Drama_Rachel Kondo_Social

  • last month


00:00what did you learn from season from the first season that you're like okay these are all the
00:04things I did learn that I'm gonna take into my next? I mean I come from the fiction world where
00:10you know I write a short story and it takes me eight years by myself toiling away and by toiling
00:18I mean like snacking napping and then um and then I get paid my my 40 dollars and then I move on to
00:25the next story all by myself and so getting to work with people was was um like I was almost
00:32buzzing it was so exciting to to make something that I could never make on my own ever I mean
00:39thank god you know thank god it doesn't reflect my brain it reflects this collective effort and
00:45so going into it second time around I I uh yeah I I'm I'm inviting the chaos and excited for it
