Golden Apple Comic Book Shop - #10

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AltspaceVR Critic -
00:00Okay, guys. This is where we at. Golden Apple Comic Book Shop. Got it? Golden Apple Comic
00:11Book Shop. Dang. Dang. When I was young, I used to love comic books, buddy. Let's take
00:19a look at the neighborhood. It's a nice neighborhood, man. It looks like a comic book neighborhood.
00:28Oh, you can't, you can't go past here. Look, you can't go past here. It's really about
00:43the comic books. Excuse me. Excuse me. It's the comic book store. All those fresh comic
00:56books in there. Dude. Check this out, man. Always wanted to go to a comic book store
01:03and nobody's in there. I could take my time and look around. All right, let's see what's
01:09in here. All right, check it out. I wonder if they really have comic books here. Dude.
01:24Dude, they got comic books all over the darn place.
01:30Let me see if I recognize any. If they're real comic books.
01:40Wow. Dude. What if he actually had these comic books and he was put... Dude, I remember saying
01:47that one. There's a lot of comic books here. This is really for... Whoa, sorry about that.
02:06I'm pumping somebody. Look at these. New costumes.
02:24You know what's incredible, buddy?
02:29Let me see who made this. Is this guy?
02:36No, that's not him. Okay, boom. I'll go right here. Act like I work here.
02:50Let's see what I got.
02:54What's this? All right. Star Wars.
02:59Excuse me.
03:10Oh, look at these things. Excuse me again. Sorry about that. Let me get one good one.
03:18There. Now we're straight. Look at that. Kill Batman and Superman. Catgirl. The Joker.
03:28That's a nice store, man.
03:37Can you pick one up? In the future, you'll be able to pick one up and read it.
03:41Right here in the reading room.
03:46Look, kids books. Kid Flash.
03:51They did a lot of work in here, man. I hope they got the credit for it.
04:03Yeah, they did a lot of work in here.
04:06What they could do, and we book up there, you can put for sale.
04:12You don't have to make it the regular price.
04:22I wonder what this guy's doing. He's just sitting over there looking at the same thing.
04:30That's Ghost Rider? Nope, but that's Black Panther.
04:45Oh, look at that, man. I wonder if it's 25 cents to get some candy.
04:52Oh, you can buy it, dude. Look, $10. $15. You can buy some stuff over here.
05:11And t-shirts.
05:15That was original. There's going to be a lot of online stores that you can actually walk
05:20into in the future. All right, I'm going to go in here after I check out these.
05:35All right, let's go in here. Let's go in here first. Oh, look, man. What's this?
05:42Oh, look at this, man. Look at the color of this tunnel.
05:53When I end it, I want to come back here. If I can come back. All right, I'm going in here now.
06:00Look, Archie. Spider-Man. Okay, this one is bigger than the other one.
06:25Let's see what we got here, buddy.
06:30I like comic book stores, but I don't read comic books anymore. I only read success books.
06:39Dude, they don't have a success comic book. A comic book called success. How about that?
06:46It can be printed and digital. You can buy it in the real world or you can buy it online.
07:00This one's taking a while. I can hear people. Here we go. All right. Look. Look at this area.
07:13Look. Beautiful. I don't know how they took comic books. Same guy.
07:22A little bit different. This one is Fan Con XR.
07:31I should have stayed in the other place. I wanted to keep the same creator, but this would be a
07:40joint venture. All right. Can I fly? I always like to know if I can fly.
07:48No. Dang. Look at this. Oh, I got something I want to experiment with.
07:56All right. All right. Look, there's a lot of people in here, buddy.
08:00This is what it looks like. I've never been to a comic con.
08:10Look, a lot of these comic books, I've never heard of before.
08:17Look at this. Dude, look at this place, man.
08:19Look how they built this place. Welcome. How you doing?
08:30Good. How are you? Oh, pretty good. I'm the...
08:35Feel free to... What's that?
08:38No, I was going to say, I'm the AltspaceVR critic. I'm recording right now. Your beautiful
08:43area. This is really beautiful. Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah.
08:50Yeah. It's a great space. Yeah. It's going to be on YouTube.
08:53When I looked at your name, it didn't look like the creator's name.
08:57It looks like the creator is... Let me see. It looks like FanConXR.
09:03No, no, no. I'm not the creator. Yes.
09:06It says host. FanConXR is the name of the event.
09:11Creators are over here on this wall right here. Particle, Big Rock Creative.
09:18Oh, gotcha. And then Golden Apple.
09:20Oh, thank you. Do you read comic books?
09:23Yep. Hello. Welcome.
09:28Look at this.
09:35Avatar of the Year. Hi there.
09:38Show exclusive on sale here. Sold out. Look, after party.
09:47Okay. This is a nice place, buddy. Look at this, man.
09:51Beautiful. A lot of space. The stairs. Look at the stairs.
09:56Look at the stairs. Look at that. Let me turn around.
10:03This is a beautiful place, buddy. I'm going to take that.
10:08I'm going to mute myself again. Look at this, man.
10:12Dude, almost like there was no stairs here. What's out there, man? Some suits?
10:18That's it. I'm going to find out.
10:24Beautiful. This might be another spot I can just relax in.
10:32Okay. Great. Thank you.
10:33I tell you, dude, once you keep doing VR for so long,
10:37television doesn't do it anymore, unfortunately.
10:39Don't mind me.
10:42Oh, this is good. How to move with your Oculus.
10:47Now, even though it says Oculus, if you have a computer, you can download alternate space
10:53and you can move around in here and it's free.
11:00What's this?
11:03Some cereal, huh?
11:06Look at this, man. Beautiful.
11:14I don't know if they need light music.
11:17That's going to mess up my copyright thing. Enjoy the view.
11:27What's this? These are the people over here I was looking at.
11:32Can I go over there? Whoa, dude, what's going on here? I'm in the water. Can you fly?
11:41Probably not, right? I haven't been able to fly in a while. Nope.
11:45So let's check this out. Let's see what's going on over here.
11:52Can I get outside here? Yes. Boom. Outside. Look at this, man. Look at this water.
12:06I think she was right, man. Some relaxing music with the water.
12:15How far can I go in the water? Dude, I'm walking in the water again. Look.
12:32It's a place on the water.
12:41You got to get here by boat.
12:44Helicopter. Airplane if you got a parachute.
12:50Depends on how much you want to get that issue, that comic book.
13:03I do videos at night, but there's a lot of people that are up in the daytime. Oh,
13:11dude, it's not really night. I got time check.
13:17Whoa, it's getting late. I slept all day, man. I ate, slept, and ate and slept. Get my energy back.
13:29People are outside right now in my neighborhood.
13:32They're playing music. I don't know if you can hear it.
13:35That's pretty good. There's no copyright, and I got the free music.
13:40Oh, look at this gentleman, Gary. What's going on?
13:49All right. Let's take another look around here. What's this?
13:54All right. Beautiful, beautiful. All right. This is what we're going to do, buddy.
14:00I'm going to take a trip someplace else right here.
14:05The after party.
14:12Bang. Let's see what we got.
14:19Got to cancel that one. Can't go in there. All right. Let's see what we got over here.
14:25Look, Disco Alien. Oh, look. Remember I told you I was going to go back here
14:30in the end? The Golden Apple comic book shop. But we're going to do Disco Alien.
14:36See what this looks like.
14:44This one is even bigger, buddy.
14:48I might call this like the comic book store with portals. That's what I'm going to say.
14:56Remember that, buddy. Comic book store with portals.
15:00All right. Here we go. Look. Look at this. Wow. It's a lot of space, buddy.
15:15Can I fly? Yes or no? Yes, I can fly here, buddy. All right. Because I'm going to fly
15:22right up to that golden thing over there. Oh, hold up. Where are we? Bang. Disco Alien.
15:29Doug J is the host. All right. Disco Alien. Say that again. I might need it later.
15:36Bang. Take a look around. All right. Now, if you got onto this planet,
15:44it'd be like so much to go. So much to see. So many places to go. Where would you want to go?
15:49I don't think I can get up that mountain. But let's find out. This might be a little bit, man.
16:02Because I'm doing real time walking. I don't know, buddy. I might have to take a couple of shots.
16:07I'm going to take a couple of shots over here. I don't want to get all the way down here and find
16:12out. I can't get up the mountain. All right. Here we go. Can I get up? Yes or no? I didn't think so.
16:24Dude. Dude, look at this, man.
16:30Look, you can do a space movie over here. This looks just like television, man.
16:42Wow. Look at this. Wait till we go through that tube. There's got to be some action in there.
16:51All right. Can we climb up that mountain?
17:00I could fly up there.
17:08Okay. Here we go.
17:18And look. There's a path too. Right up here.
17:23Oh, right over here. Right over here. Right over here, buddy. Look.
17:36Do not let me go. I use my special powers.
17:42All right. Here we go.
17:48All right. Special powers, buddy.
17:55This is it. Oh, you got an inch up here. It's like a game. How about up there? Over here?
18:05How about how high I am, buddy?
18:15Look. Look at that view.
18:20All right. This is what I'm going to do. In order to get to the rest of the point,
18:24you might have to fly.
18:33Boom. I'll be getting up now. Look at this. Look how easy it is to get up when you go fly.
18:40Look at that, buddy. That's a big difference. They wanted you to fly here. Look how big this place is.
18:55All right. Boom.
19:03Look at this. A planet by myself.
19:14Oh, this came from the comic book. I almost forgot where it came from.
19:17All right. This is what we're going to do now, buddy. Let's go down.
19:28It's harder to go down than it is to come up, but when you got flying abilities.
19:36How about if I take away the flying abilities?
19:39Bang. No more flying abilities now, buddy. I could fall. This is real world stuff now. Here we go.
19:47Look. This is how you go down and up like this. Like this. Like that. Like this. Like this.
19:56Like that. Like this. Boom.
20:04Now, what's going to happen on the tip of that thing over there?
20:09Can I just slide down? Look at this, man. I think I took the rough side.
20:13All right. We're going over there.
20:21Who knows, man? It might be something to each one of those balls.
20:26Which means what? One, two, three, four, five, six.
20:29And the long two. Here we go. Here we go. Kind of tight over here, buddy. Kind of tight.
20:34All right. Up. Up. Up. Almost losing control. Almost. Got it. Bang. Here I am.
20:43Listen to that beautiful music they got outside, man.
20:47Don't have to worry about no copyrights. I hope you can hear it.
20:54All right. We're going to go right through the tube from the front to the end.
20:58When I get out the end, we're going to go up that one over there.
21:04Okay. We came from all the way up there, man. It's amazing sometimes when you look at where you came from.
21:19All right, guys.
21:25They always make a noise in my neighborhood, man. That's good, though.
21:29I can wake up in here. No noise. Look outside and see no people. There's nobody in here, man.
21:39It's amazing in the world. People spend time and energy to create stuff.
21:44And some people will never, ever, ever, ever know about it. Like this YouTube channel.
21:49If people didn't watch this YouTube channel, you would never know stuff like this exists.
21:55You would never know stuff like this exists.
22:00Today, I'm going to drop about seven videos. I really feel like doing more.
22:07I haven't done alt space in a couple of days now. Maybe like three or four.
22:18Dude, what is that?
22:19It doesn't even look like you can really go in there.
22:29It's not like a door. Look how big it is, man.
22:35That's why I do the walkthrough, so you get the reality of it, man. You see how big this thing is?
22:49I'm going to host something. It looks like a big piece of wood or something. Let's see, man.
22:57Let's see where this adventure takes us. It's got to be something. All right.
23:11Here we go. Whoa, dude. Psychedelic, baby.
23:20Dude, look. It's a bunch of hair follicles.
23:35Wow. You see where I came from?
23:46You never know what you're going to get, buddy.
23:50When you talk about alt space, you're talking about
23:54people all over the world, different cultures, different ideas,
24:01different visions that they see in their own mind that they're sharing with you.
24:06That without virtual reality, there'd be no way for them to show you this, man.
24:11Wow. I just came out of a haunted house. This reminds me a little bit of that.
24:23They could have put this in there, too. And Halloween is right around the corner, buddy.
24:32I live in New York City, man. When you have Halloween here
24:35in the village, it's crazy, buddy. All kind of outfits on.
24:41I don't know if I'm going this year. Maybe I will. Just to take pictures. I can post them on
24:51YouTube. People that's never seen a Halloween parade in the village. It's quite interesting,
25:01buddy. I recommend you see it at least once, maybe twice if you don't record it. After that,
25:11I don't know, buddy. That's not your thing.
25:17Look, here we go. Let's see what's over here.
25:25Wow. You can get lost in a place like this, man. Look at that. Warp speed.
25:33Okay. Look, here we go. Look, man, another one of these. This thing's pretty long.
25:47I could end it right here, buddy. Right here with this view.
26:04Let me just take a quick peek out and see if I can look outside. Here. Wow. How much
26:17further did I have to go? All right. One more section. Ready? Look, there's that ball thing
26:25I saw up over there. See it? It wasn't even like that before. All right. Let's go back in.
26:35See what else they got. Here we go. Ready, guys? Five, four, three, two, and we're in.
26:55Wow. We're going deeper, deeper.
27:04Nobody's in here either.
27:13This is pretty long, man. I wonder if they did the dimensions correctly. What you see outside,
27:21that's what it is inside because this is a long walk, buddy.
27:32I think this is the end.
27:43This is the whole environment, what it looks like.
27:50Hey, this is me. I'm in here walking.
28:12Okay, I think it's the end.
28:14That was a long walk. Look, this is what it looks like when you look up.
28:24I want you to see all the virtual reality stuff. Look at this here.
28:29Look, if I stand over here.
28:38Look, it's two layers.
28:41All right, let's go through here.
28:45Wow. Peaceful. Now, buddy, we're going to shoot right up to the sky.
28:52Ready? You can only do this in all space, buddy.
28:58Right up. Right where I'm pointing, that's where I'm going to go. See if there's anything in there.
29:05Dang. Takes a while to fly, you know.
29:09That's because of the distance. It looks like you're not really getting there,
29:13but when you look down, you can see. Wow.
29:17Wow. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going back in here again. I'm going to go up to the top.
29:28I'm going to go inside here. See if I can penetrate it with my superpowers. Here it goes.
29:34See if I can penetrate it with my superpowers. Here it goes. You got to concentrate. Can I make
29:40it? Can I make it? Can I make it? Let's go. Can I make it? All right, all the way to the top now,
29:53dude. This is what it looks like when you fly in here. It's more psychedelic.
30:05Look at me. Can I fly out of this thing?
30:13Here it goes. Bang. Out. Now look.
30:23Look, it changed colors. All right, let's go up.
30:28I'm not going through the tube. I'm going to go right through the ball with this down.
30:37Okay, we got to see what's going on.
30:44All right, here we go. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. We're in there. Look.
30:57Look at this.
31:11All right, let's go higher.
31:23We're really up there now.
31:28Right through the center. I got to test my skills out. Here we go. All right, let's see what we got.
31:38Here we go. Breakthrough. Bang. Now look where we are.
31:47Now look at this place.
31:54All right, how about in here?
31:58Let's look around. I came out of there. Dude.
32:17All right, this one. Here we go.
32:23Houston, we're about to land.
32:27We're about to land, Houston. Bang. We in? Now look in there.
32:37Oh, look, man. I can't go in, but I can walk on it.
32:47All right, this is what I'm going to do right now.
32:49I could jump. I'm going to jump, because I always like to jump.
32:57In real life, I might be a little bit afraid of heights, but here, look. Look, buddy.
33:05If I move any kind of way, this is the real deal now. If I move any kind of way, I could fall.
33:12No powers.
33:16Look, look at that view. I'm going to drop, though. I told you that already.
33:20So once you get the feeling. All right, here it goes. I'm walking up to the top.
33:26And I'm going to drop right in there.
33:31I'm going to drop right in there.
33:32All right, here it goes. I'm walking up to the top.
33:37And I'm going to drop right in there. Ready? Here it goes. Here it goes. Here it goes.
33:44Too late to stop now. It's finished. We're gone. We're gone, buddy. Bang.
33:55That was a little bit of fun there, like an amusement ride.
33:58That's what virtual reality is. It's a combination of television,
34:03entertainment, and like an amusement ride.
34:13All right. I'm going to end it right here. Bang.
34:20Bang. Oh.
34:28Let me just show you what we are here.
34:32Discord alien.
34:37Now I'm going to end it. And I'm going to end it.
34:44Inside here.
34:50Look like a bunch of TV channels broadcasting.
35:00End it right. Give me a good color. This is not bad. I can end it right here.
35:11Bang. Thanks for watching. Please put a like.
35:16Sorry about this space dust getting in my nose.
35:19My next video, I'm going to clear that up. But I can't take the helmet off and do it now.
35:27What do you think?
35:32You could be alone over here and think. Okay, guys. See you in the next video.