• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (9/8/2024) naik 0,59 persen atau 42,12 poin ke level 7.237.Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,05 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 509.189 kali. Sebanyak 358 saham harganya naik, 182 saham harganya turun dan 227 saham lain harganya stagnan.


00:00In this session, we will present the information about IHSG on the closing of the first session of stock trading.
00:11Today is Friday, August 9, 2024, where IHSG is expected to experience a strength of 0.59% or 42,126 points to position 7,237.2.
00:28Meanwhile, investors are talking about the top gainers on the closing of the first session is AMMN, experiencing a strength of 4.35%, BBNI 1.99%, NAST 9.63%, and DOSS 3.28%.
00:50Meanwhile, the top losers, investors come from JPFA, experiencing a weakness of 2.11%, GULA 2.27%, KMAS 3.92%, and MKAP 2.45%.
01:11Meanwhile, investors come from sectoral movement, experiencing a strength of 1.35%, property 0.89%, industry 0.72%, and logistics 0.55%.
01:41We will present the other information after the break.
