Daisy Shaw - Hideaway Island # 10

  • last month
Altspace VR Critic -
00:00Alright guys, this is where I'm at now.
00:11See this?
00:12Hideaway Island, Easter Hunt Hub, now I got to be honest with you buddy, I just feel like
00:22doing no video right now, I just feel like sitting down, relaxing, I'm only going to
00:27be here for like maybe 15 minutes maybe, but I just want to relax buddy, I want to act
00:34like I'm not recording, so you can see how I enjoy the environment man, wow look at this,
00:47the water, I always like water, come down the stairs, can I look inside here, wow look
00:55at that man, they got it tied up pretty good, so the water can't get on it, okay let's walk
01:02down, wow, look at this man, look at that, look at that sparkly stuff, what's inside
01:16there buddy, look at that man, it's a little cabin getaway buddy, now let me tell you something
01:23man, when I'm in this virtual reality, right, I might as well be there, okay, I might as
01:29well be there, I can hear the water, I can see the waves, look, look at my place, well
01:38it's Daisy's place but she's lending it to me, I'm renting it, I'm a rental, look at
01:42this man, she's showing me around, she said, any problems you have just let me know, you
01:50can give me a call, dude, is that me, did I shave, huh, let me take my hat off, take
01:58my hat off, look at you buddy, so check it out, Daisy, you did an excellent job, beautiful,
02:07just the kind of place I like to get away, you know, you know what's funny man, when
02:15I first started doing the virtual reality, it was for fun, it's almost like a basketball
02:22player, when you first start playing basketball in high school, public school, you do it for
02:26fun and then when you find out you can make money out of it, sometimes it takes the fun
02:34away from it because now you're not enjoying it like you used to, now everything is business,
02:44look at this man, but when I come back to Daisy's spot and nobody's here, I can get
02:53the enjoyment back that I had before when I first started doing virtual reality, I can
03:01get the pleasure back in here, I'm not a club guy man, when I first started doing the alt
03:11space and I was recording, I was recording the clubs, I didn't even know about places
03:20like this, people seem to like the clubs too, I'm going to do it this Saturday, this Friday,
03:29I'm going to do the clubs again, but people want to see the clubs, because this is not
03:38really just for me, this is a documentation of all the people that have done creations
03:46in alt space, look at this, every world has just one egg, each egg has an item next to
03:54it, which you need to note down, great prizes for the person who finds them, look how creative
04:03she is man, I used to be a part of Facebook alt space community and then they bumped me
04:19out of there man for some reason, I was talking about how good the creators are, I guess they
04:24wanted to see videos, oh this event is now over but the eggs are all still there, if
04:31you want to see, if you can find them, well I'm not going to hold you guys up to do, look
04:39at this man, look at this, look at this, look at this place over here, look it's a hideaway
04:50from a hideaway my friend, look at that, and this is what you have here, you have the moon
04:58shining, you have the water, you can hear the water, you got the sand, and you can see the
05:06swing of the trees as the wind is blowing, dude Easter egg, what's that say, I never won anything,
05:18Easter egg world, we were there, we just left the pirate cove, what it's trying to tell me,
05:33go down here, now dude look at this, look at this man, look at this, look at this, look
06:00at this buddy, I'm going to write a book man, I want to know, well I can't write it without the
06:11information man, I want to know if somebody ever fell in love with a creator versus a regular
06:18person, how different is their life, like is that person really compassionate and sensitive, I mean
06:33when you look at something like this buddy, and you know a woman did it, if you're a guy man you
06:44can't help but go wow man, what kind of woman is that, what kind of woman would that be buddy,
06:52a sensitive woman, a woman that appreciates beauty, maybe she don't want to go to the
07:06movies at the club, maybe she just want to take walks along the beach, look at that, I think that's a
07:16palm tree, look at that man, look, wow, what's the name of this spot again buddy,
07:36hideaway island, egg hunt, what does this mean, dude, oh, okay, I didn't make this my favorite, wow, there's so many places I'm going to come back to later, oh man, by myself, look at all these portals, each one has an easter egg in it,
08:06I like the golf one, I hit that one, this one, I hit that one, I hit that one, lost city, dude I hit the, did I hit the keep it a light, I'm not sure, I hit this one with Daisy, excuse me again, sorry, I wanted to hit the marine world and a lost city, I've been to this one before I even knew Daisy, with two other people,
08:35I actually videotaped this, videotaped it, yeah, I actually videotaped this one, this is really nice over here, I met some people over here, it's a lot of videos, you know, of places I've been to, look at this man, this makes me forget about recording, I'm going to be hanging out over here,
09:05and the other spots too, without probably recording, just to hang out here man, just to hang out here, you know, you did a great job Daisy, Timo made an avatar of you, and it's Timo, um, Avatar Museum,
09:33look at that, look at the branch man, you can't really get this close in class, right, I don't care what book you read, what you're studying, what movie the teacher play for you, to tell you about nature, you won't be able to experience it like this, not like this buddy, look at this, look at this man, wow, what a wonderful person man, look at this, I'm all the way up in the trees,
10:03can't find one coconut, oh, it's not a coconut tree, it's a palm tree, like Easter Sunday, the palms, you know, that's what that is, look at this buddy, let's go all the way up here,
10:30so you can get that virtual reality feeling, when I stand up here and look down, ready, here we go, almost there, got to do it just right you know, bang, look at this man, look at this, even the trees are sleeping,
11:00so check it out man, if I was stuck over here, worst case scenario, I have to grab a couple of palm trees, palm branches, put them together, make myself a shelter, a bed, I have to go right in between these, right here, the rocks over here, right, because by going over there, I can eliminate the wind, the breeze from coming over here, then first chance I get, I got to survey the area, see what kind of seafood we got over here,
11:26you know what's funny man, I like to eat seafood, when I'm going to the restaurant, but if I got to catch the seafood, that's a whole different story altogether, you know, I don't really want to get into that part, look at this man, she has a bunch of Easter eggs anyway man, because you never know how far you can go, let me see something real quick, look at the color of this sand, bang,
11:56look at this, look at this buddy,
12:11wow, it's beautiful,
12:30so this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to end this one, I'm going to end it right in front of all of these portals,
12:41yeah, look at how the palm trees are going buddy,
12:49I got a jacket on, I don't even feel it like that,
12:55here we go, look, Daisy's home,
13:01we've been here, I've been in a rainforest,
13:08I'm not sure about the Keeper of the Light, Solitude, the Pirate Cove, the Abyss, the Gloomy Forest, that's where I met her in the first place, the Aquarium, I want to do that one,
13:24I've been to this one, I've been to Marine World, Gilbert Williamson Gallery, Jack and the Beanstalk,
13:34uh oh, nope, I'm not trying to get there, that was an accident,
13:40uh oh, again, that's another accident, so this is where we're going to end it, right here,
13:48yeah, thanks a lot Daisy, you did a great job man,
13:55that must have been something meeting you the first time, that was a coincidence, an accident,
14:01something that hardly ever happens, because I haven't seen you since then,
14:07and I don't even think you know I made videos of your creations,
14:15yeah, I've seen a few views on it, I don't think you've viewed it,
14:23but when you finally do view it, you're going to see a bunch of them,
14:28look at that,
14:36what's down there,
14:42oh, the Sandy Beach, so this is where we're going to take this one at buddy,
14:49just to grab attention, attention grabber will be that tree right there,
14:54so we're going to snap it right here, once again, thanks again Daisy, you did a great job there man,
15:01I used to talk a lot, but I spend more time absorbing it,
15:08trying to put beautiful pictures in my mind, so when I go to sleep at night,
15:15I have something, you know, nice to think about,
15:21you know, I hope people appreciate it the way I appreciate it,
15:28thanks a lot again,
15:32you know it's kind of deep man, I'm in here, but right now outside I can hear,
15:38look at the time on this one, it's like 5.30, 1am, it's still probably not even, no light out there,
15:44I hear somebody pushing the shopping cart man, looking for cans in the garbage can,
15:51it's a paradox, one side somebody's looking for cans in the garbage can,
15:58and the next part is somebody's overhearing,
16:04in this environment,
16:08I'm going to have to do something for the homeless people in my neighborhood man, nobody's really stepping up anymore,
16:15I had a couple of plans, but I keep on doing the virtual reality, I'm supposed to read, I'm supposed to play the guitar,
16:22I got the keyboard going on, I got things I got to take care of, I always got an excuse man,
16:28some people want help, and some people just want you to give them the next fix,
16:37my neighborhood, I've seen people out there for years buddy, years, years, we're talking 3, 4, 5 years man,
16:47of living out in the street man, from one place to another place, you see them in the day time,
16:53you know they might be at the liquor store drinking or something like that, you think they're just hanging out,
16:57and then when the night time comes and everybody's gone, they got a crate out there man,
17:04we're not talking about just young kids buddy,
17:09when you talk about homeless, you can go anywhere from teenage years to a senior citizen,
17:15the senior citizens in my neighborhood have shopping carts, and they're going to garbage can man,
17:21no retirement plan, nothing like that, no public assistance, nothing like that man,
17:28always help them, I give them a dollar, but you know a dollar is not a big thing,
17:35it's a big thing kind of like in a world where people don't give you a quarter,
17:40but in a world where everything is expensive, it costs a dollar for toilet paper man,
17:45it costs a dollar for soap, but let me just tell you this man,
17:52as soon as I give them money, people that I see regularly in my neighborhood,
17:57I give them a dollar, they go right to the store and buy two loosies man,
18:01I give them a dollar, they run right to the liquor store man, just like that,
18:08and that's a strange thing buddy, and I tell them, I say yo, as soon as I give you the money,
18:13you're just going to run right in there and immediately start spending it, and what's going to happen tomorrow?
18:18I tell them that you know, I don't care, it's my money,
18:28you got to change the way people think man, before you can actually really help them,
18:39I could help a few, if I put my mind to it, I can't get everybody man,
18:46because everybody don't want help, it took me a long time to want to get help too,
18:54you got to see something more beautiful than where you're at,
18:58and realize in order for you to keep that beauty, you got to let something go man,
19:04in order for you to live a good life, you got to sacrifice some of the evil man,
19:09because evil and good can't live at the same place at the same time,
19:16I'm going to do something man, I tried man, I took a homeless person in my house for a whole year,
19:22homeless person, I met him, they said can you just keep my clothes over here,
19:34it was a young kid, could have been my son, so I took him in buddy,
19:38I took him in buddy, over a year, he was super hooked on K2,
19:49I said all you got to do is give me $25 a week, keep all the rest of your money,
19:55save up for your own place, to buy your own stuff,
20:00at the end of the year, this guy was still hooked on K2, sleeping in the streets man,
20:08right near the spot, he went from one job to another job man,
20:18and when I had to let him out of my house, I had to send him to a shelter,
20:27but from the shelter, I helped him to get a room,
20:30that he never invited me to, and from the room, he lost it, I take the job too,
20:42and haven't seen him since, I had to cut him off, he was too negative man,
20:49he never wanted to stop getting high,
20:51never wanted to stop, or even slow down, or try to do something different,
20:56every time he got paid, I said take your money and use it for this, use it for that, use it for this,
21:01he had a child too, maybe like one or two years old,
21:08all the way, like in, what do you call it, he was from Ecuador,
21:13Jair, that was his name, Castro, Jair Castro, I googled him, you could google him too,
21:24you see him in the news, you see him right under the spot where,
21:29if you see Jard Castro, you won't see his picture, but you'll see that the cops are chasing him,
21:34and he's in the news, he's in the news, he's in the news,
21:38Jard Castro, you won't see his picture, but you'll see that the cops are chasing him,
21:43in a car, he stole a car buddy, he stole a car, I let him in here anyway,
21:54he never stole from me though, that I know of, he was a nice kid man,
21:59he just had a hell of a drug addiction,
22:01you know, I've tried to help other people in here, and they have stole from me,
22:12but it doesn't stop me from giving the old lady down the street who has a shopping cart man,
22:17digging in a garbage can for cans,
22:23no children to help her, no husband or guy to help her,
22:28you know, so that's why I like to escape my friend,
22:32it's a lot on my mind, it's a lot I should be doing,
22:38I get some funds to help people man, the way I really need to help them,
22:45because I can't just help people, I got to do a speech, I got to talk to these guys,
22:50and I give them a mission,
22:52I give them a mission,
22:55explain to them man, there's a better way of living,
23:07you know man, so that's why I come here my friend,
23:11when I go to the clubs, a place with a lot of activity,
23:16that doesn't really calm me down from what I know,
23:20it should actually be going on with my life, and I should be helping other people,
23:27it's like the Masquerade of the Red Death with Benson Price,
23:32you're inside the castle having a great time,
23:35but meanwhile outside the castle everybody's hungry,
23:39can you really have a great time when other people are hungry?
23:43I can't really, you know, I believe in God,
23:51you can't hang out and get yours,
23:54and then you meet God face to face,
23:57and he asks you, what did you do for other people man?
24:00Did you help anybody else? Besides feed your own self?
24:07If you had a piece of bread,
24:10if you had a piece of bread that you're breaking in half,
24:14so you can eat and somebody else can eat too?
24:22Yeah, so anyway I'm not going to hold you up too much longer,
24:26thanks a lot guys, this is Daisy Shaw again,
24:30and that's why I like these environments man,
24:32give me a chance to think and reflect on things,
24:35I can create, but when somebody creates already like this man,
24:40then I don't have to create, I can just talk,
24:46you know, I can feel the energy or the,
24:50what do you call it, the vibrations of a place like this,
24:56and it brings out a different part of me,
25:00the part of me that I like.
25:05If I had a lot of cash dude,
25:10I can make a big difference man, I can help some people,
25:14like I say you can't help everybody,
25:17even in jail when people come out, people still go back to jail,
25:20so you can't help everybody,
25:22but I can help a few man, I can help a few other people,
25:28but I really wouldn't waste my time with those who don't want to be helped,
25:35you know, but I hate to see somebody get lost and left alone,
25:45and that's what's going to happen in the end man,
25:50they don't change their ways,
25:54you got to change your ways,
25:58you know, look at this man,
26:01look how the branch is actually bending,
26:05you know,
26:10I want to look at the water again,
26:25I like nature man,
26:28television tried to scare you a little bit,
26:31you get in the water, something come out of the water and grab you and take me into the water,
26:36or a shark is over there or something like that man,
26:39but if things were the way it was supposed to be,
26:42nothing would hurt you on this planet,
26:47God made this planet for you to enjoy it,
26:53look at that man,
26:55alright, so that's how we're going to end it my friend,
26:58I'll be talking forever, you know what I'm saying,
27:00I told you,
27:04that's why I can stay in here forever man,
27:06I can stay in here and still talk and not even record,
27:13let's see if I can swim over to that side,
27:17and then I'm going to end it,
27:30you know, I never know man,
27:32oh good,
27:34I was going to say, I never know, I'm going to get to this side and see something else all over again,
27:38she always has little Easter eggs in here man,
27:42that was nice of Timo to do an avatar of her,
27:48you know, that means something buddy,
27:51I've seen people that are pretty close in this thing man,
27:57guys and girls that are really close friends,
28:01in here, in virtual reality man, in all space actually, in all space,
28:08this is where I started off back then, right here,
28:14you know, I was hanging out with my friend today,
28:21he's an instructor at Engage,
28:23and we was in a cabin,
28:26the mountain cabin,
28:28and he just put two chairs,
28:30it was so cool man,
28:32the way he did it right,
28:34we was hanging out talking,
28:36we went to the cabin place,
28:38and just out of the blue,
28:40he put, we went onto the roof,
28:42he said, you know, you can come on the roof,
28:44so I went on the roof,
28:46he put two cups of coffee,
28:48and two chairs,
28:50and a table,
28:52the table with the coffee,
28:54and we just sat there and talked man,
28:55we were regular people man,
28:57you know,
28:59I'd be afraid sometimes to get close to people man,
29:02for a couple of reasons,
29:06I hope they're on my same page,
29:08right, because if they're not on my same page,
29:10I can't hang out with them too long,
29:12because I don't like to talk about nonsense,
29:14and B,
29:16there's a possibility they could be over me,
29:18and then I could say something stupid,
29:20and you know, do something like that,
29:22but when we had that conversation today,
29:23or yesterday actually,
29:25it was natural man,
29:27you know, it was nice and comfortable,
29:29just the way he put it man,
29:31he put two chairs,
29:33a table,
29:35two cups of coffee,
29:37or it could have been two cups of coffee,
29:39and a pot of tea or something like that,
29:41and just sat down,
29:43and we just started talking,
29:45like old friends man,
29:47and I like this guy too man,
29:49I look up to this guy,
29:51you know,
29:53I look up to people too man,
29:55I look up to people who are doing great things man,
29:57they're like my heroes,
29:59I don't have heroes that are on television,
30:01or in the books anymore,
30:03I got live heroes man,
30:05because somebody on television,
30:07in a book,
30:09I never get a chance to meet them,
30:11I can't ask them questions about anything,
30:13but Daisy,
30:17you know what happened to her man,
30:19I had recorded it,
30:21and I lost the damn thing,
30:23I had to go back and hang out with her again,
30:25to watch that video of me hanging out with her,
30:32but I'm going to see her again,
30:34you don't build 75 and step off buddy,
30:42so here we go,
30:44I'm going to jump down here,
30:46I can't get hurt,
30:50oh look,
30:52and I was going to do this,
30:56but the place is so beautiful,
30:59that I think I'm going to do this,
31:01maybe I can hit this spot,
31:03it's hard to tell what I'm going to catch,
31:05when I record the video,
31:07but it'll be nice to catch this one right here,
31:10so thanks again Daisy,
31:12and have a great day,
31:14keep doing what you're doing,
31:16I'm enjoying it,
31:18and a couple of other people are enjoying it also,