Dangermouse to the Rescue (1987 UK VHS)

  • le mois dernier
01:00Le plus fort, le plus rapide, le meilleur !
01:04Danger Mouse !
01:07Danger Mouse !
01:10Danger Mouse !
01:24Ici, au cœur de cette grande ville,
01:26comme d'habitude, à l'office de l'Entreprise Internationale d'Oeufs.
01:29D'accord, alors, cher Baron von Greenbach,
01:32en réponse à votre enquête concernant le taux de croissance du poulet domestique...
01:36Le poulet, bien sûr.
01:38Pour que le poulet soit aussi élevé que vous le suggérez,
01:41il faudrait qu'il vienne d'un oeuf géant.
01:43Mais, pour acquérir un oeuf géant, vous auriez besoin d'un oeuf géant.
01:50Malheureusement, comme prévu,
01:53cet oeuf géant devrait venir d'un oeuf géant.
01:57Mais, les oeufs géants doivent venir d'oeufs géants.
02:01Etc., etc., etc.
02:04Comme vous le savez, tous nos oeufs viennent d'un...
02:07Oh, un hyène !
02:08Non, plus qu'un hyène, Mme Boutouk.
02:11Non, un hyène géant, monsieur !
02:13Ah ! Un hyène géant !
02:17En même temps, dans sa chambre secrète à Baker Street,
02:20le plus grand détective du monde mange son déjeuner.
02:23Cet oeuf est un peu sur le côté dur, Penfoe.
02:25Eh bien, peut-être que sa mère était un bricolageur.
02:28Chunk, je peux vous en faire un autre ?
02:31Pas de temps.
02:32C'est le signal d'alarme.
02:33Scramble, scramble, scramble.
02:35Scramble, scramble, scramble.
02:36C'était à boire, Penfoe.
02:40Ah, déjà.
02:41Des problèmes, monsieur ?
02:42Des gros problèmes, D.M.
02:44Oui, il y a eu une fête.
02:45Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, monsieur ?
02:46Un nouveau miracle.
02:47Ça fait grandir.
02:48Un étudiant étranger est allé à la conférence et pouf.
02:51Pouf, monsieur ?
02:52Oui, Penfoe, pouf.
02:53On a un enregistrement d'un de ces gens de la télé,
02:56avec un bouton confondu.
02:58Il n'y a pas de soucis, monsieur.
03:00Bordel !
03:01Ah, c'est ça.
03:04Ah, c'est ça, l'étudiant.
03:06Professeur Skvorken-Clock ou quelque chose comme ça.
03:09Et ici, on a un déjeuner.
03:11Des petits déjeuners.
03:13Ah ah !
03:14Ah ah !
03:15Very nice,
03:16with the sprouts and seeds,
03:18but it's too small.
03:20Mother, father, I've got a kinder
03:22and a kinder pussycat.
03:24Ah !
03:25It's all good.
03:26But I, Heinrich von Skvorken-Clock,
03:28have the answer.
03:30Bigger chickens.
03:31Chickens 500 foot tall.
03:34Then, how many are there ?
03:36100 000 !
03:38Crikey !
03:39And here is my secret.
03:41My fantastic super-duper serum.
03:44All there is in the hole is there.
03:47And now, what's this ?
03:48Two drops of the serum on...
03:50Ah !
03:51And that's the last anyone saw of the serum,
03:54Hmm, that's interesting.
03:56I think I know what happened.
03:58You do ?
04:00Just run the last few moments back slowly.
04:02Ah ah !
04:03Now, just watch this.
04:05By Jove !
04:07Cool !
04:08Then behind it all is...
04:10My old enemy, Baron Greenback.
04:13Oh, heck !
04:14And that unscrupulous villain...
04:16Has Heinrich von Skvorken-Clock's
04:18fantastic super-duper growth serum.
04:21Yes !
04:22The rotten watsit !
04:23Don't worry, sir.
04:24We'll get it back,
04:25or my name isn't Danger Mouse.
04:27Uh, isn't it ?
04:28Of course it is, Penfold.
04:30Come on !
04:32Looks like danger, Penfold.
04:34You look that way, and I'll look this.
04:40I wonder where they were running from.
04:43What's this ?
04:45Oh, Mum !
04:47Help, sir !
04:52Good grief !
04:53I thought I'd never see you again.
04:55I'm sorry, sir.
04:56I'm sorry, too.
04:57I'm sorry.
04:58I'm sorry.
04:59I'm sorry.
05:00Good grief !
05:01A Skvorken-Clocking super-duper chicken !
05:09Cock-a-doodle-doo !
05:13Cock-a-doodle-doo !
05:22Come on !
05:27Look out !
05:28Hold tight !
05:29This calls for some fancy driving !
05:40Penfold, we've got a problem.
05:42What's that, sir ?
05:43Where can we get a rasher of bacon five yards long ?
05:52What kind of a chicken is it, do you think ?
05:54Has it got two wires sticking out of its head ?
05:56Uh, no.
05:57Well, it's not a battery chicken, then.
05:59This should fix it !
06:02Crikey, sir !
06:03Chickens aren't supposed to be able to swim !
06:05Tell it, Penfold !
06:06Perhaps it doesn't know !
06:08What's that ?
06:09The engine's knocking.
06:10Why ?
06:11Does it want to come in ?
06:12Very funny, Penfold.
06:14Shush !
06:27Oh !
06:28It's another of them !
06:31Yes !
06:32It looks like Greenback's got us trapped !
06:34Oh, bad show, dear !
06:36Eh ?
06:37Dolly, bad show !
06:38Chaps a stinker !
06:39Do you mean you're not one of Greenback's villains ?
06:41Absolutely !
06:43Fellas abounder !
06:44My name's Pigeon !
06:45Flying Officer Buggles Pigeon !
06:47One of Colonel K's chaps, actually !
06:49Oh !
06:50Oh !
06:51Oh !
06:52Oh !
06:53Oh !
06:54Oh !
06:55Oh !
06:56One of Colonel K's chaps, actually !
06:58Crikey, I thought we'd had it !
07:00Great, Buggles !
07:01Any news ?
07:02Brother !
07:03I was zooming in with a message when I spotted the foul play !
07:06Oh !
07:07Yes, the Colonel's got a lead on the beastly Baron !
07:10Thinks his ex goes at a chicken farm in Kent !
07:12I see, and ?
07:13And that's the target for tonight !
07:15Good show, what ?
07:16What ?
07:17What ?
07:18You said what ?
07:19No, you said what ?
07:20Because you said what ?
07:21Hm ?
07:22Jolly confusing, what ?
07:23What ?
07:24Oh !
07:25What's that down there ?
07:26Oh, bang on, D.M. !
07:28That's the Baron's headquarters !
07:30Bandits, at five o'clock !
07:32Tally, bally, ho !
07:36Oh !
07:37Oh !
07:38Oh !
07:39Oh !
07:40Oh !
07:41Oh !
07:42Sorry, chap !
07:44Anyway, it's the long wooden shadow bean !
07:48Good hunting, D.M. !
07:51Oh !
08:22Oh !
08:23Oh !
08:24Oh !
08:25Oh !
08:26Oh !
08:27Oh !
08:28Oh !
08:29Oh !
08:30Oh !
08:31Oh !
08:32Oh !
08:33Oh !
08:34Oh !
08:35Oh !
08:36Oh !
08:37Oh !
08:38Oh !
08:39Oh !
08:40Oh !
08:41Oh !
08:42Oh !
08:43Oh !
08:44Oh !
08:45Oh !
08:46Oh !
08:47Oh !
08:48Oh !
08:49Oh !
08:50Oh !
08:51Oh !
08:52Oh !
08:53Oh !
08:54Oh !
08:55Oh !
08:56Oh !
08:57Oh !
08:58Oh !
08:59Oh !
09:00Oh !
09:01Oh !
09:02Oh !
09:03Oh !
09:04Oh !
09:05Oh !
09:06Oh !
09:07Oh !
09:08Oh !
09:09Oh !
09:10Oh !
09:11Oh !
09:12Oh !
09:13Oh !
09:14Oh !
09:15Oh !
09:16Oh !
09:17Oh !
09:18Oh !
09:20Oh !
09:45Oh !
09:46Tu vas t'arrêter !
09:48N'essaie pas de t'apparaitre comme un oiseau Penfold !
09:55Je ne pense pas qu'ils connaissent les règles du combat Penfold !
09:57Je les mènerai !
09:58Tu fais un boulot pour ça !
09:59Oui sir !
10:01Pas ce genre de boulot Penfold !
10:04Bien !
10:05Réussi !
10:06C'est la série de développement du professeur !
10:08Je dis Penfold !
10:09Penfold !
10:12Mon !
10:13Penfold comment tu grosses !
10:15Et j'ai un peu de main ici !
10:18Penfold !
10:19Tu es un héros national !
10:21Oh ! Merci !
10:23Ma mère se demandait toujours ce que je serais quand j'aurai grandi !
10:25Oui je le suis !
10:27Je suis un héros national !
10:29Je suis un héros national !
10:31Je suis un héros national !
10:33Je suis un héros national !
10:35Je suis un héros national !
10:38Bien !
10:39Comment ça va Penfold ?
10:40C'est la même chose monsieur !
10:41En tout cas !
10:42Le professeur semble croire que l'eau peut s'échapper dans la pluie !
10:45Quoi ?
10:46Un genre d'effet de diminution !
10:47Mais il ne pleut pas !
10:48C'est sur Penfold monsieur !
10:53Londres, Angleterre !
10:55Et un soir, Big Ben tire 25 à 3 !
10:58Le cri des newsboys est entendu dans ces rues historiques !
11:02Avec la nouvelle que Greenback a kidnappé Penfold !
11:05Pendant ce temps, dans sa boîte de 5 étages détachée à Mayfair
11:09Le plus grand agent secret du monde !
11:11Il se demande si c'est le dernier poste pour Penfold !
11:15Il passe à pied et à poil !
11:17A pied et à poil !
11:18A pied et à poil !
11:20Oh ! Merci pour ça !
11:22K appelle DM !
11:24Viens DM !
11:25Je suis là Colonel !
11:26Est-ce qu'il y a des nouvelles ?
11:27C'est Greenback !
11:28Non monsieur ! C'est vous !
11:29Je veux dire, c'est Greenback sur le téléphone vidéo !
11:32Il veut vous parler !
11:35C'est un vilain !
11:38Ah ! Danger Mouse !
11:40C'est Penfold !
11:42Non Baron ! C'est vous !
11:43Je veux dire, j'ai Penfold !
11:46Tu es un fiend !
11:48Oh ! Il est assez sûr je te jure !
11:51Voyez !
11:53Penfold ! Est-ce que tu vas bien ?
11:55Je suis bien traité !
11:57Bien ! Bien !
12:00Le froc dans ma cellule est très beau !
12:03J'ai faim de toute façon et...
12:06Et les bétales ?
12:08Oh oui ! Et les bétales sont très amicables !
12:12Voyez ! Il l'aime !
12:16Tu es un diable !
12:17Qu'est-ce que tu veux de moi ?
12:19Seulement ton aide mon ami !
12:22C'est un ancien enchant pour créer un monstre invincible !
12:29J'aimerais tellement essayer la recette !
12:32Mais malgré tout, les ingrédients sont un peu difficiles à trouver !
12:36Et je t'arrêterai jamais d'en acheter !
12:39Oh non, tu ne l'auras pas !
12:40Oh oui, je l'aurai !
12:42Oh non, tu ne l'auras pas !
12:43Oh oui, je l'aurai !
12:45Oh non, tu ne l'auras pas !
12:46Oh non, je ne l'aurai pas !
12:49Je savais que tu voulais m'aider !
12:51Maintenant, j'ai besoin de...
12:53Quatre cheveux d'un Yeti !
12:55Un twig d'une brume de vache !
12:59Un morceau de monstre de fogue de l'ancienne ville de Londres !
13:03Et deux fesses d'un vacheur de vampire !
13:07Prends-les !
13:08Et pince-les !
13:10Faille !
13:12Capow !
13:15Tu es un imbécile sans règle !
13:17Très bien !
13:22Et ainsi, un dangereux se déplace vers les Himalayas
13:26pour prendre quatre cheveux d'un Yeti.
13:30Oh !
13:31Un capow de vache !
13:33Prends-les !
13:34Prends-les !
13:35Oh !
13:36Oh !
13:37Oh !
13:38Oh !
13:39Oh !
13:40Oh !
13:41Oh !
13:42Oh !
13:43Oh !
13:44Oh !
13:45Oh !
13:46Oh !
13:47Oh !
13:48Oh !
13:49Oh !
13:50Oh !
13:51Oh !
13:52Oh !
13:53Oh !
13:54Oh !
13:56Ah !
13:58Joli, il fait tout moqueur ici.
14:00Comment je vais sortir d'ici ?
14:16Oh, non...
14:25Hum, tous les jours, de toutes façons, je me dis que je suis plus chouette, plus chouette.
14:37Ouf, c'est fini. 40 cheveux d'un Yéti.
14:43Maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'autre?
14:45Bien, une pièce de monstre de fog de la ville d'ancienne Londres.
14:51Londres, et près des rues de fog légendaire de Whitechapel,
14:56Dendromeuse Mouses, euh, désolé, Dendromeuse Muses.
15:02Le Whitechapel Fog Bank, l'hôte légendaire du monstre de fog légendaire.
15:08Mais comment trouver-t-il dans cette masse de...
15:11Oh, je vous en prie, bonne chance.
15:14Le monstre de fog légendaire de la ville d'ancienne Londres.
15:17Je me demande si vous pourriez...
15:20Oh, je vous en prie, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît.
15:25Maintenant, vous m'avez fait mal.
15:29Maintenant, où est le... monstre?
15:34D'accord, d'accord, c'est bon.
15:37Quand je vous rencontre, je... je...
15:40Qu'est-ce que c'est?
15:44C'est drôle. J'ai une sorte de sentiment.
15:49Ah, ça doit être Colonel K.
15:55Oh, mon...
16:07Oh, mon...
16:09Oh, mon dieu!
16:11Oh, mon dieu!
16:20J'ai besoin de mettre ma tête dans un sac de...
16:22Oh, putain!
16:24J'ai dit, oh!
16:28Ah! Quelle chance!
16:31Hum! Hum! Hum!
16:44Now! Now look!
16:48Now look! I'll swap you!
16:50What do you fancy?
16:52Power, riches, fast cars?
16:59Du chocolat ? Essaye ça, je ne suis jamais sans.
17:07Qu'en est-il de 2 barres par jour pour toujours ?
17:14Donc c'est 2 sur 4, Colonel.
17:16A la moitié de la liberté de Penfold. Je vais maintenant...
17:19Attendez un instant, vieux garçon.
17:21Le PM est sorti.
17:22Sir ?
17:23Une autre mission est arrivée.
17:25Seulement vous êtes fort.
17:26Les ventes commencent demain.
17:28Les ventes ?
17:30Désolé, Colonel. J'ai pensé que vous aviez dit les ventes.
17:35Je n'ai pas envoyé un DM.
17:37Et Mme PM veut un réfrigérateur.
17:40Un réfrigérateur ?
17:42Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de Penfold ?
17:44Oh, les crânes !
17:46Eh bien, il a toujours voulu en acheter plus.
17:49Pas de chance, Colonel.
17:50Dites à Mme PM d'appeler Superman.
17:53Demain, c'est son demi-jour.
17:55Très intelligent, mon ami mouche.
17:58Très intelligent.
18:00Maintenant, sortez et trouvez à Oncle Greenback...
18:03...deux jolies fesses...
18:05...d'un chien de vampire.
18:10Un chien de vampire ?
18:14Un chien de vampire ?
18:17Comment peux-je obtenir deux fesses...
18:19...de quelque chose qui n'existe même pas ?
18:22Un chien de vampire.
18:25D'accord, d'accord.
18:26Qui a appelé si fort ?
18:29Bien joué, Green.
18:32Je pensais que vous étiez un monsieur.
18:34Monsieur ? Je ne suis pas même un monsieur.
18:36Je suis un chien.
18:38Un chien ?
18:39Oui, oui, un chien.
18:40Un chien d-d-d-d-daculaire.
18:45À votre service.
18:46Maintenant, mon mouche monoculaire...
18:49...qu'est-ce que vous cherchez ?
18:51Eh bien...
18:53En fait...
18:55...un couple de vos fesses.
18:58Fesses ?
18:59Deux fesses ?
19:01Deux de mes fesses ?
19:03Mais comptez, c'est important.
19:06Mon ami va mourir si je ne les reçois pas.
19:08Demandez-moi tout en exchange.
19:10Tout ce que vous voulez vraiment.
19:12Tout ?
19:15Pouvez-vous me mettre sur la télévision ?
19:17Sur la télévision ?
19:19En faisant quoi ?
19:20En faisant tout.
19:22En faisant de la magie.
19:24Et alors ?
19:26De la magie.
19:27Eh bien, je ne sais pas...
19:29Vous serez étonnés.
19:31Je produirai...
19:33...pas d'abracadabra...
19:35...mais d'abracadabra.
19:44Vous voyez ?
19:45Il y en a encore...
19:47...beaucoup plus.
19:49Venez me couper en deux, mon ami.
19:51Je vous ai coupé en deux.
19:53Allez !
19:55Eh bien, si vous le dites.
20:02C'est ce que vous voulez ?
20:05Pas totalement.
20:08...ça ne m'intéresse pas.
20:09Oubliez ces trucs.
20:11J'ai encore plus à faire.
20:14...Docula, l'acteur...
20:16...joue maintenant...
20:23Hélas, pauvre Yorick.
20:25Je le connaissais bien.
20:27Horatio, n'était-ce pas brillant ?
20:29N'était-ce pas brillant ?
20:31Applaudissez, imbécile.
20:36Cisse, go, avance.
20:38Je suis le star.
20:39Donc laissez la scène.
20:43Je ne sais pas comment dire ça, mais...
20:45...je ne pense pas que la télévision soit prête pour vous.
20:49Alors je ne suis pas prêt pour vous donner mes fesses.
20:54Au revoir.
20:55C'est comme ça, c'est ça ?
20:56C'est ça.
20:57D'accord, Mr. Showbiz.
20:59Ça va vous mettre entre les étoiles.
21:06Et harmonica.
21:09Wake world.
21:10Vous n'avez rien entendu.
21:20Ah ah.
21:22Aïe, aïe, aïe.
21:25Vous, pauvres.
21:26Vous êtes...
21:29J'aurai votre sang.
21:30Oh non, vous ne l'aurez pas.
21:31Ah ?
21:32Et pourquoi pas ?
21:33Parce que mon ami vampire...
21:35...voici le soleil.
21:37Ah, le soleil.
21:45Et maintenant, Greenback a une dernière tâche impossible pour le mouce mérité.
21:51To produce a twig from a witch's broom.
21:55So it is, dear viewer, that we find ou hero gazing upon a cottage where, local legend has it, lives a witch.
22:05And if you believe that, you'll believe anything.
22:10Hello? Anyone at home? Anyone at home? I say, yoo-hoo!
22:27Dear Miltman, I've gone on holiday. Don't leave any milk. Tar. Witchy.
22:33Well, if she's gone on holiday, I'll just find the broom and be off.
22:38That's funny. Now, where's that broom?
22:44Ah, got it. Eh? Could have sworn that moved.
22:49Ah, well, never mind that. What the...
22:52Right. Play games with me, would you?
22:56Come on, get a hold of you...
23:02This calls for subtlety.
23:08Ha, got you!
23:19Hmm, now where's he gone?
23:24Got you!
23:42Ah-ha! Now, this won't hurt.
23:47Oh, ow!
23:50Got you, you little devil.
24:04All right, all right, all right.
24:08Hold it right there.
24:14Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
24:20Ha, ha!
24:27Well, that should fix you.
24:37Sorry, Penfold. I can't...
24:44Oh, not the Penfold with an auntie in Abergavenny.
24:48Eh? Eh? Well, I think he does have a Welsh auntie, yes.
24:53Not the Penfold whose land of our fathers brings tears to your eyes?
24:58Always makes me cry.
24:59Oh, dear. Why ever didn't you say so?
25:03Oh, known his family ever since they were Penman-mowers.
25:07Here, boyo, Coppold.
25:10What's going on, then? Is Penfold in danger?
25:13He's kidnapped by Baron Greenback.
25:16He's found an ancient spell to create a monster.
25:19And he's kidnapped our friend.
25:21So I'll have to get him the ingredients.
25:23Ah, very well. He's on it, see?
25:26Take over the world.
25:27Ha! Kidnap my great-aunt's second cousin, Woody.
25:30I'll sort him out.
25:32But how?
25:33Oh, well, now you listen to me, boyo.
25:36See, what we'll do is this.
25:40Hi! Hi! Hi!
25:42Soon I, I, the terrible Toad, will rule the world.
25:48Oh, no, you won't, boyo.
25:50Because Danger Mouse won't let you.
25:52So there.
25:53Danger Mouse?
25:55You think I fear that wretched rodent?
25:58Hey, Varore, here is the Danger Mouse.
26:02What? Quickly.
26:05Don't, don't do anything silly, Danger Mouse.
26:08Or Penfold drops in for lunch.
26:11The letter, the ropes.
26:14Get the bear.
26:16Ah, si, Barone.
26:19And now to the magic ingredients.
26:24But they don't work.
26:26Oh, but they do, Mr. Greenback Bark, when you actually have them.
26:32Ce n'est pas Danger Mouse.
26:34C'est le monstre.
26:35Ah, non.
26:37Pen, Penfold, tu es mort.
26:45Bonjour, Penfold.
26:46Bonjour, chef.
26:47Regarde ça.
26:53Ah, non, toi, rotten rascal reptile.
26:57Ah, non, you rotten rascally reptile, for you.
27:04Steady, steady on, Penfold.
27:06We are pretty.
27:07Oh, sorry, chief.
27:08It's just so good to see you.
27:11Here we are, boyos.
27:13Gift-wrapped villains.
27:15Now, what do we do with them?
27:17Aye, well, I've been thinking about that.
27:20Thought they might fancy a little cruise.
27:23A cruise?
27:24Yes, yes.
27:26Oh, just for the milky way and back.
27:29Couldn't take them more than a, well, a couple of thousand years.
27:35But how do we get them there?
27:37With me, boyo, with me.
27:39I'm not going back to be in a broom.
27:42I am going to be a spaceship.
27:46And so the world is saved.
27:49Penfold is rescued and Greenback is banished forever.
27:52Well, maybe not quite forever.
27:55But there is another triumph for the world's greatest secret agent, Danger Mouse.
28:08Across the vast oily waters of the ocean, a lone ship plows west through the China Seas,
28:13a secret cargo beneath its battened hatches.
28:18Hello, China Seas 2478, secret cargo ship here.
28:23A ghost?
28:25What's all this, Mr. May?
28:27Oh, I'm sorry, sir, but Bates has just signalled us to look out for a ghost bus, sir.
28:33A ghost bus?
28:35A ghost bus?
28:37Harder port?
28:38Harder port it is, sir. Harder port.
28:40Oh, crikey, sir, another one.
28:42Harder starboard. I've given the folks all hands on knees.
28:46Women and children first.
28:48And anyone wearing a captain's hat.
28:52And so the secret ship rammed by a ghost bus plunges to the bottom,
28:55somewhere in the vast oily waters of the China Seas.
28:58Meanwhile, half a world away in far-off Tibet,
29:00and the white hell that rages around the icy peaks of Mount Everest,
29:03the world's greatest detective and his faithful companion Penfold
29:07stand atop this lofty finger of the Himalayas.
29:13Nice view.
29:14Hello, Everest 3764.
29:17Oh, Colonel Kay, sir. Right, sir.
29:19It's for you, Danger Mouse.
29:21Morning, sir. Right, sir.
29:24Come on, Penfold.
29:38Right, Penfold. Yes, sir.
29:40Right, Penfold. Get Colonel Kay.
29:43Danger Mouse here, sir.
29:45Oh, there you are.
29:46Now, listen, Danger Mouse. Do you believe in ghosts?
29:49Well, hardly, sir.
29:50Eh? What?
29:51Good chap. Well, if this was well.
29:53You see, nine of our ships carrying top-secret cargoes
29:56have reported seeing ghost buses.
29:59And by the time the rescue chappies have got there,
30:01no bus, no ship.
30:03Any leads, sir?
30:04Just one, dear. Look at this.
30:07Each ship gave a direction the bus came from.
30:09We gave that information to our map people
30:11who, using the most sophisticated computerized equipment,
30:14have come up with two sources.
30:16One is a small island in the Indian Ocean
30:18and the second is just behind the bandstand in Hyde Park.
30:21I have a team already checking that one out,
30:23so you check the island.
30:24We're on our way, sir.
30:26Will Danger Mouse,
30:27summoned from the top of Everest by Colonel Kay,
30:29head of world security,
30:30to solve the mystery of the disappearing ship
30:32sunk by ghostly buses in the vast oily waters
30:34of the China Seas?
30:35Find the answer on the island in the Indian Ocean
30:37or does the solution lie behind the bandstand in Hyde Park?
30:44Looks creepy, doesn't it?
30:47Ah, near old visitors.
30:53Yes, my little pet.
30:55We must show them that no one enters
30:57the lair of Baron Greenback
31:00and escapes alive.
31:03Yes, my little pet.
31:04The welcome party, is it ready?
31:07Yes, my little pet.
31:08Then let the festivities begin.
31:17Let's take a closer look, Penfold.
31:19Oh, hey, Danger Mouse, look.
31:22What the...
31:23Oh, just Penguin's Danger Mouse.
31:25Wrong, Penfold.
31:26Mechanical Vampire Penguin.
31:29We need to distract their attention.
31:31Yes, right.
31:32Wait a minute.
31:33What do penguins eat?
31:36But these are mechanical penguins.
31:39Then throw them a tin of sardines.
31:40Oh, brilliant.
31:41Right, hold tight, Penfold.
31:48The answer's obviously in that island.
31:50Yes, well, I'm really not all that curious.
31:52We're going in.
31:55I'll stay here and look after the car.
31:57Oh, you won't.
31:58The car can look after itself.
32:01Come on.
32:09I think we'll have some fun
32:11with Mr. Danger Mouse.
32:13Hey, Stiletto.
32:15Hey, Stiletto.
32:16Hey, Stiletto.
32:17Hey, Stiletto.
32:18Hey, Stiletto.
32:19Hey, Stiletto.
32:20Hey, Stiletto.
32:21Hey, Stiletto.
32:22Hey, Stiletto.
32:24Si, Barone.
32:32Hang on!
32:34I am hanging on!
32:40That was too close for comfort.
32:42It was too close for Penfold and all.
32:48What's that?
32:49It was you going,
32:51What's that?
32:52I mean, what's that?
33:00I have a feeling that someone is trying to stop us.
33:05Oh, this is most enjoyable.
33:12What's going on?
33:13I don't know.
33:14I'm a bit in the dark myself.
33:16Stay close.
33:18Not that close.
33:26Pick your feet up.
33:28If I do that, I fall over.
33:30Oh, good grief, Penfold.
33:31I mean, don't make that dragging sound.
33:33That's not me, sir.
33:34I thought it was you.
33:37Look, just stop a moment.
33:43Why are you holding my hand?
33:44I was just going to ask you.
33:46And take those silly fur gloves off.
33:48I'm not wearing fur gloves.
33:50Just a minute.
33:51This is getting us nowhere.
33:52Oh, strike a light.
33:54What a good idea.
34:07Wait for me!
34:22A ghost bus!
34:26Hey, look at that!
34:36They're making buses out of ice.
34:38So that's why they vanish without a trace.
34:40How do you mean?
34:41Well, once they'd sunk the ships, they melted away.
34:44There are no ghosts.
34:46Then what's that?
34:51Well, now.
34:52A sneaky, creepy crawling.
34:57Doesn't that remind you of...
34:58Good evening, gentlemen.
35:02Baron Greenback.
35:04Oh, crumbs.
35:05Welcome to the haunted bus depot.
35:08You crazy toad.
35:11So you're behind all this.
35:12But of course.
35:14The chaos my ice buses cause
35:16shall make me ruler of the world.
35:20But first...
35:28Oh, but of course, my pet.
35:30Hospitality for our guest.
35:33A glass of lemon tea.
35:40A little ice, perhaps.
35:44You great fat frog.
35:46Surrender, or else...
35:50You win.
35:51For now.
35:57Have a good trip, Danger Mouse.
35:59Hold a very tight now, please.
36:03And so, Danger Mouse,
36:04summoned from the top of Everest by Colonel K
36:06to solve the mystery of the disappearing ship
36:08sunk by the ghost buses in the oily waters of the China seas,
36:11has located the sinister island where the evil toad,
36:13Baron Greenback, is producing ice buses
36:15to gain control of the world.
36:16But has been captured with his assistant Penfold
36:18and consigned to a watery grave in the frozen double-decker.
36:21Yet, all is not lost for our hero.
36:23Concentrating the last dregs of heat from his body
36:25into that probing heroic nose,
36:27he starts to free himself.
36:38Oh, good grief.
36:47Now to put an end to that fat frog's fantasies.
37:00Nice to see those three back in the cooler, eh, Penfold?
37:04Yes, that's put them on ice for a while, eh?
37:10Excellent show, DM.
37:11Sea lane safe. PM delighted.
37:13Well, jolly grateful.
37:14Oh, it was nothing, sir.
37:16Only thing is, the Baron's escaped.
37:18When the police went to pick him up,
37:19he completely disappeared.
37:21Oh, I have a feeling he'll be back, sir.
37:24But we'll be ready, eh, Penfold?
37:26By Jove, DM, I'll drink to that.
37:28I'll get the drink, DM.
37:32Oh, Penfold?
37:34Yes, sir?
37:35Shaken, not stirred.
37:38Oh, not stirred, eh?
37:40Oh, jolly good.
37:45Springtime in England.
37:47On a day unlike any other.
37:49For on this day,
37:50that crown prince of malevolent ne'er-do-wells,
37:53Baron Silas Greenback,
37:54cast an evil shadow across the country's capital,
37:57starting a chain of events
37:58that were to develop to nightmarish proportions
38:01for the world's greatest detective,
38:03who, even now, stands in readiness,
38:05coiled like a panther,
38:06ready to spring to the defense of the weak and the helpless.
38:10I said, coiled like a panther,
38:12ready to spring over.
38:19Penfold, wake up, man!
38:20Oh, the egg's done.
38:21No, the noble wants his money.
38:23No, it's...
38:24Penfold, shush! It's Colonel K.
38:26Ah, danger mouse.
38:27Ready to spring to the defense of the weak and helpless?
38:30As ever, Colonel.
38:31What's on?
38:32Well, we've got a case.
38:34We've got a case.
38:35We've got a case.
38:36We've got a case.
38:37What's on?
38:38Well, there's a strange sort of cloud
38:40been floating about over London.
38:42A cloud, sir?
38:43What sort of cloud?
38:45Well, it's got odd flashing lights
38:47popping about inside it, and...
38:49Oh! What?
38:50Here I see...
38:54Sir, are you all right, sir?
38:57Good grief!
38:59Crikey, sir!
39:00He's turned into a chair!
39:03No, Penfold.
39:04He's been cloud-napped.
39:07Cool! It'll be Miss...
39:08Ha! Ha! Ha! Miss, sir! You know, like Miss...
39:10Like Fog, sir! Ha! Ha! Ha!
39:12Lost in the clouds, sir! Ha! Ha! Ha!
39:15Good, isn't it? Oh! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!
39:18Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!
39:19Er... Er... Yes, sir!
39:20You're getting overexcited!
39:22Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!
39:24That's better!
39:25There's work to be done!
39:27We know the colonel's gone.
39:28Now, all we need to know is how, why, and with whom.
39:32And then we've cracked it!
39:33So, come on!
39:36And so Danger Mouse and his faithful assistants
39:38set off through the streets of the great city
39:40in pursuit of the sinister Mysterious Cloud.
39:42Little knowing that the sinister Mysterious Cloud
39:44is in pursuit of them.
39:46Good grief, Penfold!
39:48We've just been engulfed by an enormous great cloud!
39:51Oh, thank goodness!
39:53I thought my glasses had steamed up!
39:55I guess it was Cumulonimbus.
39:58Didn't he discover America?
40:00Penfold, shush!
40:04Oh, oh, crumbs! Yes!
40:07There's nothing!
40:09Wrong! There's me!
40:12Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!
40:15Oh, it hasn't got a body!
40:17Baron Greenback!
40:20Welcome to my dream machine!
40:23Your what?
40:24My dream machine!
40:27It will make all your favorite nightmares come true!
40:31You pea-green devil!
40:33Oh, how ungrateful!
40:35And I made it to help you out!
40:38Help us out?
40:39Help you out of your mind!
40:42Why, you...
40:43Inside my dream machine,
40:46only the impossible is possible!
40:50Now, au revoir,
40:53and unpleasant dreams!
40:56Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
40:59Oh, and one last thing, Penfold.
41:02Don't, whatever you do,
41:05say, rock!
41:12I don't get it, Danger Mouse.
41:14I only said rock.
41:20Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
41:23Look, Penfold,
41:24just don't say, R-O-C-K.
41:42Oh, Penfold!
41:44Yes, sir?
41:45Have you got anything for a headache, Penfold?
41:49Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
41:53The thing is, Penfold,
41:55when you mention, you know what,
41:59they appear, right?
42:01Right, sir!
42:02So just be careful.
42:04Okay, Danger Mouse.
42:06Oh, watch it!
42:10Watch it!
42:11Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
42:13Oh, dear!
42:14I shall die laughing!
42:17Ha! Ha! Ha!
42:18Come on, Penfold!
42:19Oh! It's no use, sir!
42:21I've had it!
42:22Nonsense, Penfold!
42:24Keep your pecker up!
42:25I can't keep my pecker up!
42:29Well, I've heard of travelling light,
42:31but this is ridiculous!
42:33Good grief, Penfold!
42:36There's Colonel K!
42:38Get me out of here!
42:41Good grief!
42:43Oh, thank goodness, Penfold!
42:45Terra Firma at last!
42:47Yes, sir!
42:48And something to stand on, too!
42:51Oh, look, sir!
42:52A door!
42:53I'll open it, sir!
43:00No use, sir!
43:01It won't open!
43:07Yes, Penfold?
43:11Yes, Penfold?
43:13Good job we're brave, strong and resourceful, isn't it, sir?
43:18Yes, it is, Penfold.
43:21Yes, Penfold?
43:22You wouldn't have a night light, would you?
43:25No, Penfold.
43:27Wait a minute.
43:28I think I can see an opening ahead.
43:35I'm glad I'm out of there, Diem!
43:37So am I!
43:42I don't know, people walking right through every day.
43:46And so our intrepid heroes stumble ever onward through Greenback's Dungeon of Dreams.
43:50Will they find Colonel K?
43:52Will they find a way out?
43:53Is there a way out?
43:55What's that?
43:56It looks like a way out.
43:58Chief, you don't think it could be a trap?
44:02Hello, Colonel!
44:04Goodbye, Colonel!
44:05Goodbye, Colonel!
44:07Steady, Penfold.
44:08What do you do when you're frightened?
44:10I scream!
44:14Oh, rats!
44:15You wanted something?
44:18It's all right.
44:21What's that noise?
44:23I can't hear anything.
44:25What does it sound like?
44:26Well, it's hard to describe.
44:29It's a bit like, well, like a ballet dancing elephant in a tutu
44:34or riding on a skateboard.
44:36Good old Penfold.
44:37It's best to have a sense of humor at a time like this.
44:44Just a minute.
44:46I've got it!
44:47It's you, Penfold!
44:51Greenback has programmed his dream machine to respond to anything you say.
44:56Me, eh?
44:57Anything I say?
45:00Oh, sorry.
45:01Now, the dream machine is inside a cloud, right?
45:06So we need to get rid of the cloud, right?
45:10So think up some bad weather and shift it with a good blow.
45:13A good snow.
45:14Stop it.
45:15Stop it, Penfold.
45:17I said blow, not snow.
45:20I know, dear, but I like snow.
45:22You can make snowmen and go skiing and sledging
45:25and you can have super fights with snowmen.
45:28Serves you right, Penfold.
45:30Anyway, I've got a better idea.
45:32We'll blow the cloud away with a big fan.
45:34A big fan?
45:39Oh, Danger Mouth.
45:41You're the greatest.
45:42I'm the biggest fan ever.
45:45Oh, honestly, Penfold, not that sort of a fan.
45:49Come on, try again.
45:51Oh, that sort of big fan.
45:54Got it.
45:55Now, switch on.
45:58Well done, Penfold.
46:01We're going in.
46:03But before we do, just listen to this.
46:06The game's up, Greenback.
46:08I've come to bring you to justice.
46:11You, and to use a childish phrase, whose army?
46:16Funny you should say that, Baron.
46:18Perhaps you'd like to take a look out here.
46:20The game's up, Greenback.
46:22But how?
46:23Penfold said, Danger Mouth, one thousand times.
46:27Curse you, Danger Mouses.
46:33Right, my friends.
46:35Take them in.
46:37So, faced with a thousand Danger Mouses,
46:40um, misses, my, um,
46:43well, he just gave in.
46:44Where's the blighter now?
46:46Well, after dropping you off and then flying here,
46:48we just turned it loose.
46:50You mean he's still floating about in that infernal machine?
46:54Yes, sir, but we're keeping an eye on him.
46:57The other thousand Danger...
46:58Well, the other thousand me's, sir.
47:03Jolly good, sir.
47:06Keeping an eye on him, eh?
47:11Tell you what, DM.
47:12What, sir?
47:13Hope I don't have to pay them all a week's wages.
47:16A week's wages!
47:18Well done, sir.
47:48He's terrific.
47:49He's magnificent.
47:51He's the greatest secret agent in the world.
47:54Danger Mouse, powerhouse.
47:57He's the fastest, he's the greatest, he's the best.
48:01Danger Mouse.
48:04Danger Mouse.
48:07Danger Mouse.