College Kickboxers (1989) Action Thriller

  • last month
When a Collage Freshman is beaten to death by a gang of racisit his mild mannered Asian friend agrees to train him in the deadly art of Kung Fu
00:02:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:02:30hello there hi James Caulfield hey you'll be rooming with Mark Brown
00:02:37good luck
00:02:46I'm James Caulfield your roommate you're a freshman yeah great you a number
00:02:57cruncher a what an accounting major look Caulfield I'm not interested in
00:03:03giving you my life history I am interested in graduating so why don't
00:03:08you just shut up so I can study well excuse me your holiness don't mess with
00:03:13me Caulfield I'll kick your ass in five seconds flat oh really and just how
00:03:19you gonna do that
00:03:27take one doh thanks you doh tempo hop Kido jiu-jitsu do you jog
00:04:18Caulfield tell you think you're doing setting that alarm down there took my
00:04:23head off well you said early didn't you oh man
00:04:27geez I I guess I'm just not used to college life that's it you think you're
00:04:31some kind of hotshot kung-fu artists great now's your time to prove it
00:04:53you want to get serious
00:05:03I'm sorry about that I mean it's that hard
00:05:08way to go with that nigger that what'd you say I said with the niggers ass
00:05:17that's what their asses are for right look jerk I don't know what your
00:05:24problem is so just stay out of my face or I'll show you whose ass and you whip
00:05:29him oh I'm scared
00:05:35you're new on campus here aren't you I'll let it go this time but I suggest
00:05:41you be very careful about who your friends are
00:05:46this is a dangerous place sometimes people get hurt real bad
00:06:04that's Craig Tanner he's a leader of a gang called the White Tigers he's been a
00:06:09local badass for a long time they say his parents used to send him off for
00:06:13treatment but I think it just made him crazy anyways if I were you I wouldn't
00:06:18mess with him yeah this guy needs his ass kicked
00:06:24excuse me well I'm late for class oh yeah me too
00:06:41ecosystems it's ecosystems
00:06:54look I'm new in town would you like to get together after class and show me
00:07:02around I'm chairperson for the students for a
00:07:04cleaner environment and we have a meeting after class excuse me young man
00:07:09would you be good enough to find a seat
00:07:16thank you class I'm hoping that by the end of this course you will all come to
00:07:22realize that the earth does not belong to man but rather man belongs to the
00:07:29now this is the place it's all you've been teaching here for a few years most
00:07:55the kids have a really bad background but they're doing okay now only thing is
00:08:00the owner sold out last month they're tearing it all down to build some kind
00:08:03of mini mall condo complex or something it's too bad yeah it's when things were
00:08:09getting good
00:08:25I know it's your Bob yes today class I have a couple announcements first
00:08:41there's a tournament coming to town it's open to all competitors grand champion
00:08:46will receive $25,000 so of course I'll be entering myself do you think great
00:08:51probably anyway I've saved the best for last I'd like to introduce to you a
00:08:58friend of mine his name is James Caulfield he's an excellent fighter and
00:09:02his technique is very very good almost as good as mine so I want you to pay
00:09:07very close attention watch and learn James okay everybody take a seat okay
00:09:19today we're going to be working on kicking combinations first one we're
00:09:22going to work on is low round kick going to the leg or to the knee recoiling
00:09:26kick round kick to the head spin heel kick again to the head
00:09:38biceps again first one comes in taking out the knee recoiling coming through
00:09:44knocking the hand down heel kick into the head and coming through ready to
00:09:48follow up with the hands okay everybody stand up get a partner
00:10:35they're pretty good group yeah you should have seen some of them a year ago
00:10:39busted for dope barely getting out of gangs alive well you've done a good job
00:10:43with them that's why I need that prize money so I can open up my own school for
00:10:46kids like these you're gonna enter me I don't know I need money now not six
00:10:52months from now well brother I may be able to help you out
00:11:01don't forget to leave the tip love this job
00:11:16I can't believe a little late tonight aren't we oh hi James I didn't know you
00:11:24worked here yeah well I just started tonight
00:11:27Teresa this is James James Teresa hi we're recruiting people for an
00:11:32environmental group you want to join yeah well I'm pretty busy I mean I got
00:11:39this job now and karate after classes oh I guess it doesn't matter to you if we
00:11:43pollute our planet to the point where we obliterate all forms of life including
00:11:48our own well no I mean of course I'm interested in cleaning up the
00:11:53environment I just don't know if I have time to join your group right now well
00:11:56probably by the time you do we will have completely destroyed the ozone don't you
00:12:01think you're being a little bit how much your man no talking do this now
00:12:09would you excuse me
00:12:20just what the hell do you think you were doing out there I was trying to score
00:12:28football game wrong macho man but out buddy my personal life is none of your
00:12:35business ha ha ha talk big but your mouth sting
00:12:55Oh James you need to order go fast yes sir
00:13:05well I'll be if it isn't the wonder boy my friend freshman
00:13:20hey are you still friends with that jungle monkey what is your problem
00:13:26anyway Tanner I don't have a problem hey you guys got a problem
00:13:33I didn't think so it's like you're the one with the problem pretty boy no you
00:13:38shouldn't get close to morning you don't insult my friends and I warned you not
00:13:46to make friends with porch monkeys James all right tough guy outside
00:14:27you're good pretty boy we could use a guy in the Tigers just like you slime if
00:14:36you're the last people on earth as far as you're concerned I am why don't you
00:14:40just go back into whatever hole you climbed out of I will think about this
00:15:06I can't believe it first day on the job and I'm already in a place I know it's a
00:15:16matter of time for that guy gotta come gotta love it
00:15:24I go chief they're burning hundreds of acres of Amazon rainforests every day
00:15:29that must make one big bonfire
00:15:36do you want to sign the petition or haven't you got the time whoo-hoo do I
00:15:43detect a little hostility in that voice okay okay I'll sign so where'd you
00:15:52disappear to you last night I don't like fights I don't like bigots well we
00:15:58finally have something in common good and maybe we can discuss it over dinner
00:16:02I don't date jocks do I look like a jock no there's a test coming up in
00:16:10ecosystems I could use a study partner if you're serious your place for mine
00:16:16okay here's what plant species dominated the paleocene period huh you're not
00:16:24paying attention to me I am paying total attention to you we've been studying for
00:16:30over an hour and you haven't said a word about it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
00:16:35I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
00:16:41I am paying total attention to you we've been studying for over an hour and
00:16:45you haven't answered one question well I'm distracted I knew I shouldn't have
00:16:51done this but I did it anyway that's my fault but I don't have to sit here and
00:16:55be ogled I am NOT ogling I'm admiring that's a typical jock remark and what's
00:17:03that supposed to mean that means that you've only got one thing on your mind
00:17:06and one organ in your head and it's not your brain well maybe if we discuss
00:17:10something interesting I would use my brain like what like like martial arts
00:17:17huh right a real significant discovery to the history of mankind more ways to
00:17:22annihilate one another great why don't you just go save a whale
00:17:30good night mr. Chan
00:17:40this is how we treat coon the lovers in this don't move pretty boy
00:18:03break son of a bitch
00:18:10drop them boys
00:18:22pretty boy
00:18:29feels like pretty boy to crawl
00:18:40oh hey stay out of this China man we just want to see if the pretty boy here
00:18:50oh you want I crawl go away you cry I'll cut you to China man don't don't do it
00:19:35okay I come over there okay
00:20:36you want a ticket
00:20:59how did you do that lucky hey we're here you better take me to a
00:21:24now you try walk
00:21:35where did you learn that ancient Chinese art learn from comic book don't give me
00:21:51that comic book crap hey wait a minute I thought you were going to drive me home
00:21:58what the hell happened to you Tanner Tanner Tanner did this to you he's better
00:22:07than I thought not just Tanner he had other guys with him
00:22:11pipes and chains one of me had a gun and you bought them all off single-handed
00:22:16when you were a kid I thought you were going to drive me home
00:22:21he's a master's master mark and what kung fu kung fu karate I don't know I've
00:22:27never seen anybody move so fast I got to get him to train me you mean us
00:22:34wait a minute mark you don't know this guy's bizarre I don't know if he'll
00:22:38teach me let alone you come on James I don't know if he'll teach me
00:22:42I don't know if he'll teach me I don't know if he'll teach me
00:22:47I don't know if he'll teach me let alone you come on James you're my man you gotta
00:22:53get him to train me it's not just for the tournament think of how many kids I
00:22:57can keep off the streets with that money come on man let's get you fixed up
00:23:17master hey why you call me that I know you're a master but we want you to be
00:23:22wing no teacher module man please we just want to learn oh well if you don't
00:23:27teach me at least teach mark he needs to win the tournament money so he can start
00:23:31a karate school for underprivileged kids tournament what tournament it's the
00:23:37Millbrook martial arts tournament the winner gets twenty five thousand dollars
00:23:41twenty five grand no kung fu for money no good but it's for a good cause it's
00:23:48for the kids doesn't matter money make people crazy no way then I won't enter
00:23:53the tournament just teach me okay I teach you both all right all right come on
00:24:04you pass test first you fail and I no teach what kind of test
00:24:12you you together last one minute I teach here now you afraid
00:24:46so sorry you lose see you tomorrow hey don't forget to clean the toilet
00:25:11there goes karate school
00:25:14don't be so sure
00:25:44you're parking not so good
00:25:45no but I'm damn good at learning martial arts
00:25:54I'm not going to give up wing
00:25:57kung fu knock him knock for money kung fu is life that's right it is my life it's all I've
00:26:03ever wanted to do you don't understand I do understand it's the only thing that keeps me
00:26:09together you're right about me wing I've been a macho man with my martial arts training
00:26:15trying to impress people I guess I'm just trying to make up for other things
00:26:20but there's something different about you how can I learn that unless you teach me
00:26:28you wait here for me I think tonight really no promise just think great great
00:26:34great move car
00:27:17did you think about it it what we talked about last night
00:27:21oh no so sorry I forgot what do you mean you forgot I waited here all last night and that's
00:27:26all you're gonna say you say I'm sorry you're real pain in the butt you know that oh I understand
00:27:33my fire in walk bye-bye
00:27:48hey James what's going on man not too much man I am getting nowhere with wing man you may as well
00:27:56give it up he's not gonna give him no way I'm just as stubborn as he is
00:28:09couldn't resist could you you were the most conceited pig I've ever met you really think
00:28:13the whole world just revolves around you don't you see what that attitude got you
00:28:17it wasn't my fault I got jumped yeah right
00:28:23what's up with you two anyway I thought you guys were happening
00:28:27no way she's got to be the biggest pain I have ever met all she talks about is how she's gonna
00:28:33save the world from pollution and then she's got the nerve to call me a dumb jock man have you got
00:28:38a lot to learn patience my friend especially when it comes to women be patient and the world will
00:28:45come to you
00:28:59master no no desire yet you will take all the time you need I have plenty of patience
00:30:09master I knew you would say yes yes
00:30:13was it my patience junk junk last night you eat two sandwiches two cokes
00:30:19three candy bars three donuts that junk make me sick and don't call me master again
00:30:27call me sifu sifu wing
00:30:50okay show me your best kid
00:30:58like in movies not practical so what am I doing wrong give me your face and kick
00:31:04kick me full force okay but remember you asked for it
00:31:15your waist is weak therefore your kick has no power so what am I supposed to do
00:31:28what do you feel I definitely feel the power
00:31:31your waist is your foundation if the foundation is firm your kick will be faster and more powerful
00:31:41now I teach you how to build up more power in your waist
00:31:58one two
00:32:14one two one two
00:32:22good we stop today
00:32:26meet me here tomorrow 6 a.m
00:32:31pay attention bookworm what he's doing it oh wait he's teaching me I just had my first lesson
00:32:37today no way now listen I promised him I wouldn't fight for money but he didn't say anything about
00:32:43teaching you yeah yeah yeah
00:32:54hi hi wayne nice to see you again
00:33:08is this place closed yes well how'd you get us in here
00:33:13you married to chan's sister so what'd you tell mr chan again to do this tell him
00:33:21i like that
00:33:30so where's the skates
00:33:44no no this no socks my feet are freeze come on okay
00:34:12attend me
00:34:19look like bambi it's not funny
00:34:23i can't do this wing you want it easy move is easy this is life slippery cool hot again
00:34:53concentration is very important in life always remember to keep your balance anytime
00:35:05anywhere training on ice can teach you good balance balance good you can defend
00:35:13and attack now let me show you
00:36:45you ready to do it first lesson what you're gonna do is give me a punch then a front kick
00:36:59hey that was a smooth move man okay heel kick front
00:37:33jump in and jump out
00:37:40so that's easy oh too big
00:37:59now you try again
00:38:05oh i can't even bend my knees in here take body and heart to do use here not knees
00:38:20good good let's try hard i'll come back later
00:38:23hey wait a minute this is impossible who do you think i am superman
00:39:06how you do horrible i haven't gotten out once i can't do this i don't understand what you mean
00:39:12about heart it just seems impossible impossible come on let me show you
00:39:43in kung fu nothing is impossible try again and again class now we come to the neanderthal man
00:39:50who was one of our ancient predecessors while the neanderthal may not have been
00:39:55the brightest of fellows at least he lived in harmony with the earth
00:40:01i'm sorry you're right yeah it's okay he knew the basics of survival and didn't litter up his
00:40:08landscape with a lot of toxic waste or non-biodegradable trash take a good look at this
00:40:14fellow we may all end up like him again especially if we don't clean up the ozone layer
00:40:45that's a real kung fu
00:40:47i can't believe this hey we practice now here
00:40:55there's no room
00:41:00kung fu like life is everywhere i know you said that before kung fu is like life yes okay but
00:41:07no kicking my legs are so sore from the from the sandpit do kick lasers now with your hands
00:41:13try it
00:41:22ouch it hurts good this pagan teacher teach you to be faster do again
00:41:30do again
00:41:40where you look i'm looking at your hands where else would i look no no no not hands primitive
00:41:46look you are using your hands i have to watch your hands if you're using your feet i would
00:41:50watch your feet how else can i know when you're gonna do next look shoulder better than hands
00:41:55all right i see what you mean good locked up
00:42:08faster faster
00:42:14now look at my eyes better than soldiers see more in eyes than anywhere
00:42:32all right table need cleaning i'll do it right now we need detergents this hand very soft
00:42:42oh no what happened it seems your boy here is a bit of a klutz be more careful jams
00:42:58do you suspect i'll lose money yes mr chan it won't happen again
00:43:04i didn't think you'd have the nerve to show up here again and miss dining at one of the city's
00:43:08most elegant restaurants i was just discussing with my friend here how excellent the food is
00:43:15congratulations less boy
00:43:24obviously he's not too good at walking maybe he can't shake hands either
00:43:45come on man let's get out of here is that the guy yeah
00:43:54we'll be seeing your call field when you don't have the chinaman's apron to hide behind
00:44:29oh shop to hash can you plan tomorrow
00:44:58better huh better cut this can wait a minute
00:45:08ha ha ha good careful boy
00:45:14part of kung fu how next great i ran as fast as you today didn't i
00:45:26oh man
00:45:35you try it ankle weights great
00:45:44you run now
00:45:49so run i can hardly walk in these keep running no more talk
00:46:35do this for next two weeks then we won again
00:47:13he's coming
00:47:35humor is good
00:47:38it is a part of martial arts thank you today's lesson is going to be on legs
00:47:53that was a great lesson sir all right take care
00:47:57thank you sir yeah okay we'll see you guys tomorrow
00:48:04and you know the guys really appreciate what you've been doing for them now
00:48:08you know you really should enter the tournament you did great
00:48:11i can't i gotta keep my promise to win no fights for money
00:48:15yeah i understand by the way kimberly called again i know i got the message you want me to
00:48:21tell her to stop calling no i mean i'm just busy working out with wing right now
00:52:03hi hi
00:53:38see blue see food please i overslept last night broke promise i'm no change
00:53:44please it will never happen again make promise keep promise no excuse i am truly sorry
00:53:59take it off
00:54:06how many days 14 days can we run now
00:54:15so what's this for i test you now
00:54:24use kick make it
00:54:32focused energy here total concentration
00:54:45one more
00:54:51i did it i did it i did it knock finish what do you mean i thought this was it
00:54:57this is nothing now come to hot park come tomorrow
00:55:34good yeah come
00:55:59sit down
00:56:04so far you learn very well but there's more
00:56:08more now i'll teach you something special remember this but you tell no one no one okay
00:56:18swear i swear okay i swear i promise we're here
00:56:54i'm sorry sifu i was just wondering for my sifu
00:57:08i teach you something about life
00:57:15are you serious or is this a joke this is eric eric and what does eric do you know acupuncture
00:57:24acupuncture the stuff you used on me in the alley after the fight yes what does eric have to do with
00:57:31that see this
00:57:37that's where you touched me after the fight
00:57:48see this
00:58:00see too much love what is all this
00:58:10too much love oh no you don't now attack me i can't attack you sifu it's okay attack all right
00:58:41why are you learning about this
00:58:46um i've learned that different parts of your body control other parts and depending on what
00:58:54part you touch acupuncture can be used to heal you or to kill yes this is what you used on those
00:59:04guys in the alley isn't it yes but you could have killed them yes can heal
00:59:13you can kill how do i know which one to use when you are hungry you will know when to eat
00:59:27so i can use this if someone's trying to kill me but only when life is in danger
00:59:34i swear promise i promise
01:00:12hi hi you're not working tonight
01:00:22i thought you were never going to speak to me again
01:00:25yeah well i'm really sorry about that i was really rude and i can see that now
01:00:33what happened well i'm doing some different kind of training and it really opened my eyes
01:00:40acupuncture is that part of it yeah that's part of it
01:00:49i didn't know you were into that kind of thing that's a lot of things you don't know about me
01:00:53i can see that
01:03:18come get it
01:03:30how about this bubble
01:03:33change you've really changed in the past few months i like you better this way
01:03:41i never would have thought you could get this from martial arts
01:03:45yeah well i kind of owe that to wing he's taught me a lot what do you mean
01:03:52um well for instance acupuncture so you have these
01:03:55passive energy that run through your body they're called meridians and you have one
01:04:03runs up along here here
01:04:10up to here and what if i get a pain huh oh um let's say you got a pain right here
01:04:21that would mean the energy is stuck
01:04:26and what would i have to do to get the energy and stuff
01:05:10hey joey looking pretty good out there how you doing sir i decided to enter the tournament i
01:05:14don't care if tanner's gonna be in it that's great joey i'm proud of you actually that's uh
01:05:19part of the reason why i'm here today i used to think that my martial arts was a way to defend
01:05:25myself then i thought it was a way to prove to everybody just how tough i was
01:05:34got pretty cocky about it thought i was a real macho man
01:05:40and i would deliberately provoke fights just to prove what a man i was well i was wrong
01:05:47martial arts isn't about being tough or a wise ass it's about being true to your inner self
01:05:53so when you go into the tournament on saturday don't go in there thinking you're going to prove
01:05:57how tough you are go in there to learn about who you really are
01:06:05and no matter what happens you'll all be winners
01:06:23nice speech james tough words from such a sweet
01:06:27boy what do you want tanner i was just checking the fight listings and your name isn't on it
01:06:35that's right what's the matter don't they have a pretty boy division scared your face might get
01:06:42hurt jamie i'm in the tournament you can be damn sure i'm gonna kick your ass tanner
01:06:47you you won't even make it past the first round shoeshine ding it's too bad oh james won't be
01:06:56there it's his fast it needs kicking sorry i can't help you out i'm gonna sit this one out
01:07:04oh caulfield i get extremely mad sometimes fortunately my friends help me out
01:07:14i wouldn't want anything to happen to your baby face
01:07:33i sure wish you'd sign up
01:07:38come on let's get out of here
01:07:44let him go
01:07:55seafood you'll never get here tonight here come on
01:08:06tonight i finally learned the meaning of patience hurry up on the speeding
01:08:10willie mccoy spit in my face tonight and i didn't fight him
01:08:16so the spit in my egg and i don't fight you too
01:08:26oh so what do you guys want for lunch oh here we go again
01:08:29god i'm hungry you are always hungry
01:08:36you watch too much down the road she's gonna get huge i'm gonna dump you because
01:08:40you're so fat hey why don't you why don't you go get the shoes you wanted i can do that
01:08:46okay i'll go get the shoes and i'll meet you guys back at the car all right now
01:08:49well i'm gonna go get some candy
01:08:59so my god how can this be happening you're a disgrace to the race
01:09:12woman back off tanner shut up boy don't you get it you're not supposed to be of his kind
01:09:39joey are you hurt oh gee we've got to get him to dr mark
01:10:11what happened
01:10:26what happened it was tanner and mccoy
01:10:32that's it they are not getting away with this mark tanner and mccoy are history
01:10:58you going to the tournament tomorrow i can't believe it but i am
01:11:04maybe i'll stop by i guess joey might be fighting tonight if i could watch him fight
01:11:10so good night mark night kimberly
01:11:29you know i was thinking mark maybe i should enter the tournament tomorrow
01:11:34i mean you took out tanner something's gotta handle mccoy
01:11:39if i don't do it those guys are gonna think they can get away with anything
01:11:43oh wait a minute james you sure about this what about your promise to wing
01:11:52i know
01:11:55look man don't worry about the school i'll get a job after graduation
01:12:00save up some money for a down payment won't be so bad it'll take years
01:12:23look i know i promised not to fight for money or to use the acupuncture points
01:12:28but this is different wing now it's for marking the kids no you must remember your promise
01:12:35but this is different no difference you must be true to your principle
01:12:43you decide yourself
01:12:47so remember it's not about beating the other guy it's about listening to what's inside here
01:13:06i don't know he was gone when i got up this morning
01:13:24i hope they get their heads bashed in that's pretty tough talk when a girl
01:13:30claims she's a pacifist well there's a time for everything then this must be the place
01:13:40here we go
01:13:40ladies and gentlemen welcome to millbrook's first martial arts tournament
01:13:53we got a great crowd turnout tonight and here come the judges
01:14:00we're about to begin the event but first we'd like to inform you of some changes in the program
01:14:07an original entrant mr mark brown representing the red dragon kung fu club
01:14:12has withdrawn as a personal injury he's being replaced by mr james
01:14:49james i told you you don't have to do this yes i do what about wing
01:14:58don't worry i think you'll understand
01:15:06hey hey hey there's plenty of time for that later come on man you're up
01:18:01it's damn good
01:19:01guess that just about makes us even
01:19:11this is it man one more to go you ready
01:19:16you can do it
01:19:39and now finalists james caulfield and white tiger gary carlyle will face off for the millbrook
01:19:46karate championship
01:19:51i hope he doesn't get hurt don't worry he can handle it
01:22:16um oh are you okay
01:22:51this is really so i can use this if someone's trying to kill me only when life is in danger
01:22:56it's ready
01:23:07what the hell
01:23:31where are you going i'm leaving are you angry with me did you make promise
01:23:39you nodded
01:23:40come on let's go
01:24:03here they come
01:24:23well come on
01:25:03would you do the honors
01:25:43i finally learned your lesson strength without judgment means nothing
01:26:35if i were you i would have done the same