• yesterday
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup di zona hijau pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (18/10). Indeks naik tipis 0,01 persen atau 0,93 poin ke level 7.735.Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 13,79 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp5,53 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 751.408 kali.


00:00The latest information on the closure of the first trading session is that IHSG, on Friday, October 18,
00:13experienced a slight increase of 0.01% or 0.9 points to the position of 7,735.9.
00:24It touched the highest level at 7,790.7 and the lowest level at 7,718.6.
00:34Meanwhile, the shareholder talked about the weakening of the US dollar,
00:44weakening 0.16% or 25 points to the position of 15,465.
00:52Meanwhile, the shareholder talked about the top gainers in the first trading session.
00:58This time it came from BRMS with a strength of 3.57%.
01:02Then PSAB with a strength of 13.25%.
01:06PNLF with a strength of 5.38%.
01:09And MLPL with a strength of 32.7%.
01:13Meanwhile, the top losers came from BUMI with a weakness of 1.3%.
01:18GOTO weakened 1.47%.
01:21HUMI weakened 1.54%.
01:23Then DNAR weakened 12.5%.
01:27Meanwhile, the top losers came from the sectoral movement.
01:30The primary consumption was shown to be 0.93%.
01:33Property revenue was shown to be 0.89%.
01:36Meanwhile, health fell by 1.12%.
01:40And logistical transportation weakened 0.45%.
01:43For more interesting information, stay tuned with us.
