California Dream - Cain and Bella - #10

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AltspaceVR Critic
00:00All right, check it out guys, this is where we're at.
00:07California Dream, hosted by Man in the Mirror.
00:13I was here before, but I think it was a lot of people here, so I couldn't do any recording.
00:21Yeah, I think so man, I'm not sure, I remember the pool, I'm not even sure if I posted this
00:30But you know what, it doesn't even make a difference, because this will be the first
00:36time I post something twice.
00:40This is beautiful man.
00:42I was watching YouTube videos that I made, and let me tell you, I have like close to
00:47No, I didn't come over here, and I have close to like 700, and each one of them, when I
01:02watch them, I recognize them man, it's not like it's anything new, it's like yeah I remember
01:07that, yeah I remember that, I remember that, I remember that, I remember that.
01:10I said dude man, I don't know how many videos I have to make, I gotta make them and don't
01:16watch them after I make them, but the reason why I watch them, is because if you went on
01:24a vacation, yep, I was in here, I don't know if I recorded it though, I don't think so.
01:34If you went on a vacation man, you had a great time, wouldn't you want to record it, take
01:39pictures, experience it again?
01:44You know my life is a lot different from everybody else's life man, yep I was in here, I remember
01:49that thing on the bed, yep my life was a lot different from everybody else, because I'm
01:56learning now to record things way ahead of time, all my experiences man, so if I get
02:03old or something happens and I can't do the things that I can do now, at least I have
02:09these memories man, that you know you did it man, the time on this planet man, you got
02:15a chance to see and do things man, and when it's my time to leave, it won't be like I
02:22have any regrets man, I remember everything, look at this thing man, look, we can get right
02:31up on it man, I didn't do that before, I couldn't do it in the movies, and you know sometimes
02:36you get scared, you don't want to look at it like that, but look, right up on it man,
02:43bust the guts out of that one man, that's the kind of sex you don't want to have man,
02:48when they do it like that, bust your guts out of you man, wow, and make you grow extra
02:58arms boy, know they got it good like that man, they could be on one of those cosmopolitan
03:05magazines, something like that, you know GQ, whatever, and you can bust the gut out, alright,
03:10let's look around here, look at this, beautiful designs, when we leave, it's going to be a
03:16picture of probably this young lady right here man, no, it's going to be Mickey, excuse me,
03:24is it Mickey or Mickey Minaj, look at this man, it's beautiful, you know everything here is beautiful
03:35man, and the view, everything, I was in here, yep, I remember specifically buddy, it's a little
03:50different, I hope I don't have to double up on this, you know, I don't mind doing the same place
03:56twice, you're not going to hear the same thing, yep, I was in here, I remember the spider in the eye,
04:01look at this man, things you never would do in real life, like really get up on the creatures,
04:06you can do it, I'm training myself how to, if I see a real zombie or something like that,
04:12I won't have any problems, but dude, what the hell is this, this is an orgy shower,
04:22how many showers do you need, yo, this is some hot moments in here buddy, and look at the color,
04:31look, look up on it, the design, the glass, you're in here, doing a weird thing, wow, wow, wow, wow,
04:48you know, even a millionaire can only have but a certain amount of homes, look man,
04:57there's something going on down there, see that green light over there, yeah, even a millionaire
05:05can have, even if it's this beautiful, right, and you're a millionaire or billionaire, you only get
05:13a chance to hang out at one or two, maybe three real places, and maybe not too much, because the
05:19reason you made your billions, because you was working hard, so sometimes you have a nice place,
05:24but you can't really enjoy it until you retire and get old, well buddy, all the videos I have,
05:34I've been to these places, I've seen it, and it's just like I've been there myself, and the good
05:44thing about it, is that when you save it to your favorites, right, check it out now, this is something
05:53I learned from my experience as an AltSpaceVR critic, you save it to your favorites, and nobody
06:00keeps coming in there, and the creator is not using it, it's your place, it's my place right now, I'm
06:10renting it, I didn't make it, just like the billionaire didn't make his home, he bought it
06:17from another celebrity, this is what I bought, or this is what I'm renting, reason why I'm renting it,
06:26it's because I'm a light worker, I'm a traveler, I don't plant my feet any place permanently, man,
06:33I don't know where I have to be tomorrow, dude, second time the thing got me, man,
06:37all right, I'm leaving out of here, which is very beautiful, spectacular,
06:49look at this, man, you walk all the way up here, you can look out, it's not too much to see in this area, you know,
06:57but all the way down there, and the mountains,
07:00dude, I climbed the mountain one time, well, these are not really, really mountains, those are like hills,
07:06no, I guess those are kind of like mountains,
07:12it's in between, because you know, mountain could be like Mount Everest,
07:14Mount Sinai, those are mountains, but those are like really big mountains,
07:19so if you're looking out the window, while you're chilling out right here, man,
07:23this is a different area over here, this is deep, brother, see, over here, you can just sit down and relax, right,
07:31man, over here, it's mostly for the owner, see, man, you get comfortable over here,
07:43it's like a big gigantic bed sofa thing, you could just chill over here for a little while,
07:48which is exactly what I'm gonna do, oh, just to prove to you that I rented it, man,
07:55you know what I'm saying, I'm not rushing through here, like everybody else, run, run, jump,
07:58fly, stuff like that, oh, geez, how much you're gonna see like that?
08:05First of all, you're not gonna see everything, and then you're not gonna remember everything,
08:08look, the rainbow, see, nobody would even see that rainbow, and look, like a palm tree over to the left,
08:15chilling, baby, chilling, just like in my own place, yeah, that's what you get when you rent it,
08:23I'm gonna leave out of here pretty soon, hit the movie theater,
08:27and I really wanted to hit that Titanic at nighttime, because Diamond Rider,
08:35she did a Titanic creation, excellent, excellent, man, it has two portals, so I did,
08:41I went through her creation, and then I went through, I went through the daytime Titanic,
08:48which is not hers, but then they have a nighttime Titanic, man, I want to check that nighttime out,
08:54because I think that's when they have the accident, man, and let me tell you, I've been watching
08:59and researching the Titanic for a while, I thought I did, until Diamond Rider came out with her stuff,
09:07she came out with her stuff, then I said, wow, that's a lot of stuff I don't know,
09:11I don't know why my nose keeps, and she never told me to tell him,
09:15see the view, man, when you're not stressed out, you really live here,
09:19when you're not stressed out, you really live here,
09:23now, you're not gonna find too many people that come in here, it's gonna be chilling like this,
09:26man, and if they come in here, look around and leave, or either they got some kind of event going
09:34on, but they're all into each other, man, they're not into stopping, and just relax for a little
09:42while, man, and just enjoying the environment, because let me tell you, man,
09:51you have how to manifest something, and to manifest something, like let's say you wanted a brand new
09:56car, right, so that's what Amway taught me, right, but then other people say it too, then you go down
10:03to the car dealer, you look at the car, you sit in the car, you smell the car, you do a test run
10:08with the car, you take a picture of the car and put it on your refrigerator, and then you put it
10:15in the refrigerator, and then every day, unconsciously, after you keep watching that car,
10:23you start to believe it's your car, you can have that car, it's not an impossible dream anymore,
10:30and this is bigger than putting a picture on the refrigerator, not today,
10:34man, but I like to have a place like this, no question about it, do I feel like I'm really
10:40sitting down, there's no question about it, man, yeah, so all right, let me just
10:47get some fresh air outside real quick,
10:50oh, well, buddy, you know where we're going now,
10:56and check it out, man, in my house right now, I got chicken wings in the microwave,
11:03right, I bought, see, they're gonna catch me this time, I see the towel, man,
11:08um, yo, check this out, man, check this out, I gotta tell you this, man, they talk about inflation,
11:14right, check this out, on the same block I live on, on the corner, right, it's a, it's a, it's a,
11:21like a, it's not even a deli, it's a grocery store kind of deli thing, right, but, um,
11:28I don't know what you call it, grocery store, yeah, grocery store, they sell cold cuts, right,
11:32so check it out, man, check this out, brother, tell me what you think about this,
11:36leave a comment in the comment box, okay, I'm gonna like this, brother,
11:41the chicken wing, right, the chicken wing itself,
11:46right, they break it in half, so you get like a little baby drumstick in the other part,
11:51they sell each piece for two dollars, brother, so one chicken wing will actually cost you four
11:59dollars, four dollars, for one chicken wing, however, that's just that spot,
12:07you can go to another spot, look at this, man,
12:12you can't even tell what that is, man, that's virtual reality right there, buddy,
12:18holy, dude, what happens if I click on it,
12:20all right, we're gonna find out in a second, man, so check it out, man, so like I told you,
12:34over there, so when I went to the store, right, and the manager wasn't there, because I know
12:39everybody in the store, so I know everybody in every store in my neighborhood, man, and they
12:42know me, right, so I get to the, I asked the guy before I found out it was four,
12:48I said, yo, I knew it was expensive, because they're pretty expensive, but anyway,
12:52I said, yeah, how much is that, um, the chicken wing,
12:55do you know what he told me, man, he said, you can't afford it, man,
12:59you can't afford it, I'm in the Bronx, baby,
13:03he told me I can't afford a chicken wing in the Bronx, there's no way I'll be eating a chicken
13:08wing in Malibu, Hollywood, California, San Diego,
13:17Camp Cone, all those fancy spots, look at this, man, look at this,
13:24I'm gonna enjoy this, everything in here, I'm gonna enjoy,
13:28bang, that's what they put in here for, they put in here for decorations,
13:32but they never really thought somebody was gonna sit here and really enjoy it like me,
13:36bang, look at this, look at this, fresh air over here, man, country air,
13:44all the green stuff over here, man,
13:52they don't have too many lights over here at night time, it must look really dark,
13:56but one thing's for sure, 99.9% of the time, I can probably get any chick in that village,
14:05any chick in that village, you know why, it's simple, I say, you see this house over here,
14:14right here, buddy, this big beautiful thing that doesn't even match nothing that you have
14:21in your neighborhood at all, period, would you like to come over here and see what it looks like
14:27inside, now, who's gonna say no, who's gonna say no, I wouldn't use that tactic though,
14:35but that tactic would work someplace, man, yeah, it would work a lot of, it would work 99% of this
14:43town, you can make money over here, man, you can just open up like a museum and tell people
14:52every Saturday, right, from what, from 12 to 3, you can come in here and see what it looks like,
15:04snaps pictures for $200, that's right, $200 for that amount of time,
15:14and I will not show anybody unless they come in groups of 20,
15:20bang, how about that, a couple of hours over here, right, now, this is what's gonna happen,
15:28people are coming here, you gotta be careful, man, you can't have anybody coming here,
15:31you know what I'm saying, I don't want you to mess it up, touch it with your dirty fingers,
15:35all right, you can wash your hands, you think you're gonna eat snacks while you're walking
15:40through my place, no, it don't work like that, brother, I'll select you, bang,
15:50and I might hold a concert over here, I don't know, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna mess this
15:57place up, and you cannot get into the pool, so this is gonna happen, man, the 20 is gonna bring
16:05the tour, they're gonna look around, right, some people are gonna get to me later on,
16:13they're only talking to me because they want to come over here, they want to get to know me
16:16personally, you know what I'm saying, they don't want to pay the money that you got to pay for the
16:21tour, all right, pay the tour money, baby, you want to talk to me about something, we can talk
16:27right after you give me the cash, okay, don't forget, business before pleasure, baby, okay,
16:33I'm having pleasure, but we're doing business, understand, that's right, and for extra $150,
16:43you can get to the pool, it's not for poverty stricken, if you got a benefits card, you got
16:47HRA, this is not the place for you, okay, this will give you some ambition to strive and work
16:53hard in your life, so you can enjoy what I'm enjoying, you see this, thank God they got the
16:58glass over here, right, I want to tell you what happened before they didn't have the glass over
17:02here, look at this, look, look, now people are doing videos, I'm seeing it now, because you know,
17:14you're gonna have an idea, and then once you have an idea, people try to, you know,
17:20you got to do that, man, they try, they do it too, they're trying to do the same thing,
17:24you know, do a video like this and stuff like that, you know, I've seen people practicing and
17:29stuff like that, it's like two people, three or four, five, six, it's not going to be well
17:36organized, man, you're going to have too many brains, too many different people,
17:41you won't be able to have the idea and execute it right away, right, and you won't be able to
17:46be like the VR critic, buddy, enjoy moments like this, now wouldn't it be, no, I'm not gonna say
17:55nothing, man, I had an idea, I always have ideas, man, but I'm not gonna say nothing
18:03until I execute it myself, dude, we didn't go through the whole place, I don't think,
18:11I don't remember actually going up there to the green over there,
18:17you know, I hope I don't keep, I hope I don't talk so low, I sound like a whisper because I'm relaxed,
18:23man, I was stressed out, dude, I was in the, trying to watch a movie, I think I do have a movie I want
18:28to watch, got my chicken in there, but it's like I was restless, man, watching the videos,
18:34I'm watching them, I'm enjoying them, I'm like, dude, you can spend your time watching the videos,
18:40this is my job right here, buddy, believe it or not, my job is to make videos,
18:46people have other kind of jobs, you know, they go nine to five, they come here later on,
18:50they do creations, that's all I do, buddy, that's why I can chill like this, right, when you got
18:57nine to five, you want to rush through and see and stuff like that, you had the time to really relax,
19:02I got time to relax, man, you know, I'm a light worker, you know,
19:09some people say, what's that, you got to google it, man,
19:15I co-create my own existence,
19:19dude, look, I thought somebody was here, the darn creature almost got me again from the pool,
19:25man, he's not even coming over here, I seen it, I see anything that moves in here,
19:31you know, so let me tell you what it feels like over here, the water is not too cold,
19:40it's not heated, but it's not cold, it's almost like body temperature,
19:45you know, and right now, I could feel the water going through my toes,
19:49because I'm moving my toes right now, I'm squiggling through the water or something like that,
19:53and heaven knows, I got to get my feet in here, buddy, you know, let me tell you this, man,
19:57make sure when you come in my pool, you wash your butt before you come in here first, man,
20:01this is not a big bathtub, okay, have some respect for yourself and for me,
20:10all right, here we go, see, I'm running it, buddy, this is what it's like when you run it,
20:14just like when you run it alone, man,
20:20some people complain, oh, boy, and this one is warm,
20:23I can feel the difference in here, right off the back, right off the back, buddy,
20:29this feels almost therapeutic, let me see something, I don't want to go to sleep in here,
20:33I'm going to drown, I don't know what I'm going to do about that, put a pillow over here,
20:41or what, and I don't want to go to sleep and wake up, I told you, it's kind of warm in here, man,
20:46can I be cocked, but it's beautiful, it's nice, I'll put my hand behind my back,
21:03oh, boy, and enjoy the moments, man, you know why,
21:07I don't know what tomorrow holds, man, I'm escaping from the haters, man,
21:13you know what I'm saying, I'm escaping from all the negativity, man,
21:20man, how do you get out of a place like this,
21:23I don't want you in here, I'm already settled in here, man, my back is almost,
21:28like, almost taking the form of this thing, it's a little hard over here, though,
21:33it's a little hard over here, though, okay,
21:45all right, dude, let me get out of here, I can't stay here forever,
21:50plus, we got to look upstairs, oh, boy, oh, boy, huh, let's see this right here,
21:57you don't want me to sit down, buddy, once I sit down, there's no telling when I'm getting back up
22:04again, you know, like I said, man, it don't even matter if I made this video before, I'm here now,
22:18just another day, that was yesterday, if you like a place, you don't visit it one time,
22:24and if you're renting a place, I can do plenty of videos in here,
22:30you know, it's nice and quiet, it's kept clean, nobody bothering me here, peace of mind,
22:41you know what's funny about being alone, nobody really wants to be alone,
22:46but after a certain amount of time of being alone, you wonder, dude, look at this crazy guy here,
22:54yeah, this one didn't scare me, it's just gross, look at this man,
22:57the only way for me to get out there, is I got to use my special abilities,
23:09take somebody outside,
23:14yeah, they didn't make a doorway for you to come over here, you got to come through the glass,
23:20they don't open up or nothing, look, one of those things, those parasites,
23:32look at this, look at this brother, I can sit right over here and chill and watch a movie,
23:38everybody's watching me watch a movie,
23:41wow, you know, when you're a light worker, you have a, you're like an empathetic,
23:47you have like a lot of emotions,
23:52and some people, they can't show their emotions in public,
23:56because people take that for weakness, but me, I'm gonna be me, man,
24:03I'm gonna be me, I'm gonna be me,
24:06I'm gonna be me, man,
24:09I'm gonna be me, because I can't be you, I don't know how to be you,
24:14and I really don't want to be you, I'm happy being me,
24:21yeah, and somebody said, could you be, and if you wanted, you could be anybody in the world,
24:27who would you want to be, you know what I said,
24:32they said, and they'll give me a choice of billionaires and stuff like that,
24:36I say me, I want to be me, I want to be me with the abilities that these guys have,
24:47didn't I see that out the window somewhere, look at this, man,
24:57can you imagine when God was making the world,
24:59you see, I'm gonna make this, and I'm gonna put one, two, three, four, five, six,
25:06leaves on the side like this, a long vine, I'm gonna make this tree, it's gonna look like this,
25:13I'm gonna make the mountains, it's gonna look like this,
25:17I wonder what the reason for the mountains are,
25:22whoa, look like I almost got stuck there, buddy,
25:25you know, I could be doing a video, and it'll stop, and you know what I'm gonna do right now,
25:31buddy, I'm gonna stop this video, because all I need is a warning,
25:37all right, remember which picture I said I'm gonna take,
25:41this one, she looks so cute over there, man, this one looks nice too,
25:49but this one is something special about that, all right, guys, we're gonna end it right here,
25:55thanks for watching, please put a like on it once again, just in case you forget,
26:01this is California Dream hosted by Man in the Mirror, entry code KAQ746,
26:10so if you want to come in here and check it out yourself, you might meet me in here, right,
26:16we can all be in here, and check it out, if we're all in here, I'll be recording,
26:23and you'll be on the YouTube video with me, all right, so here we go,
26:31thanks for watching, God bless, stay strong, enjoy your weekend, and you gotta be careful
26:40with your kids on Halloween, man, right, you teach your kids not to talk to strangers,
26:45but then on Halloween, they can knock on a stranger's door and ask for candy,
26:49that don't even make no sense, man, all right, guys, take care, God bless, stay strong,
26:54and stay tuned for the next video, please, while you're watching this right now,
26:59and you enjoyed the moment, put a like, you'll look on under the video, and it has like little
27:06boxes, it has like, it has dislike, it has comments, it has subscriptions, and notifications,
27:14so it'll be nice, I'm supporting people, people can support me also, by putting a like,
27:22making a comment, and I'm definitely subscribing, buddy, all right, and hit the notification bell,
27:30and every time, if you subscribe, every time I get a, make a new video, which I'm doing constantly
27:35these days, you'll be able to see it, man, and these are never before seen videos, my friend,
27:40never before, even though people have been in here, they haven't seen it the way I've seen it,
27:45okay, take care, God bless, stay strong, and I'll see you again.