Covergirl (1984) Romance Drama

  • last month
A young promoter (Jeff Conaway) turns a blond model (Irena Ferris) into a world-class figure and the basis of his business empire.
00:00:31How's this?
00:00:35All right, let's try it again, kid. This time blow softer.
00:01:01Okay, let me see the straw.
00:01:03No, no. Wendy, do you want to soften that cheek, please?
00:01:06You can relax.
00:01:08Does it look good? Am I doing okay?
00:01:11That's good. Yeah, you're doing fine.
00:01:13Let's try it again.
00:01:15Is it good?
00:01:30That's good. Thanks.
00:01:39Sorry, I'm a little nervous. I had a rough go-see at Ballard's agency this morning.
00:01:43Oh, yeah? Was it an obnoxious little dude named Danobi?
00:01:46Yeah, he wanted to test the merchandise. Like he was buying melons.
00:01:50Don't take it too personal. He does it to all the girls.
00:01:53Not this girl.
00:01:54So tell me, did you get the job?
00:01:56What do you think?
00:01:58I think you should look in the camera and be gorgeous.
00:02:21Marcus, do you have that small fan? We're going to need it for the next set-up.
00:02:24Hang on a sec. Just out back.
00:02:26Did you do much work in L.A., kid?
00:02:28A little catalog work.
00:02:30And an Emmy-winning performance in a Cockpit commercial.
00:02:33Uh-huh. So how do you like life in the fast lane so far?
00:02:37Let's just say I'm still observing the speed limit.
00:02:40Well, I hope you don't mind speeding back into this, because we're ready.
00:02:43Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
00:02:57Yes, you're my one and only love.
00:03:05As long as I'm prying into your personal life, tell me.
00:03:08Are you in love? Or married? Or both?
00:03:11A few close calls. No Mr. Right.
00:03:15Oh, yeah? Let me guess. Tall, dark, 40-ish, successful?
00:03:19Very handsome wouldn't hurt either, I'll bet.
00:03:21Sounds good.
00:03:22I thought so.
00:03:23What, do you know one?
00:03:25Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast, honey. He's mine.
00:03:38Your partner, 2,500 shares.
00:03:42Bye then, darling.
00:03:46Thank you, Roger.
00:03:49Someday I'll find a stockbroker that can teach me something.
00:03:53Come on, judges. I don't think anybody can teach you shit.
00:03:58Do you eat with the same mouth?
00:03:59Uh-huh. Smoke, too.
00:04:11Thank you. You feeling all right, April?
00:04:14Yeah, terrific.
00:04:17Hey, what are you doing here?
00:04:19Oh, never the shame. Looking for my friend?
00:04:22Hey, kid! Over here!
00:04:24I think I found her.
00:04:35Thank you. Hello, girl.
00:04:39So, uh, what do you think, huh?
00:04:42Cairo, I think you've just been replaced.
00:04:44Oh, cute.
00:04:45Uh, what is that?
00:04:47Oh, well, that's, uh, a wise old owl.
00:04:52Yamashiro brought it from Tokyo.
00:04:54Yeah, well, tell me, what does the, uh, wise old owl do, huh?
00:04:59Take a look.
00:05:00Yeah, well, tell me, what does the, uh, wise old owl do, huh?
00:05:06Now that's impressive.
00:05:08Wanna be the first kid on my block?
00:05:10Nah, it's too expensive for mass marketing.
00:05:12I told Yamashiro to go back to the drawing board and finish his 3-D model.
00:05:17If we can beat the big boys in the marketplace with this baby,
00:05:20at least your 80s stock will jump off the charts.
00:05:23And sweep into America's hearts.
00:05:25Again, let's see.
00:05:26I can see it now, Sloan. An owl on every bedroom ceiling,
00:05:29recording tidal wave conditions in waterbeds.
00:05:34Hey, what are you doing?
00:05:36You didn't want your hair cut.
00:05:39Nobody understands me.
00:05:43He's misunderstood.
00:05:44Hey, hey, hey, a little respect, all right?
00:05:47That's what you got, a little respect.
00:05:50Oh, I'll stick that in the bathroom with you and then we'll all know.
00:05:53Oh, Mr. Dirty, Mr. Dirty.
00:05:59We're getting real tacky here, I think, just slightly excited.
00:06:02I'm not.
00:06:03I think so.
00:06:05What happened?
00:06:06I don't know.
00:06:07I didn't order it.
00:06:09Oh, God.
00:06:11What exactly happened?
00:06:12He's the worst.
00:06:16Oh, yeah.
00:06:17He's like that.
00:06:18Thank you.
00:06:19Thank you.
00:06:20He looks like him.
00:06:21The one in the middle looks just like Minova.
00:06:24No, no.
00:06:26Come on, listen, it could happen to any of us.
00:06:29It's not your fault.
00:06:30You didn't hear Walter on the phone.
00:06:32He was positively glacial.
00:06:34That's Walter.
00:06:35We still put up with that.
00:06:37Look, it's easy for you, Tessa.
00:06:38You're on top.
00:06:39She's in the $4,000 a day category while I'm in a permanent holding pattern.
00:06:44Listen, princess, you can have any dream you want if you just wait for it.
00:06:50Hey, I'm not complaining.
00:06:51It's just that I had a chance to make a jump yesterday.
00:06:54Until that arrogant son of a bitch.
00:06:56Listen, darling.
00:06:57You don't want him.
00:06:58You just send him my way because he's my kind of guy.
00:07:04Listen, ladies.
00:07:05I hate to break this up, but I have to go to the bank.
00:07:08You know, we're dated.
00:07:10That's right!
00:07:24All right, I'll talk about those figures when I get back, all right?
00:07:27Okay, Ralph.
00:07:28We're in the wind, all right?
00:07:39Uh, Raul, this isn't a driver's ed course.
00:07:41Will you move your ass, please?
00:07:43One of us has to have a driving license, you know.
00:07:46You're never going to let me forget that, are you?
00:07:49Hey, why don't you remind me to bring my glass all the time?
00:07:52You always forget.
00:07:53Oh, yeah?
00:07:54I noticed you never forget your cigarette.
00:07:56Nag, nag, nag.
00:07:58All right, all right.
00:07:59Pull over.
00:08:00Come on, stop the car.
00:08:01I'm going to drive.
00:08:02Come on.
00:08:03Okay, okay.
00:08:04It's all you.
00:08:05I bet you're an actor, aren't you?
00:08:07Can't you go any faster?
00:08:08I'm really going to be late.
00:08:09This isn't a goddamn helicopter, lady.
00:08:12Can't fly over.
00:08:14Harrison, I want to talk to you.
00:08:16Listen, everything's screwed up.
00:08:17I'm running at least an hour late.
00:08:19So I want you to get on the phone to Bert Moss
00:08:21and straighten it out right now, okay?
00:08:25What are you saying?
00:08:26Hey, that's what you get paid for, man.
00:08:29Come on, you're a lawyer.
00:08:55You guys ever hear of Leisure AD Enterprise?
00:08:57They make home video game computers, recreational robots.
00:09:01How do you pull this plug?
00:09:03I'm the president.
00:09:04Is there an echo in here?
00:09:06Yeah, see?
00:09:07This is a new football game we just put out.
00:09:09Bought one for my kid brother.
00:09:11Didn't work.
00:09:12Did you buy batteries?
00:09:13It helps.
00:09:14Come on, guys.
00:09:15Drop me off at the Four Seasons for ten minutes.
00:09:18I'll tie the deal up.
00:09:19I think we'll have a few drinks, talk about it, huh?
00:09:20I've got more important things to do, Mr. So.
00:09:22I wasn't even talking to you.
00:09:24She's not your type.
00:09:25He's right.
00:09:26How do you know, huh?
00:09:27Were you a father?
00:09:29She's more the Cary Grander, Clark Gable type.
00:09:32What do you think he is?
00:09:34Liver chops.
00:09:35Chops the liver, you...
00:09:37Look, Mr. Sloan.
00:09:39I don't talk to you, you don't talk to me.
00:09:42You got it, sweetheart.
00:09:44Enough chatter.
00:09:45We're almost there.
00:09:46Who's gonna pay?
00:09:48Not me.
00:09:50It's her cab.
00:09:51Oh, gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:09:54All right.
00:09:55We blew the deal.
00:09:57I stalled them for about three hours, then they walked.
00:10:00I worked on that deal for about six months.
00:10:03I don't know any other lawyer that would have...
00:10:05Hey, Eagle, Eagle.
00:10:06Get off my back, huh?
00:10:07All right, but the Birchwood Trust...
00:10:08I don't want to hear about the Birchwood Trust, okay?
00:10:11Besides, I make them money, remember?
00:10:14Anyway, I've got a clear mandate to do whatever I want with Leisure 80.
00:10:18Within reason, Sloan, within reason.
00:10:20You ever heard of hubris?
00:10:25Oh, hubris.
00:10:26Didn't I go to his bar mitzvah last week?
00:10:28Greek word, Sloan.
00:10:31Putting yourself above the gods.
00:10:33Miss, your cab has arrived now.
00:10:37Car ready, Ramon?
00:10:41Uh, hey, listen.
00:10:42I'm sorry.
00:10:44Why don't you let me buy you some champagne?
00:10:46Why don't you go dry out somewhere?
00:10:49Well, I said I'm sorry.
00:11:01Walter made me feel so small,
00:11:03like a kid who's forgotten their homework for the tenth time.
00:11:06Well, I know one thing.
00:11:07You've got to stand up for yourself in this business.
00:11:10I'm telling you, kid.
00:11:11It wasn't your fault.
00:11:13Well, I don't know.
00:11:17Hey, is this your pancake you told me about?
00:11:21Are you coming to the movies with us tonight, too?
00:11:24Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
00:11:26I completely forgot about our plan.
00:11:28I can't make it now.
00:11:29I've got night school.
00:11:32Listen, now.
00:11:33Next week, okay?
00:11:35I promise.
00:11:38I've got to run now.
00:11:39My mom's waiting downstairs.
00:11:41Nice meeting you, kid.
00:11:42You too, Thompson.
00:11:43Bye, Pete.
00:11:46So cute.
00:11:47Sorry, dear.
00:11:48Five foot five just doesn't make it.
00:11:49Choose a new career.
00:11:52You're all heart, Iris.
00:11:53Oh, I know.
00:11:58You bitch!
00:12:00You ingrate!
00:12:01You son-ambulistic slav!
00:12:05Eva, I don't care what you say.
00:12:09Let me be, Walter.
00:12:11I'll let the world know about you,
00:12:13you loathsome louse from Loughland.
00:12:16Go on, then.
00:12:18See what that French pimp can do for you!
00:12:22Sorry, honey.
00:12:24Eat anybody I know lately?
00:12:38I'm really sorry, Eva.
00:12:39I tried to explain to Walter, but he...
00:12:42Is that your fault?
00:12:43I've never hated anyone as much as Dominique Chariot,
00:12:46that little snake!
00:12:47Why, I got him his green card answering my phone,
00:12:50and he's systematically stolen every girl from this agency!
00:12:54Well, we'll never leave you.
00:12:56That's sweet of you to say, Dee.
00:12:59But I'm afraid that models have the enduring loyalty of flash bulbs.
00:13:03Not that I can blame you.
00:13:05Ours is a brief season.
00:13:13There's a fur show at Blumy's tomorrow.
00:13:15It's a job.
00:13:17A job?
00:13:19Oh, hell, Eva.
00:13:21She deserves another spread.
00:13:23And now that Zara's down the tubes,
00:13:25why don't you give her one of Zara's covers?
00:13:27Dee, how can you talk like this?
00:13:30Zara's body isn't even cold yet.
00:13:33Let me finish trashing her first.
00:13:36Then we can talk business.
00:13:41I've been giving Harrison a hard time lately.
00:13:43I figured I should make it up to him.
00:13:45Harrison gives himself a hard time.
00:13:47That doesn't mean you have to double date with him and his preppy wife.
00:13:51Come on, man, she's not that bad, huh?
00:13:54She just didn't have the advantages we had growing up in the slums.
00:13:57Yeah, well, I prefer to think of it as fashionable Brooklyn.
00:14:00What about your date?
00:14:02Her name must be Muffy.
00:14:04Actually, it's Bunny.
00:14:10As in the Birchwood Trust?
00:14:12You got it, pal. The granddaughter of...
00:14:15Well, oh, lordy, lordy.
00:14:18Master Sloan gonna save the farm by marrying the banker's daughter.
00:14:2186, Cairo, huh?
00:14:23Can't hurt to stay in type with Owen Birchwood.
00:14:26You never know we're gonna have to hit him for another big loan.
00:14:29That's her.
00:14:30Who, her?
00:14:32The girl in the accident.
00:14:34Who is she?
00:14:35I don't know. A model.
00:14:39I'm telling you, man, there's magic there.
00:14:42You find out everything about her, okay?
00:14:44First thing in the morning.
00:14:47Well, tonight, that's your homework.
00:14:53Hey, maybe I could wear this to your auction tonight.
00:14:58You'd be a big hit.
00:14:59Another gift from Chester?
00:15:02That's my beauty mask.
00:15:05Where is your ambassador these days?
00:15:07Oh, Kuala Lumpur.
00:15:09I keep getting these strange messages from foreign operators asking me to hold on, and they never come back.
00:15:14Wish I could find a guy like Chester.
00:15:15You have terrific taste.
00:15:16Would you ever marry him?
00:15:19If I marry anyone, it'll definitely be him.
00:15:22And besides, I'm ready to have some kids run around the house,
00:15:25but it does make it tough to jump off to Kashmir or Bali.
00:15:30You look great.
00:15:31Thanks, Tessie.
00:15:45Come in.
00:16:02Hi, Mr. O'Rourke.
00:16:04Monsignor O'Rourke.
00:16:07Oh, of course, Father.
00:16:11Come in, sister.
00:16:16Now then, the real treasure of the evening.
00:16:21A vase from the Ming period, obtained from the estate of the late Gladys Philip Hinkle.
00:16:29What? What happened?
00:16:30The Ming. Doesn't it just then chill up and down your spine?
00:16:34Absolutely top drawer, don't you think?
00:16:36It's absolutely top drawer.
00:16:39Let's open the bidding at $50,000.
00:16:42Do I hear $50,000?
00:16:44I have $50,000.
00:16:46Excuse me, do you know where the ladies room is?
00:16:51Oh. Oh. Oh, Father.
00:17:06How is it?
00:17:08Oh, my.
00:17:26Listen, I spoke with Jock this afternoon.
00:17:28Honey, not here.
00:17:30I want you to work on Sloane.
00:17:32Must I?
00:17:58Oh, Cairo, you got to get me out of here.
00:18:00You should hear this brood.
00:18:01Top drawer this, top drawer that.
00:18:03Not with a bloody bureau.
00:18:10Hold on a second.
00:18:12Help. Excuse me. Help.
00:18:17Listen, I'll call you back, all right?
00:18:20Hello. Excuse me. Is someone out there? Hello?
00:18:26Excuse me. Help. Is someone out there?
00:18:33What can I get for an analyst?
00:18:35Uh, were you talking to me?
00:18:38Anyone. I'm afraid I'm trapped in here. I can't get the door open.
00:18:42Uh, was it locked?
00:18:43I don't know. I think it's stuck or something.
00:18:48Well, I don't know. It wasn't locked.
00:18:53You're a real hard luck case, aren't you?
00:18:57How come you couldn't open the door?
00:19:00Come in here.
00:19:03Sure, I'll try anything once.
00:19:09All right, genius. Open it.
00:19:23Did I do something bad in another life?
00:19:25Out of nine zillion people, I get stuck, trapped, locked in a midget bathroom with T.C. Sloan.
00:19:30Not him again.
00:19:31Yeah, what happened?
00:19:34I forgot when you put a lot of bubble baths in the jacuzzi.
00:19:38D, you wouldn't believe this guy. For an hour, I was stuck in there for an hour with that arrogant, conceited, obnoxious...
00:19:45You know, I've never seen you this riled up over a guy.
00:19:48I'm calm. I'm calm. You want to know why? Because I got a lock of his hair.
00:19:51And I'm going to make a voodoo doll and stick little pins into his body.
00:19:54Stop it. You are not.
00:19:56No, then I'm never going to see him again.
00:19:58Oh, please, God, please, if you can hear me, don't let me see him again.
00:20:02Oh, please.
00:20:03It's all right. God hears you.
00:20:08Kent used to be the Kringleine carpet girl back in L.A.
00:20:11The what?
00:20:12Klaus Kringleine is the carpet king of Southern California.
00:20:15Kent used to do his commercials for her. Then he fell in love with her, wanted to make her a big star.
00:20:19She freaked and ran away to New York.
00:20:21Well, this guy Kringleine was no fool.
00:20:23You know, I've been out with some of the most beautiful girls in the world, and I'm telling you, this girl, she's something extra.
00:20:27Thanks a lot, T.C.
00:20:28Oh, no offense.
00:20:30Osborne, shake a leg. Come on. Time for a little champs.
00:20:34Sorry, Mr. T.C., but I have no legs to shake.
00:20:38It is noteworthy that champagne is best served at a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or 7 degrees Celsius
00:20:45and is best consumed immediately upon pouring.
00:20:51I'm telling you, Kit Paget is going to be a superstar.
00:20:55You're taking her over, General.
00:20:57She's a devoted member of Eva Randall's court.
00:20:59She wouldn't make a move without their blessing.
00:21:02Now, don't you drop anything.
00:21:04What's their story?
00:21:05He's into orchids and she dances on the wrong side of the ballroom.
00:21:08Between the two of them, they've managed to flush that whole agency right down the toilet.
00:21:12Oh, yeah?
00:21:13Well, maybe we can help them out.
00:21:15We buy in and manage Kit 100%, and we take it slow.
00:21:20I don't want to scare her away with any of your crazy stunts, huh?
00:21:23I don't know. Eva's a pretty tough nut to crack.
00:21:26And she's cracked a lot of nuts.
00:21:29Listen, you go and feel her out tomorrow, and then we send in Harrison for the kill.
00:21:36Give me a hug.
00:21:38Give me a scare. He's running. Jesus Christ.
00:21:49Good, good.
00:21:51Look at me again.
00:21:54Give me some leg.
00:21:55Come on, girls, get paid for this.
00:21:57Give me some leg. Now, profile.
00:22:00Give me green. Give me...
00:22:01Give me profile, green.
00:22:02Attagirl. Good, good.
00:22:08Green, give me profile.
00:22:11Get away.
00:22:12Touch your earrings. You've got beautiful earrings. Touch them.
00:22:15Listen, Eva, you're in trouble and everyone in town knows it.
00:22:19Really? I wasn't aware.
00:22:20Come on, babe. Sloane's ready to sink a fortune into this girl.
00:22:23Promote her.
00:22:25Spread my genius on her.
00:22:28God help us all.
00:22:30Hey, wait a minute.
00:22:31Easy on the fog, guys. I'm shooting ladies, not fog, for Christ's sake.
00:22:36Good, good, good.
00:22:37Touch your earrings, sweetheart.
00:22:38Touch your earrings.
00:22:40Gorgeous, gorgeous.
00:22:43Look, look at me, Goldie.
00:22:44Look at me. Right into the camera.
00:22:46Attagirl. Good.
00:22:48So, what do I tell Sloane?
00:22:50Why is he so interested in her?
00:22:53He feels badly about her blowing the Cosmo gig. He wants to make it up to her.
00:22:56A million dollar apology?
00:22:58Sounds fishy to me, Blitzstein.
00:23:00Sloane's a businessman.
00:23:02And modeling isn't a business?
00:23:03What did your agency gross last year?
00:23:05Better yet, what did Lauren Hutton and Cheryl Teagues make?
00:23:08What did Zara make?
00:23:12And now, Kit is going to show us a breathtaking item that will turn any man's head on those long winter nights.
00:23:21How are ya?
00:23:30Hey, uh, how much is the coat?
00:23:32Uh, $20.
00:23:50The prices are all marked on the program, sir.
00:23:55Oh, okay, I'll buy it. What else you got?
00:23:59Sonia, will you please have Zara come out and...
00:24:01Oh, I'd uh... like to see her again.
00:24:04But sir, we don't usually...
00:24:07Yes, a good offer.
00:24:18Hey, what is the meaning of this, sir?
00:24:21Zahra, Zahra.
00:24:22Zahra, Zahra.
00:24:23Gustavo, shall we?
00:24:24I'm afraid Mr. Sloan would wrap my knuckles if he knew the generosity of my offer to you.
00:24:29It far exceeds what he suggested.
00:24:31Well, I think that...
00:24:32Let's stop this charade even.
00:24:34We're in trouble and Mr. Chandler knows it.
00:24:39Maybe this is what we need.
00:24:41Some real administration.
00:24:45May I see the contract?
00:24:47Why not?
00:25:03So, are you going to buy this one too?
00:25:05How much is it?
00:25:07Fourteen five.
00:25:08Okay, I'll buy it.
00:25:09Put it on the tab.
00:25:16All right.
00:25:17What else is next?
00:25:20I wish they told us this was going to be a one-woman show.
00:25:23It wasn't my idea.
00:25:24Well, girls, at least you still get paid.
00:25:27What does he want with all this, coach?
00:25:29It's me.
00:25:31It is obviously the model he's buying, not coach.
00:25:35You're sweet.
00:25:38So, for a cash amount and 5% of Leisure 80 Enterprises...
00:25:42We will take 50% of the agency and the management of Miss Padgett's career.
00:25:47Why is Kit so important to this deal?
00:25:49Her earnings are far from staggering.
00:25:51Well, we feel that we can bring a different thrust to her career.
00:25:56And what is this continuity of management clause?
00:26:02Should Mr. Sloan leave Leisure 80, this guarantees that his successor will continue to guide Miss Padgett's career.
00:26:09Is Mr. Sloan likely to leave in the near future?
00:26:12You never know.
00:26:13One day you're in, one day you're out.
00:26:22Oh, boy.
00:26:41That's it.
00:26:43I beg your pardon?
00:26:44We're out of coats.
00:26:48Well, ladies, that concludes the most extraordinary show of my career.
00:27:03I hope you know what you're doing.
00:27:05You start with that Hoover shit again, huh?
00:27:08Thanks, huh?
00:27:11Wild turkey, sir.
00:27:12Thank you, Al.
00:27:19Raul, let's go.
00:27:21Oh, yoo-hoo.
00:27:22Oh, hello there.
00:27:25You're crazy, you know that?
00:27:27Yeah, I know.
00:27:28You hungry?
00:27:30I'm starving.
00:27:32I know a great little place for dinner.
00:27:34You're gonna love it.
00:27:36Well, come on, you only got four hours to get ready.
00:27:39Step right in.
00:27:43I need to eat my way.
00:27:46Hey, Raul, let's get in the wind.
00:28:16Anyway, they hadn't hit the U.S. market yet, so I figured we got a really good shot at it.
00:28:31The very next day, I'm steered over to Harrison's chamber, and he takes me over to the Virtua Trust.
00:28:37The rest is history.
00:28:40Where do I fit in?
00:28:43You're my new challenge.
00:28:47I'm gonna make you a star.
00:28:50My name in lights.
00:28:53Are you prepared to put that in writing?
00:29:08Oh, my God.
00:29:39What do you do for an uncle?
00:29:42Come here.
00:29:43Come here.
00:30:08Come here.
00:31:21Good morning.
00:31:23What's all this?
00:31:27I don't believe this.
00:31:31For me?
00:31:34Oh, God.
00:31:37Oh, my God.
00:31:38What's happening?
00:31:47It's not my birthday, is it?
00:31:57This is too much.
00:32:06They're not for me.
00:32:16Look, I don't have any time to talk, but I just want you to know I'm launching you today.
00:32:20When I put this deal through, your face is gonna be everywhere.
00:32:24It's gonna be on TV, magazines, billboards, holographs.
00:32:28You're gonna be an institution.
00:32:31Every girl in America's gonna be dressed like you, gonna look like you, wanna be you.
00:32:38Now, it's gonna lose me luck?
00:32:41Oh, come over here.
00:32:46Later, baby.
00:32:47Oh, God.
00:32:48Somebody help that girl.
00:33:01Oh, my God.
00:33:02Oh, my God.
00:33:03Oh, my God.
00:33:04Oh, my God.
00:33:05Oh, my God.
00:33:06Oh, my God.
00:33:07Oh, my God.
00:33:08Oh, my God.
00:33:09Oh, my God.
00:33:10Oh, my God.
00:33:11Oh, my God.
00:33:12Oh, my God.
00:33:13Oh, my God.
00:33:14Oh, my God.
00:33:15Oh, my God.
00:33:16Oh, my God.
00:33:17Oh, my God.
00:33:18Oh, my God.
00:33:19Oh, my God.
00:33:20Oh, my God.
00:33:21Oh, my God.
00:33:22Oh, my God.
00:33:23Oh, my God.
00:33:24Oh, my God.
00:33:25Oh, my God.
00:33:26Oh, my God.
00:33:27Oh, my God.
00:33:28Oh, my God.
00:33:29Oh, my God.
00:33:30Oh, my God.
00:33:31Oh, my God.
00:33:32Oh, my God.
00:33:33Oh, my God.
00:33:34Oh, my God.
00:33:35Oh, my God.
00:33:36Oh, my God.
00:33:37Oh, my God.
00:33:38Oh, my God.
00:33:39Oh, my God.
00:33:40Oh, my God.
00:33:41Oh, my God.
00:33:42Oh, my God.
00:33:43Oh, my God.
00:33:44Oh, my God.
00:33:45Oh, my God.
00:33:46Oh, my God.
00:33:47Oh, my God.
00:33:48Oh, my God.
00:33:49Oh, my God.
00:33:50Oh, my God.
00:33:51Oh, my God.
00:33:52Oh, my God.
00:33:53Oh, my God.
00:33:54Oh, my God.
00:33:55Oh, my God.
00:33:56Oh, my God.
00:33:57Oh, my God.
00:33:58Oh, my God.
00:33:59Oh, my God.
00:34:00Oh, my God.
00:34:01Oh, my God.
00:34:02Oh, my God.
00:34:03Oh, my God.
00:34:04Oh, my God.
00:34:05Oh, my God.
00:34:06Oh, my God.
00:34:07Oh, my God.
00:34:08Oh, my God.
00:34:09Oh, my God.
00:34:10Oh, my God.
00:34:11Oh, my God.
00:34:12Oh, my God.
00:34:13Oh, my God.
00:34:14Oh, my God.
00:34:15Oh, my God.
00:34:16Oh, my God.
00:34:17Oh, my God.
00:34:18Oh, my God.
00:34:19Oh, my God.
00:34:20Oh, my God.
00:34:21Oh, my God.
00:34:22Oh, my God.
00:34:23Oh, my God.
00:34:24Oh, my God.
00:34:25Oh, my God.
00:34:26Oh, my God.
00:34:27Oh, my God.
00:34:28Oh, my God.
00:34:29Oh, my God.
00:34:30Oh, my God.
00:34:31Oh, my God.
00:34:32Oh, my God.
00:34:33Oh, my God.
00:34:34Oh, my God.
00:34:35Oh, my God.
00:34:36Oh, my God.
00:34:37Oh, my God.
00:34:38Oh, my God.
00:34:39Oh, my God.
00:34:40Oh, my God.
00:34:41Oh, my God.
00:34:42Oh, my God.
00:34:44This is talking, this is talking.
00:34:45You listen to your pet dog, and we'll do what I tell you, we'll go where you are.
00:34:46I want you to meet Kit Paget.
00:34:47Now, be nice to her, for the month from now you won't be able to get near her.
00:34:52Oh, she's going to be that big?
00:34:53The biggest.
00:34:54Praise the Lord.
00:34:55Right Even?
00:34:58And she's modest, too. Oh, you gotta love her.
00:35:02I drink the air before me.
00:35:05I'll drink it faster.
00:35:19Whatever you've done, I want it first.
00:35:23Got any good dirt?
00:35:25Me? Innocent little me?
00:35:28Can I just talk to you for a second?
00:35:34Couldn't we go somewhere a little more appealing? I mean, this...
00:35:38I got a thing for oysters.
00:35:40Yeah, well, I remember.
00:35:45Oh, look.
00:35:46I've been spending a lot of time thinking about us,
00:35:49and I just want you to know that I've changed.
00:35:52What are you laying this trip on me for?
00:35:54We had a fling, no big deal. It's over.
00:35:56Jo, well, I am not the sort of person who can just fall in and out of love that easily.
00:36:02Hi, Patsy.
00:36:04Where's Dee?
00:36:05Uh, I don't know.
00:36:06Didn't you go to the movies with her tonight?
00:36:09No, I thought she was with you.
00:36:11Oh, you're making such a mistake.
00:36:14You know, you really are nuts.
00:36:15I'm gone, sweetheart. I fucking vanished. Wake up.
00:36:18Don't do this to me.
00:36:20Where have you been? I thought that...
00:36:26Who's that?
00:36:27Bestie's model.
00:36:42Nicky, how fast can you down and get a tight two-shot of those two girls before they split and back up to me?
00:36:49Get going.
00:36:53You're a bloody wonder.
00:36:56Why do you keep doing this?
00:36:57You're humiliating yourself.
00:36:59Don't you realize?
00:37:00Okay, I think I just want to go.
00:37:02Get out of here.
00:37:03Let's get going.
00:37:11Walter, darling.
00:37:14Is that boy one of yours?
00:37:16Come on, Abe. Let's go home.
00:37:19Go ahead. I'm just going to tell Sloan.
00:37:28Get over here.
00:37:29I have to...
00:37:30I've been looking for you all night.
00:37:31You know, we haven't toasted each other since last night.
00:37:34To you.
00:37:35Hey, big time Sloan.
00:37:37You want to make me a superstar, too?
00:37:39Do you mind? I'm talking to my client right now.
00:37:42Is that what you call them these days?
00:37:45Come on, dance with me in the fountain.
00:37:47It's good luck, like throwing pennies.
00:37:50Not wearing my drip-dry tonight, huh?
00:38:02You're a pretty crazy chick.
00:38:07That's it. That's enough, girl. Go ahead. Take it off.
00:38:11Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:38:13That's it. Nail him. Nail him now.
00:38:16Who are you up to, you naughty boy?
00:38:19Just the biggest scoop of the year,
00:38:22and you're going to get it exclusive.
00:38:25Oh, what's that?
00:38:27I'm sorry.
00:38:28I'm sorry.
00:38:29I'm sorry.
00:38:30I'm sorry.
00:38:31I'm sorry.
00:38:32I'm sorry.
00:38:33I'm sorry.
00:38:34I'm sorry.
00:38:35I'm sorry.
00:38:36I'm sorry.
00:38:37I'm sorry.
00:38:38I'm sorry.
00:38:39Oh, cocky, cocky, cocky.
00:38:44What's wrong? I thought we were having a good time.
00:38:47You're having a good time. Promoting your new toy?
00:38:50I'm not one of your robots, Sloan.
00:38:55Let's talk about this at my place, huh?
00:38:57I don't want to go to your place.
00:38:59Yeah, but after last night, I kind of thought that we were...
00:39:02What? Is it like insulin? You need it every night?
00:39:06Hey, lady, I'm crazy about you.
00:39:09All right, there is an attraction, but Averill needs me tonight.
00:39:13And I have a session in the morning.
00:39:15Yeah, but I kind of...
00:39:16In the words of the master, it's 86 for tonight, Sloan.
00:39:22I just kind of thought that, you know, I...
00:39:34Look, I understand what you're saying, but...
00:39:36Listen, kiddo, wake up.
00:39:37He's like all the other revolving doors you keep going around with.
00:39:40No, he's different. Really.
00:39:43And as soon as I get myself back in shape, he'll be back. You'll see.
00:39:47Yeah, him and Nixon.
00:39:51Look, Tessa, you don't understand.
00:39:54You don't know Joel the way I do.
00:39:56You don't know what we had planned together.
00:39:59I only know you're hurting, and it's not worth it.
00:40:03Look, Joel is a very successful photographer.
00:40:06I mean, he's extremely busy right now.
00:40:09He doesn't have much free time. I can handle that.
00:40:16Look, God, Tessa, you're the first guy who really loved me.
00:40:25Listen, I know Vacio.
00:40:27Maybe you love him, but he's got a light meter where his heart's supposed to be.
00:40:33Look, Tessa, I need to...
00:40:37Look, maybe you should get away for a while.
00:40:42Come away to my family's place for the weekend.
00:40:45No, I don't think I want to go, thanks.
00:40:48I think I want to be alone right now, okay?
00:40:51Yeah, fine.
00:40:53From now on, Kit's going to be seen at only the best spots.
00:40:57Because I want all New York to see how beautiful you are, Denae.
00:41:00And starting this week, I have your whole future mapped out.
00:41:03Acting classes, dance classes, boys' classes.
00:41:06I take classes now.
00:41:07With who?
00:41:08I'm talking about the best.
00:41:10You know what trouble it took to get this guy?
00:41:12I mean, the man does not teach prom students.
00:41:15Oh, that's a great reason to go.
00:41:19This crowd's a murder.
00:41:21Right, Blitzting?
00:41:22A man's on a hot roll.
00:41:23Don't cool his dice.
00:41:25You know how you succeed in this town?
00:41:27You plug into your best fantasy or your worst paranoia.
00:41:31This is his fantasy, and he's loving it.
00:41:33Good evening, Mr. Cockridge.
00:41:35A pleasure to see you again.
00:41:36There's Cocky.
00:41:38All the way over there.
00:41:39Oh, yeah?
00:41:42A pleasure to see you again.
00:41:43There's Cocky.
00:41:45Alton Cockridge, the designer.
00:41:46I haven't seen him since I modeled his fall collection.
00:41:49I'd kill to model his clothes.
00:41:53You will, maybe.
00:41:55Believe me, I have my way.
00:41:56You will.
00:41:58Did you tell him yet?
00:42:00Would I steal your thunder?
00:42:01Tell me what?
00:42:03I had Joe Vacca do test shots of you for a layout.
00:42:06He's the best in the business, you know.
00:42:20Great timing, Sloan.
00:42:21What was it?
00:42:22Something I said?
00:42:25Well, I hope you're enjoying my table.
00:42:29Oh, what?
00:42:30Did you make it?
00:42:32Nice job.
00:42:33You know, I need some shells put in if you've got the time, huh?
00:42:38Oh, the dreaded Blitzstein.
00:42:40Now I understand this rather strange collection.
00:42:43Couldn't look too bad on the glass yourself, pal.
00:42:47The butch voice that speaks the vacant mind.
00:42:51Sloan, don't.
00:42:53Come, Daddy.
00:42:54We promised these ladies a civilized meal.
00:42:58Here's the guy you wanted to work for.
00:43:00He's a genius.
00:43:03What a brave new world you've led us into, Sloan.
00:43:15Come on, tighten it up.
00:43:17Let me get some more sleep.
00:43:19Oh, no time.
00:43:20We've got a busy day.
00:43:22Get up!
00:43:24Come on.
00:43:25Come on.
00:43:26Come on, my sweet.
00:43:27Move your feet.
00:43:28A little road work never hurt anyone.
00:43:30Come on.
00:43:31We've got to get you in shape.
00:43:32Pick him up.
00:43:33Pick him up.
00:43:34Pick him up.
00:43:35Pick him up.
00:43:36Come on.
00:43:37Pick him up.
00:43:38You can do it.
00:43:39You can do it, baby.
00:43:40That's right.
00:43:41Stretch him out.
00:43:43Come on, sweetheart.
00:43:44Come on.
00:43:45Come on.
00:43:46Just one more time around the leg.
00:43:47You got it.
00:43:48Look at him, baby.
00:43:49You got it.
00:43:50Look at him.
00:43:51Come on.
00:43:52Come on.
00:43:53Come on.
00:43:54That's right.
00:43:55Turn it out.
00:43:56Come on.
00:43:57Come on.
00:43:58Good job, master.
00:43:59Come on.
00:44:00We're going to make it, baby.
00:44:01Come on.
00:44:02Come on.
00:44:03Come on.
00:44:04All right, all right.
00:44:08Another one.
00:44:09Another one.
00:44:10Come on.
00:44:11Come on.
00:44:12Come on.
00:44:13Come on.
00:44:14Come on.
00:44:15Come on.
00:44:16Come on.
00:44:17Come on.
00:44:18Look here.
00:44:19Come on.
00:44:20One more.
00:44:21One more.
00:44:22Come on.
00:44:23One more.
00:44:24Come on.
00:44:25Come on.
00:44:26One more.
00:44:27Come on.
00:44:28One more.
00:44:29Come on.
00:44:30You know, you look like an unidentified flying object.
00:44:36Wait until Sloan has me in bed with this.
00:44:44Give me profile.
00:44:47Now look at me with your eyes.
00:44:50Smile at me.
00:44:51Now smile with your whole face.
00:44:58Look at me.
00:45:02Give me profile.
00:45:03Give me profile.
00:45:05Look at me with your eyes.
00:45:10Smile at me.
00:45:11Smile with your eyes.
00:45:12You want to make me.
00:45:13Look at me with your eyes.
00:45:16Give me some tongue.
00:45:17Give me some tongue.
00:45:20Now smile with your whole face.
00:45:21You want.
00:45:22What are you playing games with me?
00:45:24You didn't pay for this.
00:45:25Now give me some.
00:45:27All right.
00:45:28We slept for the first session.
00:45:29We're not going to sleep for this one.
00:45:31Now give me profile.
00:45:32Now look at me with your eyes.
00:45:33Look at me, sweetheart.
00:45:34The camera's over here.
00:45:36Look up there with your face.
00:45:37Look over here with your eyes.
00:45:40Now lick your lips.
00:45:41Now smile with your whole face.
00:45:44Now stand up.
00:45:45Stand up.
00:45:46Now flip that thing around.
00:45:47Show me a little breast.
00:45:48A little more.
00:45:49A little more.
00:45:51And again.
00:45:52And again.
00:45:53That's good.
00:45:56Whip me some more.
00:45:57Whip me some more.
00:45:59Whip me again.
00:46:00Whip me again.
00:46:01Whip me again.
00:46:08All right.
00:46:09Hey, baby.
00:46:10Give me a smile now.
00:46:11Come on.
00:46:12Smile for me.
00:46:13Make my lens wet, baby.
00:46:15Open up wide.
00:46:16I'm coming in big.
00:46:17OK, baby.
00:46:18Let's do something here.
00:46:19You do it for Sloan.
00:46:20How about me, huh?
00:46:21OK, Joe.
00:46:22Sit on that lens and rotate, because that's
00:46:24as close as you're coming to me.
00:46:28All right, folks.
00:46:29That's a wrap.
00:46:32Hey, Speedo.
00:46:33Will you get this thing out of reverse?
00:46:35Use the sidewalk or something.
00:46:37She hates it when I'm late.
00:46:38Don't look at me like that.
00:46:39Turn around.
00:46:43What's the matter?
00:46:44I scare you?
00:46:45It's just that's not the way you were
00:46:46looking at me during the shoot.
00:46:47The way I was looking at you?
00:46:48Hey, you're hot for me, and I'm hot for you.
00:46:50I don't know what Ava ever saw in you, but it's not what.
00:46:52Yeah, she could never get enough.
00:46:54She got old after a while.
00:46:55You're sick.
00:46:58Joe, let me go!
00:47:17Where the hell is everybody?
00:47:22It wasn't very nice of you.
00:47:25I'm not used to my girls treating me like this.
00:47:27I'm not one of your girls.
00:47:32Yeah, but you want to be one of my girls, don't you?
00:47:37Don't you?
00:47:42I hate you!
00:47:46Joe, you asshole!
00:47:48I hate you!
00:47:50It's done.
00:48:27You creep bastard!
00:48:28Like that, huh?
00:48:31You like that?
00:48:34You know, such good things are going to happen for you.
00:48:38Oh, I know it.
00:48:41I'm scared.
00:48:46It's, um, Timothy Clifford.
00:48:50What is it?
00:48:51T-Z, my initials.
00:48:54Can I call you Tim?
00:48:55Not if you want to live.
00:48:57I'm not going to live.
00:48:59T-Z, my initials.
00:49:01Can I call you Tim?
00:49:03Not if you want to live.
00:49:04Why? It's a nice name.
00:49:06Because it was my father's name, and he was the son of a bitch.
00:49:09How about Clifford? Cliff? Cliffie?
00:49:13Oh, I forget you know it.
00:49:15Ahem, ahem.
00:49:17Excuse me, Mr. T.C., your coffee is ready.
00:49:21Cream or sugar?
00:49:22Uh, daughter.
00:49:24And then soy or sugar?
00:49:26Shut up.
00:49:28How old?
00:49:29Good night.
00:49:30She's eight by now.
00:49:33Her mother got remarried, and, uh, now they want to stick my nose in it.
00:49:39Yeah, her mother didn't want me to, so I gave up trying.
00:49:44You gave up? I can't believe that.
00:49:46What, are you a social worker or something tonight?
00:49:49Why? Am I not allowed?
00:49:53Hello, Sloan residence.
00:49:55Oh, I'm sorry. He's unavailable until late tomorrow morning.
00:49:58Oh, really?
00:50:07Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve.
00:50:12Move it closer.
00:50:16Thank you.
00:50:25Good morning.
00:50:32Oh, hi, I'm Kit.
00:50:33I'm Dessie.
00:50:35How you doing, Dessie?
00:50:36Oh, poorly, poorly. My feet hurt something awful.
00:50:39Do you want some coffee?
00:50:41Oh, mother.
00:50:42Me too.
00:50:43Why don't you make us some?
00:50:47All the secrets of the beautiful people, our own Joyce Garland.
00:50:51Thanks, Tom.
00:50:52Well, the big apple has certainly been shaken to its core this morning.
00:50:57Love has found cocky at last.
00:51:00How do you like your coffee, Dessie?
00:51:02I'll drink cockroach.
00:51:03Got any cognac?
00:51:04World famous designer and an elusive bachelor
00:51:07has been carrying on a secret romance with fashion model Kit Padgett.
00:51:12That's cocky and Kit exchanging a tender moment together
00:51:16at Delphi's Cleaves book launching.
00:51:20And the big news is that Miss Padgett is going to have cocky's baby.
00:51:28You sure do get around.
00:51:29Best known to Los Angeles viewers as the Kringlein Carpet Girl
00:51:33says she has kept the secret as long as possible.
00:51:37When interviewed at our Burbank studio last night,
00:51:40her former mentor, Klaus Kringlein, had this to say.
00:51:44Listen, we never sold so many carpets like what she was here.
00:51:48And if she can do the same for Mr. Cockroach,
00:51:51believe me, they'll have lots more little babies.
00:51:53National Enquirer.
00:51:55All of my favorite people.
00:51:58I mean, I don't want no hard feelings.
00:52:00Hey, it's just like the Mardi Gras around here.
00:52:02Personally, I love it.
00:52:03I'm sending the little babies such a cute little carpet
00:52:06with the rabbits and the bunnies and the little flowers.
00:52:09I know they'll love it.
00:52:19Excuse me.
00:52:20Just reading.
00:52:23Oh, it's my pleasure.
00:52:25Is this your idea of management?
00:52:28Gee, I'll talk to you later.
00:52:31Cleaning person.
00:52:32How are you?
00:52:33Good to see you.
00:52:34You are?
00:52:36Yes, ma'am.
00:52:37I'm telling you, we've got this whole thing under way.
00:52:39Look at this coverage, will you?
00:52:41It's better than I hoped for.
00:52:43You are launched, Carpet Queen.
00:52:45You did this.
00:52:48Greg, have you lost your mind?
00:52:50What's wrong?
00:52:51She wanted dignity.
00:52:52She wanted class.
00:52:53Cockroach is like royalty.
00:52:55He's like the queen.
00:52:56He is a queen.
00:52:58All right.
00:52:59Now, where the hell do you get off doing something like that?
00:53:01Hey, that's my job.
00:53:02You've always given me carte blanche.
00:53:04You know, it's amazing what you can do with two photographs.
00:53:06What I figure is, we'll wait a few more days for the piece.
00:53:08I'm not waiting, okay?
00:53:09You're both insane.
00:53:11You are.
00:53:13All right, listen.
00:53:14I want you to get on the phone,
00:53:15and I want you to straighten this thing out right now, all right?
00:53:17You tell them it was April Fool's.
00:53:18You tell them it was...
00:53:20What the hell do you want?
00:53:21I didn't get no coffee.
00:53:22Well, it looks like one down day.
00:53:24Nobody did.
00:53:25I never should have made this deal.
00:53:26Walter pushed me into it.
00:53:28Hello, can I speak to the city desk?
00:53:29Have I got this on right?
00:53:30Or does it match my head?
00:53:34Look, I'll break the contract if that's what you want.
00:53:36I don't know what I want.
00:53:37But right now, I want to get out of here.
00:53:41And there are plenty of dark, heavy clouds on the horizon.
00:53:44You don't have to burn your tongue.
00:53:45I don't know what Kit's plans are,
00:53:47but I am divorcing myself from this association.
00:53:50I did not build up a prestige agency
00:53:52in order to have it turned into the laughingstock of New York overnight.
00:53:56It is now, sugar.
00:53:57You didn't ask for any sugar.
00:54:00Oh, Kit, come on.
00:54:01Don't leave, huh?
00:54:02Why shouldn't I?
00:54:03You never told me I'd be joining a freak show.
00:54:08Ozzie, sugar.
00:54:10Sugar, coming right up.
00:54:14What are you, a hyena?
00:54:28Miss Padgett.
00:54:30I'm here.
00:54:45All right.
00:54:48How did you find out?
00:54:50I don't understand.
00:54:51Don't play games with me, Miss Padgett.
00:54:53I've kept this secret for years.
00:54:55I don't need it blown now.
00:54:56Mr. Cockroach, I am as upset as you are.
00:54:58By all these ugly...
00:54:59Do you realize what would happen to me
00:55:00if certain men in the city,
00:55:01I mean rich, powerful men,
00:55:03knew I was a fraud?
00:55:04They'd find me in the East River
00:55:06wearing pink cement galoshes.
00:55:08I've already paid for two abortions.
00:55:12It's a common practice for unwanted babies.
00:55:14Are you, uh...
00:55:16You're really pregnant?
00:55:30I've never seen so many balls in my life.
00:55:32I don't get it.
00:55:34I am supposed to be harmless.
00:55:37I'm queer old cocky, dear.
00:55:40There isn't a man in New York
00:55:41who wouldn't trust me with his wife.
00:55:44You're a closet heterosexual?
00:55:52I'm a fucking stud.
00:55:54You see, I'm ruined.
00:55:56You're about to flush 15 years of work down the toilet.
00:56:04It's crazy, isn't it?
00:56:06Classic Craig Blitzstein.
00:56:08The dreaded Craig Blitzstein?
00:56:09Well, I might have known it.
00:56:11Well, my dear, what do you want out of all this?
00:56:14I want the story killed.
00:56:15Same as you.
00:56:16That's all?
00:56:18No strings?
00:56:19I'll carry your secret to the grave.
00:56:22Cross my heart.
00:56:24And hope to die?
00:56:28I'm in trouble, Sloan.
00:56:30I need your help.
00:56:31Charrier has just stolen another three girls.
00:56:34What do you want me to do,
00:56:35put a contract out on them?
00:56:37We'd like you to buy back our 5% of Leisure 80.
00:56:42What 5%?
00:56:44That you gave us in exchange for your share of the agency.
00:56:47We're prepared to let you have it
00:56:49for $100,000 in cash.
00:56:52We know it's worth a great deal more.
00:56:56What do you mean?
00:56:58Harrison gave you 5%.
00:57:00Now, why did he do that?
00:57:04He must have had a good reason.
00:57:05Talk to him, huh?
00:57:16So, kids.
00:57:19Sloan is now your sugar daddy, huh?
00:57:22Some girls have all the luck.
00:57:25Well, don't listen to her, kid.
00:57:27At least you got what you got.
00:57:29Stand up.
00:57:31And what does that mean?
00:57:33Oh, Zara, honey, you know,
00:57:34I would just hate to cast any aspersions on your honor.
00:57:38But, you know, they wouldn't have you
00:57:39on a stop herpes poster.
00:57:43People in glass houses.
00:57:46Come again?
00:57:47Didn't quite catch it.
00:57:48At least I don't do it for the money.
00:57:56Come on, ladies.
00:57:58April, is everything all right?
00:58:00Where's the phone?
00:58:01I don't know.
00:58:02Are you all right, hon?
00:58:03I don't know.
00:58:04Get back.
00:58:05What happened?
00:58:07Get a doctor.
00:58:08Here, give her a tube.
00:58:09Are you crazy?
00:58:11You're crazy!
00:58:12You're crazy!
00:58:13It's the name of this country.
00:58:29Do you understand that
00:58:30cockroach publicity stunt of yours
00:58:31really freaked me out, Sloan?
00:58:33And what the hell?
00:58:34Blitz didn't cover it, huh?
00:58:36Gotta admit, it was kind of funny.
00:58:38Oh, it's all all right
00:58:39if you're not the object of ridicule.
00:58:41You got a beef?
00:58:43I don't want to be handled like this anymore.
00:58:45I feel like a joke.
00:58:47You know, I just sank
00:58:48five million bucks into a factory.
00:58:50I'll be laughing myself into bankruptcy.
00:58:52Well, I'm not laughing.
00:58:54Right now, there's nothing to laugh about.
00:58:56I just saw April taken to the hospital.
00:58:59She's cracking up over that maniac
00:59:01that tried to rape me.
00:59:10Harrison says we can't start a line
00:59:12without a name designer.
00:59:16So, so, so.
00:59:17They all have their own lines already.
00:59:18Calvin Klein, Halston.
00:59:20Oscar the Poo-Poo.
00:59:22What about Cocky?
00:59:25Are you kidding me?
00:59:26After that night at L'Etoile?
00:59:28Blitzstein's brainwave?
00:59:34I can get him.
00:59:38This kind of reminds me of a salad I had.
00:59:41Okay, all right, all right.
00:59:45Alton will be up in just a moment.
00:59:47One teaspoon of two.
00:59:50Your tea.
00:59:52Oh, uh...
00:59:59You're going to love the designs.
01:00:01Oh, yeah?
01:00:02It's great.
01:00:03It's all right, Taddy.
01:00:05We're not buying him.
01:00:06You don't have to count his teeth.
01:00:09Hello, child.
01:00:10How are you?
01:00:12How are you?
01:00:14Do you want to see some pretty pictures?
01:00:16Come on.
01:00:26Very nice.
01:00:27I love it.
01:00:28I love it.
01:00:29They're wonderful.
01:00:31Look at this.
01:00:32That's really nice.
01:00:33That's gorgeous.
01:00:35They're wonderful.
01:00:36I was thinking of calling it Kip Padgett's pageants,
01:00:38but I was afraid it might induce hair lips.
01:00:41So I pinched your notion, Mr. Sloan.
01:00:45Oh, I love it.
01:00:47To Dreamworld?
01:00:58What the hell is this?
01:01:00I thought it was for me.
01:01:06What's with Fort Knox in the kitchen?
01:01:08I'm hungry.
01:01:09You ate lunch.
01:01:10You don't eat till dinner.
01:01:11I am counting every calorie.
01:01:13Your body is a major asset, obligerating.
01:01:19Some carrot cake from Pierre's bakery.
01:01:21Oh, I think.
01:01:31Leisure 80 sales have hit an all-time high for the past quarter.
01:01:35All right.
01:01:37Could you have some copies prepared for the annual shareholders meeting, please, Cario?
01:01:42Oh, yes, yes, of course.
01:01:44When is that, huh?
01:01:45Next week.
01:01:46Mr. Birchwood, by the way, is thrilled with our success.
01:01:51We all did it, guys.
01:01:53And Kit.
01:01:57Hey, wake up.
01:02:00I'm sorry all the success is putting you to sleep.
01:02:02What time is it?
01:02:03It's 6.30.
01:02:05I've got to get to the hospital.
01:02:07Oh, we've got a meeting with the people from Bullocks, remember?
01:02:09Haven't seen Averill in weeks.
01:02:12Ah, you're going to have to change it.
01:02:14We're on a hot roll.
01:02:15You can't let your personal life interfere.
01:02:17Excuse me, God, but my friends still come first in my life.
01:02:22That's not the way I see it.
01:02:24Then you better get some glasses, pal.
01:02:30Am I too late?
01:02:33Your victim hours are over.
01:02:35Oh, shit.
01:02:41You look so different.
01:02:43I can't believe it's you.
01:02:47Where have you been?
01:02:49You know, we haven't heard a word from you.
01:02:52You haven't let it go to your head, have you?
01:02:55What the hell does that mean?
01:02:57I heard someone say that at the agency.
01:03:01You don't believe that, do you?
01:03:04When was the last time that you took one minute to give any of us a call?
01:03:09What's with this shit?
01:03:10I thought you were my friends.
01:03:16Come on, Topsy.
01:03:22Back with me.
01:03:38You look terrible.
01:03:42That's just what I need to hear.
01:03:44Well, if you'd made the meeting, you would have been bed by ten.
01:03:47But no, not you.
01:03:48This show goes out live, so if you've got anything to say to one another,
01:03:51you best do it in the next few seconds.
01:03:53Quiet, studio.
01:03:54Roll camera.
01:03:55Five, four, three, two, one.
01:03:59Kit Paget.
01:04:00The dream world girl.
01:04:01The face of the 80s.
01:04:02T.C. Sloan.
01:04:04Hustler extraordinaire.
01:04:05And some say the Svengali behind Kit Paget.
01:04:08Kit, what is it really like?
01:04:10I mean, what is it really like to have your image plastered all over the world?
01:04:16It sucks.
01:04:19Kit uses these funny little phrases sometimes.
01:04:21What I think she means by that...
01:04:22I don't need an interpreter.
01:04:25Let's not come to blows on the air.
01:04:27Now then...
01:04:28Hold it a second, Claire.
01:04:30I think Kit owes you and the audience an apology.
01:04:33She's not up to scratch this morning.
01:04:35Oh, you're completely out of your tree.
01:04:37Do you know that?
01:04:38You're on such an ego trip.
01:04:39Just once I'm going to say what I think.
01:04:41Just once.
01:04:42If I only had two seconds to myself.
01:04:44If I had some privacy.
01:04:46Even when I'm trying to take a...
01:04:47Would you shut up?
01:04:48A NAPS loan.
01:04:49That's all I meant.
01:04:50I respect your privacy.
01:04:52You don't want anybody to know what your real name is.
01:04:55You want to know what his real name is?
01:04:57It's Timothy...
01:05:02Come on, come on.
01:05:04It's under control.
01:05:09Roll the commercial.
01:05:10Are you all right?
01:05:11Roll the commercial.
01:05:12Fade out.
01:05:13Roll the commercial.
01:05:14Miss Claire?
01:05:17Miss Claire?
01:05:47Miss Claire?
01:06:12I heard your crying.
01:06:14And I thought...
01:06:15Just leave me alone, will you?
01:06:17Where have you been?
01:06:20I took Topsy to a film.
01:06:21And then...
01:06:22No, you didn't.
01:06:23I called Topsy tonight at her mother's.
01:06:25She never...
01:06:26What, have you been spying on me?
01:06:29My God, Dee, what happened to you?
01:06:35Who did this to you?
01:06:45I left my phone.
01:06:47Why, Dee?
01:06:50I get my kicks this way.
01:06:52Getting beat up?
01:06:55That's never happened before.
01:06:57I was sick.
01:07:00How long have you been...
01:07:03Arrested you?
01:07:04A whore?
01:07:08About a year now.
01:07:12Have you seen a psychiatrist?
01:07:18Yeah, I seen one once.
01:07:21Fucked me in his office.
01:07:34Wild turkey on the rocks, sir.
01:07:38Just want the doctor on it.
01:07:40Keep this up, I'll buy you a wig.
01:08:00I have been so bored in here.
01:08:04I would have come sooner, eh?
01:08:06I'm sorry I didn't, I really am.
01:08:08Things have been so crazy lately.
01:08:11Look, don't be silly.
01:08:13You're on top now.
01:08:15Kit, I should be so lucky.
01:08:19I'll admit I was a little jealous at first.
01:08:23But that's just because you and Sloan
01:08:25were doing exactly what Joel and I had planned.
01:08:29I guess I just didn't have what it takes.
01:08:34Hey, sexy, you better rest up
01:08:36before you start chasing around again, okay?
01:08:38Look it, I'm feeling much stronger now.
01:08:43Kit, you see Joel, will you just
01:08:46thank him for the flowers?
01:08:56I'll be back soon.
01:08:58I promise this time.
01:09:06What was her name again?
01:09:27Happy birthday, little one.
01:09:29Zara has a special gift for you.
01:09:32I don't think I should.
01:09:34Oh, go on, it will make you feel good.
01:09:36You're a big girl now.
01:09:38But what if someone comes in?
01:09:40My mom would kill me.
01:09:49No one will come now.
01:09:57Oh, it's wonderful.
01:09:59Oh, it's wonderful.
01:10:01Oh, it's wonderful.
01:10:03Oh, it's wonderful.
01:10:05Oh, it's wonderful.
01:10:13Father, huh?
01:10:21It ends, okay?
01:10:23Why don't you mind your own business,
01:10:25you Texas clown?
01:10:31Now listen, you get downstairs
01:10:33and I never want to catch you doing that again.
01:10:35I'm sorry, Dad.
01:10:37But she made me!
01:10:38Get out of here!
01:10:39You've got a sin, Zara!
01:10:48You're really pissing me off, Zara!
01:11:07You need to start!
01:11:10Be quiet!
01:11:11Oh, dear!
01:11:24Zara, stop!
01:11:37I've managed to get almost all the proxies on our side.
01:11:48When will you have the rest?
01:11:50Harrison, Agonisti, Chandler.
01:11:53You know, sometimes I think all you care about is getting rid of Sloan.
01:11:57You'll have Ledger 80.
01:11:59I promise you.
01:12:01Tom Drawer.
01:12:31Stop it!
01:12:35They call it the model war.
01:12:38Nobody's perfect, Ed.
01:12:41Well, I'm not finished yet.
01:12:49Eva, where are you?
01:12:52Oh, Walter, but you always have my back!
01:12:59I just thought you'd want to know that Avril killed herself.
01:13:59Can we get on with this?
01:14:11Sorry we're late.
01:14:12It's all right, Sloan.
01:14:13I declare the annual shareholders meeting of the Birchwood Trust now open.
01:14:18I'd like to make a priority motion before you read the minutes.
01:14:22What the hell is she doing here?
01:14:24On behalf of the majority shareholders in Ledger 80 Enterprises,
01:14:28we would at this time request the immediate resignation of T.C. Sloan.
01:14:33Just because I was a lousy date?
01:14:36And that the presidency be immediately assumed by Harrison Chandler.
01:14:43Now I know what was going on in that top drawer.
01:14:46You're out of line, Bunny.
01:14:47You know you don't have the votes.
01:14:48Well, I have Birchwood Trust proxies with me,
01:14:51totaling 50% of the ownership.
01:14:53I have 45%.
01:14:55Cairo has 2 1⁄2.
01:14:56Blitzstein has 2 1⁄2.
01:14:57That makes 50.
01:14:59So it's a stalemate.
01:15:01You only have 45%, not 50.
01:15:04Did you forget Eva Randall's 5%?
01:15:07And I have proxies for them here, which gives us 55%.
01:15:13You son of a bitch.
01:15:16That's why you gave them the 5%, huh?
01:15:18Do you remember what I said about Hubert Sloan?
01:15:22The barbarians are at the gate.
01:15:34Now listen, Harrison.
01:15:35I just want to—
01:15:36I'm so pleased to see you.
01:15:40Sit down.
01:15:42Look, I just want you to know that the change of management—
01:15:45You can't get rid of Sloan.
01:15:47He is Leisure 80 and Dreamworld.
01:15:50Not anymore.
01:15:51He's out.
01:15:53Well, so am I.
01:15:54If you don't bring Sloan back, I'm gone.
01:15:57Fine, fine.
01:15:58I accept your resignation.
01:16:00Miss Birchwood here is a witness.
01:16:02We'll just have to conduct a search for a new Dreamworld girl,
01:16:05which should be worth about a million dollars in free publicity.
01:16:11Oh, TC.
01:16:12Would you come here, please, TC?
01:16:15Come in, Mr. Chandler.
01:16:17We have two screwdrivers tall with a dash of grandee.
01:16:20A lot of them.
01:16:22As requested.
01:16:23Thank you, TC.
01:16:24Thank you, Mr. Chandler.
01:16:28Oh, by the way, Kim—
01:16:29Sorry, Kit.
01:16:31You do realize that your contract prevents you from seeking employment elsewhere for 18 months?
01:16:36You know, I think that you should get some rest.
01:16:38All this has been very grueling for you.
01:16:43TC, you can go now.
01:16:45Thank you.
01:16:46That son of a bitch Harrison wants to play dirty?
01:16:49He doesn't know what dirty is.
01:16:51Well, how can we—
01:16:52Listen, I've got it all worked out.
01:16:54We're going to play his game.
01:16:56The first thing we're going to do is call a new board meeting.
01:16:59Now, didn't you tell me that Lucia's calf cart was Chester's cousin?
01:17:04Why, you clever little—
01:17:06I want you to get Chester on the phone right away.
01:17:08But he's in Swaziland. It's almost impossible—
01:17:10Just get him on the phone.
01:17:12No, operator.
01:17:15Would you come on, Betty Crocker? Come on.
01:17:19It's a hot pot, mother.
01:17:21Now, Dee, I want you to get the goods on Harrison.
01:17:24Oh, hey, I don't know a damn thing about business.
01:17:27This kind of business is second nature, honey.
01:17:30Chester, darling.
01:17:33I know it's the middle of the night, but I need you to call Lucia's calf cart.
01:17:41I'm not leaving until I have those proxies.
01:17:45Hold the calls.
01:17:52We've released them to Harrison Chandler.
01:17:55You'll reassign them right now, or I'll pull down the pillars of this agency.
01:18:01You've got enough trouble with Dominick's raids.
01:18:03How would you feel if Tessa, Dee, and I walked out?
01:18:11Get the Measure 80 papers, Walter, please.
01:18:19My, my.
01:18:22We're a big girl now, aren't we?
01:18:30She did all that for me?
01:18:38She loves you, buddy.
01:19:00How'd you get in here?
01:19:02He just got one of the sweetest little security guards downstairs.
01:19:06Told him you were expecting me.
01:19:08You did? Uh-huh.
01:19:11I don't know, Harrison. Is it hot enough for you?
01:19:14I swear to God, this just got to be one of the hottest nights in the year.
01:19:17I can barely stand to have clothes on my body when it gets this way.
01:19:20Oh, really?
01:19:22Give me the books, you asked.
01:19:23Let me see.
01:19:25Back to the library, T.C. I don't feel like reading tonight.
01:19:28You like books? You read them.
01:19:30Good night.
01:19:32Listen, I hear you're looking for a new dream world girl.
01:19:37Well, as a matter of fact, we might, too.
01:19:42I sure do hope that I could get the first crack at it.
01:19:45Crack? Well, I don't see why you shouldn't have a crack at it.
01:19:50Well, this is great.
01:19:53That's all I wanted.
01:19:56I guess.
01:19:59Uh, wait a minute.
01:20:01Miss, uh, what the hell is her name, anyway?
01:20:12Uh, what size are you?
01:20:14I mean, what's your dress size?
01:20:17Would you like to come and try out a few things?
01:20:21Oh, yeah, sure, I'll try anything.
01:20:24Well, here we are.
01:20:26Oh, this one sucks music.
01:20:28Why not?
01:20:30All right.
01:20:44Whatever you want, it's just a dream away
01:20:49Whatever you need, it's just a dream away
01:20:56What time is it?
01:21:03Oh, ladies, the sweet smell of victory.
01:21:07Did you get it?
01:21:11I gotta see this.
01:21:13That's great.
01:21:17Good morning, sir.
01:21:19Here are the refreshments you ordered.
01:21:21Your secretary stole and used paper from you.
01:21:24But the headlines state that the stock market is up two and a half points.
01:21:29Good morning, T.C.
01:21:30Good morning, sir.
01:21:34They are waiting for you in the demonstration room.
01:21:37Who are?
01:21:38All the members of the board, sir.
01:21:42This day unshines our forecast.
01:21:44There is no board meeting scheduled this morning, sir.
01:21:47But good luck, anyway.
01:21:49Thank you, T.C.
01:21:55Thank you.
01:22:04Why wasn't I given any notice of this meeting?
01:22:07Sorry, Harrison, I thought you knew.
01:22:09Lucius asked us all to be here this morning.
01:22:12All the members of the board.
01:22:18This meeting is for board members only.
01:22:22What are they doing here?
01:22:24Well, the bank decided...
01:22:26that the combination of Miss Montgomery's business expertise...
01:22:30and her modeling experience...
01:22:32would make her an invaluable member of the board of directors.
01:22:37Do I sense a conspiracy in the air?
01:22:42Harrison, we've got the 50% back.
01:22:45You only have 45.
01:22:48As of yesterday...
01:22:50I represent Eva's proxies.
01:22:53Assuming it is 50-50...
01:22:55it's not going to be that easy to get me out.
01:22:58I'm still president.
01:23:03We'd like to show you a little something...
01:23:06that might change your mind.
01:23:11You watch too, Bunny, all right?
01:23:20All right.
01:23:38I wonder where your wife thinks you are right now.
01:23:41Slaving away at my desk.
01:23:43Poor old Merida. She's as thick as a brush.
01:23:46She's almost as dumb as Bunny.
01:23:50You know, I never could figure out...
01:23:52what you were doing with that Bunny.
01:23:54What was it? Birch bark?
01:23:56Birch bark.
01:23:58Anyway, because you are a real wild cat.
01:24:03It's politics, Dee. It's politics.
01:24:05She had to find some way...
01:24:07to get to that boring old goat grandfather of hers.
01:24:10He's a bigger fool than she is.
01:24:12You really aren't well, are you, Harrison?
01:24:15You know what it was like to sleep with that lockjawed boar?
01:24:18You know, she...
01:24:20she even lisps when she snores.
01:24:23That giggle.
01:24:25I mean, listen to that giggle.
01:24:27It's all for the...
01:24:29to keep that boring old...
01:24:31trust happy.
01:24:33Once more, unto the breach, dear friends.
01:24:36That's Shakespeare, Dee. Shakespeare.
01:24:38Shut up, Harry.
01:24:41All right.
01:24:44All right.
01:24:46Okay, Mama, you get it.
01:24:48Hey, Renard.
01:24:50Miss Patrick asked me to meet her here.
01:24:52Ah, yes, Mr. Sloan. I have your table for you.
01:24:55I'm glad you could squeeze me in.
01:24:58Always a pleasure, T.C.
01:25:02May I get you a drink?
01:25:06The usual.
01:25:08Wild turkey?
01:25:10You got it.
01:25:38Now we're even.
01:25:41Hey, wait a minute.
01:25:43That's it?
01:25:45What else would you like?
01:25:47What about us?
01:25:57I need you, kid.
01:26:05I love you.
01:26:12I love you, too.
01:26:14I saw that headdress you're wearing.
01:26:16It's fabulous. Do you like it?
01:26:20So how's Kit doing?
01:26:22Don't forget to wait for that extra beat in the music before you go, all right?
01:26:25Tim, you're driving me crazy. Please get out of here.
01:26:27Get out of here?
01:26:29How about this whole thing together?
01:26:31My reputation, my credibility, my bank account is riding on this thing, huh?
01:26:33Tessa, throw him out.
01:26:35Come on, Sloan.
01:26:37Jerry, come on. You can't throw me out of here.
01:26:39I can.
01:26:42Come on, T.C.
01:26:44Be a good little wooden imp and let these slave queens get on with their thing.
01:26:48What the hell are they starting the music for?
01:26:50Go and be a witness to history.
01:26:52Taddy, show him the way.
01:26:54Oh, it's okay. I'll go.
01:27:05I promised you one.
01:27:07Come on.
01:27:22You are my one and only
01:27:26Yes, you're my one and only love
01:27:30Everyone's talking
01:27:33About a dream to call their own
01:27:38When they're searching
01:27:40Being lost and all alone
01:27:45Lately I've been listening
01:27:49When you're sweet with love and speak to me
01:27:54Little surprise
01:27:56You open my eyes
01:27:58All of me reality
01:28:04You are my one and only
01:28:08Yes, you're my one and only love
01:28:12You gave me reason
01:28:15To give a damn about myself
01:28:20And truly believe
01:28:22There's room for no one else
01:28:28I found a woman
01:28:31I found my everlasting man
01:28:36No need to fight it
01:28:38We've got it right
01:28:40As long as we're hand in hand
01:28:54You are my one and only
01:28:57Yes, you're my one and only love
01:29:27Thank you.
01:29:58You are my one and only
01:30:03Yes, you're my one and only love
01:30:07You are my one and only
01:30:11Yes, you're my one and only love
01:30:15Everyone's talking
01:30:18About a dream to call their own
01:30:23When they're searching
01:30:25Feeling lost and all alone
01:30:30Lately I've been listening
01:30:34When you're sweet with love and speak to me
01:30:39Little surprise
01:30:41You open my eyes
01:30:43All of me reality
01:30:48You are my one and only
01:30:53Yes, you're my one and only love
01:30:57You are my one and only
01:31:01Yes, you're my one and only love
01:31:05You gave me reason
01:31:08To give a damn about myself
01:31:13And truly believe
01:31:15There's room for no one else
01:31:20You found your woman
01:31:23I found my everlasting man
01:31:28No need to fight it
01:31:30We've got it right
01:31:32As long as we're hand in hand
01:31:47You are my one and only
01:31:51Yes, you're my one and only love
01:31:55You are my one and only
01:31:59Yes, you're my one and only love
01:32:37Thanks for watching!
