Documentary_Morgan Neville_Social

  • last month


00:00What I was getting from working with Steve was, I was getting two different directions. I was getting deep into who he was this isolated, you know, artist trying to kind of performance artist figuring out who he was and how he kind of almost accidentally became, you know, the biggest stand up its generation.
00:20And then the guy I met who was so different from that person and spending time with him and filming with him in his life. And I just thought, well, what if I made two different films, which is kind of what I ended up doing in a very extreme way, to the point where I didn't let my editors, look at the other film until they had finished their cuts.
00:40So I, that to me was an experiment, which you don't always get the kind of the time and the money to be able to do that. But, you know, I think all of us would probably say it's always best if those decisions come out of the creative whenever they can.
