Death Match (1994) Action Drama

  • last month
An evil promoter (Martin Kove) coerces from retirement a champion kickboxer (Ian Jacklin) who quit after killing an opponent.
00:02:45Hey, bro.
00:02:46What's up, compadre?
00:02:47Ah, nothing, man.
00:02:49Ah, damn.
00:02:51You okay?
00:02:52Yeah, I'm fine.
00:02:53I just want to get my paycheck and get out of here.
00:02:55You broke again?
00:02:56I laid out a little bit of money last night, but, uh...
00:02:59no big deal.
00:03:00Today's payday.
00:03:01And, uh, what was her name?
00:03:03Her name was the queen of diamonds, but, uh...
00:03:05she didn't show.
00:03:09Hey, hey.
00:03:11Would you look at that?
00:03:13One day I'm going to have me one of those.
00:03:16You thinking of leaving the docks and becoming a driver?
00:03:19I'm going to leave the docks all right,
00:03:22but I ain't going to be no limo driver.
00:03:26One day I'm going to be a very rich man.
00:03:30Ha, ha, ha.
00:03:32You been saying that since New Orleans, man.
00:03:35I hope your dreams come true, Nicky.
00:03:37I could sure use that 20 bucks you owe me.
00:03:39Yeah, well, speaking of money,
00:03:41I'm going to go get our paycheck.
00:03:44Yeah, I'll get it while I'm here.
00:03:47Go get that guy. Get him out of here now.
00:03:53Hey, where do you think you're going?
00:03:55Hey, I want to talk to the foreman. He's got my paycheck.
00:03:57Get your legs up and out of here.
00:03:59What's wrong with you?
00:04:01Beat it, or I'll rip your head off
00:04:03and bounce it around like a basketball.
00:04:05Oh, that would hurt.
00:04:42Hey, what the hell's going on here?
00:04:44I say we run for it. I say we die.
00:04:59Mr. Hopp.
00:05:01Mr. Landis, we finally meet.
00:05:03I am impressed by your accomplishments.
00:05:06Have some?
00:05:08No, thank you.
00:05:10Very soon, my organization will be the most powerful in Asia.
00:05:13And with the British being ousted in 1997,
00:05:15we need to expand.
00:05:17But there's too much competition.
00:05:19Chicanos, Italians,
00:05:21all kinds of people.
00:05:23You know what?
00:05:25We need weapons. The best.
00:05:27You have the best.
00:05:29Fortunately, weapons alone will not be enough.
00:05:32It is the finger behind the trigger
00:05:34which must be loyal.
00:05:36Then is he put right?
00:05:46I don't think so.
00:05:48I don't think so.
00:05:50I don't think so.
00:05:52I don't think so.
00:06:02A very powerful weapon.
00:06:05A great journey begins with one step.
00:06:08Would you like to do some business, Mr. Landis?
00:06:11What would you have me do?
00:06:13Can you stand against that wall?
00:06:15I'm afraid my accomplishments
00:06:17will exceed your childishness.
00:06:20I like you, Mr. Landis.
00:06:22It seems we all have our limitations.
00:06:24But what about my competition?
00:06:26You know this James Fratelli Fattuccio?
00:06:31That's him, yes.
00:06:33What do you want from him?
00:06:35I don't want anything from him.
00:06:37I want something from you.
00:06:39I want you to eliminate Jimmy Fratello and Vinnie Lopez.
00:06:45This guy starts yelling and says I'm trying to break his finger.
00:06:48But Dio is trying to break his arm.
00:06:51I bet that was the last pencil he tried to steal from you.
00:06:54No, believe it or not, same guy, different finger, 7th grade.
00:06:59You know, we really shouldn't be laughing.
00:07:01We're out of work again.
00:07:03Yeah, I know, but after what I saw in those boxes, who cares?
00:07:06Yeah, I saw those too.
00:07:08Those were MAC-10s.
00:07:10Only kind of guys that use those are like drug runners and assassins
00:07:13and a whole bunch of other guys you don't want to meet.
00:07:15I'll drink to that.
00:07:17Seriously, Nick, that's the third job we've lost since we've been in L.A.
00:07:20They're all lousy, stinking jobs anyway.
00:07:24I gotta tell you, man, I've had it up to here with L.A. already.
00:07:27How can you say that? I mean, L.A. is the land of opportunity.
00:07:32The other night I'm at the gym.
00:07:34I meet this guy, his name's, uh, Landis.
00:07:37Anyway, this guy pays big money for full-contact fighters.
00:07:40Big money, huh?
00:07:42Big money. See, this guy Landis, he sets up the fights underground.
00:07:45You win the fight, you win the cash.
00:07:47No taxes, no nothing.
00:07:49No feeling from the neck down if you mess with the wrong guy, Nick.
00:07:52You're always looking for an easy buck.
00:07:54Haven't you learned there's no such thing?
00:07:56It's called paying your dues, compadre.
00:08:00You're crazy.
00:08:02You could get hurt.
00:08:04You could get killed.
00:08:06Yeah, well, uh, I can take care of myself, and so can you.
00:08:10So let's give it a shot. I don't think so.
00:08:13You don't get it, do you?
00:08:15I've had enough.
00:08:19Man, I hear they're hiring up north.
00:08:21Pays good, I'm thinking of heading up that way.
00:08:24Maybe I'll do it right this time, save some money, go back to school.
00:08:29Well, looks like I'd go it alone.
00:08:34We've been through a lot together.
00:08:36I mean, New York, Galveston, even here in L.A.
00:08:39You go for it.
00:08:41You watch your ass.
00:08:44Hey, who's gonna bail me out?
00:08:46Why should things change?
00:08:48Call me if you need me.
00:09:01He'll be back.
00:09:03I owe him 20 bucks.
00:09:06I owe him 20 bucks.
00:09:19Enjoy yourself.
00:09:21Go on.
00:09:36Right there.
00:09:38Open the briefcase, Tiny.
00:09:51There you go.
00:09:53That's Puccini.
00:09:55My grandfather loved Puccini.
00:09:57He was my mother's father.
00:09:59He was a great singer.
00:10:01My grandfather loved Puccini.
00:10:03He was my mother's father.
00:10:05Pretty Tommy O'Brien.
00:10:07He got the name because he looked like an Irishman, do you believe it?
00:10:10But he wasn't. He was Italian, through and through.
00:10:12The family came from northern Italy.
00:10:14But he didn't look at it.
00:10:16You know, he had this sandy blonde hair,
00:10:18these intense green eyes.
00:10:20Pretty Tommy O'Brien.
00:10:22He got the nickname because he was a good-looking son of a gun.
00:10:24He really was.
00:10:26He dressed to the nines, you know.
00:10:28Except he was a tiny little guy.
00:10:31With a vicious temper.
00:10:33Yeah, you never wanted to cross Pretty Tommy O'Brien, you know.
00:10:36He was mean. He had a mean side to him, you know.
00:10:39Not only would he whack you out,
00:10:41but he'd cut your head off with this machete.
00:10:43You know, he used this private machete of his.
00:10:47And if you stole from him, you knocked down on him.
00:10:49He wouldn't even give you the decency of killing you.
00:10:51He'd cut your head off while you were still alive.
00:10:54There was a guy in the neighborhood who used to knock down on him, right?
00:10:57He knew about it for quite a while.
00:10:59Everyone's joking on him, right? He's waiting, he's waiting.
00:11:01And one night, he invites him over for dinner, you see.
00:11:03A couple of lieutenants grab the guy.
00:11:05True story. Drag him down in the basement.
00:11:07They hold him down on the floor,
00:11:09and Tommy O'Brien looks right in the guy's face.
00:11:11And he tells him, laughing, right in his face,
00:11:13Stealing from me ain't nothing to lose your head over.
00:11:16And proceeds to decapitate the guy right there in the basement.
00:11:19The guy was screaming for his mother.
00:11:21There was blood every place.
00:11:23That was my grandfather.
00:11:25God, he was brutal.
00:11:27But very effective.
00:11:31You got five minutes of my time.
00:11:34That's all I need.
00:11:41Well, what...
00:11:43I thought you guys went to the fight game
00:11:45since when did you start playing with guns?
00:11:47You can have as many as you want. M16, Stinger missiles, you name it.
00:11:51Well, why are you coming to me with this stuff?
00:11:53I got plenty of weapons.
00:11:55This little war that's burning between you and the Iron Tigers,
00:11:58we just want to be on the side that wins.
00:12:01Maybe one day we need your help.
00:12:03Maybe we can't help you right now.
00:12:07Well, how wise are you?
00:12:09And what is that help going to, uh...
00:12:11going to cost me, huh?
00:12:13Not much.
00:12:15You buy the hardware from us,
00:12:17and we get 25% of your operation.
00:12:19And we get 25% of your operation.
00:12:44You know, this land is a little strange.
00:12:47I didn't think it was that crazy.
00:12:50Why would I do something like that?
00:12:52Because it's going to put you over the top.
00:12:55Unless it tries, it's going to get in first.
00:12:57Think about it, Jimmy.
00:13:00And keep the gun.
00:13:02All time safe.
00:13:12Yeah, boss.
00:13:15Follow that mussel-bound lunatic.
00:13:17Line up with his and hash up these things.
00:13:23And whack the boss.
00:13:25Yeah, boss.
00:13:27And whack the boss.
00:13:29Yeah, boss.
00:13:32And whack both heads.
00:13:41I think Jimmy's going to get a bang out of this.
00:13:43Don't you?
00:13:45Just like the Fourth of July.
00:13:53Oh, my God!
00:14:01Oh, my God!
00:14:31Oh, my God!
00:14:33Oh, my God!
00:14:35Oh, my God!
00:14:37Oh, my God!
00:14:39Oh, my God!
00:14:41Oh, my God!
00:14:43Oh, my God!
00:14:45Oh, my God!
00:14:47Oh, my God!
00:14:49Oh, my God!
00:14:51Oh, my God!
00:14:53Oh, my God!
00:14:55Oh, my God!
00:14:57Oh, my God!
00:14:59Oh, my God!
00:15:01Oh, my God!
00:15:03Oh, my God!
00:15:05Oh, my God!
00:15:07Oh, my God!
00:15:09Oh, my God!
00:15:11Oh, my God!
00:15:13Oh, my God!
00:15:15Oh, my God!
00:15:17Oh, my God!
00:15:19Oh, my God!
00:15:21Oh, my God!
00:15:23Oh, my God!
00:15:25Oh, my God!
00:15:28Hey! Hey!
00:15:31Hey! Hey!
00:15:40Yeah! Yeah!
00:17:10Go go
00:18:57Isn't that impressive
00:19:01Nikki i'm confused
00:19:04You're expected to kill
00:19:07Your job is to kill
00:19:09You did
00:19:11I don't like that
00:19:14I said i'd fight I didn't say i'd kill this whole thing is sick. I quit
00:19:20Nick you don't understand
00:19:23You do what we tell you to do
00:19:26You're my boy nick
00:19:28You're gonna become the prize of my stable
00:19:36We own you oh, yeah
00:19:39Nobody wants me. Come on. Goldilocks. Let's see what you've got
00:21:03This is exactly what i'm talking about
00:21:05Oh my god
00:21:08Absolutely, no regard for my authority
00:21:13I hate a mess
00:21:16Take him out of here
00:21:36Another master
00:21:48But she's just
00:22:11When the phone rings you take the message you put the message here in this basket, okay
00:22:16Excuse me
00:22:18I'm john larson. I'm here to see you. Yes. Mr. Wilson just a few days late
00:22:23I'm, really sorry about being late. I made a few stops from the coast
00:22:27Well, welcome aboard. Thank you. I want you to know i'm very happy to have this opportunity to work here. Oh good
00:22:32That's very good
00:22:34By the way a message came for you just a couple of days ago. Someone called you
00:22:38Here you are
00:22:43Is something wrong
00:22:45Yeah, yeah a friend of mine in los angeles looks like he's in trouble. I'm, sorry
00:22:51Well, look, why don't you come with me and i'll show you the work area
00:22:55Miss mckenna, i'm afraid I can't take this job
00:22:59Excuse me
00:23:00I gotta get back to los angeles. My friend needs me. Mr. Larson
00:23:04We have been holding this position open for you. Do you know how many people want this job? Yeah
00:23:10Maybe next time good day
00:23:55Hey, mister you got anybody to watch your bike
00:24:00I'll watch it for a dollar watch it real good. Nobody's gonna hurt it
00:24:05All right
00:24:08Watch my helmet
00:24:27Want something? Yeah, i'm looking for a gentleman by the name of nick wallace. I think he's in room 52
00:24:35Is something wrong
00:24:38Yeah, I haven't been here for a week
00:24:41What disappeared nice kid wants to be a boxer you need a room
00:24:50Yeah, yeah I do
00:24:56Get this out work. Yeah
00:25:0540 bucks being the best
00:25:20Room 22 up the stair. Thanks
00:25:26Oh, if you happen to see nick, can you make sure you tell him where i'm don't worry he's still owe me money remember
00:25:43Hey, leave it alone
00:25:45Just talking to me arms. Yeah, leave it alone. What is it george you on it?
00:25:49It's a friend of mine. He's paying me to watch it for him
00:25:51So we'll watch me drive away on it then you mess with the bike. You gotta mess with me
00:25:56I don't think so
00:26:00I warned you
00:26:21We're staying the job just going for employee of the week
00:26:49Where'd you learn how to do that the streets
00:26:54Come on let me take you home
00:26:55I am home
00:26:57What you live here?
00:26:58No around here. Well, where's your family at?
00:27:02None of your business
00:27:04Yeah, I guess not
00:27:06You hungry?
00:27:09Well, come on i'll get you something to eat you're not a pervert or anything like that
00:27:16So, what are you doing in that hotel
00:27:20Looking for a friend of mine
00:27:27When was the last time you wait
00:27:32Your friend in trouble or something, yeah, he's kind of like you he's always in trouble
00:27:37You know where he is
00:27:39No, no, I know he's around here somewhere
00:27:42You know your way around
00:27:44Not exactly
00:27:47Where are you from
00:27:49Everywhere started off in new york working the docks then I moved west
00:27:54How are you gonna find your friend if you don't know your way around you need a guide homie
00:27:59You need someone who knows the streets
00:28:02Well, you wouldn't just happen to know one would you don't be a jerk? I know the streets
00:28:08All right, what's this gonna cost me
00:28:13Your bike my bike
00:28:16Get real kid
00:28:18I'm, not a kid. I'm tommy if I help you find your friend. You give me your bike
00:28:24Well, you drive a hard bargain kid, I mean tommy
00:28:30Does that mean we have a deal no
00:28:33You never heard the one about easy money. Have you?
00:28:54Have you seen this guy around
00:28:57Yeah, i've seen him around you have where some private karate school downtown
00:29:02Private, what do you mean private?
00:29:03Yeah, they're hard to find unless you have the right connection
00:29:06Do you?
00:29:08Let's stay away from those kind of places that can get pretty hairy
00:29:12Your friend's hanging around with these guys. You'll be in a lot of trouble
00:29:16Let's say I want to find a place like this, where would I look chinatown?
00:29:56Thank you
00:30:01No, i'm, sorry, okay i'll try that danny richardson. Thank you, sir. Good luck
00:30:23Hold on a second. May I help you?
00:30:25Yes, i'm looking for a danny richardson up the stairs turn to the right second door on the left
00:30:50Can I help you
00:30:53I'm looking for a danny richardson. Is he around?
00:30:56He's not around but she is
00:30:58I'm danny richardson. Oh, well, i'm. Sorry. I didn't name danny. I thought short for danielle
00:31:03My father's revenge against my mother for not having a boy
00:31:07What can I do for you?
00:31:09My name is john larson. I'm looking for a gentleman by the name of nick wallace
00:31:13How'd you find me? Mr. Larson? I was over at the hospital cedars
00:31:16They sent me over here. Dr. Newman. That's all I need my workload added on to by peter newman
00:31:33What did he tell you I would do for you well, he didn't actually say
00:31:36This is not a lost and found bureau. And if dr. Newman told you that he's wrong
00:31:42Good day, miss richardson
00:31:45Hold it. I'm, sorry. Have a seat
00:31:49Maybe I could help you or at least i'm gonna try
00:31:58Well, he's not in here if he died or if somebody found his body it'd be in my computer
00:32:04What about your friend ali in the first place
00:32:07We came here together worked the docks for a while and when that ended
00:32:12I split and he stayed
00:32:15What do you do?
00:32:18Next to kickboxer though. He said he was gonna fight for some promoter by the name of landis. Paul landis
00:32:23No, first name. It's just landis. That's all I know
00:32:27Something as you know
00:32:29Paul landis is a pretty heavy name
00:32:32If your friend's mixed up with him, he's in a lot more trouble than you think
00:32:36What do you mean?
00:32:38Landis is a gangster not the kind of guy anyone with half a brain would work for
00:32:42Well, nick wouldn't work for anybody like that
00:32:45You'd be surprised what people would do for money
00:32:48Not nick. He's not like that
00:32:52I was telling you what I know. Well, could you get me some more information on this landis guy?
00:32:56I've got to find nick
00:32:58If nick's in trouble, I gotta help him
00:33:01I can get in trouble with this
00:33:04But okay meet me across the street in the park in an hour, thank you
00:33:09Look here's the deal. I'll help you find your friend if you help me get a story out of this
00:33:15A story on landis an expose on him can get me out of the obituary department and into the newsroom. Well
00:33:23Why not? You got a deal? Just remember
00:33:26I call the shots
00:33:28Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say
00:33:31For now
00:33:32Is she giving you trouble?
00:33:34Who's your friend?
00:33:36Tommy this is that reporter. I told you about danielle richardson
00:33:40She don't look like no reporter to me
00:33:42Is she your sister? You must be a reporter. You're pretty nosy
00:33:47Where'd you find her?
00:33:49She's okay
00:34:12I just talked to one of the flight managers. He said your friend fought here last week. No one's seen him since
00:34:19Anything else that's it?
00:34:46Yes, that's landis right there
00:37:41I've seen enough. Let's get out of here
00:37:58So who was the big guy
00:38:00Mark vanik he works for landis
00:38:03Looks like a real psycho sort of puts you two in the same boat, doesn't it? I mean that is what you do
00:38:08hurt people for money
00:38:11First of all, I never fought for the money. I fought for the competition
00:38:14Second of all, i'm not into that anymore
00:38:17So I grew out of it
00:38:19And yeah, nick fights for money, but he's never permanently damaged anybody at least not on purpose
00:38:25Now, what do you say we get started?
00:38:36So, uh, what are we doing here getting you an audition
00:38:40Then what's that supposed to mean?
00:38:42I've done a little research on you. Mr. Larson
00:38:45wants a champion kickboxer
00:38:47Only one way to get paul landis interested in you and that's to fight in one of his matches
00:38:51I told you i'm not into that. I don't fight in competition anymore. You want to find your friend?
00:38:56You know I do
00:38:58Okay, look I may be new at this but at least we're making progress
00:39:02You haven't been able to find him your way. So why don't we try it mine?
00:39:05Your way could get me hurt hurt it could get you killed, but I bet you find your friend
00:39:11Excuse me. Do you have a light?
00:39:14Get lost sister. He's with me
00:39:18Now, what'd you go and do that for I was just getting to know her
00:39:23You see that man over there
00:39:25His name's big man. He's a fight manager
00:39:28Wait here a minute. Oh, by the way, try not to catch anything while i'm gone
00:39:36Hey man, can I get a beer please
00:39:43Aren't you just gorgeous?
00:39:45so, uh
00:39:47What's a beautiful lady like you doing in here you uh, you buying selling her?
00:39:54You big man
00:39:56I'm, lionel p. Bigman. Yeah, but you can call me big man
00:39:59Who's asking what do you want? I'm here to do you a favor
00:40:02Do I get to pick the position?
00:40:06You're so funny
00:40:09You see that guy over there at the bar
00:40:12Well, he's the best fighter i've ever seen and he's looking to make some money
00:40:20Come on don't toy with me. I got all the fighters I want, you know, they're all winners. Look at your guys
00:40:25He's unproven. Yeah, well, but hey listen
00:40:28I'll tell you what I do like about him
00:40:30What's that his girlfriend?
00:40:34Make a little deal with you. Here's what i'll do
00:40:37you uh
00:40:38So you take a little ride on the big man express and uh, i'll talk to you about your boyfriend, huh?
00:40:43Is that your best offer? It's my only offer and it's a real good one, too
00:40:47because uh
00:40:48I'd last a lot longer with you than he would with my boys, huh?
00:40:52Oh, yeah, mr. Big man, you can call me biggie
00:40:57I'd rather eat glass
00:41:02Your manager over there tells me you guys claim to be fighters
00:41:07I've got a hundred bucks that says the guy over there at the bar can kick all your asses
00:41:18Had your fun now let it go
00:41:55That was amazing. It was nothing man. They were drunk
00:41:59What's your name
00:42:03john larson
00:42:04Well meet your new manager
00:42:22Pretty good
00:42:23very impressive
00:42:25Yeah, it was easy
00:42:26Besides with you being mistakes. How could I mess up?
00:42:30A compliment I didn't know tough guys did that sort of thing even tough guys appreciate a beautiful woman
00:42:37Oh, you do smile, you know, you should try that more often
00:42:50Good night
00:43:19You know
00:43:21I don't trust hon
00:43:23Let me worry about harm. You just don't get it. Do you?
00:43:26You think a guy like hon is just gonna let us take over his operation
00:43:31If you supply hon with what he wants he'll play ball
00:43:35or else
00:43:36Or else what?
00:43:38Or else we eliminate him eliminate him
00:43:40Are you crazy man?
00:43:45Maybe it's time that I make some decisions around here. Come on
00:43:50Don't challenge me
00:43:53It just wouldn't be healthy
00:44:11So we go in there to collect the dough, right
00:44:14I tell knucklehead here to get his piece
00:44:16Hey, come on. You gotta tell everybody about it
00:44:19And then I look at it
00:44:21And i'm looking at it
00:44:23And it's plastic
00:44:26It could happen to anybody
00:44:29Jimmy just got whack and these guys are laughing
00:44:31You worry too much
00:44:33He had it coming. He was arrogant weak and stupid
00:44:37And he let his guard down
00:44:39bad mistake
00:44:41Never ever let your guard down
00:44:43You let your guard down everybody takes advantage of you
00:44:46Look at me
00:44:48I took advantage of my enemies
00:44:51Italian suit italian shoes
00:44:53A gold watch money and a 200 haircut. Hey, what more do you want? You're right
00:45:00And look at this place it's like a fortress
00:45:43It's not been a good day for you vincent the spirits must really be upset
00:45:51Yes, look at your arm it's fading
00:45:56That's a you bastard
00:46:36This is it kid this ain't no bar brawl, this is it
00:46:46You gotta concentrate don't worry about the crowd win this fight, come on
00:47:09Come on
00:48:52There's two type of fighters there's a chess player and a checker player a chess player take two hits
00:48:57He'll give one a checker player would never take any and give to four five and six. What are you?
00:49:01Chess player. Okay. Come on. It's working. That's it. Work that jab work that jab jab. Let's look to the body
00:49:07There you go really jabs keep up your sweets
00:49:11That's it. Really sweet. Yeah ball kick right cross left to us
00:49:15Understand what a warrior is all about
00:49:19You gotta focus
00:49:24You gotta control those emotions under pressure
00:49:28It's not how hard you hit it's how right you hit
00:49:34Knowledge is power
00:49:36Use the power of knowledge and experience you have plenty of it
00:50:21So why la
00:50:23It's home
00:50:24I went away for a while though, you know college little travel
00:50:29But I came back
00:50:32College, huh?
00:50:33I've been thinking about going back to school myself
00:50:36Maybe someday
00:50:38your folks
00:50:40My mom died about 10 years ago and my dad lives on a ranch outside solvang, but we're very close, you know
00:50:47He's all the family I have
00:50:50An only child I should have guessed
00:50:52Is that where the attitude comes from? Hey, look buster on the streets of la you need an attitude or you'll be eaten alive
00:51:00I guess you got a point there
00:51:04You really don't like fighting do you
00:51:09No, not anymore
00:51:12How come
00:51:17Three years ago. I had my last fight
00:51:21I won the championship of the world
00:51:25My opponent died in the ring
00:51:29John you knew the risk
00:51:32Yeah, I know
00:51:35You had a wife and two kids
00:51:46What thanks
00:52:03Watch this guy. He's tough. He's one of the best fighters in japan
00:52:06Don't let him get to you first because if he does the next thing you're gonna hear is a fat lady singing, right?
00:52:11Don't worry. He's a promoter
00:52:14You stay away from him
00:52:17Don't worry about that. We got a fight to win. Let's just get out there and kick this guy's ass. All right
00:53:55You gotta focus
00:53:59Knowledge is powered
00:54:05Understand what a warrior is all about
00:55:40You're a winner winner, oh jeff you were great you were great you killed that guy
00:55:59You did good
00:56:03We're gonna be rich rich, I hope there's enough in that deal for me
00:56:09Excuse us for interrupting
00:56:11My name is paul landis and this is my partner mark vanek
00:56:15We're fight promoters
00:56:17Yeah, i've heard of you guys good
00:56:19All good, I hope
00:56:21from another fighter actually
00:56:23nick wallace
00:56:25Wallace wallace, is that me ring a bell?
00:56:30No, i'm, sorry
00:56:31Then I work with so many different fighters
00:56:34Where are you from? Just got into town from up north
00:56:37I see
00:56:39And who is this lovely young lady?
00:56:41Danielle richardson
00:56:44My pleasure
00:56:46I'm having a little party at my place tomorrow afternoon. I'd like you and your young friend here to be my guest
00:56:52I think you'll find it very profitable. Well, i'd have to run it by my manager
00:56:59Oh by all means bring your funny little friend along enjoy yourself
00:57:06Oh, i'll have my chauffeur pick you up say one o'clock
00:57:15One will be fine
00:57:27Little friend, huh?
00:57:30I told you to stay away from him. What do you want to end up dead?
00:57:33Calm down. Nobody's gonna die
00:57:35What harm can come from one party? Don't be fooled by him
00:57:39He could trap you like a spider traps a fly. I've seen him do it
00:57:46You know where i'm from there's an old story
00:57:49The emperor once gave our entire province to a great warlord named chaldee
00:57:54At first chaldee was very honorable and loyal and this gained him much favor with the emperor who in turn gave him his prized horse
00:58:02Then chaldee began to steal tax monies to the emperor
00:58:06The emperor had him punished for his greed and disloyalty. He had him dragged through the entire province on the very horse. He had given him
00:58:14So you see mr. Landis?
00:58:16When it comes to greed and loyalty
00:58:19They're mortal enemies
00:58:22What an interesting story
00:58:34Ah, yes fine european craftsmanship
00:58:38Rolex mercedes mac-10 the best. No rolex is swiss
00:58:43I had them all the same doesn't matter
00:58:46How much think weights of mac-10s five hundred thousand you only ship outside the u.s. That'll be extra
00:58:56250 now 250 on delivery. We split the cost of shipping. I supply the ship you supply the crew deal
00:59:07Deal very good gentlemen. We have an agreement
00:59:57Here comes his majesty
01:00:01John glad you can make it
01:00:07Miss richardson the lovely miss richardson. Why mr. Landis? Are you always this charming with all your guests only the beautiful ones?
01:00:16Could you ever think of wearing a crystal? I don't know much about them. They do empower you
01:00:23They could change your life
01:00:26Mark you remember john. I remember you
01:00:34If you would excuse me, I have to take care of some of my guests
01:00:38Well, what do you think of our little party
01:00:40That's great
01:00:42nice place
01:00:44Could you do me a favor and entertain miss richardson while john and I talk a little business. Yes, sir
01:00:57Can I get you a drink john, no, thanks sit
01:01:13my computers
01:01:15They are my eyes and ears. You see I have international business interests
01:01:20And computers give me a small edge on the competition
01:01:24Once in a while a slight edge is all you need
01:01:36I'm sorry. I didn't know that was valuable. You have to be very careful with crystals
01:01:42This one happens to be related to my personal aura
01:01:46And someone is holding if they could drain off my energies
01:01:50Like my computers they give me a slight edge on my competition crystals auras you hardly seem to type
01:01:57If it wasn't for this crystal, I wouldn't be as powerful as I am
01:02:01I'm, sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect by that
01:02:04Well, i'll come right to the point john i'd like you to fight for me
01:02:09I've already got a manager. I can guarantee you'll make more money with me than you could ever imagine
01:02:14Enough to keep you and your young lady comfortable for a long time
01:02:19Well, i'd have to think about it take your time
01:02:23You know where to find me but in the meantime
01:02:28Enjoy yourself
01:03:00Out of the view
01:03:06I think i'm gonna be sick
01:03:21What happened to your clothes
01:03:30Unbelievable the shower is that way
01:03:42Are you all right here? Yeah, i'll survive I think
01:06:07You can't steal you're an idiot
01:06:11It's not supposed to make me sign with landis and bannock
01:06:14You know, you're dumber than a house fly with with a metal plate in his head
01:06:17You know that now is that any way to talk to the man that's gonna make you rich?
01:06:21Listen to me
01:06:22Landis is gonna use you and when he's done he's gonna put you in one of those death matches
01:06:27What do you mean death match, you know what I mean two guys get in the ring and they fight it out for somebody's dead
01:06:32Landis is rich buddy's bet on that stuff. I don't believe that. Yeah
01:06:37Well, you're gonna end up just like the other guy
01:06:40What other guy
01:06:42He was a fighter for landis. He didn't do what landis wanted him to suddenly he's gone. Nobody's seen him since you know, huh?
01:06:48Did you get his name?
01:06:50Something that wallace nick wallace. I don't know. I don't care
01:06:57Is he dead could be who knows really who cares, you know
01:07:16You sure
01:07:21I guess i'm too late. We should go to the police tell them what?
01:07:26He wasn't even a body maybe he's not dead
01:07:31I don't know
01:07:34I need something evidence
01:07:42I should have my head examined for going along with a plan like this. You're gonna get yourself killed
01:07:46No, I won't you just make sure you're here when I get back. I gotta get in this computer room
01:07:50What do you expect to find in there?
01:07:52I don't know anything to bring those bastards down
01:07:55I gotta go i'll be back
01:11:00What are you waiting for come on
01:11:21Did you go any faster if I was going any faster we'd be in the indy 500
01:11:31What's the matter tough guy afraid of women drivers
01:11:42I got one more left
01:11:54Let's turn back here
01:12:18Someone broke into the study
01:12:38What why
01:12:52So, what did he get enough
01:13:02Tell me why
01:13:06Tell me why
01:13:09Just give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now
01:13:19Get out
01:13:27Why don't we see what we got
01:13:54A rat in the kitchen
01:14:11What are we gonna do
01:14:12We've got to take these files to the police
01:14:15I wouldn't trust the police
01:14:16Landis has had his hands on a lot of people's bodies
01:14:19Then let me take him to my editor. If it hits the scans the police have got to listen to us
01:14:24Yeah, that's true. Hey, just give me the big story. We're looking for just forget about the story right now right now
01:14:29We've got more important things to think about
01:14:39Yeah, go ahead if you and your friends want to look like swiss cheese
01:15:01You know
01:15:03I'm, really disappointed in you john
01:15:05very disappointed
01:15:07I gave you the chance to be a rich man. And what do you do?
01:15:11What did he do? He ripped us off. He ripped us off
01:15:17I'll give you one minute to tell us who you are who you work for and where the files are
01:15:26I said home poison, huh? The cops horn mark
01:15:41You think he's losing it
01:15:43You're probably right
01:15:45But you see he gets real pissed off when someone breaks into my house
01:15:51So, let's try it again
01:15:55Who sent you
01:15:58Who sent you nobody sent me man
01:16:01I'm here to find my friend
01:16:03Nick wallace that fighter I told you about
01:16:06Wallace wallace you're lying. No, man. It's true. I don't want nothing from you
01:16:15Wallace is somewhere on this ship. He's lucky I haven't even killed him
01:16:18Maybe now I will let me get this straight
01:16:22You're not with interpol. You're not with the police or that guy han you've been trying to take me down because of a friend
01:16:28Look, man
01:16:29Let the girls go and i'll get you your files
01:16:33No, i'm gonna kill them all except for the girl let me keep her around for a couple of days
01:16:40as far as my files
01:16:42You can have them
01:16:44Bastard, i'll kill you man
01:16:46Actually, we're gonna kill you mark
01:17:58Where are the girls what girls
01:18:01Now that's not what I want to hear
01:18:15We gotta get out of this place
01:18:17I wonder when you disappear too. Don't even think about it. You'll be dead. Just let the girl go
01:18:27Not till after the show
01:18:37You want to play let's play
01:20:00Come on, are you all right? Yes, we're fine. Just get landed i'll get man. It's supposed to gotta get big
01:20:16Nick oh, man
01:20:20Can you move are you all right i've been better
01:20:25You think you can walk I can try
01:20:28Hey, I took you
01:20:31Traffic was a bitch man
01:20:34That's it we gotta get out of here get nick off the boat i'm going after landers take this you might need it
01:20:43Come on we gotta get you out of here
01:24:06Come on
01:24:25Tough day
01:25:25Thanks, bro saved my life one more time
01:25:29What choice did I have you still owe me 20 bucks
01:25:39So what's next cowboy
01:25:42Well, a shower would be nice
01:25:45Tommy I think you can find us a cheeseburger. Sure
01:25:58Trying to reach central by the job