Bát Tiên Giáng Trần - Tập 21

  • last month
00:00To be continued
00:30Episode 2
00:50Oh my god!
00:52It's been 7 days and they haven't come back yet.
00:54This old man is going to die.
01:00Episode 2
01:27Is this the past?
01:29Oh my god! I'm sure it's the past!
01:31Let me see!
01:33Oh my god! Where is it?
01:35It's the past!
01:37The war against Buddha
01:39Oh my god!
01:41Why is your name so long?
01:43What is the war against Buddha?
01:45It's too long!
01:47It's the war against Buddha!
01:49Oh Buddha!
01:51Why do you only care about the past
01:53and forget about us?
01:55Oh my god!
01:57Oh my god!
01:59I haven't seen you for a long time.
02:01This is the first time I've met you.
02:03Of course, I have to ask you first.
02:05I have found you.
02:07It's good that everyone is fine.
02:11Hey! Who said I'm fine?
02:13Is there anything serious?
02:15It's Lam Thai Hoa.
02:17He has the merit of practicing,
02:19good deeds, and good news.
02:21Hey! Be careful!
02:23This is the reward that the King gave me.
02:25Wait for him to finish,
02:27then we can enjoy it.
02:29Lam Thai Hoa is doing something important.
02:31We have to save Lua Dong Tan.
02:33Let's talk about it next time.
02:37Master, let me tell you.
02:39The King has...
02:41After saving Lua Dong Tan, let's talk about it.
02:45Now, each of you will practice for 100 years.
03:11Now, let's work together
03:13to solve the problem for Lua Dong Tan.
03:45Why is it like this?
05:43As long as you are willing to argue and train yourself, you will definitely be able to become a god.
05:49It was me who caused her to be in this state. I implicated her.
05:53You are such a good person. Why does she have to suffer this pain?
06:07Because I'm not good. I caused her to be in this state.
06:13I implicated her.
06:19Actually, I can't blame you for this.
06:22In short, God's will is hard to argue with.
06:27Actually, it's all because we are not good. We didn't bring you here according to the rules.
06:31I dare say that as long as we follow the natural law,
06:35when the time comes, the fire will calm down by itself.
06:40I caused such a big trouble.
06:43Everyone still doesn't blame me or scold me.
06:46I feel more uncomfortable in my heart.
06:49Hey, it's not that I want to cry.
06:51A man's own blood must not be shed.
06:54Don't worry, I won't blame you.
06:57In short, our ancestors are like brothers.
07:00No one hurts anyone, no one blames anyone.
07:02Hey, it's a disaster.
07:03I can't believe that after you became a god, you are so different.
07:06Don't say that, Nga.
07:08In short, we are brothers who share the same mind and overcome all challenges, right?
07:13That's right. What are you talking about?
07:16We are brothers who share the same mind and overcome all challenges.
07:23Time flies so fast.
07:24Two short days have passed.
07:26I have to go back.
07:28I have to go back.
07:35It's time for this old man to say goodbye to his ancestors.
07:38Later, I will remember not to visit the old man and focus on my practice.
07:41I absolutely do not disappoint you.
07:43The old man?
07:44You came back alone like that.
07:46I'm afraid you will be harmed by the people of the Catholic Church.
07:50What you said is what I'm worried about.
07:53In my opinion,
07:54Xuân Thủ Tinh and Ngạc Thừng must be waiting to deal with the old ship in the middle of the road.
07:58Now that the ancestors have regained their power,
08:00let's bring the old ship to a secret place.
08:03That's right.
08:04This is a good idea.
08:06First, we can get rid of a worry.
08:08Second, the old ship can practice at ease.
08:13Don't worry, everyone.
08:15This old ship will definitely try to practice.
08:24The King's Avatar 2
08:40Long Tap!
08:44Are you okay?
08:46Dìm Dương, you are really a Bodhisattva.
08:49Xuân Anh is a ghost of the underworld.
08:51Even if you punish me,
08:52as long as I don't become a ghost of the underworld,
08:54the four realms won't look at me.
08:57I'm Dìm Dương.
08:58I'm Xuân Anh.
09:00I'm used to calling you.
09:01I have to call you Nghĩa Mẫu.
09:03Princess Long Tap,
09:05the underworld is not a place you can stay for a long time.
09:07You'd better go back.
09:09Then I'll go first.
09:10Nghĩa Mẫu, let's go.
09:13Princess Long Tap,
09:15you and Tôn Ánh can leave here.
09:17But Xuân Anh is a ghost of the underworld.
09:19Nghĩa Mẫu,
09:20take Ánh back to the underworld.
09:23Why do you have to punish my Nghĩa Mẫu?
09:26You saved my life.
09:27Saving a life is better than 7 lives.
09:29Princess Long Tap,
09:30although Xuân Anh saved your life,
09:32Ánh's karma is too severe.
09:34Ánh's death is not just 10,000.
09:37Xuân Anh has been ordered to stay in the underworld for eternity.
09:42For eternity?
09:44I said no means no.
09:45I must take you away.
09:47Why can't you do it?
09:48Long Tap, don't be like this.
09:50Don't be confused in the underworld.
09:52Tôn Ánh, you go first.
09:57Nghĩa Mẫu,
09:58although Tôn Ánh is a good person,
10:00but Tôn Ánh heard from Master that Phóng Hạ Độ Đao became a Buddha.
10:03Xuân Anh has complained.
10:05Don't let her live.
10:07This is the underworld.
10:09We work according to the rules of the underworld.
10:12Take Xuân Anh away.
10:14Tôn Ánh, why are you standing there?
10:16Because in the past, Master Tôn Ánh was the leader of the underworld.
10:19He was the one who ordered the death penalty.
10:20That's why there is no justice here.
10:22Even if you do a good deed, you can't be punished.
10:24That's right.
10:25In the past, Tôn Ngộ Không was the leader of the underworld.
10:28But now he has ordered the Buddha to stay in the underworld
10:31to protect the Thong Thien.
10:34You always call Tôn Ngộ Không as your master.
10:37But now you come to rob Xuân Anh and destroy the underworld.
10:41Or give a name Tôn Ngộ Không.
10:43Or a winning competition to teach Buddhism to a good name.
10:46Hey, hey!
10:47What are you doing with that?
10:49But this can't be done.
10:50I can't do anything about it.
10:51Even if I win or lose at Master's name, I can't be destroyed.
10:54But you said you would help me.
10:57Long Tham!
10:58Long Tham, Long Tham!
11:00Don't be extreme again.
11:02You only need to call Tam as Nghia Mou.
11:04Even if I live all my life in the underworld and don't survive,
11:07I'm also willing.
11:09But I don't want Nghia Mou to suffer.
11:11Listen to me, Nghia Mau. Don't be a fool. Come back.
11:16Nghia Mau.
11:18Let's go.
11:20Come back.
11:21Nghia Mau.
11:29I've read the sutra 9981 times.
11:32Lua Dong Tan, Lua Dong Tan, don't ever hurt people's feelings.
11:37You made such a great gift.
11:39Why did you say that I'm a fool?
11:41You said you wanted to eat and drink tea at the same time.
11:43I can smell the fragrance of the joss stick.
11:45Your joss stick is really fragrant, Nga.
11:52Thai Hoa, look.
11:54His mouth is twitching.
11:59Dong Tan, are you okay?
12:02I'm fine.
12:03The evil spirit in my eyes has disappeared.
12:05It has bothered the deities.
12:07It has cast a spell on me.
12:09How do you know that?
12:11Actually, that day, when everyone was chanting the sutra for me,
12:15I was sucked out by them.
12:17At that time, I felt that I was no longer strong.
12:21In such a daze,
12:23I seemed to hear that everyone was chanting the sutra.
12:26That's great.
12:28It's true that your blood has been purified.
12:30Thai Hoa, go and inform the others.
12:32Let them celebrate together.
12:36Get out of my way.
12:37You keep asking me to help you.
12:39How can you be a nobody?
12:41Every time you help me, you don't do it well.
12:44Where are you going?
12:45Oh my god, why did I come here again?
12:49What did you say?
12:52I said I was hungry again.
12:54Eat, eat, eat.
12:55You only know how to eat all day.
12:57Now you go to the underworld to save people with me.
12:59I'm not saving people.
13:01I'm saving ghosts.
13:02Who let you talk?
13:03You just need to talk for me.
13:05I can't ruin my master's reputation.
13:09This is a good thing.
13:10Did you hear that?
13:11People help the master like that.
13:13Respect the master.
13:14What about you?
13:17You are a fairy.
13:19You must be more than an animal.
13:20This can't be compared.
13:22Now I'm very busy.
13:24Dong Tan has just woken up.
13:25I have to take care of him.
13:33Don't be angry.
13:34Let me beg the master.
13:35Maybe you can help her.
13:36Your friendship with the ghost is very good.
13:39What if the friendship is good?
13:40Will the ghost be angry?
13:44Nothing to say?
13:46You are so useless.
13:49You are dead.
13:50You have committed a crime with Long Tam.
13:52This time you will suffer.
13:57What are you doing?
13:58Why are you looking at me like that?
13:59You just need to lift your tail up.
14:01I know what you are thinking.
14:03To be honest.
14:04Long Tam's face is cute.
14:07But she is sick.
14:09I ate her food and died in her hands.
14:11What can you do?
14:14Even if the Buddha is here today,
14:15I still have to talk.
14:18Do you like Long Tam?
14:22Trang Qua Lao.
14:23How is Dong Tan now?
14:27Dong Tan, how are you?
14:29It's hard for everyone.
14:33I'm fine now.
14:46Is Dong Tan awake?
14:48He is much better.
14:50That's great.
14:51The Buddha is here.
14:54Dong Tan, you are finally fine.
14:56I'm fine now.
14:58Bach Bo Dan.
14:59Have you forgotten what I told you?
15:03You have to be kind.
15:04Abandon the tradition.
15:06Don't be arrogant.
15:09Actually, Dong Tan just got better.
15:11He needs more time to recover.
15:14That's right.
15:15I'm tired now.
15:16My body is weak.
15:18Or I should go home and rest.
15:23Bach Bo Dan.
15:25Before the end of the world,
15:26there will be three more lives.
15:28It's all fake.
15:30Don't think too much.
15:34I don't think.
15:35I'm fine when I see you.
15:37I just want to take care of you.
15:42I was wrong about you.
15:44We are not meant to be together.
15:46I'm sorry.
15:54Go back.
15:56Go back to where you came from.
16:17I'm sorry.
16:35In my opinion,
16:36Dong Tan is the smartest.
16:40It's just a small thing.
16:42If you force it,
16:43it will disappear automatically.
16:46But you'd better be careful.
16:49Your masters are not stupid.
16:52They are not stupid.
16:55Dong Tan is too smart.
17:15Don't worry.
17:16I'm fine.
17:45Don't cry.
17:54No matter how big the stone is thrown into the water,
17:56only in the blink of an eye,
17:57the wave is almost gone.
17:59The surface of the water is calm again.
18:01The attack can pass.
18:05Another attack is coming.
18:08I don't think this is an attack.
18:10Smell it.
18:11Aren't the waves floating on the surface of the water beautiful?
18:14If it wasn't for the stone falling into the water,
18:16how could there be such beautiful waves?
18:19Everything is up to you.
18:21You can say whatever you want.
18:28I'm sorry.
18:29I'm sorry.
18:30I'm sorry.
18:31I'm sorry.
18:33Don't you understand?
18:35It's the same thing.
18:37Maybe it's a good thing.
18:38Maybe it's a bad thing.
18:39Just see what you think about it.
18:43So is it a good thing for me to suffer under the 18 levels of hell?
18:47Why do you think she's suffering?
18:49Why don't you think
18:51she's feeling pity for herself?
18:54she's really thinking about Long Tam.
18:56One day,
18:57you can call her mom.
18:59Call her mom?
19:02Yes, that's right.
19:03How can a princess like Long Tam
19:05bring a ghost to her mom?
19:08My life was taken by a thief.
19:11I have to call her mom.
19:25Actually, she didn't hear me.
19:29She didn't hear me.
19:45Some words have to be spoken with the mouth.
19:47Some things have to be felt with the heart.
19:49Some people will definitely hear.
19:55Are you giving me a nose?
20:29Long Tam princess! Long Tam princess, is that you?
20:35What's wrong? Not happy?
20:37Master, is my teaching making people hate me?
20:41No, you are the apple of my eye.
20:43You fought against Buddha, Thien Dai, Thanh Thuy, Lam Dong, Qua, and Son.
20:46How can you look down on yourself?
20:49Oh my god, get up.
20:51Long Tam is your old kingdom, you have to fight harder.
20:54Here, I teach you new magic tricks.
21:00Watch carefully.
21:02Now, I will show you new magic tricks.
21:16Hey, kid, kid.
21:18Why don't you catch me first?
21:23Hey, watch me.
21:25I will definitely beat you to wake up.
21:26Hey, watch me.
21:28Master, tell me.
21:30Why does Long Tam look down on me?
21:32Long Tam looks down on you?
21:34Then who does he look down on?
21:36He looks down on his son.
21:38That's too much.
21:40How can he not look down on his son?
21:43You can't blame him.
21:45His son is a prince.
21:47And you, you are just a monkey.
21:51So what?
21:53How dare you look down on our monkey?
21:54I will teach him a lesson today.
21:56Hey, hey.
22:00Hey, hey.
22:02Master has turned you into this.
22:04Now, you are a man.
22:06Long Tam will not look down on you anymore.
22:08No way.
22:10If he still doesn't like me, what should I do?
22:12Don't worry, I have a plan.
22:16How many times do you want me to tell you?
22:18I hate this monkey the most.
22:20You forced me to say it again and again.
22:22I can die.
22:24Buddha, Buddha, Buddha.
22:28It's not that I don't like you.
22:30There is one thing.
22:32There is one thing.
22:34I love that monkey.
22:36Love monkey?
22:38He is just a monkey.
22:40He is just a monkey.
22:44What did you say?
22:46Say it louder.
22:49It's not that I don't like you.
22:51It's not that I don't like you.
22:52It's not that I don't like you.
22:54Hey, what's wrong with the monkey?
22:56Is he humiliating you?
22:58No, no.
23:00Hey, hey, that's right.
23:02The monkey is cute, smart, and agile.
23:04Am I right?
23:08Long Duong, you haven't seen the human form of my disciple, have you?
23:10Wait a little longer.
23:12The monkey can learn 72 transformations.
23:14How do you want it to be?
23:16Tall, short, fat, thin, or small?
23:18Buddha, it's not that I don't like the monkey.
23:19It's not that I don't like the monkey.
23:21There is one thing.
23:23My daughter, Long Tam, she...
23:25Do you want to say that the princess is sick?
23:27Long Duong, you can take care of her.
23:29Hey, make a decision like that.
23:31You will be the assistant of my disciple later.
23:36No, Buddha, no.
23:38What's the matter?
23:40Buddha, they haven't sold sugar yet.
23:44Hey, you have to do this annoying thing.
23:49Buddha, of course.
23:51What should I do?
23:53I'm also a disciple of Long Duong.
23:55How can I use the monkey's skill?
23:57Let's talk about this later.
23:59Let's talk about this later.
24:01No, no.
24:03If you drag it out one more day, the monkey will be sad for one more day.
24:05Old Tung doesn't look happy.
24:07Old Tung is not happy.
24:09Hey, I'm not happy.
24:11I feel very uncomfortable.
24:13At that time, I want to find someone to fight.
24:15Buddha, Buddha.
24:17We will try our best.
24:19Don't forget to do it well.
24:21Now, Old Tung announces.
24:32My baby girl.
24:34I don't know when to blow the whistle.
24:36Buddha, why are you here?
24:40Ah, Hai Nhi knows.
24:42Certainly, that noble minister said bad things about Hai Nhi.
24:45So Buddha came here.
24:46Buddha, don't listen to those bad things.
24:48Hai Nhi misses you very much.
24:50What are you thinking?
24:52I don't know.
24:59You run around alone.
25:01Do you know how much I miss you?
25:03Buddha, don't worry.
25:05I'm not a child anymore.
25:07I can take care of myself.
25:11My Long Duong has grown up.
25:16Do you have loyalty?
25:20Hey, how can you laugh at me like that?
25:24If you have loyalty,
25:26it doesn't matter what kind of person you are.
25:28Don't ever be like Bach Mau Dong
25:30and fall in love with a fairy.
25:35These dishes are made by Master Bu.
25:41Go to Bach Tho Dao,
25:42Ha Hai.
25:44And more.
25:46Bach Hao Ham Huong.
25:48And one more.
25:50Is it in your kitchen?
25:52I haven't finished it yet.
25:54It's a vegetarian dish.
25:56Vegetarian dish?
26:00It has fried chicken skin.
26:04Vegetarian fish dumplings.
26:06Oh my God.
26:10It's been a long time.
26:12How are you?
26:14Do you know I'm here?
26:16Of course I know.
26:18Why do you know I'm here?
26:21I really don't know which one to choose.
26:24Why don't you know?
26:26How can I know which one is better?
26:28I haven't tried it yet.
26:30You're right.
26:32You haven't tried it yet.
26:34But I said...
26:36Or take both.
26:38Take both?
26:40But I only like one.
26:42Don't be too greedy.
26:44I still like the one that is better.
26:47Do you know which one is better?
26:50Of course.
26:52I know which one is the most special.
26:54I also think which one is the best.
26:56That's right.
27:01I don't like that one.
27:03You haven't tried it yet.
27:05How can you know?
27:07That's right.
27:09How can I try it?
27:10Of course you have to make it for him.
27:12How can you know if it's good or not?
27:14You're exaggerating.
27:16I'm telling you the best one.
27:18It's not food.
27:20This bag of incense is really good.
27:24How dare you smell it?
27:28It's good.
27:30Help me.
27:32I really like the best one.
27:34Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
27:36If you touch it, it's a sin.
27:37I'm tired of the incident of Lua Dong Tan.
27:40Now it's the incident of you and Han Tuong Tu.
27:42That's enough. Don't say anymore.
27:44I asked Mr. An to help me, not to teach me.
27:47It's impossible.
27:49Don't say anymore.
27:53Long Tam. You look so good.
27:55Who are you?
27:57I'm his servant, Tom Anh.
27:59Tom Anh?
28:01Why did you become like this?
28:03Han wants to fight with Han Tuong Tu.
28:08Tom Anh.
28:10Don't do stupid things because of me.
28:12I will never like you.
28:14Don't treat me like that.
28:18To avoid you from taking me,
28:20I will tell you clearly today.
28:22Long Tam will never like you.
28:24I just consider you as my servant.
28:26And tell your master not to bother my servant.
28:28Master is looking for a servant?
28:30They are like close friends.
28:32Because they like Han Tuong Tu, not you.
28:34Han also said that he doesn't like you.
28:37He doesn't like me?
28:39What nonsense are you talking about?
28:41Look at this.
28:43This is our love token.
28:45Stupid monkey.
28:47If you want to find a servant, go find your mother monkey.
28:56If you don't help me, don't eat anymore.
28:58Hey. Are you still touching me?
29:00Although Quynh's blood is over,
29:01but early in the evening every day,
29:03I and Trung Ly will give Quynh a business certificate
29:05so that Quynh will recover soon.
29:08So what bothers you?
29:10Quynh, don't be angry.
29:12Unless the devil teaches us is our duty,
29:14we will take good care of our wounds.
29:16According to this information,
29:18we must kill him
29:20to avenge Quynh's blood.
29:23Oh, yes.
29:25I heard that the old nation
29:27has been helped to reform.
29:28Quynh has helped us a lot.
29:30We haven't had a chance to kill Quynh yet.
29:32I think it's not too late
29:34to kill Quynh
29:36when Quynh is fully recovered.
29:38You bastard.
29:40I have something to ask Quynh.
29:42Quynh is...
29:44Quynh is Tôn Anh.
29:46I ask Quynh.
29:48Did Quynh say that a man is a coward?
29:50It's a waste of time to consider Quynh as a friend.
29:52Quynh said Quynh considered Long Tam as a friend
29:54but he lied to me to give the token to Quynh.
29:56Quynh misunderstood.
29:58She was sad because of Xuan Anh.
30:00So I gave her the token
30:02to cheer her up.
30:04Do you want to cheer her up
30:06or to win her heart?
30:08Of course, I want to cheer her up.
30:10How can a fairy have a feeling for a man and a woman?
30:13I'm a good example for Quynh.
30:17Don't lie to me.
30:19How can I lie to Quynh?
30:21I know Truong Tu's personality very well.
30:23Long Tam is just like Trinh Nuong.
30:25But in the end,
30:26she is still not Trinh Nuong.
30:28But now Long Tam doesn't care about me
30:31and calls me a stupid monkey.
30:35Now I will go to Long Tam
30:37to tell her clearly.
30:39Hey, wait.
30:41Love is not something
30:43that can be said clearly.
30:45If Quynh goes to Long Tam now,
30:47she will think that
30:49Tôn Anh forced Quynh to say that.
30:52Quynh, don't think too much.
30:54Truong Tu will not take the oath
30:56to violate the heaven's law
30:58to take Long Tam from Quynh.
31:00Can I advise Quynh?
31:21Long Tam
31:31These days, I keep thinking
31:34Quynh is not a puppet
31:36that can't fight against Buddha.
31:38Logically speaking,
31:40Long Tam should respect Quynh.
31:44That's good.
31:46She always calls me a stupid monkey.
31:48Now I have changed
31:50It's true that Quynh is not a stupid monkey
31:52like Tôn Tu.
31:54But Quynh's belly is kind.
31:56Logically speaking,
31:58Long Tam should like Quynh.
32:04maybe Long Tam knows that.
32:08It doesn't make sense.
32:10Buddha doesn't make sense
32:12to talk about this with Long Duong.
32:14What is it?
32:16Nothing, nothing.
32:17Don't worry.
32:19Let me think of another way for Quynh.
32:21Look, Quynh.
32:23This big lake is so beautiful.
32:25There must be something.
32:27Don't lie to me.
32:29Even Quynh thinks I'm a stupid monkey.
32:31Let me know what I did wrong.
32:33Quynh told me I can fix it.
32:35Everything is good for Quynh.
32:37Nothing is bad.
32:39It's just a pity that
32:41Quynh's birth situation is not good.
32:43It doesn't make sense.
32:44I'm Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu.
32:48Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu?
32:50What did you say?
32:52Maybe I'm
32:56What am I?
32:58Tell me. What am I?
33:00Let me tell you.
33:02Actually, I'm not Tô Ngộ Không's shadow.
33:04I'm just the shadow of Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu.
33:06Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu?
33:08In the past, when Tô Ngộ Không
33:10went to Tây Thiên Thịnh Kinh
33:11he met Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu,
33:13a fake Tô Ngộ Không.
33:15No way.
33:17I look like my master.
33:19Why am I not his shadow?
33:21Because you look like your master,
33:23Lục Vĩ Dĩ Hậu took your master's name
33:25and spread it all over the place
33:27causing a lot of trouble.
33:29In the end, you had to help him.
33:31Your master was so angry
33:33that he broke down.
33:37Tell me.
33:39Tell me.
33:42Are you scared?
33:44Have you tried to master
33:46my martial arts?
33:48Let me show you the martial arts.
33:51Try this.
33:58What are you doing?
34:00I'm not your master.
34:02You are a liar.
34:04You killed my father.
34:06How do you know that?
34:08I want to revenge.
34:19If you don't stop now,
34:20I'll let you hit me!
34:27Why did you lie to me?
34:29Actually, I'm not your shadow.
34:32I'm just a shadow of the Queen.
34:35Do you think
34:36the one who killed your father
34:37is your master?
34:39You're a shadow!
34:40Get out of my way!
34:42It's a waste of time for you
34:43to keep blaming Long Tam.
34:45I let her curse you
34:48but I didn't help her to save Xuan Anh.
34:51You're a shadow!
34:52Your true identity is Lục Nghĩ Di Hầu.
34:54That's right!
34:55It's the old man who killed him.
34:58In the past, Lục Nghĩ Di Hầu
34:59was famous for causing trouble all over the world.
35:00After that,
35:01thanks to the Buddha and Lai Tuong Tra,
35:03it was very difficult to catch him.
35:06If you had caught him,
35:07why did you beat him to death?
35:09Oh my God!
35:10At that time, the old man was just like you.
35:12He was angry
35:13and lost his mind.
35:14You want to blame the old man.
35:16The old man has nothing to say.
35:17The only thing I can do
35:18is to make up for you.
35:20Don't pretend anymore.
35:22You deliberately hide your true identity
35:24because you're afraid I'll find you to avenge.
35:26The old man didn't say clearly your true identity
35:28because he didn't want you to be in the same class as Lục Nghĩ Di Hầu.
35:30Don't you think it's funny?
35:33Now you know your true identity.
35:35Don't you think it's funny?
35:37The old man wanted to take off your bandage.
35:39Why did you refuse him?
35:41In short, you shouldn't have lied to me.
35:43I don't like you anymore.
35:44If she knew I was the shadow of Ma Hầu,
35:46she would despise me more.
35:49That's why she always called me stupid and stupid.
35:52I'm really stupid and stupid.
35:53I thought I was the shadow of Tôn Ngũ Không.
35:55It doesn't matter who you are.
35:57You just need to agree
35:58that you are still a disciple of this old man.
36:00Later, if Tôn Anh knows that 72 sides have changed,
36:03at that time, who dares to laugh, who dares to despise?
36:06Shame on you.
36:07You really don't know shame.
36:09In fact, you are the shadow of Ma Hầu, Lục Nghĩ Di Hầu.
36:11Long Tam, listen to me.
36:13I'm still a disciple of Tôn Ngũ Không.
36:15Stop it, you stupid monkey.
36:17Tôn Ngũ Không doesn't accept you as a disciple
36:19because he wants to look down on you.
36:20He's afraid you'll do something bad.
36:21Hey, princess.
36:22You're still talking nonsense.
36:23I'll replace Long Duong to teach you.
36:25Who's talking nonsense?
36:27You come to Long Cùm to help Duong.
36:28You teach this stupid monkey.
36:30You don't know shame when you're young.
36:31You don't know pride when you're old.
36:33Have you been looking for Long Duong?
36:37Long Duong...
36:38Long Tam, Tam Tinh Nguyen.
36:39Don't listen to Long Tam's nonsense.
36:41I must return to Long Cùm to tell Phụ Duong
36:43that I'm the shadow of Ma Hầu.
36:44Phụ Duong won't be deceived by you anymore.
36:46You stupid monkey.
36:47I warn you not to look for Phụ Duong anymore.
36:51I'm done. Do you want to do that?
36:53Stop it. I...
36:58Long Tam, listen to me.
37:00Long Tam.
37:01I don't want to. I don't want to listen.
37:03From now on,
37:04I don't want you to be my servant anymore.
37:06I don't want Ma Hầu to be my servant.
37:07Please don't bother me.
37:12It's you.
37:13You hurt me.
37:14I hate you.
37:18I'm not the shadow of Ma Hầu.
37:21I'm not Ma Hầu.
37:22I'm strong.
37:23I'm strong.
37:25Maybe he doesn't think clearly.
37:29I just have that thing
37:30so he can catch me.
37:35You make me angry.
37:38Hey, where are you going?
38:12The King's Avatar 2
38:31How dare you disobey the master's order?
38:35It's none of your business.
38:37We will talk to the master.
38:45I don't believe he dares to betray you
38:47and approach the manual.
38:49The master has said
38:51that the manual will be mine sooner or later.
38:53I don't need you to teach me
38:55what I want.
38:56You clearly don't bring any consequences.
38:58If they find out,
39:00your plan will be ruined, right?
39:02I've never thought of that.
39:04If I dare to do it,
39:05I will bear the consequences.
39:06You don't need to worry.
39:07Even the master can't stop you, right?
39:09I'm loyal to the master.
39:13If you're loyal,
39:15you shouldn't take such a big risk
39:17because of your cowardice.
39:19Xuan Son Giap,
39:20I don't have the courage to fall in love with you.
39:24What are you talking about?
39:27If one day,
39:28you betray the master,
39:31If one day,
39:32you betray the master,
39:34what will you do?
39:36Now you're talking about the manual.
39:38If you don't have feelings for her,
39:40why did you go to her last night?
39:44No matter how I treat the manual,
39:45it's my business.
39:46It doesn't hurt my loyalty to the master.
39:49On the contrary,
39:50your feelings for Ha Tien Co
39:51will affect the master's reputation.
39:53Don't drag other people into this.
39:56Now you've made a mistake.
39:58Last night, you said
40:00no one can control you
40:02because of your cowardice.
40:05Stop arguing.
40:07You're both my right-hand men.
40:09Why do you argue all the time?
40:13Whoever is loyal to me,
40:15I know it in my heart.
40:19As long as you two do this for me,
40:21whoever can do it first,
40:23the throne will belong to that person.
40:26Mr. Dong Tan,
40:27I want you to kill Bach Bo Dan.
40:29Xuyen Xuan Giap,
40:31I want you to bring Ha Tien Co's head here.
40:35I don't want these two women
40:36to see their faces again tomorrow.
40:43You're so mean.
40:45You heard it first.
40:47What do you want to fight me for?
40:50You're just a mistress.
40:52Mr. Dong Tan,
40:53don't be so hasty.
40:59Are you regretting it now?
41:02If you knew you had to kill Ha Tien Co,
41:05you would have taken her head last time.
41:08I'm not like you.
41:10What I need is her heart,
41:12not her body.
41:13What's the point of taking a woman's heart?
41:15A woman is just a mistress.
41:17She can throw it away
41:19at any time.
41:23I didn't know
41:25you could be so cruel.
41:27You ran away with fire
41:29because you wanted revenge
41:30against me in front of the master.
41:33This is called hitting a man on the back.
41:35Do you understand?
41:41Do you need me to kill Ha Tien Co for you?
41:45If you don't kill Ha Tien Co,
41:47the master's right to save the world
41:49will belong to me.
41:51Do you understand?