Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinebowl

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AltspaceVR Critic - #10 -
00:00Okay, guys. We're at Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema Ball. Right here. Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema
00:10Ball. This is where I met Ryan at. Oh, let me save it because it's hard to get this spot.
00:19You can't just get it anymore. What happened? What happened, buddy? I can't save it. Can
00:33I hit anything? All right, bubble off. Now, location. Oh, they don't want me to save it.
00:43Okay, but this is all the announcements. Look, Supergirl, The Queen, Tony Shade, April
00:52Renee, The Damn Gina Show, Instagram, Evolucent One. Wow, look at this place, man. It looked
01:06different before. Look at that, now it pops up. Look at this, man. Glitches. All right,
01:20let's take a look around. It looks a lot different from when I saw it before. Look at that, man.
01:28He put Evolucent on the ball. All right, check it out. I want you to see all the announcements,
01:34everything. Look, they're going muggsy. You got the head on. Producers, Ryan and the Joker.
01:44I just came from the Joker spot. I just saw Harley. Harley and the Joker are together.
01:58Masters of the Ceremony. Fridays and Saturdays. Auditions. Wow. Builders Got Talent. Swifties
02:11Place. Duke 3D, I've been there. The Mall, I've been there. The airplane is still here. Look,
02:22Fridays and Saturdays. Auditions. Builders Got Talent. Fridays and Saturdays at 8. I'm coming
02:31in here. I haven't been here for a while. Let me see what's going on down there. Looks a lot
02:47different. Whoa, look at that. Is that water? Blue water? I want to go in it. I might fall.
02:55Let me see. Can I get in there? Not through this way. All right. I really want to go to the movies
03:07to tell you the truth, man. Can I go to the movies? Is it still a movie theater? What happens
03:25if I go through here, man? Anyway. Nothing, but I can fly, right? Can I fly over there? Damn. Can I? Look,
03:41still can't. All right. How about up there? Look, dude, I didn't even see the sign. Whoa. The Real
03:58Molly. Ryan and the Joker. Auditions. Hmm. It's like Celebrity Apprentice. All right. Let's see
04:08what's up here. Look, the airplane is still there. Higher. Let's go all the way up. Look,
04:19still got the stage up here. Okay. Dude, look at this, man. A lot of people can fit over here.
04:38It's beautiful, man. Ryan was always a networker. Look at that, man. Name up and lights on a big
04:47billboard. Custom AltSpaceVR world templates for business, personal use, and main event shows. Made
05:00by Evolucent. Clients include A41 Family, Supergirl, The Queen, and definitely Ryan. All right. It's
05:17nice. I was over here. I did a song here. When I did this song, they didn't have the bleaches over
05:26here. Let me go right around here. Pick out the song. Look at that. The posters are great, man.
05:44Dude, can I fly all the way up to the airplane? Can I fly all the way up to the airplane, buddy?
05:51That's what, like a driving movie. Can I? That's a heck of a trip up there, buddy. That's a beautiful
05:59plane, too. Here we go. What's down here? Look. Look how far down we are. Dude, that looks like the plane
06:13right there, though. What is that? It's something to fly, buddy. You got to try it. You can't do it in
06:22real life. Look at this. I'm going to go right to that door. You know what they don't tell you about
06:30flying? They don't tell you about the air currency, how cold it is up here, it's hard to breathe,
06:36stuff like that, man. Everything has drawbacks. You know what I mean?
06:40Dang, look at this. Now, let's look down. Look, man. Look at that. You can see it from the sky.
06:55I got to start doing something, brother. All right. Look, dude, I'm going to fly right in the door,
07:11and then I'm going to fly out like Superman. But before I fly out, you're not even going to know
07:18I can fly. Now, go on over here. You got to do this thing just right, you know. Angle it. Go
07:24all the way over here. Flying takes technique, you know. You can't just do it. And then go right in
07:31here. Bang, I'm in. Now, I'm going to take off the flight. I hope I don't fall. Good. But I'm going to
07:41fall off. All right, check it out. Let's see what's in the airplane. What? Let's go up here,
07:49buddy. Bang, bang, bang. Look at this. This is where they keep the snacks at. There's no snacks
08:00in here now. There'll be a snack on Friday and Saturday. I'm coming Friday and Saturday, though.
08:06Boom. Look at that chair. And look over here, buddy. Wow. What I like about it is I can fly.
08:20I could just jump right out the window. I could show you two versions. Me jumping out the window
08:29and can fly and me not jumping out the window. Okay. Bang. Look at the stairs. I've never been
08:37on an airplane that had stairs. Dude, I was over here already, right? Oh, I know what he said. You
08:43can go through the doors and stuff. All right, first of all, the plane is going this way. I have
08:49to be. What? What happened to all the compartments? Look. Dude, how'd I get in here? I'm glad I did,
09:02though. Look at this, man. Let me take a peek over here. All right, good. I want to see what it looked
09:10like before. Nothing. Bang. All right, look. Look at these seats, man. You can look out the window.
09:19You know what's cool? The seats are blue, but you can see the window.
09:25Bang. And you can look out this window. All up in the air. Look at that, man.
09:38There's Ryan. All right, let's go through this door. These are doors, obviously.
09:45What's in here? All right, let's do somebody in here.
09:57I hear somebody talking.
10:07Oh, that might be the pilot talking.
10:11Look at this, man. Pretty big, huh? Look at Ryan's. Dude, you can go in here. How about here?
10:22Whoa. How about here? Look at this, man. This is VIP. I don't know, man. This is not VIP. This is
10:30the lover's lounge. Look how you're facing each other. I will. Thank you very much.
10:37Where's the captain at? Up here? Whoa. Look. Let me check it out. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
10:49Can I get back in here, buddy?
10:55Dude, am I on top of the thing? Oh, no. This is what happens when you don't have any flying
11:00powers. Bang. Right here. Now, I'm going to show you what happens when you have flying powers.
11:06I got to get a good run now. A good jump. All right. I got to go up, up, and away. Ready?
11:15I'm going way back here to this spot right here. Okay. Here we go.
11:27Up, up, and away, brother.
11:36Up, up, and away. See? Now, you see the talking down.
11:50Look at the world. I'm leaving. Never did me any good anyway. All right. Here we go.
12:02Here we go. I got a great breakfast waiting for me, man.
12:06I got a western omelet with beef sausage, pepper jack cheese, onions and peppers,
12:14home fries, and a cup of coffee and orange juice.
12:19All right, buddy. Look at this. Look who we got. Dude, look how high I am.
12:24You can see Ryan's name over here. Let me just go over here.
12:30Am I moving? Yeah. There's Ryan.
12:40I haven't seen him in a while. He's doing some business stuff now, though.
12:47Dude, I messed up. I messed up. I messed up.
12:50Dude, I met some great people in this place, man. I can name people.
12:58I'm going to do a video of people that I look up to.
13:06It's going to be called Engage.
13:08Allspace, BR Critic.
13:14People that are accomplishing a lot or something. Look at this, man. Right through the door.
13:19This is how Superman would do it, you know. Boom. Right through the door. Remember when I fell?
13:26Look. Let's see if I targeted just right.
13:29Look. Let's see if I targeted just right.
13:37I'm in. Now, now that I can fly. All right, I'm going to show you a couple of tricks over here,
13:44buddy. Let's see something over there.
13:49What's this? All right, bang. All right, remember I was over here? I went too far.
14:00I really wanted to be right about here. Bang.
14:09Ladies and gentlemen, the weather is looking pretty strange. The skies are red.
14:17And I don't know where the hell my co-pilot is.
14:24Actuality, I really don't even know how to fly an airplane.
14:29And in actuality, if I did, I couldn't fly this one. Look,
14:33I have a lot of stuff over here, buddy. All right, so this is what I'm going to do.
14:38I decided not to take the plane, but I'm going to fly myself.
14:46Around the plane. Let you see what the plane looks like. How about that, buddy?
14:51How about that?
14:55This is what the plane looks like.
14:58This is what the tech. Let's get a good picture of Ryan's name.
15:08I'm going to come here this Friday and Saturday. I want to see what's going on.
15:16And I want to hear the queen sing.
15:24There it goes.
15:27In case you want to know where we're at. It's Ryan's apocalyptic cinema ball.
15:35And he teaches too. I don't want to go into the classroom because, um,
15:41you know, that's his classroom. I didn't feel right.
15:45But if the portals open, I'm going to take a look.
15:51I came in at one time to do a video and I did a little taping, but I came unexpected.
15:58So I didn't, um, I didn't post that one because I wanted to get Ryan's approval on that.
16:06I wonder what that thing is right down there.
16:14All right, check it out, man. This is what I'm going to do.
16:18Let's go on to the plane, even if I can go past the plane. And then I'm going to jump.
16:30Get that virtual reality feeling.
16:32I'm going to use the tip of the plane like a diving board.
16:44I've seen some things in this world, buddy. Let me tell you. Now let's see how high we are. Look.
16:51Okay. Here we go, buddy. Bang. All right. You know, I can fly already, but this is me not flying.
17:12Hope I don't fall. Boom. I'm on the tip of the airplane, buddy.
17:17Look at this. That's the airplane. Look how big that airplane is, buddy.
17:30Look how many windows are in there. They got a... Dude, did I go up to the upper level?
17:38That thing is big. All right, check it out, man. Here we go. Look.
17:41Where do I want to go? All right, this is it. I'm getting ready to do a performance.
17:50Uh-oh. All right, I'm getting ready to do a performance. Everybody's over there waiting,
17:55right? When is he coming? When is he coming? Here he comes right now. Bang.
18:00Whoa. Slam. The boys be boys. Slam. Let the boys be boys. Now.
18:17All right. Can I go in here? I hate to go in his classroom and he's not in the classroom, man,
18:22but if I can go in there, I'm gonna give it a shot. I don't think I can. Look, it's locked.
18:31Excellent. Good. I would have thought back. Uh-oh.
18:41All right, here we go.
18:45The institute. Okay, here we go.
18:52Okay, here we go. Hope it's okay with you, buddy.
19:00Nope. Couldn't do it. I don't want to keep pushing anyway without his permission.
19:09All right, so check it out.
19:13Oh, we did go.
19:16I met this guy, Jim709, I think his name is. He said he wanted to take one of Marty's classes.
19:24Actually, I want to take one of Marty's classes, too.
19:45Okay, here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. This is the classroom.
19:58Look, this is a beautiful area, man. You can wait for the next class while you're sitting here.
20:07Look at the view, brother. Where are we?
20:11I'm gonna have to start. Dude, this is like a little history, man.
20:15I'm gonna start recognizing areas because I've seen this place before, man. I've seen that
20:22building with the four antennas. I can tell you right off the bat, it's definitely not New York
20:29City. I'm from New York City. This is not New York City. This is a hell of a view, buddy.
20:35It's a hell of a view, buddy. All right, let's go upstairs. Oh, look.
20:43Look at this. What's this over here?
20:47Dude, how many
20:58classes is this guy giving, man? Click on the teleporter to go to your...
21:04Oh, it's not active right now. Look at this, man.
21:09Study hall. Look at this. Let's see how big this place really is.
21:24Institute of International Education, man. Wow, what a name.
21:30All right, look at this. We're gonna go up here
21:34and look at the view at the same time. This is the classroom right here.
21:43Look. Look, man.
21:51He did it. He did what he's supposed to do with this thing, man.
22:01He made it educational.
22:13A real nice classroom, too. Look at this, man.
22:19Oh, you can't see anything. I was gonna play one of Ryan's videos.
22:37But look at the view. Imagine you're in a classroom like this, buddy.
22:44You gotta pay attention to the teacher, though, but you can look outside. Dude. Dude.
22:50Dude. I had no idea it was big like this.
22:58My goodness.
23:02Look at this, man.
23:12Look at this.
23:13Look at this. Dude, I knew Ryan thought big.
23:25Dude, he's getting ready to blow it up, man.
23:30You gotta come here, guys. He's about to blow it up.
23:35Look at the campus.
23:38Can I get up there? Dude, that's a big jump. Look at this.
23:43Look at this view, buddy.
23:46So, check this out, guys. This is where we're at.
23:54We're at 11E Quad A2 Classroom.
24:01And that's what the classroom's supposed to look like. What's this mean?
24:08What's that mean if I click on it? Anything happens? Favorites.
24:13Boom. Dude, look at this, man. Look at this place.
24:23This is not bad at all. This is excellent, in fact.
24:28They really don't. Can I fly in here? I don't think so. You never know. You never know.
24:34I flew in the other one. Let me see something.
24:37Settings. Okay, you can't fly in here. You can't fly in school. Not in this school. Not yet anyway.
24:47So, this is another building. ABC. Look, it's under construction, man.
24:52They're getting ready to do something big here, brother.
24:58They're getting ready to do something big here.
25:02Look at that beautiful tree, man.
25:06Oh, my buddy. Bang. Look.
25:19I should know where we're at, man. But I don't. But I'm gonna find out.
25:27I'd like to know the environment. That's the classroom.
25:31So, check it out. Ryan got his classroom fixed up already.
25:33He's waiting for more instructors. That's why he's not spending so much time creating.
25:41Because he's teaching.
25:45Yeah, it's gonna be gigantic, buddy. Because look, he's gonna take
25:50all those buildings and make it like this building. Let's step down here.
25:56Look at this. Beautiful. Beautiful, man. Beautiful.
26:12And the potential is off the hook.
26:19Who would have ever known that Ryan would have been a teacher, man?
26:23I wonder if Ryan even thought he was going to be an actual teacher teaching classes
26:27like this. Scheduled and structured. I'm not a structured person, man. I'm a spontaneous person.
26:40You're supposed to be organized, but I'm not really organized.
26:42This is really nice. This is really... I can imagine at night time you're going to school
26:51too if you can make it night. You know what'd be great in a way? Whatever the weather was
26:59outside in the real world, they can make it here. And if you could do something where
27:06you can make it turn morning, noon, and night. Rain, snow, and sun. By itself. Automatically.
27:16Depending on how much time you stay in. So somebody could say, yo, I stayed in until it got dark.
27:22Look at this, man. Ryan's the only one with this classroom set up.
27:25Look at this, man. Ryan's the only one with this classroom set up.
27:35People are actually going to class here, man.
27:44What time is it, man? I got in here. It was five o'clock, brother.
27:47Five something. That's an excellent job, Ryan. Guys, if you want to get education
28:01on how to use and how to create alt space, this is the place, man. This is the place.
28:07I've seen a bunch of Ryan's creations. Look at this, man. Look at the potential.
28:12Look at the potential, buddy. Let me tell you this, man. I work with Engage,
28:17right? If you go to Kenneth Brown Engage, they got a college campus, right? This campus here,
28:26and those are people that get paid to do that. But this campus here
28:34is equal to, if not better than, and I can almost say it might be better than because it's not even
28:42finished yet. And you can't just pop into class and disturb the classroom. So, I'm sure he gives
28:54everybody a code to get into the classroom. Look at this, man. This is different.
29:04It's definitely different. It's not water.
29:18And I was all the way up there.
29:22Let's say I'm down here and I want to get to class. Can I get in the building? Yep.
29:27I don't know. I see a lobby. You might go in there and press a button
29:34and then it'll bring you upstairs. If I can get in here. Did I get in it? Glass. Okay, boom.
29:39So, you're right over here. How can I help you? You want to get to A, B, and C? Okay, boom.
29:48Let's go over here.
29:52Everywhere you look, I'm gonna do a 360 so you can see how big it really is.
29:55See how big it is, man? The potential is off the hook. The potential is off the hook, man.
30:16Excellent job, man.
30:26Wow. All right. So, where can I end it at?
30:31Once you're down here, though, you can't get back upstairs, I don't think.
30:35They're like, no, you should have never came down here in the first place.
30:40I really wanted to see what was up there, but you can't fly.
30:45And you can't get up there yet. That's under construction.
30:54Wow. Great job, man. Great job.
31:03Great job, man.
31:05Wow. Great job, man. Great job.
31:15Great job.
31:21So, I'm gonna put Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema Bowl and more because I haven't seen Ryan for a while.
31:28And I want to give a shout out to Ryan, the Queen, Joker, Harlequin, Mugsy, Moonlady,
31:48Supergirl, and everybody else, man.
31:52Everybody else, man.
31:57That's making this world and alt space a better place.
32:01You know, thanks, guys. Sometimes you might not feel appreciated, man, but I appreciate you.
32:09And my job is to make you know.
32:14Let me tell you, I think it's nothing better than somebody coming into your creation without you
32:29and walking around and explaining how it makes them feel.
32:34Then you know you did a good job, man, because you weren't around.
32:39And while you were asleep, somebody appreciated your work.
32:44Gigantic, buddy. I love gigantic stuff.
32:48If I can live in a gigantic place, I love to live in a gigantic place with not too many things in
32:53there because I'm a, what do you call that thing? A pack rack. I like to save everything for memories,
32:59memories, memories, memories. Like this. How many people actually got in the water?
33:07They didn't do it, I don't think. Throw a coin in there.
33:14This is what the city looks like on a rainy day. Rainy, but no clouds. See the water?
33:33Yeah. So, dude, I know nothing at all about unity, MREs,
33:40because I spend my time doing this, but I'm going to be studying.
33:45But I don't know what I create, man. I haven't seen so many beautiful things in the world.
33:51It looks like all the great ideas are gone.
33:55All right, so this is what I'm going to do, my friend. Let me find a good area right here.
34:03I could do this too, though. I'll snap the picture right here so people can see this view.
34:10Bang. Right here, man. I almost feel like smoke is coming out the smokestack.
34:19All right, guys, thanks for watching, man. Don't forget, this is Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema Bowl.
34:24That's how I got in here, right? And he has classes.
34:29And he has classes.
34:33All right, this right here, though, this place is hosted by Jose Ferrer.
34:41Bang. Can I save it? Probably not. Some you can save, some you can't.
34:49I'm wondering what that means.
34:51All right. Oh, I didn't tell you the entry code. Let me tell you the entry code just in case.
35:02The entry code is MW1830. Got it? MW1830. That's how you can get in here.
35:13All right, guys. So this is where Ryan teaches at.
35:23And Fridays Inside, he got a busy schedule, man. He made a busy schedule for himself.
35:30He's treating alt space like a real business. Because it is, man. It's whatever you want it to
35:35be. All right, so here we go. We're gonna snap this picture. Right here. Not even here. What
35:43we're gonna do? We're gonna go back. Bang. I'm gonna snap the picture, but it's gonna show that
35:49there's a balcony. Like there's more to the picture than meets the eye. Okay, here we go, guys.
35:56Thanks for watching. If you like it, put a like. Make a comment. Subscribe. If you're interested
36:05in taking these classes, right? Only thing I can tell you, if you make a comment in the video box,
36:14you know, maybe Ryan might take a look at it and see it. And he'll be able to contact you.
36:20All right, so have a great day.
36:24And have a great weekend that's coming up. God bless. Stay strong.