The Vibe Interview Pt 1- #10

  • last month
Altspace VR Critic
00:00Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, I've walked around this whole entire environment
00:08and it is so beautiful.
00:10Right here, we have one of the creators, Miss Flawless, and she's with a friend of hers,
00:16Baby Angel, and they're going to take us on a wonderful tour.
00:20They're going to tell us a little bit about, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
00:23How long from the time that you had the idea to create this world and then you decide to
00:29actually put it into action, how long would you say that took?
00:34It took about three to four months to do it.
00:38Did you have any-
00:39Because we just kept-
00:40I'm sorry, go ahead.
00:42You kept-
00:43We just kept basically putting stuff in and changing it because it didn't fit the right
00:48vibe that we were wanting for the vibe lounge, so.
00:53Gotcha, gotcha.
00:55Did you have any obstacles that you have to overcome in order to create the whole place?
01:00Yes, there was a lot of partners that we had that started off with us and then everybody
01:06kind of fell off and it just ended up being me and one other person, so it was just me
01:11and him doing all the work by ourselves, so it just took us a little longer, but once
01:16we got it open, we were really satisfied with it and it suits the theme for what we want
01:22and the relaxation of how we want the vibe lounge to feel for everybody to come in and
01:27enjoy themselves.
01:28It is so beautiful, it is so beautiful.
01:31I looked around and it was incredible, man.
01:33I didn't even know what to point out to talk about first because everything was great,
01:38so we're going to take a- and this is your friend, your friend Baby Angel?
01:43Yes, this is Baby Angel.
01:46This is my friend and she'll be walking around with us during the tour.
01:51Excellent, excellent.
01:52Yep, I'm happy.
01:53So, lead the way.
01:54Oh, first of all, let me just take a look at the poster.
01:58Can you tell me a little bit about the poster that you have here?
02:02This poster was created by my partner, his name is Skolink, you can see his photo right
02:09here on the wall, but he created this banner and you guys will get to meet him next time
02:18he comes in for the second interview.
02:21Excellent, excellent, excellent.
02:23So, can you take me around this wonderful, beautiful, spectacular area and just tell
02:29me- I'm going to tell you a little bit about what I like about it while you're also doing
02:35So, first I want to start off on the first floor of the- oh, you know what?
02:38We can start off right here.
02:40Can you tell me about the artistry?
02:44This was put in by one of my friends.
02:50This is by Arcee's collection and they were like, well, hey, you know, if you're doing
02:57this, I'm going to support you.
02:59And they put me up some jewelry so that when everybody comes in, they can have them some
03:02bling or whatever to put on and really have a good time and enjoy themselves.
03:08So, the jewelry is free?
03:10Uh-huh, yeah.
03:12So, you can put some on now.
03:13You can click on whatever you want.
03:15You can put it on.
03:16You can put on the glasses.
03:17Wow, this is really nice.
03:18If you have the glasses on now.
03:19Beautiful, beautiful.
03:20I like these earrings.
03:21These earrings are- wow, this could be a real world right here, buddy, you know what I'm
03:30These are really beautiful.
03:31Okay, so let's take a walk through.
03:33I'm going to follow you.
03:34Okay, okay.
03:36And your partner.
03:37All right.
03:38Got you.
03:39All right, everyone.
03:41And I'm going to turn.
03:42Why is my thing not working?
03:45Okay, well, this is the Vibe Lounge.
03:47Welcome to the Vibe Lounge.
03:48Your logo is at the top.
03:51I like the balloons, too.
03:52I like the floor, too.
03:53The rock.
03:54Okay, this is everybody on the photo on the wall.
03:58This is everybody that has been here?
04:02Everybody's connected with the place?
04:07I'm sorry, say that again?
04:08Is this everybody that has been to the lounge?
04:10Is this everybody that's connected with the project that you've built?
04:14Well, no, these were some of the friends we were hanging with, but that came to the lounge.
04:21Oh, great.
04:23Yeah, when we had the grand opening.
04:27When was the grand opening, by the way?
04:31When did you have the grand opening?
04:33It was January the 25th.
04:38Wow, so how long has this place been around?
04:43We started building on this all the way in last year.
04:47Last year we started building it.
04:49And you completed it when?
04:51When was it completed?
04:55When was it completed?
04:56When did you finish it?
05:01Not sure the exact date, but maybe two weeks before we opened it.
05:06Okay, great.
05:07Great, great.
05:08So let me just take a quick look over here.
05:10Show everybody the glass window.
05:12You can see the nebula.
05:14The sky is beautiful.
05:16So before you even get into the floors that she's about to show you, you already get a sense of ambiance.
05:22Oh, and then also look at the picture over here.
05:24This is very beautiful.
05:26Excellent, excellent, excellent.
05:29The wood is beautiful.
05:31I like wood.
05:32Wood is a nice color.
05:33Okay, let's go up the stairs.
05:35Up the stairs up here.
05:39Look at this.
05:40Look at this beautiful fireplace and the sofa area.
05:43The designs on the sofa area.
05:45Look at that.
05:46You can relax here.
05:48Okay, I'm sorry.
05:49Would you like to say something?
05:51We have our seating area by the fireplace.
05:55Very nice.
05:56Very comfortable.
05:58Very romantic for couples or, you know, just friends to get, sit by a fireplace and have a conversation.
06:06I was looking at that.
06:07Okay, let's keep going here.
06:12Here we have our DJ here.
06:16Our DJ.
06:18I was looking down here.
06:19We have our seating area slash.
06:22This can be a multipurpose use area.
06:28You know, for whatever you want.
06:29But this is just a seating area so that people can relax and watch.
06:36Can you watch movies here?
06:38Videos here also?
06:39Yes, you can watch movies.
06:40You can watch the videos.
06:41If there's a party going on or if you want to have an event here, you know, you can throw, you know, a party.
06:47And if they chose to put whatever on there, just as long as it's clean.
06:56Let me take a look down here.
06:57Why everybody else enjoys the rest of the building.
07:00There's so many things to do here.
07:04I'm going to take a look down here.
07:05I'm going to go down here real quick.
07:07Go ahead.
07:08Go ahead.
07:10Look at this.
07:11And I'm seeing something written over here.
07:16I'm sorry.
07:17I see some writing over here.
07:19Does that mean something?
07:21This is another one of my partner's artworks.
07:24He actually draws.
07:26He does artwork for.
07:28So, he drew this and this is one of his pieces.
07:32And he'll be able to tell you more about it for when we see you guys in part two.
07:40That's beautiful.
07:41Is that a tulip?
07:45Actually, yes.
07:46That's beautiful.
07:47Beautiful, man.
07:48I love the way this.
07:49Very pretty.
07:50I love the design.
07:52Very beautiful.
07:55And how about the.
07:56I also like the fact that even if you're here alone, you do have some avatars that look
08:04You know, you're not actually alone.
08:05These two right here in the barn and the one over there.
08:08So, can you tell me a little bit about whose idea was this to create this area here?
08:16This was actually my partner's idea.
08:18Oh, this was actually my partner's idea.
08:21He was the one who came up with the idea and the whole setup.
08:25He just set it up like so nicely.
08:27And I was just kind of blown away because he has such an eye for things like this.
08:33So, yeah, I mean, this was his whole setup.
08:38Let me go behind you.
08:39Can I go behind the bar?
08:41Oh, yeah.
08:42Let me see.
08:43Look at this.
08:44Look at this, man.
08:47I'm going to.
08:50Right over here.
08:51I'm going to just go right.
08:55Let me see if I can come out of here real quick.
09:07It's good to have scenery in here like you have so that people can look around and it's
09:11like an entertainment place.
09:13Not just you can sit down, listen to music, but you can interact with different things.
09:17So, is this a dance floor over here and a stage too?
09:21Yes, it is a dance floor.
09:24We've changed this dance floor so many times.
09:29It's in like four or five different things.
09:32We finally chose this one.
09:34This is the one that fits the best and it ties into everything here in the vibe lounge.
09:42So, we just we kept this one.
09:44This is the one that had the vibe that we needed for our place.
09:50I love it.
09:51It's beautiful.
09:52Let me just get on the stage real quick.
09:53Your guy has entered the room.
09:54See what it looks like from here.
09:56Oh, you have a microphone over here too.
09:58Double A. Just double A. Yeah, just.
10:01Do people do karaoke here?
10:06You can do karaoke there too.
10:07Oh, wow.
10:08So, it's multi-purpose.
10:12Very beautiful.
10:13And the floor, I love the design.
10:15And I love the way the lights are hitting me.
10:20I'm going to take a look over there where the DJ's table is real quick.
10:24Luke has entered the room.
10:29Oh, look at the water too.
10:31That's beautiful.
10:33Look at that, man.
10:35Let me tell you, that looks like real water.
10:38Some places don't have like the real water look, but that has the real water look.
10:42And then right over here with the DJ.
10:44Give me the other battery.
10:47Look at that, man.
10:49Very beautiful.
10:53And this avatar, man.
10:54It's not like a regular avatar.
10:55The clothes, the design, it looks really, really nice here.
11:03I've seen avatars, but not like this one.
11:05This is really nice.
11:06Nice outfit.
11:10Next, where would you like to go next?
11:15We can go to the second floor.
11:19How are you doing?
11:21I'm good.
11:22Wow, look at this.
11:23Let me just take a look down so everybody can get a view of what it looks like from this area here.
11:30You have the stage.
11:31You got the dance floor.
11:32You have the bar.
11:33You have the sofa area where people can watch the movies and videos.
11:37You have the DJ over here.
11:39And look at the water.
11:40Look at the water.
11:41And it's made of wood.
11:42The wood is really nice.
11:44Oh, and then over here.
11:45Let me just take a look over here.
11:47Little pictures on the wall.
11:50Beautiful graphics, man.
11:52And then I like the color.
11:54I like these photos here.
11:57These photos here were already here.
12:00They came with the place.
12:03But we want to make those places some spots where we have some real special moments that we share here.
12:10And we have not had a chance to put anything up yet.
12:14So, that's what we're saving those for.
12:16We just didn't want to put anything there.
12:19This is wonderful, though.
12:20I like the color.
12:21I like the, it's like the black and white kind of color.
12:24And the lighting is really nice over here.
12:28It gives you like a romantic kind of an area.
12:31And then what's through this door here?
12:34We get a sneak peek at the office.
12:36That's for part two.
12:40We're going to save that for part two, okay?
12:44How you doing?
12:45Pleasure to meet you.
12:46I'm glad you're here.
12:48Let me just take a look real quick.
12:52Oh, wow.
12:53Hey, everybody.
12:54I'll turn the music on in a minute.
12:56Doing a quick interview.
12:57This is beautiful.
12:58So, if you want to stay and chill, please hang tight.
13:02And look, as you can see, everybody, she already has guests here.
13:05It's exactly 2.54 a.m. in the morning, and people are enjoying her creation.
13:11This is actually where I met her at right here.
13:13We were talking right here.
13:14Very beautiful area.
13:17You can continue.
13:18I'm sorry.
13:20Oh, no.
13:21This is just one of our romantic areas.
13:25This is the second floor where we just thought that it would be like if somebody, if there
13:30was a music playing in there and somebody wanted to have a nice conversation, just sit
13:34on the top and come out here and talk and chill and still be able to hear the music
13:41but it not being just so overpowering during your conversation.
13:48This is beautiful because when I first came in here, I met you over here having a conversation.
13:55And then I like the couch.
13:56I like the colors.
13:57I like the black and white.
13:59This is wonderful.
14:00I like the fact you have the soft drinks.
14:02These look like soft drinks because the color is very soft and mellow.
14:07Wonderful, man.
14:13And your friend, she can also, Baby Angel, since she's here, she can also say what she
14:18likes, too.
14:19She don't have to keep quiet.
14:21She can say, you won't have to use all of your, you can say, I like when I came in here,
14:25da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da.
14:27You know what I'm saying?
14:30Just to let you know.
14:33Go for it.
14:34So anytime you feel like jumping in, you can jump in.
14:38Yes, ma'am.
14:39I was wondering why you're so quiet back there.
14:41Look at this spiral staircase.
14:43Look at this, man.
14:44Let's just stop for a second.
14:45Before we even go upstairs, look at the beauty of the staircase.
14:49You can go down and you can go up.
14:51It's made out of wood, too.
14:53Very, very creative.
14:54Very beautiful.
14:56You don't have to stay on the first floor or the second floor.
14:59You can go to the rooftop over here.
15:01This is wonderful.
15:03Look how beautiful.
15:04Let me just take a look at the view.
15:05You can also take a look at the view.
15:07You can see a little bit down there.
15:09That was the second floor over there.
15:11And look from here, man.
15:13This is where the activities are.
15:14You can have activities and a light drink, too.
15:18And activities.
15:19This is where you get away from the music and everybody else.
15:21And look at the big screen over here.
15:24I'm ready for this.
15:25Okay, everyone.
15:27Welcome to the third floor.
15:28This is our game floor.
15:29We have pool table, spades, and we also have chest.
15:33Also, if there's a party going on downstairs, we do have a big screen up here towards the stage.
15:41We do have the video up at the top so that no one will miss anything.
15:49You can see the party going on, and you can still kind of enjoy yourself up here at the game room.
15:54This is the game floor.
15:59So, over here, you have different games, huh?
16:04We also have our Vibe logo over there in the corner.
16:08Let me take a look at that.
16:09Here we go, Vibe.
16:10Take a look right next to the chest.
16:12And you can actually play chess because when nobody was here, I moved a piece or two.
16:17And I hope it went back where I put it.
16:21Look at the Vibe logo.
16:24And look at the big screen.
16:26The bar.
16:27Look at this.
16:28Over here, you're with the twilight.
16:30You're not inside.
16:32You're just here with nature, with the sky.
16:37Gives you a chance to think and reflect on things.
16:39And then look at the lamps.
16:40Look at those beautiful lamps over there.
16:43Just the right thing you need in a place like this.
16:50So, can you tell me a little bit about this pool table?
16:54I think you can actually, I think I picked up a pool stick earlier or something.
16:58It's kind of like a, yes, you can actually play pool.
17:01And it's kind of like the Matrix theme.
17:03I love this pool table.
17:05I love the movie, The Matrix.
17:07Yes, the movie is amazing.
17:11That's wonderful.
17:15And then over here, you have another table.
17:17I couldn't figure out this one, what this table was over here.
17:20I believe this one is a space table.
17:24So, basically, you know, each person gets a side, their own side.
17:29And it plays one, two, three, four, five, six.
17:32About six or seven people.
17:33And it's a card table.
17:35You said spades?
17:37This is a spades table, right?
17:40You know what's funny?
17:41Yeah, I believe so.
17:42I haven't played spades for years, man.
17:44That was my game.
17:45I used to be able to rock that, man.
17:47I couldn't play with a partner.
17:49Oh, yeah, me too.