Going To Jail - #10

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AltspaceVR Critic
00:00Okay, guys, this is where we're at.
00:08You're going to jail.
00:10Sound like a politician right now.
00:15This is the route you're going to take, buddy.
00:21If you know this is your day, you're guilty, you're going to go to court, you don't go
00:26to court, they're going to send a warrant out for you.
00:30Man, everybody else is smiling, laughing, having a great day like normal, but you know
00:37you have, at the end of this day, man, your whole life is going to change.
00:44So here you go, man.
00:46You don't have nobody to go with you.
00:48Everybody you had that you thought was a friend was a hater, man.
00:53You're going to go right past the police cars.
00:56That's the one that busted you, handcuffed you, threw you in jail, didn't let you out
01:03for this court date.
01:07Here you go, man.
01:11In your mind, you realize even big celebrities had to go to jail, and you're not even a big
01:17celebrity, and you're just caught in the act of doing the wrong thing, buddy.
01:26All the other days you got away with it.
01:30Today, it just didn't happen like that.
01:34Here we go.
01:37It's a long line over here, man.
01:39You're not the only one.
01:41Might as well get familiar with the line.
01:44You might meet them in another line.
01:47Here we go.
01:49I take everything out of my pocket that's metal and pennies.
01:53I take off my watch.
01:55Now I got to take my belt off.
01:58I got to go through here.
02:02Now I got to go back.
02:04There's always something, man.
02:06I can't understand it, brother.
02:07There's always something.
02:08I don't want to go in here anyway.
02:10Now I got to go in here.
02:13What is it?
02:15My cigarette lighter, man.
02:17Let me give you my cigarette lighter.
02:19I'm straight through.
02:20Here we go, man.
02:23I just come in here.
02:25Do I have to report someplace?
02:27We all just come in here.
02:38All right, buddy.
02:41I got to sit down here and wait.
02:47Wait for my life to be changed.
02:49Wait for me to reflect on what happened, man.
02:52I got busted.
02:53I got caught.
02:54I told myself I was going to stop, man.
02:59Damn, it's the real deal, buddy.
03:02They don't play over here.
03:11Let me see what it feels like, man.
03:13To be up there.
03:19What's that got going on back there?
03:21All right.
03:23Oh, no.
03:24Look at this, man.
03:25This is where the judge sits at right here, buddy.
03:27She gets all the info on you.
03:29Look at this.
03:31Can I get in there?
03:35Can I?
03:38Let's see.
03:41I should be able to get in there, buddy.
03:43So I get the reality of it.
03:48Dude, this is a jury.
03:52They don't mind you going with a jury.
03:54Here we go.
03:56All right.
03:58So here I am.
04:00This is me answering all the questions in front of everybody.
04:02My goodness.
04:04Always wanted a spotlight.
04:06Should I sing a song I always wanted to sing?
04:08This might be my last chance to get all this attention.
04:12If I didn't care.
04:14If I didn't care.
04:17I'm sorry.
04:19I'm a little bit nervous.
04:21It's my first time coming over here.
04:23I know I was in the wrong.
04:25I wish I could say I'm sorry and everything would be forgiven.
04:27Please have a little bit of mercy on me.
04:29I don't want to go away.
04:31I wasn't thinking, man.
04:33I wasn't thinking.
04:35I wasn't thinking.
04:37I had a lot of problems going on.
04:39I thought maybe if I caught one more time or something like that.
04:41I just wanted to go home.
04:43I kept telling myself over and over again.
04:46I got papers to myself.
04:48I got notes, your honor, that I can show you.
04:52That I wanted to stop.
04:54That I didn't want to do anything, man.
04:56But I couldn't hold on to it.
04:58I tried to ask for help.
05:00You know, a rehab and stuff like that.
05:02But nobody would help me, man.
05:04Can you help me, your honor?
05:06Oh, that's what you plan on doing?
05:08You're going to help me?
05:10And you're going to help society too?
05:12Is that still going to be good for me?
05:14Your honor.
05:18That's a nice robe you have on.
05:24In the back of my mind.
05:26My stomach is messed up, buddy.
05:28They wouldn't have all this fancy stuff over here.
05:30If they didn't plan on doing something fancy with me.
05:34My gosh.
05:36Alright, so boom.
05:38This is here.
05:40So then you have the.
05:43The lawyer that's for me.
05:45And the lawyer that's against me.
05:53So the lawyer that's for me will go.
05:55Your honor.
05:57This is my client's first case situation.
05:59He never had a situation like this.
06:01If you check his records.
06:03He's been in school.
06:05Did a little military work.
06:07And he's doing a little bit of a motivational thing on YouTube.
06:09So, um.
06:12And he gives back to society.
06:14We have a couple of people over here that can vouch for him.
06:16That are homeless.
06:18That said that when they needed something.
06:20He helped them out.
06:22So I hope you take that into consideration.
06:24Then you go over here.
06:26Got the briefcase over here.
06:28Other guy didn't have the briefcase.
06:30This guy's packed with information.
06:32Your honor.
06:36Whatever struggles this man is going through.
06:38You know.
06:41It's really not our responsibility.
06:43What our responsibility to do right now.
06:45Is to reenact the crime.
06:47And based on the crime.
06:49Decide whether he's guilty or not.
06:51We have all the evidence here.
06:53Showing that we got the picture.
06:55We have the police officer.
06:57We got his fingerprints.
06:59And um.
07:01We got pictures buddy.
07:03We got pictures over there.
07:05Because we watch and monitor this whole entire area.
07:07Don't you look on top of those.
07:09You see the square box.
07:11And it says police on it.
07:13If you walk directly down that block.
07:15Right where you see the box.
07:17And it says police on it.
07:19And you know we have the cameras over there.
07:21And you still do whatever you're going to do.
07:25Then you have to suffer the consequences.
07:29Congratulations on all your accomplishments.
07:31But this is not one of them.
07:35Thank you very much your honor.
07:38I don't know.
07:40It's like two different kind of jurors.
07:42So what am I going to say.
07:44I'm sitting over here.
07:46Damn dude.
07:48I hate to be responsible for sending somebody away man.
07:50You know what I'm saying.
07:52I don't want to let him out.
07:54And then he hurt and kill himself or somebody else.
07:56That's a hard decision to make man.
07:58To have somebody's life in their hand.
08:00Especially when I know I'm not the only one.
08:02You know what I'm saying.
08:04You know what I'm saying.
08:07Especially when I know I'm not doing right either.
08:09If I need a chance.
08:11I want somebody to give me a chance man.
08:13I'm going to have to vote not guilty man.
08:15I'm going to have to vote not guilty.
08:17Cross my fingers.
08:19And hope he takes this opportunity.
08:21And do the right thing.
08:23Next juror.
08:27Get rid of him.
08:29We got enough.
08:31He's buying drugs.
08:33He's doing two things man.
08:36He's got his drug people going.
08:38Or he's supporting the drug people.
08:40And he's killing himself.
08:42It's two people.
08:44Or he's supporting the drug people.
08:46And telling other people where they can buy drugs.
08:48Or he's doing drugs.
08:50And taking money from his family.
08:52His wife.
08:54His kids.
08:56His future.
08:58You don't know if he's stealing.
09:02You don't know what his next move is going to be.
09:04What do you think?
09:08They told me I didn't have to go to work.
09:10They was going to pay me buddy.
09:14I didn't want to go to work any damn way to tell you the truth.
09:16I hate my damn job.
09:18I wish I could do this every single day man.
09:20Put me on the list constantly.
09:22I wish I could pay somebody to put me on the list.
09:24When they can't go.
09:26Put a replacement in.
09:28Because I don't really give a damn buddy.
09:30I just don't like my job and my life.
09:33How about this other guy over here.
09:37This chick over here.
09:41She would be thanking.
09:43Without me using a woman's voice.
09:45But this is a woman's talking.
09:47I remember when I was out there tricking.
09:49Doing everything I can for a hit.
09:53I finally decided to get my life back together.
09:55By going to N.A.
09:59Going to a therapeutic community.
10:04Phoenix House.
10:06I've been to all of them.
10:08It took many years for me to get my life back.
10:10This guy has a long struggle man.
10:12Thank God I didn't have to go to jail.
10:14He's going to jail.
10:16Depending on my vote.
10:18Should I do that to him?
10:20Should I let him go to jail?
10:22When he's going through the same thing?
10:24I got to hear the whole case.
10:26Did he hurt anybody?
10:28Did he steal anything like that?
10:31To get him off.
10:33I'm going to give him a second chance.
10:35And pray.
10:37I got a second chance today myself.
10:41How about you?
10:47What planet is this again?
10:51Earth or something like that?
10:55What did I do?
10:57Where we at buddy?
10:59What the heck is going on here?
11:03And behind us.
11:09These guys.
11:11Right here.
11:15Fellas we always get the penthouse.
11:17The VIP huh?
11:19Always look at this man.
11:21We can see the whole entire courtroom buddy.
11:23We can see what's on their screen.
11:25They can't even see our screen.
11:28Who's that up there?
11:30What's that have to do with this court case?
11:34And that's it.
11:36So boom.
11:38After all the deliberation.
11:40All the back and forth talk.
11:42All the slashes in your heart.
11:46Every time somebody tells what you did wrong.
11:48And why you shouldn't have did it man.
11:50You never looked at it like that.
11:52The jury has to make a.
11:55An anonymous.
12:01What's going to happen?
12:05In this particular situation.
12:09Don't let me walk outside.
12:11And come back in.
12:13Because I'll pass out waiting for them.
12:15To um.
12:17To tell me how my life is going.
12:19Let me just go out here and get some fresh air.
12:21Maybe do a small prayer or something like that.
12:24So it goes like this.
12:28God help me.
12:30Help me.
12:32Help me.
12:34I made a mistake.
12:36I made a mistake.
12:38Please help me.
12:40I don't want to go to jail.
12:42I don't want to go to jail and lose my rights.
12:44I don't want to be in a spot where somebody tells me.
12:46Don't pick up the soap.
12:48I don't want my roommate to be Bubba.
12:50Help me.
12:53I know you stand for justice.
12:55I was wrong.
12:57But I'm sorry.
12:59I know you forgive me.
13:01But can you help these guys forgive me too.
13:03I don't want to go.
13:05I don't want to go to jail.
13:07I will get help.
13:09I will take advantage of this situation.
13:11I will have no more zero days.
13:13I will recharge.
13:15I will stay focused.
13:17Either that.
13:19Nobody's looking.
13:21I'm getting the hell out of here man.
13:23Can I run?
13:25Can I run?
13:27Let me see if I can run just in case they feel guilty.
13:29Can I get the hell out of here?
13:31Can I get out of here man?
13:41Somebody help me.
13:43Anybody in this house.
13:45Can you help me?
13:47Anybody in this building.
13:50I made a mistake.
13:52I don't want to go to jail.
13:54I want to just have a boring life.
13:56I'll just sit there and watch TV and eat some hamburgers or pizza or something like that.
13:58I'll walk to the park.
14:00Whatever it is.
14:02Give my freedom back.
14:04I don't want to go.
14:06I don't. Do you understand?
14:08Look man. The hell with it.
14:10It's Harry Carrey baby.
14:12I'm going to make up my own decision what I'm going to do with my life.
14:14Before I go to jail.
14:16I'll jump.
14:19Okay. That's how it's going buddy.
14:21Anybody coming after me?
14:23Get back copper. Get back I said.
14:25Get back. Get back everybody.
14:27Huh? I'll jump.
14:29I'll jump. What's your choice?
14:31I'm either going to jump or go to jail.
14:33I don't want to go to jail. Right?
14:35I'm jumping. Alright.
14:37I'm going to send a what?
14:39A negotiator?
14:41Who is that man?
14:43That looks like...
14:45Is that Lawrence Fishburg?
14:48No. It's Samuel Jackson.
14:50And Kevin Stacy.
14:52What? You're going to send both of them to negotiate?
14:54Tell me I shouldn't do it?
14:56You're going to promise me that I'm not going to jail?
15:00Can you send me to a home or something like that?
15:02A work farm?
15:04Do I have to go?
15:06The hell with it man.
15:08It's too much work.
15:10I have to go to the work farm.
15:12I have to try to get my life back together again.
15:14I lost everything.
15:24What the hell is this man?
15:26Some kind of trick?
15:28I told you I didn't want to go man.
15:30Is there another?
15:32Let me try this other route man.
15:36Yo, you know what I'm going to do?
15:38This is what I'm going to do buddy.
15:40I hope I can get in a cop car.
15:42And take the hell off.
15:45And I'm going to get in the first cruiser.
15:47They'll spot me but they won't see me over here.
15:49Because I'll be hiding behind that cruiser.
15:51And get the hell out of here.
15:53Let's see if I can get in here.
15:55Thank God.
15:57Oh man.
15:59Let's get the hell out of here brother.
16:01Come on.
16:03Where's the keys at?
16:05What am I supposed to do?
16:07Anybody see me?
16:09Dude, what if I put a cop uniform on?
16:11I got an extra one over here.
16:14Can I get the hell out of here right?
16:16Maybe I can do it like that.
16:18I can't stay here man.
16:22Guess what guys?
16:24This is how this is going to end.
16:26We'll find out if I get out of here.
16:28Thanks for watching.
16:30If you like it, put a like.
16:32Put a subscription.
16:34Put a comment.
16:36Hit the notification bell.
16:38But mostly important, tell me in the comment box.
16:40What the hell should I do?
16:43How am I going to get out of this predicament?
16:45Can you help me?
16:47I appreciate it.
16:49Thank you guys for watching.