
  • last month
00:04:54No, I don't have much time.
00:04:57You have to forgive me.
00:04:59I usually don't behave like this.
00:05:02I invite you to the Ministry of Environment.
00:05:05And this is just for you.
00:05:07When we moved here, I decided to plant something beautiful for the offspring.
00:05:14To make this harsh environment more friendly.
00:05:28When you talk to a plant with love, it develops better.
00:05:33People who are negatively attuned to life should not grow anything.
00:05:39No, no.
00:05:41This garden gave me a lot of joy.
00:05:45I don't want to boast, but this award didn't surprise me at all.
00:05:55I'm sorry.
00:05:59I just talk and talk.
00:06:01Maybe some refreshment?
00:06:03Something to refresh in this heat?
00:06:05No, thank you.
00:06:07Unfortunately, I don't have beer.
00:06:09You don't drink in this house.
00:06:12Maybe just a glass of water?
00:06:16You should come here at the end of the summer.
00:06:20When a tree drops flowers, it's like a golden rain in the garden.
00:06:25Here you are.
00:06:27Thank you.
00:06:29I'll light it.
00:06:31This is one of the few things I can afford.
00:06:35Such a holiday.
00:06:37Such a holiday.
00:06:42What kind of news is this?
00:06:44Well, I can't wait.
00:06:48Such visits are not part of my duties,
00:06:51but my boss takes part in the golf tournament of state officials in Ireland,
00:06:57so I'll just clap here.
00:07:03Under my old diploma.
00:07:08I came here to meet you with a new regulation
00:07:16recommending the removal of all plants that did not grow here before 1900.
00:07:25Citizens are given a three-month period to get acquainted with the matter.
00:07:34The golden rule applies to this regulation.
00:07:38According to the data, this species appeared in the country only in 1905.
00:08:04I think I've got the end of it.
00:08:08This should make them shut up.
00:08:11Read it.
00:08:13Thus, I feel obliged to protest against the planned intentions.
00:08:19It's absurd to admit a distinction one day,
00:08:23and then to pull out a tree with roots.
00:08:27Mr. Minister, I sincerely hope that you will revise your position
00:08:32with respect to Indian Georgian Yondtryp.
00:08:37And underneath, of course, Pesel.
00:08:40For me, a bomb.
00:08:43Wouldn't this world be colorless and boring if we didn't have anything to complain about?
00:08:49Darling, you are quite exhausted by this attack.
00:08:54Give me a smoke, darling.
00:08:57Can you give me a light?
00:09:00I'm a bit stiff today.
00:09:09It's so good that you came.
00:09:12You saved my day.
00:09:15Always so hardworking.
00:09:18Every time we turn on the light,
00:09:21we use its shine on our own.
00:09:24By the way, I hope that Kjalti Pietur and the boys will arrive before or right after the weekend.
00:09:31On Tuesday, he has a permit for half-past midnight.
00:09:35He should be here by now.
00:09:38I can't stand his delay.
00:09:41I hope it's not just an ADHD attack.
00:09:44He needs common sense.
00:09:47It smells so good.
00:09:50I added a pinch of curry to the flour.
00:09:54Isn't it better to stick to the real recipes?
00:09:58Unnar doesn't like spices.
00:10:01Actually, he doesn't tolerate them.
00:10:03I didn't add much.
00:10:05Just enough to attract the world to us.
00:10:08Simple Icelandic food was always enough for us.
00:10:12I found a website with various rewarded recipes.
00:10:16And there was one from Vietnam.
00:10:18I showed him a bowl from the first floor and it turned out that he has been eating it since childhood.
00:10:27Their cooking is terrible.
00:10:29The stench still spreads in the room.
00:10:34But thanks to that, you sometimes feel like you've been abroad.
00:10:37I've been around the world a lot, but I don't remember such a stench.
00:10:41It's always nice to try.
00:10:43In China, they eat rats.
00:10:45And those up there, too.
00:10:47They are from Vietnam.
00:10:49And what's the difference?
00:10:51They are all the same.
00:10:53My grandmother used to say that every country is a custom.
00:10:56We are all flowers, each in its own color.
00:10:59Flowers at your discount.
00:11:06And what is it?
00:11:08I see a terribly small and inconspicuous figure.
00:11:11Yes, it's my Unnar, Kurduppel.
00:11:13He, too.
00:11:14But this one here is smaller than him.
00:11:17So it's a garden rat.
00:11:30It would be better if the cloud that spreads in the future wasn't so heavy.
00:11:44The next day
00:11:59Hi, sorry for being late.
00:12:01Did you have exercises?
00:12:03No, we were repairing the equipment.
00:12:05A seal went in the sleigh.
00:12:07We had a call yesterday.
00:12:09You should apologize to Johanna.
00:12:11She's trying. She's cooking for us.
00:12:14Saving human life is also important.
00:12:17I'm sorry.
00:12:23First, the guests.
00:12:25Say hello, dear.
00:12:31Your hobby is taking up too much time.
00:12:34It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
00:12:36Take the phone from the table.
00:12:38I have to hear when the call comes.
00:12:40The children won't disturb you during dinner.
00:12:51Show me if there are bones.
00:12:53Mom, the boys are waiting for me.
00:12:55We respect common meals here and eat them in peace.
00:13:11The World Cup, Johanna.
00:13:16I was at the SI for 14 hours yesterday.
00:13:20We were looking for the missing one.
00:13:22Did you find her?
00:13:24No, but almost.
00:13:26How do we know that?
00:13:28I would have found her if I were in Spica.
00:13:31Be realistic, don't joke.
00:13:34In Spica?
00:13:37I prefer you to drive at allowed speed.
00:13:40I don't like you showing your face in public.
00:13:43You know we're being watched.
00:13:52Thank you.
00:13:53I'm going to the boys.
00:13:56Accidents don't give you a reason to be happy.
00:13:59I'm going to the boys.
00:14:01I'm going to the boys.
00:14:03I'm going to the boys.
00:14:05Accidents don't give you a reason to be happy.
00:14:08That's the thing.
00:14:20Listen, I have an empty tank.
00:14:25It's only Tuesday.
00:14:27I know.
00:14:28Next time you'll give me less.
00:14:31It must be enough for you until the end of the week.
00:14:34It's a bit difficult.
00:14:36Your room is free if you want to come back.
00:14:39Living in Enkijal has the advantage that it's close to the base.
00:14:43So go get the tape.
00:14:45Oh, yeah.
00:15:15Thank you.
00:15:21Show me.
00:15:28Does he need all this?
00:15:31He's a nice boy, but the system has completely disappointed him.
00:15:37It's a good thing he's so kind.
00:15:40Did you do the laundry?
00:15:42I did.
00:15:43Your mother had a terrible migraine.
00:15:54Life isn't easy.
00:15:56But together we'll take care of it.
00:16:00Call me when you're done.
00:16:03It'll be late.
00:16:05I prefer when you call.
00:16:07And if Jonas gives us any proof of gratitude, hide it well.
00:16:13I promise.
00:16:42I love you.
00:17:12Stop it! Stop it!
00:17:32Did you find Jonas?
00:17:36Joni, there's a problem.
00:17:46Give us a moment.
00:17:51It's a bit late. I have guests.
00:18:09The same as last time?
00:18:28Greetings, mother.
00:18:43You're too burned out.
00:18:45As if you just came back from Costa del Sol.
00:18:48There was sun in the fridge.
00:18:51You can ruin everything with that.
00:18:56You have to make a formal statement about the meeting with the minister.
00:19:00It's a sabotage. Psychological terror.
00:19:04When I planted that gold digger, I was in mourning.
00:19:08And I had big problems with my little Unnar.
00:19:12He was a difficult child.
00:19:14And he was very sick.
00:19:16But I found peace of mind when I took care of that tree.
00:19:21It means life to him.
00:19:29If you cut down that tree, you'll rip out my first spark of life.
00:19:35The gold digger and I are one.
00:19:39Only thanks to him do I function.
00:19:42I am a man.
00:20:13Fordur said ADHD.
00:20:15He thinks it's a wrong diagnosis.
00:20:19That's my boss, you know.
00:20:23He says I'm not 100% ADHD.
00:20:26It's inevitable that I'll grow out of it.
00:20:31He should know that.
00:20:33After all, he's Radio Man of the Year.
00:20:36Anyway, Ritalin doesn't work on me anymore.
00:20:39Jonas needs it more.
00:20:41Let her go, woman.
00:20:44Unnar, what's going on?
00:20:46I don't understand what she's saying.
00:20:49It's Nina.
00:20:50Do you remember her?
00:20:52She's helping.
00:20:53I want to go home.
00:21:06He thinks he's abroad.
00:21:37THE RESCUE
00:21:45Rescue teams.
00:21:49We'll go with the others.
00:21:51With all the equipment.
00:21:53We'll take night vision.
00:21:55Just in case of a call at night.
00:21:57Are we going by train?
00:22:00We'll go to the highest shelter,
00:22:03we'll set up the tents and we'll hide.
00:22:06The climbing team can train on Sunday on the cliffs.
00:22:09The ice is rather thin, so it should be fine.
00:22:14If we leave so late,
00:22:16maybe it's better to spend the first night in Akureyri
00:22:19and leave for Smok in the morning.
00:22:22It doesn't matter if we show up late on Friday or early on Saturday.
00:22:26We'll be rested.
00:22:28And the mountains won't run away from us.
00:22:30Thanks, friend.
00:22:33THE RESCUE
00:22:41If he would lick himself a little more,
00:22:43he would stick to his ass.
00:22:45The guy has a 40 on his neck.
00:22:48Ynar, they didn't make it to the meeting.
00:22:51Show them what they need.
00:22:53Of course.
00:22:55I leave you in good hands.
00:22:59Hi, Stefan.
00:23:01I remember you from school.
00:23:03You visit your grandma.
00:23:04That's right.
00:23:06I didn't think so.
00:23:07You are a rescuer.
00:23:10I have full permissions.
00:23:18Besides, there are specialist search groups
00:23:21or first aid.
00:23:22Can we start right away?
00:23:24You can start in the youth section,
00:23:26and when you turn 18, you'll be a recruit.
00:23:30And what do you do there?
00:23:31You help sell fireworks,
00:23:33go to fairs.
00:23:35Do you have to come often?
00:23:37Because I practice ping-pong.
00:23:39It's only for those who want to save lives.
00:23:43Let's go on.
00:23:44This is the command center.
00:23:48Do you think everyone can serve in the rescue team?
00:23:52You have to have time for that.
00:23:53It can be difficult for those who have families.
00:23:58What should I do?
00:24:02Do I need a big equipment?
00:24:04No, no, no.
00:24:05The equipment doesn't have to be the latest.
00:24:08It's important to be efficient.
00:24:11You start with the basic course,
00:24:13then for the advanced ones.
00:24:15Then you can choose a specialization.
00:24:19For example, I'm taking a course
00:24:21of going down the line
00:24:23so that I can ride in a boat.
00:24:24And what are you good at?
00:24:26I'm a trained nurse in Poland.
00:24:29Specialization of rehabilitation.
00:24:31Helping after an accident.
00:24:34Stands and people who learn to walk.
00:24:39In 18 months, you pass the recruitment exam.
00:24:42When you pass, you can go to the fair.
00:24:46Are you in good shape?
00:24:49I walk a lot.
00:24:51That's a big advantage.
00:25:20Hi, hi, hi.
00:25:23On time, as usual.
00:25:28It's as if the whole eternity has passed.
00:25:32And it's only a week.
00:25:35I can hear your voice well.
00:25:38How are you?
00:25:40Did you do something interesting?
00:25:42People envy you,
00:25:43teachers of these long holidays.
00:25:45No, nothing like that.
00:25:46Handicrafts around the house.
00:25:48I'm sure you have good hands.
00:25:50I can do it somehow.
00:25:52My husband Jeffrey,
00:25:53the lord of his soul,
00:25:55also liked such crafts.
00:25:57I called him a master craftsman.
00:26:04You know, when a man has a big garden,
00:26:06he needs good hands.
00:26:11Where are you?
00:26:14I'm pouring hot water into the bathtub.
00:26:18I'm relaxing.
00:26:19I'm tired after a hard day.
00:26:23Yes, I also like to swim.
00:26:26We have a great pool in the commune.
00:26:29It's healthy,
00:26:30fresh air.
00:26:32I don't complain about health.
00:26:35I believe I haven't been sick
00:26:36since I remember.
00:26:41What happened?
00:26:42Are you okay?
00:26:46It's just a fish
00:26:47that flew through the floor in the bathroom.
00:26:49I'm sorry.
00:26:50I got scared.
00:26:54I thought for a moment
00:26:55that something had happened to you.
00:26:57Anton, wait a minute.
00:27:09I'm here.
00:27:10I'm sorry.
00:27:11I just got out of the bathtub.
00:27:13I'm okay.
00:27:15I'll dry myself
00:27:16only in the evening breeze.
00:27:22Are you naked?
00:27:27Nobody sees me.
00:27:29We have a lot of privacy in our district.
00:27:34I was wondering if...
00:27:37maybe it's not time for us to meet?
00:27:40After all, I only have two hours to the city.
00:27:42I'm grateful for the company,
00:27:46don't you ever feel lonely?
00:27:51there are moments.
00:27:54But you know,
00:27:55I'm not ready yet
00:27:56to let someone
00:27:57into my life.
00:27:59I'm still sorry.
00:28:01Do you understand?
00:28:05I understand.
00:28:08I'm sorry.
00:28:10I understand.
00:28:12But you know,
00:28:14I feel like you're here.
00:28:17Your voice echoes in me.
00:28:20There's something about your voice
00:28:22and your approach to life
00:28:23that reminds me of Jeffrey.
00:29:14How's it going?
00:29:15Any news from there?
00:29:17Not yet.
00:29:18Maybe in a week.
00:29:20But the tension...
00:29:22Everything will be fine.
00:29:23You'll see.
00:29:25I hope so.
00:29:27Courage is like a muscle.
00:29:29You use it,
00:29:31and it will be fine.
00:29:33I hope so, too.
00:29:35I hope so, too.
00:29:36Courage is like a muscle.
00:29:38You use it,
00:29:39and it will be fine.
00:29:42it's us women
00:29:43who lift the sky.
00:29:46Hello, Johanna.
00:29:48She's already so grown up.
00:29:51I came for the money.
00:29:53I paid this morning.
00:29:58Very comfortable.
00:30:00Maybe not for the yard,
00:30:01but for the house,
00:30:02when I found it.
00:30:04Nice to hear.
00:30:35In the kitchen,
00:30:36there's a piece of Christmas cake.
00:30:39Ynner received
00:30:40social assistance on Wednesday.
00:30:51This yellow one
00:30:52is starting again.
00:30:53She has an exam at the end of the week.
00:30:55What a fool.
00:30:57She's nice.
00:30:58A wonderful child.
00:30:59A certificate with a belt.
00:31:01Almost the same fives.
00:31:05I don't think she's from Iceland.
00:31:07She was born here.
00:31:09But they speak Chinese to her.
00:31:11No, Vietnamese.
00:31:13Think about it.
00:31:14She's only 17
00:31:15and has already applied
00:31:16for a music academy
00:31:17in the States.
00:31:19And they just
00:31:20send her.
00:31:22I don't understand these people.
00:31:24The girl has a brother there, of course.
00:31:26How the hell
00:31:27can people afford that?
00:31:29They're very wealthy in Asia.
00:31:31They've already paid for the apartment
00:31:32and the son's studies.
00:31:34It's like they're looking
00:31:35further than the tip of their own nose.
00:31:47Is everything okay, darling?
00:31:49Do you want me to give you something?
00:31:51A glass of water?
00:31:58We took your warnings
00:32:01Due to a particular situation,
00:32:02the Icelandic tree
00:32:03instead of...
00:32:05It's quite interesting.
00:32:07Some birch vines?
00:32:09Damn politicians.
00:32:11I can't.
00:32:22As long as I live,
00:32:23I will never allow it.
00:32:25The Icelandic tree.
00:32:27Where did they get that idea?
00:32:30I grew up
00:32:31under a golden cap.
00:32:33In our neighborhood,
00:32:34they grew everywhere.
00:32:36You should call somewhere
00:32:37and ask for a conversation
00:32:38with your superior.
00:32:44The police
00:32:45get involved too?
00:32:48send a man to the police
00:32:49because he has a tree
00:32:50in his garden.
00:32:58My son is an idiot.
00:33:00He shouldn't...
00:33:03Cross the road.
00:33:05After all,
00:33:06it's all his fuel.
00:33:10It's from the speed camera.
00:33:12A tunnel under a fjord?
00:33:14102 kmph?
00:33:16I told him so many times
00:33:19It's definitely Únar?
00:33:21but he's laughing.
00:33:22He's driving like crazy.
00:33:24What's so funny about him?
00:33:26Maybe the one who's going with him?
00:33:27Is it a woman?
00:33:31Who could it be?
00:33:33I don't think it's you.
00:33:38It's Krasnal from Filižanka.
00:33:53I have to pick it up.
00:33:54It's Sofia.
00:33:56Hello, Sofia?
00:34:02Yes, yes.
00:34:03I can do it.
00:34:05See you tomorrow.
00:34:26Come here.
00:34:28Everything's fine.
00:34:34Good, good, good.
00:34:36Come here.
00:34:38Come to me.
00:34:41One, two.
00:34:44Yes, yes, yes.
00:34:53Two cats.
00:35:00Where's the cat?
00:35:02I'm sorry.
00:35:04He was just crying so hard.
00:35:07You don't do this.
00:35:10It's wrong of you.
00:35:26Good day, son.
00:35:27How nice to see you.
00:35:31And this is your friend.
00:35:33Good day.
00:35:34Nice to meet you.
00:35:36Welcome to my home.
00:35:42You didn't say she was so nice.
00:35:44And you two are a perfect match.
00:35:46Yes, yes, yes.
00:35:48She's so nice.
00:35:50She's so nice.
00:35:52She's so nice.
00:35:53You didn't say she was so nice.
00:35:55And you two are a perfect match.
00:35:58I'll put her here in the window from the south.
00:36:01She'll grow and develop in the sun.
00:36:03Orchidea needs a lot of care.
00:36:10It's terribly hot today.
00:36:12Sit down, darling.
00:36:23Sit down.
00:36:34Oh, I'm sorry.
00:36:38But, darling, nothing happened.
00:36:46It's just a medical chair.
00:36:48Come on.
00:36:53Do you have the same hobby?
00:36:55He told me so.
00:36:58I just got your photo.
00:37:00Very nice.
00:37:07In the car.
00:37:13It won't happen again.
00:37:15It's very annoying.
00:37:17You're driving too fast,
00:37:19you can't see the speed camera,
00:37:21there's no flash.
00:37:23You're driving too fast.
00:37:28Unnar says you like plants and flowers.
00:37:32Green fingers.
00:37:34You're developing everything.
00:37:37Yes, mom knows everything about flowers.
00:37:40Thank you.
00:37:42There aren't many plants where I live.
00:37:44In Hafnafjord.
00:37:50I still speak a little bit of Icelandic.
00:37:53I don't think so.
00:37:58The grammar is difficult.
00:38:00She passed the first aid course singingly.
00:38:03She was the best.
00:38:05Yes, yes.
00:38:07Medical education.
00:38:09Not difficult.
00:38:11She's most interested in Basecamp,
00:38:13organization and so on.
00:38:15A cuckoo.
00:38:17A cuckoo.
00:38:19Did I miss something?
00:38:21It's Johanna.
00:38:27Hi, Johanna.
00:38:29Yeah, and romantic.
00:38:31Oh, and hello.
00:38:33Oh, that's so cool.
00:38:35I know what that's supposed to mean.
00:38:37That I have a husband.
00:38:40Are you all right, honey?
00:38:42Should I bring you something?
00:38:44A cup of coffee?
00:38:46Everything's ready.
00:38:48Just turn it on.
00:38:54And you've been working together in the rescue.
00:38:57For a long time?
00:38:59Yes, it's been...
00:39:02She came to the course for beginners.
00:39:05Einar, welcome me,
00:39:07as I came for the first time
00:39:09and meet me with a fordour.
00:39:11Cavalere Mordero Sokoła?
00:39:15Now Einar Niedługo Czujkowy.
00:39:17Very exciting.
00:39:19How do you say it after...
00:39:21You know.
00:39:25It's a very beautiful word.
00:39:27It also means a man who looks into the future.
00:39:31A man who sees the future.
00:39:34Aren't you Icelandic?
00:39:37I didn't immediately realize
00:39:39that I was a foreigner.
00:39:41It took me a long time.
00:39:43Did you know that?
00:39:45Einar told you?
00:39:47But she's been living here for seven years,
00:39:49so she hasn't been to Poland since she came.
00:39:51Are you from Poland?
00:39:54From a small town near Kraków.
00:39:57It's called Miechów.
00:39:59You bring us a piece of the world here
00:40:02and you speak Icelandic well.
00:40:04I'm trying.
00:40:06I read a lot and talk to old people.
00:40:09Einar is a great girl.
00:40:11We have Poles here in the cage.
00:40:14Under 3V.
00:40:16Basil and Bibiana.
00:40:18Translator of documents.
00:40:19Bibiana Piotrowska?
00:40:21Do you know her?
00:40:23Sometimes we exchange recipes.
00:40:25She makes excellent krupnik.
00:40:28I don't know her well.
00:40:30I only met her once.
00:40:32I met her.
00:40:34You met her.
00:40:39what a world can be small sometimes.
00:40:41Maybe I'll go for her.
00:40:43All right?
00:40:45Coffee is being made.
00:40:47I can do it.
00:41:09Is everything all right?
00:41:11I think I had a nervous breakdown.
00:41:14But you look good.
00:41:16Thank you, darling.
00:41:27Did you have an accident?
00:41:29Yes, I have a spine blockage.
00:41:32It used to be dangerous for me, too, but they gave up
00:41:35because of muscle fibrillation.
00:41:37A car accident.
00:41:39I was 19.
00:41:41I fell out of the window onto a pole.
00:41:43Terrible luck.
00:41:44That's what my grandmother and I used to call it.
00:41:47And you got a pension for it.
00:41:49But they're still doing some research
00:41:51on maternal cells,
00:41:53so there's hope.
00:41:55Johanna is wonderful.
00:41:57Raised in the garden.
00:42:01In case of anything,
00:42:03I always have a fridge full of fish.
00:42:05Hjaltepetur will take care of me.
00:42:09My fiancé.
00:42:15It's nice to see you here, Gabrielo.
00:42:18Unnar's friends are always welcome in this house.
00:42:22Her name is Daniela, Mom.
00:42:24Because of D.
00:42:26I'm sorry.
00:42:28I don't remember her name.
00:42:30A little ADHD.
00:42:32Fortunately, not as much as my son.
00:42:39No, thank you.
00:42:41Unnar and I want to go to the glacier under a tent.
00:42:45To the glacier?
00:42:47What about asthma?
00:42:49I'll take an inhaler.
00:42:51Do you have asthma?
00:42:53No, not really.
00:42:55I haven't had to use an inhaler for a long time.
00:42:58Maybe it was aphasia.
00:43:00I might have a relapse.
00:43:02I'm fine for a while, too.
00:43:06Are you here with your family?
00:43:10My parents are dead.
00:43:13Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:43:16Thank you.
00:43:18But we have six sisters, a big family.
00:43:21They have a lot of children and are always loud.
00:43:26And I'm the last one and I don't have a husband,
00:43:29I don't have a child and I live in Iceland.
00:43:32My sisters say,
00:43:34What am I thinking?
00:43:36She will soon get citizenship.
00:43:38If all goes well, in nine months.
00:43:41It will be a proud day in my life
00:43:44when I show the passport where it says
00:43:47Daniela Majok, a citizen of Iceland.
00:43:59I'll take care of it.
00:44:01Get up carefully, son.
00:44:04Johanna, give me the first aid kit.
00:44:06Johanna, give me the first aid kit.
00:44:08One is in the bathroom,
00:44:10the other one is on my nightstand.
00:44:12I'm fine, mom.
00:44:18You're fine? Go away.
00:44:21But she won't leave me alone.
00:44:24It's terrible.
00:44:26My dear boy.
00:44:28Do something useful.
00:44:30Lift his legs.
00:44:32Mom, a woman's footwear.
00:44:34Are you blind?
00:44:36Have you never seen a Lazy Boy?
00:44:38It's nothing.
00:44:40It's just a little bleeding.
00:44:42Come on.
00:44:44Lean over carefully, son.
00:44:46You obviously put the medicine away.
00:44:48Do you take medicine?
00:44:50Ynnar was never like a knight.
00:44:52Maybe he didn't tell you that.
00:44:55Like a knight?
00:45:02This is a compilation of photos
00:45:04from my trips with Ynnar.
00:45:07I scanned her.
00:45:09I burned the disc.
00:45:11It will be interesting to see.
00:45:13Keep good memories.
00:45:15Forget about the bad ones.
00:45:19Do you see how sweet he is?
00:45:22How old are you?
00:45:24Five, almost six.
00:45:26We go on vacation here.
00:45:28But you're a sweetie.
00:45:32And here, at the airport,
00:45:34at Costa del...
00:45:36It's a hidden pool in Timor-Leste.
00:45:38We went there for the first seven years.
00:45:41Was it a cold wave?
00:45:43I remember it.
00:45:45Because he's so wrinkled.
00:45:47He caught the flu just before the trip.
00:45:52Sweet cat.
00:45:54At the hotel.
00:45:56Ynnar wanted to take him home.
00:45:58But he begged.
00:46:00I wonder if I should get a cat.
00:46:04Cats have nothing to look for in the block.
00:46:07You know that.
00:46:10Ynnar always loved animals.
00:46:12He identified with them or something.
00:46:15My little puppy.
00:46:21Don't talk to me like that.
00:46:25I guess you don't want secrets from your girlfriend.
00:46:28He was a terrible sweetie.
00:46:30As soon as I planted the tree,
00:46:31right after we moved here,
00:46:33there were a lot of kids living in the neighborhood.
00:46:36A constant rattle.
00:46:38It was hard to adapt.
00:46:40He spoke poorly,
00:46:42but when the weather was fine,
00:46:44I sent him to the garden.
00:46:46Fresh air was good for his asthma.
00:46:49I told him to watch the garden
00:46:51and not to let anyone in,
00:46:53because they could trample on delicate plants.
00:46:56And once some kid climbed behind the ball,
00:46:58and the young man was unable to speak.
00:47:01He just barked.
00:47:03Bark, bark, bark.
00:47:05Bark, bark, bark.
00:47:07Bark, bark, bark.
00:47:09He barked at the kid.
00:47:11We laughed a lot.
00:47:13The kids called him a dog for a long time.
00:47:16Not all of them,
00:47:18but most of them.
00:47:20I sometimes called him that, too.
00:47:23He was still a little boy.
00:47:25He was a little boy.
00:47:26I talked to him a lot.
00:47:28He couldn't speak for a long time.
00:47:30His friends didn't understand him.
00:47:32He was a premature baby.
00:47:37A big one?
00:47:39A very big one.
00:47:41He was born with three times
00:47:43the circumference of his neck
00:47:46and was malnourished.
00:47:48But I had to take care of him.
00:47:51I took life as it is.
00:47:53I didn't have high expectations.
00:47:56He was born weak.
00:47:58They didn't give him more chances to live.
00:48:00Later it turned out that he had advanced ADHD,
00:48:03which often happens with premature babies.
00:48:06But you got an additional care for him.
00:48:09It's always a benefit.
00:48:11Of course, I had to stay at home.
00:48:13It wasn't easy for me.
00:48:16I couldn't leave him alone.
00:48:19And this is a year later.
00:48:21Did you already have sanitary care for him here?
00:48:24Yes, because I thought it was in Łuszczyce.
00:48:26But it turned out to be a cold care.
00:48:29You were on a glacier
00:48:31and there's no problem with the cold.
00:48:34My sleeping bag can withstand minus 70.
00:48:39And here, two or three years later,
00:48:41when we moved to Roc Flamingo.
00:48:44It's here.
00:48:48This is the hotel we've been going to for 18 years.
00:48:51Great place.
00:48:53It's close everywhere.
00:48:55And here?
00:48:57Nowy Basen.
00:48:59Unar is swimming by the shore.
00:49:01He never swam too much
00:49:03because of the immune system.
00:49:05Because you didn't let me.
00:49:07You said there were infections
00:49:09because children from Łuszczyce swim.
00:49:11In those days, there was such a state of knowledge.
00:49:13Besides, the water was non-chlorinated and cold.
00:49:16We went there during the season.
00:49:18And there are no other children on this trip?
00:49:21Not on tournaments for patients from Łuszczyce.
00:49:22The school year was still going on.
00:49:24But here...
00:49:26Wait a minute.
00:49:28There are some children here.
00:49:32It was a tournament for incurable patients.
00:49:38You even had to equip the plane specially.
00:49:41Put special hospital beds in it.
00:49:43For Unar? No.
00:49:45There were children with heart problems,
00:49:47digestive disorders,
00:49:49a girl with stoma,
00:49:50and a girl with a red handkerchief.
00:49:52She had a white blouse.
00:49:54But she went to the pool.
00:49:56She had broken parents.
00:49:58Do you remember what they were like?
00:50:00They drank in a circle.
00:50:02Children can adapt to everything.
00:50:04A Berbeć living near the Hukub bomb
00:50:06gets used to it
00:50:08and then it's normal for him.
00:50:10Unar fell in love with her.
00:50:12I told him it didn't make sense
00:50:14because she was sick with a white blouse.
00:50:16But he got smarter.
00:50:21You are the best of those
00:50:23who brought her here so far.
00:50:25Thank you.
00:50:27He always thought about his mother.
00:50:29He cared about my health
00:50:31and I need him.
00:50:51I don't quite understand.
00:50:53You won't tell me anything
00:50:55for three months?
00:50:57Are you a narcissist?
00:51:01I'm sorry to laugh.
00:51:07Do you want to tell me something else?
00:51:10Maybe I should untie your leg at home?
00:51:21I was just a very early early bird.
00:51:24And I still have this scab.
00:51:27You don't have any scab.
00:51:30You don't go to AIDS
00:51:32if you have scab.
00:51:34It's better now.
00:51:36I think the cold allergy is also better.
00:51:39In a snowmobile without heating
00:51:41on the way to the glacier
00:51:43you can't see that you have a cold allergy.
00:51:46Do you always take medicines
00:51:48that I don't see?
00:51:50I haven't taken any medicines for a long time.
00:51:52Since I joined the unit.
00:51:56You'll never understand that.
00:51:59If I'm not a narcissist
00:52:01we'll get less money
00:52:03and everything is so expensive.
00:52:05I'm sorry to look at it.
00:52:07A man doesn't say that to his child.
00:52:09A man helps him
00:52:11to be at the top of his life.
00:52:15That's why I didn't want you to come with me.
00:52:18You don't tell me the truth.
00:52:21It's so stupid.
00:52:30I'm sorry.
00:52:32Now I understand why.
00:52:47I'm sorry.
00:53:17I'm sorry.
00:53:35She said that croutons
00:53:37are not Icelandic cookies.
00:53:39Think about it.
00:53:41First a croissant,
00:53:43then Złoto, now croutons.
00:53:44I have tortillas for you.
00:53:46The ones you like so much.
00:53:48You can treat the boys.
00:53:51That's enough for everyone.
00:53:53And a fruit salad.
00:53:56No additives.
00:53:58So many people have different allergies.
00:54:02Her sisters are scattered all over Europe.
00:54:05The oldest in Denmark,
00:54:07one in Estonia.
00:54:09The other has a husband in the Czech Republic,
00:54:11the rest in Poland.
00:54:14You might think
00:54:16they're going abroad.
00:54:24Aren't we getting married, Hjalti?
00:54:26Shut up.
00:54:28You won't be able to
00:54:30control everything.
00:54:34Johanna Einarsdottir.
00:54:38So call me, darling.
00:54:50I'm worried about the boiler.
00:54:52Shut up, you little bitch.
00:55:15Hjalti Pietur
00:55:17jumped on one of the boys.
00:55:19I threw him to the players.
00:55:21He'll have dinner later.
00:55:23They're chilling.
00:55:25They like to play together on the island.
00:55:30Is something wrong?
00:55:34Maybe it's just stress.
00:55:36It always costs me a lot
00:55:38when Hjalti Pietur
00:55:40shows up unexpectedly.
00:55:42That's how much work I have then.
00:55:44And he wants from you,
00:55:46you know.
00:55:51How do you do it?
00:55:53You're all like...
00:55:56We have our ways.
00:55:59We can say
00:56:01we serve each other.
00:56:03I can't lie down for too long.
00:56:06It's sad to see
00:56:08your friend suffer.
00:56:10It has its pros and cons, of course.
00:56:12You release yourself from stress.
00:56:15You understand.
00:56:32I'm going upstairs.
00:56:34My series is starting.
00:56:39I'm coming.
00:56:42Hello, son.
00:56:44Thank you for coming, darling.
00:56:47You know I can't handle these things on my own.
00:56:51What happened there?
00:56:53The same as last time.
00:56:55There's coke in the fridge
00:56:57if you feel like drinking it.
00:56:59I'm going upstairs.
00:57:01I'm coming.
00:57:02You know I can't handle these things on my own.
00:57:04There's coke in the fridge
00:57:06if you feel like drinking it.
00:57:08The hose is disconnected.
00:57:10How long has it been like this?
00:57:12Three days.
00:57:14I didn't want to bother you.
00:57:16Everything is floating here.
00:57:18This week we were supposed to clean the cage,
00:57:20but I asked Johanna for help.
00:57:22I'm not strong.
00:57:24I feel weak.
00:57:26All the energy goes to writing letters
00:57:28about Złoto Kapu.
00:57:33You know I can always fall.
00:57:35Thank you, darling.
00:57:37You're a miracle.
00:57:43What's going on?
00:57:46What about your friend?
00:57:48What's her name?
00:57:52There's still something going on.
00:57:54Her name is Daniela.
00:57:56Is it serious?
00:58:00What do you mean?
00:58:02It's not serious.
00:58:04I knew right away
00:58:06that she's not the woman for you.
00:58:16I can't go to Costa del Sol.
00:58:21We have an important trip
00:58:23with the rescue team.
00:58:25That's what she told you?
00:58:30I don't like our relationship.
00:58:35Who's going to drive the wheelchair at the airport?
00:58:38You know how I feel after a flight.
00:58:41Everyone can push a wheelchair.
00:58:43From Terminal C.
00:58:45I have to get to Terminal A.
00:58:47A bus is waiting there.
00:58:49Maybe Pedro from the bar will go to the airport.
00:58:53What am I going to do without you?
00:58:57Among some psoriatics.
00:59:01I have to go.
00:59:03She comes from a completely different world.
00:59:06You'll never be able to fully understand her.
00:59:09I understand her perfectly.
00:59:12You can see that it's unreal.
00:59:15You'll never know who she really is.
00:59:18She has a higher education.
00:59:21That's why she's rubbing her back on the elders.
00:59:24It's different here than they have it.
00:59:27Doesn't that prove that she's not the woman for you?
00:59:30That she's doing something wrong?
00:59:32No, she's wrong!
00:59:34She just can't get her diploma.
00:59:36That's nonsense.
00:59:38I wouldn't be surprised if someone ordered her from some catalogue.
00:59:41She works at the elders' house.
00:59:43Not one of them does that during the day.
00:59:45And at night they dance on the rose.
00:59:47Do you see how she looks?
00:59:49She moves like La Firenda.
00:59:51Maybe we should start a family?
00:59:53I'd like to.
00:59:55A man with ADHD and your diseases shouldn't have children.
01:00:00It's a gene.
01:00:02Look at your grandmother.
01:00:04Vegetables on a cart.
01:00:06Would a man with ADHD climb to the top of the country?
01:00:15Someone always accompanied you.
01:00:19The world isn't what you say it is.
01:00:21There are people for whom I'm normal.
01:00:24I'm sorry.
01:00:54I'm sorry.
01:01:06A call for you.
01:01:30Good evening.
01:01:32We have a call.
01:01:34I'm going to Spica.
01:01:36Please go.
01:01:38Thank you.
01:01:46We're first.
01:01:48We arrived in six minutes.
01:01:49Where are you calling?
01:01:51To my mother.
01:01:53I have to tell her.
01:01:55The door!
01:02:09Good evening.
01:02:11It's a miracle that this morning the Dutch couple survived
01:02:14an almost 30-meter fall into a crevice on the Langekoel glacier.
01:02:18I thought for a moment that my last hour had come.
01:02:22He thanked his colleagues, members of the rescue team,
01:02:25who did this heroic deed.
01:02:27Alma Ormasz-Dotyr spoke this afternoon
01:02:30with a proud rescuer at the foot of the glacier.
01:02:33For Haneke and Robina von Buskerkow
01:02:36it was the third day of their honeymoon.
01:02:38Through the fog they disconnected from the group of tourists
01:02:40on snowmobiles.
01:02:42To the place where they were found
01:02:44a helicopter of the border guard arrived.
01:02:45On board was Öner Jönsson,
01:02:47who, without waiting for an order,
01:02:49went down to look for young spouses.
01:02:51The woman was in a pretty bad condition.
01:02:53Both legs were broken.
01:02:55She wasn't quite conscious,
01:02:57so first I took her,
01:02:59and then I went back for my husband.
01:03:01And what were the circumstances
01:03:03preceding these actions?
01:03:05The rescuers from Borgarnes were first.
01:03:07They, of course, are closest,
01:03:09but when we show up,
01:03:11the smaller squads always give way
01:03:13and check the conditions for the guard.
01:03:15We went through the tunnel
01:03:17and were there as soon as possible.
01:03:19Öner reduces his merits.
01:03:21No, a man just does what he can.
01:03:23What have you done?
01:03:25I would like to thank the commander
01:03:27for a perfect organization.
01:03:29Take it, boy.
01:03:31Working in such a department
01:03:33is a lifestyle.
01:03:37The woman's condition is stable.
01:03:39Öner Jönsson.
01:03:41Where are you?
01:03:45I'm here.
01:03:59Of course, it doesn't happen often
01:04:01that a 90% disability
01:04:03gives up on itself.
01:04:05That after 28 years,
01:04:07a man stands on his hands
01:04:09in good health
01:04:11and sheds tears of testimony.
01:04:13Do you want to say
01:04:15that I lied about the condition of my child?
01:04:17Do you think
01:04:19I would be able to do that?
01:04:22According to Article 55,
01:04:24we have the right to demand
01:04:26the return of the overpaid funds.
01:04:28And if the overpayment
01:04:30is the result of embezzlement,
01:04:32the testifier has the obligation
01:04:34to return everything
01:04:36with interest.
01:04:43will you give me a moment
01:04:45alone with the patroness?
01:04:47Of course.
01:04:55It was nice to meet you.
01:05:11The boy had a disability
01:05:13when he was born
01:05:15and he was very small,
01:05:17even as before.
01:05:23through all the pregnancy,
01:05:25I knew that something was wrong.
01:05:28And it was.
01:05:30Everything was wrong.
01:05:32After five years,
01:05:34he began to behave
01:05:36as if I was afraid of him.
01:05:38Changeable moods.
01:05:43He was very rude.
01:05:47And I, with my diseases,
01:05:49could not control him very well.
01:05:56All my life,
01:05:58I walked my own paths.
01:06:00I never know
01:06:02what state he is in
01:06:04when he returns home.
01:06:06I do not distinguish
01:06:08when he tells me the truth.
01:06:10I never distinguished.
01:06:14Life did not distinguish me.
01:06:21It sounds like he was a psychopath.
01:06:28Do you think so?
01:06:31If you say so,
01:06:34it cannot be ruled out.
01:06:37None of me is an expert.
01:06:38Certainly not me.
01:06:40There is no mother
01:06:42who would want
01:06:44her child to be disabled.
01:07:08Yes, a little.
01:07:10Maybe from here.
01:07:12Good morning.
01:07:14Good morning.
01:07:16I'm a little late.
01:07:18Actually, I'm arranged.
01:07:20Althea can take care of you.
01:07:22She is free.
01:07:26She's great.
01:07:28Do you know her already?
01:07:35Do you know her already?
01:07:40We can also arrange another date for you.
01:07:44No need.
01:07:46It should be fine.
01:07:48I'm in a bit of a hurry.
01:07:50Please sit down.
01:07:52Only the nails, as usual.
01:08:01Good morning.
01:08:05Everything is fine.
01:08:35Good evening.
01:08:37What would you like to have?
01:08:39Diet Coke.
01:08:41No ice.
01:08:55Thank you.
01:09:06Excuse me.
01:09:08Are you alone?
01:09:13Aren't you Agnes?
01:09:21Aren't we arranged?
01:09:23I'm Anton.
01:09:27My name is Indiana.
01:09:29Yes, I'm sorry.
01:09:31I'm waiting for someone here.
01:09:33A woman named Agnes.
01:09:40A date in the dark?
01:09:42You could say that.
01:09:44But we know each other well.
01:09:47We talk on the phone.
01:09:58I haven't drunk for over two years.
01:10:01And now I'm sitting here and pouring a third beer into myself.
01:10:07Probably stress.
01:10:21Not often does a person have such a contact with another person.
01:10:26Such a real one.
01:10:30But I don't have to tell you about it.
01:10:34What do you mean?
01:10:36You just look like someone who doesn't have any trouble with it.
01:10:50We must...
01:10:52What kept her?
01:10:54She's very busy.
01:10:58Helping others.
01:11:00An interesting woman.
01:11:04Sometimes I wonder what she's looking for in a guy like me.
01:11:09You must have a lot of advantages.
01:11:12Yes. Not everyone would necessarily agree with that.
01:11:17But it's more convenient to get to know people over the phone.
01:11:21Then the look of a person doesn't bother you.
01:11:24He can be honest.
01:11:26I didn't necessarily tell her everything.
01:11:31A person never tells everything to others.
01:11:39Maybe she came and ran away when she saw me.
01:11:42I have to go.
01:11:44Good luck.
01:11:46Thanks. Bye.
01:13:30I'm ready. Are you coming?
01:13:45We'll have some fun.
01:13:52Mom, open up.
01:13:55I can't breathe.
01:13:57You don't know what you've done to your mother.
01:14:00What are you doing?
01:14:04Are you sure everything's fine?
01:14:07If you don't open up, I'll break down the door.
01:14:10Step aside. I'm coming in.
01:14:14What's gotten into you, boy?
01:14:17You want to destroy...
01:14:30I know it's hard for me to adapt to change.
01:14:33Because of a group of anxiety disorders. I know.
01:14:37Can we bring some dessert?
01:14:40Yes, we can bring some dessert.
01:14:49Salamander rice.
01:14:51Salamander rice, as always on Christmas Eve.
01:14:54We're sticking to the Icelandic tradition.
01:14:57Of course, we don't have to change anything.
01:15:00And a beer for Pelsin.
01:15:03I hope I'm not disturbing you.
01:15:06Mom, stop it.
01:15:08Yes, I'm only disturbing you.
01:15:13No. Yes, I'm always disturbing you.
01:15:21I was at the workshop.
01:15:23Bini, Fordur's brother, offered me a contract.
01:15:26It will help me pay off my debt to the state.
01:15:29Önar is very proud of the rescue operation.
01:15:34He's famous all over the country.
01:15:37I'm not famous at all.
01:15:40I also saved human lives.
01:15:43But there were no TV cameras.
01:15:46Do you think you'd be sitting here today
01:15:49if I didn't sacrifice all my dreams for you?
01:15:51You should be happy that Önar is doing well.
01:15:54Of course, I'm happy.
01:15:57Every mother is happy when her child is doing well.
01:16:00But it's something new for me.
01:16:03I just regret that I didn't find out earlier.
01:16:06I just regret that I didn't find out earlier.
01:16:20What do you hear about Esther Yr?
01:16:26Your friend on Facebook.
01:16:30What are you talking about?
01:16:32Will you deny it?
01:16:35You don't know Esther Yr?
01:16:40How do you know that?
01:16:43Who is Esther Yr?
01:16:46Didn't she talk to you?
01:16:51She said she saw me in the news.
01:16:54She liked you. She didn't say anything like that.
01:16:57She put it differently.
01:16:59She put it differently.
01:17:02How do you know that?
01:17:05I know everything.
01:17:08Mom knows this and that about you.
01:17:12Did I talk to you?
01:17:17I knew that she would try to betray you
01:17:20as soon as a solid Icelandic girl appears.
01:17:23You're so primitive.
01:17:26I'm just protecting you. Don't you understand?
01:17:29No. You're a sick liar.
01:17:32Why did you always limit me?
01:17:35Why couldn't I do anything else?
01:17:38To train, to belong to the army.
01:17:41You went to the first aid course.
01:17:44I did it only for you.
01:17:47And such an idiot from Irabaki, deaf with immune disorders,
01:17:50went to Ogulniak.
01:17:53Today he is a programmer,
01:17:56and in the spring his daughter has a confirmation.
01:17:59Why only you think I'm sick?
01:18:02And she never.
01:18:05I did everything in my power to protect you.
01:18:30I don't understand.
01:18:33How can you be so cruel?
01:18:36If you would spend as much energy
01:18:39for your son as for this tree,
01:18:42it would be a rich woman.
01:18:45Who do you think you are?
01:18:48He is 39 years old.
01:18:51You will never give him back
01:18:54the drum of our country.
01:18:56You come to my house
01:18:59and you dare to judge me?
01:19:02What basis do you have
01:19:05to understand the Icelandic society?
01:19:11Poor Polish dancer in a rose.
01:19:14How can you say that?
01:19:17Be so prejudiced.
01:19:23I protect my child
01:19:26and I protect you.
01:19:29You are nobody in this society.
01:19:32You can't even get a job.
01:19:35I don't need a job.
01:19:38I work for my pension.
01:19:41You are lucky that you have health
01:19:44to rub your ass with a slimy old man.
01:19:47I hope that you have someone to rub
01:19:50when you are a slimy old man.
01:19:53I have UNAR.
01:19:56I am sick
01:19:59and you are pushing with your hooves
01:20:02and threatening me?
01:20:05Are you really sick?
01:20:08Get out.
01:20:11This is my house.
01:20:21I know that you are cheating the system all the time.
01:20:24I can tell you that.
01:20:27You make UNAR lie when he is a baby.
01:20:30He is supposed to cry and say
01:20:33I don't know how to ask people.
01:20:36What do you know?
01:20:39Look at yourself.
01:20:42You are stupid.
01:20:46Why are you so afraid?
01:20:55I will tell you only one thing.
01:20:58This plant won't get a single drop of water.
01:21:01Not a single sunbeam
01:21:04will ever fall on these sensitive leaves.
01:21:07This plant will rot where it belongs.
01:21:10In the darkness with fish.
01:21:14This is how your gifts end for me.
01:21:24I can take the phone and tell
01:21:27how to get into Subaru
01:21:30and meet a man named Jonas.
01:21:33He lives near Gretisgata.
01:21:36Jonas collects medicine bags
01:21:39and pays money.
01:21:55I hope you will be kind in the future.
01:21:59You are always welcome at Enkijal.
01:22:10No plant will bloom in your Enkijal.
01:22:14Not a single one.
01:22:24What are you doing here?
01:22:27There is nothing for you here.
01:22:30I will call the police.
01:22:33This is a violation of home peace.
01:22:55I remember Christmas
01:23:00The holiday that lifts us
01:23:04The star upon our trees
01:23:07Shining so bright
01:23:24You are from Vienna today.
01:23:27You jump around like a fly.
01:23:30Lately I feel very good.
01:23:33I am always excited at Christmas.
01:23:36Are you sure I bought red cabbage?
01:23:39I prepared some Filipino papaya sauce.
01:23:42Dalsai. I learned to make it.
01:23:45Apparently delicious with meat.
01:23:48With glazed ham?
01:23:51It's good to add sweet to salty.
01:23:54Today we stick to tradition.
01:24:00They say it's good to put it aside for the day.
01:24:03Let's try with the leftovers.
01:24:06He usually helps me cover the table
01:24:09and then I let him open one gift before dinner.
01:24:14Ynar loves Christmas.
01:24:17When Hjalti Petur stopped coming
01:24:20I started thinking about a trip around the world.
01:24:23You should be happy.
01:24:26It's a pitiful creature.
01:24:29I even felt relieved.
01:24:32But I wonder who would take care of the community.
01:24:35It's hard for me to accept
01:24:38that during the trip everything will fall apart.
01:24:41I think everything is ready. Spoons.
01:24:44My God, I forgot to pack an almond gift.
01:24:47Just don't tell me what it is.
01:24:49Ynar always gets it.
01:24:52It's hard.
01:24:55This time it won't be packed.
01:24:58It's time. They will be here soon.
01:25:10Thank you, Indiano,
01:25:13that you let me into your life
01:25:15and that you let me spend
01:25:18this most sacred moment with you.
01:25:21Cheers, dear friend.
01:25:24I'm so glad I have you.
01:25:27Cheers. May the spirit of Christ
01:25:30flow into your heart with these tears.
01:25:45I don't know what I would do without you.
01:25:48Grandma always fed the salmon.
01:25:51Johanna, let's listen to the silence, dear.
01:25:54I'm sorry.
01:26:16Merry Christmas.
01:26:22Welcome, my dear boy.
01:26:25Merry Christmas.
01:26:28Are you alone?
01:26:37There will be a surprise guest.
01:26:40Look who is here.
01:26:42Merry Christmas.
01:26:45Merry Christmas, Danielo.
01:26:48Merry Christmas, Indiano.
01:26:51Is this your grandmother?
01:26:57And this is for you.
01:27:00My name is Johanna Ynar Jdotir
01:27:03and I'm a friend of Indiano,
01:27:06the head of the community.
01:27:12Merry Christmas.
01:27:15Merry Christmas.
01:27:18Merry Christmas.
01:27:21Merry Christmas.
01:27:24You can't give this to your grandmother.
01:27:27This is not a Christmas game.
01:27:36Wow, your blouse is beautiful.
01:27:39Thank you.
01:27:43And where is your boy?
01:27:46I think he is with Ardis.
01:27:49Last year they were hunting together on Renifery.
01:27:52I saw that on Facebook
01:27:55he calls him his bull.
01:28:01Maybe I'll bring it.
01:28:04You have to knead it.
01:28:07She doesn't chew, do you understand?
01:28:12There is one chair missing.
01:28:15When the hungry one comes.
01:28:18It's a beautiful custom
01:28:21when Józef and Maria came to look for a shelter,
01:28:24but it's nice.
01:28:27We don't have an additional chair.
01:28:34Find some Jesus.
01:28:39Bibi, this sweetie.
01:28:42Johanna, this is a chair for mother-in-law.
01:28:45Today Bibi is a child of Jesus.
01:28:48All children are welcome today.
01:28:51Jesus and Bibi.
01:28:54But it's a terribly beautiful custom.
01:28:57It was my chair when I was little.
01:29:00It's good.
01:29:03Delicious salmon, mom.
01:29:06A little slippery.
01:29:09I talk too much.
01:29:14We always listen to this.
01:29:17The first writing-off took place
01:29:20when Quirinius was the ruler of Syria.
01:29:23So everyone was going to register
01:29:26everyone to their city.
01:29:29It also happened that Józef from Galilee,
01:29:32from the city of Nazareth to Judea,
01:29:35to a city called Bethlehem.
01:29:37Because they didn't have a place in the Lord.
01:29:40Johanna says a lot.
01:29:43We didn't listen to it on the radio.
01:29:46Grandma always read it with her own voice.
01:29:49Let's listen and enjoy the food.
01:29:51Józef from Galilee, Judea
01:29:54to a city called Bethlehem.
01:29:57Everyone was going to register
01:30:00everyone to their city.
01:30:03Did you know Brynjara Yrna Svensson,
01:30:06the postmaster?
01:30:09You don't have to speak so loudly.
01:30:12His wife was Laufey Gudmundsdottir.
01:30:15He was a little older than you.
01:30:18He had the same dementia and was terribly boring.
01:30:21We didn't listen to it.
01:30:24A man felt a relief when he finally turned.
01:30:27It was as if we got rid of the elephant from our lives.
01:30:30But you are not boring because you don't say anything.
01:30:33We listen to many things.
01:30:36And suddenly a lot of blue substitutes joined the angel.
01:30:39This guy is so boring.
01:30:51She doesn't like you at all.
01:30:54She thinks it's bad that you are an alien.
01:30:57A drop of sherry?
01:31:00No, thank you.
01:31:03How come? Abstinence?
01:31:06From Poland?
01:31:09I just don't drink in those days.
01:31:12To hell with it.
01:31:15I don't drink in those days.
01:31:18I don't drink in those days.
01:31:21Something wrong, mom?
01:31:24The oven. It went out normally.
01:31:27How come?
01:31:30The corks fell out.
01:31:37What are we going to do now?
01:31:40It's a terrible problem.
01:31:43Don't worry. The salmon is delicious.
01:31:46And we can't eat the ham?
01:31:48No, it has to be as it should be.
01:31:51This time we have to make an exception
01:31:54and go straight to the alamand rice.
01:31:57Johanna, help me and you sit down.
01:32:00We'll go straight to the dessert, grandma.
01:32:03Do you have cold hands?
01:32:06No, it's quite warm.
01:32:09Alamand rice.
01:32:12Here you go, darling. And the fun begins.
01:32:15Who will find the almond?
01:32:18I always wanted to beat him.
01:32:21Grandma's favorite. He always got the biggest presents.
01:32:36What is it? It wasn't there?
01:32:39No. I didn't hide it.
01:32:42Did you swallow it?
01:32:45No. I chewed it all.
01:32:48You have an almond, Johanna.
01:32:51Not yet.
01:32:54What will I get as a present?
01:32:57Puzzles. Wonderful.
01:33:06We always arrange the first day of Christmas with Ynar.
01:33:09Did I spoil something for you?
01:33:12I'm sorry.
01:33:15We always dress up in pyjamas.
01:33:18We drink apelsin.
01:33:21They belong to you.
01:33:24No. Yes.
01:33:27You are the youngest.
01:33:30It's always like that.
01:33:33I'll go upstairs later and come up with something.
01:33:36Look. Two thousand pieces.
01:33:38A nice picture.
01:33:56She is a special one, your daughter.
01:33:59She is my best friend.
01:34:02I don't know what I would do without her.
01:34:04Grandma, shall we go to the living room?
01:34:23I want to stay for the night.
01:34:26I mean us.
01:34:29In my room.
01:34:31It's always so nice the next day.
01:34:38The first day of Christmas is spent at home, Ynar.
01:34:41I know, but...
01:34:45A great gift is waiting for you in Enkijal.
01:34:50I want to tell you something.
01:34:53Sure. We don't have to decide now.
01:34:56We'll see.
01:34:58Shall we play a CD?
01:35:02We found an old CD at grandma's.
01:35:05Old people like music from their youth.
01:35:08It brings back memories.
01:35:11Grandma, we'll play your CD.
01:35:27Can you see?
01:35:30Mom, come here. She can hear you.
01:35:33Are you having fun, grandma?
01:35:44What are you doing to the devil?
01:35:47Stop it.
01:35:52Did you come here to spoil me and Ynar's Christmas?
01:35:55You are not in your communal ruder.
01:35:58This is my house.
01:36:01A private one?
01:36:04Do you want to have a private one?
01:36:07You, troublemaker.
01:36:10Mom, stop it.
01:36:13You are the troublemaker of Gundi and Zigi the Black.
01:36:17Maybe he should sit in my place.
01:36:20Let him get wet, so the stench will be absorbed.
01:36:24And here is this troublemaker Gundi.
01:36:27Let's make a proper party.
01:36:31Here you go.
01:36:42Don't spoil her.
01:36:45Aren't you fed up yet?
01:36:48You are never fed up with insatiable booze.
01:36:55I'm better than you.
01:36:58You were never able to grow anything, Flejo.
01:37:02Everything died or you were taken away.
01:37:06Ynar never lacked anything.
01:37:09He never went hungry or scared to sleep.
01:37:13He lived safely and he never met anything bad.
01:37:17And I...
01:37:20I had to clean your shit when you were sleeping in your own rags
01:37:24and I couldn't wake you up.
01:37:27You never celebrated Christmas Eve.
01:37:30You, troublemaker.
01:37:33You didn't spend a single penny on me.
01:37:36You didn't give me any Christmas presents.
01:37:39And where is the glazed ham?
01:37:42The peas? The red cabbage?
01:37:45You bastard.
01:37:48You owe me money.
01:37:57Darling, kiss your mommy goodnight.
01:38:01Mommy will go to the store to get a present for Cyrus, okay?
01:38:06And then I'll come back, we'll prepare dinner and it'll be fun.
01:38:11But you didn't come back.
01:38:37You shouldn't have told anyone.
01:38:40They would come and take me.
01:38:43Just like they took Jon and my sister Dis.
01:38:47But I rule here.
01:38:50No one will hurt me here.
01:38:55What a relief, isn't it?
01:39:01Maybe we should unwrap the presents now?
01:39:05Yes, of course.
01:39:08Some people can't wait any longer.
01:39:12I usually read with Ynar for a change,
01:39:16but this time I'll read by myself.
01:39:36This is for grandma, from me and Ynar.
01:39:43For you, darling.
01:39:45Thank you.
01:40:00I didn't expect someone to give me a present.
01:40:05We just didn't get used to it, mom.
01:40:09If I knew, I'd definitely...
01:40:11You always give Indiano presents.
01:40:14To yourself.
01:40:20Hi, Bysior.
01:40:24Yes, I know it's Christmas.
01:40:27They're all over town.
01:40:30Do you think I'm stupid?
01:40:38I don't feel good.
01:40:41I think I'll take a nap.
01:41:11We couldn't know.
01:41:14You ruined our Christmas.
01:41:17I told you we always spend it just the two of us.
01:41:21I thought it was good to have a big family.
01:41:25Mom's right.
01:41:27You can't trust anyone.
01:41:30I bring you home and you try to hurt her?
01:41:34I don't know if I can do it.
01:41:37I don't want to hurt her.
01:41:39I don't know if I should believe everything I hear.
01:41:43Not more than you're disabled.
01:41:46She's just protecting me.
01:41:49You're not Icelandic, you don't understand.
01:41:52I'm just trying to help you.
01:41:55She was right about you.
01:41:59I think I'll go.
01:42:02I have to stay here.
01:42:05You don't have to stay here, you want to stay.
01:42:09Thank you for the bed.
01:42:16Don't go.
01:42:19When you come back, I won't be in Enkial.
01:42:23I'm sorry I yelled at you.
01:42:26We'll talk tomorrow, okay?
01:42:29Good luck in life, Ynar.
01:42:36Don't go.
01:42:39Don't go.
01:43:09Don't go.
01:43:39Don't go.
01:43:56Did you call to say you were sick?
01:44:02You have to eat something.
01:44:05And then go to the pharmacy.
01:44:08Buy me an Almogran, 12.5 mg.
01:44:11I'm running out of the last blister.
01:44:19My head is breaking.
01:44:22It's going to kill me.
01:44:25I can't take it any longer.
01:44:38Go upstairs and tell her to stop whining.
01:44:44Put on earplugs.
01:44:47I can't.
01:44:50I'm too swollen.
01:44:54Do something, boy.
01:44:57At least once, do something useful.
01:45:29Where is your love?
01:45:34Where is your love?
01:46:04Where is your love?
01:46:34Where is your love?
01:46:59Try to clean yourself
01:47:01or your nose will bleed.
01:47:05I won't always be with you.
01:47:10And then come and help me plant a tree.
01:47:31Come on.
01:48:02Polish version, Studio Kino Polska.
01:48:05Text by Jacek Godek.
01:48:08Read by Kacper Kaliszewski.
01:48:32Directed by Jacek Godek.
01:48:35Music by Jacek Godek.
01:48:38Edited by Jacek Godek.
01:48:41Music by Jacek Godek.
01:48:44Edited by Jacek Godek.
01:48:47Music by Jacek Godek.
01:48:50Edited by Jacek Godek.
01:48:53Music by Jacek Godek.
01:48:56Edited by Jacek Godek.
01:48:58Music by Jacek Godek.
01:49:01Edited by Jacek Godek.