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Sistem pembayaran secara digital dapat membantu pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) dalam melakukan pencatatan keuangan dengan lebih baik.Dengan pembayaran digital, data setiap transaksi dicatat dan disimpan secara sistematis, sehingga memungkinkan pengguna untuk meninjau kembali aktivitas penjualannya dengan mudah.


00:00Thank you for joining us on this segment of CREATE UP, and now I'd like to invite Rosalind Xiu to join us.
00:05Thank you for joining us on this segment of CREATE UP, and now I'd like to invite Rosalind Xiu to join us.
00:11Yes, my guest this time on CREATE UP is to discuss an interesting topic,
00:15which is the impact of electronic transactions on the growth of MSMEs,
00:19which has been connected through LINE ZOOM,
00:21together with Mrs. Hermawati Setyorini,
00:24Chairperson of the Indonesian MSME Association, Aku Mandiri.
00:28Hello, Mrs. Hermawati, how are you?
00:30Hello, young generation.
00:34Thank you, Mrs. Hermawati, for joining us on this segment of CREATE UP.
00:38If we talk about today's topic,
00:40about digital transactions or electronic transactions in the MSME sector,
00:45Mrs. Hermawati, what is it like so far?
00:48Well, because of the current conditions,
00:52whether we want it or not, we have to go to technology,
00:57so it is very important for MSMEs,
01:00because it will help to expand their market,
01:07and their competitiveness will be tested.
01:10Actually, the most important thing is the efficiency itself,
01:15because with this marketing technology,
01:19it makes them faster, easier, and safer,
01:23but there is also a negative impact,
01:27because many MSMEs do not know how to market through technology.
01:38That's how it is in the field.
01:41Okay, so in terms of landscape,
01:43there are those who take advantage of digitalization in marketing,
01:47but there are also those who take advantage of electronic transaction facilities using CRISP,
01:54or maybe other methods.
01:57Yes, so far, Mrs. Hermawati, what do you think is driving the increase in digital transactions in MSMEs?
02:03What is it, Mrs. Hermawati?
02:04And what is the awareness among entrepreneurs?
02:07Well, because it is also driven by consumer patterns.
02:13Consumers are now too lazy to come to the market, right?
02:17So, this affects them to make transactions through e-commerce.
02:22It's just that there must be an impact if the product,
02:26sometimes the consumer also complains,
02:28the goods sent are not in accordance with what is displayed.
02:32Well, that often happens.
02:35Well, if that's the case, it will definitely be disappointing,
02:38and it will also harm MSMEs themselves.
02:41Well, including payment transaction technology through electronics,
02:47it also actually facilitates MSMEs too,
02:50because consumers are now too lazy to bring cash, right?
02:54Moreover, now there seems to be a policy to use CRISP.
02:58In the past, the limit was Rp100,000,
03:01they were free, not charged.
03:04But now, from what I hear, I don't know if it has been established or not,
03:09because the government policy is only in television media, right?
03:14So, if there is a writing, that's it.
03:18We, MSMEs, have never had socialization.
03:20Well, what I hear or see on television media is that
03:25the reading has increased to Rp500,000.
03:28That makes MSMEs very light,
03:30because the cost for e-commerce itself has also increased, right?
03:35The turnover from e-commerce itself.
03:38So, it can reduce their production costs.
03:42Yes, it is related to how MSMEs in the retail sector,
03:47one of the adjustments is related to the payment of digital transactions using CRISP.
03:53Yes, they increase the cost to the consumer,
03:57and the consumer sometimes doesn't accept it either.
04:01This is the dynamic that occurs in the field,
04:03but then, based on the information,
04:05it is said that Indonesia is freeing up the cost of CRISP
04:08for transactions below Rp500,000 in the micro sector.
04:11This is really a fresh wind, right?
04:14Yes, hopefully there will be no more policies that will continue.
04:18Because why do they choose e-commerce?
04:21Because the payment of e-commerce is not long.
04:25At least one week in the future, they have received money.
04:28But if through the order of the government,
04:32sometimes MSMEs in the field, I don't know if it's 100% or not,
04:37but from our members, the payment is only paid for up to 3 months.
04:42Well, in the end, they are too lazy to enter the order
04:48that is done through state spending.
04:51So, they enter the opportunity in e-commerce.
04:55Well, it's actually up to us to educate our MSMEs ourselves.
04:59Because they don't understand.
05:01Sometimes it becomes passive, right?
05:03It's just selling the product,
05:05but they can't innovate to market their business.
05:10So that it's interesting.
05:12Well, that's what must be helped from the MSMEs themselves.
05:16Well, for example, from this latest policy,
05:19to then eliminate the cost of CRISP transactions below Rp500,000 in the micro sector,
05:26in your opinion, is it enough or above Rp500,000?
05:29Or how about the middle sector?
05:31Well, actually, in the middle sector, they already understand
05:36how to increase the production cost to become the selling price.
05:41But the MSMEs don't.
05:43They still have to be helped.
05:45It's not just a matter of easing or eliminating the cost of CRISP below Rp500,000,
05:52but also in education.
05:55How to increase their selling price,
05:59how to determine their selling price.
06:01Not many people know that.
06:03Sometimes the production cost is not calculated.
06:07For example, their sweat.
06:09Sometimes it's not calculated.
06:11Then the electricity used at home,
06:13from all the electricity power,
06:17how much is used is not calculated.
06:20So we really need to educate
06:22the MSMEs to move forward.
06:24For Indonesia, the MSMEs need to move forward.
06:27Because right now, what the government needs to focus on
06:31is the micro sector.
06:33In the middle sector,
06:35the MSMEs already have the capacity to compete.
06:44The MSMEs are hit from several sides.
06:47For example, the products that can be easily imported into the e-commerce.
06:52That's also amazing.
06:55The price is cheaper,
06:57whether it's fashion,
06:59whether it's food and drink,
07:01or beauty products.
07:03There are a lot of things that the MSMEs are hit from.
07:11The middle and small scale
07:14that needs to be focused on is the micro sector.
07:20They need to have a good product standard.
07:24That needs to be taught.
07:26Once they have a good product standard,
07:28they need to ask the ministries
07:32to create a school for MSMEs
07:35so they can know about good products like this.
07:40There's still one segment left.
07:42We will continue in the next segment.
07:44Stay tuned.
07:45We will be right back.
07:46Okay, Mr. Mirza.
07:48You are still with CREDAP.
07:49You are still with us,
07:50Mrs. Herma Wati Setyorini,
07:52Chairperson of the Indonesian MSME Association.
07:55Hello, Mrs. Herma.
07:56Earlier, we discussed
07:58what you said.
07:59Not only do we need a change in policy,
08:02but also education
08:04to increase competitiveness of entrepreneurs,
08:06especially MSMEs.
08:08In your opinion,
08:09who has the responsibility
08:10or has a significant role
08:12to provide education?
08:14Is it only the government,
08:17or the association?
08:18How far has it gone?
08:20We have to work together.
08:22We can't do it alone.
08:24There is a policy,
08:26but we have to implement it
08:29in the program.
08:32You also have to be responsible
08:34to train your customers
08:36who are MSMEs.
08:38Literacy about finance,
08:40finance management,
08:42also helps the community.
08:44Because it's not just about
08:45selling products.
08:46But there are legalities
08:48that must be fulfilled.
08:49For example, where is the IRT?
08:51Do they already have NIP?
08:53What about certification?
08:56Right now,
08:58there are a lot of divorce policies.
09:01Throughout the ministry,
09:02there is a program about MSMEs.
09:05All MSMEs have a program
09:08about MSMEs.
09:09That's the bias.
09:11MSMEs are also confused.
09:12In the end, they go to all the doors.
09:14It's a waste of energy.
09:16There are activities there.
09:18There are activities here.
09:20And every training,
09:23it always sounds the same.
09:25There is no way
09:27to work directly,
09:29to realize that this is your product.
09:31What needs to be improved?
09:33What do you need?
09:35I hope that the government
09:37can have a ministry that is really focused,
09:39but not only coordinating,
09:41but also giving a full win.
09:45If it's the previous MSMEs,
09:48they can't execute directly.
09:51They still have to work with other ministries.
09:56It means that there are a lot of things
10:00needed to make improvements in MSMEs.
10:02Not only focusing on the product,
10:04but also in terms of internal management.
10:07One of them is related to the digital transaction.
10:10When everything is recorded digitally,
10:13it can be used as a model
10:19to advance the loan.
10:21Because all the transactions are recorded.
10:25How far do you think
10:28the positive impact of digital transactions
10:31can be done by MSMEs
10:33to get capital access in the future?
10:35Because usually,
10:36MSMEs are considered as a non-bankable sector.
10:40Because the transaction records are not neat, etc.
10:44With this digital transaction,
10:47will it be easier for MSMEs?
10:50Actually, there is a government program
10:53from the ministry itself,
10:54which makes it easier.
10:56For example, if MSMEs don't have financial records,
11:00they can show their banknotes.
11:02If it's documented, we can help.
11:04How much MSMEs do you sell per day?
11:09At least, if there is one product,
11:12for example, a meatball,
11:13we already know how much for one bowl.
11:15How much do you sell in a day?
11:17MSMEs will know how many days a week you sell.
11:21We can help calculate
11:23how much MSMEs you sell,
11:25how much you spend.
11:27MSMEs already know their production cost.
11:30We can help fill it out
11:33by reporting business visits.
11:35But that's our organization.
11:37In Kemenpok,
11:39there are no MSMEs who go there.
11:42At least, if there are no MSMEs who go there,
11:46it's the bank that will give the amount.
11:50We cooperate with the bank,
11:53Platera and Bank Swasta.
11:54We do that.
11:55But it's also helped by Aku Mandiri.
11:57So, Aku Mandiri is in charge
11:59of being active to get to the bottom.
12:02That's a task for the government.
12:04Because now,
12:05people are too lazy to go to the bank.
12:09Because the procedure
12:11is not yet difficult for them to enter.
12:15Because in addition to the bank cable,
12:20there is also a slick.
12:23The slick has to pass the B.E. Checking.
12:27But it has to pass
12:29whether they are included in the government program.
12:32If they have ever received
12:34a government program for MSMEs
12:37that must be requested,
12:38the KTP will be requested.
12:40They will be immediately rejected.
12:42In fact, there are still rules
12:44that they actually...
12:46These are two different points.
12:49If they have a problem
12:50and have received a credit,
12:52it can be doubled or tripled.
12:55That's one of the things
12:57that must be implemented.
12:59The government must have a body to supervise.
13:03Why is it difficult for the people
13:05to get that capital?
13:07What's the problem?
13:08I have given that information
13:10to the government as well.
13:11Including the MSMEs.
13:13The problem is quite complex.
13:14But then,
13:15it has to be solved one by one
13:17so that the problems in MSMEs
13:21can be solved one by one.
13:23And this will have a significant impact
13:25on their future meetings.
13:27Mrs. Herma, thank you for joining us.
13:29We have a short time.
13:30I wish you all the best.
13:31See you again.
13:32Thank you, Mrs. Herma.
13:36We will see again
13:37the movement of MSMEs
13:39at 9.27 p.m.
13:41in West Indonesia.
13:42MSMEs are at the level of 7,742,727.
13:47Increasing by 0.1 percent.
13:49Meanwhile, the top gainers are
13:53PNLF, PNBN,
13:55INDF, Wi-Fi, BSBK,
13:57DNAR, DOH, and DEWA.
13:59Meanwhile, the top losers are
14:01from GOTO, SMGR,
14:05TOBA, FISI, MIKA, and INTP.
14:20Okay, Mr. Mirsa.
14:21We have accompanied you for 90 minutes
14:22in Power Breakfast.
14:24Hopefully, today's discussion
14:25can serve as a reference
14:27and information for you.
14:28Keep updating your information
14:30only on AIDAX channel
14:31via Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
14:34And don't forget to watch the Market Review program
14:36which airs at 10 p.m.
14:37in West Indonesia.
14:38Because the future of business
14:39must be the future.
14:41I am investor Sahab.
14:42I am Rosalind Juh.
14:43And I am Ricky Adrian.
14:44See you again.
