Daisy Shaw Skiing Experience

  • last month
AltspaceVR Critic - #10
00:00Look guys, I'd like to talk to you, but I can't, since I got over here, they had something
00:06for me.
00:08Oh my God.
00:10I'm in a skiing place.
00:11Oh my God.
00:12Do I have any control?
00:13I don't want to hit a tree.
00:16Okay, here it goes.
00:17I'm in the game now, baby.
00:18I'm in the game.
00:20Once I'm here, I'm here.
00:22Come on.
00:23Come on.
00:24Don't play stupid.
00:25All right.
00:26Here we go.
00:27Here we go.
00:28Right between the red.
00:29I can do this one.
00:30This one I can do.
00:32One, two, three, four, five.
00:33What else?
00:34Oh my God.
00:35The blue one.
00:36The blue one.
00:37Come on.
00:38Come on.
00:40The red one.
00:43Oh my God.
00:45Here's a blue one.
00:46Here's a blue one.
00:47You ready?
00:48Here's a blue one.
00:54Here's a blue one.
00:55Here's a blue one.
00:56Oh my God.
00:57I hit the pole.
00:58Got a headache going that way.
00:59Dude, not into the damn water.
01:03Oh my God.
01:04I hear you somewhere.
01:05It's cold.
01:07It's the cold blue.
01:09Come on in.
01:10I see you by the window.
01:11I'm shivering.
01:12Dude, who's shivering?
01:15It's cold.
01:16Oh, look at these guys over there.
01:18How far am I going to go, man?
01:19You know, I fell over another mountain.
01:20I'm going to get you.
01:21You know, I fell over another mountain and had no idea where I was.
01:26That was fun.
01:27There's something else.
01:28You need me to rub you and warm you up some?
01:33Right there.
01:35I'm in a place I shouldn't be at.
01:40You're definitely in that fire.
01:43You backed all the way up in the chimney.
01:47There you go.
01:51I couldn't tell.
01:52I'm so cold around the hell.
01:53Look, guys.
01:54Check it out.
01:55Since I don't see them.
01:56I spoke backwards.
01:57It's not like I'm doing it without permission.
02:00All right.
02:01This is so cold.
02:02I wouldn't be able to tell.
02:04It's so cold around my hella lab.
02:08Look at this.
02:09Well, hopefully it doesn't burn your ass, though.
02:13Oh, no.
02:14Don't feel that either.
02:16All right.
02:17Let's go back up there again.
02:19Let's go back up there again.
02:20If I can.
02:21I told you.
02:22Oh, my goodness.
02:23This time for Pam.
02:24I had to swim right across the lake.
02:26I was there.
02:27And I got out in the snow.
02:28Well, I fell in the lake when I came off the top.
02:30Then I tried to get out of the lake.
02:33And next thing you know, I was over top of another mountain.
02:35And I don't know where I was.
02:37Look at that.
02:38That was fun.
02:40Same thing happened to me.
02:41I couldn't stop until they got up from that.
02:45Pull off.
02:46Look at this, man.
02:47Truck pull off.
02:48I have this.
02:49I have these mountains.
02:52In my world that I can create.
02:55And trees.
02:58Put the mountain in the trees.
03:03Oh, God.
03:06This is what I'm going to do, man.
03:08I'm going to slide down.
03:10I'm going to help me.
03:11Help me.
03:13Let's see what they got to say.
03:15Look at this, buddy.
03:18I went.
03:19My goodness.
03:20Oh, by the way.
03:21Now I can show you.
03:22Daisy Shore, I think.
03:25Daisy Shore.
03:26She's excellent, man.
03:28Daisy Shore skiing experience.
03:30I saw her.
03:31We spent an hour together just walking around.
03:33She took me to four different creations and taught me how to do things.
03:36So it's Daisy Shore skiing experience.
03:39I'm going to save it again.
03:40And entry code J1B217.
03:47I don't stay around listening to people's conversation.
03:50Because I'm a businessman.
03:53And this is my business.
03:55And my business is not to interfere with other people when they're having fun.
04:00You don't want to be the type of person.
04:01Oh, no.
04:02He's over here.
04:03Watch what you say.
04:04You can't say anything.
04:08We're going to do it one more time.
04:10And this is what I'm going to do.
04:12I'm going to help me.
04:15Help me.
04:19And see what they say.
04:24Yo, people be flirting here, man.
04:35All right.
04:36Here we go.
04:39Here we go.
04:40Let's see what happens.
04:42Oh, dude.
04:46You only get one shot at skiing.
04:51After that.
04:55All right.
04:56Check this out, guys.
04:57This is what happened to me when I came here.
05:00I'm going to show you exactly why.
05:02First of all, we're going to look around.
05:04I can show you the beautiful view.
05:07Let me tell you something, man.
05:08Daisy Shore is another one of those women, man.
05:11You got more women in here that can create worlds you can't even believe.
05:18Compared to the guys.
05:19You have a couple of guys now.
05:21But the women, unbelievable.
05:25So this is what we're going to do right here.
05:28We're going to go here.
05:30I'm going to hit here.
05:31I have no time to talk.
05:33All right.
05:34Because I'm going to go down.
05:36I'm going to enter again.
05:37So you can see what happened to me.
05:40It's going to be fast.
05:45Oh, I'm mute quickly.
05:49Let's go like this.
05:50Here it goes.
05:55Oh, my God.
05:59Somebody help me.
06:01Oh, no.
06:05How do you stop this thing?
06:08I don't want to hit a tree.
06:10Oh, no.
06:12Oh, no.
06:14No, no, no.
06:15No, no, no.
06:16To the right.
06:17To the right.
06:18To the right.
06:19Oh, my God.
06:21Oh, my God.
06:23No, no, no.
06:24To the right.
06:25To the right.
06:26To the right.
06:27Oh, my God.
06:28Help me.
06:31Turn the speed down.
06:33Oh, no.
06:34It's like a jet rocket.
06:36Oh, no, buddy.
06:37I'm doing it, though.
06:38Oh, help me.
06:40Oh, no.
06:42Oh, no.
06:43Oh, no.
06:47Oh, no.
06:48I hope I don't fall off the cliff.
06:50Don't let me hit a tree.
06:52Same thing.
06:53I hope I get a 10.
06:55I can ski like nobody's business.
06:57I'm just joking.
06:58Look at this.
06:59I was born to ski, son.
07:01Look at this.
07:05I'm a talker, son.
07:06Wherever you put me.
07:07I'm a light worker, son.
07:09Wherever you put me, I can do it.
07:11It's not a problem for old Jackie.
07:13Again, I want to take a dip in the pool.
07:16In the pool.
07:17One, two, three, go.
07:23There's a fire over there.
07:27Look at this.
07:28Look at the speed.
07:29Still ain't slow down yet.
07:30Nice moon.
07:31I got my briefs on, so you can't see the moon.
07:35I don't want to hit another tree.
07:37Oh, a bear.
07:39Right up here.
07:40Yeah, that one up there.
07:42Oh, that's different.
07:45That was a 10, brother.
07:47A 10.
07:48Look at that.
07:49And this is the environment.
07:50Right here.
07:51Pretty much got to get in the fire.
07:53I burned it right off the bat.
07:55Let me go into one of these cabins.
07:58I want to hear what they got to say.
08:00I wish I could have muted this.
08:02Oh, man.
08:03Oh, man.
08:04I really.
08:05I hate to intrude on people's conversation, but I got to get in that cabin.
08:07Make it sticky and clean between two buns.
08:11Remedy, what did you get me into?
08:13Hey, what is going on?
08:17Look, he's going to fall.
08:20Look, he's going to fall.
08:22Look, he's going to fall.
08:25Here it goes.
08:27Did you wipe out over there?
08:29Oh, no, no, no.
08:31Watch out for the trees.
08:33Look, here it goes.
08:34I see.
08:35I see.
08:36He's on his way down.
08:37There's someone else over there, is it?
08:39I don't.
08:40Is it?
08:41I'm skiing backwards.
08:43It's the alt space VR critic.
08:46He's going to be sideways too, so you have to be careful.
08:49You're going to hit a lake.
08:51Oh, no.
08:52Here it goes.
08:54It's going to be cold.
08:58He's still coming down.
09:00Oh, no, I see it.
09:04Head right for it.
09:09How come I didn't see him splash?
09:11He's in the lake with you all day, all over there.
09:16I'm flying!
09:17Dude, I haven't seen none of that, man.
09:18You know what I want to do?
09:19This is what I want to do.
09:20You have to dry out!
09:21Oh, I see you guys.
09:22Yep, you just made it out of the snow, huh?
09:23I keep going through this camera.
09:25Can I...
09:26Oh, God.
09:28Oh, God.
09:29Oh, God.
09:30Oh, God.
09:31Oh, God.
09:32Oh, God.
09:33Oh, God.
09:34Oh, God.
09:35Oh, God.
09:36Oh, God.
09:37Oh, God.
09:38Oh, God.
09:39Oh, God.
09:40Oh, God.
09:41Oh, God.
09:42Oh, God.
09:43Oh, God.
09:44Oh, God.
09:45Oh, God.
09:46Oh, God.
09:47Oh, God.
09:48Oh, my God.
09:49Oh, my God.
09:50Oh, God.
09:51Oh, God.
09:52It's so good.
09:53Everybody has their own camera.
09:54And I'm from...
09:55It's a fun thing!
09:56Yes, you've got a nice color going in a couple of these, Kevin.
09:57I'm in here, buddy.
09:58That's a fine.
09:59How do you do when you enter this world?
10:01Oh, my goodness, yes, it is!
10:02I've got my own spot!
10:03It's like, do not...
10:04It's good to see you.
10:05Look at this.
10:06We can't shake over here ever again.
10:07How's it going?
10:08buddy and look it would be someone behind you who's that i don't know they were uh at the lake when i
10:16splashed in when you crashed down there yeah crashed and burned you didn't wind up on the
10:21other side i wound up all the way on the other side oh okay i well you're over there i came over
10:27there right there yeah over there and i went to the cabin well you're probably both more
10:35aerodynamic than i am i just kind of make a big thud oh don't think for a second i didn't make
10:42one too big splash i could look out the window look out the window god this is cool it is it's
10:49nice here though look at this once you can get unthawed
10:53oh i did not realize they had snowballs uh-oh
11:08scary you better watch it
11:11part dude he's running like a chicken
11:20oh heading for the heat the snowballs milk over in this place
11:25don't be running
11:31here's some teleporter things back here here's no daisy shah
11:36those pirate codes her world hub is good and her pirate cove is good i'm not sure i know
11:44the icy world because that's where he found that what is that thing you were walking on
11:52dude dude look
11:59just when he thought it was safe
12:01gives a good look at how people have fun on that see daisy when you create the world
12:10you don't get a chance to see how people have fun in here i tried that three no four times i
12:17fell off he said i'll get it now it's a nice place so guys that's i hope you like this man
12:22i really enjoyed it no i definitely won't be there right they're having fun too man
12:27this is where we are again i showed it to you i'm gonna show it to you again
12:33daisy shore skiing experience daisy shore yeah excellent i know her man she's a horse whisperer
12:39she has four horses yeah we tried to do jack in the beanstalk but you have to jump and
12:46yeah we that didn't work out i'm not very good at that one i tried it a couple times
12:50hey guys if you like the video please put a like just click the like button while you're
12:57watching it right now right this very second don't stop hit the subscription that red button
13:03and you'll see more videos like this experience hit that red button hit it now right now don't
13:09wait don't hesitate don't even think about it somebody says if you have an idea and you don't
13:14do it in five seconds you'll never do it you have to train yourself to automatically hit that red
13:20button as soon as you see me and hit that like and then we can start i'm gonna get them don't
13:25you worry i'm gonna get them i said i can't believe you tricked me like this enjoy your day
13:32god bless and stay strong and creative keep creating because i want you that's right best
13:38and you never know you're gonna see me yes it is yes all space we are pretty good god bless you
13:44oh okay okay