• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) parkir di zona merah pada penutupan perdagangan sesi pertama, Kamis (8/8/2024). Indeks tercatat turun 0,09 persen atau 6,29 poin ke level 7.205. Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 7,54 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,71 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 562.223 kali. Adapun, sebanyak 291 saham harganya terkoreksi, 253 saham harganya naik dan 223 saham lainnya stagnan.


00:00And then we go to the index, the share price of the company is monitored until the closing of trade in the first session of the IHSG weakens by 0.09 percent.
00:13The share price index is still able to survive at level 7200, precisely at 7209, 7205, we mean point 83.
00:22IHSG had experienced a strengthening to level 7234, but again experienced a weakening to touch the lowest level at 7182.22 in the first trading session.
00:35291 shares weakened, 253 strengthened, and 223 other shares moved stagnantly.
00:42The weakness that occurred from the share price index is in the opposite direction of the strengthening in the last two days, where in the copper trading IHSG strengthened by 1.16 percent.
00:51Year-to-date, IHSG is still corrected by 0.92 percent.
00:56However, from other regional Asian indexes, this is quite obvious, where Singapore's straight time strengthens by 0.3 percent, Shanghai Composite strengthens, and also Hong Kong's Hang Seng strengthens by 0.6 percent.
01:06However, Nikkei Tokyo again experienced a weakness of 0.21 percent.
01:10Meanwhile, from the exchange rate of US dollars, this strengthens by almost 0.5 percent, or more precisely 0.54 percent to the level of US$15,943.
01:23And then we look at a number of data from the first trading session.
01:28Top Gainers.
01:41Top Losers.
01:42Top Losers.
02:12Top Gainers.
