Comedy_Zach Dunn_Social

  • 3 weeks ago
00:00Where do we stand now with Guillermo and his journey and sort of you know he wanted to be a
00:04vampire and it didn't quite pan out maybe the way he had expected or anyone expected.
00:10Yeah I mean we built that whole season around this idea of whether he's going to become a
00:15vampire or not and I don't know I think it felt funny to all of us the idea that he would
00:19become a vampire and then immediately not be a vampire anymore and I think it left us
00:25in an interesting position for the upcoming sixth and final season which is what does he want now
00:31and I think we realized part of it is like well he likes these vampires that he's spending time
00:37with so now he's like moved on from this goal in his life theoretically but also he's attached to
00:42these vampires that he's obsessed with or they're kind of obsessed with him.
00:48Yeah or he sort of has like Stockholm syndrome and just can't really leave.
00:52Yeah he's trying to get out and then they're kind of following him wherever he goes so we're seeing
00:58if their dynamic how their dynamic changes when it's no longer this thing about him wanting to be like them.
