I've been hearing news flashes
00:35:18about shootouts and killings.
00:35:20The police are looking all over hell
00:35:22for a Chinese woman and a taxi driver.
00:35:24I've been trying like crazy to get a hold of you.
00:35:26Nobody answers your phone.
00:35:28I don't know if you're alive or dead or what.
00:35:30I'm alive.
00:35:32So who cares?
00:35:34You want to play it that way, go ahead.
00:35:36Yeah, I will.
00:35:38Sometimes you can really be a prick, you know?
00:35:40Oh, is that any way for a mother to talk?
00:35:42You okay?
00:35:44Yeah, not bad, huh?
00:35:46Back to pass, he dumps it off to Schultz.
00:35:48He's got some daylight.
00:35:52And a good run to the 40.
00:35:54You got to get rid of him.
00:35:56If you don't, you're way crazy.
00:35:58You got the police on one side,
00:36:00you got hard-line drug people on the other.
00:36:02You want to talk about a rockin' hard place,
00:36:04this is it.
00:36:06I don't have much of a choice, do I?
00:36:08No, you don't. You don't have any choice at all.
00:36:10You better wash your hands of it.
00:36:12Right now, five minutes will go.
00:36:14Are you kidding?
00:36:16You think I'm gonna toss a woman out on the street?
00:36:18Look, I know it sounds cold, right?
00:36:20Forget it.
00:36:36Look, uh...
00:36:38Just for my own peace of mind,
00:36:40what are you gonna do?
00:36:42Take a shower.
00:36:46You're getting ready to throw up the head, aren't you?
00:36:50Want to talk to Leon for me?
00:36:52The pimp? Not likely.
00:36:54Go easy on the fire water.
00:36:58Look, why don't you let me take this thing?
00:37:00I can get the window replaced first thing in the morning.
00:37:02I need it.
00:37:04You can take my car.
00:37:06Come on.
00:37:14Yeah, bring me some of whatever it is you've been smoking.
00:37:20While you're at it.
00:37:36Well, well, hey, hey, now.
00:37:38Ain't it Jason, Jason, Jess?
00:37:40What's happening?
00:37:42How you doing, Sharon?
00:37:44What's happening, baby?
00:37:46Faster, faster.
00:37:48Ain't it good?
00:37:50Ain't it good?
00:37:52Ain't it good?
00:37:54Ain't it good?
00:37:56Ain't it good?
00:37:58Ain't it good?
00:38:00Ain't it good?
00:38:02Ain't it good?
00:38:04Ain't it good, baby?
00:38:06Faster, faster, ain't it good?
00:38:08Say, um...
00:38:10Tell me something, sugar.
00:38:12Yes, dear?
00:38:14Is this boy feeling foxy enough
00:38:16to double his pleasure,
00:38:18double his fun?
00:38:20How about it, Jase?
00:38:22Item 2 comes half price,
00:38:24don't you, Sharon?
00:38:28I know this is gonna come
00:38:30as a bad surprise,
00:38:32but I'm looking for Leon.
00:38:37Well, you jive-hunking motherfucker.
00:38:43You'll still be chasing Leon around
00:38:45for a handful of chump change, cabbie.
00:38:48Well, if it's chump change,
00:38:50then why don't you tell the chump to come up with it?
00:38:52Well, I'll be telling Mr. Leon what you be calling him.
00:38:56That's for sure, baby.
00:38:59Chump, my burly black ass.
00:39:02We'll see who be calling who a chump, chump.
00:39:09You want Leon, baby.
00:39:10You know exactly where to find him.
00:39:14Don't you, sweet kings?
00:39:17Don't you, Jason, Jason, James?
00:39:20I'm a chump.
00:39:28I'm a chump.
00:39:33Yes, you're a chump.
00:39:34I'm a chump.
00:39:40I am a chump.
00:39:46I am a chump.
00:39:49Jason! Jason! Oh, I figured out who she is. The woman.
00:40:02What woman?
00:40:03In your apartment, the one you're bringing the goodies for. Oh, don't be a nincompoop.
00:40:07I mean the woman you brought in this afternoon.
00:40:11You're slipping, Mrs. J. You're slipping. Happens to the best of it.
00:40:15First you see them leave, then you don't see them come, then they were there,
00:40:18but you don't know what time they got there, and after a while you don't know what the hell's going on.
00:40:21You know, it's one of the laws of physics. You can't be every place at once.
00:40:25But your TV is on.
00:40:27Sure. Haven't you heard about the rash of burglaries we've been having lately?
00:40:32Oh, you're teasing me, aren't you, Jason?
00:40:35No, I'm not. Police are keeping it quiet, of course, because they don't want to panic the neighborhood,
00:40:39but we've been having a rash of burglaries and rapes.
00:40:42Oh, my God!
00:40:43In the neighborhood.
00:40:44My God.
00:40:45Over the last few days.
00:40:47So, naturally, when I'm gone, I leave my TV on just in case a burglar comes along.
00:40:51He'll think I'm in there and won't come in.
00:40:53Right. Cut their gizzards out, Jason.
00:40:56Just keep the rolling pin close to the door, Mrs. J.,
00:40:59and keep it bolted up real tight and close up your curtains. That'll help.
00:41:09The old woman won't be able to sleep now.
00:41:12She deserves it.
00:41:14Mrs. Ross, come in, you know.
00:41:19She's undoubtedly seen the news.
00:41:21She's a little bit eccentric, but she isn't stupid.
00:41:24She knows who you are.
00:41:26Relax. The old lady and I get along fine.
00:41:32All right, let her breathe.
00:41:34That's enough.
00:41:41Here, have some wine. It's sweet.
00:41:48French fries.
00:41:56Go ahead. Drink your wine.
00:41:58Make you feel warm.
00:42:00You'd like that, wouldn't you?
00:42:04Maybe I'll be safer out there.
00:42:09That I'm the mad rapist? Is that what I'm hearing?
00:42:12Well, maybe that.
00:42:13And since I'm trapped, and since I'm a murderer anyway, what the hell, right?
00:42:21And goodbye.
00:42:26Is it okay if I finish eating first?
00:42:28Sure. Take your time.
00:42:40If you were me, I mean, you know the streets.
00:42:44Where would you go?
00:42:46Doesn't make much difference. Once you walk outside that door, they'll find you in two hours.
00:42:50Every street punk in town will know where you are before midnight.
00:42:53At least you won't have to worry about being raped by me.
00:42:57I didn't mean it that way.
00:43:01After all, I don't know you.
00:43:03What you don't know about me has got to be less than what I do know about you.
00:43:07I mean, who the hell are you?
00:43:09I'm sorry. I really am.
00:43:13It's all right.
00:43:23Can I stay?
00:43:24You ready to put out?
00:43:28Is that what you want?
00:43:30Isn't it?
00:43:45You want to play on my team?
00:43:49I'm not very good.
00:43:52We'll give you a tryout.
00:43:55Do you... Do you need a player?
00:44:01I have for a long time.
00:44:05How long?
00:44:09Why did you do that?
00:44:11I wanted to.
00:44:15I need three hugs a day just to survive passing out.
00:44:24I'm going to go.
00:44:26I'm going to go.
00:44:28I'm going to go.
00:44:30I'm going to go.
00:44:32I'm going to go.
00:44:34I'm going to go.
00:44:36I'm going to go.
00:44:39If I get really drunk...
00:44:41Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of you.
00:44:46You know something?
00:44:48You're all right.
00:44:50Not bad at all.
00:44:52Well, you're not bad stuff yourself.
00:45:08I'm going to go.
00:45:09I'm going to go.
00:45:10I'm going to go.
00:45:11I'm going to go.
00:45:12I'm going to go.
00:45:13I'm going to go.
00:45:14I'm going to go.
00:45:15I'm going to go.
00:45:16I'm going to go.
00:45:17I'm going to go.
00:45:18I'm going to go.
00:45:19I'm going to go.
00:45:20I'm going to go.
00:45:21I'm going to go.
00:45:22I'm going to go.
00:45:23I'm going to go.
00:45:24I'm going to go.
00:45:25I'm going to go.
00:45:26I'm going to go.
00:45:27I'm going to go.
00:45:28I'm going to go.
00:45:29I'm going to go.
00:45:30I'm going to go.
00:45:31I'm going to go.
00:45:32I'm going to go.
00:45:33I'm going to go.
00:45:34I'm going to go.
00:45:35I'm going to go.
00:45:36I'm going to go.
00:45:37I'm going to go.
00:45:38I'm going to go.
00:45:39I'm going to go.
00:45:40I'm going to go.
00:45:41I'm going to go.
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00:47:37I'm going to go.
00:47:38I'm going to go.
00:47:39I'm going to go.
00:47:40I'm going to go.
00:47:41I'm going to go.
00:47:42I'm going to go.
00:47:43I'm going to go.
00:47:44I'm going to go.
00:47:45I'm going to go.
00:47:46I'm going to go.
00:47:47I'm going to go.
00:47:48I'm going to go.
00:47:49I'm going to go.
00:47:50I'm going to go.
00:47:51I'm going to go.
00:47:52I'm going to go.
00:47:53I went to the bank, tried to get a loan.
00:47:54You know at the end of that story, all he'd give was his 350, that and my savings account.
00:48:05You can take my car and make your rounds while I get the rent fixed.
00:48:11Imagine, if that man's got a whole lot of money on the streets right now, right, you
00:48:14could probably put a big piece of it in your pocket by tonight.
00:48:17That is what you're going to do, isn't it?
00:48:22You sure would like to pull down from Lee, I know.
00:48:24I'd do it.
00:48:28Might have to slap him around a little.
00:48:30I'd hate to see that.
00:48:32So would I.
00:48:35Look, Jace, all you really got going for you now is a little bit of time.
00:48:38In fact, because you work for a bookie, nobody knows where you've lived.
00:48:42Except me and a couple of girls, that is.
00:48:45So, uh, why don't you get your ass out of here, man?
00:48:50Good luck.
00:48:53You know, I don't want to leave town. I really don't want to get out of here.
00:48:56This is my turf. It stinks, but where am I going, Cleveland?
00:48:59Well, so come back after a little while.
00:49:07And I ain't scared anymore, either.
00:49:09Well, so act like you are.
00:49:10Stupid ass. Never could say no to a lady.
00:49:15You know what I mean when I say I ain't scared?
00:49:20Do you?
00:49:21No, not exactly, but God damn it, I know I've been missing something.
00:49:26What you're missing is your brains.
00:49:29There's an old saying, better safe than sorry, remember?
00:49:33Well, then there's also, uh, nice guys finish last.
00:49:37Not me.
00:49:38God damn it, Jason.
00:49:41Don't blow it, man!
00:49:43I can't keep babysitting you forever!
00:50:09Give me the 80, 516. I didn't come here to talk, fuck around, or argue.
00:50:12516 again? I guess we really aren't friends, are we, Jason?
00:50:15No, we're not.
00:50:16You fuck me up, you put me in trouble, I don't back down anymore.
00:50:19So God damn it, pay up.
00:50:20Okay, fair's fair.
00:50:21Plus a buck of what you're already down this week.
00:50:23You can't be serious.
00:50:24I'm serious.
00:50:25I'm serious.
00:50:26I'm serious.
00:50:27I'm serious.
00:50:28I'm serious.
00:50:29I'm serious.
00:50:30I'm serious.
00:50:31I'm serious.
00:50:32I'm serious.
00:50:33I'm serious.
00:50:34I'm serious.
00:50:35I'm serious.
00:50:36Plus a buck of what you're already down this week.
00:50:37You can't be serious.
00:50:38You wanna try me and find out?
00:50:41Okay, okay, I'll pay.
00:51:07I'll pay.
00:51:08I'll pay.
00:51:09I'll pay.
00:51:10I'll pay.
00:51:11I'll pay.
00:51:12I'll pay.
00:51:13I'll pay.
00:51:14I'll pay.
00:51:15I'll pay.
00:51:16I'll pay.
00:51:17I'll pay.
00:51:18I'll pay.
00:51:19I'll pay.
00:51:20I'll pay.
00:51:21I'll pay.
00:51:22I'll pay.
00:51:23I'll pay.
00:51:24I'll pay.
00:51:25I'll pay.
00:51:26I'll pay.
00:51:27I'll pay.
00:51:28I'll pay.
00:51:29I'll pay.
00:51:30I'll pay.
00:51:31I'll pay.
00:51:32I'll pay.
00:51:33I'll pay.
00:51:34I'll pay.
00:51:35I'll pay.
00:51:36I'll pay.
00:51:37I'll pay.
00:51:38I'll pay.
00:51:39I'll pay.
00:51:40I'll pay.
00:51:41I'll pay.
00:51:42I'll pay.
00:51:43I'll pay.
00:51:44I'll pay.
00:51:45I'll pay.
00:51:46I'll pay.
00:51:47I'll pay.
00:51:48I'll pay.
00:51:49I'll pay.
00:51:50I'll pay.
00:51:51I'll pay.
00:51:52I'll pay.
00:51:53I'll pay.
00:51:54I'll pay.
00:51:55I'll pay.
00:51:56I'll pay.
00:51:57I'll pay.
00:51:58I'll pay.
00:51:59I'll pay.
00:52:00I'll pay.
00:52:01I'll pay.
00:52:02I'll pay.
00:52:03I'll pay.
00:52:04I'll pay.
00:52:05I'll pay.
00:52:06I'll pay.
00:52:07I'll pay.
00:52:08I'll pay.
00:52:09I'll pay.
00:52:10I'll pay.
00:52:11I'll pay.
00:52:12I'll pay.
00:52:13I'll pay.
00:52:14I'll pay.
00:52:15I'll pay.
00:52:16I'll pay.
00:52:17I'll pay.
00:52:18I'll pay.
00:52:19I'll pay.
00:52:20I'll pay.
00:52:21I'll pay.
00:52:22I'll pay.
00:52:23I'll pay.
00:52:24I'll pay.
00:52:25I'll pay.
00:52:26I'll pay.
00:52:27I'll pay.
00:52:28I'll pay.
00:52:29I'll pay.
00:52:30I'll pay.
00:52:31I'll pay.
00:52:32I'll pay.
00:52:33I'll pay.
00:52:34I'll pay.
00:52:35I'll pay.
00:52:36I'll pay.
00:52:37I'll pay.
00:52:38I'll pay.
00:52:39I'll pay.
00:52:40I'll pay.
00:52:41I'll pay.
00:52:42I'll pay.
00:52:43I'll pay.
00:52:44I'll pay.
00:52:45I'll pay.
00:52:46I'll pay.
00:52:47I'll pay.
00:52:48I'll pay.
00:52:49I'll pay.
00:52:50I'll pay.
00:52:51I'll pay.
00:52:52I'll pay.
00:52:53I'll pay.
00:52:54I'll pay.
00:52:55I'll pay.
00:52:56I'll pay.
00:52:57I'll pay.
00:52:58I'll pay.
00:52:59I'll pay.
00:53:00I'll pay.
00:53:01I'll pay.
00:53:02I'll pay.
00:53:03I'll pay.
00:53:04I'll pay.
00:53:05I'll pay.
00:53:06I'll pay.
00:53:07I'll pay.
00:53:08I'll pay.
00:53:09I'll pay.
00:53:10I'll pay.
00:53:11I'll pay.
00:53:12I'll pay.
00:53:13I'll pay.
00:53:14I'll pay.
00:53:15I'll pay.
00:53:16I'll pay.
00:53:17I'll pay.
00:53:18I'll pay.
00:53:19I'll pay.
00:53:20I'll pay.
00:53:21I'll pay.
00:53:22I'll pay.
00:53:23I'll pay.
00:53:24I'll pay.
00:53:25I'll pay.
00:53:26I'll pay.
00:53:27I'll pay.
00:53:28I'll pay.
00:53:29I'll pay.
00:53:30I'll pay.
00:53:32Cost me three bucks.
00:53:44Hey, McKee, let me try that, eh?
00:53:48You'd be hurting yourself.
00:53:50You don't know the difference between a baseball and a tree frog.
00:53:53Don't look that tough to me.
00:53:55Come on, we're friends.
00:53:56What do you say?
00:54:01Okay, wait till I get in there.
00:54:08He comes fast, man.
00:54:10He comes real fast.
00:54:19You ain't the right color, Huckie.
00:54:22You're tougher than I thought.
00:54:32Don't ever call me Bruce.
00:54:34Never fucking A.
00:54:35Don't ever call me asshole, asshole.
00:54:37And while we're straightening things out,
00:54:39don't ever tell me what to say or what not to say.
00:54:53And by the way,
00:54:55tree frogs
00:54:57are green.
00:55:16He don't answer no way, huh?
00:55:19How long has it been ringing?
00:55:22More than an hour.
00:55:32Maybe he ain't home.
00:55:34Tell you what,
00:55:36you leave that son of a bitch off the hook,
00:55:38I'll smash you.
00:55:40Maybe he's there, maybe he's just scared.
00:55:42Man, drive that motherfucker right up the wall.
00:55:45Crush that dude right out in open, man.
00:55:47I can't find where the dude lives, man.
00:56:11Drive him right out of there, McKee.
00:56:16You're real sharpie, Nolan.
00:56:18Sharp as a tack blazing fast, man.
00:56:25Yeah, I am, Huck.
00:56:26No fucking doubt about it.
00:56:43Hey, Jason, Jess!
00:56:45Stop, baby.
00:56:47Stay right there, don't go nowhere.
00:56:57Baby, you're a hard man to catch up with.
00:56:59So, baby, about last night...
00:57:00Forget it.
00:57:01I didn't know.
00:57:02I mean, I didn't know what was coming down on you, Jason, Jess.
00:57:06What is coming down on me, deal?
00:57:08You don't know?
00:57:09Hey, it ain't going to do me no good to tell you.
00:57:11I know what's going down, deal.
00:57:12I just want to know what they're saying on the street.
00:57:14Come on.
00:57:15You don't want to know it, Jason.
00:57:17Deal, give me the lowdown.
00:57:19Okay, here it is.
00:57:21That you'll still be moving around,
00:57:23but that you're already dead.
00:57:25You're already dead, Jason, Jess.
00:57:27And, hey, the cops said they ain't going to have nothing to do with it.
00:57:30And Calvin Brewster,
00:57:32he got a reward out for your lily-white ass, sugar.
00:57:35How much?
00:57:36A nickel.
00:57:37500, that's all?
00:57:39500 big ones, man.
00:57:41And you know every job too great in this town
00:57:43that ain't got a pot to piss in
00:57:44will cut your heart out for having that.
00:57:47Hey, baby, you stick out like a sore thumb.
00:57:49You work for the fat man.
00:57:51Everybody knows you.
00:57:53I mean, they know where to find you at.
00:57:55Hey, I'll find you in two hours.
00:57:57Sugar, look, you got to blow this town.
00:58:00I got a sock full of money,
00:58:01ain't enough to get to Bakersfield.
00:58:03That's why I be telling you to hit Leon for that 2-5.
00:58:06I thought you told me to get off his back on that, did you?
00:58:09Hey, sugar, that job, motherfucker,
00:58:11he have us working our asses off
00:58:13just to pay back his gambling debts.
00:58:15That's why, shoot, I be hustling every 25 jobs
00:58:17so that that son of a bitch can go to the racetrack
00:58:20and piss it away on some damn horses
00:58:22that can't run no faster than me.
00:58:24Shit, he be at the place right now
00:58:26playing nine-ball with some jive nigger
00:58:28that they call Gabby.
00:58:30Because he don't say much.
00:58:32Ain't that the pits?
00:58:34Three or four hours,
00:58:35Leon will be back here beating on our ass
00:58:37for some more money.
00:58:38Look, baby, that's why you got to go up there
00:58:40and get it before he gives it all to Gabby.
00:58:44Say, baby, I'm not trying to ice you or nothing,
00:58:47but, hey, why don't you let me out
00:58:49in the middle of this next block up here
00:58:51so don't nobody see us together?
00:59:00Thanks, Steel.
00:59:03Do me one last favor.
00:59:05Get out of Tony's car.
00:59:07The only direct friend you got is a direct line,
00:59:10and everybody knows you fucking be driving it by now.
00:59:13Thanks, Steel.
00:59:14Ciao, baby.
00:59:22Fuck this jive-ass shit, man.
00:59:25Passing the green back and forth,
00:59:27back and forth.
00:59:29Let's press to action.
00:59:31Talk to me, Silk.
00:59:33Race ten for a dime.
00:59:35You must be some bad son of a bitch.
00:59:38I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:40I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:42I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:44I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:46I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:48I ain't got nothing to lose.
00:59:50You're a bad son of a bitch, man.
00:59:53Let's make it two dimes.
00:59:55One shot, push that ball in hand.
00:59:58You got it.
01:00:21You're standing right in the line of my shot, asshole.
01:00:25I mean, what the hell do you think this is?
01:00:28Some penny arcade, pissy white jive, nickel-dime eight-ball game?
01:00:32It's blood against blood in here, baby.
01:00:35Big time.
01:00:37Make your white ass disappear.
01:00:40You owe me $2,500, Leon.
01:00:42Pay up.
01:00:46You're NG, Leon.
01:00:48No good.
01:00:49Every book in town is dropped, you goddammit.
01:00:51You holding money, and you owe me.
01:00:54I don't give a shit, dog-faced motherfucker.
01:00:57You play, you pay. Otherwise, you ain't a man.
01:00:59You lie, you die.
01:01:01Then it don't mean no difference if you're a man or not.
01:01:04Now, these is my people here, Wop,
01:01:06so you're gonna speak the fucking truth.
01:01:09I'm square with the fat man.
01:01:11I don't know nobody's shit nowhere.
01:01:15Talk, white boy.
01:01:20You paid off the fat man.
01:01:22I don't know nobody's shit nowhere.
01:01:24No, you don't know anybody anything.
01:01:26I ain't NG on no mother's list.
01:01:29Yeah, no. No.
01:01:31I'm square.
01:01:33You were like a baby.
01:01:36You just thought maybe because I knew you were holding the...
01:01:38You just thought maybe you'd be a lone scumbag.
01:01:42Because I owed you one.
01:01:43That's right.
01:01:44That's right.
01:01:45But you come in here fucked up like a white person,
01:01:47so I don't know your shit, do I, asshole?
01:01:49No, you don't, Len.
01:01:52We're square.
01:02:00You live tonight, motherfucker.
01:02:06Answer Bruce or don't get your fucking ass.
01:02:09Run, motherfucker. Run.
01:02:15I said run, motherfucker.
01:02:17You're NG, Leon.
01:02:19What are you, some crazy kind of a motherfucker, asshole?
01:02:22You know what a high, hard, tight one goes like, Leon?
01:02:25It's like this.
01:02:45That him?
01:02:47One more time, asshole.
01:02:50I told you, man.
01:02:52I never saw the guy before.
01:02:54He came in to get his car fixed.
01:02:56He said he'd call me in the morning.
01:02:58There ain't no reason for him to come in here tonight, man.
01:03:00The place is closed up.
01:03:03That's his car, Buster.
01:03:05That ain't my fucking car.
01:03:07How do you get caught in a piece of shit like that?
01:03:11See what's happening here, Geronimo?
01:03:15Is that you already fucked up.
01:03:17What am I supposed to do, man?
01:03:18You got these goons all over my back.
01:03:20Shut up!
01:03:21We didn't come here to have our intelligence insulted.
01:03:25Indio, you speak with forked tongue.
01:03:28Now, we know that Jason's your best friend.
01:03:30So the only question I want to know
01:03:32is are you coming here tonight or not?
01:03:34You decide, and then we'll decide how long we have to wait.
01:03:40He's not coming, Geronimo.
01:03:44I don't know who told you I know this dude.
01:03:46Everybody told us.
01:04:04He ain't coming.
01:04:06He ain't coming.
01:04:09He's probably not even in town anymore, man.
01:04:12You guys scared him.
01:04:13He ran away.
01:04:14That's what he told me he was going to do.
01:04:17That's bad news for you, Geronimo.
01:04:21Because now we're going to have to make certain.
01:04:27Aren't we?
01:04:36Come on.
01:05:07We're in trouble.
01:05:10Big trouble, bigger than we thought.
01:05:12We're, he says.
01:05:14We are.
01:05:16I'm in trouble.
01:05:17I, me, not you.
01:05:18Yes, Einstein, you're in trouble, but so am I.
01:05:20No difference.
01:05:23So you're out there running around.
01:05:26And how do I know what you're doing?
01:05:28If you're even coming back.
01:05:30Or if they'll just suddenly show up
01:05:32While I'm stuck in this, this dive like an animal.
01:05:35All day, the phone ringing.
01:05:37And that, that peeping tom cooped up in here.
01:05:41Shut up, lady.
01:05:43You dealt the hand, you play the hand you got.
01:05:45You don't like it, you blow.
01:05:46Go away.
01:05:47Don't forget that I dealt you a hand, too.
01:05:49But maybe he's getting too hot for the little cabbie.
01:05:52Maybe he's running scared.
01:05:53Is that it?
01:05:54Lady, I'm no coward, but I'm no killer either.
01:05:56For a while, there were some pretty crazy things going on in my head.
01:05:59But Tony was right.
01:06:00I was in a fog.
01:06:01There is no way to win this game.
01:06:04I am not going to play anymore.
01:06:06You take your best shot, make up your own mind.
01:06:08Your relatives running, the police.
01:06:10I am no coward, but I am no hero either.
01:06:13Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:06:14You mean that's it?
01:06:16That you had me stay locked up here all day
01:06:19When I could have been who knows how far away by now?
01:06:21You asked to stay.
01:06:23Instead, I was going bonkers in this, this filthy place.
01:06:28Oh, you, you dirty son of a bitch!
01:06:33I gave you the best shot I could.
01:06:35God damn it.
01:06:36You should have been out on the streets.
01:06:37You should have been dead by now.
01:06:38I was going crazy in here.
01:06:39I was thinking about you all day long.
01:06:40You could have called or came back.
01:06:41I didn't know what I was doing.
01:06:42Let me know you were still.
01:06:43None of this stuff makes sense.
01:06:44I was so worried, so scared.
01:06:45None of it makes sense.
01:06:46None of this makes any sense.
01:06:51I'm sorry.
01:06:54I'm so sorry.
01:06:57I'm so sorry.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:07:34Oh, God.
01:07:35Oh, God.
01:07:36Oh, Jesus Christ.
01:07:38Oh, Jesus!
01:07:39Fuck it!
01:07:58Fuck it!
01:08:48Hop in, Nick.
01:08:53Jesus Christ, Chance.
01:08:55I'm glad to see you're still alive and kicking.
01:08:57Yeah, I heard about Tony, man.
01:08:59Tell me about it.
01:09:00What have you heard?
01:09:01It's just that Brewster's been throwing up and down the strip,
01:09:03telling everybody to watch the cab,
01:09:05to see what happens to anyone who fucks with Calvin and Brewster.
01:09:09And McKee?
01:09:10McKee's looking to cut your asshole out
01:09:12and send it to the ACLU.
01:09:14The only thing, man, he don't remember what you look like.
01:09:17I'll remind him.
01:09:19All right, I want you to do something for me, Nick.
01:09:21I want you to start a rumor out there.
01:09:23You start it that I say that Brewster's a puss,
01:09:25and if he stays in one spot, I'll find him.
01:09:27Oh, man.
01:09:28And Jimmy Nolan, and McKee,
01:09:30and any of those other fucking cronies who want to get in my way.
01:09:33You're talking crazy, man.
01:09:34You're talking suicide.
01:09:35You're talking worse than suicide.
01:09:36You're talking torture, man.
01:09:38Where are they, Nick?
01:09:40Where will I find them?
01:09:41Oh, they're probably down at the Punk's place.
01:09:44Hey, you know, McKee and Brewster have been pecking at each other lately
01:09:48because McKee don't like to be number two.
01:09:50So they go down there and they fucking have scenes
01:09:54and try to square off with one another and do all kinds of shit, man,
01:09:57like they really need it, right?
01:10:00What happened to the woman, McKee?
01:10:02You don't know?
01:10:04She got away, and Brewster's fit to be tied.
01:10:08She's probably in Chinatown.
01:10:10Yeah, man, because those Chinese don't give up their own.
01:10:13Hey, but you know, Brewster's probably thinking the same thing.
01:10:17So he's going to send Jimmy and McKee down there
01:10:21to talk to that Chinese herb doctor, you know,
01:10:23the guy who knows everything about everything.
01:10:25The only thing is, man, McKee ain't going to show his face down there,
01:10:28not after dark.
01:10:29So listen, you got Nolan in one place,
01:10:33and you got McKee in another place, both separate.
01:10:40Hey, no, man.
01:10:41Go blow your brains out.
01:10:42No, man, no, I'm clean, man.
01:10:43I've been clean for two months.
01:10:46Maybe there's some hope for you yet, Nick.
01:10:48Nah, there's no hope for me.
01:10:50Hey, but I'm clean.
01:10:52How about here?
01:10:54Yeah, this is good.
01:10:56Hey, Jason, I never saw you tonight, right?
01:10:59Like Jason who?
01:11:01Thanks, Mick.
01:11:02Take care, babe.
01:12:21I told you to shut that garbage off.
01:12:23There's no woman.
01:12:26What are you, slant-eyed stupid or what?
01:12:30You should be smart like me.
01:12:33Save yourself a lot of grief.
01:12:36There's no woman.
01:12:39Ain't got all night, old man.
01:12:43Can you tell me what that woman is?
01:12:46No woman.
01:12:48Talk, old man.
01:12:50You don't like that, old man?
01:12:56I'll give you a light.
01:13:08You like this better, old man?
01:13:11Cut your whole fucking head off.
01:13:13Cut your whole fucking...
01:13:18You know who I am?
01:13:20Remember who I am?
01:13:26Say hello to hot weather, you filthy fucking scum.
01:13:30Are you all right?
01:13:33Okay, I want you to get a message to the woman for me.
01:13:37Christine, you tell her that I'll meet her in front of the pre-dawn club between 2 and 4 tonight.
01:13:42I'll be there between 2 and 4, pre-dawn club.
01:13:45Jason is my name.
01:13:47She'll do what she wants to do.
01:13:48Yes, I will.
01:13:50I will.
01:14:09Get out of here.
01:14:36Oh, yeah.
01:14:37Oh, yeah.
01:14:38Oh, yeah.
01:14:39Oh, yeah.
01:14:40Oh, yeah.
01:14:41Oh, yeah.
01:14:42Oh, yeah.
01:14:43Oh, yeah.
01:14:44Oh, yeah.
01:14:45Oh, yeah.
01:14:46Oh, yeah.
01:14:47Oh, yeah.
01:14:48Oh, yeah.
01:14:49Oh, yeah.
01:14:50Oh, yeah.
01:14:51Oh, yeah.
01:14:52Oh, yeah.
01:14:53Oh, yeah.
01:14:54Oh, yeah.
01:14:55Oh, yeah.
01:14:56Oh, yeah.
01:14:57Oh, yeah.
01:14:58Oh, yeah.
01:14:59Oh, yeah.
01:15:00Oh, yeah.
01:15:01Oh, yeah.
01:15:02Oh, yeah.
01:15:03Oh, yeah.
01:15:04Oh, yeah.
01:15:05Oh, yeah.
01:15:06Oh, yeah.
01:15:07Oh, yeah.
01:15:08Oh, yeah.
01:15:09Oh, yeah.
01:15:10Oh, yeah.
01:15:11Oh, yeah.
01:15:12Oh, yeah.
01:15:13Oh, yeah.
01:15:14Oh, yeah.
01:15:15Oh, yeah.
01:15:16Oh, yeah.
01:15:17Oh, yeah.
01:15:18Oh, yeah.
01:15:19Oh, yeah.
01:15:20Oh, yeah.
01:15:21Oh, yeah.
01:15:22Oh, yeah.
01:15:23Oh, yeah.
01:15:24Oh, yeah.
01:15:25Oh, yeah.
01:15:26Oh, yeah.
01:15:27Oh, yeah.
01:15:28Oh, yeah.
01:15:29Oh, yeah.
01:15:30Oh, yeah.
01:15:31Oh, yeah.
01:15:32Oh, yeah.
01:15:33Oh, yeah.
01:15:34Oh, yeah.
01:15:35Oh, yeah.
01:15:36Oh, yeah.
01:15:37Oh, yeah.
01:15:38Oh, yeah.
01:15:39Oh, yeah.
01:15:40Oh, yeah.
01:15:41Oh, yeah.
01:15:42Oh, yeah.
01:15:43Oh, yeah.
01:15:44Oh, yeah.
01:15:45Oh, yeah.
01:15:46Oh, yeah.
01:15:47Oh, yeah.
01:15:48Oh, yeah.
01:15:49Oh, yeah.
01:15:50Oh, yeah.
01:15:51Oh, yeah.
01:15:52Oh, yeah.
01:15:53Oh, yeah.
01:15:54Oh, yeah.
01:15:55Oh, yeah.
01:15:56Oh, yeah.
01:15:57Oh, yeah.
01:15:58Oh, yeah.
01:15:59Oh, yeah.
01:16:00Oh, yeah.
01:16:01Oh, yeah.
01:16:02Oh, yeah.
01:16:03Oh, yeah.
01:16:04Oh, yeah.
01:16:05Oh, yeah.
01:16:06Oh, yeah.
01:16:07Oh, yeah.
01:16:08Oh, yeah.
01:16:09Oh, yeah.
01:16:10Oh, yeah.
01:16:11Oh, yeah.
01:16:12Oh, yeah.
01:16:13Oh, yeah.
01:16:14Oh, yeah.
01:16:15Oh, yeah.
01:16:16Oh, yeah.
01:16:17Oh, yeah.
01:16:18Oh, yeah.
01:16:19Oh, yeah.
01:16:20Oh, yeah.
01:16:21Oh, yeah.
01:16:22Oh, yeah.
01:16:23Oh, yeah.
01:16:24Oh, yeah.
01:16:25Oh, yeah.
01:16:26Oh, yeah.
01:16:27Oh, yeah.
01:16:28Oh, yeah.
01:16:29Oh, yeah.
01:16:30Oh, yeah.
01:16:31Oh, yeah.
01:16:32Oh, yeah.
01:16:33Oh, yeah.
01:16:34Oh, yeah.
01:16:35Oh, yeah.
01:16:36Oh, yeah.
01:16:37Oh, yeah.
01:16:38Oh, yeah.
01:16:39Oh, yeah.
01:16:40Oh, yeah.
01:16:41Oh, yeah.
01:16:42Oh, yeah.
01:16:43Oh, yeah.
01:16:44Oh, yeah.
01:16:45Oh, yeah.
01:16:46Oh, yeah.
01:16:47Oh, yeah.
01:16:48Oh, yeah.
01:16:49Oh, yeah.
01:16:50Oh, yeah.
01:16:51Oh, yeah.
01:16:52Oh, yeah.
01:16:53Oh, yeah.
01:16:54Oh, yeah.
01:16:55Oh, yeah.
01:16:56Oh, yeah.
01:16:57Oh, yeah.
01:16:58Oh, yeah.
01:16:59Oh, yeah.
01:17:00Oh, yeah.
01:17:01Oh, yeah.
01:17:02Oh, yeah.
01:17:03Oh, yeah.
01:17:04Oh, yeah.
01:17:05Oh, yeah.
01:17:06Oh, yeah.
01:17:07Oh, yeah.
01:17:08Oh, yeah.
01:17:24Speak, rover.
01:17:25I've got a message from Bruce.
01:17:26Yeah, he'll be coming in a minute.
01:17:28Tell him that Jimmy and McKey said
01:17:29William McKee said they'd meet him down at the shop on Westview.
01:17:32Yeah, so, is that it?
01:17:33Well, something about a cab driver.
01:17:35I'll see if he gets the message real bad.
01:17:38Say, the music's always this loud.
01:17:42I said, take this fucking music of yours and shove it up your kazoo.
01:18:29Hey, Jimmy!
01:18:57Hey, Jimmy!
01:19:07McKee, where are you?
01:19:12In here, Jimmy?
01:19:28Where are you, shithead?
01:19:46So you got McKee.
01:19:49You wanna play games, huh?
01:19:57Over here, Brewster.
01:20:17You're getting warmer, Brewster.
01:20:22Over here, Brewster.
01:20:27That's right, Brewster, this way.
01:20:57Up here, Brewster.
01:21:57What the...
01:22:27Hey, motherfucker, don't come in here with no motherfucking scattergun looking for me.
01:22:45Heard you've been beating Gabby nine hours straight.
01:22:47You don't seem to be number two, motherfucker.
01:22:49I hear you're up 14,000.
01:22:52It ain't all mine, I got a part.
01:22:54Well, then, what about the 2,500?
01:23:00Pay the man.
01:23:01Two dimes and a nickel.
01:23:03Comes out of your cut, man.
01:23:05I said, pay the man.
01:23:21You're welcome.
01:23:25Hey, Jack.
01:23:27Come back and treat me to some pool sometime, babe.
01:24:25What do we do now?
01:24:27Grab me.
01:24:55Do you mind if I turn on the radio?
01:24:58Wanna hear some jazz?
01:25:02I like jazz.
01:25:24I like jazz.
01:25:54I like jazz.
01:25:55I like jazz.
01:25:56I like jazz.
01:25:57I like jazz.
01:25:58I like jazz.
01:25:59I like jazz.
01:26:00I like jazz.
01:26:01I like jazz.
01:26:02I like jazz.
01:26:03I like jazz.
01:26:04I like jazz.
01:26:05I like jazz.
01:26:06I like jazz.
01:26:07I like jazz.
01:26:08I like jazz.
01:26:09I like jazz.
01:26:10I like jazz.
01:26:11I like jazz.
01:26:12I like jazz.
01:26:13I like jazz.
01:26:14I like jazz.
01:26:15I like jazz.
01:26:16I like jazz.
01:26:17I like jazz.
01:26:18I like jazz.
01:26:19I like jazz.
01:26:20I like jazz.
01:26:21I like jazz.
01:26:22I like jazz.
01:26:23I like jazz.
01:26:24I like jazz.
01:26:25I like jazz.
01:26:26I like jazz.
01:26:27I like jazz.
01:26:28I like jazz.
01:26:29I like jazz.
01:26:30I like jazz.
01:26:31I like jazz.
01:26:32I like jazz.
01:26:33I like jazz.
01:26:34I like jazz.
01:26:35I like jazz.
01:26:36I like jazz.
01:26:37I like jazz.
01:26:38I like jazz.
01:26:39I like jazz.
01:26:40I like jazz.
01:26:41I like jazz.
01:26:42I like jazz.
01:26:43I like jazz.
01:26:44I like jazz.
01:26:45I like jazz.
01:26:46I like jazz.
01:26:47I like jazz.
01:26:48I like jazz.
01:26:49I like jazz.
01:26:50I like jazz.
01:26:51I like jazz.
01:26:52I like jazz.
01:26:53I like jazz.
01:26:54I like jazz.
01:26:55I like jazz.
01:26:56I like jazz.
01:26:57I like jazz.
01:26:58I like jazz.
01:26:59I like jazz.
01:27:00I like jazz.
01:27:01I like jazz.
01:27:02I like jazz.
01:27:03I like jazz.
01:27:04I like jazz.
01:27:05I like jazz.
01:27:06I like jazz.
01:27:07I like jazz.
01:27:08I like jazz.
01:27:09I like jazz.
01:27:10I like jazz.
01:27:11I like jazz.
01:27:12I like jazz.
01:27:13I like jazz.
01:27:14I like jazz.
01:27:15I like jazz.
01:27:16I like jazz.
01:27:17I like jazz.
01:27:18I like jazz.
01:27:19I like jazz.
01:27:20I like jazz.