17_Hanh Phuc Tu Dau Co

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00:00Tài Gòn Phim Việt và lòng tiếng, Tà Khím Việt Nam phát hành.
00:20Ăn cơm thôi!
00:21Chà, hôm nay chơi ăn sợ quá đi mà!
00:23Tự nhiên rồi! Hôm nay có thằng Tề với cô Ân lên chơi phải làm thêm vài món chứ!
00:28Nè, tụi bay coi bộ dạng má tụi bay kìa!
00:30Nước miếng chảy ra luôn thằng giấy vậy đó!
00:32Nè nè, thằng giấy nè!
00:33Má con bị khói trong bếp làm ngợp quá, không đủ nính thở rồi!
00:36Làm sao mà chảy nước miếng được chứ!
00:38Hèn chi thằng Tề trộn mày!
00:40Bởi vậy mày quá ngốc rồi!
00:42Anh ba anh nói gì vậy?
00:43À phải, bác à!
00:44Bác có khát nước không?
00:45Con nhờ chị hai rớt ly nước cho bác uống nha!
00:47Nè Tài à!
00:48À Tài à!
00:49Con rể tương lai cũng có thể lấy lòng má vợ được mà!
00:51Nếu mày muốn rớt thì có việc đi rớt!
00:53Nó có chảy nước miếng bao giờ?
00:55Nó bay không à!
00:56Ơn à!
00:57Cô cứ ăn tự nhiên đi!
00:58Nè nè, nghe rõ đây!
01:00Nhớ phải uống thêm chén canh!
01:02Trái sùng nấu với phổi heo!
01:03Mát gàng lắm đó!
01:04Thói vàng rồng à!
01:05Hít ba cái khói đó không có tốt lắm đâu!
01:07Uống nhiều canh đi!
01:08Con, con vẫn thường kiểm tra vợ con mà!
01:10Không để nó tối ngày thả khói ra đường, ô nhiễm lắm!
01:13Kiểm tra vợ con?
01:14Mày bị vợ nào vậy?
01:15Đương nhiên không phải bà vợ bên cạnh rồi!
01:17Có phải khí thải của anh bay ra nguy hiểm lắm không?
01:20Nè, khói thuốc của anh không thể coi là khí thải!
01:22Anh đó, tối ngày cứ bắt em hít khói thuốc hoài là giảm thọ biết mấy đúng không?
01:26Đúng đó, hít khói thuốc dễ tủng thọ lắm!
01:28Trần đứng lại!
01:29Em tối ngày cứ phải hít khói thuốc của anh hai, em không uống chết cơm đâu!
01:32Nè, em đừng nói quá như vậy!
01:33Ở nhà anh cũng ít khi hút thuốc lắm!
01:35Em nói vậy chẳng khác nào có anh như bơ xe phung khói,
01:38hay các nhà máy công nghiệp xả khí thải.
01:40Thật ra có lám nghiêm trọng gì không?
01:42Anh hai à, xe của anh đâu ở đâu vậy?
01:44Bởi vậy mới nói, người Hồng Kông bây giờ mang nhiều chuyến bệnh về tiên phủ,
01:47ngày càng gia tăng à,
01:48mấy đứa trẻ trong 10 đứa thì đã có 1 đứa bị bệnh rồi, phải không?
01:52Má nói như vậy chẳng khác nào các tạp chí phóng to ra quảng cáo vậy!
01:57Nói chung hút thuốc là không có lợi!
01:59Đó, đó, đó, đó, hò nữa, thấy chưa, thấy chưa, hò!
02:01Có liên kai gì tới hút thuốc đâu, thời tiết không tốt thôi!
02:04Ơi, no rồi không ăn nữa đâu!
02:06Mới đây đã no rồi à?
02:07Phải rồi, no rồi!
02:08Chuyện ăn uống á, nó không quan trọng mấy đâu!
02:11Ơi, ăn cơm xong làm 1 điếu, lấy tinh thần cơ ta!
02:16Chỉ biết món canh của cô đã bị điếu thuốc của nó làm cho phí công thôi!
02:21Ủa, hình như có mùi khét!
02:23Ây chết, không lẽ tôi quên khóa ga?
02:26Ờ, đâu có phải, tôi nấu xong bao giờ cũng đóng ga lại mà!
02:29Nè, mọi người có ngửi được mùi không vậy?
02:31Hình như có mùi khét!
02:32Đứng lại!
02:36Trời ơi! Trời ơi! Mùi khét gì no cũng không đói rồi!
02:39Trời ơi, đậm tắc!
02:40Lên lên! Lên lên!
02:42Giết rồi! Giết rồi!
02:43Ờ, chết rồi!
02:44Ờ, chết rồi! Chết cái áo của em rồi!
02:46Thôi, đừng cuống! Anh mua chiếc khác cho em mà!
02:48Ờ, đúng là không biết lửa!
02:49Anh từ đâu tới hả?
02:51Nhưng lại cũng đâu phải là vô cớ chứ!
02:5399% là cho toàn thuốc làm bóc trái rồi!
02:55Ờ, có cái gì đâu nè!
02:58Tuy nhiên là cả nhà chỉ có mỗi mình tôi hút thuốc,
04:05Ah, that's why I planted this flower pot.
04:08Let me see.
04:08It's no different from a dry pot.
04:10It's actually a dragon flower pot.
04:12Oh my god.
04:12I think you've been nagging me too little, haven't you?
04:13I usually plant flowers for my mother.
04:15Hey, Mr. Giang.
04:15According to the law of the government,
04:16the driver has to apply medicine.
04:18Yes, yes, yes.
04:19It's a waste.
04:21Oh my god.
04:22Don't waste your time advising him.
04:24He's only been home three times.
04:25How can we make him apply medicine?
04:28An, how much does it cost this time?
04:30Oh, let's see how good Ms. Hao is.
04:32Oh, right.
04:33He's out of medicine.
04:34Don't worry.
04:35Ms. Hao is a calm person.
04:37Am I right?
04:38Mr. Giang.
04:39If I force you to apply medicine,
04:40will you do it?
04:41I will.
04:42But I've been smoking for more than ten years.
04:44It's so hard to quit.
04:46So you won't listen to me.
04:47Can you smoke less?
04:49Yes, I can.
04:50I'll smoke less.
04:50I'll do it later.
04:52You should also take care of your health.
04:53You often plant flowers every day.
04:56I'll take care of my health later.
04:57I promise I'll have another bowl of soup.
05:00Ah, Ms. Hao.
05:01Do you have soup?
05:05I'm in big trouble this time.
05:07What's the big trouble?
05:08Tell me.
05:10Why don't you call it a big trouble?
05:11I accidentally shot a roasted pig
05:13when I went to worship Mai Van.
05:14The car was waiting for me.
05:17That's right, Giang Rong.
05:18Everyone knows it's bad luck.
05:20I feel like that stupid pig keeps following me.
05:23Oh, I'm dead this time.
05:25Let's go to La Bua town to make a altar
05:27to worship thousands of ants.
05:29You'll feel better.
05:30That's weird.
05:31How many thousands?
05:32It'll be a pity if you don't die.
05:36I always meet bad luck.
05:38I'm afraid I'll meet my ex-father soon.
05:42If you're my friend, think of a way to save me.
05:45I know you're familiar and generous.
05:46You have a lot of friends. Help your friends.
05:48You don't have to worry.
05:49The first thing I did was to help you
05:50summon the angels and demons here.
05:53Come here.
05:54Hey, Mr. Mien Rong.
05:55What's the bad luck?
05:58I heard you have to spend thousands to build an altar?
06:00That's right.
06:01If that's the case, let them take care of it.
06:03That's right.
06:03Mr. Mien Rong.
06:05I told you not to tell your family.
06:07We're all friends, right?
06:09If you meet bad luck, we have to help each other.
06:12I told you not to laugh.
06:14That's right. We didn't mean to make fun of you.
06:15I know you're a tough guy.
06:17But I'm very careful about this.
06:19Don't make fun of me.
06:19Oh, my God.
06:20You always talk big.
06:21You're a tough guy, too.
06:22All of you are the same.
06:24Hey, Mr. Mien Rong.
06:26Don't you believe this?
06:27No, I don't.
06:28But I don't know what it is.
06:29I've been dreaming about that stupid pig head.
06:32How can you know if you haven't had it?
06:33I haven't seen it.
06:34Why don't you see it?
06:36I even gave them money to buy a house.
06:38Don't talk nonsense.
06:39They'll mess with you.
06:40If they mess with me,
06:41I'll take them to the court.
06:44The court is just a movie.
06:47Is there a more realistic way to save my husband?
06:49Yes, there is.
06:50My mother also taught me a few tricks.
06:52If you meet bad luck,
06:53it's best to drink a lot of water.
06:54If it's not good, drink a lot of wine.
06:56If it's not good, drink a lot of wine.
06:59If it's not good, drink a lot of wine.
07:01Oh, no.
07:02It's better to meet my father.
07:07Mr. Giang.
07:09What are you doing?
07:10Why are you standing here alone?
07:11No, I'm just watching the scene.
07:13You said it yourself.
07:14We don't need to talk much when we're dating.
07:16You always listen to me.
07:17Tell me.
07:19I think it's relative.
07:20Last time, we went to the gold shop to see the flowers.
07:22You haven't moved at all.
07:24I know.
07:25I'm saving money.
07:26It's true.
07:27No need to hurry.
07:28I'm just kidding.
07:29As your girlfriend,
07:30I want to talk about my feelings, not money.
07:32I have a gift for you.
07:33What is it?
07:34This is a medicine box.
07:36If you stick it on, you won't be addicted to medicine anymore.
07:37This is a medicine box.
07:38Medicine box?
07:39Why are there three of these?
07:40That's right.
07:41This medicine box is very effective.
07:43Just stick it on.
07:44If it's not the right time, you can't open it anyway.
07:46Who came up with these three weird things?
07:48Let's stick it on for 3 minutes.
07:49Open it once and try it.
07:503 minutes?
07:51What do you want?
07:51I've done it.
07:524 o'clock.
07:53Every morning, I wake up, wash my face, brush my teeth, and do one thing.
07:55After lunch, I can do one more thing.
07:57When you drive a taxi, you can't smoke.
07:59At night, after lunch, you can smoke one more thing.
08:01If you only smoke three things a day, that's enough.
08:04That's not true.
08:05I smoke one thing every 4 hours.
08:07Don't you smoke?
08:08Don't be so cruel.
08:09It's very annoying.
08:10You don't smoke much?
08:12Compared to the amount I smoke every day,
08:14it's a lot less.
08:15So, I'll go there and buy a pair of medicine boxes for you.
08:18That's not what I mean.
08:19How can you say that to me?
08:21Let me ask you.
08:22Actually, do you love me more
08:24or do you love the medicine box more?
08:27See? You have to think about it.
08:29That's not what I mean.
08:30Of course...
08:31Of course, I love you more.
08:33You don't have to think about it.
08:35You're so reluctant.
08:37Well, it's wrong not to think about it.
08:38What do you want?
08:40I want you to smoke.
08:49Oh my God!
08:50Big brother!
08:51Did you steal my collection again?
08:53Oh my God!
08:53A box of cigarettes, a box of cigarettes, a box of cigarettes,
08:55You've been collecting cigarettes for years, haven't you?
08:58You don't have to say it.
08:59You know, since you started smoking,
09:00I've been collecting these.
09:02Do you think it's romantic?
09:04Why are you bringing up romantic memories?
09:07Your face looks so depressed.
09:10It's nothing different from a headache.
09:15These are the ones
09:16I've been collecting since I married An.
09:18Do you think there's anything more romantic?
09:20So, how many have you lost?
09:23These are the ones I've been collecting since I started smoking.
09:25And this box is from An.
09:27Which one is more romantic?
09:29It can't be compared to that.
09:31I started smoking before I had a girlfriend.
09:33It's not fair.
09:35But when she forced me to smoke,
09:37it's not fair to people like me.
09:39I've been addicted to cigarettes for years.
09:40I can't say it's spicy.
09:43According to you, it means you don't want to smoke, right?
09:46Don't ask me this anymore.
09:47I'm having a headache.
09:49I'm just afraid that An will not accept the result.
09:51I'm afraid that you will avoid An
09:53and hide in bed to smoke.
09:56An will not accept it.
09:58Smoking and having a girlfriend are two different things.
10:01Why can't they be combined?
10:03That's right.
10:04An didn't forbid me to smoke.
10:06She just told me to smoke less.
10:07I just thought of her as an adult and a child.
10:09I just did what she told me to do.
10:10That's right.
10:12It's not fair to people like you.
10:14You always decide for an adult and a child.
10:16So An will regret it when she becomes an adult.
10:19What? An will become an adult?
10:20I've been addicted to cigarettes for years.
10:22Of course, it means I'm an adult.
10:37Let me out.
10:39The toilet is here.
10:41Oh my god, it's so expensive.
10:43Mr. Giang, Mr. Giang.
10:45Are you at number 14?
10:47Hey, I heard that there's a movie there.
10:49If you see anything, don't panic.
10:52Mr. Giang, Mr. Giang.
10:54Mr. Giang.
10:56Hey, you bastard.
10:57I'm not afraid of this kind of thing.
10:59I'm just afraid that you will disturb the movie.
11:01I won't talk to you anymore. Let's eat.
11:14Oh, it's so good.
11:19Meet the devil.
11:21It's our show again.
11:24The main character in this story
11:26is Mr. Tien Tai.
11:29Hey, it's Mr. Tien Tai again.
11:31Why do you want to tell a ghost story?
11:32I don't know if you want people to be scared or laugh.
11:37Why are you so weird?
11:39I told you to find a taxi but you haven't found it yet.
11:41I told you to find a taxi but you haven't found it yet.
11:43How can I tell you if you don't find it?
11:45I can tell you now.
11:47What are you doing?
11:48This place is so deserted.
11:50There's no one here.
11:51Who dares to come in?
11:53Director, there's a taxi waiting for me.
11:55Get ready.
11:56Everyone, get in position.
12:03Turn off the lights.
12:19It's not like that.
12:24It's just an illusion.
12:41It's not like that.
12:56Gold and silver notes.
12:59I was right.
13:01There's really a ghost.
13:05Dad, please help me.
13:07Don't let the devils mess with me.
13:11Why did you wake up at night and light incense for me?
13:13Did you dream of me?
13:15Mom, did you dream of me?
13:17Yes, I dreamed of him.
13:19That's why I came here to light incense for him.
13:21Did he say anything else?
13:23He said that when he woke up in the middle of the night,
13:25he saw a lot of devils in the middle of the night.
13:27There were ghosts in the middle of the night.
13:31Can the devils in the middle of the night be devils?
13:33Of course.
13:35The most terrible thing is the devils in the middle of the night.
13:37So I'm stepping on them, right?
13:39Oh my God.
13:41Please don't step on them.
13:43Mom, what should I do?
13:45It's okay.
13:47I told you to light incense for him.
13:49I did.
13:50What's in your hand?
14:08I think this is the right place.
14:13I saw a chessboard here that night.
14:17Come on.
14:18At least don't let me see anything.
14:23Please, ghosts.
14:25Please don't step on me.
14:27There are many offerings here.
14:30Please, be natural.
14:33Mr. Giang.
14:38Mr. Giang.
14:39Mr. Giang.
14:41What's up, Tyrone?
14:43Are you at number 14?
14:47I just took a guest to the Great Pyramid.
14:49Oh, it must be that place.
14:52Don't come back too late.
14:54It's easy to meet those kinds of ghosts in that bar.
14:57But you don't have to believe all this.
14:59Let's play chess tonight.
15:02I'm not going anywhere.
15:03I don't feel well.
15:05I don't feel well.
15:08What's that?
15:09Oh my God.
15:12Oh my God.
15:13I won't talk to you anymore.
15:16Oh my God.
15:18It's so hot.
15:20I can't breathe.
15:21I didn't mean it.
15:22I can't breathe.
15:23I can't breathe.
15:33I guess I'll be like this when I become a ghost.
15:36This time, it's a ghost meeting.
15:38This time, it's a story about a big taxi driver.
15:41Do we have to coincide?
15:43This afternoon, at number 14, there was a fire.
15:46The fire spread quickly around.
15:48It spread to the nearby houses.
15:51Can we catch the fire?
15:57It's obvious that the fire has been extinguished.
16:01Maybe the fire is still burning.
16:04If it wasn't for me, who would come here?
16:07This time, I'm done.
16:09I've made a mistake.
16:11I'm sure they'll avenge me.
16:37Don't do that.
16:39What's wrong?
16:41Just now, I was caught by three things.
16:43Just now, I was bitten by a ghost.
16:45I don't know anything about being bitten by a ghost.
16:47Just now, I fell down.
16:49You help me cover it up.
16:50And your arm, you put it on my chest.
16:53It's not.
16:54I feel so hot.
16:56I don't know if they used fire to burn me.
16:59That's why I keep lying.
17:01I have a fever.
17:02Let me get you some water.
17:04It's nothing.
17:06Usually, you don't believe in these three things.
17:09That's right.
17:10The last time I had an accident,
17:11you were the one who laughed the loudest.
17:13That's right.
17:14You know how to make people laugh, but you don't look at yourself.
17:17Don't look down on me.
17:18Look at his body.
17:19I feel so happy.
17:20Stop it.
17:21Your life is so precious.
17:23You said you had a hard time paying for the car, right?
17:25That's right.
17:26You said you wanted to save money for my sister's wedding, right?
17:27That's right.
17:28Here. Take it.
17:29What does that mean?
17:30It means I give you my wife.
17:32Are you okay?
17:33You always love your wife.
17:34Now, you give her to me?
17:36It's okay.
17:37I can't bring her with me.
17:39Don't think like that.
17:40Although I help you take care of your wife for two weeks,
17:41I can't give you my wife.
17:42You're so stupid.
17:45As long as you treat my wife well,
17:47treat my family well,
17:48treat my sister well,
17:49I'll be more at ease.
17:51Don't talk nonsense.
17:53I've accepted defeat.
17:56Wait a minute.
17:57That night, there was a movie that night.
17:59That's right.
18:00That's right.
18:01That day, you guys kept texting me,
18:02but I didn't answer.
18:03That's right.
18:04I wanted to explode.
18:05You guys just want to comfort me.
18:07I know you guys are worried about me.
18:09But you don't have to lie to him.
18:11Whenever I'm not in the car,
18:13I don't hear you guys texting me.
18:15Last time, Suong thought he saw that.
18:17But after he found out,
18:18he just had a liver transplant.
18:19That's right.
18:20Oh my god.
18:21I really admire you two.
18:22You just had a liver transplant.
18:23And I...
18:28Are you okay?
18:29Where is it?
18:30Do you think it's a bad luck?
18:32I'm sitting like this,
18:34but the chair can break.
18:37Sit on the other chair.
18:38I don't need it anymore.
18:39I've been sitting on the altar for a long time.
18:44A few days later
18:51This dog my wife is very poor.
18:53He can't sell it to you.
18:55I pay such a high price,
18:56but he didn't sell.
18:57I will ask him to look into it for you.
18:59Help you to bring a report.
19:01Just kidding.
19:02How can you do that?
19:03Even if you want to,
19:04my wife will not agree.
19:06If you want anything,
19:08just tell me.
19:09I have been on this road for several days
19:11I don't even have a squid, that's why I'm begging you.
19:14I don't understand why you're so determined to find me a squid.
19:18Because I want to find a dog that's all black.
19:22I want to wear it around my son's tail.
19:24How about this?
19:25I'll cut my hair and give it to you.
19:27As a mother, I'm very sad to see my son so bald.
19:34I'll kill you!
19:35Oh my God!
19:38Oh my God!
19:39Are you okay?
19:40Are you crazy?
19:41I have a way to save you.
19:43Don't worry.
19:44Mom, I have a way.
19:46I don't have to kill myself.
19:47Now you have to kill yourself.
19:49No one will come to ask for you.
19:51But I really met three of them.
19:53And the bad things keep coming.
19:56This is the truth.
19:58Don't worry.
19:59I'm here to help you with anything.
20:03Hello, director Hoang.
20:05As far as I know,
20:06you recently filmed a movie,
20:08which is very attractive, right?
20:10In my opinion,
20:11the most attractive scene in the movie
20:12is four employees carrying an old car.
20:14At that moment,
20:15a taxi suddenly passed by.
20:17Oh my God!
20:18The audience felt the same way.
20:19What is it?
20:26That taxi is yours, Mom.
20:29Mom, just slap me on the face.
20:32Just pinch me.
20:37It really hurts.
20:39Actually, they were filming a movie.
20:40I'm fine.
20:41I'm fine.
20:42I'm really fine.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:54Can't you stand the smoke?
20:55It's okay.
20:56Sooner or later,
20:57they will invent a smoke-free medicine
20:59that you don't have to avoid.
21:00By the way, Mrs. Chau.
21:01After you finish smoking,
21:02let's discuss about this contract.
21:03Take a look.
21:06Here, take a look.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:11Yes, I'm Duy Tien An.
21:12Hi, Mr. Ha.
21:13How are you?
21:14I'm not free today.
21:17Okay, at the right time.
21:18At the same place.
21:19Okay, bye bye.
21:20See you tomorrow.
21:21Ms. An,
21:22I think you're wrong.
21:24Last time, you told me
21:25you only needed to pay 200-300 dollars for insurance.
21:27Why are you paying 400-500 dollars now?
21:29That's right, Mrs. Chau.
21:30Here's the thing.
21:32Your condition is much worse than others.
21:35I'm not that special.
21:36Just like everyone else,
21:37I can afford insurance.
21:39That's true.
21:40But you're a smoker,
21:41so your insurance cost will be higher.
21:43Is that so?
21:44Your insurance cost is a bit high
21:45because you used to smoke
21:47and you had surgery.
21:49So I think your health is not very good
21:51because you smoke too much.
21:52I know.
21:53You know?
21:54If it wasn't for that,
21:55I would have to buy you
21:56a housing insurance.
21:58Have you decided yet?
22:00Only 2 minutes left.
22:01If I don't put the money in,
22:02I'll be fined.
22:03Hey, wait a minute.
22:04Only 2 minutes left.
22:05You have to pay in 15 minutes.
22:06Save it.
22:07I'll go over there and call you.
22:08If you don't see the police,
22:09don't leave yet.
22:10Watch out for your wife.
22:11Oh, my wife.
22:12Do I have to do that?
22:14What did you just say?
22:15Just go.
22:18Hey, I'll be right there.
22:19I'll be back soon.
22:21Okay, wait a minute.
22:22Just relax.
22:23Watch out for the car.
22:25Just go a little bit.
22:32I have a lot of time.
22:46Hey, what are you doing?
22:48What are you hiding in your shirt?
22:49It's just a painkiller, sir.
22:50It's not a painkiller.
22:51It's not a painkiller.
22:52It's not a painkiller.
22:53It's just a painkiller, sir.
22:54It's not a painkiller.
22:55Do you have to hide it like that?
22:56What do you do?
22:57Oh, I'm a taxi driver.
22:58Oh, right.
22:59I forgot.
23:00Don't use this method to trick me.
23:02Don't touch me.
23:03Where's the ID?
23:20I don't know where to put it.
23:23I don't know where to put it.
23:27Here it is, sir.
23:32Take less painkillers.
23:33The Hong Kong government recommends a discount on painkillers for everyone's health.
23:38It's not that I don't want to spend money.
23:41You're still taking painkillers?
23:43Hey, An!
23:45Wait for me, An!
23:46Wait for me to get the painkillers.
23:47Hey, An!
23:51Wait for me, An!
23:54If you're worried about her, just leave her alone.
23:57If you don't take the painkillers, she'll die.
23:59I'll kill you.
24:01Hey, An!
24:02Why are you still at home?
24:03Why don't you hang out with An?
24:06Tai is An's brother.
24:08And I'm his girlfriend.
24:09It's impossible that I don't know the reason.
24:10I don't even know the question.
24:12You two must have had a fight.
24:16What's the matter?
24:19Why are you so weird?
24:20It's obvious that you know all the questions.
24:22Sometimes, what we hear is more accurate than what we feel.
24:25It's best to ask clearly.
24:28Hey, Thoai Giang Rong!
24:29I heard from Phu that An is mad at you.
24:31And she wants to break up with you.
24:33Is that true?
24:34Hey, Phu! How dare you say that?
24:35Oh my God!
24:36I didn't say that.
24:37Tai said that.
24:38Oh, Tai!
24:39He doesn't know anything.
24:40But he still dares to say that.
24:42It's true that An is mad at me.
24:44But she didn't say that.
24:46So I forgive her.
24:47It's better than being free.
24:49I can drink as much as I want.
24:50It's true that you haven't known An for a long time.
24:52You should find someone else at the end of the year.
24:54You should break up with her.
24:56It's better to find someone you like.
24:58How can I find someone I like?
25:01It's the three of you smoking together.
25:03You can go out and smoke together.
25:05It's romantic.
25:06Do you need to tease me like that?
25:08It's hard to hear.
25:11I know that An cares about you.
25:13She wants you to stop smoking.
25:15I know that.
25:16It's true.
25:17She cares about you.
25:19But you don't accept her, do you?
25:21It's hard to say.
25:22I've been smoking for years.
25:23I have feelings for her.
25:24It's not worth it for a girl to give up her hobby.
25:27That's right.
25:28She's addicted to smoking.
25:29It's easy for her to give up.
25:32But people have their own will.
25:35It's okay if you don't smoke.
25:36Don't be too angry.
25:37Just quit smoking.
25:38Quit smoking?
25:39It's really spicy if you don't smoke.
25:45Your health is getting better.
25:47The atmosphere in the house is getting better.
25:49It's over. Let's watch TV.
25:53You're so lucky.
25:55No matter how much you smoke, you won't be banned.
26:04Yes, it's me.
26:10Hello, it's me.
26:11Wait a minute.
26:12If you're angry, you have to listen to me.
26:15I'll be there after lunch.
26:27Look at me.
26:28I'm much fatter.
26:29I told you to quit smoking.
26:31If you're fat, just let it be.
26:32I have a new set of clothes for you.
26:34So you don't say I'm fat?
26:36Even if you're fat,
26:37I'd rather talk to you than talk to smokers.
26:40Look at you.
26:41You're smoking until your nails are yellow.
26:44Don't smoke anymore.
26:45I know.
26:46I won't ruin my health.
26:49I don't want to hurt myself.
26:52Do you need a painkiller?
26:54No, just take it.
26:58I don't need a pack of medicine or a box of cigarettes.
27:00Just take it.
27:01Thank you very much.
27:03Take care of yourself.
27:05People don't see the medicine.
27:08Do you remember to bring money?
27:11Sit down.
27:13I'm an open-minded person.
27:14I won't leave you like this.
27:16You're not open-minded because of me.
27:22Why do I have an upset stomach lately?
27:25I need to take a pill to relieve my stomach.
27:29It's better to take a pill than to be a fairy.
27:32I don't want to be a fairy anymore.
27:34If I become a fairy, no one will love me.
27:36I don't care.
27:37I don't want to be a fairy.
27:39Drink this cup of soup.
27:41You drink it.
27:42I don't want to drink it.
27:43Chicken soup is good for your health.
27:45You're right.
27:46Drink more.
27:47I'm eating rice and soup.
27:48If I eat more, I won't be able to stand it.
27:50Just drink it.
27:51You're afraid of getting fat.
27:52Hey, drink more.
27:53Please forgive me.
27:54I've already finished three bowls of Pho.
27:57You're a good boy.
27:59do you need to export your soup to Germany?
28:02Are you kidding me?
28:03Drink it all.
28:04If not...
28:05Drink it.
28:07what's going on between you and Mrs. Hao?
28:10I don't know.
28:11If I don't have a place for you,
28:13I won't be happy.
28:15I got it.
28:16Get out.
28:18Don't touch the knife.
28:19If you touch the knife, it will be messy.
28:21You're right.
28:24this bowl of Pho...
28:25Give it back to me.
28:27Give it back to me.
28:28Let me tell him.
28:30There are many zeros.
28:32I'll tell you when I finish calculating.
28:35Just call our number.
28:37We'll serve you 24 hours a day.
28:39We'll help you calculate all the books.
28:41We'll help you relax.
28:44you told me on the phone that
28:45this number is equivalent to that number.
28:46The money is deposited here or there.
28:48Is that a phone service?
28:50are you sure?
28:51It's even less than the head of a fool.
28:54You're the fool.
28:55All you do is send messages to these three phones.
28:57It costs more money.
28:58I don't even dare to send money through the machine.
29:00It's not reliable at all.
29:02I support you in this matter.
29:04Of course, you have to write your own bill
29:05to see if there is the right amount of money to send.
29:08Hey, Phu.
29:09Have you two been robbed?
29:11Why do you keep being haunted?
29:12Do you need me to take you to the doctor?
29:13Shut up.
29:16you don't have to worry about money.
29:17You don't have to waste your meal like that.
29:20the amount of money we got last year
29:22and the amount of money we get twice a month
29:24should be given to us.
29:26do you have a share?
29:28This is a gift for the taxi driver.
29:31I just got a double bonus.
29:32It's even better than this.
29:34The taxi driver doesn't get a double bonus.
29:36It's even better than me.
29:37I've been working so hard all year
29:38to get a bonus for a month.
29:40Luckily, you're not from Europe.
29:42Otherwise, I wouldn't have the perfume bottle.
29:44Do you have any grudge against people from Europe?
29:48she mentioned the name Europe,
29:49which means European style.
29:50Hong Kong people will run away
29:51when they hear his name.
29:53don't mention this name again.
29:54If you mention it again,
29:55I'll be very sad.
29:56What's wrong with you?
29:57I don't know if my hometown has enough taxes.
29:58How much money do you have in your hometown?
30:00At least 80,000.
30:02Oh, 80,000.
30:04how much money do you have in your hometown?
30:06About the same as Ms. An.
30:08how dare you lie to me?
30:09Do you want a bonus?
30:10Of course.
30:11I've been working hard all year.
30:12I must get a bonus.
30:14Don't worry.
30:15I know how to calculate.
30:16They have to pay taxes.
30:17You don't have to get a bonus.
30:19Ms. Hao,
30:20what do you want?
30:22we're a family.
30:23It doesn't matter.
30:24It's up to you.
30:25You can give me a mango or gold.
30:26It doesn't matter.
30:28Ms. Hao's price is so high.
30:31why are you so quiet?
30:32Let's go out and eat sweet soup.
30:33Ms. Hao makes delicious sweet soup.
30:35I'm thinking about T
30:36telling me to pay taxes.
30:37I've thought about it.
30:38All my hometown money
30:39must be paid in taxes.
30:42we have to pay taxes.
30:43We don't need to pay.
30:44It's the same.
30:46don't mention it again.
30:47I miss it so much.
30:48I want to die.
30:50it's okay.
30:51Come here.
30:52I have a way.
30:53I have a way.
30:54Rub a few times,
30:55you'll be fine.
30:56I don't need it.
30:57I've been driving all day.
30:58I'm tired.
31:00I went to a gold shop today.
31:01I bought this for you.
31:02What is it?
31:06Is it beautiful?
31:07It's a gold medal.
31:09That's right.
31:10You've been driving all day.
31:11It's dangerous.
31:12This gold medal
31:13is safer for you.
31:15I don't have enough money
31:16to pay taxes.
31:17If I use it now,
31:18it's the same as my wife.
31:19What else?
31:20You want to save money?
31:21I'll give it back to you.
31:25You're my future wife.
31:26I'll pay half of the taxes for you.
31:27Don't you dare.
31:28You spend thousands of dollars
31:29to get married,
31:30but you don't get married.
31:31People are afraid of me.
31:32I'm suffering.
31:33You pay half of the taxes for me.
31:34Aren't you tired?
31:35I'm fine.
31:36I'm a man.
31:37It's enough to drive a few more trips.
31:42It's almost the deadline.
31:43Why is the gold medal not here yet?
31:48the little girl hasn't arrived yet.
31:49It's been an hour.
31:50That's it.
31:5110 girls,
31:529 of them.
31:53Why are you late?
31:54Are you kidding me?
31:55I'm a girl, too.
31:56I'm still waiting for a man
31:57to come late.
31:58Hey, what do you want to buy later?
31:59I want to buy a mask.
32:00I told you
32:01you should buy it early.
32:02A girl's mind
32:03is more important than a mask.
32:04My little girl
32:05will buy a CD later.
32:06Is it fun to buy a CD?
32:08Of course it's fun.
32:09Hundreds of dollars for a set.
32:10The image and sound are very good.
32:12Let's go inside and watch it first.
32:14It's a waste of time
32:15to be told by two illiterate people.
32:17Do you have an illiterate family?
32:18My father is illiterate.
32:19My mother is a computer nerd.
32:20There's nothing to say.
32:21Let's go.
32:26Why don't we understand
32:27what these kids are saying?
32:29Can we be computer nerds?
32:32Oh, I'm sorry.
32:33I'm late.
32:34What are you doing?
32:35Your face is full of oil.
32:36Where did you get it?
32:37Oh, right.
32:38My motorbike
32:39was running when there was no noise.
32:40So I opened it to test it.
32:41What happened after that?
32:42After that, there was no more noise.
32:44But there was a loud noise.
32:45I don't know where it came from.
32:46So what are we going to do?
32:47What are we going to do?
32:48Just call the mechanic
32:49to take it back to the inspection station.
32:51You've been driving for so long
32:52and you don't know how to fix it?
32:53I know how to fix it.
32:54Oh, don't talk anymore.
32:55It's time.
32:56But you're late for half an hour.
32:57It's okay if I'm late for half an hour.
32:58I still have a part in the commercial.
32:59Let's go.
33:01You're late for half an hour.
33:02You lost your head
33:03and your back.
33:04It's all because of you.
33:06Well, I have to have a head and a tail
33:07when I work.
33:09If I lose my head,
33:10I don't know what to say
33:11in the movie.
33:12Then I'll lose my energy when I get home.
33:13Every time I go to the movies with you,
33:14it's the same.
33:15You keep asking for a ride.
33:16I don't know what you're up to.
33:18What am I up to?
33:19Actually, my motorbike was broken.
33:20Who wants to lie to you?
33:22The more I think about it, the more I doubt it.
33:23You like to drive like that.
33:24There's no way you can't fix it.
33:25Oh, sister.
33:26I like to drive.
33:27It's not necessary to know how to fix a motorbike.
33:30I made it.
33:31I made it.
33:32My mother, Miss Hau.
33:34What are you doing?
33:35What are you doing?
33:36Why are you staring at me?
33:37What are you doing?
33:38Look at this.
33:39My mother made a car.
33:40Oh my God.
33:41What are you looking at?
33:42You three are so good.
33:43You designed my mother so well.
33:44You're so ugly.
33:45When the game is over,
33:46why did you take your mother out?
33:47Who dares to destroy my mother?
33:48My mother is as lucky as a car.
33:50That's right.
33:51I'm telling you,
33:52I'll give more gifts
33:53to everyone on the holiday.
33:54That's strange.
33:55I'll make Miss Hau a bath
33:56and give it to everyone in the neighborhood.
33:57Give me a bath.
33:58Hey, Mr. Park.
33:59You're so talented.
34:00You even know how to fight.
34:01It's simple.
34:02I just need a few buttons to start it.
34:03Take some time to study the book.
34:05Oh my God.
34:07This is my bath.
34:08Don't touch it.
34:09Choose another bath.
34:10Why do you keep taking my bath?
34:11I didn't save it.
34:12Give me a bath.
34:13Where's my sister?
34:14So cute.
34:19Why are you hiding here?
34:20Do you still doubt
34:21that you don't know how to fix a motorbike?
34:22That's right.
34:23I want to check your wife
34:24to see if you're lying.
34:25Do you think you're so talented?
34:26If I'm good,
34:27I won't let you find out.
34:28Even if I don't have to
34:29open my heart,
34:30I can guess what I'm doing.
34:31You still dare to say it?
34:32I don't dare to say it anymore.
34:33I'm thinking.
34:34I think I'm very dry.
34:36That's how it is in this weather.
34:37Look at my hands.
34:38My skin is swollen.
34:40I mean these three things
34:41that make me feel dry.
34:43Oh, that's easy.
34:44Let me ask Miss Hau
34:45to make a soup for you.
34:47I'm so angry.
34:48I also mean these dryness.
34:49I feel like when I go out to work,
34:50I can't do anything
34:51at the end of the day.
34:52I can't do anything else.
34:53I can't do anything at the end of the day.
34:54I can't do anything else.
34:55I think I'm very dry.
34:56I mean these dryness.
34:58when you go out to work,
34:59that's how it is.
35:01what you learn in the book
35:02will be returned to you.
35:03This is very hard to avoid.
35:04So I'm thinking
35:05if I don't want to lose my job,
35:06should I look for something
35:07to learn more
35:08to become a selfless person?
35:09What is selfless?
35:11In general,
35:12you have to try to move up
35:13so that you won't be
35:14dominated by this society.
35:15Do you think that's right?
35:16That's right.
35:17You're right.
35:18If I make such progress,
35:19maybe I'll just
35:20stand still and wait for the time to come.
35:21I have to find something
35:22to learn more.
35:23What should I learn?
35:24What should I learn?
35:26learn how to fix a car.
35:27That's right.
35:28Learn how to fix a car
35:29and know how to drive a car.
35:30Until then,
35:31I'll open a garage to fix a car.
35:32After fixing this car,
35:33I'll go to another one.
35:34After fixing this car,
35:35I'll go to another one.
35:36I'll fix all the taxis.
35:37Then I can own a garage.
35:38I'll be rich.
35:39I'll be rich.
35:40And you,
35:41you learn computer science.
35:42Then your garage
35:43can be computerized.
35:44And our kids
35:45can learn computer science.
35:47it's up to the times.
35:49did you accept
35:50my proposal?
35:51Of course I did.
35:52Of course I did.
35:53Of course I did.
35:55Tet is coming.
35:56Don't tell me
35:57I don't love you.
35:58If the business
35:59is successful,
36:00let's split the money
36:01half and half.
36:02Is that okay?
36:03Of course it's okay.
36:04Before you
36:05dated my brother,
36:06I didn't dare to bully you.
36:07Let alone now.
36:08You're so stubborn.
36:09I'm stubborn?
36:11I'm a very gentle person.
36:12If you don't believe me,
36:13just follow me to the market
36:14to buy food.
36:15You'll know.
36:16No need.
36:17I'm not a gentleman.
36:18How gentle you are
36:19has nothing to do with me.
36:20You're so kind.
36:21But I don't like
36:22to eat junk food.
36:25you're not like that.
36:26You're so heartless
36:27when it comes to food.
36:28You're so weird.
36:30You're so weird.
36:32your way of looking
36:33is not bad at all.
36:34You're skinny
36:35but you're so weird.
36:36I mean
36:37the motorbike.
36:38I don't care about the motorbike.
36:40I just think
36:41you're talking about
36:42that old man.
36:45It's a waste
36:46of a motorbike
36:47for an old man
36:48to sit on it.
36:50do you need to be so hot?
36:51That motorbike
36:52doesn't belong to you.
36:54But that motorbike
36:55belongs to me, Huong.
36:56If you like it so much,
36:57just buy it.
36:58You'll get
36:59more money anyway.
37:00That money
37:01can't change my life
37:02until O Duong Phong
37:04O Duong Phong?
37:07Why did he promise
37:08to increase my tuition
37:09half an hour earlier
37:10but he hasn't come yet?
37:15I'm sorry
37:16I'm late.
37:17I'm late.
37:18Don't tell me
37:19you were punished
37:20on your first day.
37:21No, I wasn't.
37:22I didn't get a cab.
37:23I don't need a cab
37:24because it's always full.
37:25I don't know
37:26why I can't find
37:27a cab today.
37:28Okay, okay.
37:29Stop talking.
37:30I don't blame you
37:31for being late.
37:32Let's go to dinner.
37:34How was your math class?
37:35It was fun.
37:36I found myself
37:37very good at math.
37:38How about you?
37:39How was your car repair class?
37:41Not as good as I thought.
37:42I thought
37:43I'd open the hood
37:44to see the engine.
37:45But I was wrong.
37:46I had to write
37:47a theory.
37:48A theory?
37:49Let me see
37:50what you learned.
37:51I don't need to see.
37:52Let me see.
37:53I want to know
37:54how to repair a car.
37:55What did you learn?
37:56Let me see.
37:57I introduced Dai Khai
37:58about motorbikes.
37:59Why are there only
38:00a few words
38:01about motorbikes?
38:02The teacher
38:03only wrote a few words
38:04on the board
38:05so I just typed them in.
38:06What else did the teacher teach?
38:07He talked a lot.
38:08He was faster than a motorbike.
38:09Sometimes he even
38:10talked in English.
38:11How could I
38:12finish it in time?
38:13You can't learn like that.
38:14You can raise your hand
38:15and ask the teacher.
38:16The other students
38:17didn't teach me.
38:18I was the only one
38:19who stopped others from learning.
38:20I'm not going to study anymore.
38:22No, you're not.
38:23You just started
38:24and you want to quit.
38:25You have no intention
38:26to give up.
38:27Keep studying for a few more days.
38:28Maybe you'll get used to it
38:29on the first day.
38:30I'm afraid
38:31I won't be able to study anymore.
38:33I have an exercise tomorrow.
38:35That kid teacher
38:36seems to be very important.
38:38I have to check him
38:39every 2-3 days.
38:40You should study
38:41if you have a teacher.
38:42You have a good responsibility.
38:43Only by checking
38:44can you know
38:45how much you've learned.
38:46It's good to check.
38:47It's nothing.
38:48It's not enough to check.
38:50I'm afraid I won't be able to study
38:51if I keep checking.
38:54Oh my god.
38:55If you keep doing that,
38:56how am I going to study?
39:05did you come here
39:06to ask me to sing karaoke?
39:07No, I didn't.
39:08I just came back to get a can of beer.
39:10Oh my god.
39:11Why do you keep
39:12changing the dictionary?
39:13I don't know
39:14what this word is.
39:15I don't know
39:16what it means.
39:17It knows me.
39:18It doesn't know what I know.
39:19What word is it?
39:21Is it this word?
39:22That's right.
39:24It's a weapon.
39:25Oh, Aquirater.
39:26Is it right?
39:27Oh my god.
39:28You keep saying it's a weapon.
39:29I know it.
39:30Why do you have to write
39:31such a long sentence?
39:32I don't know what you're writing.
39:33That's right.
39:34Are you interested?
39:36I haven't finished yet.
39:37How do you know what I want to say?
39:38Are you new to me?
39:39I always ask you
39:40if you want to do an exercise
39:41to help me get a can of beer.
39:50That's right.
39:51I'm doing an exercise.
39:52That's right.
39:53The girls went to karaoke.
39:54They're all at home.
39:55They're done.
39:59Bye bye.
40:03Oh my god.
40:04Oh my god.
40:07Who are you?
40:09This time,
40:10I spent money
40:11to help you.
40:12What else do you need to suffer?
40:13Oh my god.
40:14I'm getting a headache.
40:16What do you usually do
40:17that you're so reluctant to do?
40:18I quit.
40:19Go to sleep?
40:20No way.
40:22there's no homework.
40:23You don't have to worry.
40:24You're already so old.
40:25If you don't do your homework,
40:26how dare you
40:27make me stand in class?
40:28You're right.
40:30it's not good
40:31if you don't do your homework.
40:32You don't have to be afraid.
40:33When you were young,
40:34you often left your homework
40:35and went to sleep.
40:36In the end,
40:37my mother forced me.
40:38That's right.
40:39Oh my god.
40:40How can I not save you?
40:41Come here.
40:42It's so warm here.
40:43Come here and sleep.
40:46You're right.
40:47It's so hard to go to work early in the morning.
40:49I have to do my homework at night.
40:51What else can I do?
40:53Let's go to sleep.
40:55Come here.
40:56I'll help you turn off the light.
40:58I can't.
40:59If I don't do my homework,
41:00I can't sleep.
41:01The teacher said
41:02I had to check tomorrow.
41:04It's okay if I don't do it.
41:05I can't sleep if I don't do it.
41:07I'm going to school.
41:08Why don't I do my homework?
41:10I can do my homework better.
41:11If you can't do your homework,
41:12it's okay.
41:13You're not shy
41:14when you're in front of the teacher.
41:18It's not like that.
41:19Although I'm not shy,
41:22if you don't do your homework,
41:23it's so embarrassing.
41:24You don't have to be afraid.
41:25When you were young,
41:26you didn't have to study.
41:27You still had a skill.
41:28Where did you lose your skill?
41:30That's right.
41:31Go to sleep.
41:36This is for you.
41:40You're welcome.
42:00Oh, no.
42:01It's all messed up.
42:02Luckily, there's still a piece of paper left.
42:11Mr. Kim.
42:13What are you doing?
42:14Oh, no.
42:15There's something on the chair.
42:17It's all messed up.
42:18It's all messed up.
42:26Mr. Kim.
42:27What are you doing?
42:28Oh, no.
42:29I've been driving a taxi lately.
42:30I feel so tired.
42:31Sometimes, I have to rest.
42:33If you don't have anything to ask,
42:34just keep doing it.
42:41Why are you so selfish?
42:42You don't even give me a glance.
42:46Judging from your face,
42:47you're no different from me.
42:53Mr. Kim.
42:55Your friends' tables are next to mine.
42:57If you want to film,
42:58you have to film my friends' tables.
43:00It's not like that.
43:07Mr. Kim.
43:08What are you doing?
43:11Very good.
43:16Why is it so weird?
43:17Everyone's level is so high.
43:24Just leave it here.
43:41This is a different place.
43:42Why are you looking at me?
43:43You're disturbing me.
43:45I'm just doing my job.
43:46It's all messed up.
43:49It's all messed up, sir.
43:54Of course.
43:56There's only one correct answer.
43:59Too bad.
44:01That means it's not good.
44:02That means it's not good.