Comedy_Jen Statsky_Social

  • 3 weeks ago
00:00My question is, what show you worked on deserves a second chance?
00:05I feel like you've only worked on very successful shows.
00:08This question presumes failure.
00:10Exactly. One more Parks and Rec quiz.
00:12Many. I think that my first show that I was a writer assistant and then an associate producer on was when The Onion was doing TV shows.
00:22Many years ago, The Onion did a show for the IFC network, The Onion News Network, and we also did a show called Comedy Central called Onion Sportstone.
00:31Oh yeah, the show was great.
00:32Thanks. And The Onion is such a comedic institution that I think it deserves a second chance.
00:38Also, Comedy Central kind of deserves a second chance now, too.
00:41Yeah, yeah.
00:42Both things.
