John Woo's Once a Thief (1996) Action Thriller

  • 2 days ago
A love triangle means conflict for an international agent (Ivan Sergei), his ex-lover (Sandrine Holt) and her new fiance (Nicholas Lea).
00:00:07Would everyone please take their positions?
00:00:12Not the lady in green, please. She did not qualify.
00:00:18Are they ready? I think they're ready.
00:00:22Let's go.
00:00:24Let's go.
00:00:27And now, from the rooftop ballroom of the Hong Kong Trade Association,
00:00:32the finals of the South China Ballroom Dancing Championship.
00:00:37To the winner goes the prestigious Governor's Cup.
00:00:41So, let the dance begin!
00:00:54South China Ballroom Dancing
00:01:24South China Ballroom Dancing
00:01:54South China Ballroom Dancing
00:01:59Would you mind terribly if I could?
00:02:24South China Ballroom Dancing
00:02:28South China Ballroom Dancing
00:02:52Number 257, you are disqualified.
00:02:55Me? What was I supposed to do?
00:02:57Six months for this!
00:03:23You can't disqualify me because some maniac cut in on me.
00:03:26Maniacs are a little harsh, don't you think?
00:03:29You've ruined everything!
00:03:32Everybody relax. I'm with Interpol. This woman is an art thief.
00:03:37What a coincidence. I happen to be the Bureau Chief for Interpol for Hong Kong.
00:03:42Could I see your ID again, please?
00:03:45No kidding. One dance party, two Interpol guys!
00:03:51What are the odds on that?
00:03:57South China Ballroom Dancing
00:04:02South China Ballroom Dancing
00:04:26South China Ballroom Dancing
00:04:33South China Ballroom Dancing
00:04:50You two, follow me!
00:04:56South China Ballroom Dancing
00:05:06That was my souvenir.
00:05:08It's not in the plan. Let's move!
00:05:11South China Ballroom Dancing
00:05:23Hold it right there!
00:05:25Step away from the lady and give me a reason to shoot you. I really like to shoot you.
00:05:30You need help?
00:05:35Thank you, sir.
00:05:37Nice timing, bro.
00:05:38You were supposed to keep the diversion going for another two minutes.
00:05:41Yeah, well, the plan changed a little when you set off the alarm.
00:05:44You're trapped in here. All the doors are sealed. And listen, the guards are coming.
00:05:57Well, come on, guys. You want to live forever?
00:06:01South China Ballroom Dancing
00:06:07Who are you people?
00:06:08Just one big happy family.
00:06:11South China Ballroom Dancing
00:06:30South China Ballroom Dancing
00:07:01Oh, my God! Is that real?
00:07:06Look at the brushwork.
00:07:11It's a real Rembrandt on ring.
00:07:13Takes your breath away, you know.
00:07:16I didn't start out to collect art, but I hope to end that way.
00:07:21I always wanted to die an honest man.
00:07:24Well, when you do, leave me the Rembrandt.
00:07:28Leave me the Rembrandt.
00:07:31You know I love you as a son.
00:07:34I'll take that as a yes.
00:07:37Well, actually, I guess your real son might have a little something to say about that, huh?
00:07:42I don't know. Let's ask him.
00:07:46You can have the painting. I'll take the Singapore interests.
00:07:51I hope you two agree this easily.
00:07:53It'd be a lot easier if there was just one of us.
00:07:57It would be weaker as well.
00:08:01Your planning last night was good, but the execution was unnecessarily risky.
00:08:06Yeah, well, you gotta have fun, right?
00:08:09You were supposed to create a diversion for Michael, not start a riot.
00:08:14Well, thanks to Michael, we now have proof that someone in the Port Collector's office is corrupt.
00:08:20How should we use that knowledge?
00:08:23We squeeze him. Put him into our pocket.
00:08:28If you pressure a man too soon, he becomes an enemy.
00:08:32We should only use the proof when we need him.
00:08:34That's right.
00:08:36I'm sorry.
00:08:37If you pressure a man too soon, he becomes an enemy.
00:08:40We should only use the proof when we need him.
00:08:42That's right.
00:08:44Learn to think before you act. It's your only weakness.
00:08:49You should have thought before you acted yesterday.
00:08:52We got the file.
00:08:53By using a high-risk escape.
00:08:56You're the smartest in my family, Leanne.
00:08:59I need you.
00:09:01But you mean nothing to me if you're dead.
00:09:03Just as Michael will nothing if he doesn't gain wisdom.
00:09:08In me?
00:09:14I hate that word.
00:09:16You don't know that word.
00:09:18You've all been brilliant children, but I need you to grow up.
00:09:22There will be new assignments for you tomorrow.
00:09:43What are you thinking?
00:09:47What do I ever think about?
00:09:52And that's why you love me.
00:09:54Do you love me?
00:09:58Well, will you look at the time?
00:10:01You know you do.
00:10:04You just haven't had to say it yet.
00:10:09I got a surprise for you.
00:10:20How did you fit them under your jacket?
00:10:23I paid for those.
00:10:27You're slowing down.
00:10:29White roses mean friendship.
00:10:32Red ones mean love.
00:10:36Everyone sends red, they're boring.
00:10:39You get the white ones, you know they're from me.
00:10:47Do you ever wonder what else we could be doing?
00:10:50I always wanted to be a jockey.
00:10:52I always wanted to be a jockey.
00:10:58Why'd you ask me that?
00:11:00Are you going to leave or something?
00:11:02It's all I know.
00:11:07Yeah, you never told me how you got started.
00:11:15I come from Canton Province.
00:11:18When I was 12, my family sold me.
00:11:21I was the fourth girl, there wasn't any food.
00:11:25The woman who bought me brought children across the border.
00:11:29For prostitution?
00:11:32Father won the business from the Zong family.
00:11:35And when he found out how old the girls were, he just let us go.
00:11:41Except for you, huh?
00:11:43I stole his wallet.
00:11:45I thought it showed promise.
00:11:48That's why I could never leave.
00:11:51I'm glad.
00:11:56I have to go.
00:11:58Oh, no you don't.
00:12:01You stay.
00:12:07We have a problem.
00:12:09Michael's been acting strange.
00:12:12What do you mean?
00:12:15I think he thinks he's in love with me.
00:12:17He'll get over it.
00:12:19Never gets over anything.
00:12:22Hey, hey.
00:12:25Michael doesn't know how to take you away from me.
00:13:06Okay, you have to go.
00:13:13Let him stay.
00:13:15I'm sorry about the hour.
00:13:17I couldn't find you, so I waited here.
00:13:19No problem. I'm going to make some tea.
00:13:22I've got some news.
00:13:24My father's reassigning me.
00:13:26He's sending me to Singapore.
00:13:28I leave in two weeks.
00:13:29Wait a minute.
00:13:30He's going to break up the team?
00:13:32Not completely.
00:13:35He's given me permission to marry you.
00:13:37As soon as possible.
00:14:10We own 30 different businesses.
00:14:12You want me to guard a flour mill?
00:14:14Boy, what if I die from the excitement?
00:14:17You die from carelessness.
00:14:19Loose flour is highly expulsive.
00:14:23Ah Sing.
00:14:25Dim sum for Jaya.
00:14:32Very impressive.
00:14:41Lesson number one.
00:14:42No matches, cigarettes or electrical sparks.
00:14:45I guess the barbecue's out, huh?
00:14:47It's no joke.
00:14:49An open flame and the whole place could go up.
00:14:51Lesson number two.
00:14:53We've been paying too much for our wit.
00:14:57Make a profit.
00:14:59If a business does not make economic sense,
00:15:02it draws attention to itself.
00:15:04But no one ever suspects a profitable company
00:15:06of being a front for something else.
00:15:18I never thought of that.
00:15:25There are many things you haven't thought of.
00:15:28I don't know where your mind is these days,
00:15:30but I want it on business.
00:15:32Now pay attention.
00:15:43Guess I should have figured this wasn't really
00:15:45about the noodle industry, huh?
00:15:47The assault rivals are for the Horn of Africa.
00:15:49The heavy ordnance goes to the Balkans
00:15:51and the tech nines to America.
00:15:54A very good seller.
00:15:56Popular with the young people.
00:15:58Not very appealing.
00:16:00I mean, you think about what these things get used for?
00:16:02Then don't think about it.
00:16:04Think about what it means to us.
00:16:18You've lived well off the profits of our enterprise.
00:16:22Now you must give back.
00:16:25You must do your duty.
00:16:27Let me break this to you, gently.
00:16:30We are criminals.
00:16:32We've always been criminals.
00:16:36Yeah, but not with guns.
00:16:38I mean, you were a thief.
00:16:40You were a thief.
00:16:42You were a thief.
00:16:45And you were a thief.
00:16:47If you don't have a gun,
00:16:49you don't have a weapon.
00:16:51You don't have a weapon.
00:16:53You don't have a gun.
00:16:54with guns. I mean, you want someone to steal some software, I'm your guy. But I don't sell
00:17:00death. No one says no to him. So you marry Michael. You know, you two make a great couple.
00:17:05I didn't say that. But you can't say no to him. We have no choice. There's always a choice.
00:17:11Okay, so tell me. Tell me some brilliant way out of this. Something we can do. Okay, we
00:17:16walk. Start a new life together. Come on. Just you and me. Big talk for a guy who can't
00:17:27even admit he loves me. I'm working up to it. Mac, he'd come after us like that. The
00:17:35family's not big on retirement. We'd go far away. If we had the money. We do. It's right
00:17:40under my nose. Steal his money. How could you sell him out like that? He's selling us.
00:17:49If he didn't take me in, I would have ended up on the street. A hooker. Okay, so instead
00:17:54you marry some guy you don't love. Big difference. I'll say I'm sorry if you'll say you're leaving.
00:18:10I'm leaving.
00:18:31So to review the terms, Mr. Fong, you concede 40% of your gaming profits to my father in
00:18:37return for associate membership in our family. I don't have a choice. My house is burned.
00:18:44My customer is frightened. It's a violent world. This is, of course, 40% of your gross,
00:18:52not your net. Can we offer you a ride, Mr. Fong? My car is just outside. It was a pleasure
00:19:03to meet you, Miss J. I know you'll be very happy with your future husband.
00:19:14You humiliated him. No, I didn't. The situation did. An older guy like that with a lot of
00:19:20pride. It's like you said. You pressure a man and he becomes your enemy. And sooner
00:19:28or later, he's going to want revenge.
00:19:43I wouldn't have understood that without you, Leanne.
00:19:59Hold it right there. Tell him to put it away or I'll make him swallow it.
00:20:12I've seen her like this. He'll swallow it.
00:20:23I'll go with you. I know they're going to kill us. But if I stay here, I'm as good as dead.
00:20:30And if I'm going to die, I want it to be with you.
00:20:42I promise. I promise you. I'm not going to die, okay?
00:20:53I got a plan.
00:21:03Something is wrong. Mac is not a careful person. When he acts carefully, he must have a reason.
00:21:10So I began to ask questions. He didn't renew his box at the racetrack.
00:21:15So what are you saying? He wants to leave Hong Kong?
00:21:18We've been following his credit cards. He booked a midnight flight to Sydney tomorrow night.
00:21:23Then on to Argentina. Have you spoken to him?
00:21:27I'm not strong enough. If I see him, I won't be able to do what we have to.
00:21:34You can't stop him unless you kill him. I know.
00:21:40I love him as I love you, Ollian. But to let him go is fatal to us.
00:21:46Then I'll stop him. I won't let you down, father. You can depend on me.
00:21:54The airline tickets are for two. Can I still depend on you?
00:22:03I'm your true son. I will never be weak.
00:22:10And just to prove you never lose the old skills, I pick the guard's pocket, copy his pass, and...
00:22:25While the lasers are still on...
00:22:29What to do?
00:22:31Get to the kill switch on the other side.
00:22:34Same way we did in Amsterdam.
00:22:40Come on.
00:23:10A 9-9 from the judges?
00:23:12Only 9.9?
00:23:13Well, one of them's East Germany.
00:23:16East Germany doesn't exist anymore.
00:23:22Is that why he's in such a bad mood?
00:23:31Thank you.
00:23:34Thank you.
00:23:44You know the combination. You work here.
00:23:47It's the first time.
00:23:49You realize the answer to all your troubles, babe?
00:23:55Hey, Cole!
00:24:49Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
00:25:19This stuff's explosive.
00:25:38It's going to blow us up.
00:27:56There's nothing we can do now
00:28:52Mr.. Ramsey, I'd like to make you an offer
00:29:01I'd say yes to dinner
00:29:04Maybe to a little heavy petting
00:29:07Definite no for anything long-term mm-hmm your file is right
00:29:12You're very charming
00:29:17I don't like charm
00:29:21What I would like is your cooperation
00:29:25Okay, so you spent 10 years in the Tang family another year and a half in here
00:29:32See we thought
00:29:34You might want to change
00:29:37We're asking you to work for us as a cop
00:29:42Not in this lifetime. Oh, you don't want to say no
00:29:46Like I've told every other boy and girl scout that's been in here before no deals
00:29:52Bring me to trial. No. I don't think I'm gonna do that. No. I think I'll just let you go instead
00:29:58You're what get you a pardon
00:30:01You can't do that. I can do anything. I'm that sort of person
00:30:06You can't dump me on the street now without a plane ticket because you won't survive a day in Hong Kong is that it mr.
00:30:13You betrayed the Tangs
00:30:15You know, you cost them millions of dollars
00:30:19So by now, they probably know you're still alive
00:30:22Which is more than you'll be if I toss you out of here
00:30:26So what's the deal you join us you work for the director? Who's the director?
00:30:33Look, all you need to know is that she'll be part of an international crime-fighting unit that covers the whole Pacific Rim
00:30:40You'd be working out of Vancouver. That's 8,000 miles away from here
00:30:46And you might actually do some good for a change and if I don't I die
00:30:53That about sums it up do I ever have to see you again not if you behave yourself
00:30:58Okay, what's next give me your hand
00:31:13Okay, what's next give me your hand
00:31:18Okay, what's next give me your hand
00:31:29What is this anyway a laser it takes your prints
00:31:33You know, I'm on your team now, right? Yeah, but we're gonna need something to identify your body
00:31:38So when you said identify my body, what does that mean? We take 50% casualties
00:31:58Just talked to her
00:32:03Okay, okay, let's talk to her later you don't do anything unless the director tells you
00:32:13Was so scared as director everybody was since
00:32:19She we did a while before we experiment like this
00:32:23What's this director like like nothing to nobody you've ever seen
00:32:32Mean I better have my papers with me, right? You don't have your papers. I left him back the camera. I'll get
00:32:42Ha ha you ain't going nowhere
00:32:44But what if there's a fire stay put like I have a choice
00:33:44The end the end honey, I'm home
00:36:44Who the hell are you I know the hell are you
00:37:20Didn't think the old man could find me that fast
00:37:46Okay, wait I made a minute mistake
00:38:47You're alive
00:38:49Yeah, well for a time being
00:38:53You know this guy
00:38:55What are you doing to Victor Victor who's Victor it's my fiance
00:39:16Why are we sitting here quiet this is fantastic come on say it no one said it once I'm sorry I'm in shock
00:39:24You thought I was dead and I'm back in your life. Is that fantastic?
00:39:28That's fantastic. Come on say it look obviously. I'm glad I'm just overwhelmed. I understand we've been through a lot together
00:39:35I can't just barge back into your life and pick up where we left off and I know that
00:39:39you know, but
00:39:43You know, but
00:39:46But what do you need a
00:39:50ten days
00:39:51Mac this isn't a joke. I've changed things have changed. I'm with Victor now
00:39:58Victor what do you see in that guy?
00:40:01I don't know a thousand things
00:40:04He's so strong and so direct. Well, I'm direct. I'm strong
00:40:13So overrated
00:40:17All my life. I've lived in a world where honesty was for idiots
00:40:21And I'll be with Victor. It's like being the daylight for the first time man. He's a cop not anymore. He wouldn't play the games
00:40:29He had to leave the force. He wouldn't look the other way
00:40:44I can't help noticing. You didn't bring me any back. I look like a waitress to you
00:40:50So, what is it with you two crazy kids you're getting married, huh?
00:40:55Do yourself a favor
00:40:58Dropping I
00:41:00Tell you what
00:41:01If you can get Leanne to marry you, I'll kick in the biggest ring money combined
00:41:06What do you mean if I get her to marry me?
00:41:08There is an old Hong Kong saying Vic don't spend it before you got it it when did I become an it
00:41:15It is bad enough. I had to track you down track me down
00:41:18You lucked out cuz I was at Leanne's apartment. No, you lucked out cuz she stopped me from smoking you keep dreaming
00:41:25Cervico, excuse me for interrupting your conference gentlemen, but they want the new kid for his physical
00:41:34Keep my seat warm this won't take long
00:41:49Don't know what you ever saw in that guy
00:42:07Just take all your clothes off the doctor will be right with you
00:42:33I hope you're not the doctor worse. I'm the director. You're the director
00:42:41You said I'd never have to see you again
00:42:43Yes. Well, I lied
00:42:46I'm compulsive that way, you know, I blame my childhood
00:42:54This is embarrassing, isn't it?
00:42:58I'm having better days. I
00:43:00Meet all my new agents this way
00:43:03You see I find that it reinforces a few facts
00:43:07Number one. I own you
00:43:10Too you can't hide from me
00:43:14Three I know all your assets
00:43:17and all your inadequacies
00:43:21Expect total loyalty and obedience expect my pants back
00:43:27Your first meeting is Friday. I'll be watching you closely
00:43:41Who's this guy think he is anyway the man with the proposition gunner give him a listen
00:43:55Welcome to Vancouver, mr. Tang, are you alone?
00:44:02Of course
00:44:14I'm told that you control 50% of the gun market in Vancouver. I deny that completely
00:44:21Actually figure is more like 75%. Well, that's good. I
00:44:26Have guns to sell got our own sources. Mine are better
00:44:31Plus there's a partnership
00:44:36Look we don't need any partners you move two million dollars of weapons a year
00:44:41I'll make it ten in exchange for 40% of your gross pass
00:44:47You should take it because I'm not gonna ask you again
00:44:51If you're very very careful, you can walk out of here alive
00:44:58Well, I think we have a dilemma here gentlemen, you see I really want your business but you want me to leave
00:45:06So how are we gonna sell this?
00:45:08Maybe we should arm-wrestle for it
00:45:11Well, there's six of you
00:45:13And one of me
00:45:15It doesn't seem too fair
00:45:25Use this this should make it even
00:46:05Have a new deal I get all your business you go away, but first you tell me who finances you
00:46:20Mr. Tang, it's a pleasure
00:46:24I've heard some very impressive things about your seafood business
00:46:28The pleasure is mine
00:46:30I've heard some very impressive things about your bank. Oh from who some bikers
00:46:37Excuse me, and actually I'm not here for a loan. Mr. Graves. I
00:46:42Just wanted to show you this
00:46:44You're really set up quite. Well, I mean offshore shelters money laundering organized crime. Ah a
00:46:52Who are you?
00:46:54I'm your new partner. I
00:47:00Work alone
00:47:07Part of our Pacific Rim expansion
00:47:10My family needs 51% of a bank who understands us
00:47:14My father's offering you participation in our ventures. In fact, my sources in China. Tell me Beijing will take effective control of the bank next week
00:47:22You have to move your money now or lose every cent you have
00:47:26Mr. Graves
00:47:28We could go to anyone
00:47:30You should be honored that we chose you but I never a co-venture with desperate men, mr. Tang
00:47:36And right now your family qualifies as desperate
00:47:45If you call on me again, I won't be responsible for what happens to you
00:47:55I asked you to reconsider but mr. Tang, why would I?
00:48:00Don't scare me
00:48:04That's too bad I should good day, mr. Graves
00:48:19The arrival of mr. Ramsey completes this new unit of the agency. Yeah people call me Mac
00:48:25People will call you dead if you interrupt me again
00:48:28The three of you will form our lead action team
00:48:32You and miss say obviously have unusual skills and you've worked together closely in the past
00:48:39and will again and your criminal knowledge makes you perfect for this team as
00:48:45A much decorated detective. Mr. Mansfield balances your background with law enforcement training
00:48:54He will also be watching for corruption in the unit
00:48:57We've had problems in the past year. They will not happen again. So wait a second. Wait a second
00:49:03You're just throwing the three of us together. We're supposed to make nice do whatever you say
00:49:08First of all, I did not throw you together. This is a very carefully designed unit
00:49:15Secondly, I couldn't care less whether you make nice or not
00:49:19You are right about one thing you will do whatever I say
00:49:23What are the unit goals to fight against criminals who are too powerful protected or unique for regular law enforcement
00:49:30We are an offensive force should fit right in
00:49:34first case
00:49:36Ever hear of Robertson graves the investment bank are stinking rich
00:49:42chamber of commerce
00:49:44all the right charities
00:49:46Right and 30 million in criminal financings
00:49:50So you want us to bring him down I want you to protect him he's been receiving threats wait a minute you put this
00:49:58Unit together to play bodyguard to some old rich guy
00:50:02You will learn not to question my directives. I will always know more than you
00:50:09Fact is is that Robertson graves has been in business for 30 years without being scared one day until now
00:50:15Somebody's strong enough to frighten him. I want to know who they are
00:50:20Go watch
00:50:36Anything interesting depends on your definition. Where's Mac? It's getting a closer look
00:50:52What are you up to my second, thanks
00:51:00Another scotch for you, sir
00:51:02Sure wear me down
00:51:11If I were you Victor stop worrying about me
00:51:15Start worrying about those two guys watching you 11 o'clock
00:51:24No, I'm not a trained professional
00:51:26like yourself
00:51:28But I'm guessing that they're not here for the Amway convention you stay away from them. We have to concentrate on graves
00:51:34Look, I'm here because of my experience, right?
00:51:39Everything I know tells me these are a couple of Hong Kong thugs nice suits bad attitudes
00:51:45You know, I think I even know they're Taylor
00:51:54Hey fellas, what's shaking?
00:51:58Okay there fellas, I'm the house detective I'm gonna have to ask you to state your business
00:52:03Now talk a moving target and brought your scotch
00:52:43You know, I am actually starting to think that guy has some style
00:52:48If anything happens to him, I will kill you.
00:52:52Come on!
00:53:17Go, go, go, go!
00:53:56Watch it! Look out!
00:53:58Look out!
00:54:29Pull it over, now!
00:54:35Get out of the vehicle!
00:54:42Wow, was that great!
00:54:44Hey man, I know we've had some work to do.
00:54:47Okay, I know you didn't mean that!
00:54:50Shut up, Max, he's right!
00:54:51He's right, I'm right!
00:54:52I told you those guys are Hong Kong mobs!
00:54:54This isn't a game anymore!
00:54:55That woman could have been killed!
00:54:57What are you so worked up about? Everything worked out fine!
00:55:00Let's get him away from me before I kill him!
00:55:02Oh, any time you want me, tough guy, any time!
00:55:04Max doesn't mean it.
00:55:06Okay, this stuff is his life, he just cares.
00:55:08Oh, and I don't care?
00:55:09Me, the guy who risks everything for you, huh?
00:55:13The guy who loves you.
00:55:20Okay, so I don't care.
00:55:21Hey, I owe you!
00:55:24And I'm gonna tell you something for nothing.
00:55:26This deal's got Tang written all over it.
00:55:28You're going up against the old man, Leanne, and Michael.
00:55:31Remember him?
00:55:32The other guy you were gonna marry.
00:55:34Why haven't you told Vic about him?
00:55:37Why haven't you told Vic about him?
00:55:59Well, he was right.
00:56:01Who was right?
00:56:02Mac, he thought it was the Tangs.
00:56:04This is their symbol.
00:56:05My family is in town.
00:56:36Oh, come on.
00:56:44What's up, man?
00:56:45What's up, man?
00:56:58I want to talk to him.
00:56:59I want to talk to him.
00:57:00I want to talk to him.
00:57:1411% of the bank stock is public.
00:57:16Robbers and graves patrols the rest.
00:57:20And if he dies?
00:57:21Sold off on the open market.
00:57:26But we don't have enough cash to buy control.
00:57:28We will soon.
00:57:31Come on.
00:57:44Here's our cash reserve.
00:57:46Lose the frame.
00:57:49Because it's custom-made in Hong Kong.
00:57:52It can be traced.
00:57:56Now all I need you to do
00:57:58is kill Roberts and Graves.
00:58:02Anything else?
00:58:03We have some surveillance photos from the incident yesterday.
00:58:19Is this a joke?
00:58:20No, it's just...
00:58:21Are you making fun of me?
00:58:22Mr. Tang, it's just what the agent gave me.
00:58:27They're here.
00:58:31They're here.
00:58:33Call our police source and get them in here.
00:58:35This sometimes takes a day to observe his cover.
00:58:37Fine, tonight!
00:58:46Hey, man.
00:58:47Spare change?
00:58:4825 cents richer than me.
00:59:18Come on.
00:59:48Come on.
01:00:12Well done, Carruthers.
01:00:14How did he get in?
01:00:15Access card.
01:00:17Change the codes.
01:00:19And notify his employers, will you?
01:00:22I guess I'll take the jag tonight.
01:00:40It's about time.
01:00:42You know, I don't mind getting grabbed by criminals.
01:00:45I just hate waiting around to get popped.
01:00:48They weren't criminals, Mr. Ramsey.
01:00:58But you certainly are.
01:01:01You left your mission,
01:01:04broke your deal.
01:01:07Do you know what I do with criminals?
01:01:10Try and understand them.
01:01:12Sometimes they need time to think.
01:01:15That's what I'm giving you.
01:01:19Think about what?
01:01:21About why I shouldn't keep you here until you die.
01:01:31Where is he?
01:01:33This just arrived for you.
01:01:34Guy said it was urgent.
01:01:46It's Cheng's jacket.
01:01:54We have just days to kill this man.
01:01:59Or we lose everything.
01:02:15I hope you have something useful for me.
01:02:23That's double the price.
01:02:26But I need to know what you know about some people you work for.
01:02:36I'm gonna take some notes.
01:02:41I'm ready to go, Carruthers.
01:02:43Everything secure?
01:02:55What is this?
01:02:56I don't know. I just deliver them.
01:02:59Who's it from?
01:03:06Doesn't say.
01:03:07Young lady, I'm not accepting that.
01:03:08But my boss will kill me if I don't get in on time to the...
01:03:11If you've been riding all over town with that thing bouncing around on your bicycle,
01:03:14you're lucky to be alive as it is.
01:03:16Drive carefully.
01:03:19Who does Tang think he's dealing with?
01:03:21He'll have to spend more than the price of a cheap courier to stay in the ring with me.
01:03:27You're dead, sir.
01:03:31Great deal, man.
01:03:36Robertson Graves was murdered last night.
01:03:39Any suspects?
01:03:40Well, his bodyguard has disappeared.
01:03:44They're your family.
01:03:46What are they doing?
01:03:47Yes, they are my family.
01:03:48You might have mentioned that when you put me on the case.
01:03:51I told you, you've been selected for this team for a reason.
01:03:54Does it bother you to work against them?
01:03:58Then why start with Graves?
01:04:00Tangs need a pipeline to bring their money in.
01:04:02Right, so we find where that is, we break them.
01:04:05My thoughts exactly.
01:04:06My thoughts exactly.
01:04:08I've given you everything you need.
01:04:10Except Mac, he is in custody.
01:04:12He can't help us from there.
01:04:14He's, no, he's not a team player.
01:04:16Neither are you.
01:04:17He's totally unpredictable.
01:04:18And to put it mildly, I wouldn't trust him with my wallet.
01:04:21We won't win without him.
01:04:23And I was just about to say that.
01:04:37Done any thinking?
01:04:38You bet.
01:04:46I think if I move the table over here, then, you know,
01:04:48I can really create an impression of space.
01:04:50You are not helping yourself.
01:04:52Yeah, what will help, huh?
01:04:54Have you taken a good look at me lately?
01:04:56The woman I loved thought I was dead.
01:04:58I mean, dead and buried.
01:05:00That's where she put me in her head.
01:05:01Then she moves on with her life without me.
01:05:03Then she hooks up with this cop.
01:05:04He's like equal parts bounty hunter and boy scout.
01:05:07Ah, gee.
01:05:08Nothing about me.
01:05:10Yeah, I'm getting to you.
01:05:12So not only does the girl go,
01:05:14but now my life is run by a twisted leather freak.
01:05:17Twisted, yes.
01:05:19Freak is a little strong.
01:05:24I don't have anything left.
01:05:26Not true.
01:05:28You have everything.
01:05:30Not true.
01:05:32You have a choice.
01:05:34You can get on board with me and do everything I tell you.
01:05:38Or I can ship you back to Hong Kong.
01:05:42Well, you'll be fish food by tomorrow night.
01:05:56Okay, Ace.
01:05:57Next stop, Hong Kong.
01:05:59You know, I'm not going to miss you at all.
01:06:02Want to see a magic trick?
01:06:04You're going in the van.
01:06:05Oh, it's really good.
01:06:14Now, normally at this point I'd take off, but I owe you.
01:06:17See, you were a little rough with me the other day, huh?
01:06:20What are you going to do, shoot me?
01:06:25I'm going to steal your van.
01:06:27Wife's going to have to use a Buick tonight, Officer Dobrinsky.
01:06:30I need your wheels.
01:06:33Hey! I need help here!
01:06:57I didn't start out to collect art, but I hope to end that way.
01:07:57Get in.
01:08:28What the hell are you doing here?
01:08:32That's funny. I was going to ask you the same thing.
01:08:37I heard you ran off.
01:08:39Or you come crawling back to the tanks.
01:08:42It was a set-up.
01:08:43Director lets me go, tells me to come here.
01:08:45But I guess now we know who the Tang get their information from.
01:08:48Huh, Mr. Clean?
01:08:51Use this information, you moron.
01:08:54The director sent me in here to screw Michael up.
01:08:59How come she didn't tell me?
01:09:06The same reason he'd tell me about you, obviously.
01:09:11She didn't trust either of us.
01:09:18How do I know you're telling the truth?
01:09:20I'm whispering, aren't I?
01:09:22I think if I was on Michael's side, I probably would have called for help by now.
01:09:26Okay, you let go first.
01:09:28No, no, no. You.
01:09:31Both at the same time. Count of three.
01:09:33No, okay. Okay, but I count. Ready?
01:09:44If we don't let go, they find us dead in each other's arms.
01:09:48That's good enough for me.
01:10:08Okay, now.
01:10:11What are you doing here?
01:10:13Michael smuggled a Rembrandt into the country.
01:10:15Michael smuggled a Rembrandt into the country. He can sell it.
01:10:18Bankroll his operation.
01:10:21Any idea where he keeps it?
01:10:24No, you know he's got a painting in his office.
01:10:27Some guy with a hat. Big hat.
01:10:31Yeah, I don't think that's the actual title.
01:10:33But it sounds like our property.
01:10:35You helped me steal it.
01:10:37I know you're not working for Michael.
01:10:39No, no. I don't have to prove anything to you.
01:10:41Look, man, if you're scared, I understand.
01:10:43This isn't your thing. Traffic tickets. Donuts. That's your thing.
01:10:46Hey, hey, hey. Shut up.
01:10:48All right?
01:10:51Follow me.
01:11:14Wait. Hang on.
01:11:17Michael's very fond of lasers.
01:11:21I don't see any. Wait.
01:11:24That's what bothers me.
01:11:28What else would it be?
01:11:43Come on.
01:11:54The floor's electrified.
01:11:57Step on it.
01:11:59The alarms go.
01:12:00Knowing Michael, they ain't gonna set off alarms.
01:12:03They'll put 10,000 volts through your body.
01:12:13Very clever.
01:12:14Thank you.
01:12:15Mental system.
01:12:24Get on your hands and knees.
01:12:27Big, big, big.
01:12:29We can work together here.
01:12:31Or we can die.
01:12:33What's it gonna be?
01:12:35I don't like either one, actually.
01:12:43Come on.
01:13:14Are you sure you know what you're doing?
01:13:17Just as the movie was.
01:13:20Toss me the end of that cord.
01:13:44Come on, Dan.
01:13:55Come on, Dan.
01:13:57Hang on tight.
01:14:14That was an excellent idea.
01:14:27Get out of here.
01:14:33I hate you. I hate you.
01:14:35This is just a minor setback.
01:14:37All right. Put your arm around me.
01:14:39Oh, no, no, no. Now you are real.
01:14:42Now you are really pushing.
01:14:47And we start to swing.
01:14:51You can help me out here, too.
01:14:53There you go.
01:14:54Swing low.
01:14:57We change.
01:15:00Come on.
01:15:11I don't know.
01:15:30Come on.
01:15:35This is what I'm talking about.
01:15:40All right.
01:15:42I have to shoot, right?
01:16:26Okay, okay.
01:16:27Let's go.
01:16:29Climb back up to the top where I was.
01:16:31I'll take care of our touchdown.
01:16:50This is simple.
01:16:52All right.
01:16:53And stretch.
01:17:10I get it.
01:17:14You're gonna leave me here, right?
01:17:17Do you really think I would do that?
01:17:20You gotta learn to trust a little more, Victor.
01:17:22You know, at first I didn't like you very much.
01:17:26Now I'm really, really starting to despise you.
01:17:30Toss me under that cord.
01:17:57untie yourself
01:17:59and tie onto that fixture there.
01:18:04See this?
01:18:05We're really starting to bond here.
01:18:07Now, slide down.
01:18:22All right, I take it back.
01:18:26maybe I can't trust you.
01:18:28Oh, Vic.
01:18:31That means a lot to me.
01:18:43But like I said,
01:18:45I trust you.
01:18:56I wanna know who's responsible!
01:18:58Even more, I wanna know how he got in!
01:19:01Find out!
01:19:09First thing you might wanna do
01:19:10is lock that second floor window.
01:19:13I knew it was you.
01:19:15Nobody else in the world would dare to do it.
01:19:19no threats to kill me?
01:19:21Torture me?
01:19:23Make sure I never play the violin again.
01:19:27If I do anything to you that I'd like to do,
01:19:30I won't get the Rembrandt back.
01:19:39How much you want for the painting?
01:19:43Excuse me?
01:19:49I wanna come back to the family, Michael.
01:19:53That's impossible.
01:19:54So is replacing a Rembrandt.
01:19:59I shouldn't have left.
01:20:03I was in love with her.
01:20:05And I was gonna take her away from you, is that it?
01:20:08See, I expected more from you.
01:20:11We were friends, we were partners.
01:20:14You're angry because I wanted to take Leanne away from you,
01:20:17but you had no problem taking my birthright away from me.
01:20:21He's my father, not yours.
01:20:24And now you're crawling back
01:20:25because you had a falling out with your new friends.
01:20:30I'm desperate.
01:20:32Will you please talk to the old man?
01:20:35Why should I?
01:20:36Because it's easier than telling him you lost his painting.
01:20:39That's true.
01:20:41There's a price, of course.
01:20:43Of course.
01:20:49Name it.
01:20:51I want you to give me Leanne.
01:21:01Even if I could, why?
01:21:03Because the painting doesn't mean anything to you.
01:21:06Even if I could, why?
01:21:08Because the painting doesn't matter, Mac.
01:21:11Everything's about Leanne.
01:21:14Since we were kids, who we are, what we did.
01:21:17It was all for her.
01:21:20She was the prize.
01:21:22I don't think of her that way.
01:21:24Of course you do.
01:21:26You just don't want to admit it to yourself.
01:21:29She's the real reason why you're coming back to us.
01:21:32If you still had her, you wouldn't be here right now.
01:21:35What good does it do you?
01:21:37She's never gonna love you.
01:21:38I don't care, Mac!
01:21:42I just gotta have her!
01:21:46That's the price.
01:21:48Leanne in the painting, 11 tonight.
01:21:50Call this number at 1045, I'll tell you where.
01:21:57Looking forward to it.
01:21:58Me too.
01:22:06Why didn't you tell me that Mac's escape was faked?
01:22:08Why didn't you tell me Victor was inside of Michael's operation?
01:22:12Because you didn't need to know.
01:22:15I can't believe you didn't tell me.
01:22:16Well, she ordered me not to!
01:22:18Spoken like a true stormtrooper.
01:22:20Oh, I owe you, man.
01:22:22More than you know.
01:22:23Michael's sure you're on his side now.
01:22:27Have a Rembrandt.
01:22:29Did he go for the trade?
01:22:3011 tonight.
01:22:31Place still to be named.
01:22:32I get back to you.
01:22:33Place still to be named.
01:22:34I get back into the family.
01:22:36Michael gets the painting.
01:22:38And Leanne.
01:22:42He's a little obsessed.
01:22:43Forget it.
01:22:44It's way too dangerous.
01:22:45It's that first smart thing I heard you say.
01:22:47Well, maybe you should listen a little closer.
01:22:49Is anybody gonna ask me?
01:22:50It's my decision.
01:22:52Actually, it's mine.
01:22:54But I would like to know what you think.
01:22:56I think this is the best chance we have, and we better take it.
01:22:59The risk is too big.
01:23:00Why don't we just go and break him?
01:23:02Right now.
01:23:03Not with all his people around him.
01:23:05I want this as safe as possible.
01:23:07That means outside of his compound.
01:23:09I'll be the bait.
01:23:10No way.
01:23:11Why not?
01:23:12Why not?
01:23:13Because, if...
01:23:14Because, uh, if you go, then I won't go.
01:23:17And if I don't go, then Michael's gonna know that something's up, and...
01:23:20And you'll disappear.
01:23:24Yeah, so it's like...
01:23:25That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard from either of you.
01:23:28All right.
01:23:29Mac will go.
01:23:30Soon as we find out where the meeting is,
01:23:32we'll position with overwhelming force.
01:23:35But Michael needs to see both of us
01:23:37before he comes out into the open.
01:23:39I can do whatever I want.
01:23:42Mac will go.
01:23:43You and Victor will stay on reserve with me.
01:24:01Will I ever get back home?
01:24:07Sometimes I wonder
01:24:10Will I ever get back home?
01:24:15Come on, Leanne, hurry up.
01:24:17Wow, she's always a little bit late.
01:24:20Yeah, five and a half minutes, be exact.
01:24:22Four and a half.
01:24:23Her hairstyle's a little simpler
01:24:25since you were a part of her life, so...
01:24:28Okay, you're so smart.
01:24:29Favorite CD?
01:24:30Favorite CD, James Brown,
01:24:32live at the Apollo.
01:24:33Not yours, Sherlock, hers.
01:24:35No, no, it is hers,
01:24:36since it says it's been played before.
01:24:40Sometimes I wonder
01:24:43Will my baby ever think of me?
01:24:47Favorite flower?
01:24:48Favorite flower, orchid.
01:24:49Favorite gem, emerald.
01:24:50Sometimes I wonder
01:24:52Will she ever think of me?
01:24:57Will she ever think of me?
01:25:03The way she's been talking
01:25:08Wait a minute.
01:25:09Did you bring the Rembrandt with you?
01:25:11No, Leanne told me she gave it to you.
01:25:13She didn't give it to me.
01:25:17Oh, no.
01:25:18She's not late, she's just not here.
01:25:20What do you mean, she's not here?
01:25:21What, isn't she stealing the painting?
01:25:23No, she's giving it back.
01:25:43Get lost.
01:25:44We don't leave for five minutes.
01:25:53It's a tank.
01:25:55I'm sorry.
01:25:56For what?
01:25:59There's no shame in losing to this woman.
01:26:01She's talented.
01:26:04I've missed you.
01:26:06I miss who you were.
01:26:13Never provoke her.
01:26:18He's new.
01:26:20Let's talk.
01:26:31Mac took this from you?
01:26:32And then you took it from him.
01:26:35What's a thief?
01:26:36Always a thief.
01:26:38Not anymore.
01:26:40I'm giving it back.
01:26:43Not a thief now.
01:26:45And in return?
01:26:46And in return, you leave while you still can.
01:26:49They're coming for you tonight.
01:26:51I'm giving you a chance to get away.
01:26:53And is this supposed to make up for your betrayal?
01:26:55Make things right between us?
01:26:57There never was.
01:26:58That's because you chose Mac over me.
01:27:00I chose my freedom over you.
01:27:05You can go anywhere, but not here.
01:27:08This is where I rid myself of you.
01:27:10You should have loved me, Leanna.
01:27:13Nothing would have been enough for you.
01:27:17Nothing ever is.
01:27:19I'm leaving now.
01:27:22And how do you know I'm not going to stop you?
01:27:24Because you'd have to hurt me.
01:27:27And you could never do that.
01:27:30That may be true.
01:27:33But they can't.
01:27:51I'll radio the director.
01:27:52Calvary's on its way.
01:27:53Yeah, well, they're going to be too late.
01:28:17I've got an idea.
01:28:19Mitch, you've got to trust me.
01:28:33Mr. Tang!
01:28:38Look what I found.
01:28:44They decided to move on you tonight.
01:28:45They're on their way.
01:28:47I came to warn you, and I found this guy sneaking around.
01:28:53I didn't want to end you.
01:28:56Well, that's great.
01:28:58Why don't we kill them both right now?
01:29:13Well, maybe you don't want to.
01:29:17You know her.
01:29:18You love her, don't you?
01:31:23Come on, come on.
01:31:24Get up!
01:31:25Get up!
01:31:26Come on.
01:31:28Come on.
01:31:29Get up.
01:31:30Come on.
01:33:35You should have loved me
01:34:42There's the painting be a good boy and go get it for me, will you
01:34:57Well, I had the painting checked
01:35:13Water damage. No, it was a fake really
01:35:17What do you know the old man sent Michael a copy?
01:35:20Must have the real one back in Hong Kong. Yeah, that's one explanation. Oh, come on
01:35:24You don't think that you know you I mean you did have the painting in your hand switching it
01:35:29Fit your profile what profile well if I were you I would be careful about my accusations
01:35:35Tang financial records say they paid you
01:35:39Ten large a month right and every time of which I gave to you plus a 25,000 bonus
01:35:43None of which you gave to me Victor. No, I never saw anything like that. You know, Michael
01:35:49Michael was probably skimming the money for himself. Oh, yeah. Yeah that fits his profile. Well, don't worry. I'll find out
01:35:57In the meantime take the day off your next mission starts tomorrow next mission
01:36:04This was a one-shot deal do this and I'm out. I heard that distinctly not for me
01:36:09I happen to like the way you work together. I hate the way we work together. So do I tough?
01:36:16You're together
01:36:17Till I say otherwise
01:36:20Or you die
01:36:22Anybody want to guess which comes first?
01:36:28Boy, this is just great. I always hoped something like this would happen
01:36:34You think I'd be used to having my world turned upside down by now Leanne
01:36:38I'm I'm just so glad that you're safe and then we're still together
01:36:47That is so funny because I
01:36:53Was just gonna say the same thing
01:37:00They're lovely, but I still want to know what happened to the painting and the money what I
01:37:09Swear I have no idea where the painting is. I mean like I said before the old man must have it back in Hong Kong. I
01:37:19Know I can't make up for what you've lost what we've all lost. I also know what I've done is right, but
01:37:26Somehow I still feel I owe you
01:37:29So I'm returning something you love
01:37:32Maybe I'm finally learning responsibility
01:37:36Love Mac
01:37:41And the money
01:37:4510,000 went to the children's hospital and 15,000 went to a gym that the cops run and helps keep kids off the street
01:37:55Stole money and gave it to charity
01:37:59Just another example of lame behavior, huh, right, I think it's kind of noble
01:38:11What has happened to your values
01:38:26If we're going to be together we have to trust each other and believe in each other
01:38:35What are we the three Musketeers I'll give it a try if you do all for one and one for all
01:38:48Like I would trust either of you as far as I could throw you
01:38:53Hey, hey, what do you mean? You don't trust us you're gonna marry it
01:39:00You think
01:39:02Yo with those great detective skills, you'll notice she's still holding the white rose a bit
01:39:06Yeah, well, if you notice my fiance is still holding my